Wireshark (64-bit)

最新版本 Symfony 5.3.7

Symfony 5.3.7

Symfony 5.3.7
Ethereal 網絡協議分析儀已經改名為 Wireshark 64 位。名字可能是新的,但軟件是一樣的。 Wireshark 的強大功能使其成為全球網絡故障排除,協議開發和教育的首選工具.

Wireshark 是由全球網絡專家撰寫的,是開源功能的一個例子。 Wireshark 64 位被世界各地的網絡專業人士用於分析,故障排除,軟件和協議開發和教育。該程序具有協議分析儀所期望的所有標準功能,以及其他任何產品中沒有的功能。它的開放源代碼許可證允許網絡社區中有才華的專家增加增強功能。

深入檢查數百種協議,並且隨時添加更多內容實時捕獲和離線分析標準的三窗格數據包瀏覽器多平台:運行 Windows,Linux,OS X,Solaris,FreeBSD,NetBSD 和其他許多捕獲的網絡數據可以通過 GUI 或通過 TTY 模式的 TShark 實用程序瀏覽業界功能最強大的顯示過濾器豐富的 VoIP 分析讀 / 寫許多不同的捕獲文件格式:tcpdump(libpcap),Pcap NG,Catapult DCT2000,思科安全 IDS iplog,微軟網絡監視器,網絡通用嗅探器® (壓縮和未壓縮),Sniffer® Pro 和 NetXray®,Network Instruments Observer,NetScreen snoop,Novell LANalyzer,RADCOM WAN / LAN 分析儀,Shomiti / Finisar Surveyor,Tektronix K12xx,Visual Networks Visual UpTime,WildPackets EtherPeek / TokenPeek / AiroPeek 等等。可以實時解壓縮實時數據可以從以太網,IEEE 802.11,PPP / HDLC,ATM,藍牙,USB,令牌環,幀中繼,FDDI 等(取決於您的平台)讀取解密支持許多協議,包括 IPsec,ISAKMP,Kerberos,SNMPv3,SSL / TLS,WEP 和 WPA / WPA2 著色規則可應用於數據包列表以進行快速,直觀的分析輸出可以導出為 XML,PostScript 或 CSV 或純文本也可用:下載 Wireshark 的 Mac


檔案版本 Symfony 5.3.7

檔案名稱 v5.3.7.zip
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Wireshark Foundation
官網 http://www.wireshark.org/download.html
更新日期 2021-08-30

What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient] Don't pass float to usleep()
- Cast ini_get to an integer to match expected type
- [Messenger] Remove indices in messenger table on MySQL to prevent deadlocks while removing messages when running multiple consumers
- [Messenger] Fix ErrorDetailsStamp denormalization
- [Translation] Extract translatable content on twig set
- [Notifier] [Smsapi] fixed checking whether message is sent
- allow null for framework.translator.default_path
- [DomCrawler] improve failure messages of the CrawlerSelectorTextContains constraint
- [HttpFoundation] Fix isNotModified determination logic
- [FrameworkBundle] Fall back to default configuration in debug:config and consistently resolve parameter values
- Fix Url Validator false positives
- [Translation] Reverse fallback locales
- Escape all special characters for parse_mode MARKDOWN_V2
- [Messenger] [AMQP] Do not leak any credentials when connection fails
- [Notifier] Firebase error handling
- [PropertyInfo] Support for the never return type
- Fix ProgressBar to correctly clear multi-line formats
- [Translation] Fix message key handling for the Localise provider
- Ignoring X-Transport header while signing email with DKIM
- [ExpressionLanguage] [Lexer] Remove PHP 8.0 polyfill
- [Security] Don't produce TypeErrors for non-string CSRF tokens
- [Security] Fix wrong cache directive when using the new PUBLIC_ACCESS attribute
- [Cache] fix wiring async cache recomputing in debug mode
- [Cache] Do not add namespace argument to NullAdapter in CachePoolPass
- [HttpKernel] always close open stopwatch section after handling kernel.request events
- [Console] Don't pass null to preg_replace()
- Fix ServiceLocator indexing when service is decorated
- [HttpFoundation] Don't pass null to strpos()
- [HttpKernel] Remove preloading legacy event dispatcher
- Fix return types for PHP 8.1
- [DoctrineBridge] Typehint against doctrine/persistence interfaces
- [Validator] Update MIR card scheme
- [PasswordHasher] Fix usage of PasswordHasherAdapter in PasswordHasherFactory

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