S3 Browser 歷史版本列表 Page14

最新版本 S3 Browser 10.8.1

S3 Browser 歷史版本列表

S3 Browser 是針對 Amazon S3 和 Amazon CloudFront 的免費 Windows 客戶端。 Amazon S3 提供了一個簡單的 Web 服務界面,可以隨時從 Web 上的任何位置存儲和檢索任意數量的數據。 Amazon CloudFront 是一個內容交付網絡(CDN)。它可以用來使用邊緣位置的全球網絡傳送文件。 S3 Browser 是亞馬遜 S3 服務的用戶的... S3 Browser 軟體介紹

OfficeTime 1.9.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Selection totals display again

S3 Browser 8.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

BriskBard 1.6.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

BriskBard 1.6.9
- Change log not available for this version

BriskBard 1.6.8

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 70.0.3538.102
- Now BriskBard can save usernames and passwords from web pages that require authentication
- A new "Host configuration" manager has been added to the security section in the web browser settings
- Added several new options to clear the cache, cookies, navigation history and login information inside the "Clear private data" menu option
- The procedure to detect RSS feeds and favicon links has been improved
- The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version

Bug fixes:
- The delay opening MS Excel when BriskBard was running has been fixed

BriskBard 1.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

BriskBard 1.6.6

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 68.0.3440.84
- The strict site isolation option is now enabled by default in web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine
- Now it's possible to select the tabs by moving the mouse wheel when the pointer is over the tabs
- Added a configuration option to select the languages used by the spell checker in web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine
- Removed the configuration option to use an online service for the spell checker
- The Indy components have been updated to the latest version
- Opening and editing emails and Usenet articles have been improved
- Added a warning about large files when they are attached to emails or Usenet articles

Bug fixes:
- The message to import web bookmarks is no longer shown multiple times
- The mouse wheel can now be used to scroll bookmarks
- Users in Windows 10 can now use the mouse wheel to scroll the web browsing history panel
- Fixed the video playback flickering with the media player
- Now the attached JPG images in emails or Usenet articles have no white dots
- Fixed a rare bug in the application startup due to an incorrect CEF initialization
- Fixed the bug where the message editor was shown when the user right-clicked over an email or Usenet article
- Fixed a bug in the message editor that introduced line breaks incorrectly
- The image or contact photo in the message editor has the right size at all times
- The email editor now saves the destination address when you click on the save or send buttons while editing said address
- The email and Usenet article editor have been modified to add soft line breaks automatically when you reach the editor border

BriskBard 1.6.5

- BriskBard 1.6.5 includes the latest web rendering engine version that will make web developers happy thanks to the new APIs and tons of JavaScript and CSS support improvements, but regular Internet users will also be glad to know that this engine has more than 30 security fixes. As always, this BriskBard version includes some interface improvements and bug fixes reported by the users, in addition to the latest Indy and SQLite versions

These are the new features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 67.0.3396.62
- The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version
- Now favicons are used even when there none with the normal size
- Fixed a bug with some downloads that used encoded URLs
- Now the "Go to..." option in the context menu opens a new background tab

BriskBard 1.6.4
- Simplify your Internet navigation with the latest BriskBard version. Enjoy the new bookmark options and the new user interface features that will make your Internet experience even more comfortable

BriskBard 1.6.3
- Improve you Internet browsing experience with BriskBard 1.6.3 and enjoy the new configuration options, enhanced audio support and an even safer navigation

BriskBard 1.6.2
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 64.0.3282.119
- New "Site per process" security option in web browser tabs using the Blink engine
- Now you can use HTTP, SOCKS v4 and SOCKS v5 proxy servers in web browser tabs using the Blink engine
- New context menu options to duplicate tabs and reopen closed tabs
- New section in the web browser configuration window for all tab related settings
- New web browser settings option to open the same tabs the user was using when BriskBard was closed
- New web browser settings option to open a set of web pages on startup
- Added the enhanced video renderer (EVR) to the media player tabs
- SQLite has been updated to the latest version
- Fixed a bug downloading files with BLOB addresses used by Mega.nz

BriskBard 1.6.1

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 63.0.3239.109
- The Indy and OpenSSL components have been updated to the latest version
- The French language is now available in the user interface thanks to Christian
- There's a new option to show a Speed Dial when you open a new web browser tab
- Now it's possible to save a web page as a PNG image

Bug fixes:
- Improved responsiveness when you resize popup windows
- Now the settings are saved correctly

BriskBard 1.6.0

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 62.0.3202.75
- SQLite has been updated to the latest version
- Added a portable mode to run BriskBard from an external device without OS installation
- Now the web browser has a new private mode
- The keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+N has been activated to open new web browser tabs in private mode
- Added a context menu option to open web links in private mode
- The IRC-Hispano bookmarks have been updated

Bug fixes:
- The application initialization has been improved
- Fixed a bug reading the server information in popup windows
- Now the phishing threat updates will be disabled when the user disables the phishing protection in the configuration
- Fickering removed from the downloads window

S3 Browser 8.1.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

OfficeTime 1.8.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- OfficeTime has been taught how to clean up after itself. It no longer leaves temporary files behind
- Now remembers where your backups should go even if your backup drive keeps going offline
- Corrupted employee names no longer assigned to a sample employee
- You data files now work on both Version 1 and our big, secret, upcoming Version 2
- [Windows] Fix some deeply nested windows being unusable
- [Windows] Graphics stay crisp even in milk (or window resizing)

S3 Browser 7.4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

OfficeTime 1.7.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Timer always runs now even if you're creating sessions while timing.
- Hourly backup is now the "Current" backup and is a live backup of your current changes. This means team members could set their backup to a shared folder and an admin will always have access to the most recent version of everyone's work for team reporting.