Unity 歷史版本列表 Page41

最新版本 DrawPile 2.2.1

Unity 歷史版本列表

Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲... Unity 軟體介紹

Duplicate Photo Cleaner 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Revamped scanning engine
- New UI
- Support for Windows 11 and the latest MacOS versions
- Fixes and improvements

Ultracopier (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add option to change interface margin/spacing, Fix checkbox os native copy

Unity 2021.1.17 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Android: Added more complete support for running Android apps on the Chrome OS platform. These changes enable building and running Android on x86 and x86-64 CPUs, now officially supported on Chrome OS devices. These changes also include input-related improvements for Chrome OS.
- Shaders: Added support for specifying package requirements for SubShaders and Passes to ShaderLab.
- Version Control: - Plastic: Added support for inviting other members. This option is available from the gear / settings icon.
- Plastic: Added support for signing in with Cloud Edition. This is available during the onboarding screen if you have never signed in.
- Plastic: Added support for turning off Plastic in their project. This option removes the Plastic metadata from your directory. This option is available under Assets > Plastic SCM > Turn off Plastic SCM
- Plastic: Added notification on the Plastic SCM tab title to indicate incoming changes. Users will no longer need to have the Plastic SCM window visible to know there are incoming changes.
- Plastic: Auto configuration of SSO
- Plastic: Added date column in incoming changes

- Android: Add property PlayerSettings.Android.optimizedFramePacing API
- Android: Bump Android Logcat package to 1.2.3
- Graphics: Improve Line/TrailRenderer quality when points are close together
- Graphics: Improvements to scene culling CPU performance - Shadow casters are rejected earlier if their shadow casting is disabled which should improve performance in scenes with scenes with lots of renderable objects that are set to not cast shadows
- Graphics: VFX : Optimization while sending event to a VisualEffect by script
- iOS: Improve logging in iOS automation: clarify existing log messages and add new ones.
- Networking: UnityWebRequest now supports gzip compression on Windows
- Package: Update Addressables to 1.18.9 and SBP to 1.19.0
- Physics: Overhauled the articulation gizmos to have better functionality and to better match other Unity gizmos' style
- Version Control: - Stability and performance improvements
- WebGL: Improved network bandwidth usage of VideoPlayer.Stop() API in WebGL builds by stopping the video stream from downloading further

API Changes:
- Asset Pipeline: Added: Added AssetDatabase.SaveAssetIfDirty() to save individual assets if required
- Services: Added: Added new com.unity.services.core package that is used for common behaviour of Game Service packages

- 2D: Tile.StartUp is called after Tilemap is loaded instead of on the first Update after Tilemap is loaded
- iOS: Use Shell.ExecuteProgramAndGetStdout for process handling in iOS automation code
- Shadergraph: Only ShaderGraph keywords count towards the shader permutation variant limit, SubGraph keywords do not.
- Version Control: ### Changed
- Updating license to better conform with expected customer usage
- Updated documentation file to meet standards
- Updated third-party usage
- No longer requires downloading of the full Plastic client. Basic features will work without additional installation. Features that require the full Plastic client will allow download and install as needed.
- Usability improvements around checking in code
- Improved update workspace tab UX
- Plastic SCM context menu is now available even if the Plastic SCM window is closed
- XR: Updated XR Legacy Input Helpers to 2.1.8.

- 2D: Fixed an issue where OnDrawGizmos was not being called for Tile Palette when Draw Gizmos are enabled
- 2D: Fixed an issue with setting a Spritesheet with padding between Sprites on a Tile Palette had a positional offset when there should not be one.
- 2D: Prevent instantiation of GameObjects from Tiles directly onto a prefab
- AI: Fixed crash caused by the NavMesh builder code that occurred in very rare and specific configurations of the world geometry
- Android: Fixed a crash caused by uncaught "java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already had a parent" that mainly affects Android 7.x
- Android: Fixed an issue in fast swipes where Begin touch event would report starting touch position and End touch event would report deltaPosition and deltaTime since previous event
- Android: Fixed issue where Android orientation could not be changed via scripts
- Burst: Added [Preserve] attribute to prevent stripping a compiler service call
- Burst: Additional notes about BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer<T> regarding ; avoid wrapping in another open generic method, and interoperability with IL2CPP.
- Burst: Fixed a Burst package warning in the editor compiler integration with respect to BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode.
- Burst: Fixed a regression that caused eager-compilation at Editor startup to be slower than it should have been.
- Burst: Fixed an error that could occur with the form "System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find burst.initialize function in library 'SomeLibrary'".
- Burst: Fixed an incorrect compiler error that could occur when casting a pointer to a generic type and then calling a method with generic parameters.
- Burst: Fixed an incorrect runtime behavior that could occur when casting a pointer to a generic type.
- Burst: Fixed an issue where stackalloc's could be wrongly hoisted out of loops.
- Burst: Fixed an issue where the Burst Inspector would not remembers scroll position between domain reloads.
- Burst: Fixed an issue where tvOS/iOS and other statically linked platforms would fail to burst compile if the burst compiled code contained references to functions that were [DllImport("__Internal")], due to a mismatch in calling convention.
- Editor: Fixed a crash in ReorderableList while ensuring a valid array SerializedProperty
- Editor: Fixed a cursor lock and hide when entering playmode
- Editor: Fixed a slow Editor startup time issue when ShaderCache/EditorEncounteredVariants has grown too large. This also prevents it from growing too much
- Editor: Fixed an issue to avoid asserts when the gradient editor was opened
- Editor: Fixed an issue where Inspector was ignoring NonReorderable attribute when a class implementing it was assigned to an interface or other abstract field
- Editor: Fixed an issue where lists inside lists were not rendering elements after interaction
- Editor: Fixed an issue where NonReorderable attribute was being ignored on derived class variables
- Editor: Fixed an issue where ReorderableLists was not being able to expand while in inspector debug mode
- Editor: Fixed an issue where saving a project from the "Learn" section of the Hub would crash the Windows Editor
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the Device Simulator ignored the Android Player setting Render outside safe area
- Editor: Fixed the beeping issue on keyboard input for input fields in mac editor playmode
- GI: Fixed a crash when baking with Enlighten on a system with more than 64 threads
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of Marshal.Offset so that it properly accounts for the alignment requirements of fields that occur after a struct field
- IL2CPP: Fixed a memory corruption issue when a generic field was of type which had an explicit layout, and the generic type had another type with explicit layout as a field
- IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where a required System.Uri constructor was being stripped in Medium or High stripping modes
- IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where unaligned reads and writes where imporperly handled in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll assembly (among others) on ARMv7
- Linux: Fixed an issue where adding a new shortcut profile would crash the Editor
- Mono: Fixed a hang when entering playmode after calling into managed code from native thread
- Mono: Fixed random crash in mono_thread_get_undeniable_exception
- Nintendo Switch: Fixed a shader precision issue that could cause artifacts in Terrain rendering
- Particles: Fixed a fog issue in all blend modes of the Standard Unlit shader
- Physics: Fix a crash in "PhysicsScene2D::Updat
- Physics: Fixed an Clamp ArticulationBody mass issue when loading data from disk was not within the valid range for the physics engine
- Scripting: Fixed a crash in UnityLinker while processing the assembly override version of UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll
- Scripting: Fixed a player crash because data was not generated for in
- The generation failed because of path having single quote, and we did not handle that well
- Scripting: Fixed a runtime crashes due to TypeConverter classes was missing their default constructor
- Scripting: Fixed an AssemblyResolutionException from il2cpp about netstandard that could occur when an assembly contained SecurityPermission attributes
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where "GetResponseStream() errors when using CopyTo() method"
- Shadergraph: Fixed a Procedural Virtual Texture compatibility issue with SRP Batcher
- Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where SubGraph keywords would not be deduplicate before counting towards the permutation limit
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where DIRECTIONAL was being defined to nothing when no other light type was defined
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where line directives sometimes erroneously skipped in output by the caching preprocessor
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where Shaders were not reimported correctly when include directives are affected by shader keywords
- UI: Reverting change that caused highlight to take precedence over selected
- UI Toolkit: Changed Image scale mode to the more intuitive default, being ScaleMode.ScaleToFit instead of ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop. Changing scale mode will also trigger a repaint
- Windows: Fixed an issue where the stack tracing code did not work even when excessively long mono method signatures were in the callstack
- XR: Fixed an issue were the Splash screen did not sends correct zNear and zFar values to XRDisplaySystem
- XR: [OpenXR] Fixed an issue for a Editor memory leak when HMD was in idle state

Windows Repair 4.11.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated default registry and file permissions for Windows 10 as of Aug 12th 2021

Topaz Sharpen AI 3.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added preference to disable downloading models
- Additionally, less devices will need to download any models in the first place
Preferences dialog now scrolls if there isn’t enough room to display it, and has collapsible - sections

- Fixed masking brush stroke being interrupted disappearing temporarily when the preview updates
Fixed several issues happening after deleting a non-selected image while the first image is - selected
- Fixed removing all images not de-selecting those images
Performance fixes for certain intel iGPUs on windows, GPUs on mac 10.14 and older, 2GB GPUs on - Mac 10.15 and higher and on windows 10
- Fixed DLL errors appearing on Windows 7

Topaz Sharpen AI 3.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Major Changes:
- Added shortcuts to all masking related actions
- Made masking brush show changes live
- Made masking brush in subtraction mode remove the overlay/sharpened area live
- Overlay is now always shown while making brush strokes
- Overlay color is now configurable
- Side panel sections can now be collapsed
- Motion blur very blurry and Too soft very blurry models got updated
- Added new status to status indicator for downloading optimized models
- File list got redesigned to be cleaner and smaller
- Added better handling for RAW color support
- Option defaulted to true in preferences
- Currently does not get saved to DNG output
- Added auto lens correction using lensfun database (can be disabled in preferences)

- Warning dialogs no longer open when running in silent plugin mode
- Total progress bar hides when processing completes
- Improved ETA display
- Add borders to various menus
- Moved update preview button when in manual update mode to bottom of side panel
- Clicking the manual update preview button while the preview is being updating will cancel the action
- Made the navigation window bigger, removing undo/redo buttons (you can still use those functions from the edit menu or via shortcuts)
- Added indicators to view and zoom menus for the current selection
- Disable the “Show Original Image” menu item when in split view
- Using the mouse wheel to change zoom levels is enabled in mask mode again
- Added shortcuts to zoom in and out using + and - keys
- Added support for metadata from CR3/HEIC images
- Closing the file saving view resets the application title bar
- Updated Motion Blur tutorial to reference changes to the program

- Fixed DPI issues for DNG/PNG/TIFF
- Fix alpha channel being ignored in 4-channel DNGs
- Fixed crash when loading 4-channel TIFF files
- Fixed saving to TIFF/DNG crashing on certain tags
- Fixed scrolling horizontally causing the preview to re-process
- Fixed save as dialog silently defaulting to previous selection
- Fixed entering mask mode automatically running the detect objects process
- Fixed images failing to save when zoomed far out
- Fixed some situations causing old images to still appear after switching images
- Fixed first stroke in mask mode not being undo-able
- Fixed a couple icons appearing low resolution
- Using Preserve Source Format with batch processing no longer saves non-JPEG images as JPEG

Unity 2021.1.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Android: Users can include custom asset packs into the build, by adding assets to the directory ending with '.androidpack'
- Android: When building Android App Bundle with Split App Binary enabled, Unity will create asset packs

- Virtual Texturing: Tile requests are now returned via PopRequests more frequently
- Virtual Texturing: InvalidateRegion calls now generate new tile requests in their "importance" order. The importance is defined as a combination of the tile's screen space size and the the number of frames since the tile has been requested. This makes completing tile requests contribute more to the rendering result when InvalidateRegion is called continuously.
- XR: Updated OpenXR package to 1.2.3

API Changes:
- Android: Added: New APIs to manage fast-follow and on-demand delivered asset packs. The APIs wrap Google's PlayCore functionality.

- Android: Gradle Plugin version upgraded from 3.6.0 to 4.0.1
- Android: Gradle version upgraded from 5.6.4 to 6.1.1
- Timeline: Updated Timeline package version to 1.5.6
- Virtual Texturing: Now PopRequests allows the destination list to have a different size than the texture stack's maxActiveRequests value

- AI: Fixed an issue where the NavMesh was generated over a mesh marked as "Not Walkable"
- Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where Texture Importer Inspector was no longer throwing errors when built-in texture inspector was overwritten
- Asset Import: Fixed an issue where data in the AssetsStreamingAssets folder was being cached by the Unity Accelerator
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where searching in the object selector would for some searches only show icons even if previews could be shown
- Core: Fixed a message "Connection is no longer valid.Calling auto disconnect" issue
- Editor: Fixed a InspectorWindow repaint regression between 2017.4 and 2019.4
- Editor: Fixed an issue when running in Device Simulator, Touch.tapCount would no longer increased when taps happen in every frame
- Editor: Fixed an issue where Command+Backspace was not deleting elements from reorderable arrays
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the icon selector window did not close on selection undo
- Editor: Fixed an issue where there more than one click was necessary to interact with game objects in play mode when clicking between multiple game views
- Editor: Fixed an issue with context-click for reorderable lists in the mac editor
- GI: Fixed ''PPtr cast failed when dereferencing! Casting from ScriptMapper to Texture!' when baking a second Reflection Probe in the Scene
- Graphics: Fixed a hang when loading a texture from AssetBundles in the Editor that were built for other platforms
- Graphics: Fixed an iAttachmentDescriptor.ConfigureResolveTarget() screen flip issue when resolving to backbuffer
- Graphics: Fixed an issue when dynamic scaling was enabled and a Render Target was attached to a Camera the ScreenTo and ToScreen functions would no longer use the scaled viewport size, instead match the behaviour when a Render Target wasn't attached as per the documentation
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where canvas was not rendering on the secondary screen, when there was no Cameras rendering to it too
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where Encoding RFloat and RHalf to PNG, JPG or TGA would not encodes to a grayscale image
- HDRP: Fixed an issue where an enabled GPU Instancing on a ShaderGraph Material would cause compile failures
- HDRP: Fixed an issue where RenderGraph was missing support of motion vector.
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with velocity rejection when using physically-based DoF.
- Networking: Fixed an issue where the web request wasn't released incase of redirect to avoid memory leak.
- Package Manager: Fixed a Not resolved variable found --icon-info console error.
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where function call traces from upm.log file were not removed
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where removing a project dependency using PackageManager.Client.Remove would throw an error when the project manifest has no dependencies property
- Physics: Fixed an issue where Physics2D.SetLayerCollisionMask was not correctly updating all layers that had changed
- Physics: Fixed an issue where the SurfaceEffector2D interact with 2D Trigger Colliders
- Physics: Fixed an issue where there wasn't a fallback behaviour to Rigidbody2D when inactive when converting local/world space point/vector
- Profiler: Fixed an issue in the System.Thread threads tracking and visualization in Timeline view of Profiler Window
- Scripting: Fixed a crash when closing the editor after a failed AssetBundle.LoadFromStreamAsync operation
- Scripting: Fixed an issue when including UIElements or Ui Builder packages, which could lead to errors when debug/release mode were changed.
- The error could also appear if changing a setting that would get the packages recompiled
- Shadergraph: Fixed an issue with GPU instancing support in Shadergraph
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a precision errors in gamma-linear conversions
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where a panel remained unresponsive to user interactions even if it contains elements with huge dimensions
- URP: Fixed an issue where the SRP batcher was not working on OpenGL.
- Virtual Texturing: Fixed an issue where a completed request not be incorrectly canceled if the last InvalidateRegion call was made before PopRequests.
- WebGL: Fixed a playback of videos on iOS issue

Windows Repair 4.11.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Updated default registry and file permissions for Windows 10 as of July 22nd 2021

Unity 2021.1.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

API Changes:
- Physics: Added: Added a property for retrieving ArticulationBody components during a collision event. Articulation bodies can be retrieved by Collision.articulationBody
- Physics: Added: Added a property for retrieving either ArticulationBody or Rigidbody components to collision events under Collision.body.

- Android: Allow Android Player to use Vulkan on GPUs that are currently unknown to Unity on Android 11 or newer.
- Package: Updated Code Coverage package to v1.0.1. This version includes improvements and fixes.

- Asset Pipeline: Fixed problem with old script type dependencies. In some cases they could result in (incorrect) artifact match
- Audio: Fixed OnAudioFilterRead not working as expected with respect to the component enable checkbox
- Audio: One of two looping sounds sometimes disappears when removing High Pass Filter Component
- Editor: Fixed async loading of SettingsWindow (this solves the current error being reported during layout loading
- Editor: Fixed exception is thrown when right clicking on an object field without a valid serialized property
- Graphics: D3D12 player will not crash/freeze when switching between full screen modes
- Graphics: Fixed inconsistency in anisotropic level setting across temporary RenderTextures
- IL2CPP: Prevent an crash in the runtime when a managed thread object that has been destroyed is used from a finalizer
- iOS: Fixed crash when using several Application.RequestUserAuthorization in coroutine
- iOS: Fixed input being swallowed input on native UITextField when using UaaL and Bluetooth keyboards
- Networking: Fixed error in console when certificate handler is used
- Networking: Updated UploadHandlerRaw to accept null, empty array or empty NativeArray payload
- Particles: Fixed not correctly supportint 16-bit vertex attributes in CPU mesh particle rendering
- Physics: Corrected contact event behavior for the ArticulationBody component so that it matches Rigidbody component behavior
- Scripting: Fixed .Net Ping.Send() throwing NotSupportedException
- Scripting: Fixed editor crash when a script has a never ending recursion
- UI: Backout an optimization of caching the change count where the layout is changed during a layout call
- Video: FIxed video clip with unsupported audio track not usable
- XR: Fixed an issue where custom XR packages would not get registered when running the Unity Editor using the -batchmode argument

CoffeeCup HTML Editor 17.0 Build 865 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Corrected an issue with FTP causing failures with upload/overwrite actions
- Fixed an instance of the resolving of “file://” references when saving files. This issue was causing the Editor to get stuck in a loop.