Xshell Free 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 Xshell Free 7.0 Build 0151

Xshell Free 歷史版本列表

Xshell Free 是一款功能強大的 Windows PC 終端仿真器,支持 SSH,SFTP,TELNET,RLOGIN 和 SERIAL。它提供業界領先的性能和功能集,而這些功能集在其免費選擇中不可用。企業用戶將會發現有用的功能包括選項卡式環境,動態端口轉發,自定義鍵映射,用戶自定義按鈕,VB 腳本和用於顯示 2 字節字符和國際語言支持的 UNICODE 終端。 Xshell 免費供家庭和... Xshell Free 軟體介紹

Corsair Utility Engine - iCUE 3.28.75 查看版本資訊


PortraitPro 19.7.1 查看版本資訊


Corsair Utility Engine - iCUE 3.28.70 查看版本資訊


OpenCV 4.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Spring update for OpenCV 4.x has been released
- G-API module: TBD

Performance improvements:
- IPP-ICV library with CPU optimizations has been updated to version 2020.0.0 Gold
- SIMD intrinsics: integral, resize, (opencv_contrib) RLOF implementation-

- (opencv_contrib) Computer Vision based Alpha Matting (GSoC 2019)
- calib3d: findChessboardCornersSB improvements
- calib3d: updated documentation for RT matrices
- core: improved getNumberOfCPUs()
- imgproc: new algorithm HOUGH_GRADIENT_ALT is added to HoughCircles() function #16561. It has much better recall and precision
- imgcodecs: added initial support for OpenJPEG library (version 2+)
- highgui(Qt): added Copy to clipboard
- dnn: TensorFlow, Darknet and ONNX importers improvements by @ashishkrshrivastava: PRs
- (opencv_contrib) added rapid module for silhouette based 3D object tracking
- (opencv_contrib) SIFT detector is enabled by default due patents expiration (without requirement of NONFREE build option)
- help materials: OpenCV Cheat Sheet in Python

OpenCV 3.4.10 查看版本資訊


Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0193 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix: Activation Issue

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0192 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash when Xshell is called from Xftp
- Sending strings via a quick command button causes a buffer overflow issue

reWASD 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Map Gyro to mouse, keyboard or virtual gamepad controls
- Use various Commands in addition to mappings
- Try reWASD magic on Google Stadia controller
- Choose the theme for the devices in the main window
- Let reWASD turn wireless gamepad off if it is not active
- Use Detection mode to recognize a certain device if it is not clear what it is
- Add Gamepad mappings for Nintendo Capture/Home, DualShock PS/TouchPad click
- Get analog input while swapping virtual triggers and sticks
- Adjust the press time for the hotkeys used for slot switching
- Check various optimizations while importing, adjusting and applying configs
- Enjoy the new design of the tray agent icon
- Use Xbox button in Shortcuts

- If a virtual controller is applied to any slot, it works for all (even empty) slots
- If both Xbox 360 and DS4 virtual controllers are applied to different slots of a single device or a group, only the last one is active for all slots
- It is impossible to map a combo that starts from a pause to the Shortcut
- In Keyboard subconfig, a key is not hooked in the list of keys a user may remap until this list is manually focused
- If a peripheral device was not initialized properly, after correct re-initialization, it is not possible to apply a config to the group of devices including this one before the agent restart
- Custom Mouse sensitivity slider is not shown if the mapped mouse is inverted
- Battery icon updates its status only on Apply or when the new device is connected/disconnected but doesn’t update when reWASD is idle
- Slot 1 is shown in the main window during a few seconds if a config is applied to Slot 2-4 via Autodetect
- If there is a hotkey that includes two buttons only and those buttons are used in another hotkey too, it is impossible to switch to the slot with this 3-button hotkey
- Temporary “Not responding” status for the update screen if a user clicks on the screen while the new version is downloading
- Default config replaces the custom one with the same name during the update
- The recommendation to unmap a keyboard/mouse buttons appears even if it is already unmapped
- It is impossible to switch remap off for DS4 controller connected via Bluetooth if it is also connected via USB without being previously unpaired

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0191 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Escape character issues with Quick Command Button strings
- GSSAPI authentication issues in Build 0183
- Verify CA key Error message when using OpenSSH CA(Certificate Authority) & the terminal based authentication

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0189 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Authentication information not displaying in nsregister
- Changed the DLL search path to circumvent possible DLL hijacking
- ESC key not functioning in the session close confirmation window
- Emoji characters not displaying
- Tab closes even if the tab close button is not pressed
- Xshell fails to deliver authentication information when calling Xftp from an Xagent authenticated session