NVDA 歷史版本列表 Page17

最新版本 NVDA 2023.3

NVDA 歷史版本列表

NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.NVDA 與微軟... NVDA 軟體介紹

SQLiteStudio 3.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bugfix: Fixed 'export data' checkbox in export dialog to not ignore it anymore.
- Bugfix: Binary packages now include the MultiEditorImage plugin, which introduces the picture preview for BLOB values. It was introduced in 3.2.0, but missing in binary distributions.

NVDA 2018.2.1 查看版本資訊


NVDA 2018.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- row and column span for table cells is now reported in speech and braille
- NVDA table navigation commands are now supported in Google Docs (with Braille mode enabled)
- Added ability to read and navigate tables in Kindle for PC
- Support for HumanWare BrailleNote touch and Brailliant BI 14 braille displays via both USB and bluetooth
- In Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and later, NVDA can announce notifications from apps such as Calculator and Windows Store
- New braille translation tables: Lithuanian 8 dot, Ukrainian, Mongolian grade 2
- Added a script to report formatting information for the text under a specific braille cell
- When updating NVDA, it is now possible to postpone the installation of the update to a later moment
- New languages: Mongolian, Swiss German
- You can now toggle control, shift, alt, windows and NVDA from your braille keyboard and combine these modifiers with braille input (e.g. press control+s)
- You can assign these new modifier toggles using the commands found under Emulated system keyboard keys in the Input gestures dialog
- Restored support for Handy Tech Braillino and Modular (with old firmware) displays
- Date and time for supported Handy Tech devices (such as Active Braille and Active Star) will now automatically be synchronized by NVDA when out of sync more than five seconds
- An input gesture can be assigned to temporarily disable all configuration profile triggers

- The status column in the addons manager has been changed to indicate if the addon is enabled or disabled rather than running or suspended
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 3.5.0
- The Lithuanian braille table has been renamed to Lithuanian 6 dot to avoid confusion with the new 8 dot table
- The French (Canada) grade 1 and grade 2 tables have been removed. Instead, the French (unified) 6 dot computer braille and Grade 2 tables will be used respectively
- The secondary routing buttons on Alva BC6, EuroBraille and Papenmeier braille displays now report formatting information for the text under the braille cell of that button
- Contracted braille input tables will automatically fall back to uncontracted mode in non-editable cases (i.e. controls where there is no cursor or in browse mode)
- NVDA is now less verbose when an appointment or time slot in the Outlook calendar covers an entire day
- All of NVDA's Preferences can now be found in one settings dialog under NVDA Menu -> Preferences -> Settings, rather than scattered throughout many dialogs
- The default speech synthesizer when running on Windows 10 is now oneCore speech rather than eSpeak

Bug Fixes:
- NVDA no longer fails to read focused controls in the Microsoft Account sign-in screen in Settings after entering an email address
- NVDA no longer fails to read the page when going back to a previous page in Microsoft Edge
- NVDA will no longer incorrectly announce the final character of a windows 10 sign-in PIN as the machine unlocks
- Labels of checkboxes and radio buttons in Chrome and Firefox are no longer reported twice when tabbing or using quick navigation in Browse mode
- aria-current with a value of false will be announced as "false" instead of "true"
- Windows OneCore Voices no longer fails to load if the configured voice has been uninstalled
- Changing voices in the Windows OneCore Voices is now a lot faster
- Fixed malformed braille output for several braille tables, including capital signs in 8 dot contracted Danish braille
- NVDA can now report more bullet types in Microsoft Word
- Pressing the report formatting script no longer incorrectly moves the reviewPosition and therefore pressing it multiple times no longer gives different results
- Braille input no longer allows you to use contracted braille in cases where it is not supported (i.e. whole words will no longer be sent to the system outside text content and in browse mode)
- Fixed connection stability issues for Handy Tech Easy Braille and Braille Wave displays
- On Windows 8 and later, NVDA will no longer announce "unknown" when opening quick link menu )Windows+X) and selecting items from this menu
- Model specific gestures to buttons on Hims displays are now working as advertised in the user guide
- NVDA will now try to correct system COM registration issues causing programs such as Firefox and Internet Explorer to become inaccessible and report "Unknown" by NVDA
- Worked around a bug in Task Manager causing NVDA to not allow users to access the contents of specific details about processes
- Newer Microsoft SAPI5 voices no longer lag at the end of speech, making it much more efficient to navigate with these voices
- NVDA no longer reports (LTR and RTL marks) in Braille or per-character speech when accessing the clock in recent versions of Windows
- Detection of scroll keys on Hims Smart Beetle displays is once more no longer unreliable
- In some text controls, particularly in Delphi applications, the information provided about editing and navigating is now much more reliable
- In Windows 10 RS5, NVDA no longer reports extra redundant information when switching tasks with alt+tab

Changes for developers:
- The developer info for UIA objects now contains a list of the UIA patterns available
- App modules can now force certain windows to always use UIA by implementing the isGoodUIAWindow method
- The hidden boolean flag "outputPass1Only" in the braille section of the configuration has again been removed. Liblouis no longer supports pass 1 only output

SQLyog Community Edition 13.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- It is now optional if Schema Sync should synchronize the InnoDB Row Format -setting for tables or not.

Bug Fixes:
- The setting in Query Profiler ‘preferences’ to include EXPLAIN EXTENDED is now ignored, if server does not support this (what is the case with MySQL from 5.7.4 – but not any MariaDB version).

- The “keywords.db” file (used by syntax highlighting, autocomplete and automatic lettercase handling for functions and keywords) was updated with new keywords and functions related to JSON, Roles, Common Table Expressions and Window Functions as of both MySQL 8.0 and MariaDB 10.3.

NVDA 2018.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This is a special release of NVDA which addresses a bug in the Onecore Windows Speech synthesizer driver, which was causing it to speak with a higher pitch and speed in Windows 10 Redstone 4

NVDA 2018.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Features:
- It is now possible to interact with charts in Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, similar to the existing support for charts in Microsoft Excel
- In Microsoft Word: When in browse mode, cursor to an embedded chart and press enter to interact with it
- In Microsoft PowerPoint when editing a slide: tab to a chart object, and press enter or space to interact with the chart
- To stop interacting with a chart, press escape
- New language: Kyrgyz
- Added support for VitalSource Bookshelf
- Added support for the Optelec protocol converter, a device that allows one to use Braille Voyager and Satellite displays using the ALVA BC6 communication protocol
- It is now possible to use braille input with an ALVA 640 Comfort braille display
- NVDA's braille input functionality can be used with these as well as other BC6 displays with firmware 3.0.0 and above
- Early support for Google Sheets with Braille mode enabled
- Support for Eurobraille Esys, Esytime and Iris braille displays

- The HIMS Braille Sense/Braille EDGE/Smart Beetle and Hims Sync Braille display drivers have been replaced by one driver. The new driver will automatically be activated for former syncBraille driver users
- Some keys , notably scroll keys, have been reassigned to follow the conventions used by Hims products. Consult the user guide for more details
- When typing with the on-screen keyboard via touch interaction, by default you now need to double tap each key the same way you would activate any other control
- To use the existing "touch typing" mode where simply lifting your finger off the key is enough to activate it, Enable this option in the new Touch Interaction settings dialog found in the Preferences menu
- It is no longer necessary to explicitly tether braille to focus or review, as this will happen automatically by default
- Note that automatic tethering to review will only occur when using a review cursor or object navigation command. Scrolling will not activate this new behavior

Bug Fixes:
- Browseable messages such as showing current formatting when pressing NVDA+f twice quickly no longer fails when NVDA is installed on a path with non-ASCII characters
- Focus is now once again restored correctly when returning to Spotify from another application
- In Windows 10 Fall Creaters Update, NVDA no longer fails to update when Controlled Folder Access is enabled from Windows Defender Security Center
- Detection of scroll keys on Hims Smart Beetle displays is no longer unreliable
- A slight performance improvement when rendering large amounts of content in Mozilla Firefox 58 and later
- In Microsoft Outlook, reading emails containing tables no longer causes errors
- Braille display gestures that emulate system keyboard key modifiers can now also be combined with other emulated system keyboard keys if one or more of the involved gestures are model specific
- In Mozilla Firefox, browse mode now works correctly in pop-ups created by extensions such as LastPass and bitwarden
- NVDA no longer sometimes freezes on every focus change if Firefox or Chrome have stopped responding such as due to a freeze or crash
- In twitter clients such as Chicken Nugget, NVDA will no longer ignore the last 20 characters of 280 character tweets when reading them
- NVDA now uses the correct language when announcing symbols when text is selected
- In recent versions of Office 365, it is again possible to navigate Excel charts using the arrow keys
- In speech and braille output, control states will now always be reported in the same order, regardless whether they are positive or negative
- In apps such as Windows 10 Mail, NVDA will no longer fail to announce deleted characters when pressing backspace
- All keys on the Hims Braille Sense Polaris displays are now working as expected
- NVDA no longer fails to start on Windows 7 complaining about an internal api-ms dll, when a particular version of the Visual Studio 2017 redistributables have been installed by another application

Changes for developers:
- Added a hidden boolean flag to the braille section in the configuration: "outputPass1Only"
- This flag defaults to true. If false, liblouis multi pass rules will be used for braille output
- A new dictionary (braille.RENAMED_DRIVERS) has been added to allow for smooth transition for users using drivers that have been superseded by others
- Updated comtypes package to 1.1.3
- Implemented a generic system in braille.BrailleDisplayDriver to deal with displays which send confirmation/acknowledgement packets. See the handyTech braille display driver as an example
- A new "isAppX" variable in the config module can be used to detect if NVDA is running as a Windows Desktop Bridge Store app
- For document implementations such as NVDAObjects or browseMode that have a textInfo, there is now a new documentBase.documentWithTableNavigation class that can be inherited from to gain standard table navigation scripts. Please refer to this class to see which helper methods must be provided by your implementation for table navigation to work
- The scons batch file now better handles when Python 3 is also installed, making use of the launcher to specifically launch python 2.7 32 bit
- hwIo.Hid now takes an additional parameter exclusive, which defaults to True. If set to False, other applications are allowed to communicate with a device while it is connected to NVDA

Virtual DJ Studio 7.8.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed incorrect QR code being generated for the Karaoke Screen

NVDA 2017.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- In browse mode, it is now possible to skip past/to the start of landmarks using the skip to end/beginning of container commands (comma/shift+comma)
- In Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, quick navigation to edit fields and form fields now includes editable rich text content (I.e. contentEditable)
- In web browsers, the Elements List can now list form fields and buttons
- Initial support for Windows 10 on ARM64
- Early support for reading and interactive navigation of mathematical content for Kindle books with accessible math
- Added support for Azardi e-book reader
- Version information for add-ons is now reported when being updated
- Added new command line parameters to create a portable copy of NVDA
- Support for Microsoft Edge running within Windows Defender Application Guard in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- If running on a laptop or tablet, NVDA will now report when a charger is connected/disconnected, and when the screen orientation changes
- New language: Macedonian
- New braille translation tables: Croatian grade 1, Vietnamese grade 1
- Support for the Actilino braille display from Handy Tech has been added
- Braille input for Handy Tech braille displays is now supported

- The minimum supported Operating System for NVDA is now Windows 7 Service Pack 1, or Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
- Web dialogs in Firefox and Chrome web browsers now automatically use browse Mode, unless inside of a web application
- In browse mode, tabbing and moving with quick navigation commands no longer announces jumping out of containers such as lists and tables, which makes navigating more efficient
- In Browse mode for Firefox and Chrome, the name of form field groups are now announced when moving into them with quick navigation or when tabbing
- In browse mode, the quick navigation command for embedded objects (o and shift+o) now includes audio and video elements as well as elements with the aria roles application and dialog
- Espeak-ng has been updated to 1.49.2, resolving some issues with producing release builds
- On the third activation of the 'read status bar' command, its contents is copied to the clipboard
- When assigning gestures to keys on a Baum display, you can limit them to the model of the braille display in use (e.g. VarioUltra or Pronto)
- The hotkey for the filter field in the elements list in browse mode has changed from alt+f to alt+e
- An unbound command has been added for browse mode to toggle the inclusion of layout tables on the fly. You can find this command in the Browse mode category of the Input Gestures dialog
- Upgraded liblouis braille translator to 3.3.0
- The hotkey for the regular expression radio button in the dictionary dialog has changed from alt+r to alt+e
- Voice dictionary files are now versioned and have been moved to the 'speechDicts/voiceDicts.v1' directory
- Versioned files (user configuration, voice dictionaries) modifications are no longer saved when NVDA is run from the launcher
- The Braillino, Bookworm and Modular (with old firmware) braille displays from Handy Tech are no longer supported out of the box. Install the Handy Tech Universal Driver and NVDA add-on to use these displays

Bug Fixes:
- Links are now indicated in braille in applications such as Microsoft Word.
- NVDA no longer becomes noticeably slower when many tabs are open in either Firefox or Chrome web browsers.
- Cursor routing for the MDV Lilli Braille display no longer incorrectly moves one braille cell ahead of where it should be.
- In Internet Explorer and other MSHTML documents, the HTML5 required attribute is now supported to indicate the required state of a form field.
- Braille displays are now updated when typing Arabic characters in a left-aligned WordPad document.
- Accessible labels for controls in Mozilla Firefox are now more readily reported in browse mode when the label does not appear as content itself.
- On windows 10 Creaters Update, NVDA can again access Firefox after a restart of NVDA.
- When restarting NVDA with Mozilla Firefox in focus, browse mode will again be available, though you may need to alt+tab away and back again.
- It is now possible to access math content in Google Chrome on a system with out Mozilla Firefox installed.
- The Operating System and other applications should be more stable directly after installing NVDA before rebooting, as compaired with installs of previous NVDA versions.
- When using a content recognition command (e.g. NVDA+r), NVDA now reports an error message instead of nothing if the navigator object has disappeared.
- Backward scrolling functionality has been fixed for Freedom Scientific braille displays containing a left bumper bar.

Changes for Developers:
- "scons tests" now checks that translatable strings have translator comments. You can also run this alone with "scons checkPot".
- There is now a new extensionPoints module which provides a generic framework to enable code extensibility at specific points in the code. This allows interested parties to register to be notified when some action occurs (extensionPoints.Action), to modify a specific kind of data (extensionPoints.Filter) or to participate in deciding whether something will be done (extensionPoints.Decider).
- You can now register to be notified about configuration profile switches via the config.configProfileSwitched Action
- Braille display gestures that emulate system keyboard key modifiers (such as control and alt) can now be combined with other emulated system keyboard keys without explicit definition.
- For example, if you have a key on your display bound to the alt key and another display key to downArrow, combining these keys will result in the emulation of alt+downArrow.
- The braille.BrailleDisplayGesture class now has an extra model property. If provided, pressing a key will generate an additional, model specific gesture identifier. This allows a user to bind gestures limited to a specific braille display model. See the baum driver as an example for this new functionality.
- NVDA is now compiled with Visual Studio 2017 and the Windows 10 SDK

SQLyog Community Edition 12.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added command-line syntax for applying registration details when doing a ‘silent install’. You may refer this FAQ for details. Note that this option is only available for Ultimate edition.
- A notification is now displayed when a large operation has finished (program icon in taskbar will 'blink')

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug in JSON export where reserved characters for JSON were not escaped properly

- SJA for Linux now requires Linux kernel version 2.6.32 or higher
- Now Date along with Time is also displayed in History tab

NVDA 2017.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A Braille setting has been added to "show messages indefinitely"
- In Microsoft Outlook message lists, NVDA now reports if a message is flagged
- In Microsoft PowerPoint, the exact type of a shape is now reported when editing a slide (such as triangle, circle, video or arrow), rather than just "shape"
- Mathematical content (provided as MathML) is now supported in Google Chrome
- NVDA can now speak using the new Windows OneCore voices (also known as Microsoft Mobile voices) included in Windows 10. You access these by selecting Windows OneCore voices in NVDA's Synthesizer dialog
- NVDA user configuration files can now be stored in the user's local application data folder. This is enabled via a setting in the registry. See "System Wide Parameters" in the User Guide for more details
- In web browsers, NVDA now reports placeholder values for fields (specifically, aria-placeholder is now supported)
- In Browse mode for Microsoft Word, it is now possible to navigate to spelling errors using quick navigation (w and shift+w)
- Added support for the Date picker control found in Microsoft Outlook Appointment dialogs
- The currently selected suggestion is now reported in Windows 10 Mail to/cc fields and the Windows 10 Settings search field
- A sound is now playd to indicate the appearance of suggestions in certain search fields in Windows 10 (E.g. start screen, settings search, Windows 10 mail to/cc fields)
- NVDA now automatically reports notifications in Skype for Business Desktop, such as when someone starts a conversation with you
- NVDA now automatically reports incoming chat messages while in a Skype for Business conversation
- NVDA now automatically reports notifications in Microsoft Edge, such as when a download starts
- You can now type in both contracted and uncontracted braille on a braille display with a braille keyboard. See the Braille Input section of the User Guide for details
- You can now enter Unicode braille characters from the braille keyboard on a braille display by selecting Unicode braille as the input table in Braille Settings
- Added support for the SuperBraille braille display used in Taiwan
- New braille translation tables: Danish 8 dot computer braille, Lithuanian, Persian 8 dot computer braille, Persian grade 1, Slovenian 8 dot computer braille
- Improved English (U.S.) 8 dot computer braille table, including support for bullets, the euro sign and accented letters
- NVDA can now use the OCR functionality included in Windows 10 to recognize the text of images or inaccessible applications. The language can be set from the new Windows 10 OCR dialog in NVDA Preferences. To recognize the content of the current navigator object, press NVDA+r. See the Content Recognition section of the User Guide for further details.
- You can now choose what context information is shown on a braille display when an object gets focus using the new "Focus context presentation" setting in the Braille Settings dialog. (#217). For example, the "Fill display for context changes" and "Only when scrolling back" options can make working with lists and menus more efficient, since the items won't continually change their position on the display. See the section on the "Focus context presentation" setting in the User Guide for further details and examples.
- In Firefox and Chrome, NVDA now supports complex dynamic grids such as spreadsheets where only some of the content might be loaded or displayed (specifically, the aria-rowcount, aria-colcount, aria-rowindex and aria-colindex attributes introduced in ARIA 1.1)

- An unbound command has been added to restart NVDA on demand. You can find it in the Miscelaneous category of the Input Gestures dialog
- The keyboard layout can now be set from the NVDA Welcome dialog
- Many more control types and states have been abbreviated for braille. Landmarks have also been abbreviated. Please see "Control Type, State and Landmark Abbreviations" under Braille in the User Guide for a complete list.
- Updated eSpeak NG to 1.49.1
- The output and input table lists in the Braille Settings dialog are now sorted alphabetically
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 3.2.0
- The default braille table is now Unified English Braille Code grade 1
- By default, NVDA now only shows the parts of the context information that have changed on a braille display when an object gets focus
- Previously, it always showed as much context information as possible, regardless of whether you have seen the same context information before
- You can revert to the old behaviour by changing the new "Focus context presentation" setting in the Braille Settings dialog to "Always fill display"
- When using Braille, the cursor can be configured to be a different shape when tethered to focus or review
- The NVDA logo has been updated. The updated NVDA logo is a stylised blend of the letters NVDA in white, on a solid purple background. This ensures it will be visible on any colour background, and uses the purple from the NV Access logo

- Editable div elements in Chrome no longer have their label reported as their value while in browse mode
- Pressing end while in browse mode for an empty Microsoft Word document no longer causes a runtime error
- Browse mode is now correctly supported in Microsoft Edge where a document has been given a specific ARIA role of document
- In browse mode, you can now select or unselect to the end of the line using shift+end even when the caret is on the last character of the line
- If a dialog contains a progress bar, the dialog text is now updated in braille when the progress bar changes. This means, for example, that the remaining time can now be read in NVDA's "Downloading Update" dialog
- NVDA will now announce selection changes for certain Windows 10 combo boxes such as AutoPlay in Settings
- Pointless information is no longer announced when entering Meeting / Appointment creation dialogs in Microsoft Outlook
- Beeps for indeterminate progress bar dialogs such as the update checker only when progress bar output is configured to include beeps
- In Microsoft Excel 2003 and 2007, cells are again reported when arrowing around a worksheet
- In Windows 10 Creators Update and later, browse mode is again automatically enabled when reading emails in Windows 10 Mail
- On most braille displays with a braille keyboard, dot 7 now erases the last entered braille cell or character, and dot 8 presses the enter key
- In editable text, when moving the caret (e.g. with the cursor keys or backspace), NVDA's spoken feedback is now more accurate in many cases, particularly in Chrome and terminal applications
- The content of the Signature Editor in Microsoft Outlook 2016 can now be read
- In Java Swing applications, NVDA no longer sometimes causes the application to crash when navigating tables
- In Windows 10 Creators Update, NVDA will no longer announce toast notifications multiple times
- In The start menu in Windows 10, pressing Enter to close the start menu after a search no longer causes NVDA to announce search text
- Performing quick navigation to headings in Microsoft Edge is now significantly faster
- In Microsoft Edge, navigating in browse mode no longer skips large parts of certain web pages such as the Wordpress 2015 theme
- In Microsoft Edge, landmarks are correctly localized in languages other than English
- Braille now correctly follows the selection when selecting text beyond the width of the display. For example, if you select multiple lines with shift+downArrow, braille now shows the last line you selected
- In Firefox, NVDA no longer spuriously reports "section" several times when opening details for a tweet on twitter.com
- Table navigation commands are no longer available for layout tables in Browse Mode unless reporting of layout tables is enabled
- In Firefox and Chrome, Browse Mode table navigation commands now skip over hidden table cells

- Timestamps in the log now include milliseconds
- NVDA must now be built with Visual Studio Community 2015. Visual Studio Express is no longer supported. (#7110). The Windows 10 Tools and SDK are now also required, which can be enabled when installing Visual Studio. See the Installed Dependencies section of the readme for additional details.
- Support for content recognizers such as OCR and image description tools can be easily implemented using the new contentRecog package
- The Python json package is now included in NVDA binary builds