Xshell Free 歷史版本列表 Page11

最新版本 Xshell Free 7.0 Build 0151

Xshell Free 歷史版本列表

Xshell Free 是一款功能強大的 Windows PC 終端仿真器,支持 SSH,SFTP,TELNET,RLOGIN 和 SERIAL。它提供業界領先的性能和功能集,而這些功能集在其免費選擇中不可用。企業用戶將會發現有用的功能包括選項卡式環境,動態端口轉發,自定義鍵映射,用戶自定義按鈕,VB 腳本和用於顯示 2 字節字符和國際語言支持的 UNICODE 終端。 Xshell 免費供家庭和... Xshell Free 軟體介紹

OpenCV 4.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DNN module:

Performance improvements:
- AVX512 SIMD backend for wide universal intrinsics (w.u.i.)
- More optimizations using wide universal intrinsics

Android support:
- Added CameraActivity utility class to automate Camera permission handling on Android
- Changed default C++ runtime: c++_static -> c++_shared
- Unified code for frame size selection between JavaCamera2View / JavaCameraView

And many other great patches from OpenCV community:
- Added IPPE method for planar pose estimation in solvePnP ( https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/14362 )
- Added solvePnPRefineLM and solvePnPRefineVVS ( https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/14431 )
- Logging revamp ( https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/13909 by @kinchungwong )
- opencv_contrib: Tracking-by-Matching approach
- opencv_contrib: added AR samples into ovis module

Breaking changes:
- solveP3P, solvePnP and solvePnPGeneric return result in double precision unless the parameters are not empty

reWASD 查看版本資訊


Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0125 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Ability to use XFTP as the protocol for drag/dropping of files
- Experimental Features
- OpenSSH CA Support (Experimental Feature)
- Real Windows CMD Support (Experimental Feature)
- Recent Sessions List (Experimental Feature)
- Remote command of the SSH protocol

- Improvements to the Local Shell's ssh command's parameter values (help ssh)
- Removed character limit for Keyboard Interactive fields
- Xshell checks for write permissions when changing data folder path

- Added Ctrl+U(=Ctrl+Home) key values as kill signals
- Highlights of regular expressions no applying to certain strings
- Host name not recognized when connecting from the Local Shell
- Program does not recognize educational product numbers
- Quick commands are mistakenly shown in simple view mode
- Reconnect feature not functioning after disconnecting from a SERIAL connection.
- The Tab Menu's Show Status Icon option does not remain checked
- The user key option (-i) is only applied when opening a new window
- Unable to re-add forwarding rules that were once removed from the Tunneling Pan

reWASD 查看版本資訊


OpenCV 4.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DNN module:
- Reduced peak memory consumption for some models up to 30%
- Inference Engine
- Inference Engine 2018R3 is now a minimal supported version of IE
- Myriad X (Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2) is now supported and tested
- Automatic IR network reshaping for different inputs
- Improved samples to work with models from OpenVINO Open Model Zoo
- New networks from TensorFlow Object Detection API: Faster-RCNNs, SSDs and Mask-RCNN with dilated convolutions, FPN SSD

Performance improvements:
- More optimization using AVX2 instruction set
- Automatic runtime dispatching is available for large set of functions from core and imgproc modules

Android support:
- VideoCapture C++ interface supports Android Media NDK (21+) video I/O file capture back-end

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0121 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Ability to import Putty Private Keys
- License Manager(nsregister.exe)
- Support for ANSI, UTF-8, and UTF-16 as logging file formats

- Login script not functioning in SFTP sessions
- Python scripts in the installation folder unable to execute due to a permission issue
- Resource clean up related to installation package
- Terminating Xshell while a Python script is running causes a crash
- Unable to open log files if a separate user defined text editor has been specified

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0118 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FIX: Crash while logging
- FIX: Crash when using disallowed font size

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0115 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Crash when creating a private key in some languages

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0114 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher
- Ability to synchronize session and host name when creating or editing a session
- Added key mappings to enable/disable "Send Key Input to All Sessions" for the current tab

- Can choose whether or not to save when creating instant tunneling

- A session's command prompt string is displayed after exiting to the Local Shell
- Background color of highlights being applied incorrectly
- CLS (Clear Screen) command not working in the Local Shell
- Calling Xshell from the Local Shell initializes a previous version
- Changes to the VT mode option not sticking when editing multiple sessions
- Crash when closing multiple tabs in a Russian environment
- Crash when printing host key's RandomArt
- Error messages related to failed authentications
- Highlight previews not displaying properly in certain languages
- Local Shell Prompt apeears when using the reconnect command to reconnect to a SERIAL session
- Name validation not occurring when adding a search engine or when saving a layout
- Not connecting to the default port when the Adress Bar's protocol is set to FTP
- Offline activation explanation resources
- Resource cleanup related to CSV imports
- Session file disappears from the Session Manager when changing the file name's capitalization
- Some sessions open in different windows when opening multiple sessions simultaneously
- Unable to run software after upgrading from a free/evaluation license to a paid license
- Unable to send a new line character(n) with a Quick Button.
- When ending a Named Pipe Serial connection, the dialog box prompt does not display the session name

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0111 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Ability to check connection status of Serial communications mid-connection
- FTP is now an available protocol for new sessions
- Tunneling rule import/export has been added to the Sessions Properties

- Able to modify the default session port number
- New line character for the Local Shell changed from LF to CR+LF

- Case Sensitive option is ignored when using Regular Expressions in the Find Dialog Box
- Font settings not saved when editing multiple sessions
- Some menu items not displayed in the Status Bar when hovering over them
- Status bar contents are cut off or not displayed properly