Cocos Creator 歷史版本列表 Page16

最新版本 Cocos Creator 3.8.1

Cocos Creator 歷史版本列表

Cocos Creator 是一個完整的遊戲開發工具包和工作流程,包括一個遊戲引擎(基於 Cocos2d-x),資源管理,場景編輯,遊戲預覽,調試和發布一個項目到多個平台. 我們首次引入了實體 - 組件結構和數據驅動的工作流程到 Cocos2d- x 系列。使用 JavaScript,您可以立即編寫組件腳本。編輯器和引擎擴展也是使用 JavaScript 編寫的,因此您可以用一種編程語言製作遊戲並... Cocos Creator 軟體介紹

Steganos Password Manager 19.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Steganos Password Manager 19.0.1
- Change log not available for this version

Steganos Password Manager 19.0.0
- Two-factor authentication for your keychains (supports Authy, Google Authenticator and more)
- Directly access your Private Favorites through the browser plugins in Chrome & Firefox
- Backup Assistent to support you in case of keychain problems
- Mobile keychain access with your fingerprint - now on Android too
- Convenient password import from Google Chrome

Cocos Creator 1.10.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Greatly optimize the size of the settings.js file after the release
- Added script subcontracting settings in the property inspector for the folder
- Allow each project to set a custom engine separately
- Add a node lock function in the hierarchy manager. When the mouse is moved to the node, there will be a lock button on the left side. After the node is locked, the node cannot be selected in the scene editor.
- Added an “Optimization Policy” option in the Property inspector of the Prefab resource file to optimize Prefab creation time. See [Prefabricated Resources: Setting Optimization Strategies] (设置�% 3 BC%98%E5%8C%96%E7%AD%96%E7%95%A5)
- Optimize the main menu under Windows
- Add auto-refresh to the list of scenes in the build panel
- When publishing to the native platform, it also supports adding MD5 to file naming for hot update
- Script compilation will automatically skip all .d.ts files to avoid TypeScript error reporting
- The Console panel adds a Clear on Play option to automatically clear the log before the game previews
- Adjust the text font and color of the Console panel
- Added search option button in the search bar of the hierarchy manager and explorer
- Added plugin management feature in the plugin store
- Allow changes to custom control icons in the control library
- Resource Manager adds recognition of aac and pcm extension audio files
- Supports direct search of compressed uuid format when Explorer searches for uuid
- Allow the right mouse button to drag and drop the timeline of the Timeline editor
- Added exit menu on Dashboard’s system tray icon

- Support game script subcontract loading, see [Code Subcontract Loading]
- The align mode attribute is added to the Widget component. When set to ON_WINDOWS_RESIZE, it will be automatically refreshed when the window size changes.
- Official support for [text] and [JSON]  Loading of resource types
- The native platform adds [cc.sys.getBatteryLevel] and cc.sys.getNetworkType 1 interface for getting device power and network status
- When the native platform is hot updated, it will actively delete the old version of the resource file.
- VideoPlayer adds volume adjustment and mute function
- Added DragonBones native platform binding interface getSlots, replaceSlotDisplay and (thanks @feijing566)
- TiledMap supports rendering and cropping of ortho maps in any direction on the web platform
- Layout component will only typeset active nodes
- Retina rendering enabled by default on Android UC browser
- Enable Webgl on UC browser version 11 or higher
- Increased recognition of UCBS browsers
- Gravity sensing is adjusted to only get when the developer has a registration event

Bug Fixes:
- [Editor] Fixes the settings when setting SpriteFrame in the collection
- [Editor] Fix simulator configuration save related issues
- [Editor] Fixed an issue where the error message output from the emulator to the console was displayed in white
- [Editor] Fix the error when the resource export tool encountered the same parent folder name
- [Editor] Fixed an issue where copying the automatically synchronized Prefab subnode under the editor may be wrong
- [Editor] fixes the problem that the fragment texture in the automatic map set will be reported incorrectly if it is directly referenced by other resources
- [Editor] Fixed plugin script not correctly parsing CC_WECHATGAME and CC_QQPLAY keywords
- [Engine] Fixed an issue where the animation may not stop playing when the scene is switched or the node is destroyed
- [Engine] [Wechat] Fix some versions of WeChat games to get the problem of each frame interval
- [Engine] [Wechat] Fix RenderTexture related issues on Android WeChat games
- [Engine] [QQPlay] Fix QQ Play and play resources will be downloaded repeatedly
- [Engine] Fixed an issue where the slider of the Slider component might not be right when dragged
- [Engine] Fixed an issue where the audio load event could be triggered repeatedly
- [Engine] Fixed a problem where the user changed the level while dectivating the node without any error
- [Engine] Fix issues that WebView can’t hide in Safari browser on some platforms (iOS 9/10 or Mac)
- [Engine] Fixed native platform BMFont rendering pitch problem
- [Engine] Fixed an issue where the button’s touch area would be offset when Canvas was unchecked Fit Width and Fit Height

Upgrade Android SDK:
- Starting with v1.10, the API Level in the Android build panel specifies the minimum Android version supported by the compiled apk. targetSdkVersion, compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion have all been upgraded to 26. If the developer has other needs, you can manually modify and

- Removed support for Eclipse and Ant build Android platform
- Removed support from Chipmunk
- Removed cc.loader.loadRes to directly load the support of the child SpriteFrame in the collection. Please load the atlas first and then call atlas.getSpriteFrame(name)

- Since v1.10.0, Texture2D.releaseTexture is no longer recommended, please use Texture2D.destroy instead
- As of v1.8.2, cc.eventManager is no longer recommended. Use cc.EventTarget or cc.systemEvent instead. The original API will be removed in 2.0
- As of v1.8.2, cc.inputManager is no longer recommended. Replace it with the same interface of cc.systemEvent. The original API will be removed in 2.0
- Since v1.8.2, dragonBones.CCFactory.getFactory is no longer recommended. Use dragonBones.CCFactory.getInstance instead. The original API will be removed in 2.0

Known issues:
- When copying and pasting a resource in Explorer, the resource property will not be copied. (Since 1.9.0)
- Android native platform does not support playing remote video

ImageGlass 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Zoom Mode: standardize all the zoom functions and group into modes: Auto Zoom (Default) Ctrl+A,  Scale to Width Ctrl+W, Scale to Height Ctrl+H, Scale to Fit Ctrl+`, Lock Zoom ratio Ctrl+L
- Reload Image: will freshly reload the viewing image without using cache Ctrl + F5
- Option to hide the thumbnail bar scrollbar
- File / folder shortcuts are now supported drag-n-drop
- Option to preserve mod date on edit

- Updated Magick.NET to v7.5.0.1
- Upgrade to DotNetZip v1.11 to fix CVE-2018-1002205 (zip slip)
- Changed ToolbarButtons string format in config file / registry
- Grid Cell Size of checkered background now supports high DPI
- Delay thumbnailbar update until all thumbnail items loaded
- First Launch Configurations screen: Design mode layout will no longer change the toolbar buttons
- Theme improvement: Apply theme color to checkered background grid, apply theme color to Context menu and Main menu

- Fixed several issues about real-time file change detection
- Memory leak issue for some certain image files due to ImageListViewCacheMetadata of thumbnail bar component
- Infinite loop of First Launch Configuration
- Cannot disable the option Save the viewing image after rotating
- Window state reset when dragging title bar to restore normal state from maximize state
- Color picker unexpected/undesired positioning
- Settings: Edit button and Delete button are disabled due to removing Check style of listview in v5.1
- Auto Check for Update will not run if date format is incorrect
- Write wrong key config igVersion
- Problems with Desktop Background: Mapped drive
- Problem with Desktop Background: jpg images don't work
- Switching away from 'large' .GIF files causes program to hang
- File extensions such as .h,.c,.md would be included on loading files
- GIF menu entries in right-click menu often disable for a multi-frame GIF
- Prev/Next menu shortcuts displaying wrong Page up/down keys

Cocos Creator 1.9.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Animation editor:
- Fix where the data may be incomplete when the animation editor saves the animation
- Fix where directly editing the texture animation will report an error
- Fixed an issue where the animation editor could not add width and height properties under size

WeChat game:
- Fixed an issue where only a single audio can be played on WeChat games and the number of audio plays is limited
- Fix that WeChat mini game audio can’t stop
- Fix gravity sensing direction and wrong value in Android WeChat game
- Fix not being able to submit a TypedArray format texture in WeChat games
- Fix that the frame rate is abnormal on the old WeChat
- Improve WeChat mini game video playback support
- Downward compatible with WeChat games 1.7.4 version base library

QQ Play:
- Fix only play a single audio and the number of audio playback is limited
- Fix unable to operate the engine object during the game loading process
- Fix particle play card dead problem
- Fix a semi-transparent text will be rendered into a black question

- Fixing DragonBones’ repeated assignment of bones on native platforms can cause crashes
- Fix manually clearing the texture data of Dragon DragonBones

- Fix text box for Web and Android platform Input Flag is invalid
- Fix Label rendering related issues
- Fix’s EVENT_HIDE and EVNET_SHOW callbacks may be called multiple times

Cocos Creator 1.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Integrated Facebook Instant Games SDK and game templates, allowing users to quickly integrate features of Facebook Instant Games
- A one-click packaging process in the Cocos Creator Build Panel. Games can be packaged directly into Facebook Instant Games
- Developers only need to do a few simple steps. Cocos Creator handles all the technical aspects, you just need to code your game

Cocos Creator 1.8.1 查看版本資訊


Cocos Creator 1.7.2 查看版本資訊


Cocos Creator 1.7.0 查看版本資訊


Cocos Creator 1.6.2 查看版本資訊


Cocos Creator 1.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Editor] Fixed the problem that the editor does not open normally when a script error occurs
- [Editor] Fixed an issue that the script information was retrieved incorrectly from the asset IPC message
- [Editor] Fixed scripts for previews may conflict with npm third-party library script if share the same name
- [Editor] Fixed a problem when the resource was not loaded at the zip package when the resource was not prompted
- [Prefab] Fix auto sync prefab coordinates failed to be saved in scene issue
- [Extension] [Breaking] Fix the problem in the scene-script module can not be loaded in the project, please use cc.require
- [Properties] Fixed in the switching node active property, there will be a period of time active values can not show the problem
- [Properties] Fixed a problem where some of the attribute values were lost during bulk copy
- [Build] upgrade Android Studio Gradle build the version of the plug-in to 2.3.0, you can see in the compilation phase more detailed compilation information
- [Engine] Fixed in WebGL mode when cc.Graphics is filled with multiple shapes, the previously filled color will change
- [Engine] Fixed on iOS double-tap home to drop application crashes
- [Engine] Fixed prefab instantiate takes longer in v1.6 issue
- [Engine] Fixed the potential crash of the network module
- [Engine] Fixed load remote map, url with a query will cause the map to cover each other bug
- [Engine] Fixed sorting algorithm causes repeated allocation of Uint8Array and a memory leak problem
- [Engine] Fixed cc.loader loading-items may not be properly unregistered problem
- [Engine] Repair scene resources are automatically released when the resident node may still release the problem of resources
- [Action] Fix the clone, reverse method of the BaseJSAction class Return value incorrectly
- [TypeScript] Fixed bugs that some TypeScript classes could not deserialize after inheriting each other
- [TypeScript] Fix the problem that the TypeScript default value may be wrong after the build
- [TypeScript] No longer need to repeat the default value of the specified property in the decorator
- [JSB] Fixed error of the EditBox when the JS delegate object is reclaimed
- [Label] Fixed the problem that the node size has not changed after the assignment is premature when the label is created
- [Label] Fixed the dynamic setting of the TTF type font will cause the outline to be missing
- [Label] Fixed repeatedly creating Label will cause the font to display wrongly
- [Animation] Fixed the problem when the animationClip is added repeatedly
- [RichText] Enables the tag to support setting height and width, but maintains the basic principle “The image height does not exceed the set line height”
- [WebView] supports setJavascriptInterfaceScheme and setOnJSCallback (only used in Android with iOS)
- [WebView] Fixes events in the WebView that are also triggered in the editor environment
- [Layout] Fixed issue when toggle active of Layout node will not refresh the child node location
- [Camera] Fixed some of the camera target will lead to undefined reference
- [Spine] Fixed Spine event callback may occur if the conversion event data fails
- [DragonBones] repair DragonBones in the original platform to remove the problem
- [Tiledmap] Open the DepthTest for CCSGTMXLayer alone, solve the problem of wrong depth of tiles