NVDA 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 NVDA 2023.3

NVDA 歷史版本列表

NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.NVDA 與微軟... NVDA 軟體介紹

PCDJ DEX 3.17.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- TIDAL Streaming Service support (including Video tracks)
- “3rd Party Services” tab in Preferences/Settings – this is where all the integrations are (streaming services, stores, etc)
- New setting: “Always start a new track when filler music player resumes” (when disabled the filler music will continue where it left off when playback resumes)
- New setting: “Show singers without songs” (you can customize the default “Pick a song!” text); this will show in the karaoke ticker / next singers list;
- Automatically moving the cross-fader to the left for 1-deck / karaoke-only skins (eg. LYRX)
- Warn the user when there is no current audio device set or is disconnected: “The audio device could not be found. Please re-connect it and restart the app or select a different audio device from Preferences/Options -> Audio Routing tab.”
- Updated: Beatport LINK and Beatsource LINK now compatible with the new ARM M1-based Macs

- Browser-lists splitters sometimes not working correctly
- Memory leak for video loops (eg. karaoke background video)
- Windows audio device names with special characters
- Rare downloading issues for some streaming services
- Various performance improvements

NVDA 2021.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Landmark is once again abbreviated in braille
- Fixed unstable braille display auto detection for Humanware Brailliant and APH Mantis Q40 braille displays when using Bluetooth

NVDA 2021.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Adds an input gesture for toggling settings for reporting the style of cell borders
- Support for the new HID Braille specification which aims to standardise support for Braille Displays
- Devices that support this specification will be auto detected by NVDA.
- For technical details on NVDA's implementation of this specification
- Add support for the VisioBraille Vario 4 Braille Device
- Error notifications can be enabled (advanced settings) when using any version of NVDA
- In Windows 10 and later, NVDA will announce the suggestion count when entering search terms in apps such as Settings and Microsoft Store#12758, #12790)
- Table navigation is now supported in grid controls created using the Out-GridView cmdlet in PowerShell

- Espeak-ng has been updated to 1.51-dev commit 74068b91bcd578bd7030a7a6cde2085114b79b44
- NVDA will default to eSpeak if no installed OneCore voices support the NVDA preferred language
- If OneCore voices consistently fail to speak, revert to eSpeak as a synthesizer
- When reading status bar with NVDA+end, the review cursor is no longer moved to its location. If you need this functionality please assign a gesture to the appropriate script in the Object Navigation category in the Input Gestures dialog- When opening a settings dialog which is already open, NVDA sets focus on the existing dialog rather than raise an error- Updated liblouis braille translator to 3.19.0
- New braille tables: Russian grade 1, Tshivenda grade 1, Tshivenda grade 2
- Instead of "marked content" or "mrkd", "highlight" or "hlght" will be announced for speech and braille respectively
- NVDA will no longer attempt to exit when dialogs are awaiting a required action (eg Confirm/Cancel)

- Tracking keyboard modifiers (such as Control, or Insert) is more robust when watchdog is recovering
- It is once again possible to check for NVDA updates on certain systems; e.g. clean Windows installs
- NVDA correctly announces blank table cells in Microsoft Word when using UI automation
- In ARIA data grid cells on the web, the Escape key will now be passed through to the grid and no longer turn off focus mode unconditionally
- When reading a header cell of a table in Chrome, fix the column name being announced twice
- NVDA no longer reports a numerical value for UIA sliders that have a textual representation of their value defined. (UIA ValuePattern is now preferred over RangeValuePattern)
- NVDA no longer treats the value of UIA sliders as always percentage based.
- Reporting the location of a cell in Microsoft Excel when accessed via UI Automation again works correctly on Windows 11
- NVDA no longer sets invalid Python locales
- If a disabled addon is uninstalled and then re-installed it is re-enabled
- Fixed bugs around updating and removing addons where the addon folder has been renamed or has files opened #12629)
- When using UI Automation to access Microsoft Excel spreadsheet controls, NVDA no longer redundantly announces when a single cell is selected
- More dialog text is automatically read in LibreOffice Writer, such as in confirmation dialogs
- Reading / navigating with browse mode in Microsoft Word via UI automation now ensures the document is always scrolled so that the current browse mode position is visible, and that the caret position in focus mode correctly reflects the browse mode position- When performing Say all in Microsoft Word via UI automation, the document is now automatically scrolled, and the caret position is correctly updated- When reading emails in Outlook and NVDA is accessing the message with UI Automation, certain tables are now marked as layout tables, which means they will no longer be reported by default
- A rare error when changing audio devices has been fixed
- Input with literary braille tables should behave more reliably when in edit fields
- When navigating the Windows system tray calendar, NVDA now reports the day of the week in full
- When using a Chinese input method such as Taiwan - Microsoft Quick in Microsoft Word, scrolling the braille display forward and backward no longer incorrectly keeps jumping back to the original caret position
- When accessing Microsoft Word documents via UIA, navigating by sentence (alt+downArrow / alt+upArrow) is again possible- When accessing MS Word with UIA, paragraph indenting is now reported
- When accessing MS Word with UIA, change tracking command and some other localized commands are now reported in Word
- Fixed duplicate braille and speech when 'description' matches 'content' or 'name'
- In MS Word with UIA enabled, more accurate playing of spelling error sounds as you type
- In Windows 11, NVDA will no longer announce "pane" when pressing Alt+Tab to switch between programs
- The new Modern Comments side track pane is now supported in MS Word when not accessing the document via UIA. Press alt+f12 to move between the side track pane and the document
- Changes for Developers:
- Building NVDA now requires Visual Studio 2019 16.10.4 or later. To match the production build environment, update Visual Studio to keep in sync with the current version AppVeyor is using
- NVDAObjects.UIA.winConsoleUIA.WinConsoleUIA.isImprovedTextRangeAvailable has been deprecated for removal in 2022.1
- Instead use apiLevel (see the comments at _UIAConstants.WinConsoleAPILevel for details).
- Transparency of text background color sourced from GDI applications (via the display model), is now exposed for add-ons or appModules
- LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, LOCALE_SLIST and LOCALE_SLANGDISPLAYNAME are moved to the LOCALE enum in languageHandler. They are still available at the module level but are deprecated and to be removed in NVDA 2022.1
- The usage of functions addonHandler.loadState and addonHandler.saveState should be replaced with their equivalents addonHandler.state.save and addonHandler.state.load before 2022.1
- Braille output can now be checked in system tests

EMCO MSI Package Builder 9.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Registry Key Access fixups for MSIX/AppX packages:
- Registry Access Fixups can be configured for regular and legacy Windows applications repackaged into MSIX packages. These fixups allow resolving errors reported by repackaged applications accessing some registry keys restricted in an MSIX container. You can configure MSIX applications to modify Windows API calls working with the registry to change registry key access permissions.
- The program allows you to specify registry key patterns and set access level changes to be applied if the patterns match with accessed registry keys

DLL Path fixups for MSIX/AppX packages:
- Use DLL Path fixups to resolve DLL loading problems reported by regular or legacy applications repackaged into MSIX/AppX packages. These fixups allow you to specify directories available in the MSIX container to look for the DLL files.

New and improved features:
- Added Windows 11 support
- More accurate monitoring of file system changes
- Improved high DPI application appearance

Resolved issues:
- Possible errors when creating packages with auto-generated self-sign certificates


UVI Workstation 3.1.3 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.1.2 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.1.1 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.1.0 查看版本資訊


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