YUMI 歷史版本列表 Page7

最新版本 YUMI

YUMI 歷史版本列表

YUMI(您的通用多引擎集成器)是 MultibootISO 的後繼者。它可用於創建包含多個操作系統,防病毒實用程序,光盤克隆,診斷工具等的多引導 USB 閃存驅動器。與使用 grub 直接從 USB 啟動 ISO 文件的 MultiBootISO 相反,YUMI 使用 syslinux 啟動存儲在 USB 設備上的提取分佈,並在必要時恢復使用 grub 從 USB 啟動多個 ISO 文件。 YU... YUMI 軟體介紹

DS4Windows 2.1.18 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Lowered intensity of rumble effect for DualSense
- Rumble and lightbar support for DualSense now work over BT
- Added Rotate options to the Preset Menu in the Profile Editor. Useful for mapping a single JoyCon
- Disable DualSense Mic LED for now
- Edit language used for Run At Startup options to make intent more clear. Contribution by olokos
- Updated Ukrainian localization. Contribution by dondrakon1
- Added Hungarian translation. Contribution by rocketbucket10
- Experimental rumble for DS4 emulation. Make support a profile option. Contribution by mika-n
- Added New Battery and Charging command line query options to return the battery value and the charging status. Contribution by mika-n
- Updated target .NET Framework to version 4.8. Contribution by dante38
- Disable Output Slots section when service is not running
- New outputSlot related command line interfaces. Contribution by mika-n

YUMI 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support back for older Ubuntu and Linux Mint casper-rw persistence
- Limited max persistence file size creation for NTFS partitions to 20GB

DS4Windows 2.1.17 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Implemented JoyCon support
- Implemented DualSense support. Lightbar and rumble support only work with USB for now
- Added workaround for DS4 reader when a duplicate timestamp is in a report. Fixes smoothing for UDP server output
- Populate totalMicroSec in JoyConDevice and SwitchProDevice. Used in the UDP server output
- Enabled Idle Disconnect for SwitchPro and JoyCon

TestComplete 14.71 查看版本資訊


YUMI 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated to use newer method for Rescatux

DS4Windows 2.1.16 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow inserting wait periods in macro sequence
- Disable IdleDisconnect by default
- Updated URL for Gamepad Tester
- Added initial Flick Stick support
- Various refactors to somewhat abstract controller type from mapper code
- Added initial mapping support for the Switch Pro controller
- Increased default flash warning interval in Settings. Now defaults to 40 ms
- Changed connection type check depending on the input device
- Added an extra Reset call for ManualResetEventSlim for DS4Device
- Allow task startup if running on battery power
- Added fuzz setting for 360 Steering Wheel mode
- Hide DS4 Controller option re-enabled. Contribution by Yohoki
- Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) Translations Updated. Contribution by SyaoranChang
- Ukrainian translation added. Contribution by atimonder1
- Put null check when checking for new input devices. Necessary for new input device check refactor.
- Bundled HidNinja 0.2.2

YUMI 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed several links (still more to check)
- Updated to support newer Android-x86 and pmagic_2020_10_12.iso

YUMI 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Moved casper writable file creation to occur on USB
- Implemented a fix to check for NTFS format before copying over ISO files larger than 4GB
- Added Other OS entry for Sergei Strelec

Blockbench 3.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Animation Features:
- Particle effect renderer
- Animation motion trails
- Experimental Inverse Kinematics (IK) editing in animation mode
- Added colorable keyframes
- Added animation properties dialog
- Added method to stretch selection of keyframes by holding Ctrl and dragging
- Preview of custom animation time update variables
- Added support for blend_weight with preview
- Animations can now be loaded from multiple different files
- Bedrock animations are now imported from entity files automatically
- Animations can now maintain bones that do not exist in the current model
- Waveform preview of sound keyframes in the timeline
- MoLang syntax highlighting in keyframe input fields
- Animations now support and automatically detect individual snapping settings
- Animation playback is now based on real time
- Added actions to jump back and forth in the timeline by one frame, bound to comma and period
- Added smooth interpolation mode for keyframes (Requires MC Bedrock 1.16.100 or newer!)
- Added support for discontinuous keyframes and multiple effects per keyframe

Misc Features and Changes:
- New Skin models: Flat Texture, Cube, Armor
- New Display Mode skin
- Added Material Instances editor for MC Bedrock block geometries
- Modded entity format now supports cube rotations
- Transparent faces are now click-through, meaning you can select and paint things behind them
- Transparent faces are now removed in glTF export
- Added menu bar to switch panels on mobile devices
- Added keybinding labels to menus and tooltips
- Resolving groups now applies the group's transformation to the content
- Added setting to toggle minifying .bbmodel files
- Added setting to toggle anti-aliasing
- Sample texture now repeats if UV is bigger than texture
- Added padding option to texture template generator
- Mouse wheel scrolling is now supported in keybindings
- Brush settings are now saved individually per tool
- Using number sliders now locks the mouse position so you are longer restricted by screen boundaries
- Added selection argument to select by marker color
- Option to restore default preview backgrounds

Technical Changes:
- Updated Electron to 8.5.2
- Updated Three.js to r120
- Added live updating conditions inside dialog forms
- Added property API support for all save-relevant classes
- Added max_version property for plugins to prevent installation in newer versions (Only use in very specific cases!)

- Opening .bbmodel files on macOS loads Blockbench but not project
- Ctrl + S in Skin format saves project instead of just texture
- Group folding caret is hidden in animation mode when group only contains locators
- Skin preset for the hoglin uses an outdated model
- Fix transform space issues of pivot tool

VASSAL Engine 3.4.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Don't raise a bug dialog on failure to read an MP3
- Change backup Resource directory from temp folder to base folder
- Interaction between Move Fixed Distance and Rotate traits has changed between 3.2.17 and 3.4.6
- Macs now use Command as modifier key for grid-resizing, setup-stack-moving in Editor
- HFS+ stores filenames in NFD, so must check for that variant when loading
- Masked card dragged from Player Hand reports differently between 3.2.17 and 3.4.6
- Made Command+Click the select/deselect combo for Macs (and Command+Wheel to zoom)
- Pieces scaled incorrectly during drags on HiDPI screens on Windows