YUMI 歷史版本列表
YUMI(您的通用多引擎集成器)是 MultibootISO 的後繼者。它可用於創建包含多個操作系統,防病毒實用程序,光盤克隆,診斷工具等的多引導 USB 閃存驅動器。與使用 grub 直接從 USB 啟動 ISO 文件的 MultiBootISO 相反,YUMI 使用 syslinux 啟動存儲在 USB 設備上的提取分佈,並在必要時恢復使用 grub 從 USB 啟動多個 ISO 文件。 YU... YUMI 軟體介紹更新時間:2021-01-12
What's new in this version:
New Language Features:
- C# 9.0: record classes
- C# 9.0: with expressions
- C# 9.0: primary constructors
- Removed the dependency on Humanizer
- Updated ReadyToRun
UI Improvements:
- Added setting highlight the current line in the code view
- Fix #2205: About page should always be opened in a new tab
- Fix #1079: CSharpFormattingOptions.AutoPropertyFormatting has no effect
- Fix #2222: switch-expression does not support implicit conversions
- #2241: Fix possible NRE in TypeProvider.GetTypeFromReference
- Fix #2233: ResourcesFileTreeNode no longer creates child nodes for BAML files
- Fix #2230: do not emit directly consecutive null propagation operators
- Fix #603: Single element arrays should not span multiple lines
- Fixed crash when loading DLLs with invalid sections in their .deps.json
- And many other fixes, for a full list click here
What's new in this version:
- Put lock block in for DS4 USB output routine
What's new in this version:
- Updated App.config file with proper .NET Framework version
- Added support for mapping DualSense Mute button
- Fixed Dark theme crashing app in Windows 7. Removed Aero2 elements from Dark theme
- Disable apply button when creating a new profile. Further enforce current flow
- Added feature set check before generating CRC-32 output data
- Fixed theme style for SaveWhere window
- Corrected KeyDown and KeyUp images in Macro editor
- Split DS4HapticState to two structs. Separate force feedback data from lightbar color
- Added -command cycle cmd flag. Allows for an easy on/off shortcut without having to set any conditions. Contribution by wingfixer
- Changed AutoProfile EXE file extension check to be case-sensitive. Contribution by mika-n
- Added MinWidth back in Dark theme for combobox. Was removed with Aero2 tags
- Updated Russian translation file. Contribution by shikulja
- Don't display data write failure if device is known to be disconnecting. Hopefully eliminates excessive gamepad write failure log messages when Idle Disconnect is executed.
- Tweaked axis scaling to output Xbox 360 axis. Low end now can scale to 0 properly
What's new in this version:
Test run improvements:
- It is easier to configure test runs now. We’ve renamed the Test Items page, where you define the tests to be run, to Execution Plan and moved it from the project editor to the project tree. You can find it directly below the project node in the Project Explorer
Web testing improvements:
- Now, by default, all new projects use XPath expressions and CSS selectors for object location. This makes all web tests you create in these projects cross-platform-compatible. If you need to create “old” web tests for some reason, clear the Use XPath expressions ... check box in the Create Project wizard when creating a project.
- Web test recording performance has been improved. For the Chrome browser - significantly
- We’ve also improved mapping algorithms. TestComplete now automatically excludes insignificant intermediate objects from the Name Mapping tree. This makes the generated mapping names shorter and easier to understand. This also makes mapping criteria more reliable and helps the test engine find objects faster.
- Support for iOS 14.2. You can create and run tests for iOS applications running on this operating system
Support for recent versions of web browsers:
- Google Chrome 87
- Mozilla Firefox 84
- Better support for Windows Store applications. Previous TestComplete versions could search for an application process using a wrong ID. This could happen if the tested Windows Store application did not have the DisplayName value set in its properties. Now, TestComplete uses the correct ID for the search. However, this fix may affect your existing tests. You may need to update them or change the Name Mapping conditions to find your tested Windows Store app correctly.
- We’ve also fixed a few issues reported by our customers
Discontinued support:
- The Web Testing option Use CSS pixels for scaled pages has become obsolete. It is on by default (this helps your tests work better with scaled and long pages), and we would recommend keeping it on forever. We are going to delete this option in one of the future releases. If your tests rely on the off state of this option, you will need to update them.
The obsolete support for CrossBrowserTesting (the Environments node and related features) has gone. We declared it deprecated in TestComplete 14.40, and now have removed it completely:
- The Environments node is no longer available in TestComplete projects. If you have project suites created in earlier TestComplete versions, the node will be removed from them when you open them in the new TestComplete version
- The same will happen to the test logs created during these test runs. They will be removed from your projects when you open the projects in the new TestComplete version
- The /cbt command-line option is no longer supported
- The RunEnvironmentManager and RunCrossBrowserTesting methods have been removed from the TestComplete Library (used to control TestComplete tests via COM)
- To run web tests in CrossBrowserTesting environments, use the Device Cloud add-on. To learn more, see About Cross-Platform Web Tests
- TestComplete no longer supports CEF3 version 1750
What's new in this version:
- Added checkpoint for Ubuntu partnew non-persistent menu entry
What's new in this version:
- Added checkpoint for Ubuntu partnew non-persistent menu entry
What's new in this version:
- Make sure profile name textbox is enabled by default again
- Added 7-Zip archive of ScpVBus build
What's new in this version:
- Grab proper image for Exclusive access display
- Add 7-Zip archive of ScpVBus build to Release
What's new in this version:
- Added back support for casper persistence on NTFS. Updated Grub4Dos version
- Now using Nullsoft version 3 compiler
What's new in this version:
- Fixed translation loading