Syncthing (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page21

最新版本 Syncthing v1.23.4 (64-bit)

Syncthing (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Syncthing 是一款適用於 Windows PC 的免費且開源的點對點文件同步軟件! Syncthing 用一些開放,可靠和分散的東西來取代專有的同步和雲服務。您的數據僅僅是您的數據,如果您的數據與第三方共享以及如何通過互聯網傳輸,您應該選擇其存儲位置。 Syncthing 仍在開發中,儘管已經實現了大量的功能。Syncthing 功能:Private您的數據不會存儲在您的計算機以外的任何地... Syncthing (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Symfony 5.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Console] Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin (bis)
- [HttpFoundation] use InputBag for Request::$request only if data is coming from a form
- [SecurityBundle] Fix CookieClearingLogoutListener DI configuration
- Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin
- [PropertyInfo] Make PhpDocExtractor compatible with phpDocumentor v5
- [Form] Fixed prototype block prefixes hierarchy of the CollectionType
- [Form] Fixed block prefixes hierarchy of the CollectionType
- Fix register csrf protection listener

Symfony 5.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle unresolved parameters pointing to environment variables
- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Always resolve parameters
- [DependencyInjection] Apply ExpressionLanguageProviderPass to router.default
- [String] Fix ellipsis of truncate when not using cut option
- [HttpClient] disable AMP's inactivity timeout, we deal with it on our own already
- [HttpClient] fix offset computation for data chunks
- [Routing] Keeping routes priorities after add a name prefix to the collection
- [Lock] Fixed reading locks from replica set secondary nodes
- [Ldap] fix refreshUser() ignoring extra_fields
- [Mailer] Remove an internal annot
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix ExpectDeprecationTrait::expectDeprecation() conflict
- [Mailer] added the reply-to addresses to the API SES transport request
- [DI] Add check around class_alias for generated proxy classes
- [Mime] use fromString when creating a new Address
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Mailer] Fixed generator bug when creating multiple transports using Transport::fromDsn
- [FrameworkBundle] Remove reference to APP_SECRET in MicroKernelTrait
- [SecurityBundle] Fix the session listener registration under the new authentication manager
- [Console] allow cursor to be used even when STDIN is not defined
- [PropertyAccess] Fix getter call order BC
- [Messenger/DoctrineBridge] set column length for mysql 5.6 compatibility
- [Messenger/AmazonSqsBridge] Fixed left-over debug statement
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring timeouts when other streams are active
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4
- [DependencyInjection] Improve missing package/version deprecation
- Fix invalid char in SQS Headers
- [SecurityBundle] Only register CSRF protection listener if CSRF is available
- [HttpClient] Throw JsonException instead of TransportException on empty response in Response::toArray()
- [FrameworkBundle] Extension Serializer issue
- [WebProfilerBundle] Move ajax clear event listener initialization on loadToolbar
- [DoctrineBridge] register event listeners depending on the installed packages
- [ExpressionLanguage] reset the internal state when the parser is finished
- [Serializer] take into account the context when preserving empty array objects
- [Security] Fixed PUBLIC_ACCESS in authenticated sessions
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix enabled_locales behavior

Symfony 5.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle unresolved parameters pointing to environment variables
- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Always resolve parameters
- [HttpClient] fix offset computation for data chunks
- [Ldap] fix refreshUser() ignoring extra_fields
- [Mailer] Remove an internal annot
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [Mailer] added the reply-to addresses to the API SES transport request
- [Mime] use fromString when creating a new Address
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Mailer] Fixed generator bug when creating multiple transports using Transport::fromDsn
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring timeouts when other streams are active
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4
- [HttpClient] Throw JsonException instead of TransportException on empty response in Response::toArray()
- [WebProfilerBundle] Move ajax clear event listener initialization on loadToolbar
- [Serializer] take into account the context when preserving empty array objects

EF Commander 20.06 查看版本資訊


Auto Screen Capture 查看版本資訊


DAX Studio 2.11.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- (Preview) Query Builder
- (Preview) Query Benchmark
- Added Quick Access buttons for New, New (with current connection) & Save
- Added Export button to all trace outputs
- Added full filename tooltip to tabs
- Promoted View Metrics (Vertipaq Analyzer) from preview status to general availability
- Promoted Export Data feature from preview status to general availability
- Documentation Updates:
- Added license page
- including a section on SmartScreen issues in Win10
- Updated syntax highlighting to align with
- Added a note in the Database tooltip that the Database Id can be copied using a right-click
- Added formatting to shorten asazure: and powerbi: server names in the status bar so that the key information is visible
- Added a partitions tab to the Model Metrics views
- Added a sample of any missing keys to the relationships tab in the Model Metrics (these keys are not saved for privacy reasons when exporting to a vpax file)

- fixed cancelling of exports to SQL Server
- improved keyboard navigation by adding IsDefault/IsCancel properties to dialog buttons
- fixed an issue with intellisense not re-enabling after reconnecting
- fixed an issue with Query History pane not updating the "Current" Database filter when changing databases
- disabled external tools when connected to PowerPivot
- updated all URL references to use https
- fixed issue connecting from Excel 2010
- refined the code completion to prevent it overwriting code when editing in the middle of an expression
- disabled column re-ordering in Metrics view
- fixed an issue with the metadata pane when connecting to a model with dynamic format strings defined in calculation groups
- removed backtick characters in column names with spaces where using the Static Excel output
- fixed server not found error when exporting vpax file for PowerPivot models
- fixed error when attempting to connect to PowerPivot files stored on OneDrive
- fixed incorrect database name shown when launched from the Excel addin and not connected to PowerPivot
- fixed the status message getting stuck after writing output to a file destination
- fixed a bug that reported an assembly load error when Cancelling a query

Auto Screen Capture 查看版本資訊


Auto Screen Capture 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.0.12 查看版本資訊


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