S3 Browser 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 S3 Browser 10.8.1

S3 Browser 歷史版本列表

S3 Browser 是針對 Amazon S3 和 Amazon CloudFront 的免費 Windows 客戶端。 Amazon S3 提供了一個簡單的 Web 服務界面,可以隨時從 Web 上的任何位置存儲和檢索任意數量的數據。 Amazon CloudFront 是一個內容交付網絡(CDN)。它可以用來使用邊緣位置的全球網絡傳送文件。 S3 Browser 是亞馬遜 S3 服務的用戶的... S3 Browser 軟體介紹

S3 Browser 9.5.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 9.5.7
- Added full support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
- Server-Side Encryption Rules for automatic SSE assignment
- Added support for Amazon S3 Default Encryption
- Added support for the S3 via GetSessionToken account type
- Added support for Default Storage Classes
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Web URL Generator
- Improvements and bug-fixes for IAM Manager
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Improvements and bug-fixes for the Versioning tab
- Improved and bug-fixes for CloudFront Manager
- Various UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

S3 Browser 9.5.5
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.5.3
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.4.9
- support for s3-compatible storages (Openstack, Ceph, Minio)
- Web URL Generator (bugfixes and new Bitly options)
- Glacier restore feature (increased max restore period)
- the Preview feature (JSON formatting)
- Multipart Copy operations (tags are preserved now)
- support for object lock enabled buckets
- support for limited IAM accounts
- the Versioning support (select all non current versions)
- overall performance for many multi-file operations

- support for image/webp content type
- support for wildcards for the command line list command

- an issue with copying GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE restored objects
- an issue with command line downloader (premature exit in some cases)
- an issue with command line sync (temp files were not deleting)

- Other UI and internal improvements and bugfixes

S3 Browser 9.2.1
- Improved S3 via AssumeRole account type to work with all source accounts
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Fixed an issue with web URLs generation for HTTPS links and buckets with dots
- Added support for session tokens for CloudFront API calls
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Other various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.1.3
- Added Auto-Rename feature for existing files
- Added support for Europe (Milan) region
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Improved support for MFA protected accounts
- Improved logging and diagnostics
- Improved Bucket Sharing Wizard
- Improved web URLs generation for IP-style hosts
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.7
- Region-specific endpoints for S3-compatible storages (usage example)
- Minor bug-fix in bandwidth throttling feature
- Other minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.5
- Added support for custom regions for S3-compatible storages
- Improved multi-part upload support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.9
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.7
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.3
- Added support for Africa (Cape Town) region
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.1
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.6.7
- Added support for the List operation in command line interface
- Fixed an issue with the Preview feature
- Minor improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Minor improvements for the Buckets Lifecycle Rules dialog
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.5.9
- Added support for Middle East (Bahrain) region
- Stability improvements in uploading engine
- Improved support for Windows 10 OS
- Improved wildcards support for command line uploader
- Fixed in issue with GovCloud endpoints
- Fixed an issue with Web Urls Generator and CloudFront host
- Fixed an issue with versioned buckets deletion
- Other bug-fixes and stability improvements

S3 Browser 8.4.1
- Added support for the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class
- Added support for the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region
- Added support for the Delete operation in command line interface
- New and improved context menu for the HTTP Headers tab
- Improved CloudFront Invalidation to use wildcards to reduce costs
- Stability improvements and bugfixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed appcrash when adding new Default Http Header
- Fixed an issue with the retrieval pricing for some regions
- Fixed an issue with GZIP compression for small files
- Fixed an issue with copying GLACIER restored files
- Fixed an issue with multipart copy for versioned objects
- Fixed an issue with EC2 IAM Role account type
- Fixed an issue with multi-part uploads to object-lock enabled buckets
- Improved the IAM access keys management dialogs
- Monor UI improvements and bugfixes
- Various internal improvements and bugixes

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

WorkFlowy Desktop 1.3.6 查看版本資訊


DS4Windows 3.0.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed ControllerListViewModel locking strategy for non-Sony DS4s that might fail the initial handshake
- Removed OnlyInputData0x01 hack for fake DS4 controllers (fake DS4 using Sony VID+PID combo)
- No longer provide support for knockoff fake DS4 controllers
- Changed Lightbar TabItem in Profile Editor to use embedded TabControl
- Added warning text for Lightbar Passthru mode stating the old feature is currently disabled
- Fixed combo box cutoff in Dark theme
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation pack

DS4Windows 3.0.14 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated FakerInputWrapper libraries for F13 - F24 key support
- Added F13 to F24 keys for FakerInput mapping
- Decreased button wheel delta. Increased button wheel sensitivity. Now uses 150 ms for time delta
- Updated FakerInputWrapper libraries. Fixes array bounds check for KeyboardReport
- Fixes for Stick Outer Btn bindings
- Added ManagementException catch for initial connection. Apparently it can be thrown in that call.
- Expanded max output limits for LS and RS
- Re-design dark theme and use theme colors in AutoProfiles
- Changed DualSense trigger Full Click resistance depending on profile settings
- Changes to better handle connection failure for Switch Pro and JoyCon devices

TeamViewer Meeting 15.20.2 查看版本資訊


WorkFlowy Desktop 1.3.5 查看版本資訊


MPV-EASY Player 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

MPV-EASY borderless GUI mode:
- Now when the mouse moves to the [Play] and [Pause] buttons, the button icon will change to the main color
- Fixed: The automatic pause function when minimized is enabled, and the video will automatically become paused when the [MPV-EASY Settings] menu item is clicked for the first time in the maximized state
- OSC style: The icon of the video file name control in one-two-one has changed from 16 pixels to 32 pixels
- OSC style: The progress bar of box-original, webplayer, one-two-one also uses the height setting that seems to be buggy but more user-friendly. The height of the progress bar is larger than the visual one, which can be beautiful without losing sight. Down can make it easier for the mouse to click on the progress bar, but when the click deviation is too large, the mouse will not be able to touch the slider in the vertical direction after clicking.
- Optimized the width of [Time Control] and [Total Time Control] to solve the problem that the control text is 2 pixels to the left and not centered.
- Due to the adjustment of the width of [Time Control] and [Total Time Control], the osc style is adjusted synchronously: the position of [Time Control] and [Total Time Control] in the box, so that the two controls are still centered symmetrically.
- Adjusted the osc style: box-original control interval, margin, height, so that the interval between [time control] [progress bar] and [total time control] is completely symmetrical, and the overall style is still beautiful.
- Adjusted the osc style: the height and proportion of the upper and lower lines of the webplayer to make it more beautiful
- Adjusted the osc style: the height of one-two-one to solve the problem that the volume text is not vertically symmetrical
- Adjusted the osc style: 1-2-1 height
- When it is detected that the window has completely moved out of the available area of ​​the desktop, the window will automatically move back
- Fixed the problem that in the maximized state, if you switch to a video with a different resolution, it will automatically change to the normal window state and adjust the window size.
- Fixed the problem that when the playlist is playing, the size of the played video is different from the previous one. In addition to the normal adjustment of the video size, the position of the video window will be moved incorrectly.

MPV-EASY setting interface:
- Completely improved interface design. Now the setting interface also uses a borderless interface design. The style and usage behavior are closer to the windows 10 style, and it also has a translucent effect.
- Removed the prompt message of [Causing MPV-EASY borderless GUI to not work] after [Auto Load as Playlist] is enabled

DS4Windows 3.0.13 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Another fix for EnhancedKey usage for FakerInput mapping
- Bundled PurgeOldXInput 0.1.2

DS4Windows 3.0.12 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Removed old Input Curve options
- Corrected coordinate system for Stick to Mouse Wheel
- Fixed saving of Max Output Force options
- Expand output for Gyro Mouse Joystick Max Output routine. Make sure maximum output can be achieved. Likely would not achieve a completely straight line when using Gyro.
- Expanded macrodone array. Fixes some macro bindings for later virtual buttons
- Added 'Hide DS4 Controller' option back in again
- Increased button mouse wheel delta. Decreases wheel sensitivity
- Unified late profile options checks
- Increased resistance range for DualSense trigger Full Click

DS4Windows 3.0.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Group and move Virtual Controller options in Other tab. Contribution by Kanuan
- Fixed MODIFIER_ENHANCED value for FakerInput mapping
- Fixed Alt, Windows, and other modifier keys mapping for FakerInput
- Fixed Stick to Mouse Wheel routine for SendInput output
- Fixed tray menu profile selection for names with underscores
- Added many tooltip strings in Profile Editor
- Fixed RenameProfileWindow closing early due to early DialogResult assignment. Property calls Close on the Window
- Removed BitChute social link
- Fixed display of CheckEveryUnit combobox in Settings tab. Not sure when VS changed that portion of the XAML
- Removed obsolete 'Hide DS4 Controller' option again. Can't have options
- Added ScrollViewer to Other tab in Profile Editor. Enough controls in tab to justify it
- Added force option for LS and RS MaxOutput. Allow 100% forced circular max output for sticks
- Made Capture, SL, and SR buttons mappable
- Created Outer Button bindings for LS and RS. Allows extra distance action for the sticks like Walk or Sprint
- Display Touchpad X and Y in Controller Readings tab
- Increased HID report input buffer to 3 rather than 2. Not sure it will really matter
- Disabled broken DS4 feedback support again. Can't have semi-nice things. Don't bring it up again until at least the next ViGEmBus driver update
- Added change to not send Profile loaded message for secondary JoyCon in Joined mode