NVDA 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 NVDA 2023.3

NVDA 歷史版本列表

NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.NVDA 與微軟... NVDA 軟體介紹

Prepros 7.3.39 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- support for Sass glob imports
- support for Sass index based imports

- Babel, Babel plugins and presets to 7.14.0
- Dart Sass to 1.32.12
- Terser to 5.7.0
- PostCSS to 8.2.13
- TypeScript to 4.2.4

UVI Workstation 3.0.20 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.0.19 查看版本資訊


Gravit Designer 3.5.53 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.0.18 查看版本資訊


Bitwig Studio 3.3.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Windows: With WASAPI, audio engine would sometimes crash when devices disconnected from WASAPI (because of computer sleep/wake, disconnecting bluetooth speakers, etc.) [25540]
- Mac: MP3 import was failing on macOS 10.13
- Linux: Text input was delayed with certain OS settings

Bitwig Studio 3.3.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Some general improvements to the Japanese localization
- Sensel Morph controller script: Now has a Pitch Bend range option

- Tempo automation wasn't being included when saving a scene to the Browser Panel
- Random crashes when some tooltips were displayed
- Windows: Override Driver Timing label missing on checkbox for ASIO audio device

Bitwig Studio 3.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Pasting notes put them in a wrong position, under certain conditions
- Muted clips sometimes didn't immediately display as muted
- Layered note editor was jumping to the audio editor when changing note length in certain cases
- When deleting all tempo automation points during playback, tempo jumped to 0 BPM
- Copy and pasting a scene that has tempo automation would lose the tempo automation in the pasted scene
- Saving a clip from the master track to the library that contained tempo automation would not save the tempo automation
- Value boxes for entering parameter values were too small (regression since v3.3.4)
- Quick Slice function: beat grid subdivision shown in window footer was incorrect
- Hover info text was not shown in some cases where it should have been
- Windows: Audio file import works again (regression since v3.3.4)
- Linux: Splash screen was enormous on a hi-res monitor when a custom scaling factor was used
- Multi-touch: Set play start marker when selection clips / time on Arranger option didn't work
- Multi-touch: Moving large multi-track time-selections was extremely slow
- Multi-touch: No longer need to wait for the menu to show up in order to move Arranger clips/time to the left
- FabFilter Pro-Q3/VST3 did not show the side chain signal if there was no input
- VST3 plug-ins: barPositionMusic reported zero at all times
- LinnStrument controller script: Now defaults to a Pitch Bend range of 48 semitones, to reflect a change in the recent 2.2.2 firmware update.

Prepros 7.3.38 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- an error occurring while using custom babel plugins

- Babel, Babel plugins and presets to 7.13.10
- Autoprefixer to 10.2.5
- Dart Sass to 1.32.8
- Pug/Jade to 3.0.2

tinyMediaManager 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- License changes - Now there is a FREE and PRO version of tinyMediaManager. In the FREE version there is no more limitation of loaded movies/TV shows or API calls

The FREE version includes:
- base functionality of tinyMediaManager (update data sources, scrape, rename, edit, eport, command line interface, ...)
- TMDB scraper

The PRO version includes also:
- all other scrapers (IMDB, OMDB, Universal, Kodi, ...)
- trailer download
- subtitle download
- Trakt.tv integration

BIG scraper rework:
- We split up all scrapers into individual sub-scrapers for every scope (meta data, artwork, trailer, subtitle)

This offers new options to configure them:
- now they are all independently configurable (no setting for the movie section influences the TV show section)
- we could strip out options which are not needed for the actual section (e.g. TV show options in the movie scraper)
- they have a better code base for future changes
- separated country setting for certifications and release date
- The only drawback here is, that you may have to enter some options (like an individual API key) in every sub-scraper
- ATTENTION: since almost everything changed in the scraper setup, you may need to re-set the scraper options after the update

added integration of FFmpeg:
- You can directly download and use FFmpeg on Windows, macOS and Linu - as well as use FFmpeg from your system
- creation of still/thumb creation via FFmpeg
- muing downloaded trailers using FFmpeg
- added TVmaze scraper
- enhanced Trakt.tv sync (added personal rating sync, reworked settings & actions)
- added missing movies in movie set
- added an option to suppress tooltips in the main tables
- added a function to migrate eisting movies/TV shows to a new data source
- remember last used scraper for each entry - for scraping new episodes the same scraper will be taken into account as for the TV show
- (movie) added full customization in which priority/order the rating should be loaded
- use qualified metadata (title, plot, year, IMDB id, episode/season number) from mediainfo on first import
- (movie) added an epert mode to the bulk editor to "freely" edit tet based fields
- added a JMTE replacement renderer for custom replacements (movie/TV show, renamer & eporter)
- added OMDB TV Show scraping
- added more Columns for Movie Sets
- added period (year of movies in collection) for Movie Sets
- added clickable ID Links to the Episode Detail Panel
- added button in tv show scrape/search window for opening TVShow folder
- added original title column for TV shows / episodes
- reworked visualization of ratings
- added original title column for TV shows / episodes
- added possibility to play the trailer url in the editor (Movie and TvShow)
- added option to manual choose artwork in the movie set chooser (as for movies)
- separated country setting for certifications and release date
- rewritten Trakt.tv integration to be more fleible and ready for multiple versions of the same movie/episode
- echanged native file dialogs with tiny file dialogs
- Windows users will see a change here, because tiny file dialogs uses the "folder browser" component from Windows
- better error messages for SSL errors
- added z (No linguistic content) to the language code detection
- allow selecting of E00 in episode chooser for some special episodes
- added an HiDPI splash screen
- re-write NFO on gathering mediainfo data
- improved HDR detection
- set displayepisode and displayseason
- added Soap to well known genres
- re-read mediainfo data for (e)changed files
- (movie) remove missing/deleted files on update data sources
- (movie) support more than 9 etrafanarts in the renamer
- (movie) sorting by new column
- (TV show) also fetch season artwork from tmdb
- (TV show) TV show related action can be triggered from episodes/seasons too
- (movie) adopted movie defaults/Kodi preset to Kodi v19
- (TV show) fall back to TV show artwork if season artwork is not available
- removing negative filters in presets

tinyMediaManager 4.0.7
- added decades filter for movies
- added new column (audio title) in MediaInformationPanels (Movie / TvShows)
- added HDR Format filter for movies and episodes
- added movie set artwork completeness check options (like for movies)
- added "_" as a colon separator in the renamer settings
- better error messages for SSL errors
- fixed downloading trailers
- detecting video resolution for certain 3D SBS files
- writing of movie set artwork with a path separator in the name
- smaller fixes to the movie search
- fixed renaming of episode extras (e.g. extra text files)
- fixed loading of Kodi scrapers
- fixed: do not set "episode guide" tag when selecting KODI preset