S3 Browser 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 S3 Browser 10.8.1

S3 Browser 歷史版本列表

S3 Browser 是針對 Amazon S3 和 Amazon CloudFront 的免費 Windows 客戶端。 Amazon S3 提供了一個簡單的 Web 服務界面,可以隨時從 Web 上的任何位置存儲和檢索任意數量的數據。 Amazon CloudFront 是一個內容交付網絡(CDN)。它可以用來使用邊緣位置的全球網絡傳送文件。 S3 Browser 是亞馬遜 S3 服務的用戶的... S3 Browser 軟體介紹

DS4Windows 3.0.10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Removed virtual device plug/unplug delay
- Removed Dispatcher and thread from OutputSlotManager
- Another fix to hopefully sort out Special Action items properly
- Allow profiles to be renamed from within app using Profiles tab
- 'Hold for X secs' special actions now support decimal values. Contribution by mika-n
- DeviceOptions has a new 'Verbose log messages' option. Contribution by mika-n
- Fixed coordinate system for Stick to Mouse Wheel calculations
- Reset mouse position for FakerInput on Sync method. Fixes some mouse related actions conflicting with FakerInput output handler
- Updated Touchpad scroll support to use new coordinate system
- Updated Strings.ru.resx

WizTree 4.01 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Supporter codes purchased before version 4.00 was released have been automatically converted to "lifetime" licenses and will now work on all future releases of WizTree
- Some drive types were not displaying total and free space (fixed)
- Treemap context menu now displays various treemap configuration options (show treemap, show allocated space, show free space)
- Polish translation updated
- Turkish translation updated

MPV-EASY Player 查看版本資訊


DS4Windows 3.0.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed obtaining source index item for Special Action list
- Allow Touchpad Click as an output for Macros
- Delay log message for virtual device association
- Updated ViGEmPluginFailure message to make reference to PurgeOldXInput utility
- Added PurgeOldXInput utility to Tools folder. Might be useful for deleting invalid virtual Xbox 360 controllers
- Updated Japanese translation. Contribution by toshixm
- Updated Czech translation. Contribution by MikeCZ23
- Bundled DS4Updater 1.5.5

WizTree 4.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Multiple drives and folders may now be selected and scanned at once (use the "Select multiple" option in the drop down, or press Alt+F3 to select drives and folders)
- When selecting multiple drives or folders, you can add custom folders to the list by clicking on the "add folder" button. These new user defined folders will also appear in the main drop down selection box for quick access.
- The file search has been updated to work the way WizFile does. These new search filter options can also be used as filters when calling WizTree from the command line.
- Use operators "=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=" to filter files based on size or modified date. NB: Don't put any spaces between operators and values!

e.g. to find files less than 100 bytes in size:
- <100
- Append a 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't' to the number to search in Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb

e.g. to find files between 500MB and 1Gb:
- >=500m <=1g

'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb' can also be used, e.g.:
- >=500mb <=1gb
- To filter by "allocated" size, use "a=", "a>", etc.

e.g. To find files with allocated size between 100MB and 200MB:
- a>=100m a<=200m

e.g. to find files with 0 allocated size and greater than zero file size:
- a=0 >0
- To filter by date, specify a date in the format: yyyy/mm/dd

e.g. Filter files modified before 2020/01/01:
- <2020/01/01
- Use the constant "today" to reference today's date. Optionally add or subtract a number of days from this constant.

e.g. to find files modified in the last 7 days:
- >=today-7

e.g. to find all files larger than 1gb that were modified in the last month (last 30 days):
- >=1gb >=today-30
- Place the search item in quotes to force a file name search.

e.g. to find file names that contain "=0" instead of displaying files with zero size:
- "=0"
- File search speed has been increased
- Matching text will now be highlighted in the file search results
- The wiztree web site has moved to from "wiztreefree.com" to "diskanalyzer.com"
- Licensing has changed. Commercial users will now purchase licenses based on their business size. These licenses will be valid for all versions of WizTree released within one year of purchase. For example, if a user purchases a license on 1 July 2021, it will work with all versions of WizTree that are released before 1 July 2022 (one year from 1 July 2021).

DS4Windows 3.0.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Special Action sorting to sort by user defined Action name
- Removed support for HidGuardian completely. HidHide is the only supported HID device blocking driver now

DS4Windows 3.0.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added slot# log messages to a gamepad connect/disconnect handler and 'permanent' slot debug msg. Contribution by mika-n
- Small special action fix when action trigger is somehow flagged as None
- Added support for virtual KB+M driver FakerInput v. 0.1. Needed to play Valorant and other apps that block SendInput events.
- Sort Special Action list by action name
- Fixed event order issue that caused output slots to not get disconnected
- Reduced mouse remainder cutoff to the hundredths place
- Fixed OutSlotDevice check to make sure Permanent slots are detached on service stop

DS4Windows 3.0.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Re-compiled program and tools. Signed binaries
- Almost identical to version 3.0.5

DS4Windows 3.0.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed copying of app config file for fake named exe
- Now copy deps file for fake named exe
- Fixed initial Config folder selection dialog when multiple configs (Program Folder and AppData) are found. Make sure to display option to delete one of the configs
- Updated DotNetProjects.Extended.Wpf.Toolkit to version 4.6.97
- Updated MdXaml to version 1.10.0
- Updated NLog to version 4.7.9
- Check if DS4Windows program folder is actually AppData subfolder when locating program config. Treat case as Program Folder option
- Added All Files option for Launch Program special action File Dialog. Use Explorer to launch associated program for an arbitrary file
- Bundled HidNinja 0.3.2
- Bundled XInputChecker 0.1.2

DS4Windows 3.0.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for DS3 gamepad as vendor defined device over DsHidMini driver
- Now issue immediate virtual device unplug upon Windows suspend
- Changed ViGEmBus lookup routine to perform a list based lookup for potential drivers. Attempt to discover newest version from version info
- Changed ViGEmClient library to attempt to connect to newest available version of ViGEmBus on a system rather than the first version found
- Set all controller slots to use the Default profile initially when making a new config
- Immediately issue unplug of all virtual controllers when pressing main Stop button
- Initial implementation of HidHide integration. Display key icon for HidHide hidden device. Insert DS4Windows.exe into whitelist at startup if necessary
- Changed method of obtaining current executable file location. Needed due to assembly changes in .NET 5 breaking support for custom exe filenames
- Added HidHide installer link to Welcome dialog window
- Added HidHide Configuration Client app link in Settings tab
- Hide HidNinja link in Settings tab if HidGuardian is not installed
- Show the text value of 'Max Saturation' lightbar setting
- Changed Launch Program special action to use UseShellExecute