Syncthing (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page18

最新版本 Syncthing v1.23.4 (64-bit)

Syncthing (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Syncthing 是一款適用於 Windows PC 的免費且開源的點對點文件同步軟件! Syncthing 用一些開放,可靠和分散的東西來取代專有的同步和雲服務。您的數據僅僅是您的數據,如果您的數據與第三方共享以及如何通過互聯網傳輸,您應該選擇其存儲位置。 Syncthing 仍在開發中,儘管已經實現了大量的功能。Syncthing 功能:Private您的數據不會存儲在您的計算機以外的任何地... Syncthing (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Symfony 5.1.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Handle consecutive supports() calls in the RememberMeAuthenticator
- [Lock] Fix StoreFactory to accept same DSN syntax as AbstractAdapter
- [Serializer][Minor] Fix circular reference exception message (bad limit displayed)
- [HttpClient] Always "buffer" empty responses
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix Deprecation file when it comes from the TestsListener
- [Form] propagate validation groups to subforms
- Ignore more deprecations for Mockery mocks
- [HttpClient] fix using proxies with NativeHttpClient
- [Routing] fix using !important and defaults/reqs in inline route definitions
- [ErrorHandler][DebugClassLoader] Do not check Mockery mocks classes
- [HttpClient] Fix using https with proxies
- [TwigBundle] Only remove kernel exception listener if twig is used
- [BrowserKit] Cookie expiration at current timestamp
- [DI] fix dumping non-shared lazy services
- [Messenger] Fix redis connection error message
- Revert "bug #38063 [FrameworkBundle] generate preload.php in src/ to make opcache.preload predictable"
- [FrameworkBundle] Add Mailjet definition
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fixed class_alias() for PHPUnitFrameworkErrorError

Rebelle 3.2.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Features and Changes:
- Save .reb projects in Demo version
- Open .reb projects from Demo version in the full version
- Accelerometer rotation by 90 degrees added
- Option to disable PSD compression added

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed lag on high-resolution displays
- Fixed color mixing via the "X" shortcut when a grid is active on the color palette
- Fixed reference image transformation when using multitouch gestures
- Fixed crash when a new file was created after the unconfirmed image import
- Fixed: When rotating or flipping the canvas, it also influences the active brush rotation
- Fixed: Selection remains a selection after re-opening a saved .reb file
- Fixed: Switching between Transform and Canvas Size tools works correctly
- Text of the memory limits in Preferences are displayed correctly now
- Other minor bug fixes

Electron 10.1.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed CORS not being disabled by webSecurity: false. #25503 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed ready-to-show event not emitted on some machines. #25476 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed a crash in app.importCertificate() on Linux. #25536 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed a crash when closing window in an event listener after exiting fullscreen on macOS. #25604 (Also in 10, 11)
- Fixed an issue that could cause a normally-exiting process to fail with an "illegal access" message and exit code 7. #25458 (Also in 8, 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed an issue where an error would be displayed when using webContents.print() if no default was set and no device name provided. #25606 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed an issue where multiple calls to window.print() could cause a crash. #25530
- Fixed an issue where pageRanges was not properly honored when printing. #25597 (Also in 10)
- Fixed crashes caused by attempting to modify destroyed views. #25511 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed the remote-debugging-port discovery page showing garbled text. #25601 (Also in 10, 11)
- Updated Node root certs to use NSS 3.56. #25361 (Also in 8, 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed extension background page devtools not being openable

Other Changes:
- Added a small console hint to console to help debug renderer crashes. #25472 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed resource leak in worker threads. #25662 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Updated Chromium to 85.0.4183.121

Symfony 5.1.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [OptionsResolver] Fix deprecation message access
- [HttpClient] Allow bearer token with colon
- [Form] Fix custom formats deprecation with HTML5 widgets
- [Contracts][Translation] Optional Intl dependency
- [Translator] Optional Intl dependency
- [ErrorHandler] Escape JSON encoded log context
- [Cache][Lock][Messenger] fix compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Yaml Parser] Fix edge cases when parsing multiple documents
- [FrameworkBundle] loadRoutes shoud receive RoutingPhpFileLoader
- [Yaml] fix parsing comments not prefixed by a space
- [Translator] Make sure a null locale is handled properly
- [Cache] Allow cache tags to be objects implementing __toString()
- [HttpKernel] Do not override max_redirects option in HttpClientKernel
- [HttpClient] Support for CURLOPT_LOCALPORT
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix xsd definition which prevent to add more than one workflow metadata
- [String] improve slugger's portability accross implementations of iconv()
- [Console] work around disabled putenv()
- [Notifier] Fix errors parsing in FirebaseTransport
- [HttpClient][HttpClientTrait] don't calculate alternatives if option is auth_ntlm
- [PhpUnitBridge] Internal classes are not legacy
-8160 [Security] In the new authenticator system, no auth listener is valid
- [Cache] fix ProxyAdapter not persisting items with infinite expiration
- [HttpClient] fail properly when the server replies with HTTP/0.9
- [Validator] allow consumers to mock all methods
- [DI] dump OS-indepent paths in the preload file
- [DI] dump OS-indepent paths in the compiled container
- [Mailer] Fixed Mailgun API bridge JsonException when API response is not applicaton/json
- [Cache] Limit cache version character range
- [Messenger] Run postgres setup trigger in transaction
- [FrameworkBundle] adopt src/.preload.php
- [Cache] Fix key encoding issue in Memcached adapter
- [HttpClient] Fix Array to string conversion notice when parsing JSON error body with non-scalar detail property
- DateTime validator support for trailing data
- [Console] Silence warnings on sapi_windows_cp_set() call
- [Console] guard $argv + $token against null, preventing unnecessary exceptions
- [PhpUnitBridge] Skip internal classes in CoverageListenerTrait
- [VarExporter] unserialize() might throw an Exception on php 8
- [ErrorHandler] Parse "x not found" errors correctly on php 8
- Prevent parsing invalid octal digits as octal numbers
- [Mailer] Remove unnecessary check for existing request
- [DI] fix ContainerBuilder on PHP8
- [HttpClient] with "bindto" with NativeHttpClient
- [FrameworkBundle] generate preload.php in src/ to make opcache.preload predictable
- [Console] Make sure $maxAttempts is an int or null
- esmtp error not being thrown properly
- [Yaml Parser] fixed Parser to skip comments when inlining sequences
- [VarDumper] Fix caster for invalid SplFileInfo objects on php 8
- [Messenger] Remove DelaySeconds parameter for FIFO queues
- [PhpUnitBridge] Adjust output parsing of CoverageListenerTrait for PHPUnit 9.3
- [DI] fix generating preload file when cache_dir is outside project_dir
- [Cache] Fix CacheCollectorPass with decorated cache pools
- [PhpUnitBridge] CoverageListenerTrait update for PHPUnit 8.5/9.x
- [Debug] Parse "x not found" errors correctly on php 8
- [PropertyInfo] Fix typed collections in PHP 7.4
- [PHPUnitBridge] Fix deprecation type detection when trigger_deprecation is used
- [PhpunitBridge] Fix deprecation type detection (when several autoload files are used)
- Allow Drupal to wrap the Symfony test listener (5.1 backport)

Electron 10.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added missing module delay loads on windows to reduce per process reference set impact. #25435 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed a crash in the renderer process when invoking the Badging API. #25369 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed an issue where document.hasFocus and document.activeElement would be inconsistent upon showing a window that was initially created with show: false. #25330 (Also in 10, 11)
- Fixed client_id file being generated in the working directory for node child process. #25309 (Also in 9, 10, 11)
- Fixed multiple dock icons being left in system when calling on macOS. #25299 (Also in 8, 9, 10, 11)

- Updated Chromium to 85.0.4183.98

RPCS3 0.0.12-10876 查看版本資訊


Syncthing v1.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Case-only renames break stuff
- Properly handle upper-/lowercase-only file name collisions
- TestWatchRename test fails on FreeBSD.
- Error status should take precedence over Local Additions
- Global state incorrect when ignoring local change
- Folder incorrectly marked “Up to Date” after switching from “Receive Only” to “Send & Receive”
- Certificate error when built with Go 1.15
- chmod permission after editing .stignore via WebUI not preserved
- test failures with Go 1.15
- Syncthing 1.8.0 trying to connect via wrong network route
- tests in TestCopyRange fail on ppc64le with "inappropriate ioctl for device"
- NAT service fails to terminate during Shutdown
- Local Additions when deleting file after changing folder type from SR to RO
- Auto accepted folders not saved
- Modifying config during first scan corrupts folder state

- Syncthing should be case insensitive by default
- Avoid anti-aliasing artifacts for svg device icons
- Don't fail dirs in receive-only folders that were removed elsewhere but exist locally

Symfony 5.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- security #cve-2020-15094 Remove headers with internal meaning from HttpClient responses
- bug #38024 [Console] Fix undefined index for inconsistent command name definition
- bug #38023 [DI] fix inlining of non-shared services
- bug #38022 Missed AbstractArgument
- bug #38020 [PhpUnitBridge] swallow deprecations
- bug #37961 [Mailer] Fixed 'verify_peer' option in mailer DSN being ignored
- bug #38010 [Cache] Psr16Cache does not handle Proxy cache items
- bug #37937 [Serializer] fixed fix encoding of cache keys with anonymous classes
- bug #38002 [Validator] Fix PhpUnitBridge version constraint
- bug #38001 Fix symfony/amazon-mailer constraint

Electron 10.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where filters set in dialogs on macOS would have nondeterministic ordering. #25192
- Fixed network permission error when there are multiple WebContents sharing same session are created with web security disabled. #25178
- Fixed the following issues for frameless when maximized on Windows * fix unreachable task bar when auto hidden with position top
- fix 1px extending to secondary monitor
- fix 1px overflowing into taskbar at certain resolutions
- fix white line on top of window under 4k resolutions. #25216
- Fixed issue where clicking notifications would no longer dismiss them as expected

- Updated Chromium to 85.0.4183.93

Symfony 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient][MockHttpClient][DX] Throw when the response factory callable does not return a valid response
- [PropertyInfo] Backport support for typed properties (PHP 7.4)
- [PhpUnitBridge] Polyfill new phpunit 9.1 assertions
- [PhpUnit] Add polyfill for assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- [TwigBridge] allow null for $message of filter method trans
- [PropertyAccess] Fix accessing dynamic properties
- [HttpClient] fix chaining promises returned by HttplugClient
- [DI] fix dumping lazy non-shared services
- [Yaml] fix more numeric cases changing in PHP 8
- [Security] Fixed RememberMeAuthenticator::autoLogin() logic in the authenticator
- [Yaml] account for is_numeric() behavior changes in PHP 8
- [Mailer] Support Return-Path in SesApiAsyncAwsTransport
- [ExpressionLanguage] fix passing arguments to call_user_func_array() on PHP 8
- [Messenger] stop using the deprecated schema synchronizer API
- [Mailer] Support reply-to in SesApiAsyncAwsTransport
- [Mailer] Fixed mandrill api header structur
- [Notifier] Fixed base_uri while call auth/time API
- [Mailer] Reorder headers used to determine Sender
- [PropertyInfo] Fix ReflectionExtractor + minor tweaks
- [Lock] MongoDbStore handle duplicate querystring keys in mongodb uri when stripping
- [Sendgrid-Mailer] Fixed envelope recipients on sendgridApiTransport
- [Serializer][ClassDiscriminatorMapping] Fix getMappedObjectType() when a discriminator child extends another one
- [Messenger] Fix BC layer for stamps moved into separate packages
- [Validator] ensure that the validator is a mock object for backwards-compatibility
- [Serializer] Fix configuration of the cache key
- [Messenger] Do not stack retry stamp
- [FrameworkBundle] Add missing mailer transports in x
- [Lock] MongoDbStore skim non-standard options from uri
- [ErrorHandler][DebugClassLoader] Add mixed and static return types support
- [Serializer] Fix variadic support when using type hints
- [VarDumper] Backport handler lock when using VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT
- Postpone Range BC layer removal to 6.
- [Form] Fix Guess phpdoc return type
- Use PHPUnit 9.3 on php 8
- [Validator] Add BC layer for notInRangeMessage when min and max are s
- [Validator] Add target guards for Composite nested constraints
- Fix for issue #37
- [Yaml] Fix for #36624; Allow PHP constant as first key in block
- [Form] fix mapping errors from unmapped forms
- [Console] Table: support cells with newlines after a cell with colspan >=
- Fix redis connect with empty password
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- [Console] Make sure we pass a numeric array of arguments to call_user_func_array()
- [String] We cannot have a "provides" function in test cases
- [FrameworkBundle] fail properly when the required service is not defined
- [Serializer] Fix that it will never reach DOMNode
- [Cache] fix saving no-expiry items with ArrayAdapter
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix error with custom function and web profiler routing tab
- [Finder] Fix GitIgnore parser when dealing with (sub)directories and take order of lines into account
- [VarDumper] Improve previous fix on light array colorati
- [Messenger] Fix invalid option sslmode in AmazonSqs bridge
- [Mailer] Added the missing reset tag to mailer.logger_message_listener
- [Messenger] reduce column length for MySQL 5.6 compatibility
- HttpClient profiler error