Java Development Kit (64-bit)

最新版本 Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit)

Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit)

Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit)
Java Development Kit 64 位(也稱為 JDK)包含編譯,調試和運行使用 Java 編程語言編寫的小應用程序和應用程序所需的軟件和工具。 JDK 的主要組件是一組編程工具,包括 javac,jar 和 archiver,它們把相關的類庫打包成一個 JAR 文件。這個工具還有助於管理 JAR 文件,javadoc - 文檔生成器,它自動從源代碼註釋生成文檔,jdb - 調試器,jps - 進程狀態工具,顯示當前 Java 進程的進程信息,javap - 類文件反彙編程序,以及其他很多組件。

JDK 64 位還附帶了一個完整的 Java 運行時環境,通常稱為私有運行時。它由 Java 虛擬機和生產環境中存在的所有類庫以及僅對開發人員有用的附加庫(例如國際化庫和 IDL 庫)組成。下載 Java 開發工具包離線安裝程序安裝 64bit for Windows

JDK 內容:

(在 bin / 子目錄中)將幫助您開發,執行,調試和編寫用 JavaTM 編程語言編寫的程序的工具和實用程序。

Runtime Environment
(在 jre / 子目錄中)供 JDK 使用的 Java 運行時環境(JRE)的實現。 JRE 包括一個 Java 虛擬機(JVM),類庫和其他支持執行用 Java 編程語言編寫的程序的文件.

(在 lib / 子目錄中)開發工具需要的附加類庫和支持文件.

Demo 小應用程序和應用程序
(在演示 / 子目錄中)Java 平台編程的示例,包括源代碼。這些包括使用 Swing 和其他 Java 基礎類的示例,以及 Java 平台調試器體系結構.

(在示例子目錄中)帶有源代碼的樣本,用於某些 Java API 的編程。

C 頭文件
(在 include / 子目錄中)支持使用 Java 本地接口,JVM 工具接口和 Java 平台的其他功能進行本地代碼編程的頭文件。下載 Java 開發工具包離線安裝程序安裝程序 64bit for Windows

(在 中)構成 Java 核心 API 的所有類的 Java 編程語言源文件(即 java。*,javax。* 和某些 org 的源文件。* 包,但不包括 com.sun。* 包)。此源代碼僅供參考,旨在幫助開發人員學習和使用 Java 編程語言。這些文件不包括平台特定的實現代碼,不能用於重建類庫。要提取這些文件,請使用任何常用的 zip 實用程序。或者,您可以在 JDK 的 bin / 目錄中使用 Jar 實用程序:jar xvf

也可以:下載適用於 Mac

的 Java Development Kit


檔案版本 Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 jdk-19_windows-x64_bin.exe
系統 Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Oracle
更新日期 2023-01-20

What's new in this version:

- DK 19.0.2 contains IANA time zone data 2022d, 2022e, 2022f
- Palestine transitions are now Saturdays at 02:00
- Simplify three Ukraine zones into one
- Jordan and Syria switch from +02/+03 with DST to year-round +03
- Mexico will no longer observe DST except near the US border
- Chihuahua moves to year-round -06 on 2022-10-30
- Fiji no longer observes DST
- Move links to 'backward'
- In vanguard form, GMT is now a Zone and Etc/GMT a link
- Zic now supports links to links, and vanguard form uses this
- Simplify four Ontario zones
- Fix a Y2438 bug when reading TZif data
- Enable 64-bit time_t on 32-bit glibc platforms
- Omit large-file support when no longer needed
- In C code, use some C23 features if available
- Remove no-longer-needed workaround for Qt bug 53071

New Features:
- Security-libs/
- ➜ DTLS Resumption Uses HelloVerifyRequest Messages (JDK-8287411 (not public))
- With this fix the SunJSSE DTLS implementation will by default exchange cookies for all handshakes (new and resumed) unless the System property jdk.tls.enableDtlsResumeCookie is false. The property only affects the cookie exchange for resumption.

Other Notes:
- Javafx/fxml
- ➜ FXML JavaScript Engine Disabled by Default (JDK-8294779 (not public))
- The “JavaScript script engine” for FXML is now disabled by default. Any .fxml file that has a "javascript" Processing Instruction (PI) will no longer load by default, and an exception will be thrown.
- If the JDK has a JavaScript script engine, it can be enabled by setting the system property: -Djavafx.allowjs=true

- This release also contains fixes for security vulnerabilities described in the Oracle Critical Patch Update

Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Consolidated JDK 19 Release Notes

Java™ SE Development Kit 19.0.2 (JDK 19.0.2). January 17, 2023. The full ... Enable 64-bit time_t on 32-bit glibc platforms. Omit large-file support when no ...

Download JDK 19 and Install on Windows 10 (64-bit)

2023年1月20日 — To download Java for Windows, visit the official website of Oracle Download JDK 19 for Windows 64-bit, go to 'Java SE Development Kit 19.0.1 ...

Downloading Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit) from

The basic tool you need in order to create apps in Java · Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit) · Key details about this download.

How to install Java JDK 19.0.2 and Eclipse IDE 2022-12 on ...

Java 19(19.0.2)详细安装教程——jdk安装原创

2023年2月21日 — 以windows系统为例。 找到java19 ->windows ->x64 Installer点击网址下载. 2、打开下载的文件.

Java Downloads

JDK Development Kit 21.0.2 downloads. JDK 21 binaries are free to use in production and free to redistribute, at no cost, under the Oracle No-Fee Terms and ...

Java SE 19 Archive Downloads

Linux x64 RPM Package, 161.63 MB. (sha256). macOS Arm 64 Compressed Archive, 175.67 MB.

Java SE JDK 19.0.2 Download Free

2023年1月18日 — Download Java - Java SE lets you develop and deploy Java applications on desktops and servers. Java offers the rich user interface, ...

Java™ SE Development Kit 19, 19.0.2 Release Notes

Java™ SE Development Kit 19.0.2 (JDK 19.0.2). January 17, 2023. The full version string for this update release is 19.0.2+7 (where + means build). ... Enable 64-bit time_t on 32-bit glibc platforms. O...

JDK 19 Releases - JDK Builds from Oracle

JDK 19 has been superseded. Please visit for the current version. Older releases, which do not include the most up to date security vulnerability ...