NVDA 歷史版本列表
NVDA(NonVisual Desktop Access)是一款免費的“屏幕閱讀器”這使盲人和視力受損的人可以使用電腦。它以電腦語音讀取屏幕上的文字。您可以通過將鼠標或鍵盤上的箭頭移動到文本的相關區域來控制所讀取的內容。如果計算機用戶擁有稱為“盲文顯示”的設備,也可以將文本轉換為盲文。 。 NVDA 為許多盲人提供了教育和就業的關鍵。它還提供了訪問社交網絡,網上購物,銀行和新聞.NVDA 與微軟... NVDA 軟體介紹更新時間:2021-09-14
What's new in this version:
- NVDA 2021.2 introduces preliminary Windows 11 support. While Windows 11 is yet to be released, this release has been tested on preview versions of Windows 11. This includes an important fix for Screen Curtain (see important note).
- The COM Registration Fixing Tool can now resolve more problems when running NVDA. There are updates to the synthesizer eSpeak and braille translator LibLouis. There are also various bug fixes and improvements, notably for braille support and Windows terminals, calculator, emoji panel and clipboard history.
- Important Note:
- Due to a change in the Windows Magnification API, Screen Curtain had to be updated to support the newest versions of Windows. Use NVDA 2021.2 to activate Screen Curtain with Windows 10 21H2 (10.0.19044) or later. This includes Windows 10 Insiders and Windows 11. For security purposes, when using a new version of Windows, get visual confirmation that the Screen Curtain makes the screen entirely black.
- Please note, after updating any software, it is a good idea to restart the computer. Restart by going to the Shutdown dialog, selecting “restart” and pressing ENTER. Updating software can change files which are in use. This can lead to instability and strange behaviour which is resolved by rebooting. This is the first thing to try if you do notice anything odd after updating.
What's new in this version:
- Early support for UIA with Chromium based browsers (such as Edge)
- Optional experimental support for Microsoft Excel via UI Automation. Only recommended for Microsoft Excel build 16.0.13522.10000 or higher
- Easier navigation of output in NVDA Python Console.
- NVDA now reports the categories assigned to an appointment in Microsoft Outlook, if any
- Support for the Seika Notetaker braille display from Nippon Telesoft
- In browse mode, controls can now be activated with braille cursor routing on their descriptor (ie. "lnk" for a link). This is especially useful for activating eg. check-boxes with no labels- NVDA now prevents the user from performing Windows 10 OCR if screen curtain is enabled
- Updated Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) to 39.0 #12314)
- Added more mathematical symbols to the symbols dictionary
- The user guide, changes file, and key commands listing now have a refreshed appearance
- "Unsupported" now reported when attempting to toggle screen layout in applications that do not support it, such as Microsoft Word- 'Attempt to cancel speech for expired focus events' option in the advanced settings panel now enabled by default. This behaviour can be disabled by setting this option to "No". Web applications (E.G. Gmail) no longer speak outdated information when moving focus rapidly.
- Updated liblouis braille translator to 3.17.0. New braille tables: Belarusian literary braille, Belarusian computer braille, Urdu grade 1, Urdu grade 2.
- Support for Adobe Flash content has been removed from NVDA due to the use of Flash being actively discouraged by Adobe
- NVDA will exit even with windows still open, the exit process now closes all NVDA windows and dialogs- The Speech Viewer can now be closed with alt+F4 and has a standard close button for easier interaction with users of pointing devices
- The Braille Viewer now has a standard close button for easier interaction with users of pointing devices
- In the Elements List dialog, the accelerator key on the "Activate" button has been removed in some locales to avoid collision with an element type radio button label. When available, the button is still the default of the dialog and as such can still be invoked by simply pressing enter from the elements list itself
- The list of messages in Outlook 2010 is once again readable
- In terminal programs on Windows 10 version 1607 and later, when inserting or deleting characters in the middle of a line, the characters to the right of the caret are no longer read outThis experimental fix must be manually enabled in NVDA's advanced settings panel by changing the diff algorithm to Diff Match Patch.
- In MS Outlook, inappropriate distance reporting when shift+tabbing from the message body to the subject field should not occur anymore
- In the Python Console, inserting a tab for indentation at the beginning of a non-empty input line and performing tab-completion in the middle of an input line are now supported
- Formatting information and other browseable messages no longer present unexpected blank lines when screen layout is turned off
- It is now possible to read comments in MS Word with UIA enabled- Performance when interacting with Visual Studio has been improved
- Fix graphical bugs such as missing elements when using NVDA with a right-to-left layout- Respect the GUI layout direction based on the NVDA language, not the system localeknown issue for right-to-left languages: the right border of groupings clips with labels/controls
- The python locale is set to match the language selected in preferences consistently, and will occur when using the default language
- TextInfo.getTextInChunks no longer freezes when called on Rich Edit controls such as the NVDA log viewer
- It is once again possible to use NVDA in languages containing underscores in the locale name such as de_CH on Windows 10 1803 and 1809
- In WordPad, configuration of superscript/subscript reporting works as expected
- NVDA no longer fails to announce the newly focused content on a web page if the old focus disappears and is replaced by the new focus in the same position
- Strikethrough, superscript and subscript formatting for entire Excel cells are now reported if the corresponding option is enabled
- Fixed copying config during installation from a portable copy when default destination config directory is empty #12205)
- Fixed incorrect announcement of some letters with accents or diacritic when 'Say cap before capitals' option is checked
- Fixed the pitch change failure in SAPI4 speech synthesizer
- The NVDA installer now also honors the --minimal command line parameter and does not play the start-up sound, following the same documented behavior as an installed or portable copy NVDA executable
- In MS Word or Outlook, the table quick navigation key can now jump to layout table if "Include layout tables" option is enabled in Browse mode settings
- NVDA will no longer announce "↑↑↑" for emojis in particular languages
- Espeak now supports Cantonese and Mandarin again
- In the new Chromium based Microsoft Edge, text fields such as the address bar are now announced when empty
- Fix Seika Braille driver
What's new in this version:
New Features:
Paste and Replace command:
- This new option works with multiple selected elements, replacing them with the clipboard content while respecting the X and Y coordinates of the selected elements
- Can be used for multiple copied elements
- This command works with any element (single layers, groups, symbols, text, etc)
- It can be found in menu Edit > Paste > Paste and Replace, with the shortcut Alt+Ctrl (or Cmd)+V
Performance Enhancements:
- Improvements to the performance of the app
- Fills can now be used with images, in the same way, it’s used with vector objects
- The option to install the PWA application is now available for Microsoft Edge as well. If an incompatible browser is used, a message is displayed, warning the user
- Login via Facebook works as expected again
- Files shared through private guest invitations work as expected again
- Fixed an issue where access to a file was lost when it was saved while working on another file
- Fixed an issue with the loading of textures on the Unsplash library
What's new in this version:
- Additional safety checks added to ensure users aren't inadvertently sent into demo mode
- When launching in demo mode, a misleading error message about invalid activation might get shown in certain cases
- Reordering automation lanes stops the updating of the knob on the app side (but playback is correct)
- macOS: Incorrect names were sometimes shown for certain files loaded from the OS (e.g Korean file names composed of Hangul Jamo characters)
- Linux: Audio input was not possible using ALSA from Flatpak installation
- Controller API: Was possible to crash the application by calling some methods in certain cases
- Cursor in the password field was misplaced
What's new in this version:
- Fixed an issue with Live Preview
- Babel, Babel plugins and presets to 7.14.6
- Node Sass to 6.0.1
- Dart Sass to 1.35.2
- PostCSS to 8.3.5
- Terser to 5.7.1
- TypeScript to 4.3.5
What's new in this version:
Performance Enhancements:
- Improvements to the performance of the Libraries search
Improvements to the file sharing workflow:
- Now it’s possible to open shared files through File > Share > Open Shared File in the menu bar, or on a file tab’s context menu. A dialog opens where the shared file link can be used.
- With this, it’s now also possible to open multiple shared files at once, without the need to open a new window or tab
- Improved the way to identify users who are collaborating in a file
- The Settings option “Create a backup copy of files” is now off by default
- Support to HEIC image format
- Auto-saved versions can be loaded from Version History as expected again
- Fixed small issues with translations