Wireshark (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page9

最新版本 Wireshark 4.2.3 (64-bit)

Wireshark (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Ethereal 網絡協議分析儀已經改名為 Wireshark 64 位。名字可能是新的,但軟件是一樣的。 Wireshark 的強大功能使其成為全球網絡故障排除,協議開發和教育的首選工具.Wireshark 是由全球網絡專家撰寫的,是開源功能的一個例子。 Wireshark 64 位被世界各地的網絡專業人士用於分析,故障排除,軟件和協議開發和教育。該程序具有協議分析儀所期望的所有標準功能,以及其... Wireshark (64-bit) 軟體介紹

GameMaker Studio 2.3.4 Build 577 查看版本資訊


Postman 8.12.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This version of Postman includes internal performance and stability improvements

Postman 8.12.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This version of Postman includes internal performance and stability improvements

Symfony 5.3.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient] Don't pass float to usleep()
- Cast ini_get to an integer to match expected type
- [Messenger] Remove indices in messenger table on MySQL to prevent deadlocks while removing messages when running multiple consumers
- [Messenger] Fix ErrorDetailsStamp denormalization
- [Translation] Extract translatable content on twig set
- [Notifier] [Smsapi] fixed checking whether message is sent
- allow null for framework.translator.default_path
- [DomCrawler] improve failure messages of the CrawlerSelectorTextContains constraint
- [HttpFoundation] Fix isNotModified determination logic
- [FrameworkBundle] Fall back to default configuration in debug:config and consistently resolve parameter values
- Fix Url Validator false positives
- [Translation] Reverse fallback locales
- Escape all special characters for parse_mode MARKDOWN_V2
- [Messenger] [AMQP] Do not leak any credentials when connection fails
- [Notifier] Firebase error handling
- [PropertyInfo] Support for the never return type
- Fix ProgressBar to correctly clear multi-line formats
- [Translation] Fix message key handling for the Localise provider
- Ignoring X-Transport header while signing email with DKIM
- [ExpressionLanguage] [Lexer] Remove PHP 8.0 polyfill
- [Security] Don't produce TypeErrors for non-string CSRF tokens
- [Security] Fix wrong cache directive when using the new PUBLIC_ACCESS attribute
- [Cache] fix wiring async cache recomputing in debug mode
- [Cache] Do not add namespace argument to NullAdapter in CachePoolPass
- [HttpKernel] always close open stopwatch section after handling kernel.request events
- [Console] Don't pass null to preg_replace()
- Fix ServiceLocator indexing when service is decorated
- [HttpFoundation] Don't pass null to strpos()
- [HttpKernel] Remove preloading legacy event dispatcher
- Fix return types for PHP 8.1
- [DoctrineBridge] Typehint against doctrine/persistence interfaces
- [Validator] Update MIR card scheme
- [PasswordHasher] Fix usage of PasswordHasherAdapter in PasswordHasherFactory

PyCharm 2021.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Learn PyCharm with the Feature Trainer: new VCS’s lessons:
- With the IDE Features Trainer plugin, you can learn more about Git integration in PyCharm. New lessons teach you how to clone repositories, commit changes, preview and navigate through the project history, manage branches and changelists, perform interactive rebase, and annotate with Git Blame.
- To start the lesson, select Help | Learn IDE Features from the main menu and expand the Git module in the list of available lessons

Faster environment creation for Python 3:
- Starting from version 2021.2, PyCharm is using virtualenv instead of venv for Python 3 environment creation. As per virtualenv’s documentation: “This allows all but the first virtual environment creation to be blazing fast”.

Improvements for Vue:
- PyCharm 2021.2.1 includes several improvements for Vue support. The IDE now supports the final version of script setup RFC. To learn about other improvements related to Vue in this release read this blog post.

Here is a list of the other improvements in PyCharm 2021.2.1:
- Docker Compose: when the Docker Compose V2 experimental feature is enabled, it is now possible to create a Python interpreter
- Flask: the debugger now works correctly in Flask projects
- Parser: the false positive “Statement expected. found Py:DEDENT” no longer appears
- HTML preview: you can switch between reload on save and reload on changes mode for the built-in server and HTML preview. [WEB-51695]
- Test runner autodetection: navigation to pytest fixture declarations works when using the autodetected pytest test runner
- Python console: the “Execute current statement” in One-Line Console action works in Float mode
- Python 3.10 support: the type checker for the new union types’ syntax works correctly with Django Rest Framework permission classes
- Debugger: debugging Python 3.9 for Windows 10 x64 is available
- Debug tool window: the Update Running Application button is available
- Run/Debug Configuration: when you click the Run button, the IDE runs the configuration selected in the combo box
- Terminal: several shortcut issues in the terminal are fixed
- Shortcuts: the Ctrl+Shift+←/→ shortcuts now correctly extend the text selection before or after the caret

Wireshark 3.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New and Updated Features:
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 3.4.0:
- The Windows installers now ship with Npcap 1.50
- A 64-bit Windows PortableApps package is now available
- A macOS Arm 64 (Apple Silicon) package is now available
- TCP conversations now support a completeness criteria, which facilitates the identification of TCP streams having any of opening or closing handshakes, a payload, in any combination. It is accessed with the new tcp.completeness filter.
- Protobuf fields that are not serialized on the wire (missing in capture files) can now be displayed with default values by setting the new 'add_default_value' preference. The default values might be explicitly declared in 'proto2' files, or false for bools, first value for enums, zero for numeric types.
- Wireshark now supports reading Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). A new extcap named ETW reader is created that now can open an etl file, convert all events in the file to DLT_ETW packets and write to a specified FIFO destination. Also, a new packet_etw dissector is created to dissect DLT_ETW packets so Wireshark can display the DLT_ETW packet header, its message and packet_etw dissector calls packet_mbim sub_dissector if its provider matches the MBIM provider GUID.
- "Follow DCCP stream" feature to filter for and extract the contents of DCCP streams
- Wireshark now supports dissecting the rtp packet with OPUS payload
- Importing captures from text files is now also possible based on regular expressions. By specifying a regex capturing a single packet including capturing groups for relevant fields a textfile can be converted to a libpcap capture file. Supported data encodings are plain-hexadecimal, -octal, -binary and base64. Also the timestamp format now allows the second-fractions to be placed anywhere in the timestamp and it will be stored with nanosecond instead of microsecond precision.
- Display filter literal strings can now be specified using raw string syntax, identical to raw strings in the Python programming language. This is useful to avoid the complexity of using two levels of character escapes with regular expressions.
- Significant RTP Player redesign and improvements (see Wireshark User Documentation, Playing VoIP Calls and RTP Player Window)
- RTP Player can play many streams in row
- UI is more responsive
- RTP Player maintains playlist, other tools can add/remove streams to it
- Every stream can be muted or routed to L/R channel for replay
- Save audio is moved from RTP Analysis to RTP Player. RTP Player saves what was played. RTP Player can save in multichannel .au or .wav.
- RTP Player added to menu Telephony>RTP>RTP Player
- VoIP dialogs (VoIP Calls, RTP Streams, RTP Analysis, RTP Player, SIP Flows) are non-modal, can stay opened on background
- Same tools are provided across all dialogs (Prepare Filter, Analyse, RTP Player …​)
- Follow stream is now able to follow SIP calls based on their Call-ID value
- Follow stream YAML output format’s has been changed to add timestamps and peers information (for more details see the user’s guide, Following Protocol Streams)
- IP fragments between public IPv4 addresses are now reassembled even if they have different VLAN IDs. Reassembly of IP fragments where one endpoint is a private (RFC 1918 section 3) or link-local (RFC 3927) IPv4 address continues to take the VLAN ID into account, as those addresses can be reused. To revert to the previous behavior and not reassemble fragments with different VLAN IDs, turn on the "Enable stricter conversation tracking heuristics" top level protocol preference.
- USB Link Layer reassembly has been added, which allows hardware captures to be analyzed at the same level as software captures.
- TShark can now export TLS session keys with the --export-tls-session-keys option.
- Wireshark participated in the Google Season of Docs 2020 and the User’s Guide has been extensively updated.
- Format of export to CSV in RTP Stream Analysis dialog was slightly changed. First line of export contains names of columns as in other CSV exports.
- Wireshark now supports the Turkish language.

New File Format Decoding Support:
- Vector Informatik Binary Log File (BLF)

New Protocol Support:
- Bluetooth Link Manager Protocol (BT LMP), E2 Application Protocol (E2AP), Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), High-Performance Connectivity Tracer (HiPerConTracer), Kerberos SPAKE, Linux psample protocol, Local Interconnect Network (LIN), Microsoft Task Scheduler Service, O-RAN E2AP, O-RAN fronthaul UC-plane (O-RAN), Opus Interactive Audio Codec (OPUS), PDU Transport Protocol, R09.x (R09), RDP Dynamic Channel Protocol (DRDYNVC), Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Virtual Transport (RTPS-VT), Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol (processed) (RTPS-PROC), Shared Memory Communications (SMC), Signal PDU, SparkplugB, State Synchronization Protocol (SSyncP), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), TP-Link Smart Home Protocol, and World of Warcraft World (WOWW)

Updated Protocol Support:
- Too many protocols have been updated to list here

New and Updated Capture File Support:
- Vector Informatik Binary Log File (BLF)

Wireshark 3.4.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dissector bug reported for Bluetooth Cycling Power Measurement characteristic for extreme angles value
- vcruntime140_1.dll deleted on Wireshark update/install
- Raknet Addresses are incorrectly identified
- Editcap saving files as ethernet when specifying '-T ieee-802-11-*'
- CoAP dissector confuses Content-Format with Accept

Krisp 1.28.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release brings more stability to the Krisp app and improves its performance. In the meantime, under the hood bugfixes make your Krisp experience smoother.

Postman 8.11.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- With this release, as an Enterprise user, you will be able to better govern your team's public data with the new Manage Public Elements Page
- You can now get a shareable link for all elements in a workspace (e.g. Collections, Requests, APIs…) from the Postman app

We have added 12 new security warnings for APIs defined in OpenAPI 3.0:
High Severity:
- Security scheme object does not contain any scheme
- API accepts credentials from OAuth 1.0 authentication in plain text
- API accepts API key in plain text
- Operation accepts credentials from OAuth 1.0 authentication in plain text
- Operation accepts API key in plain text

Medium Severity:
- Scheme used in security field is not defined in the security scheme object
- HTTP authentication scheme is using an unknown scheme
- OAuth authentication uses the deprecated implicit flow
- OAuth authentication uses the deprecated password flow
- Refresh URL uses HTTP protocol
- OpenID Connect URL uses HTTP protocol

Low Severity:
- Deprecated OAuth 1.0 scheme is used

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where requests without responses did not show up in the monitor test results section

Postman 8.10.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This version adds support for the Socket.IO request in Postman, if you cannot wait go ahead and try it out directly!

- Fixed a bug where path variables are resolved as an empty string by default