Unity 歷史版本列表
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲... Unity 軟體介紹更新時間:2019-05-22
What's new in this version:
Bug Fixes:
- Framework: All Listbox no longer leaks memory when Paint events are handled
- Framework: Windows Sped up URLConnection/Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket requests and decreased CPU usage
- Framework: Windows URLConnection/Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket events are no longer re-entrant
- Framework: Windows Updating the case of a Label now works
- Framework: Windows URLConnection/Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket authenticating no longer hangs when there is request content present
- Framework: Windows TabPanels embedded within another TabPanel no longer calls the Changed event multiple times
New Items:
- Build: Added default plist entries for iOS location services which can be overridden by user plist files. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription (for iOS 10) and NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription (for iOS 11+)
What's new in this version:
- 2D: Fixed artifacts when rendering with TilemapRenderer while 2D Animation Package is in the Project
- 2D: Fixed ETC texture compression Split Alpha Channelnot working for SpiteAtlas Variants
- 2D: Fixed gaps not being minimised for a CompositeCollider2D when compositing a TilemapCollider2D which has been scaled to have micro gaps
- 2D: Fixed gaps not being minimised for a CompositeCollider2D when compositing a TilemapCollider2D which has rotated Tiles causing micro gaps between Tiles
- 2D: Fixed InvalidCastException from Tilemap when an invalid Tile is added to the Tilemap
- Android: Fixed crash in signal handler on Android IL2CPP ARM64
- Android: Fixed gradle build failure with Android SDK Build-Tools 29-rc1
- Editor: Fixed "ArgumentException: Could not find item with id:" that could sometimes occurs when modifying points in the LineRenderer editor
- Editor: Fixed crash when moving the camera while having the scene view selected
- Editor: Fixed editor freeze when importing asset with a meta file
- Editor: Fixed issue with components from scripts not getting removed from "Add Component.." menu when they are deleted
- Editor: Fixed memory stomping in shutdown code doe to Performance Tracker cleanup
- Editor: Fixed Open Containing Folder for the packages folder in the project window on Linux
- Facebook: Fixed Facebook GameRoom sometimes failing when target is Standalone
- iOS: Fixed XCode project to be saved if Automatically add capabilities setting is disabled
- Linux: Fixed keystrokes being recorded twice
- Linux: Fixed ShaderGraph gradients
- Linux: Fixed WebViewTests causing editor to crash at exit
- Particles: Fixed crash at KeyframeTpl::Transfer> when entering Play mode
- Particles: Fixed crash in ApplyTexture function when selecting a GameObject with a Particle System
- Particles: Fixed fade and soft particle properties not being applied to the Emissive color of the Standard Particle Shaders
- Particles: Fixed Particle System Force Field parameters not being clamped to sensible values, and allow negative speeds to be set in the Inspector where appropriate
- Particles: Fixed ParticleSystem Sprite rendered using the wrong color when the associated SpriteRenderer Component was not enabled
- Particles: Fixed Texture Sheet Module Cycles value not being clamped to sensible values causing crashes
- Prefabs: Fixed Drag-select in Prefab Mode selecting GameObjects with Gizmos in any loaded scene
- Prefabs: Fixed error message when deleting prefab asset whilst it is open in the Prefab Editor and version control is enabled
- Prefabs: Fixed Prefab Mode reparenting to root GameObject by dragging is broken after having changed transform type
- Scripting: Auto-upgrade Cinemachine for Unity 2019.x
- Scripting: Fixed problem in namespace parser regarding reading nested classes inside partial monobehaviour
- Services: Ensured symbols are captured correctly on Android
- Services: Ensured symbols are captured correctly on iOS
- Services: Fixed crash from background thread on UWP when Crash Reporting is enabled
- Services: Fixed File icons in Collab Toolbar missing after clearing partial publish selection
- Services: Fixed symbol upload for Cloud Diagnostics not working in batch mode
- Shaders: Fixed runtime shader load performance regression by removing randomish up-front warmup of all subshaders
- Version Control: Fixed error when trying to write to Perforce locked settings file
- Windows: Fixed input not resetting when game controller is disconnected
- XR: Fixed a CPU core configuration issue on Oculus Quest that resulted in too many job threads spinning up
- XR: Fixed app callbacks deferral hang if suspending while exiting
What's new in this version:
- Add: double-click now selects a) group of spaces, b) group of symbol chars (like EmEditor)
- Add: lexers C, C++: show "typedef ...{...}" in code-tree
- Fix: crash during code-tree filling
What's new in this version:
- Compatible unit added: DDJ-200 (plug-and-play support)
- Pitch Bend sensitivity when the XDJ-RX2 is connected
- Letterboxed video was partly blacked out when zooming in using Touch FX
- Improved stability and fixes for other minor issues
What's new in this version:
- add: UI can now be scaled freely, independing of OS high-DPI mode. Added options "ui_scale", "ui_scale_font"
- add: more UI elements support scaling (minimap, micromap, splitters etc)
- add: Project Manager supports "toolbar icons" of any size (before: only 16x16). Icon set "Mui" (icon size: 20, 24, 32, 48) was added to add-ons
- add: menu items in "Edit" menu are auto disabled (Undo, Redo, Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete)
- add: don't show warning "File is maybe not text" because of char(27)
- add: dialog "Save tabs?" saves its size
- add: dialog "Char map" saves its size
- change: deleted option "ui_statusbar_height"
- change: deleted option "numbers_font_size"
- change: deleted option "ruler_font_size"
- change: deleted option "ruler_size"
- change: deleted option "micromap_width"
- fix: bugs with vertical scrollbar, it wasn't auto moved