S3 Browser 歷史版本列表 Page2

最新版本 S3 Browser 10.8.1

S3 Browser 歷史版本列表

S3 Browser 是針對 Amazon S3 和 Amazon CloudFront 的免費 Windows 客戶端。 Amazon S3 提供了一個簡單的 Web 服務界面,可以隨時從 Web 上的任何位置存儲和檢索任意數量的數據。 Amazon CloudFront 是一個內容交付網絡(CDN)。它可以用來使用邊緣位置的全球網絡傳送文件。 S3 Browser 是亞馬遜 S3 服務的用戶的... S3 Browser 軟體介紹

S3 Browser 10.5.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 10.5.7
- Added support for restore of objects archived by INTELLIGENT_TIERING
- Added support for Bucket Intelligent Tiering Configuration
- Added support for GLACIER_IR and OUTPOSTS storage classes
- Added support for Session Duration for AssumeRole/GetSessionToken accounts
- Added support for IMDSv2 for S3 via EC2 Role account type
- New filters support for the Versioning tab
- Improved the Preview feature (WebP support, XML formatting, optimizations)
- Added support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
- Correct Content-Type for json files uploaded
- Redesigned and improved Uncompleted Multi-Part Uploads Dialog
- Minor improvements for command line sync tool (confirmation prompt)
- Other internal stability and performance improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.3.1
- Improved GovCloud support for STS based account types
- New s3_endpoint variable for S3 via Config File account type
- Improved command command line downloader
- Mintor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.3
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.1
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improments and bug-fixes
- Other internal improments and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.0.9
- Added support for multiple comma-separated display filters
- Added support for China Region specific STS endpoints
- Fixed an issue with client-side encryption for multipart uploads
- Fixed an issue with HTTP headers editor
- Restored support for uppercase letters and underscores in external buckets
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.9.7
- Added full support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
- Server-Side Encryption Rules for automatic SSE assignment
- Added support for Amazon S3 Default Encryption
- Added support for the S3 via GetSessionToken account type
- Added support for Default Storage Classes
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Web URL Generator
- Improvements and bug-fixes for IAM Manager
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Improvements and bug-fixes for the Versioning tab
- Improved and bug-fixes for CloudFront Manager
- Various UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

S3 Browser 9.5.5
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.5.3
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.4.9
- support for s3-compatible storages (Openstack, Ceph, Minio)
- Web URL Generator (bugfixes and new Bitly options)
- Glacier restore feature (increased max restore period)
- the Preview feature (JSON formatting)
- Multipart Copy operations (tags are preserved now)
- support for object lock enabled buckets
- support for limited IAM accounts
- the Versioning support (select all non current versions)
- overall performance for many multi-file operations

- support for image/webp content type
- support for wildcards for the command line list command

- an issue with copying GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE restored objects
- an issue with command line downloader (premature exit in some cases)
- an issue with command line sync (temp files were not deleting)

- Other UI and internal improvements and bugfixes

S3 Browser 9.2.1
- Improved S3 via AssumeRole account type to work with all source accounts
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Fixed an issue with web URLs generation for HTTPS links and buckets with dots
- Added support for session tokens for CloudFront API calls
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Other various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.1.3
- Added Auto-Rename feature for existing files
- Added support for Europe (Milan) region
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Improved support for MFA protected accounts
- Improved logging and diagnostics
- Improved Bucket Sharing Wizard
- Improved web URLs generation for IP-style hosts
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.7
- Region-specific endpoints for S3-compatible storages (usage example)
- Minor bug-fix in bandwidth throttling feature
- Other minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.5
- Added support for custom regions for S3-compatible storages
- Improved multi-part upload support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.9
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.7
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.3
- Added support for Africa (Cape Town) region
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.1
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.6.7
- Added support for the List operation in command line interface
- Fixed an issue with the Preview feature
- Minor improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Minor improvements for the Buckets Lifecycle Rules dialog
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.5.9
- Added support for Middle East (Bahrain) region
- Stability improvements in uploading engine
- Improved support for Windows 10 OS
- Improved wildcards support for command line uploader
- Fixed in issue with GovCloud endpoints
- Fixed an issue with Web Urls Generator and CloudFront host
- Fixed an issue with versioned buckets deletion
- Other bug-fixes and stability improvements

S3 Browser 8.4.1
- Added support for the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class
- Added support for the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region
- Added support for the Delete operation in command line interface
- New and improved context menu for the HTTP Headers tab
- Improved CloudFront Invalidation to use wildcards to reduce costs
- Stability improvements and bugfixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed appcrash when adding new Default Http Header
- Fixed an issue with the retrieval pricing for some regions
- Fixed an issue with GZIP compression for small files
- Fixed an issue with copying GLACIER restored files
- Fixed an issue with multipart copy for versioned objects
- Fixed an issue with EC2 IAM Role account type
- Fixed an issue with multi-part uploads to object-lock enabled buckets
- Improved the IAM access keys management dialogs
- Monor UI improvements and bugfixes
- Various internal improvements and bugixes

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

MotionCaster 查看版本資訊


MotionCaster 查看版本資訊


DVDFab Player 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DVDFab Player
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab Player
- Added support for 64-bit operating systems to play back videos more smoothly
- Added support to play back 8K videos on 64-bit computers

DVDFab Player
- A failure problem when playing certain Blu-rays
- A failure problem when playing certain AV1 videos

DVDFab Player
- New: Added support to play back online streaming videos from IPTV
- New: Added support to play back online streaming videos from M3U8
- Fix: A black screen problem when playing 3D Blu-rays

DVDFab Player
- Some improvements on the playback engine
- Added support to play back Dolby Vision MP4/MKV files in HDR10 effect
- Added support to play back AV1, VP9 and WebM video files

- Fix: Some minor playback problems

DVDFab Player
- New: A failure problem when playing certain video files

DVDFab Player
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab Player
- Fix: A failure problem when playing certain video files

DVDFab Player
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab Player
- New: Added playback support for some new DVDs and Blu-rays

DVDFab Player
- New: Added playback support for some new DVDs and Blu-rays

DVDFab Player
- Fixed: A failure problem when playing certain MKV videos

DVDFab Player
- Fixed: A failure problem when playing certain video files

DVDFab Player
- New: Added the playback support for some new DVDs and Blu-rays
- New: Some improvements on the update feature
- Fix: A failure problem when playing certain DVDs

DVDFab Player
- New: Added the support to show Metadata information of the media library in more languages

DVDFab Player
- Added the support to allow the Downloader (ver. and later) to import the downloaded streaming videos directly to the media library
- Added the support to play back H265 and 4K videos with the free version
- Some improvements on the playback of Blu-ray discs

DVDFab Player
- New: Added the support for some new DVD, Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray discs

DVDFab Player
- New: Added the support for some new DVD, Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray discs
- Fix: A problem that the system screensaver is still disabled even when nothing is being played in the player

DVDFab Player
- New: Added the support to launch the player upon system startup
- Fix: A problem that the live update window meant for the TV Mode appears under the PC mode

DVDFab Player
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab Player
- New: Improved the support for playing back DVD/Blu-ray/4K Ultra HD Blu-ray discs
- Fix: A problem that the Play button does not appear on the disc cover in certain cases

DVDFab Player
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab Player
- New: Improved the stability of music and movie libraries

DVDFab Player
- New: Introduced the Music Library feature to organize and manage local music collections in a smart way
- Build your personal smart local music library
- Organize and display music by albums, artists or genres
- Auto-download metadata from major online music database
- Create, customize and manage your own playlists
- Like a song to add it to your Favorites list by one click
- Professional playback visualization effect to enrich visual experience

DVDFab Player
- Added the menu playback support for some recently released movies
- Added the support for the resume playback feature to also remember the user-selected audio track and subtitles

- A problem that the cover image is displayed at the center of the screen when playing certain types of videos

DVDFab Player
- A problem that only audio but no video is played on certain DVDs
- A crash problem when playing adult DVD ISO files in certain cases

DVDFab Player
- Added the sort feature to manage the files in the media library
- Added an HDR option to the shader feature in the right-click menus

- A failure problem when deleting TV Shows from media library
- A problem that the Force HDR to SDR setting does not work

DVDFab Player
- Added the support to quickly switch between different episodes when browsing the detailed episode information of TV Shows
- Added the support to automatically play the next episode upon finishing the current one when playing back TV Shows
- Added the shader feature in the right-click menu to play videos with different special effects, such as Anime 4K, Anime 1080p, LCD Angle Correction, Emboss

DVDFab Player
- New: Improved the disc import feature for better stability
- Fix: A problem that the Title bar and Playback Control panel become inoperable under full screen mode
- Fix: A wrong size problem when taking screenshots from DVDs
- Fix: A problem that the Search box does not appear at My Computer section in certain cases

DVDFab Player
- New: Added the support to scrape metadata for Japanese adult DVDs
- Fix: Some minor UI problems

DVDFab Player
- Added the support to remember the last accessed section at the left navigation panel
- Added the support to adjust the column width of the left navigation panel

- A failure problem when authorized users check for updates
- A problem that authorized users still encounter license expired alert in certain cases
- A problem that the OSD fails to show up after a playlist finishes the playback
- A problem that an empty folder still shows under the Collections tab despite the files inside have been fix-matched to the TV Show section
- A problem that the file is still deleted despite clicking on the No button at the popup alert when deleting that file from the library at the metadata page
- A problem that the file name does not show up in the popup alert when deleting that file from the library at the metadata page
- Some minor changes and improvements

DVDFab Player
- All-new playback engine that’s faster and more stable than ever
- Integrated the media library to manage movies, collections, tv Shows and other videos by Poster Wall
- Integrated the local file explorer to browse all your media files more efficiently
- Brand-new user interface that’s concise, stylish, modern and streamlined
- New way for PC authorization with DVDFab account that’s more secure
- All-new installation approaches to install by the online installer or offline installer

S3 Browser 10.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 10.3.1
- Improved GovCloud support for STS based account types
- New s3_endpoint variable for S3 via Config File account type
- Improved command command line downloader
- Mintor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.3
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.1
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improments and bug-fixes
- Other internal improments and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.0.9
- Added support for multiple comma-separated display filters
- Added support for China Region specific STS endpoints
- Fixed an issue with client-side encryption for multipart uploads
- Fixed an issue with HTTP headers editor
- Restored support for uppercase letters and underscores in external buckets
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.9.7
- Added full support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
- Server-Side Encryption Rules for automatic SSE assignment
- Added support for Amazon S3 Default Encryption
- Added support for the S3 via GetSessionToken account type
- Added support for Default Storage Classes
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Web URL Generator
- Improvements and bug-fixes for IAM Manager
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Improvements and bug-fixes for the Versioning tab
- Improved and bug-fixes for CloudFront Manager
- Various UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

S3 Browser 9.5.5
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.5.3
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.4.9
- support for s3-compatible storages (Openstack, Ceph, Minio)
- Web URL Generator (bugfixes and new Bitly options)
- Glacier restore feature (increased max restore period)
- the Preview feature (JSON formatting)
- Multipart Copy operations (tags are preserved now)
- support for object lock enabled buckets
- support for limited IAM accounts
- the Versioning support (select all non current versions)
- overall performance for many multi-file operations

- support for image/webp content type
- support for wildcards for the command line list command

- an issue with copying GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE restored objects
- an issue with command line downloader (premature exit in some cases)
- an issue with command line sync (temp files were not deleting)

- Other UI and internal improvements and bugfixes

S3 Browser 9.2.1
- Improved S3 via AssumeRole account type to work with all source accounts
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Fixed an issue with web URLs generation for HTTPS links and buckets with dots
- Added support for session tokens for CloudFront API calls
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Other various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.1.3
- Added Auto-Rename feature for existing files
- Added support for Europe (Milan) region
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Improved support for MFA protected accounts
- Improved logging and diagnostics
- Improved Bucket Sharing Wizard
- Improved web URLs generation for IP-style hosts
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.7
- Region-specific endpoints for S3-compatible storages (usage example)
- Minor bug-fix in bandwidth throttling feature
- Other minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.5
- Added support for custom regions for S3-compatible storages
- Improved multi-part upload support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.9
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.7
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.3
- Added support for Africa (Cape Town) region
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.1
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.6.7
- Added support for the List operation in command line interface
- Fixed an issue with the Preview feature
- Minor improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Minor improvements for the Buckets Lifecycle Rules dialog
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.5.9
- Added support for Middle East (Bahrain) region
- Stability improvements in uploading engine
- Improved support for Windows 10 OS
- Improved wildcards support for command line uploader
- Fixed in issue with GovCloud endpoints
- Fixed an issue with Web Urls Generator and CloudFront host
- Fixed an issue with versioned buckets deletion
- Other bug-fixes and stability improvements

S3 Browser 8.4.1
- Added support for the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class
- Added support for the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region
- Added support for the Delete operation in command line interface
- New and improved context menu for the HTTP Headers tab
- Improved CloudFront Invalidation to use wildcards to reduce costs
- Stability improvements and bugfixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed appcrash when adding new Default Http Header
- Fixed an issue with the retrieval pricing for some regions
- Fixed an issue with GZIP compression for small files
- Fixed an issue with copying GLACIER restored files
- Fixed an issue with multipart copy for versioned objects
- Fixed an issue with EC2 IAM Role account type
- Fixed an issue with multi-part uploads to object-lock enabled buckets
- Improved the IAM access keys management dialogs
- Monor UI improvements and bugfixes
- Various internal improvements and bugixes

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

WizTree 4.07 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- File name search will now ignore character accents (like é and ö) when searching, e.g. searching for "melee" will now correctly match file names containing "mêlée" or "MÊLÉE"
- WizTree was not handling MTP/PTP devices that did not provide a "friendly name" correctly - fixed
- MFT dump would fail on Windows XP - fixed
- Removable USB devices formatted with NTFS would not be detected for high speed scanning or allow MFT dump - fixed
- Checks if Windows Imaging Component is installed before starting up (cannot run without it). This is required for Windows 2003 and possibly some versions of XP

WizTree 4.06 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- File size info will now also be displayed on the treemap (if "show file and names in treemap" option enabled)
- WizTree will now actually work on older versions of Windows like Windows XP ("fix" in 4.05 was incorrect)

treemap image can now be exported via command line. Use the following command line parameters:
Set image file name (use %d and %t for current date and time in file name):
- /treemapimagefile=

Set image width (default is 1920 if omitted):
- /treemapimagewidth=

Set image height (default is 1080 is omitted):
- /treemapimageheight=
- Export image in gray scale. Defaults to 0 if omitted
- /treemapimagegray=0|1
- Show free space on tree map. Defaults to 1 if omitted
- /treemapimagefreespace=0|1

e.g. To export the entire C: drive to an image file of size 1024x768 without free space included:
- WizTree64.exe C: /treemapimagefile="C:tempcdriveimage_%d.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0

Exporting of the image file can be combined with exporting CSV data as well, e.g.:
- WizTree64.exe C: /export="C:tempcdrive_%d_%t.csv" /treemapimagefile="C:tempcdrive_%d_%t.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0

WizTree 4.05 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- WizTree 4.04 would display some error messages on PCs without MTP support (e.g. old versions of Windows XP)
- Toggling Windows Explorer integration off did not fully remove WizTree from Windows Explorer context menus (bug introduced in 4.04)
- Fixed title bar display issues issues with very high DPI screens (maximize/minimize buttons were too small)

WizTree installer now supports the following (optional) command line parameters:
Set the supporter code license on install:
- /supportercode=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
- Set the "always run as admin" setting:
- /runasadmin=TRUE|FALSE
- Set the "check for updates" setting:
- /checkforupdates=TRUE|FALSE
- e.g. wiztree_x_xx_setup.exe /supportercode=1234-5678-abcd-1234 /runasadmin=false /checkforupdates=false

WizTree 4.04 查看版本資訊


S3 Browser 10.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 10.2.1
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improments and bug-fixes
- Other internal improments and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.0.9
- Added support for multiple comma-separated display filters
- Added support for China Region specific STS endpoints
- Fixed an issue with client-side encryption for multipart uploads
- Fixed an issue with HTTP headers editor
- Restored support for uppercase letters and underscores in external buckets
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.9.7
- Added full support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
- Server-Side Encryption Rules for automatic SSE assignment
- Added support for Amazon S3 Default Encryption
- Added support for the S3 via GetSessionToken account type
- Added support for Default Storage Classes
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Web URL Generator
- Improvements and bug-fixes for IAM Manager
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Improvements and bug-fixes for the Versioning tab
- Improved and bug-fixes for CloudFront Manager
- Various UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

S3 Browser 9.5.5
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.5.3
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.4.9
- support for s3-compatible storages (Openstack, Ceph, Minio)
- Web URL Generator (bugfixes and new Bitly options)
- Glacier restore feature (increased max restore period)
- the Preview feature (JSON formatting)
- Multipart Copy operations (tags are preserved now)
- support for object lock enabled buckets
- support for limited IAM accounts
- the Versioning support (select all non current versions)
- overall performance for many multi-file operations

- support for image/webp content type
- support for wildcards for the command line list command

- an issue with copying GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE restored objects
- an issue with command line downloader (premature exit in some cases)
- an issue with command line sync (temp files were not deleting)

- Other UI and internal improvements and bugfixes

S3 Browser 9.2.1
- Improved S3 via AssumeRole account type to work with all source accounts
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Fixed an issue with web URLs generation for HTTPS links and buckets with dots
- Added support for session tokens for CloudFront API calls
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Other various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.1.3
- Added Auto-Rename feature for existing files
- Added support for Europe (Milan) region
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Improved support for MFA protected accounts
- Improved logging and diagnostics
- Improved Bucket Sharing Wizard
- Improved web URLs generation for IP-style hosts
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.7
- Region-specific endpoints for S3-compatible storages (usage example)
- Minor bug-fix in bandwidth throttling feature
- Other minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.5
- Added support for custom regions for S3-compatible storages
- Improved multi-part upload support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.9
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.7
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.3
- Added support for Africa (Cape Town) region
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.1
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.6.7
- Added support for the List operation in command line interface
- Fixed an issue with the Preview feature
- Minor improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Minor improvements for the Buckets Lifecycle Rules dialog
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.5.9
- Added support for Middle East (Bahrain) region
- Stability improvements in uploading engine
- Improved support for Windows 10 OS
- Improved wildcards support for command line uploader
- Fixed in issue with GovCloud endpoints
- Fixed an issue with Web Urls Generator and CloudFront host
- Fixed an issue with versioned buckets deletion
- Other bug-fixes and stability improvements

S3 Browser 8.4.1
- Added support for the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class
- Added support for the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region
- Added support for the Delete operation in command line interface
- New and improved context menu for the HTTP Headers tab
- Improved CloudFront Invalidation to use wildcards to reduce costs
- Stability improvements and bugfixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed appcrash when adding new Default Http Header
- Fixed an issue with the retrieval pricing for some regions
- Fixed an issue with GZIP compression for small files
- Fixed an issue with copying GLACIER restored files
- Fixed an issue with multipart copy for versioned objects
- Fixed an issue with EC2 IAM Role account type
- Fixed an issue with multi-part uploads to object-lock enabled buckets
- Improved the IAM access keys management dialogs
- Monor UI improvements and bugfixes
- Various internal improvements and bugixes

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes