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最新版本 NVDA 2023.3

NVDA 歷史版本列表

NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.NVDA 與微軟... NVDA 軟體介紹

NVDA 2012.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This release addresses several potential security issues (by upgrading Python to 2.7.3).

NVDA 2012.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- NVDA can now automatically check for, download and install updates. (#73)
- Extending NVDA's functionality has been made easier with the addition of an Add-ons Manager (found under Tools in the NVDA menu) allowing you to install and uninstall new NVDA add-on packages (.nvda-addon files) containing plugins and drivers. Note the Add-on manager does not show older custom plugins and drivers manually copied in to your configuration directory. (#213)
- Many more common NVDA features now work in Windows 8 Metro style apps when using an installed release of NVDA, including speaking of typed characters, and browse mode for web documents (includes support for metro version of Internet Explorer 10). Portable copies of NVDA cannot access metro style apps. (#1801)
- In browse mode documents (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.), you can now jump to the start and past the end of certain containing elements (such as lists and tables) with shift+, and , respectively. (#123)
- New language: Greek.
- Graphics and alt text are now reported in Microsoft Word Documents. (#2282, #1541)

- Announcement of cell coordinates in Microsoft Excel is now after the content rather than before, and is now only included if the report tables and report table cell coordinates settings are enabled in the Document formatting settings dialog. (#320)
- NVDA is now distributed in one package. Rather than separate portable and installer versions, there is now just one file that, when run, will start a temporary copy of NVDA and will allow you to install or generate a portable distribution. (#1715)
- NVDA is now always installed in to Program Files on all systems. Updating a previous install will also automatically move it if it was not previously installed there.

Bug Fixes:
- With auto language switching enabled, Content such as alt text for graphics and labels for other certain controls in Mozilla Gecko (e.g. Firefox) are now reported in the correct language if marked up appropriately.
- SayAll in BibleSeeker (and other TRxRichEdit controls) no longer stops in the middle of a passage.
- Lists found in the Windows 8 Explorer file properties (permitions tab) and in Windows 8 Windows Update now read correctly.
- Fixed possible freezes in MS Word which would result when it took more than 2 seconds to fetch text from a document (extremely long lines or tables of contents). (#2191)
- Detection of word breaks now works correctly where whitespace is followed by certain punctuation. (#1656)
- In browse mode in Adobe Reader, it is now possible to navigate to headings without a level using quick navigation and the Elements List. (#2181)
- In Winamp, braille is now correctly updated when you move to a different item in the Playlist Editor. (#1912)
- The tree in the Elements List (available for browse mode documents) is now properly sized to show the text of each element. (#2276)
- In applications using the Java Access Bridge, editable text fields are now presented correctly in braille. (#2284)
- In applications using the java Access Bridge, editable text fields no longer report strange characters in certain circumstances. (#1892)
- In applications using the Java Access Bridge, when at the end of an editable text field, the current line is now reported correctly. (#1892)
- In browse mode in applications using Mozilla Gecko 14 and later (e.g. Firefox 14), quick navigation now works for block quotes and embedded objects. (#2287)
- In Internet Explorer 9, NVDA no longer reads unwanted content when focus moves inside certain landmarks or focusable elements (specifically, a div element which is focusable or has an ARIA landmark role).
- The NVDA icon for the NVDA Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts is now displayed correctly on 64 bit editions of Windows. (#354)

Changes for Developers:
- Due to the replacement of the previous NSIS installer for NVDA with a built-in installer in Python, it is no longer necessary for translaters to maintain a langstrings.txt file for the installer. All localization strings are now managed by gettext po files.

NVDA 2012.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- NVDA can announce the number of leading tabs and spaces of the current line in the order that they are entered. This can be enabled by selecting report line indentation in the document formatting dialogue. (#373)
- NVDA can now detect key presses generated from alternative keyboard input emulation such as on-screen keyboards and speech recognition software.
- NVDA can now detect colors in Windows command consoles.
- Bold, italic and underline are now indicated in braille using signs appropriate to the configured translation table. (#538)
- Much more information is now reported in Microsoft Word documents, including:
- Inline information such as footnote and endnote numbers, heading levels, the existance of comments, table nesting levels, links, and text color;
- Reporting when entering document sections such as the comments story, footnotes and endnotes stories, and header and footer stories.
- Braille now indicates selected text using dots 7 and 8. (#889)
- Braille now reports information about controls within documents such as links, buttons and headings. (#202)
- Support for the hedo ProfiLine and MobilLine USB braille displays. (#1863, #1897)
- NVDA now avoids splitting words in braille when possible by default. This can be disabled in the Braille Settings dialog. (#1890, #1946)
- It is now possible to have braille displayed by paragraphs instead of lines, which may allow for more fluent reading of large amounts of text. This is configurable using the Read by paragraphs option in the Braille Settings dialog. (#1891)
- In browse mode, you can activate the object under the cursor using a braille display. This is done by pressing the cursor routing key where the cursor is located (which means pressing it twice if the cursor is not already there). (#1893)
- Basic support for web areas in iTunes such as the Store. Other applications using WebKit 1 may also be supported. (#734)
- In books in Adobe Digital Editions 1.8.1 and later, pages are now turned automatically when using say all. (#1978)
- New braille translation tables: Portuguese grade 2, Icelandic 8 dot computer braille, Tamil grade 1, Spanish 8 dot computer braille, Farsi grade 1. (#2014)
- You can now configure whether frames in documents are reported from the Document Formatting preferences dialog. (#1900)
- Sleep mode is automatically enabled when using OpenBook. (#1209)
- In Poedit, translators can now read translator added and automatically extracted comments. Messages that are untranslated or fuzzy are marked with a star and a beep is heard when you navigate onto them. (#1811)
- Support for the HumanWare Brailliant BI and B series displays. (#1990)
- New languages: Norwegian Bokmål, Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong).

- Commands to describe the current character or to spell the current word or line now will spell in the appropriate language according to the text, if auto language switching is turned on and the appropriate language information is available.
- Updated eSpeak speech synthesizer to 1.46.02.
- NVDA will now truncate extremely long (30 characters or greater) names guessed from graphic and link URLs as they are most likely garbage that gets in the way of reading. (#1989)
- Some information displayed in braille has been abbreviated. (#1955, #2043)
- When the caret or review cursor moves, braille is now scrolled in the same way as when it is manually scrolled. This makes it more appropriate when braille is configured to read by paragraphs and/or avoid splitting words. (#1996)
- Updated to new Spanish grade 1 braille translation table.
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.4.1.

Bug Fixes:
- In Windows 8, focus is no longer incorrectly moved away from the Windows Explorer search field, which was not allowing NVDA to interact with it.
- Major performance improvements when reading and navigating Microsoft Word documents while automatic reporting of formatting is enabled, thus now making it quite comfortable to proof read formatting etc. Performance may be also improved over all for some users.
- Browse mode is now used for full screen Adobe Flash content.
- Fixed poor audio quality in some cases when using Microsoft Speech API version 5 voices with the audio output device set to something other than the default (Microsoft Sound Mapper). (#749)
- Again allow NVDA to be used with the "no speech" synthesizer, relying purely on braille or the speech viewer. (#1963)
- Object navigation commands no longer report "No children" and "No parents", but instead report messages consistent with the documentation.
- When NVDA is configured to use a language other than English, the name of the tab key is now reported in the correct language.
- In Mozilla Gecko (e.g. Firefox), NVDA no longer intermittently switches to browse mode while navigating menus in documents. (#2025)
- In Calculator, the backspace key now reports the updated result instead of reporting nothing. (#2030)
- In browse mode, the move mouse to current navigator object command now routes to the center of the object at the review cursor instead of the top left, making it more accurate it some cases. (#2029)
- In browse mode with automatic focus mode for focus changes enabled, focusing on a toolbar will now switch to focus mode. (#1339)
- The report title command works correctly again in Adobe Reader.
- With automatic focus mode for focus changes enabled, focus mode is now correctly used for focused table cells; e.g. in ARIA grids. (#1763)
- In iTunes, position information in certain lists is now reported correctly.
- In Adobe Reader, some links are no longer treated as containing read-only editable text fields.
- The labels of some editable text fields are no longer incorrectly included when reporting the text of a dialog. (#1960)
- The description of groupings is once again reported if reporting of object descriptions is enabled.
- The human readable sizes are now included in the text of the Windows Explorer drive properties dialog.
- Double reporting of property page text has been suppressed in some cases. (#218)
- Improved tracking of the caret in editable text fields which rely on text written to the screen. In particular, this improves editing in the Microsoft Excel cell editor and the Eudora message editor. (#1658)
- In Firefox 11, the move to containing virtual buffer command (NVDA+control+space) now works as it should to escape embedded objects such as Flash content.
- NVDA now restarts itself correctly (e.g. after changing the configured language) when it is located in a directory which contains non-ASCII characters. (#2079)
- Braille correctly respects the settings for reporting of object shortcut keys, position information and descriptions.
- In Mozilla applications, switching between browse and focus modes is no longer slow with braille enabled. (#2095)
- Routing the cursor to the space at the end of the line/paragraph using braille cursor routing keys in some editable text fields now works correctly instead of routing to the start of the text. (#2096)
- NVDA again works correctly with the Audiologic Tts3 synthesizer. (#2109)
- Microsoft Word documents are correctly treated as multi-line. This causes braille to behave more appropriately when a document is focused.
- In Microsoft Internet Explorer, errors no longer occur when focusing on certain rare controls. (#2121)
- Changing the pronunciation of punctuation/symbols by the user will now take effect straight away, rather than requiring NVDA to be restarted or auto language switching to be disabled.
- When using eSpeak, speech no longer goes silent in some cases in the Save As dialog of the NVDA Log Viewer. (#2145)

NVDA 2011.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- NVDA can now change the eSpeak synthesizer language on the fly when reading certain web/pdf documents with appropriate language information. Automatic language/dialect switching can be toggled on and off from the Voice Settings dialog. (#845)
- Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 is now supported, which includes support for 64 bit Java Runtime Environments.
- In Mozilla Gecko (e.g. Firefox) Heading levels are now announced when using object navigation.
- Text formatting can now be reported when using browse mode in Mozilla Gecko (e.g. Firefox and Thunderbird). (#394)
- Text with underline and/or strikethrough can now be detected and reported in standard IAccessible2 text controls such as in Mozilla applications.
- In browse mode in Adobe Reader, table row and column counts are now reported.
- Added support for the Microsoft Speech Platform synthesizer. (#1735)
- Page and line numbers are now reported for the caret in IBM Lotus Symphony. (#1632)
- The percentage of how much the pitch changes when speaking a capital letter is now configurable from the voice settings dialog. However, this does replace the older raise pitch for capitals checkbox (therefore to turn off this feature set the percentage to 0). (#255)
- Text and background color is now included in the reporting of formatting for cells in Microsoft Excel. (#1655)
- In applications using the Java Access Bridge, the activate current navigator object command now works on controls where appropriate. (#1744)
- New language: Tamil.
- Basic support for Design Science MathPlayer.

- NVDA will now restart itself if it crashes.
- Some information displayed in braille has been abbreviated. (#1288)
- the Read active window script (NVDA+b) has been improved to filter out unuseful controls and also is now much more easy to silence. (#1499)
- Automatic say all when a browse mode document loads is now optional via a setting in the Browse Mode settings dialog. (#414)
- When trying to read the status bar (Desktop NVDA+end), If a real status bar object cannot be located, NVDA will instead resort to using the bottom line of text written to the display for the active application. (#649)
- When reading with say all in browse mode documents, NVDA will now pause at the end of headings and other block-level elements, rather than speaking the text together with the next lot of text as one long sentence.
- In browse mode, pressing enter or space on a tab now activates it instead of switching to focus mode. (#1760)
- Updated eSpeak speech synthesizer to 1.45.47.

Bug Fixes:
- NVDA no longer shows bullets or numbering for lists in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls when the author has indicated that these should not be shown (i.e. the list style is "none"). (#1671)
- Restarting NVDA when it has frozen (e.g. by pressing control+alt+n) no longer exits the previous copy without starting a new one.
- Pressing backspace or arrow keys in a Windows command console no longer causes strange results in some cases. (#1612)
- The selected item in WPF combo boxes (and possibly some other combo boxes exposed using UI Automation) which do not allow text editing is now reported correctly.
- In browse mode in Adobe Reader, it is now always possible to move to the next row from the header row and vice versa using the move to next row and move to previous row commands. Also, the header row is no longer reported as row 0. (#1731)
- In browse mode in Adobe Reader, it is now possible to move to (and therefore past) empty cells in a table.
- Pointless position information (e.g. 0 of 0 level 0) is no longer reported in braille.
- When braille is tethered to review, it is now able to show content in flat review. (#1711)
- A text control's text is no longer presented twice on a braille display in some cases, e.g. scrolling back from the start of Wordpad documents.
- In browse mode in Internet Explorer, pressing enter on a file upload button now correctly presents the dialog to choose a file to upload instead of switching to focus mode. (#1720)
- Dynamic content changes such as in Dos consoles are no longer announced if sleep mode for that application is currently on. (#1662)
- In browse mode, the behaviour of alt+upArrow and alt+downArrow to collapse and expand combo boxes has been improved. (#1630)
- NVDA now recovers from many more situations such as applications that stop responding which previously caused it to freeze completely. (#1408)
- For Mozilla Gecko (Firefox etc) browse mode documents NVDA will no longer fail to render text in a very specific situation where an element is styled as display:table. (#1373)
- NVDA will no longer announce label controls when focus moves inside of them. Stops double announcements of labels for some form fields in Firefox (Gecko) and Internet Explorer (MSHTML). (#1650)
- NVDA no longer fails to read a cell in Microsoft Excel after pasting in to it with control+v. (#1781)
- In Adobe Reader, extraneous information about the document is no longer announced when moving to a control on a different page in focus mode. (#1659)
- In browse mode in Mozilla Gecko applications (e.g. Firefox), toggle buttons are now detected and reported correctly. (#1757)
- NVDA can now correctly read the Windows Explorer Address Bar in Windows 8 developer preview.
- NVDA will no longer crash apps such as winver and wordpad in Windows 8 developer preview due to bad glyph translations.
- In browse mode in applications using Mozilla Gecko 10 and later (e.g. Firefox 10), the cursor is more often positioned correctly when loading a page with a target anchor. (#360)
- In browse mode in Mozilla Gecko applications (e.g. Firefox), labels for image maps are now rendered.
- With mouse tracking enabled, moving the mouse over certain editable text fields (such as in Synaptics Pointing Device Settings and SpeechLab SpeakText) no longer causes the application to crash. (#672)
- NVDA now functions correctly in several about dialogs in applications distributed with Windows XP, including the About dialog in Notepad and the About Windows dialog. (#1853, #1855)
- Fixed reviewing by word in Windows Edit controls. (#1877)
- Moving out of an editable text field with leftArrow, upArrow or pageUp while in focus mode now correctly switches to browse mode when automatic focus mode for caret movement is enabled. (#1733)

NVDA 2011.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- It is now possible to hear the description for any given character by pressing the review current character script twice in quick succession. For English characters this is the standard English phonetic alphabet. For pictagraphic languages such as traditional Chinese, one or more example phraises using the given symbol are provided. Also pressing review current word or review current line three times will spell the word/line using the first of these descriptions. (#55)
- More text can be seen in flat review for applications such as Mozilla Thunderbird that write their text directly to the display as glyphs.
- It is now possible to choose from several levels of punctuation and symbol announcement. (#332)
- When punctuation or other symbols are repeated more than four times, the number of repetitions is now announced instead of speaking the repeated symbols. (#43)
- New braille translation tables: Norwegian 8 dot computer braille, Ethiopic grade 1, Slovene grade 1, Serbian grade 1. (#1456)
- Speech no longer unnaturally pauses at the end of each line when using the say all command. (#149)
- NVDA will now announce whether something is sorted (according to the aria-sort property) in web browsers. (#1500)
- Unicode Braille Patterns are now displayed correctly on braille displays. (#1505)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls when focus moves inside a group of controls (surrounded by a fieldset), NVDA will now announce the name of the group (the legend). (#535)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, the aria-labelledBy and aria-describedBy properties are now honoured.
- in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, support for ARIA list, gridcell, slider and progressbar controls has been improved.
- Users can now change the pronunciation of punctuation and other symbols, as well as the symbol level at which they are spoken. (#271, #1516)
- In Microsoft Excel, the name of the active sheet is now reported when switching sheets with control+pageUp or control+pageDown. (#760)
- When navigating a table in Microsoft Word with the tab key NVDA will now announce the current cell as you move. (#159)
- You can now configure whether table cell coordinates are reported from the Document Formatting preferences dialog. (#719)
- NVDA can now detect formatting and color for text written to the screen.
- In the Outlook Express/Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail message list, NVDA will now announce the fact that a message is unread and also if it's expanded or collapsed in the case of conversation threads. (#868)
- eSpeak now has a rate boost setting which triples the speaking rate.
- Support for the calendar control found in the Date and Time Information dialog accessed from the Windows 7 clock. (#1637)
- Additional key bindings have been added for the MDV Lilli braille display. (#241)
- New languages: Bulgarian, Albanian.

- To move the caret to the review cursor, now press the move focus to navigator object script (desktop NVDA+shift+numpadMinus, laptop NVDA+shift+backspace) twice in quick succession. This frees up more keys on the keyboard. (#837)
- To hear the decimal and hexadecimal representation of the character under the review cursor, now press review current character three times rather than twice, as twice now speaks the character description.
- Updated eSpeak speech synthesiser to 1.45.03. (#1465)
- Layout tables are no longer announced in Mozilla Gecko applications while moving the focus when in focus mode or outside of a document.
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, browse mode now works for documents inside ARIA applications. (#1452)
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.3.0.
- When in browse mode and jumping to a control with quicknav or focus, the description of the control is now announced if it has one.
- Progress bars are now announced in brows mode.
- Nodes marked with an ARIA role of presentation in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls are now filtered out of simple review and the focus ancestry.
- NVDA's user interface and documentation now refer to virtual buffers as browse mode, as the term "virtual buffer" is rather meaningless to most users. (#1509)
- When the user wishes to copy their user settings to the system profile for use on the logon screen, etc., and their settings contain custom plugins, they are now warned that this could be a security risk. (#1426)
- The NVDA service no longer starts and stops NVDA on user input desktops.
- On Windows XP and Windows Vista, NVDA no longer makes use of UI Automation even if it is available via the platform update. Although using UI Automation can improve the accessibility of some modern applications, on XP and Vista there were too many freezes, crashes and over all performance loss while using it. (#1437)
- In applications using Mozilla Gecko 2 and later (such as Firefox 4 and later), a document can now be read in browse mode before it is fully finished loading.
- NVDA now announces the state of a container when focus moves to a control inside it (e.g. if focus moves inside a document that is still loading it will report it as busy).
- NVDA's user interface and documentation no longer use the terms "first child" and "parent" with respect to object navigation, as these terms are confusing for many users.
- Collapsed is no longer reported for some menu items which have sub-menus.
- The reportCurrentFormatting script (NVDA+f) now reports the formatting at the position of the review cursor rather than the system caret / focus. As by default the review cursor follows the caret, most people should not notice a difference. However this now enables the user to find out the formatting when moving the review cursor, such as in flat review.

Bug Fixes:
- Collapsing combo boxes in browse mode documents when focus mode has been forced with NVDA+space no longer auto-switches back to browse mode. (#1386)
- In Gecko (e.g. Firefox) and MSHTML (e.g. Internet Explorer) documents, NVDA now correctly renders certain text on the same line which was previously rendered on separate lines. (#1378)
- When Braille is tethered to review and the navigator object is moved to a browse mode document, either manually or due to a focus change, braille will appropriately show the browse mode content. (#1406, #1407)
- When speaking of punctuation is disabled, certain punctuation is no longer incorrectly spoken when using some synthesisers. (#332)
- Problems no longer occur when loading configuration for synthesisers which do not support the voice setting such as Audiologic Tts3. (#1347)
- The Skype Extras menu is now read correctly. (#648)
- Checking the Brightness controls volume checkbox in the Mouse Settings dialog should no longer cause a major lag for beeps when moving the mouse around the screen on Windows Vista/Windows 7 with Aero enabled. (#1183)
- When NVDA is configured to use the laptop keyboard layout, NVDA+delete now works as documented to report the dimensions of the current navigator object. (#1498)
- NVDA now Appropriately honours the aria-selected attribute in Internet Explorer documents.
- When NVDA automatically switches to focus mode in browse mode documents, it now announces information about the context of the focus. For example, if a list box item receives focus, the list box will be announced first. (#1491)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, ARIA listbox controls are now treeted as lists, rather than list items.
- When a read-only editable text control receives focus, NVDA now reports that it is read-only. (#1436)
- In browse mode, NVDA now behaves correctly with respect to read-only editable text fields.
- In browse mode documents, NVDA no longer incorrectly switches out of focus mode when aria-activedescendant is set; e.g. when the completion list appeared in some auto complete controls.
- In Adobe Reader, the name of controls is now reported when moving focus or using quick navigation in browse mode.
- In XFA PDF documents in Adobe Reader, buttons, links and graphics are now rendered correctly.
- In XFA PDF documents in Adobe Reader, all elements are now rendered on separate lines. This change was made because large sections (sometimes even the entire document) were being rendered without breaks due to the general lack of structure in these documents.
- Fixed problems when moving focus to or away from editable text fields in XFA PDF documents in Adobe Reader.
- In XFA PDF documents in Adobe Reader, changes to the value of a focused combo box will now be reported.
- Owner-drawn Combo boxes such as the ones to choose colors in Outlook Express are now accessible with NVDA. (#1340)
- In languages which use a space as a digit group/thousands separator such as French and German, numbers from separate chunks of text are no longer pronounced as a single number. This was particularly problematic for table cells containing numbers. (#555)
- nodes with an ARIA role of description in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls now are classed as static text, not edit fields.
- Fixed various issues when pressing tab while focus is on a document in browse mode (e.g. tab inappropriately moving to the address bar in Internet Explorer). (#720, #1367)
- When entering lists while reading text, NVDA now says, for example, "list with 5 items" instead of "listwith 5 items". (#1515)
- In input help mode, gestures are logged even if their scripts bypass input help such as the scroll braille display forward and back commands.
- In input help mode, when a modifier is held down on the keyboard, NVDA no longer reports the modifier as if it is modifying itself; e.g. NVDA+NVDA.
- In Adobe Reader documents, pressing c or shift+c to navigate to a combo box now works.
- The selected state of selectable table rows is now reported the same way it is for list and tree view items.
- Controls in Firefox and other Gecko applications can now be activated while in browse mode even if their content has been floated off-screen. (#801)
- You can no longer show an NVDA settings dialog while a message dialog is being shown, as the settings dialog was frozen in this case. (#1451)
- In Microsoft Excel, there is no longer a lag when holding down or rapidly pressing keys to move between or select cells.
- Fixed intermittent crashes of the NVDA service which meant that NVDA stopped running on secure Windows screens.
- Fixed problems that sometimes occurred with braille displays when a change caused text that was being displayed to disappear. (#1377)
- The downloads window in Internet Explorer 9 can now be navigated and read with NVDA. (#1280)
- It is no longer possible to accidentally start multiple copies of NVDA at the same time. (#507)
- On slow systems, NVDA no longer inappropriately causes its main window to be shown all the time while running. (#726)
- NVDA no longer crashes on Windows xP when starting a WPF application. (#1437)
- Say all and say all with review are now able to work in UI automation text controls that support all required functionality. For example, you can now use say all with review on XPS Viewer documents.
- NVDA no longer inappropriately classes some list items in the Outlook Express / Windows Live Mail message rules Apply Now dialog as being checkboxes. (#576)
- Combo boxes are no longer reported as having a sub-menu.
- NVDA is now able to read the recipiants in the To, CC and BCC fields in Microsoft Outlook. (#421)
- Fixed the issue in NVDA's Voice Settings dialog where the value of sliders was sometimes not reported when changed. (#1411)
- NVDA no longer fails to announce the new cell when moving in an Excel spreadsheet after cutting and pasting. (#1567)
- NVDA no longer becomes worse at guessing color names the more colors it announces.
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, fixed the inability to read parts of rare pages which contain iframes marked with an ARIA role of presentation. (#1569)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, fixed a rare problem where the focus kept bouncing infinitely between the document and a multi-line editable text field in focus mode. (#1566)
- In Microsoft Word 2010 NVDA will now automatically read confirmation dialogs. (#1538)
- In multi-line editable text fields in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, selection on lines after the first is now reported correctly. (#1590)
- Improved moving by word in many cases, including browse mode and Windows Edit controls. (#1580)
- The NVDA installer no longer shows garbled text for Hong Kong versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7. (#1596)
- NVDA no longer fails to load the Microsoft Speech API version 5 synthesizer if the configuration contains settings for that synthesizer but is missing the voice setting. (#1599)
- In editable text fields in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, NVDA no longer lags or freezes when braille is enabled.
- In firefox brows mode, NVDA no longer refuses to include content that is inside a focusable node with an ARIA role of presentation.
- In Microsoft Word with braille enabled, lines on pages after the first page are now reported correctly. (#1603)
- In Microsoft Word 2003, lines of right-to-left text can once again be read with braille enabled. (#627)
- In Microsoft Word, say all now works correctly when the document does not end with a sentence ending.
- When opening a plain text message in Windows Live Mail 2011, NVDA will correctly focus on the message document allowing it to be read.
- NVDA no longer temporarily freezes or refuses to speak when in the Move to / Copy to dialogs in Windows Live Mail. (#574)
- In Outlook 2010, NVDA will now correctly track the focus in the message list. (#1285)
- Some USB connection issues have been resolved with the MDV Lilli braille display. (#241)
- In Internet explorer and other MSHTML controls, spaces are no longer ignored in browse mode in certain cases (e.g. after a link).
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, some extraneous line breaks have been eliminated in browse mode. specifically, HTML elements with a display style of None no longer force a line break. (#1685)
- If NVDA is unable to start, failure to play the Windows critical stop sound no longer clobbers the critical error message in the log file.

NVDA 2011.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Donate item in the NVDA menu is now disabled when running on the logon, lock, UAC and other secure Windows screens, as this is a security risk. (#1419)
- It is now impossible to copy or paste within NVDA's user interface while on secure desktops (lock screen, UAC screen and windows logon) as this is a security risk. (#1421)
- In Firefox 4, the move to containing virtual buffer command (NVDA+control+space) now works as it should to escape embedded objects such as Flash content. (#1429)
- When speaking of command keys is enabled, shifted characters are no longer incorrectly spoken as command keys. (#1422)
- When speaking of command keys is enabled, pressing space with modifiers other than shift (such as control and alt) is now reported as a command key. (#1424)
- Logging is now completely disabled when running on the logon, lock, UAC and other secure Windows screens, as this is a security risk. (#1435)
- In input help mode, Gestures are now logged even if they are not bound to a script (in accordance with the user guide). (#1425)

NVDA 2011.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Colors can now be reported for some controls. Automatic announcement can be configured in the Document Formatting preferences dialog. It can also be reported on demand using the report text formatting command (NVDA+f).
- Initially, this is supported in standard IAccessible2 editable text controls (such as in Mozilla applications), RichEdit controls (such as in Wordpad) and IBM Lotus Symphony text controls.
- In virtual buffers, you can now select by page (using shift+pageDown and shift+pageUp) and paragraph (using shift+control+downArrow and shift+control+upArrow). (#639)
- NVDA now automatically reports new text output in mIRC, PuTTY, Tera Term and SecureCRT. (#936)
- Users can now add new key bindings or override existing ones for any script in NVDA by providing a single user input gesture map. (#194)
- Support for global plugins. Global plugins can add new functionality to NVDA which works across all applications. (#281)
- A small beep is now heard when typing characters with the shift key while capslock is on. This can be turned off by unchecking the related new option in the Keyboard settings dialog. (#663)
- hard page breaks are now announced when moving by line in Microsoft Word. (#758)
- Bullets and numbering are now spoken in Microsoft Word when moving by line. (#208)
- A command to toggle Sleep mode for the current application (NVDA+shift+s) is now available. Sleep mode (previously known as self voicing mode) disables all screen reading functionality in NVDA for a particular application. Very useful for applications that provide their own speech and or screen reading features. Press this command again to disable Sleep mode.
- Some additional braille display key bindings have been added. See the Supported Braille Displays section of the User Guide for details. (#209)
- For the convenience of third party developers, app modules as well as global plugins can now be reloaded without restarting NVDA. Use tools -> Reload plugins in the NVDA menu or NVDA+control+f3. (#544)
- NVDA now remembers the position you were at when returning to a previously visited web page. This applies until either the browser or NVDA is exited. (#132)
- Handy Tech braille displays can now be used without installing the Handy Tech universal driver. (#854)
- Support for several Baum, HumanWare and APH braille displays. (#937)
- The status bar in Media Player Classic Home Cinema is now recognised.
- The Freedom Scientific Focus 40 Blue braille display can now be used when connected via bluetooth. (#1345)

- Position information is no longer reported by default in some cases where it was usually incorrect; e.g. most menus, the Running Applications bar, the Notification Area, etc. However, this can be turned on again by an added option in the Object Presentation settings dialog.
- Keyboard help has been renamed to input help to reflect that it handles input from sources other than the keyboard.
- Input Help no longer reports a script's code location via speech and braille as it is cryptic and irrelevant to the user. However, it is now logged for developers and advanced users.
- When NVDA detects that it has frozen, it continues to intercept NVDA modifier keys, even though it passes all other keys through to the system. This prevents the user from unintentionally toggling caps lock, etc. if they press an NVDA modifier key without realising NVDA has frozen. (#939)
- If keys are held down after using the pass next key through command, all keys (including key repeats) are now passed through until the last key is released.
- If an NVDA modifier key is pressed twice in quick succession to pass it through and the second press is held down, all key repeats will now be passed through as well.
- The volume up, down and mute keys are now reported in input help. This could be helpful if the user is uncertain as to what these keys are.
- The hotkey for the Review Cursor item in the NVDA Preferences menu has been changed from r to c to eliminate the conflict with the Braille Settings item.

Bug Fixes
- When adding a new speech dictionary entry, the title of the dialog is now "Add dictionary entry" instead of "Edit dictionary entry". (#924)
- In speech dictionary dialogs, the content of the Regular expression and Case sensitive columns of the Dictionary entries list is now presented in the configured NVDA language instead of always in English.
- In AIM, position information is now announced in tree views.
- On sliders in the Voice Settings dialog, up arrow/page up/home now increase the setting and down arrow/page down/end decrease it. Previously, the opposite occurred, which is not logical and is inconsistent with the synth settings ring. (#221)
- In virtual buffers with screen layout disabled, some extraneous blank lines no longer appear.
- If an NVDA modifier key is pressed twice quickly but there is an intervening key press, the NVDA modifier key is no longer passed through on the second press.
- Punctuation keys are now spoken in input help even when speaking of punctuation is disabled. (#977)
- In the Keyboard Settings dialog, the keyboard layout names are now presented in the configured NVDA language instead of always in English. (#558)
- Fixed an issue where some items were rendered as empty in Adobe Reader documents; e.g. the links in the table of contents of the Apple iPhone IOS 4.1 User Guide.
- The "Use currently saved settings on the logon and other secure screens" button in NVDA's General Settings dialog now works if used immediately after NVDA is newly installed but before a secure screen has appeared. Previously, NVDA reported that copying was successful, but it actually had no effect. (#1194)
- It is no longer possible to have two NVDA settings dialogs open simultaneously. This fixes issues where one open dialog depends on another open dialog; e.g. changing the synthesiser while the Voice Settings dialog is open. (#603)
- On systems with UAC enabled, the "Use currently saved settings on the logon and other secure screens" button in NVDA's General Settings dialog no longer fails after the UAC prompt if the user's account name contains a space. (#918)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, NVDA now uses the URL as a last resort to determine the name of a link, rather than presenting empty links. (#633)
- NVDA no longer ignores the focus in AOL Instant Messenger 7 menus. (#655)
- Announce the correct label for errors in the Microsoft Word Spell Check dialog (e.g. Not in dictionary, Grammar error, punctuation). Previously they were all announced as grammar error. (#883)
- Typing in Microsoft Word while using a braille display should no longer cause garbled text to be typed, and a rare freeze when pressing a braille routing key in Word documents has been fixed. (#1212) However a limitation is that Arabic text can no longer be read in Word 2003 and below, while using a braille display. (#627)
- When pressing the delete key in an edit field, the text/cursor on a braille display should now always be updated appropriately to reflect the change. (#947)
- Changes on dynamic pages in Gecko2 documents (E.g. Firefox 4) while multiple tabs are open are now properly reflected by NVDA. Previously only changes in the first tab were reflected. (Mozilla bug 610985)
- NVDA can now properly announce the suggestions for grammar and punctuation errors in Microsoft Word spell check dialog. (#704)
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, NVDA no longer presents destination anchors as empty links in its virtual buffer. Instead, these anchors are hidden as they should be. (#1326)
- Object navigation around and within standard groupbox windows is no longer broken and asymmetrical.
- In Firefox and other Gecko-based controls, NVDA will no longer get stuck in a subframe if it finishes loading before the outer document.
- NVDA now appropriately announces the next character when deleting a character with numpadDelete. (#286)
- On the Windows XP logon screen, the user name is once again reported when the selected user is changed.
- Fixed problems when reading text in Windows command consoles with reporting of line numbers enabled.
- The Elements List dialog for virtual buffers is now usable by sighted users. All controls are visible on screen. (#1321)
- The list of entries in the Speech Dictionary dialog is now more readable by sighted users. The list is now large enough to show all of its columns on screen. (#90)
- On ALVA BC640/BC680 braille displays, NVDA no longer disregards display keys that are still held down after another key is released.
- Adobe Reader X no longer crashes after leaving the untagged document options before the processing dialog appears. (#1218)
- NVDA now switches to the appropriate braille display driver when you revert to saved configuration. (#1346)
- The Visual Studio 2008 Project Wizard is read correctly again. (#974)
- NVDA no longer completely fails to work in applications which contain non-ASCII characters in their executable name. (#1352)
- When reading by line in AkelPad with word wrap enabled, NVDA no longer reads the first character of the following line at the end of the current line.
- In the Visual Studio 2005/2008 code editor, NVDA no longer reads the entire text after every typed character. (#975)
- Fixed the issue where some braille displays weren't cleared properly when NVDA was exited or the display was changed.
- The initial focus is no longer sometimes spoken twice when NVDA starts. (#1359)

NVDA 2010.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Navigating through objects with the review cursor has been greatly simplified. The review cursor now excludes objects which aren't useful to the user; i.e. objects only used for layout purposes and unavailable objects.
- In applications using the Java Access Bridge (including OpenOffice.org), formatting can now be reported in text controls. (#358, #463)
- When moving the mouse over cells in Microsoft Excel, NVDA will appropriately announce them.
- In applications using the Java Access Bridge, the text of a dialog is now reported when the dialog appears. (#554)
- A virtualBuffer can now be used to navigate adobe Flash content. Object navigation and interacting with the controls directly (by turning on focus mode) is still supported. (#453)
- Editable text controls in the Eclipse IDE, including the code editor, are now accessible. You must be using Eclipse 3.6 or later. (#256, #641)
- NVDA can now retrieve most text written to the screen. (#40, #643)
- This allows for reading of controls which do not expose information in more direct/reliable ways.
- Controls made accessible by this feature include: some menu items which display icons (e.g. the Open With menu on files in Windows XP) (#151), editable text fields in Windows Live applications (#200), the errors list in Outlook Express (#582), the editable text control in TextPad (#605), lists in Eudora, many controls in Australian E-tax and the formula bar in Microsoft Excel.
- Support for the code editor in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. At least Visual Studio Standard is required; this does not work in the Express editions. (#457)
- Support for IBM Lotus Symphony documents.
- Early experimental support for Google Chrome. Please note that Chrome's screen reader support is far from complete and additional work may also be required in NVDA. You will need a recent development build of Chrome to try this.
- The state of toggle keys (caps lock, num lock and scroll lock) is now displayed in braille when they are pressed. (#620)
- Help balloons are now displayed in braille when they appear. (#652)
- Added a driver for the MDV Lilli braille display. (#241)
- When selecting an entire row or column in Microsoft Excel with the shortcut keys shift+space and control+space, the new selection is now reported. (#759)
- Table row and column headers can now be reported. This is configurable from the Document Formatting preferences dialog.
- Currently, this is supported in documents in Mozilla applications such as Firefox (version 3.6.11 and later) and Thunderbird (version 3.1.5 and later). (#361)
- Introduced commands for flat review: (#58)
- NVDA+numpad7 switches to flat review, placing the review cursor at the position of the current object, allowing you to review the screen (or a document if within one) with the text review commands.
- NVDA+numpad1 moves the review cursor into the object represented by the text at the position of the review cursor, allowing you to navigate by object from that point.
- Current NVDA user settings can be copied to be used on secure Windows screens such as the logon and UAC screens by pressing a button in the General Settings dialog. (#730)
- Support for Mozilla Firefox 4.
- Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.

- The sayAll by Navigator object (NVDA+numpadAdd), navigator object next in flow (NVDA+shift+numpad6) and navigator object previous in flow (NVDA+shift+numpad4) commands have been removed for the time being, due to bugginess and to free up the keys for other possible features.
- In the NVDA Synthesizer dialog, only the display name of the synthesizer is now listed. Previously, it was prefixed by the driver's name, which is only relevant internally.
- When in embedded applications or virtual buffers inside another virtualBuffer (e.g. Flash), you can now press nvda+control+space to move out of the embedded application or virtual buffer to the containing document. Previously nvda+space was used for this. Now nvda+space is specifically only for toggling brows/focus modes on virtualBuffers.
- If the speech viewer (enabled under the tools menu) is given the focus (e.g. it was clicked in) new text will not appear in the control until focus is moved away. This allows for selecting the text with greater ease (e.g. for copying).
- The Log Viewer and Python Console are maximised when activated.
- When focusing on a worksheet in Microsoft Excel and there is more than one cell selected, the selection range is announced, rather than just the active cell. (#763)
- Saving configuration and changing of particular sensitive options is now disabled when running on the logon, UAC and other secure Windows screens.
- Updated eSpeak speech synthesiser to 1.44.03.
- If NVDA is already running, activating the NVDA shortcut on the desktop (which includes pressing control+alt+n) will restart NVDA.
- Removed the report text under the mouse checkbox from the Mouse settings dialog and replaced it with an Enable mouse tracking checkbox, which better matches the toggle mouse tracking script (NVDA+m).
- Updates to the laptop keyboard layout so that it includes all commands available in the desktop layout and works correctly on non-English keyboards. (#798, #800)
- Significant improvements and updates to the user documentation, including documentation of the laptop keyboard commands and synchronisation of the Keyboard Commands Quick Reference with the User Guide. (#455)
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 2.1.1. Notably, this fixes some issues related to Chinese braille as well as characters which are undefined in the translation table. (#484, #499)

Bug Fixes:
- In µTorrent, the focused item in the torrents list no longer reports repeatedly or steals focus when a menu is open.
- In µTorrent, the names of the files in the Torrent Contents list are now reported.
- In Mozilla applications, focus is now correctly detected when it lands on an empty table or tree.
- In Mozilla applications, "not checked" is now correctly reported for checkable controls such as checkable table cells. (#571)
- In Mozilla applications, the text of correctly implemented ARIA dialogs is no longer ignored and will now be reported when the dialog appears. (#630)
- in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, the ARIA level attribute is now honoured correctly.
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls, the ARIA role is now chosen over other type information to give a much more correct and predictable ARIA experience.
- Stopped a rare crash in Internet Explorer when navigating through frames or iFrames.
- In Microsoft Word documents, right-to-left lines (such as Arabic text) can be read again. (#627)
- Greatly reduced lag when large amounts of text are displayed in a Windows command console on 64-bit systems. (#622)
- If Skype is already started when NVDA starts, it is no longer necessary to restart Skype to enable accessibility. This may also be true for other applications which check the system screen reader flag.
- In Microsoft Office applications, NVDA no longer crashes when speak foreground (NVDA+b) is pressed or when navigating some objects on toolbars. (#616)
- Fixed incorrect speaking of numbers containing a 0 after a separator; e.g. 1,023. (#593)
- Adobe Acrobat Pro and Reader 9 no longer crash when closing a file or performing certain other tasks. (#613)
- The selection is now announced when control+a is pressed to select all text in some editable text controls such as in Microsoft Word. (#761)
- In Scintilla controls (e.g. Notepad++), text is no longer incorrectly selected when NVDA moves the caret such as during say all. (#746)
- It is again possible to review the contents of cells in Microsoft Excel with the review cursor.
- NVDA can again read by line in certain problematic textArea fields in Internet Explorer 8. (#467)
- Windows Live Messenger 2009 no longer exits immediately after it is started while NVDA is running. (#677)
- In web browsers, It is no longer necessary to press tab to interact with an embedded object (such as Flash content) after pressing enter on the embedded object or returning from another application. (#775)
- In Scintilla controls (e.g. Notepad++), the beginning of long lines is no longer truncated when it scrolls off the screen. Also, these long lines will be correctly displayed in braille when they are selected.
- In Loudtalks, it is now possible to access the contact list.
- The URL of the document and "MSAAHTML Registered Handler" are no longer sometimes spuriously reported in Internet Explorer and other MSHTML controls. (#811)
- In tree views in the Eclipse IDE, the previously focused item is no longer incorrectly announced when focus moves to a new item.
- NVDA now functions correctly on a system where the current working directory has been removed from the DLL search path (by setting the CWDIllegalInDllSearch registry entry to 0xFFFFFFFF). Note that this is not relevant to most users. (#907)
- When the table navigation commands are used outside of a table in Microsoft Word, "edge of table" is no longer spoken after "not in table". (#921)
- When the table navigation commands cannot move due to being at the edge of a table in Microsoft Word, "edge of table" is now spoken in the configured NVDA language rather than always in English. (#921)
- In Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail, the state of the checkboxes in message rules lists is now reported. (#576)
- The description of message rules can now be read in Windows Live Mail 2010.

NVDA 2010.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- NVDA no longer fails to start on a system with no audio output devices. Obviously, a braille display or the Silence synthesiser in conjunction with the Speech Viewer will need to be used for output in this case. (#425)
- A report landmarks checkbox has been added to the Document Formatting settings dialog which allows you to configure whether NVDA should announce landmarks in web documents. For compatibility with the previous release, the option is on by default.
- If speak command keys is enabled, NVDA will now announce the names of multimedia keys (e.g. play, stop, home page, etc.) on many keyboards when they are pressed. (#472)
- NVDA now announces the word being deleted when pressing control+backspace in controls that support it. (#491)
- Arrow keys can now be used in the Web formator window to navigate and read the text. (#452)
- The entry list in the Microsoft Office Outlook address book is now supported.
- NVDA better supports embedded editable (design mode) documents in Internet Explorer. (#402)
- a new script (nvda+shift+numpadMinus) allows you to move the system focus to the current navigator object.
- New scripts to lock and unlock the left and right mouse buttons. Useful for performing drag and drop operations. shift+numpadDivide to lock/unlock the left, shift+numpadMultiply to lock/unlock the right.
- New braille translation tables: German 8 dot computer braille, German grade 2, Finnish 8 dot computer braille, Chinese (Hong Kong, Cantonese), Chinese (Taiwan, Manderin). (#344, #369, #415, #450)
- It is now possible to disable the creation of the desktop shortcut (and thus the shortcut key) when installing NVDA. (#518)
- NVDA can now use IAccessible2 when present in 64 bit applications. (#479)
- Improved support for live regions in Mozilla applications. (#246)
- The NVDA Controller Client API is now provided to allow applications to control NVDA; e.g. to speak text, silence speech, display a message in Braille, etc.
- Information and error messages are now read in the logon screen in Windows Vista and Windows 7. (#506)
- In Adobe Reader, PDF interactive forms developed with Adobe LiveCycle are now supported. (#475)
- In Miranda IM, NVDA now automatically reads incoming messages in chat windows if reporting of dynamic content changes is enabled. Also, commands have been added to report the three most recent messages (NVDA+control+number). (#546)
- Input text fields are now supported in Adobe Flash content. (#461)

- The extremely verbose keyboard help message in the Windows 7 Start menu is no longer reported.
- The Display synth has now been replaced with a new Speech Viewer. To activate it, choose Speech Viewer from the Tools menu. The speech viewer can be used independently of what ever speech synthesizer you are using. (#44)
- Messages on the braille display will automatically be dismissed if the user presses a key that results in a change such as the focus moving. Previously the message would always stay around for its configured time.
- Setting whether braille should be tethered to the focus or the review cursor (NVDA+control+t) can now be also set from the braille settings dialog, and is also now saved in the user's configuration.
- Updated eSpeak speech synthesiser to 1.43.03.
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 1.8.0.
- In virtual buffers, the reporting of elements when moving by character or word has been greatly improved. Previously, a lot of irrelevant information was reported and the reporting was very different to that when moving by line. (#490)
- The Control key now simply stops speech like other keys, rather than pausing speech. To pause/resume speech, use the shift key.
- Table row and column counts are no longer announced when reporting focus changes, as this announcement is rather verbose and usually not useful.

Bug Fixes:
- NVDA no longer fails to start if UI Automation support appears to be available but fails to initialise for some reason. (#483)
- The entire contents of a table row is no longer sometimes reported when moving focus inside a cell  in Mozilla applications. (#482)
- NVDA no longer lags for a long time when expanding tree view items that contain a very large amount of sub-items.
- When listing SAPI 5 voices, NVDA now tries to detect buggy voices and excludes them from the Voice Settings dialog and synthesiser settings ring. Previously, when there was just one problematic voice, NVDA's SAPI 5 driver would sometimes fail to start.
- Virtual buffers now honour the report object shortcut keys setting found in the Object Presentation dialog. (#486)
- In virtual buffers, row/column coordinates are no longer incorrectly read for row and column headers when reporting of tables is disabled.
- In virtual buffers, row/column coordinates are now correctly read when you leave a table and then re-enter the same table cell without visiting another cell first; e.g. pressing upArrow then downArrow on the first cell of a table. (#378)
- Blank lines in Microsoft Word documents and  Microsoft HTML edit controls are now shown appropriately on braille displays. Previously NVDA was displaying the current sentence on the display, not the current line for these situations. (#420)
- Multiple security fixes when running NVDA at Windows logon and on other secure desktops. (#515)
- The cursor position (caret) is now correctly updated when performing a Say All that goes off the bottom of the screen, in standard Windows edit fields and Microsoft Word documents. (#418)
- In virtual buffers, text is no longer incorrectly included for images inside links and clickables that are marked as being irrelevant to screen readers. (#423)
- Fixes to the laptop keyboard layout. (#517)
- When Braille is tethered to review when you focus on a Dos console window, the review cursor can now properly navigate the text in the console.
- While working with TeamTalk3 or TeamTalk4 Classic, the VU meter progress bar in the main window is no longer announced as it updates. Also, special characters can be read properly in the incoming chat window.
- Items are no longer spoken twice in the Windows 7 Start Menu. (#474)
- Activating same-page links in Firefox 3.6 appropriately moves the cursor in the virtualBuffer to the correct place on the page.
- Fixed the issue where some text was not rendered in Adobe Reader in certain PDF documents.
- NVDA no longer incorrectly speaks certain numbers separated by a dash; e.g. 500-1000. (#547)
- In Windows XP, NVDA no longer causes Internet Explorer to freeze when toggling checkboxes in Windows Update. (#477)
- When using the in-built eSpeak synthesiser, simultaneous speech and beeps no longer intermittently cause freezes on some systems. This was most noticeable, for example, when copying large amounts of data in Windows Explorer.
- NVDA no longer announces that a Firefox document has become busy (e.g. due to an update or refresh) when that document is in the background. This also caused the status bar of the foreground application to be spuriously announced.
- When switching Windows keyboard layouts (with control+shift or alt+shift), the full name of the layout is reported in both speech and braille. Previously it was only reported in speech, and alternative layouts (e.g. Dvorak) were not reported at all.
- If reporting of tables is disabled, table information is no longer announced when the focus changes.
- Certain standard tree view controls in 64 bit applications (e.g. the Contents tree view in Microsoft HTML Help) are now accessible. (#473)
- Fixed some problems with logging of messages containing non-ASCII characters. This could cause spurious errors in some cases on non-English systems. (#581)
- The information in the About NVDA dialog now appears in the user's configured language instead of always appearing in English. (#586)
- Problems are no longer encountered when using the synthesiser settings ring after the voice is changed to one which has less settings than the previous voice.
- In Skype 4.2, contact names are no longer spoken twice in the contact list.
- Fixed some potentially major memory leaks in the GUI and in virtual buffers. (#590, #591)
- Work around a nasty bug in some SAPI 4 synthesisers which was causing frequent errors and crashes in NVDA. (#597)

NVDA 2009.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features
- Official support for 64 bit editions of Windows! (#309)
- Added a synthesizer driver for the Newfon synthesizer. Note that this requires a special version of Newfon. (#206)
- In virtual buffers, focus mode and browse mode can now be reported using sounds instead of speech. This is enabled by default. It can be configured from the Virtual buffers dialog. (#244)
- NVDA no longer cancels speech when volume control keys are pressed on the keyboard, allowing the user to change the volume and listen to actual results immediately. (#287)
- Completely rewritten support for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Adobe Reader documents. This support has been unified with the core support used for Mozilla Gecko, so features such as fast page rendering, extensive quick navigation, links list, text selection, auto focus mode and braille support are now available with these documents.
- Improved support for the date selection control found in the Windows Vista Date / Time properties dialog.
- improved support for the Modern XP/Vista start menu (specifically the all programs, and places menus). Appropriate level information is now announced.
- The amount of text that is announced when moving the mouse is now configurable from the Mouse settings dialog. A choice of paragraph, line, word or character can be made.
- announce spelling errors under the cursor in Microsoft Word.
- support for the Microsoft Word 2007 spell checker. Partial support may be available for prior Microsoft Word versions.
- Better support for Windows Live Mail. Plain text messages can now be read and both the plain text and HTML message composers are useable.
- In Windows Vista, if the user moves to the secure desktop (either because a UAC control dialog appeared, or because control+alt+delete was pressed), NVDA will announce the fact that the user is now on the secure desktop.
- NVDA can announce text under the mouse within dos console windows.
- Support for UI Automation via the UI Automation client API available in Windows 7, as well as fixes to improve the experience of NVDA in Windows 7.
- NVDA can be configured to start automatically after you log on to Windows. The option is in the General Settings dialog.
- NVDA can read secure Windows screens such as the Windows logon, control+alt+delete and User Account Control (UAC) screens in Windows XP and above. Reading of the Windows logon screen can be configured from the General Settings dialog. (#97)
- Added a driver for the Optelec ALVA BC6 series braille displays.
- When browsing web documents, you can now press n and shift+n to skip forward and backward past blocks of links, respectively.
- When browsing web documents, ARIA landmarks are now reported, and you can move forward and backward through them using d and shift+d, respectively. (#192)
- The Links List dialog available when browsing web documents has now become an Elements List dialog which can list links, headings and landmarks. Headings and landmarks are presented hierarchically. (#363)
- The new Elements List dialog contains a "Filter by" field which allows you to filter the list to contain only those items including the text that was typed. (#173)
- Portable versions of NVDA now look in the 'userConfig' directory inside the NVDA directory, for the user's configuration. Like for the installer version, this keeps the user's configuration separate from NVDA itself.
- Custom app modules, braille display drivers and synth drivers can now be stored in the user's configuration  directory. (#337)
- Virtual buffers are now rendered in the background, allowing the user to interact with the system to some extent during the rendering process. The user will be notified that the document is being rendered if it takes longer than a second.
- If NVDA detects that it has frozen for some reason, it will automatically pass all keystrokes through so that the user has a better chance of recovering the system.
- Support for ARIA drag and drop in Mozilla Gecko. (#239)
- The document title and current line or selection is now spoken when you move focus inside a virtual buffer. This makes the behaviour when moving focus into virtual buffers consistent with that for normal document objects. (#210)
- In virtual buffers, you can now interact with embedded objects (such as Adobe Flash and Sun Java content) by pressing enter on the object. If it is accessible, you can then tab around it like any other application. To return focus to the document, press NVDA+space. (#431)
- In virtual buffers, o and shift+o move to the next and previous embedded object, respectively.
- NVDA can now fully access applications running as administrator in Windows Vista and later. You must install an official release of NVDA for this to work. This does not work for portable versions and snapshots. (#397)

- NVDA no longer announces "NVDA started" when it starts.
- The startup and exit sounds are now played using NVDA's configured audio output device instead of the Windows default audio output device. (#164)
- Progress bar reporting has been improved. Most notably you can now configure NVDA to announce via both speech and beeps at the same time.
- Some generic roles, such as pane, application and frame, are no longer reported on focus unless the control is unnamed.
- The review copy command (NVDA+f10) copies the text from the start marker up to and including the current review position, rather than excluding the current position. This allows the last character of a line to be copied, which was not previously possible. (#430)
- the navigatorObject_where script (ctrl+NVDA+numpad5) has been removed. This key combination did not work on some keyboards, nore was the script found to be that useful.
- the navigatorObject_currentDimentions script has been remapped to NVDA+numpadDelete. The old key combination did not work on some keyboards. This script also now reports the width and height of the object instead of the right/bottom coordinates.
- Improved performance (especially on netbooks) when many beeps occur in quick succession; e.g. fast mouse movement with audio coordinates enabled. (#396)
- The NVDA error sound is no longer played in release candidates and final releases. Note that errors are still logged.

Bug Fixes:
- When NVDA is run from an 8.3 dos path, but it is installed in the related long path (e.g. progra~1 verses program files) NVDA will correctly  identify that it is an installed copy and properly load the user's settings.
- speaking the title of the current foreground window with nvda+t now works correctly when in menus.
- braille no longer shows useless information in its focus context such as unlabeled panes.
- stop announcing some useless information when the focus changes such as root panes, layered panes and scroll panes in Java or Lotus applications.
- Make the  keyword search field in Windows Help (CHM) viewer much more usable. Due to buggyness in that control, the current keyword could not be read as it would be continually changing.
- report correct page numbers in Microsoft Word if the page numbering has been specifically offset in the document.
- Better support for edit fields found in Microsoft Word dialogs (e.g. the Font dialog). It is now possible  to navigate these controls with the arrow keys.
- better support for Dos consoles. specifically: NVDA can now read the content of particular consoles it always used to think were blank. Pressing control+break no longer terminates NVDA.
- On Windows Vista and above, the NVDA installer now starts NVDA with normal user privileges when requested to run NVDA on the finish screen.
- Backspace is now handled correctly when speaking typed words. (#306)
- Don't incorrectly report "Start menu" for certain context menus in Windows Explorer/the Windows shell. (#257)
- NVDA now correctly handles ARIA labels in Mozilla Gecko when there is no other useful content. (#156)
- NVDA no longer incorrectly enables focus mode automatically for editable text fields which update their value when the focus changes; e.g. http://tigerdirect.com/. (#220)
- NVDA will now attempt to recover from some situations which would previously cause it to freeze completely. It may take up to 10 seconds for NVDA to detect and recover from such a freeze.
- When the NVDA language is set to "User default", use the user's Windows  display language setting instead of the Windows locale setting. (#353)
- NVDA now recognises the existence of controls in AIM 7.
- The pass key through command no longer gets stuck if a key is held down. Previously, NVDA stopped accepting commands if this occurred and had to be restarted. (#413)
- The taskbar is no longer ignored when it receives focus, which often occurs when exiting an application. Previously, NVDA behaved as if the focus had not changed at all.
- When reading text fields in applications which use the Java Access Bridge (including OpenOffice.org), NVDA now functions correctly when reporting of line numbers is enabled.
- The review copy command (NVDA+f10) gracefully handles the case where it is used on a position before the start marker. Previously, this could cause problems such as crashes in Notepad++.
- A certain control character (0x1) no longer causes strange eSpeak behaviour (such as changes in volume and pitch) when it is encountered in text. (#437)
- The report text selection command (NVDA+shift+upArrow) now gracefully reports that there is no selection in objects which do not support text selection.
- Fixed the issue where pressing the enter key on certain Miranda-IM buttons or links was causing NVDA to freeze. (#440)
- The current line or selection is now properly respected when spelling or copying the current navigator object.
- Worked around a Windows bug which was causing garbage to be spoken after the name of link controls in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer dialogs. (#451)
- Fixed a problem with the report date and time command (NVDA+f12). Previously, date reporting was truncated on some systems. (#471)
- Fixed the issue where the system screen reader flag was sometimes inappropriately cleared after interacting with secure Windows screens. This could cause problems in applications which check the screen reader flag, including Skype, Adobe Reader and Jart. (#462)
- In an Internet Explorer 6 combo box, the active item is now reported when it is changed. (#342)