Xshell Free 歷史版本列表 Page7

最新版本 Xshell Free 7.0 Build 0151

Xshell Free 歷史版本列表

Xshell Free 是一款功能強大的 Windows PC 終端仿真器,支持 SSH,SFTP,TELNET,RLOGIN 和 SERIAL。它提供業界領先的性能和功能集,而這些功能集在其免費選擇中不可用。企業用戶將會發現有用的功能包括選項卡式環境,動態端口轉發,自定義鍵映射,用戶自定義按鈕,VB 腳本和用於顯示 2 字節字符和國際語言支持的 UNICODE 終端。 Xshell 免費供家庭和... Xshell Free 軟體介紹

PortraitPro 21.0.3 查看版本資訊


KeePassXC 2.6.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add option to keep window always on top to view menu
- Move show/hide usernames and passwords to view menu
- Add command line options and environment variables for changing the config locations
- Include TOTP settings in CSV import/export and add support for ISO datetimes

- Mask sensitive information in command execution confirmation prompt
- SSH Agent: Avoid shortcut conflict on macOS by changing "Add key" to Ctrl+H on all platforms

- Prevent data loss with drag and drop between databases
- Fix crash when toggling Capslock rapidly
- Don't mark URL references as invalid URL
- Reset entry preview after search
- Set Qt::Dialog flag on database open dialog
- Fix sorting of database report columns
- Fix IfDevice matching logic
- Fix layout issues and a stray scrollbar appearing on top of the entry edit screen
- Fix tabbing into the notes field
- Fix password generator ignoring settings on load
- Restore natural entry sort order on application load
- Fix paperclip and TOTP columns not saving state
- Enforce fixed password font in entry preview
- Add scrollbar when new database wizard exceeds screen size
- Do not mark database as modified when viewing Auto-Type associations
- CLI: Fix two heap-use-after-free crashes
- Browser: Fix key exchange not working with multiple simultaneous users on Windows
- Browser: Fix entry retrieval when "only best matching" is enabled
- Browser: Ignore recycle bin on KeePassHTTP migration
- KeeShare: Fix import crash

OpenCV 4.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- OpenCV 4.5.0 licence has been changed to Apache 2: OE-32 - Change OpenCV License to Apache 2
- OpenJPEG replaces Jasper in distributed Windows packages: #18194
- Added support for OpenCL multiple contexts

DNN module:
Improved layers / activations / supported more models:
- ONNX: ReduceSum, Gather, improved Reshape

Intel® Inference Engine backend ( OpenVINO™ ):
- added support for OpenVINO 2021.1 release

- Fixes and optimizations in DNN CUDA backend (thanks to @YashasSamaga): PRs

G-API module:
- Added Python bindings for the general G-API (#17493), inference and streaming support are currently in progress
- Introduced serialization API, currently limited. A graph can be serialized to a byte stream (std::vector) and then reconstructed back to a cv::GComputation object
- OpenVINO NN backend has been moved to the latest OpenVINO "Core" APIs
- Now it is easier to declare a graph with a dynamic number of inputs or outputs (GIn() / GOut() support operator+=)
- Added "mask", extended "convertTo" with 16S, also added performance tests on Core kernels for the Fluid backend
- Added standard NN post-processing operations like parseYolo and parseSSD to turn NN results into a structured graph-based data format (e.g. GArray)

Added value initialization for GArray so now one can write:
- cv::GArray arr = std::vector { 1, 2, 3 }
- to associate a cv::GArray<> with a value at graph construction stage
- cv::GMat bitwise operators are extended with a cv::GScalar operand
- Introduced a new graph data type cv::GFrame and its data storage type cv::MediaFrame to start handling media-oriented formats (like NV12 or YUV images with external memory) in the graph

And many other great contributions from OpenCV community:
- flann module fixes / improvements by @pemmanuelviel: PRs
- Add Robot-World/Hand-Eye calibration function

GSoC 2020 merged projects:
- GSoC: Better SIFT in the main repository
- GSoC: Improvement of Random Sample Consensus in OpenCV
- GSoC: Real-time Single Object Tracking using Deep Learning
- GSoC: Revise/improve Text and Digit Recognition Samples
- GSoC: Optimize OpenCV for RISC-V
- GSoC (opencv_contrib): OpenCV bindings for Julia
- GSoC (opencv_contrib): Implement Macbeth Chart detector and AprilTag3
- GSoC (opencv_contrib): Depth Fusion for large scale environments

OpenCV 3.4.12 查看版本資訊


Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0204 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Concurrent license
- Support for external installation type Python scripts
- Support for session export to CSV

- Mouse mode not functioning properly on certain Linux systems

KeePassXC 2.6.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add menu entries for auto-typing only username or only password
- Browser: Add command for retrieving current TOTP
- Improve man pages
- Linux: Support Xfce screen lock signals
- Linux: Add OARS metadata to AppStream markup
- SSH Agent: Substitute tilde with %USERPROFILE% on Windows

- Improve password generator UI and UX
- Do not prompt to restart if switching the theme back and forth
- Change actions for F1, F2, and F3 keys
- Skip referenced passwords in health check report
- Check system-wide Qt translations directory for downstream translations packaging
- macOS: Change password visibility toggle shortcut to Ctrl+H to avoid conflict with system shortcut
- Browser: Only display domain name in browser access confirm dialog to avoid overly wide window sizes

- Fix clipboard not being cleared when database is locked while timeout is still active
- Fix list of previous databases not being cleared in some cases
- Fix saving of non-data changes on database lock
- Fix search results banner theming
- Don't enforce theme palette in Classic theme mode and add hover effect for buttons
- Fix label clipping in settings on high-DPI screens
- Fix excessive memory usage by icons on systems with high-DPI screens
- Fix crash if number of TOTP digits exceeds ten
- Fix slot detection when first YubiKey is configured on the second slot
- Prevent crash if focus widget gets deleted during saving
- Always show buttons for opening or saving attachments
- Update link to Auto-Type help
- Fix build errors with Ninja
- CLI: Fix db-info command wrongly labelled as db-show in usage listing
- Windows: Use Classic theme by default if high-contrast mode is on
- Linux: Add workaround for qt5ct bug, causing icons not to show up
- Linux: Correct high-DPI display by not allowing fractional scaling
- Browser: Consider subdomain and path when requesting only "best-matching credentials"
- SSH Agent: Always forget all keys on lock

OpenCV 4.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm has been moved to the main repository (patent on SIFT is expired)

DNN module:
Improved layers / activations / supported more models:
- State-of-art Yolo v4 Detector: #17148. Disabled per-layer NMS for [yolo] layers (Yolo v3 and Yolo v4) as incorrect - use cv::dnn::NMSBoxes over all the detections
- ONNX: Add support for Resnet_backbone (Torchvision)

EfficientDet models support:
New samples / demos:
- add text recognition sample: C++ / Python

FlowNet2 optical flow:
Intel® Inference Engine backend ( OpenVINO™ ):
- added support for OpenVINO 2020.3 LTS / 2020.4 releases
- support of NN Builder API is planned for removal in the next release
- Many fixes and optimizations in CUDA backend: PRs

G-API module:
- Introduced a new API for stateful kernels in OpenCV backend: GAPI_OCV_KERNEL_ST. Stateful kernels preserve their state among the individual graph executions (in the standard more) or among the video frames of the stream (in the streaming mode)
- Introduced more video-oriented operations in G-API: goodFeaturesToTrack, buildOpticalFlowPyramid, calcOpicalFlowPyrLK
- Added few more image processing kernels: Laplacian and bilateral filters
- Fixed a potential crash in G-API's OpenCL backend

And many other great contributions from OpenCV community:
- Obj-C / Swift bindings
- (opencv_contrib) Julia bindings as part of ongoing GSoC project
- (opencv_contrib) BIMEF: A Bio-Inspired Multi-Exposure Fusion Framework for Low-light Image Enhancement
- Enable Otsu thresholding for CV_16UC1 images
- Add Stroke Width Transform algorithm for Text Detection
- Planned migration on Apache 2 license for next releases OE-32

OpenCV 3.4.11 查看版本資訊


KeePassXC 2.6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Custom Light and Dark themes
- Compact mode to use classic Group and Entry line height
- New monochrome tray icons
- View menu to quickly switch themes, compact mode, and toggle UI elements
- Search for groups and scope search to matched groups
- Save Database Backup feature
- Sort entries by "natural order" and move lines up/down
- Option to launch KeePassXC on system startup/login
- Caps Lock warning on password input fields
- Add "Size" column to entry view
- Browser-like tab experience using Ctrl+[Num] (Alt+[Num] on Linux)
- Password Generator: Define additional characters to choose from
- Reports: Database password health check (offline)
- Reports: HIBP online service to check for breached passwords
- Auto-Type: DateTime placeholders
- Browser: Show group name in results sent to browser extension
- Browser: Ability to define a custom browser location (macOS and Linux only)
- Browser: Ability to change root group UUID and inline edit connection ID [#4315
- CLI: db-info command
- CLI: Use wl-clipboard if xclip is not available (Linux)
- CLI: Incorporate xclip into snap builds
- SSH Agent: Key file path env substitution, SSH_AUTH_SOCK override, and connection test
- SSH Agent: Context menu actions to add/remove keys

- Complete replacement of default database icons
- Complete replacement of application icons
- Complete rewrite of documentation and manpages using Asciidoctor
- Complete refactor of config files; separate between local and roaming
- Complete refactor of browser integration and proxy code
- Complete refactor of hardware key integration (YubiKey and OnlyKey)
- Significantly improve performance when saving and opening databases
- Remove read-only detection for database files
- Overhaul of password fields and password generator
- Replace instances of "Master Key" with "Database Credentials"
- Change settings checkboxes to positive phrasing for consistency
- Improve UX of using entry actions (focus fix)
- Set expiration time to Now when enabling entry expiration
- Always show "New Entry" in context menu
- Issue warning before adding large attachments
- Improve importing OPVault
- Improve AutoOpen capability
- Check for updates every 7 days even while still running
- Improve Windows installer UI/UX
- Improve config file handling of portable distribution
- macOS: Hide dock icon when application is hidden to tray
- Browser: Use unlock dialog to improve UX of opening a locked database
- Browser: Improve database and entry settings experience
- Browser: Improve confirm access dialog
- KeeShare: Improve monitoring file changes of shares
- CLI: Rename create command to db-create
- CLI: Cleanup db-create options (--set-key-file and --set-password)
- CLI: Use stderr for help text and password prompts
- FdoSecrets: Display existing secret service process

- Fix changing focus around the main window using tab key
- Fix search field clearing while still using the application
- Improve search help widget displaying on macOS and Linux
- Return keyboard focus after editing an entry
- Reset database path after failed "Save As"
- Make builds reproducible
- Improve handling of ccache when building
- Windows: Use correct UI font and size
- macOS: Properly re-hide application window after browser integration and Auto-Type usage
- Linux: Fix version number not embedded in AppImage
- Auto-Type: Fix crash when performing on new entry
- Browser: Send legacy HTTP settings to recycle bin
- Browser: Fix merging browser keys
- CLI: Fix encoding when exporting database
- SSH Agent: Improve reliability and underlying code
- FdoSecrets: Fix crash when editing settings before service is enabled

Xshell Free 6.0 Build 0197 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Option to turn off an application`s mouse mode

- Attempting GSSAPI authentication without a GSSAPI credential in the session file leads to a failed connection and no issuance of a new GSSAPI credential
- Crash when exiting Xshell with many Local Shell tabs in a tiled layout
- Crash when hitting a key while focus is on a a standard button
- Default baud rate set to 115200
- Error when moving a jump host session tab to a new window
- Links Bar session sometimes opens in a new tab instead of an already opened Local Shell tab
- Program restarts even if a different language is not selected in the Change Language dialog box
- Quick Command Buttons not displaying correctly in the Quick Command Pane
- Session count not displaying properly in the Status Bar
- Tab to Window option is available even if a window contains only a single tab
- Title bar of the existing window not updating immediately when moving a tab to a new window
- Typo in the set option's SaveAppLog explanation
- Unable to process multiple queries simultaneously when utilizing Keyboard Interactive authentication
- Unable to utilize Public key authentication with Xagent during multi-factor authentication
- Xshell provides no warning when the designated data folder cannot be found upon initialization
- xsh.Session.LocalAddress returns a value unrelated to the connected session