Cocos Creator 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 Cocos Creator 3.8.1

Cocos Creator 歷史版本列表

Cocos Creator 是一個完整的遊戲開發工具包和工作流程,包括一個遊戲引擎(基於 Cocos2d-x),資源管理,場景編輯,遊戲預覽,調試和發布一個項目到多個平台. 我們首次引入了實體 - 組件結構和數據驅動的工作流程到 Cocos2d- x 系列。使用 JavaScript,您可以立即編寫組件腳本。編輯器和引擎擴展也是使用 JavaScript 編寫的,因此您可以用一種編程語言製作遊戲並... Cocos Creator 軟體介紹

Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


Cocos Creator 2.3.0 查看版本資訊


Nextcloud 2.6.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Nextcloud 2.6.3
- Add UserInfo class and fetch quota via API instead of PropfindJob
- l10n: Changed grammar and triple dots to ellipsis
- l10n: Changed spelling of "user name" to "username"
- Start the client in background if activated by D-Bus
- Do not install files related to cloud providers under Xenial
- Make sure that the libcloudprovider integration is using a valid D-Bus path
- Changed product name to Nextcloud
- Update autoupdate.rst
- Use system proxy by default if no config file is present
- Install libcloudproviders files by default on debian
- Windows 7 is out of support
- BugFix: Handle broken shared file error gracefully
- Fix Explorer integration on Windows and the crash on other systems
- Welcome to 2020
- Updated year in legalnotice.cpp
- apply http2 qt resend patch from owncloud

Nextcloud 2.6.2
- Revert DEFAULT_REMOTE_POLL_INTERVAL back from 5 seconds to 30 seconds
- Use user-provided username in displayName()
- Fix typo
- Build with libcloudproviders on debian and in the AppImage
- Fix tests for Windows platform
- Merge the list of ignored files/symlinks into one Activity notification.
- Fix clang's variadic macro warnings
- Add libdbus-1-dev to the build dependencies
- Compare QDateTime objects more efficient
- Improve the translation of "Share via …"
- Upgrade for Qt 5.12.5 in docker-ci
- Bump Qt 5.12.5 image
- Add timestamp to Mac installer code signing
- MacOS build: Avoid the Get-Task-Allow Entitlement (Notarization)
- Build for Debian stable and oldstable
- Happy new year
- Fall back to old login flow on GS as this is not yet ready
- [stable-2.6] macOS build: Avoid the Get-Task-Allow Entitlement (Notarization)
- Fix remote wipe keychain storage
- Fix copyright year in for 2019
- Fix macOS GUI (Qt 5.12)
- Windows: Workaround for storing >= 4k (4096 bit) client-cert SSL keys
- Fix Activity List: Add check to avoid first empty entry
- Fix macOS GUI (Qt 5.12) No. 2
- Show date and time in activity log
- Login Flow v2 enhancements
- Activity List: Fix crash and folder opening
- Fix issue #1237: White text on almost-white background
- Heavy refactoring: Windows workaround for >= 4k (4096 bit) client-cert SSL keys and large certs
- Fix date in ActivityWidget and remove unnecessary string conversion

Nextcloud 2.6.1
- Changed max GUI bandwidth limits
- Add sync date next to "Synchronized with local folder"
- Slideshow buttons
- Fix qt warning about registering a URL sheme first.
- Added sync-exclude entry for emacs recovery files
- Race condition in the remote size loading logic
- Review of msvc/gcc warnings -> code cleanup, prevention of implicit casts, variadic macros
- Fix double slashes
- Fixing E2E CSR transmission failure for new connections
- Fixed missing 'translatable' exclusions, added missing window titles
- Checks if exclude file is empty before creating the regular expressions.
- Add server info to menu
- Fixed grammar
- Prevent jumping of tray menu
- Don't run connection wizard when quitting the application
- Avoiding copying in range-based loops
- Add a 'Content-Length: 0' header to initial POST requests
- Remote wipe
- Pick from upstream: Update qtmacgoodies for an OSX crash
- Merge the list of ignored files/symlinks into one Activity notification.
- Update submodules for Qt 5.12.5 (qtmacgoodies)
- Fix duplicate items in Apps menu
- Fix remote wipe when a proxy is configured.
- Fix updater message: Download link instead of "use the system's update

Firefox Developer Edition 74.0b4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 6.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Read-only columns UI was improved (icon + explanation were added)
- Filter text content assistant was significantly improved
- Row count calculation control UI ws fixed
- "Set default value" shortcut was changed
- Ordering in record mode was fixed
- Data change confirmation was fixed
- Plaintext presentation rendering was fixed (extra spaces)
- Numbers native representation mode (no client-side formatting) was added

SQL editor:
- Export from query task was fixed
- Output tab now remains active after query execute
- Auto-commit toggle was fixed (rollback is performed on mode switch)
- Connection initialization was fixed ("Not connected to a  database" bug)
- Column values assistance was added
- Numbers color and font was fixed

ERD viewer:
- Entity/schema diagram "reset" action was added
- "Show views" option handle was fixed
- Connections and drivers:
- Variables support was improved (now all properties may contain variables)
- Maven artifact version resolution was fixed (null version bug)
- External drivers configuration support was added (see wiki)

- Query cancellation was fixed
- Hyperlinks and "Go to object" action were fixed (now they use current database instead of default one)
- Schema privileges were added in DDL
- Indexes read was fixed (redundant primary key constraint was removed)
- Arrays of domain types support was fixed
- Column copy-paste support was added

- Identifiers redundant quotation was fixed
- Column copy-paste support was added

- Default schema detection was fixed
- Double compilation of package was fixed
- PL/SQL parser was improved (case .. when .. end)

- DB2: alter column DDL was fixed (column modifiers were added)

- SQL Server: metadata search was fixed (wrong object types bug)

- AWS Athena: error position highlighting was added

- Sybase: legacy versions (12 and earlier) support was improved
- A lot of minor bugfixes

Lantern 5.8.3 查看版本資訊


DreamMail 查看版本資訊


Postman 7.18.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug where renaming a request re-opened all items in Collections tab of sidebar when a filter was set

Focusky 3.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- 3D background supports dynamic background function, which allows the background image to achieve simple reciprocating animation such as zooming and rotating

- Fix the problem that the video cannot be played in full screen
- Fixed the problem of incorrect repeat setting on the repeat setting of music settings
- Fixed the problem of clicking [Add Text], the cursor in the text input box only existed for one second, and then disappeared. You still need to locate it by yourself
- Fix the problem that the position of 3d graphics is inconsistent during preview and editing
- Fixed the problem that the popup box disappears automatically when the text color is changed in the note
- Fixed the problem of adding subtitles after setting the scale, which would cross the border
- Fixed the issue that the audio cannot be clicked during audio interaction
- Fixed the problem that three-dimensional graphics and editing 3d background, material moving, no ghost appears
- Fixed the issue that decimals will appear when outputting sharpness after setting the scale
- Fixed the problem that clicking on the color picker in the comment edit box would report an error
- Fixed the problem that there is no preview when the group is not moved

Optimization: The display of the scale mask will not display the gray frame when there is no frame

Firefox Developer Edition 74.0b3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
