OpenShot Video Editor 歷史版本列表 Page2

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OpenShot Video Editor 歷史版本列表

OpenShot Video Editor 是一款免費的 Windows PC 開源視頻編輯器。 OpenShot 可以把你的視頻,照片和音樂文件,並幫助你創造你一直夢想的電影。輕鬆添加子標題,轉場和效果,然後將您的電影導出到 DVD,YouTube,Vimeo,Xbox 360 和許多其他常見格式。立即下載 OpenShot Video Editor for PC!OpenShot Video ... OpenShot Video Editor 軟體介紹

UVI Workstation 3.0.7 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.0.6 查看版本資訊


UVI Workstation 3.0.5 查看版本資訊


OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bump version to 2.4.4 (minimum libopenshot to 0.2.3)
- Scale keyframe coordinates when changing Profile or Exporting using a different FPS
- Large performance improvements on AngularJS Timeline (and solved some Async issues)
- Integration of resvg SVG library (gitlab and freeze updates)
- Improved Tracks (simpler numbering, faster inserting, prevent deletion of locked tracks)
- Improved Docking (Timeline widget is now dockable and Properties works in pillar mode)
- Windows Installer: Remove invalid files (system32/zlib1.dll)
- Use libopenshot to generate preview images for our Title editor, and no longer use Qt's SVG parsing by default.
- Improving UTF-8 path detection and conversion
- Rewrite conversion of relative and absolute path support in OpenShot
- Fixing many Python issues reported in our automatic exception tracking
- Fixing Various Breakages in our Release Testing Plan
- Fixing regressions to Split Audio
- Integrate Constant Rate Factor (CRF) into Export Dialog
- Separating PrepareStreams() from Open(), to allow SetOption() to correctly function
- Adding h265 export preset (thanks Peter)
- Adding ~/.openshot_qt/presets/ User-defined Presets, so users can easily install custom export presets (devices and formats)
- Dragging an OSP file into the Project Files widget will open the entire project file (and prompt to save unsaved changes)
- Persist undo/redo history correctly across OpenShot sessions
- Fix audio waveform display when slicing clips or resizing/trimming clips
- Color picker: Never use native dialog
- Adding Git Changelog screen
- Converting to new Settings class, instead of the old ENV VAR method
- Reverting Angular from 1.7.2 to 1.6.0 (for stability reasons)
- Updating GitHub Templates (for bug report, question, and feature request)
- Updating GitHub README: features list, translation urls, and badges
- Completed Arabic, Hindi, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) translations
- Update messaging integration on build server
- Add file for installed module
- Path-detect via openshot_qt init
- Exit using sys.exit()
- preferences: Tweak item layout
- Widen export window
- Pass remaining command line args to Qt
- Copy (cleaned up) xdg icon to src/images
- Add strings to be translated and fix tuple error
- added browse button in file properties dialog, to allow relinking of individual media files
- fix for automatic relinking of missing media files during project open
- Add the same browse type for inkscape and blender field
- Remove CRLF line endings from chromebook preset
- Convert line endings
- Missing files are now automatically deleted from the recent menu
- Append correct extension to snapshot frames
- Simplify version number and file name logic in build server (especially for releases)
- Update Contributors & Translations

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.3.3
- Fixed: Issue with Page Footer breakpoints when used in a master page
- Improved: Blog rendering at High DPI
- Improved: Google font included in inline frame Site Search results
- Improved: Global replace now can find/replace text in Heading objects
- Improved: Optimized memory usage of RSS Feed (for larger projects)
- Improved: Card divider rendering
- Improved: z-order of navigation buttons in Bootstrap Carouse
- Improved: Rollover image and Rollover text behavior in flexbox container

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.3.2
- Change log not available for this version

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.3.1
- Fixed: Duplicated hidden form fields in flex container
- Improved: Font size in Object HTML/Page HTML is now DPI aware
- Improved: Alpha slider rendering in color picker with High DPI
- Improved: Navigation bar image scaling is now DPI aware
- Improved: Added support for OverlayMenu in master pages
- Improved: The Flex Grid editor now indicates when you are typing a duplicated name, to prevent property merging
- Improved: Implemented several performance improvements for generating HTML from text

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.3
- Change log not available for this version

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.2.2

- Incorrect warning in Error Reports for master page with events

- Alignment of small shapes
- Form now removes leading and trailing spaces from email address to prevent validation error
- Added z-index to flex container with image overlay
- Select below/above now include objects with 0 pixel offset (instead of 1)
- (drawing) Line offset is now longer affected by default page font-size
- Margin issue in floating layer in workspace

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.2.1
- Fixed: Accordion content padding cannot be changed via property dialog
- Fixed: Crash when adding more than 12 cells in jQuery Mobile Layout Grid
- Fixed: z-index problem when using image-overlay in Flexbox Container
- Fixed: Automatic @font-face always uses verdana font (64bit version only)
- Improved: An improved messagebox is displayed when an extension is missing. You can now choose to continue, visit the forum FAQ for tips how to fix the error or cancel
- Improved: Added Google Fonts to Menubar->Tools
- New feature: Added 'Full width' option to Rollover text for use with layout grids. This makes the image flexible/responsive

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.2.0

- Fixed: Switching from Master Page to Master frame crashes program when the page is not active
- Fixed: Issue with Panel Menu hamburger image in breakpoints
- Fixed: Visibility issue with images in flexgrid and breakpoints
- Fixed: Login Name does not apply background alpha value
- Fixed: Panel Layer overlay hidden in breakpoints
- Improved: Added justify-content to Layout Grid when using flexbox/fixed height
- Improved: It is now possible to use multipe (form) conditions with the same value for "equal to (choice)/not equal to (choice)", so you can trigger different actions for the same value
- Improved: Now includes PHP Mailer 6.0.5 (upgraded from 5.2.26) with many improvements
- Improved: Implemented workaround for 'Failed to open document' error when extensions are missing
- Improved: Projects with extensions can now be opened in the TRIAL version. Extensions will not be functional in demo mode but the application will no longer generate an error (or crash)
- Improved: Form's encoding type defaults to 'multipart/form-data'
- Improved: Newly added objects in layers will automatically be moved into the viewport if they are not visible in breakpoints (experimental)

Single Page Protect:
- Improved: Redesigned 'Single Page Protect' so it's more mobile friendly
- New feature: Added extra styling options to 'Single Page Protect': colors, padding, border-radius, button and editbox styling etc.

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 6.x export:
- New feature: Added support for export to Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 6.x format

- New feature: Added 3 new built-in variables: $PAGE_NAME$, $PAGE_TITLE$ andf $PAGE_FILENAME$. These variables can be used anywhere in the page and will be replaced by their actual values when the page is published

List View:
- New feature: Added alignment property to List View. The alignment is responsive

Slide Menu:
- New feature: Added alignment property to Slide Menu. The alignment is responsive

- New feature: Added the ability to add YouTube/Vimeo videos to Cards
- New feature: Added 'Icon library' option to Card, this makes it possible to use custom fonts (in addition to Font Awesome)

Panel Menu:
- New feature: Added the ability to set different colors for the button and menu items in Panel Menu

- New feature: Responsive Menu, Breadcrumb, Tabs, Overlay Menu and Panel Menu now support custom icon fonts (in addition to Font Awesome and Material Icons)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.1.1
- Fixed Issue with Card alignment in breakpoints
- Fixed CSS menu border hover color
- Fixed Issue with progress bar percentages in floating layout
- Fixed Issue with empty Marquee and HTML formatting tools
- Improved Hidden Inline Frame now uses 'displaynone' instead of 'visibilityhidden' in Layout Grids

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.1.0
- Fixed: Extra quote in Overlay Menu
- Fixed: Line position in floating layers.
- Fixed: Issue with Replace ID 1234xxxxx to a1234xxxxx
- Improved: Added flexbox support to CMS View
- Improved: 'Login Name' no longer shows a broken image when the avatar is not set
- Improved: Rendering speed of layer/layout grid 'ondragover' highlighting
- Improved: Implemented responsive text alignment for Heading, Editbox, Text Area and Label
- Improved: Implemented responsive menu alignment for CSS menu, Breadcrumb, Pagination, Text menu, Overlay Menu and Responsive Menu
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the maximum dimensions of the avatar image in login signup
- New feature: Added alpha support to CSS Menu border color (menu items)
- New feature: Added 'alignment' property to Pagination menu
- New feature: Added 'border width' property to Themeable Button
- New feature: Added hard line-break support to Card text
- New feature: Added 'full width' option to Horizontal Line. When set to false, the line can have a fixed width (instead of 100%)
- New feature: Added 'box shadow' to Heading object
- New feature: Added 'text shadow' to Heading object
- New feature: Added 'padding' to rollover layer (for use with floating children)
- New feature: Added the ability to add custom options to full page Carousel. For an overview of available options please visit:
- New feature: Added background overlay options to Flex Grid
- New feature: Added the ability to use the Flex grid as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)
- New feature: Added 'Default breakpoint' template in Flex Grid editor. This option will apply the layout from the default breakpoint to the current breakpoint, so you do not have to redo it for all breakpoints

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.5
- Fixed: Font sizes in extension datasets are not converted to pixels
- Fixed: Issue with edit profile/avatar and minified HTML
- Fixed: Structured Data Object Adds Scrollba
- Fixed: Cannot insert new item in empty card item list
- Improved: Added confirmation box to 'Reset toolbox'
- Improved: Reversed the order of @font-face fonts (woff2, woff, tff, svg, eot
- Improved: Sticky Layer now uses CSS instead of JavaScript when delay is set to
- Improved: Added 'mute=1' to YouTube and Vimeo background video
- Improved: Added latitude/longitude properties to 'Google Maps with Info' script

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.4
- Removed: input:-webkit-appearance, hides checkboxes in with non-safari browsers
- Fixed: 'Select Page' dialog should be on the foreground in nested dialogs
- Fixed: Combobox height issue in breakpoints
- Fixed: Layout grid column border rendering issue
- Fixed: Overlay menu styling crashes WWB
- Fixed: missing semicolumn in label line-height
- Fixed: Conflict with flexible carousel and 'center in browser'
- Improved: Overflow of panel layer
- Improved: Optimized layout calculation when switching between breakpoints
- Improved: Initial 'Horizontal Line' height is set to grid size, when using drag & drop from toolbox
- Improved: Modal Layer positioning in breakpoints
- Improved: Font size update in toolbar
- Improved: Flex Grid editor now displays a warning if one of the grid item names is invalid

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.3
- Fixed: Login Admin Action icon's not showing
- Fixed: Issue with jQuery Mobile Panel corner property.
- Fixed: Issue with jQuery Mobile Header/Footer text color.
- Fixed: Incorrect date styling in blog templates bootstrap and testimonial.
- Fixed: Some styles are not saved for jQuery UI widgets when using breakpoints.
- Fixed: CSS menu is not synchronized with other menus.
- Fixed: Box-shadow type setting is not saved.
- Improved: Editbox line-height is now responsive.
- Improved: Long label text wraps in layout grid.
- Improved: The page size is no longer updated automatically when editing text inside a footer.
- Improved: Ruler update after page size change.
- Improved: Removed YouTube's ugly border.
- Improved: Included jquery-2.2.4.min.js again for backwards compatibility.
- Improved: 32bit version can now read most projects saved with 64 version

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.2

- Login Admin code missing semicolon when using avatars
- Issue with Material Icons json file
- Ctrl+Click does not work for Tables and Carousel
- Folder should not be included in Twitter Card URL

- Added 'User role' property to Login Signup form. This specifies the default user role for new users
- Added keyboard shortcut support to search input fields of the Object Manager, Site Manager and Toolbox

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.1

- Missing 'width' in Bulleted List
- Rendering issue with zoomed workspace
- Conflict with external scripts and JSON
- 'Find not found' error with some extensions
- Implemented workaround for Layout grids with maximum width, so they use 'old' behavior automatically. See the help for more details
- Login Admin produces demo code
- Single character glyphs in Icon Fonts do not render
- Issue with user roles in Login Admin

- SVG output for Material Icons.
- During the setup, blocks/icons will no longer be installed in the user's document folder. Because when the setup is executed with different credentials, the files ended up in the wrong folder
- Added support for Unicode files names in zip backup
- class property does not disable object's CSS output

New feature:
- Added 'trigger change' action to Form Conditions. When you set the value of another object via conditions, then browsers will not trigger a change event for that object. This action adds the ability to force a change event, which may be useful if the value is used in other conditions

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.0.0
Flex Grid:
- New feature: WB14 introduces a new way of creating flexible layouts based on the new CSS Grid Layout
- The CSS grid is a new technique in CSS that allows web developers to create complex responsive web design layouts more easily and consistently across browsers. 'CSS Grid Layout' is a two-dimensional grid system that is native to CSS. It does not rely on floats or other hacks. This result in clean code and reliable code. The idea behind the Grid Layout is to divide a webpage into columns and rows. The columns and rows have named areas where you can drag & drop object in. The definition of the layout can be different for each breakpoint. Each grid area supports it own padding, (flexbox) alignment, border and background style

- New feature: Added 'Card' object. A card is a lightweight, flexible content container. It includes options for headers and footers, a wide variety of content, styling, and powerful display options. When used in combination with a flexbox container, multiple cards with different content can have the same height, which normally would be difficult to achieve.
- New feature: Popovers, this basically uses the Card as an advanced tooltip/pop-up box that appears when the user clicks or hovers on an element

Google Fonts:
- New feature: Added Google Fonts Manager. Adding Google Fonts to your website has never been easier. You no longer have to manually download/install the fonts from the Google website.

Icons Fonts:
- New feature: Added support for custom Icon Fonts Libraries. Add your own icon libraries or third party icon sets. Extra Icon Fonts support the same styling options as the built-in Font Awesome. Add-on packs are available for : Drip Icons, Elusive Icons, Feather, Foundation Icons, Glyphicons Halflings, Ionicons, LineAwesome, Material Icons, Open Iconic, Linea Icons

Structured Data (
- New feature: Added support for Structured Data (JSON-LD). Provide a better browsing experience for users on your website and in search engines, and improve your SEO with the built-in JSON-LD generator. The following schemes are currently supported: Event, Review, Person, NewsArticle, SoftwareApplication, Product, Organization, Recipe, Restaurant, VideoObject, MusicAlbum, MusicPlaylist.

Twitter Cards:
- New feature: Added support for Twitter Cards: Summary, Summary with large image and Player. Twitter specific meta tags can be configured in the Meta Tags section of the Page Properties

Layout Grid:
- New feature: Added background overlay support to grid columns
- New feature: Added semantic HTML5 tag support
- New feature: Adding padding properties to columns. Padding is responsive
- New feature: Adding border properties to columns. This make it possible to configure border for each column. Border properties are responsive
- New feature: Added the ability to make layout grids full screen: Column height->100vh (100% of the viewport height)
- New feature: Added support for 'CSS Grid Layout' (in addition to Bootstrap and Flexbox)

- New feature: Added new 'Wizard' object. This implements a wizard like component, which can be used (for example) to create a multi-page form. The wizard can either be modal (popup) or used as a standard element

Site Search:
- Improved: Most search related code is now part of wb.sitesearch.min.js, this makes it possible to share the code between multiple page and results in a smaller footprint
- Improved: Results font-family now supports @font-face/Google Fonts
- New feature: Added 'Include all text in search index' option in Search Index settings. This will use all text from the page instead of just unique words. This will increase the size of the search index, but the search results will look better and it makes it possible to search for phrases
- New feature: Added the possibility to use quotes in the search queries to search for an exact phrase. Example: 'open source'. To make this useful, the option 'Include all text in search index' should be enabled
- New feature: Added the possibility to use the minus character before a word to exclude all results that include that word. Example: web -designer
- New feature: Added 'Include timing' option. This displays the total time it took to execute the search query
- New feature: In addition to jQuery Dialog, you can now also display the results in a Bootstrap modal
- New feature: Added an option to set maximum number of characters to display in the results. The description text contains the context of the keyword within the text
- New feature: Added support for pagination
- New feature: Added item padding property. This specifies the padding between result items
- New feature: Added option to make search terms bold
- New feature: Added option to include the URL in search results

Overlay Menu:
- New feature: Added new 'Overlay Menu' object. This implements a multi-level, responsive full screen menu. With 10 show/hide animations. social icons support

Tab Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Tab Menu will switch to stacked (vertical) mode so it can be also be used on smaller screens

Text Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. This works in combination with Layout->Type->Responsive. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Text Menu will switch from horizontal to vertical

Panel Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Panel Menu will switch to full screen mode (with close button)
- New feature: Added 'hamburger animations'. 12 different animations are available
- New feature: Added the possibility to add footer text. For example, to add a copyright message at the bottom of the menu
- New feature: Added the possibility to add a logo to the menu
- New feature: Added menu padding. This sets the padding around the entire menu
- New feature: Added support for 'Social Icons'. To add a social icon set the of the menu item and leave the 'text' field empty
- New feature: Added support for dividers. Set the text to '---' to insert a divider

Mega Menu:
- New feature: Added responsive mode. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the Mega Menu will display a hamburger icon to trigger a full screen menu
- New feature: Added 'Alignment' property. This adds the possibility to align the button inside the menu's container
- New feature: Added sub menu 'Alignment' property. Specifies the alignment of the text inside the sub menu
- New feature: Added sub menu 'Orientation' property. Specifies the orientation of the sub menu relatively to the button

CSS Menu:
- New feature: Border styles of the main menu now support for individual sides

Other navigation:
- Improved: You can now use
in menu text, which makes it possible to have multi-line text. Note that this mainly useful for menu items that do not have the same size like sub menu, panel/overlay menu items
- New feature: Added 'Synchronize with another menu" option. Enabling this option will synchronize the links of the menu with the specified menu, This may be useful when you have multiple menus on the page, for example a desktop and mobile menu. So, you will have to change the link(s) only once
- New feature: Added 'Do not follow this link' option to links. Enabling this option adds 'rel=nofollow' to prevent robots/search engines following the link

Master Page/Master Frame:
- New feature: Added support for background transparency (alpha) in Content Place Holder
- New feature: Added new master page functionality. In addition to Master Frame you can now also use another page as master page. This does not require a content place holder

- Removed: Disable IE toolbar. IE no longer supports this feature
- Improved: All built-in JavaScript files are now loaded from the 'js' sub folder instead of embedded in the executable. This reduced the size of the application and memory usage. And it makes it easier to replace the files, if needed
- Improved: More objects now support ARIA role attributes. For example: tabs, accordion, search, blog, news feed ticker, navigation etc.
- Improved: The 'margin' property is now responsive for most objects
- Improved: If a full width object has margin then the margin value will be subtracted from the total width using css's calc function so the object does not become wider than its container
- Improved: Removed browser prefixes for box-shadow
- Improved: HTML viewer has a better contrast for dark color schemes
- Improved: Many DPI improvements. For example, all built-in images/icons/toolbars now have high resolution versions for use on high DPI screens
- New feature: Added 'Set initial zoom level based on DPI scaling' option. On some computers with a high resolution (4k) display, the initial workspace may be to small. By enabling this option, the DPI value of your system will be used as the initial zoom level
- New feature: Added 'Default' accent color to color schemes. VS 2017 and Office 2016 color schemes may use Windows accent color now
- New feature: Added 'Search' option to Site Manager to filter pages in the list and quickly find a page
- New feature: Added 'Search' option to Page selection dialog (for internal links) to quickly find a page
- New feature: Added 'Project backup in zip' option to File menu. This will create a full backup of the project and images etc.
- New feature: Added 'Load built-in JavaScript files asynchronously' option in Tools->Options->HTML. Note: only useful when using external JavaScript file
- New feature: Added 'ctrl+click+drag' support to quickly duplicate objects just like in Word/PowerPoint: select the object that you want to duplicate
- hover over the object with your mouse and press the CTRL key
- while still pressing the CTRL key, click and drag the object to the new location

- New feature: Make a backup of the complete project (including images) in zip format

- Improved: Templates/Blocks are now stored more efficiently. If a project uses the same image multiple times then it wil be embedded only once

- New feature: The application now officially supports SVG

- New feature: Add ‘Full width’ mode to Shape, Text Art and Clip Art for use with SVG output mode. This makes it possible to have scalable/flexible shapes/text/clipart in layout grids
- Improved: Shapes in 'Insert Shape' gallery are now rendered larger and sharper, just like other 'Insert' galleries

Color picker:
- New feature: Added 'Alpha slider' to color picker

Font Awesome/Material Icons:
- New feature: Implemented a new icon selection window. With categories (just like in the Ribbon) and a search option, so you can quickly find the icon you are looking for

- New feature: Added 'Disable CSS media query' option to Page Properties. If this option is enabled, then breakpoints will not be published. This may be useful for testing purposes
- New feature: Added 'Disable HTML/CSS/JavsaScript formatting'. This option disables beautify/minify options for the current page. This may be useful for testing purposes or when you have added code to the page which does not support formatting
- New feature: Added 'Disable custom code'. If this option is enabled, then custom code with not be included in the published page. This way you can test the page without custom code (for example, in case something does not work)
- New feature: Added 'Use Safari mobile background fix'. This option implements a workaround for issues with full width (parallax/fixed/cover) background images on Safari mobile (iOS) browsers
- New feature: Added 'Apply these breakpoints to other page' in Manage breakpoints. This option applies the breakpoints to other pages (if they do not already exist). Note that this does not affect the layout

- New feature: Added 'ID' property in Advanced section of Link properties. This makes it possible to create bookmarks to links. Related tutorial: How to create bookmarks in Text? + style => no-pointer
- New feature: Added 'Font Family' and 'Font Size' to property dialog and Property Grid. This can be used to set the font of the text object when using responsive fonts
- New feature: Added 'Recently Used Fonts' to the font dropdown list in the Ribbon and Format toolbar

Blog / Article:
- Improved: Added the ability to change the editor color. This can be useful if you are using white text
- New feature: Added 'bootstrap' layout template
- New feature: Added 'clean' layout template
- New feature: Added 'testimonial' layout template
- New feature: Added ‘quote’ layout template

News Feed Ticker:
- New feature: Added support for background transparency (alpha)
- New feature: Added border radius option

- Improved: Google Maps scripts now display a preview image in the workspace (instead of the generic JavaScript logo)
- Improved: Text scripts now show a preview of the text in the workspace
- Improved: Added support for Google Fonts
- Improved: Added support for Global Replace (fonts and colors)
- New feature: Added ‘Countdown Days’ script
- New feature: Added ‘Typewriter’ and ‘Typewriter Deluxe’ scripts. The typewriter scripts simulate typing text. Typewriter Deluxe also includes a cursor and reverse mode

Style Manager:
- Improved: The Style Manager window is now resizable
- Improved: pseudo classes are no longer displayed in the style selection list, because it is only useful to select the main class anyway
- Improved: 'Import' and 'Advanced' parser updated. It now recognizes rgba() values, animations, transitions, cursors, border-radius and more
- Improved: Enabled 'predefined style' for Heading, Bullets, Layout grid, Flex Container, Rollover Layer
- New feature: Most objects now have a 'class' property in the Property Inspector. This adds the ability (for advanced users) to set the classname (style) for any object, note that this may not make sense for some objects
- New feature: Border styles now support for individual sides
- New feature: Added support for background gradients in styles
- New feature: Added support for the 'cursor' property. This specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing on an element
- New feature: Added support for the 'background-clip' property. This specifies the painting area of the background. This can be useful in combination with transparent borders
'border-box' clips the background to the border box. When using a transparent border, the background will be visible behind the border. 'padding-box' clips the background to the padding box (excluding the border). The background behind the border will be transparent

CSS3 Animations:
- Improved: When using onscrollreveal events with css animate (css), then the target object will be initially hidden automatically (via class 'visibility-hidden'). This behavior can be overwritten by adding $SCROLLREVEAL_AUTOHIDE$ -> false to the user defined variables
- New feature: Added animations preview
- New feature: Added support for ‘filter’ property in transitions and CSS animations. This adds the possibility to animate brightness, contrast, hue, blur, invert, saturate, grayscale and sepia
- New feature: Added 'Neon' text animation
- New feature: Added 'Fire' text animation
- New feature: Added 'Classic Movie' text animation
- New feature: Added 'transform-wobble-top', ‘transform-wobble-center’ and ‘transform-wobble-bottom’ animations
- New feature: Added several text letterspacing animations. For example: ‘letterspacing focus in’ and ‘letterspacing expand’. Plus, more than 25 other new animations, including: animate-border-fade, background position, focus-in / focus-out, jello, ken-burns, pop, push, shadow-top-bottom / shadow-left-right, slide-in-elliptic/ slide-out-elliptic, text-popup, transform diagonal and many others

- New feature: Added 'background image+overlay' support to Flex Container
- New feature: Flexbox properties (flex grow, flex shrink, align self, flex basis) of objects are now responsive, so you can use different values in breakpoints

Photo Gallery/Photo Collage:
- New feature: When loading new images, the gallery will automatically use the meta data of the image (if available)
- New feature: Added the ability to set a separate 'Thumbnail' image. This allows you to use a different (smaller) version of the image for thumbnails. It is also still possible to automatically generate a thumbnail image. This can be useful for example if you want a use a square image for the preview and the full sized image with normal aspect ratio
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap modal in jQuery Dialog settings. This implements a responsive modal popup
- New feature: Added the ability to get images from a folder on the server. If the images contain description meta data then this will automatically be used for the title

- New feature: When loading new images, the gallery will automatically use the meta data of the image (if available)
- New feature: Added 'Line' shape option to pagination, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel indicators
- New feature: Added new built-in navigation arrows, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel arrows. To use the new arrows, enter '<' for previous and '>' for next in the filename fields
- New feature: Added ‘Maximum width’ property which limits the width of the slide show when used in full width (floating) mode. In previous versions this was fixed to 1920
- New feature: Added the ability to get images from a folder on the server
- New feature: Added ‘Full screen background’ slideshow mode. The images will cover the entire viewport. The slideshow will be fixed at the background, so it will not scroll with the rest of the content. Full screen background uses CSS3 animations, no JavaScript

Image / Picture:
- New feature: Added ‘Object-fit’ property. Specifies how the image should be resized to fit its container. Requires a modern browser! For example, Internet Explorer does not support this property

- New feature: Added the ability to show percentages in the progressbar

- New feature: Added border width property
- New feature: Added box-shadow properties
- New feature: Added animation duration and easing properties
- New feature: Added 'Bootstrap' mode. This will use Bootstrap's modal instead of jQuery UI
- New feature: Added the ability to use the dialog as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)
- New feature: Added floating mode. When this option is enabled objects inside the dialog float instead of having a fixed position, so you can create flexible layouts
- New feature: Added 'Breakpoint' property. When the viewport gets smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the dialog will switch to full width mode. For use with floating mode
- New feature: Added 'Buttons' properties. Buttons will be added at the bottom of the dialog and can be used to close the dialog or trigger other actions (events). This feature replaces the previous hardcoded button options
- New feature: Added 'Button alignment' and 'Button margin' properties. These specify the alignment and margins of the buttons in the footer of dialog
- New feature: Added the ability to customize the style of the buttons

- New feature: Added show and hide animations. This animates showing/hiding the panels
- New feature: Added the possibility to add a description and icon (fontawesome/material icon) to tabs
- New feature: Added support for vertical tabs: Tabs at the left and Tabs at the right
- New feature: Added the ability to use the Tabs object as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)

- New feature: Added the ability to use the accordion as a form (Properties->Form->Enable Form)

Themable Button (previous known as jQueryButton):
- New feature: Added box-shadow property
- New feature: Added the ability to set the button(s) full width in Layout grid. This may be useful (for example) to create flexible (radio) button rows

- New feature: Added box-shadow property

- New feature: Added 'Form Submit' and 'Form Reset' actions to events. These actions can be used to submit or reset a form through events! For example, to submit a form via a button that is not part of the form
- New feature: Added 'ondocumentready' to page events. This event is will be triggered once the page Document Object Model (DOM) is ready for JavaScript code to execute. This can be useful for example, to apply a style to an object

Scroll Events and Transitions:
- New feature: Added 'Disable scroll events on small screens' to the Page Properties. This option adds the ability to disable scroll events on small screens (eg. phones)
- New feature: Added 'Disable scroll transitions on small screens' to the Page Properties. This option adds the ability to disable scroll transitions on small screens (eg. phones)
'Minimum width' specifies the width at which the scroll events/ transitions will be disabled
- New feature: Added 'Exclude browsers' to the Page Properties. This option adds the ability to disable scroll events and transitions on specific browsers (eg. iOS, Android)

Signup/Edit Profile:
- New feature: Added the ability for the user to set an avatar image. The image can be displayed on the page with the "Login Name' object

Login Name:
- New feature: Added border, background, padding, vertical alignment properties
- New feature: Added 'Display Avatar' option. This will display the avatar of the logged in user

Login Tools:
- New feature: Added support for background and border transparency (alpha)
- New feature: Added 'User Roles' functionality. Users roles are used to create different types of users. These users will only have access to the pages that have configure this role. The roles are customizable in the properties of the Login admin

Login Admin:
- New feature: Redesigned the layout of the Login Admin for a modern look and feel
- New feature: Added styling options for button and input fields
- New feature: Added support for striped and hover rows
- New feature: Added the ability to customize/translate the text of the various items (headers, buttons)
- New feature: Added table cell padding
- New feature: Added search/filter option
- New feature: Added pagination
- New feature: Added 'avatar' support (see 'Signup/Edit Profile)

- Improved: Borders are now rendered with all properties (style, radius, individual borders) in the workspace
- New feature: Added support for transparent borders (alpha)

- New Feature: Added support for Google Maps background rendering. You can now use a (static) Google Map image as background in most objects
- Improved: Background mode -> image now displays the color picker to select the color for image + color and image + overlay
- New feature: Added ‘image+fade’ option in background properties. This will add a fading gradient overlay effect to the background

Box Shadow:
- New feature: Added support for shadow type: inset. This changes the shadow from an outer shadow (outset) to an inner shadow

- New feature: Added 'Line' shape option to pagination, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel indicators
- New feature: Added new built-in navigation arrows, inspired by Bootstrap-4 Carousel arrows. To use the new arrows, enter '<' for previous and '>' for next in the filename fields
- New feature: Added 'Flexible' mode. When this option is selected the child elements of the Carousel will be floating (instead of fixed). In this case the Carousel will be fully responsive and it can also be used inside layout grids. In 'Flexible mode' the Carousel can also be set to use the full height of the viewport

- New feature: Added 'breakpoint' property to Panel Layer. When the viewport is smaller than the specified breakpoint value, the panel layer will become full width

CMS Admin:
- Improved: WWB editor has new icons
- New feature: Added styling options for button and input fields. All plug-ins have been updated to support the new styling
- New feature: Added support for hover rows
- New feature: Added table cell padding

- New feature: Added the possibility to add images to dividers

Property Inspector:
- New feature: The Property Inspector will display a 'Responsive' icon, if the property has different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added 'Reset Property (RWD)'. This will reset the selected value, so will be the same across all breakpoints
- New feature: Added 'Reset All Properties (RWD)'. This will reset all responsive values of the object
- New feature: Added commands section with shortcuts to 'More properties', Events, HTML and Animations

Global Replace:
- New feature: Added the ability to replace internal links

Error Reports:
- New feature: Error Reports displays a warning when a style does not have the same breakpoints as the page. If you are using styles in responsive pages then these styles should have the same breakpoints
- New feature: Error Reports displays a warning when an event refers to an object that is no longer on the page: Invalid event target

Form Conditions:
- New feature: Added 'Less than' and 'Greater than' conditions. It is also possible to create a range (greater than/less than combined)
- New feature: Added 'else' conditions. This can be used in combination with 'equal to', 'not equal to', 'greater than' and 'less than'

- New feature: Added 'From' property to built-in form processor settings. This will set the 'from' address of email sent messages to the specified email address. If you leave the field empty then it will work like in previous versions: either the 'email' input will be used (if it exists) or the 'to' address
- New feature: Added 'Set envelope-from address for PHP mail() with the -f option' in form properties (Form Properties->Advanced->Miscellaneous). This replaces the PHP7 option in page properties. It serves the same purpose
- New feature: Added server sided input validation (Form Properties->Advanced->Miscellaneous). This adds extra security to the form by also validating the input on the server side (using PHP). This feature uses the same settings as the JavaScript (client side) validation

Editbox / Textarea:
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the color of the placeholder text

- Improved: Lightbox preview image now automatically keeps aspect ratio of the image
- New feature: Added the possibility to use fancybox v3. Due to license restrictions we are not allowed to distribute fancybox v3. However if you copy the files from to DocumentsWYSIWYG Web Buildersystemlightboxfancybox, then application will use these files instead of the included ones (fancybox v1)
- New feature: Added support for 3 new (third party) responsive lightboxes: lightcase, tosrus, venobox. Available in 'Free extras'
- New feature: The lightbox (in Page Properties) now supports : colorbox, lightcase, prettyphoto, swipebox, tosrus, venobox. These lightboxes can be used for YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 video, Inline frames and links
- New feature: Added the ability to add a border (style, color, width, radius) to the lightbox preview image in YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5 video

User defined variables:
- New feature: Added $PROJECT_CSS$ system variable. This makes it possible to specify a different name for the global (external) style sheet, instead of using the project name

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bumping version to 2.4.3 (libopenshot dependency to 0.2.2)
- Disable OMP thread concurrency during Export, to make exports as safe as possible
- Nudge clips when holding SHIFT + Left or Right arrow
- Animated Masks: New "reader" propety type, initially used by the Mask effect to change the image/video used by transitions and the Mask effect
- Add Save Current Frame button
- New translation & language infrastructure and logic (better logic for determining current language)
- Fixed split keep both sides (right side position was incorrect)
- Application icon updates
- Zoom fixes (lots of issues relating to zooming fixed)
- Undo/Redo fixes (fixing and preventing giant .osp project files)
- New tutorial system, better child window management
- Travis CI Integration
- Improve Title filename duplication naming/counting
- Use track names in "Add To Timeline" window
- Improve waveform display rendering
- Fix audio wave not rendered after completion
- Add instagram and twitter presets
- Add AppStream metadata to
- Timeline JavaScript Bug Fixes
- Timeline cleanup and performance, upgrade Angular.js
- Removing from AppImage
- Add src/language path to Mac DMG builder
- Add language override on command line using --lang
- Add explanatory text for --list-lang
- Some fixes for the timeline debugger
- Update edit-clear icon in Humanity
- Correct variable name typo to initialize properly
- Convert all nonesential logs to .debug()
- Remove unused effects filters
- Add "Ask a Question" template
- Preventing libopenshot version check on unittests
- More framerates for YouTube HD and Vimeo HD presets
- Convert (most) files with DOS line-endings to Unix
- Remove debug.js from index.html
- Square the PNG icon file
- App metadata updates for easier packaging
- Move Slice All shortcuts to correct menu
- Don't set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1
- Updating default project type to 720p 30 FPS, and sample rate 44100
- Fix retention of export path
- Fixing GitLab to no longer run CI for tags, and fixing version # for daily and release builds
- Add "release-candidate" to filename for daily RC builds, so they don't look so official on the website
- Misc Typos and text fixes
- Updating contributors and supporters
- Updating translations

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- 7 New Effects (Crop, Hue, Color Shift, Pixelate, Bars, Wave, Shift)
- Auto Audio Mixing
- Auto Rotate
- Improved Audio Playback
- Improved Stability
- Improved Export Dialog
- New Codec Support (including experimental)
- Growing Team of Developers
- Dramatically Improved Build System

libopenshot-audio 0.1.6 so:6:
- Fix under-linking (pthread and dl), fixes 3
- Integration of GitLab build pipelines

libopenshot 0.2.0 so:15:
- Auto audio mixing strategy per clip (average, reduce, or none)
- Adding new crop effect, which can also be animated for some very cool effects
- Adding new Color Shift effect, which can shift any color (RGBA) with infinite wrapping (and full supports animation)
- Adding new Pixelate video effect, which pixelates a portion (or all) of a frame's image, and is fully animatable
- Adding new video effect: Bars, which allow for animating colored bars around your video, such as a letterbox effect
- Adding new wave video effect, which can be animated in a ton of ways to create lots of cool wave distortion effects
- Adding Hue video effect, to adjust the hue of a frame's image, which can also be animated with a keyframe
- Adding new effect: Shift, an infinite pixel shifting effect which can be animated and wrap images in any direction
- Auto-Rotates any Clip with Reader metadata 'rotate' attribute.
- Experimental codecs now supported in FFmpeg/LibAV
- Audio popping during preview (due to resampling)
- Fixing brightness and Mask effects to calculate factor with a float type, giving more fine control
- Fix Blur.cpp by copying blur_ values back to so horizontal and vertical blurs can be applied in one effect and blur accumulates with increased iterations
- Update and apply frame mapper on any clip changes, to keep timeline offsets in sync (i.e. avoid audio popping due to slight misalignments of clips on the timeline).
- Removing old frames from WorkingCache (when no longer needed). This helps prevent freezing looking for old frame data on certain videos.
- Adding metadata from format, audio stream, and video streams to, which in some cases includes the 'rotate' metadata added by certain cameras, and audio metadata like title, album, artist, copyright, dates, etc...
- Added in metadata encoding capabilities (["title"] = "My Title"). Only certain tag names are accepted (see FFmpeg for more on which tags are supported by which codecs).
- Optimize and improve speed of Mask effect (used by transitions). This is way faster than before!
- Fixing assignement and copy operators on Frame class (to prevent crashes for unintiailized image and audio pointers), and ensuring both copy and assignment operators work as expected.
- Fixing the color property of Frames, which was being lost on some constructors.
- Increase valid frame rates to 240 fps since many cameras now support this higher frame rate
- Fixing regression on Clip constructor, and simplifying pointer initialization
- Fixing a bug with Frame::AddImage (convertToFormat) not actually doing anything. It returns a new image, and does not convert the format in-place.
- Preventing crash if Seek invoked before QtPlayer are initialized properly
- FFMPEG 3.2 support for FFmpegWriter
- FFMPEG 3.2 support for FFmpegReader
- Fixing FFmpeg version breakage in FFmpegWriter
- Increasing the default amount of cache in FFmpeg, based on the # of processors, to better support high framerate videos.
- Changing some Seek values to be more accurate, and fixes a race condition with Timeline_Tests.cpp.
- Changing some sleep() calls to usleep(), for more accuracy. This is a bit experimental, and hopefully will work on all OSes.
- Do not clobber gainFactor when determining volume adjustments and add a TODO note about current_max_volume always being 0
- Removing anchor from clip properties (since it is unused)
- Adding "dbghelp" dependency for Windows builds (for crash handling support), and improved Windows build instructions using MSYS2.
- Properly set test media files path, fixes 36
- Fixing black frames at end of video clips, if audio stream longer than video stream, and end-of-stream is reached.
- Integration of GitLab build pipelines
- Faster Windows builds
- Fixing audio unit tests
- Avoid mixing audio for clips with no volume or disabled audio.
- Updating cmake file for libopenshot-audio to search $ENV first, and then static folders
- Add missing type cast
- Spelling and typo fixes

openshot-qt 2.4.2:
- More detailed export dialog progress, including estimate time remaining, FPS, and more accurate percentage. Thanks Peter!
- Defaulting to AAC audio codec
- Improving zoom scale calculation, to use a custom bezier curve (zoom gets faster and faster the more you zoom out). 30 levels of precision between 1 second and 7200 seconds.
- Auto-rotate for Readers with 'rotate' metadata. This requires a slightly newer version of FFmpeg, otherwise the 'rotate' tag is never found.
- Adding new Crop video effect
- Adding new Color Shift video effect (with temp icon)
- Adding Pixelate video effect, which can animate a pixelated version of part (of all) of a video clip.
- Adding new Bars video effect, which allow for animating colored bars around your video, such as a letterbox effect.
- Adding new Wave video effect
- Adding Hue video effect
- Adding new Shift effect (which allows for shifting the image in any direction and allows for animation, with infinite wrapping)
- Support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows builds, and an update to the Windows dependencies (and installer size reduction).
- 32-bit version of Windows is now large address aware, and can make use of more memory, but users might need to run this command first: 'bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072' in order to utilize this
- No longer crash app if user settings cannot be read. Now we show a message box and reset the user settings.
- Adding save indicator in window title
- Retain track parameters during add/remove track
- Update titles to be compatible with newer versions of Inkscape
- Always apply mapper when opening a project, to ensure no audio starts popping for different framerate projects
- Split Clip dialog now sends focus back to slider after clicking 'Start' or 'End' or 'Play' (to make it easier for frame-by-frame arrow keys)
- Make clip and transition menus trigger on mouse-down, and not move the timeline item when the menu is activate
- Removing max constrains from export length, so user can export blackness at the end of his project if so desired.
- Disabling/Enabling save icon based on if the project needs saving
- Add preset xml file for chromebook target
- Removing unneeded 64-bit/32-bit clean-up code from Windows installer (which breaks on a 32-bit system)
- Fix initial save indicator on a new (blank) project
- Also use import_path for missing-file recovery
- Add import_path tracking to project data
- Updating mac build scripts to use Python 3.6 (with a newer version of OpenSSL)
- Preview controls use media-skip icons
- New razor-tool cursor
- Adding new developer page to documentation, with step by step instructions on getting a Ubuntu development environment setup for libopenshot, libopenshot-audio, and openshot-qt.
- Position is always (frame - 1) / fps
- Utility functions for unit conversion
- Be more explicit about logfile paths
- Adding back in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ to the AppImage
- Rename dv_pal_wide_animorphic to correct spelling
- Remove duplicate profiles
- Protect slack upload better during build server
- Updating sponsors, donors, and contributors
- Updating translations
- Change the if statement for default language to use system default
- Copy log file for each successful build (for debugging reasons)
- Use QUrl.toLocalFile() to convert dropped URIs
- Add Contributing section
- Update Tutorial, Code tags and contrib link
- Update GitHub info in tutorial
- Use images/ path for images, not _static/ in documentation
- Fix wrapping in Tutorial documentation
- Replace ASCII arrows with Unicode arrow character in documentation
- Also update transition layer on track add/remove
- Small refactor of build server file uploads, and added extra check for 'already uploaded' assets to GitHub
- Improve error message for failed uploads during build server
- Remove torrents if already existing
- Integration of GitLab build pipelines
- Updating font family on built-in titles
- Remove some unneeded copies of libopenshot and libopenshot-audio in the AppImage, reducing size of AppImage
- Fixing issue with Linux AppImage creation on build server
- Migrating from Bzr to Git (on Launchpad)
- Correct a cut-and-paste wrong comment
- Fixing copyright to use translation-friendly formatting, and hiding hardware decode preference (for now)
- Update websites section and removal of too many caps
- Change readme to be markdown
- Log length of metrics response, not content
- Updated copyrights to 2018 (from 2016). Also edited so the year is automatically updated.
- Adding a few missing dependencies into the developer doc page
- .gitignore: ignore docs/_build & all pycache

Git Changes:
- Implementing GitFlow for project (develop, release, and master branches)
- Protected branches (on all repos), preventing direct pushes
- Must pass unit tests and status checks before merges allowed
- Must go through the Pull/Merge Request flow to be merged into a protected branch
- Automated git repo syncing between GitHub->GitLab->Launchpad
- Automated GitLab CI build pipelines (all builds, tests, installers, daily installers, are run through GitLab CI now)
- Builds and installers also support any branch, making feature branches and test branches much more useful, since we can share installers for them

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.2

- PHP may be removed when optimize inline styles is active with breakpoints
- Full width Picture has fixed height in layout grid

- 64bit version should ignore .uwbx extensions in the Extension Manager

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.1
- Block Manager ignores blocks created with a newer WWB version to prevent conflicts with future versions of the application
- Template selection window ignores templates created with a newer WWB version
- Added 'RGB' color type support for extensions

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5

- SlideShow pagination buttons have wrong z-index
- Folder should not be included in Open Graph URL

- Now includes PHP Mailer 5.2.26
- Picture adaptive images now included in the Asset Manager
- Optimized HTML rendering of extensions, blog, article and other real-time HTML code in the workspace
- Blog And Article have been redesigned to use considerably less system resources
- Added support for boolean attributes in HTML formatter (readonly, autofocus, multiple etc.)
- Implemented 'accept' attribute for the File Upload object. This specifies the types of files that the file input accepts in the file browser. This works in combination with the form validation
- 'Automatically include viewport meta tag' now also works in combination with Flex Containers
- Implemented 'ctrl-tab' and 'shift-ctrl-tab' to switch between open windows
- Implemented 'ctrl-home' and 'ctrl-end' to scroll the main window area
- If no objects are selected, 'alt-enter' will open the page-properties
- Added the possibility to copy individual events (instead of all)
- Carousel next/previous buttons vertical alignment in breakpoints
- CSS gradients now use the latest syntax. Dropped browser prefixes
- Toolbar/Ribbon icons are now scaled on high DPI screens
- Icons of external files in Site Manager and 'Select Page' are managed more efficiently (lower memory usage)

New feature:
- Added 'background-size' property to animations and transitions
- Added 'none' option to the Layout Grid overflow properties. This will disable responsive columns, so column widths will be the same in all breakpoints (just like in WWB11)
- Added support for 64bit extensions (64bit version only)! Most extensions have been ported to 64bit

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.4

- FlexBox Container max-width issue in breakpoints
- Nested layout grids inherit column properties from parent grid
- Missing div-prefix when using object anchors in links
- Issue with text links (64bit version only)

- Now includes jquery-3.3.1
- Breakpoint copy now includes text breakpoint data
- 'onformchange' and 'onforminput' events of the Form object have been renamed to 'onchange' and 'oninput'
- Panel Layer size is now responsive in breakpoints
- Sticky Layer supports negative offsets
- File Upload and Radio Button validation
- Form validation no longer validates disabled and hidden input fields
- Added the possibility to edit text while in zoom mode (experimental, may be subject to MS RichEdit limitations)
- Navigation objects on master pages are now synchronized for each page individually
- Implemented a workaround for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 2017 "GetPixel-bug" which causes toolbars/ribbon to load slow

New feature:
- Added 'Custom form processing' to layers and layout grids (when built-in form processor is enabled)
- Added support for WOFF2 format in 'Manually specify @font-face fonts' (Tools->Options->HTML)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.3.1

- Error in combobox conditions with multiple values
- jQuery Slider has wrong height in breakpoints

- Added support for font-weight 'Black' to Google Fonts
- FireFox does not allow spaces in the preview path
- Added support for auto detecting 64bit browsers
- Layer Menu slide animations in breakpoints

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.3

- Inline frame lightbox image is not responsive.
- 'Responsive Carousel' property is not visible for 'Full Page' mode.
- Bulleted list may cause crash when hidden in default view.

- Page background CSS is now included for all breakpoints for better results with 'Include min width'.
- Padding and margin of FlexBox container are now responsive.
- Re-arranging flexbox containers is now easier with the Arrange tools. Move forward/Move back will skip non-floating objects in the z-order.
- Added flex grow/shrink support for images in Flex Container.
- Generating new IDs now also takes master pages/frames into account. New IDs will not be a duplicate of an object on the master page/frame.
- The software will now try to fix duplicated IDs automatically (when possible). Note: Automatically check for duplicated IDs should be enabled in Tools->Options->General

New feature:
- jQuery Tab and jQuery Accordion panels can now be moved, renamed, deleted randomly. Previously only the last panel(s) could be removed.
- Added 'Move Up' and Move Down' options to Carousel properties to re-arrange the slides. Also Carousel slides can now be deleted randomly.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.3

- Offset in SlideShow/Carousel when used in master frame with breakpoints
- jQuery Dialog/Tabs offset in breakpoints
- Child objects in tables are now taken into account when inserting, removing, merging and sorting rows/columns

- Picture positioning in layer/carousel
- SlideShow full sceen resizing
- Added support for 'Inside tag' in Text object when used in layout grid
- Links to external services (google fonts, youtube, vimeo) now use 'https' by default

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.2

- Іmрlеmеntеd ѕuрроrt fоr hіddеn tехt іn Flех Соntаіnеr
- Сарtсhа оbјесt саn nоw аlѕо bе uѕеd іn а Маѕtеr Раgе
- Аѕѕеt Маnаgеr іgnоrеѕ еmрtу fіlеnаmе рrореrtіеѕ
- Рhоtо Gаllеrу dоеѕ nоt сору lіnkеd fіlеѕ

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.1
- Fixed: Crash when using arrange tools
- Fixed: Crash when using bullets in layout grid with breakpoints
- Improved: Multi-level containers like tabs, accordion, carousel now also display child elements in the correct order in the Object Manager

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2
- Fixed: Photo Gallery image preview issue in properties
- Fixed: Table cells do not support text-align: justify
- Fixed: Duplicated font-weight in styles using Google fonts
- Fixed: Article does not save background image
- Fixed: Heading does not save border
- Fixed: Incorrect margin in responsive bullets
- Fixed: File Upload width issue in breakpoints
- Improved: Layers with video background can now also have a different background in breakpoints
- Improved: 'Snap to objects' behavior with nested layers
- Improved: Rollover layer now also works in a master frame
- Improved: Fixed background images are now also rendered fixed in the workspace
- Improved: 'Import Page from another project' attempts to preserve internal links when multiple pages are imported
- Improved: og:url (Open Graph Meta Tags) can now include the page name in the URL
- New feature: Added new responsive functions to extension API: LoadBreakpointData, GetBreakPointCSS. This will be used for future versions of (official) extensions.
- New feature: Added new option to Breadcrumb 'Synchronize with Site manager' -> 'First level (no folders)'. When this option is selected, then folders will not be included in the navigation.
- New feature: Added 'Icon Font Library' option to Breadcrumb, Panel Menu and Responsive Menu. This specifies whether to use FontAwesome Icons or Material Icons.
- New feature: Added experimental SVG render support
- New feature: Added 'equal to (choice)' and 'not equal to (choice)' options to Combobox conditions. This creates unique conditions for the specifies values.
- New feature: Added 'Install Extension' option in the context menu of the Toolbox.
- New feature: Added support for separate title and alt text in the Photo Gallery and Photo Collage. Example: Use 'title^alt' in the title field. The second item (after ^) will be used as the alt text.
- New feature: Added 'goto' support to the SlideShow which can be used in events (just like the Carousel). Example: $('#SlideShow1').slideshow('goto,2');
- New feature: Added "Copy/Paste' buttons in navigation objects. This makes it possible to copy the links from one navigation object to another.
- New feature: Added global lightbox support. This adds the ability to have images on different parts of the page to trigger the same lightbox gallery (see tutorial).
- New feature: Added 'Enable form' to the Carousel. This makes it possible to use the Carousel as a multi page form (see tutorial).

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.2 (August 10th, 2017)
- Improved: Implemented support for hidden text in Flex Container
- Improved: Captcha object can now also be used in a Master Page
- Improved: Asset Manager ignores empty filename properties
- Fixed: Photo Gallery does not copy linked files

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.1
- Improved: Carousel should not display background overlay option
- Improved: Bulleted list height calculation in layout grids
- Improved: Added 'transparent' option to text shadow property in jQuery Mobile Themes. This makes it possible to disable the text shadow for text.
- Fixed: Bulleted list should not be a drop container
- Fixed: Open Graph Meta Tag og:url is missing
- Fixed: 'Rotate' button is hidden

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.0
- Fixed: Issue with Fade animation in Photo Collage
- Fixed: Background overlay in floating layer needs z-index
- Improved: padding and margin of the Text object is now responsive
- Improved: Added 'Font Awesome' and 'Material Icon' to mobile page toolbox
- Improved: Added 'Select above/below/left/right' to main menu. This also makes it possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to these commands.
- Improved: HTML object adds asterisk to 'Resources' button if not empty
- Improved: Implemented a workaround for issues with text links and the Windows 10 Creators Update
- Improved: Now includes jquery-3.2.
- New feature: Added 'Include locked objects in lasso selection' option to Guide Settings. This specifies whether to include locked objects should be included in lasso selection.
- New feature: Added 'Remove from Layer' command to Object Manager context menu.
- New feature: Added support for export to Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.x format.
- New feature: Added 'Alignment' option to overflow settings in Layout Grid, this allows you to control the horizontal alignment of overflow columns.
- New feature: Added 'Rotate' option to Photo Gallery, Photo Collage and SlideShow properties. This makes it possible to quickly rotate an image without leaving the appplcation.
- New feature: Added 'Tables styles' menu to menubar (in addition to the to Ribbon gallery)
- New feature: Added 'Place Holder' property to jQuery Auto Complete.
- New feature: The Photo Collage properties now displays the number of images used by each layout.
- New feature: When using 'Convert to form' for Login forms which are inside a layout grid, the child elements will be converted to floating elements. The layout grid will be used as the form container.
- New feature: Added the possibility to have multiple heading styles in the Style Manager. To create a new heading style simply copy an existing heading and give it a valid (class) name.
- New feature: Added 'Remove Built-width logo' to the Tools menu, so you can easily remove the logo from all pages in the project.
- New feature: Added 'Open master page' option to the context menu of Master Objects to quickly open the embedded page.
- New feature: Added 'Direction' option to 'Bulleted list'. This specifies the place of the bullets: left or right side. This may be useful for RTL languages.
- New feature: Added toolbar to Blocks Manager with commands 'Delete',' Refresh' and 'Open File Location'
- New feature: Added a search option to the Blocks Manager. This makes is possible to filter items in the Block Manager to quickly locate a specific Block.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.5
- Fixed: Lines which are part of a Page Footer but not within the viewport do affect the page size
- Fixed: Removed redundant data-ride attribute from SlideShow->Carousel
- Fixed: Crash when adding box shadow to FontAwesome Icon
- Fixed: Text object: Closing anchor tag should be before the end of heading tag
- Fixed: Crash when using undo with SVG extension
- New feature: Added new 'Full Width' options for third party extensions: "width: 100%, height: auto" and "width: 100%, height: fixed" (note that these only apply to 'use div' extensions!)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.4
- Fixed: Heading text-alignment in layout grid
- Fixed: Problem with stretching CSS menu in breakpoints
- Fixed: Checkbox and radio button helper element has offset
- Fixed: Responsive Menu ignores font setting in mobile mode

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.3
- Fixed: Font size of jQuery Button in Layout Grid
- Fixed: The child elements of a Rollover Layer should not include visibility in breakpoints
- Fixed: Missing child elements in tables when used in combination with a master frame
- Fixed: CSS of Material Icons is not compatible with CSS beautifier
- Fixed: Crash when editing text with minimized Ribbon
- Fixed: Object Manager ignores object order in Layout Grids
- Fixed: Problem with Animation Pause/Resume in Events

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.2
- Fixed: Incorrect text alignment in breakpoint in some upgraded projects
- Fixed: Panel menu not compatible with jQuery 3
- Fixed: Background images of rollover layer not included in templates/blocks
- Fixed: Skinned font picker dialog refresh issue
- Fixed: Background overlay color in Layout grid not supported
- Fixed: Problem with delayed text height calculation in Carousel
- Fixed: 'Doubtful size error' for Rollover Images in Layout grid
- Fixed: Internal link not possible in Events
- Fixed: Crash when applying Site Properties
- Fixed: Icon selection in Responsive menu
- Fixed: Redirect in Page Properties to internal link displays wrong link type
- Fixed: Master page updates page width when breakpoints views are not in sync
- Fixed: Invalid Error Report message for tables
- Fixed: Auto Responder input field cannot be changed in layout grid form
- Improved: Extensions which use live rendering are now loaded more efficiently. The HTML rendering engine will only be initialized when the page is open/visible. This reduces the memory usage in larger projects.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.1
- Fixed: Error in PHP form script: missing ')'
- Fixed: Issue with fade events when target is the object itself
- Fixed: Issue with Global Replace
- Fixed: 'Use jQuery UI theme' in Date Picker should be 'true' for existing project
- Fixed: Open Graph image needs absolute path
- Fixed: Crash when publishing non-visible CMS View
- Fixed: Missing ReplaceVariables function in form processor
- Fixed: Missing Material Icon code in external global style sheet
- Fixed: Blocks Manager not initialized in Menu/Toolbar mode
- Reversed: max-width is applied to Layout grid container instead of the content, just like in WB11

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.0
- Improved: Using 'Center in page' on objects inside a layer/form will center the object inside its container
- Improved: The preview folder (in Tools->Options->Files & Folders) is now project specific, so you can configure a different folder for each project
- Improved: Drag selection in the workspace no longer includes lock objects Note that you can stil select locked objects with click or select all
- New feature: Added 'Center in page -> Both', to quickly center one or multiple objects in the center of the page
- New feature: Added 'Make width same as page width', to quickly make the width of an object the same as the page width This can be useful for full width layers/carousels etc
- New feature: Added link to Twitter page in the help menu
- New feature: Added 'Office 2016 - Black' color scheme
- New feature: Implemented Office 2016-like Ribbon commands search ("Tell Me") When the user types a part of command text in the box, a list of matching commands is displayed on the Main Panel
- New feature: All built-in dialogs now use the selected color scheme (like in MS Office apps) A new option has been added to enbale/disable this functionality: Tools->Options->Uswer Interface->Enable skinned dialogs
- New feature: Added the ability to edit ruler guides in 'Format Ruler Guides' dialog
- New feature: Added 'Reset settings' to Options This will restore the default settings
- New feature: Added 'Display all objects in Links->Bookmark' option When this option is enabled then the Bookmark dropdown menu in Links will display all objects (instead of just bookmarks and layers) This basically makes it possible to turn any object into a bookmark!
- New feature: Added 'Easy Mode' This options may be useful for new users who are overwhelmed by all the advanced features of WWB When this option is enabled then advanced features (like events, animations, cms, login tools) will be hidden in the toolbox, ribbon and properties Easy Mode can easily be toggled to make the options available again
- New feature: Added 'Keyboard shortcuts' to the help menu This option displays the current key assignments by category It is also possible to copy or print the commands
- New feature: Added 'Help' button to property windows to open context sensitive help
- New feature: Added 'Include partially selected objects in lasso selection' to Guide settings This option specifies whether partially selected objects will be included in lasso (net) selection If this option is disabled, then the entire object needs to be inside the lasso to be selected

- New feature: Version 12 introduces the "Blocks' toolbox Blocks are building blocks trhat make it possible to quickly creates a website by dragging predefined blocks to the workspace Blocks are basically just groups of standard WWB objects so once dragged to the page you can fully customize the behavior and apprance of the content
- WWB includes a dozen of standard blocks to help you get started, but you can also create your own blocks (by saving a group of objects as 'Block'), so you can reuse them in other pages or projects

Open Graph Meta Tags:
- New feature: Added support for Open Graph Meta Tags in Page Properties->Meta tags These settings make it easy to add Open Graph meta tags to a page to enable it to be come a "rich" social object For instance, Facebook uses this information to work out how to preview shared content in a user's Facebook profile
- The following properties are supported: og:url, og:title, og::description, og::image and og::type

PNG/JPEG compression:
- New feature: Added PNG/JPEG compression for dynamically generated images (shapes, drawing tools, images with filters etc) This makes it possible to optimize images for quality or performance (larger images look better but take more time to download and process) Support 10 levels

Asset Manager:
- New feature: Added the posibility to move orphan files to another folder (instead of just removing the files)

Object Manager:
- Improved: Multiple objects can be selected (using the CTRL key)
- New feature: Added 'Hide in other breakpoints' option Use this option to hide the selected object in other breakpoints (but not in the current view)
- New feature: Added 'Unhide in all breakpoints' option Use this option to unhide the selected object in all breakpoints (including the current view)

- Improved: Added a warning message when you try to publish a page that is set to "Don't publish this page"
- New feature: Added "Publish' option to context menu in Site Manager, so you can quickly publish the selected page
- New feature: Added ‘Make a backup of the project on the server' option to the publish dialog This can be used to override the global setting for the current session

Error Reports:
- New feature: Error Reports displays a warning when the page name is the same as the project name because this may cause a conflict with style sheets
- New feature: Error Reports detects missing fonts If an object uses a font which not installed then an error message will be displayed
- New feature: Error Reports detects missing extensions If the page uses an extension which is not installed, then an error message will be displayed
- New feature: Added the posibility to hide warnings for specific objects via the context menu Also an option 'Show hidden warnings' have been added to restore the warnings
- New feature: The 'Error Reports' window can now be docked, floating or set to autohide so it can be made visible all the time When visible, the error list automatically refreshes when you switch between pages Double click an item in the list to select the object in the workspace

Global Replace:
- Improved: Replacing URLs now includes support for tel, email, facetime, sms and skype links

- Improved: Made beautify/minify options ASP compatible
- New feature: Added 'CSS in media query' option This make it possible to add breakpoint specific CSS styles This can be useful if you need different styles in breakpoints

Multi-Page Properties:
- New feature: Added Multi-Page Properties tool to modify selected properties for multiple (selectable) pages at once This makes it possible for example to quickly change the master page for a group of pages But also background properties, meta tags, page extension etc Only the modified value(s) will be applied to all selected pages

- New feature: Added 'Uninstall Extension' to context menu to quickly remove an extension without opening the Extension Manager

- New feature: Added the ability to use semantic HTML5 tags Tools->Options->HTML->Use HTML5 Semantic Tags When this option is enabled WWB will automatically output semantic HTML5 tags instead of divs For example page header page footer , navigation
- New feature: Added 'Move external CSS style sheets to the end of the page' This is often recommended by Google PageSpeed Insights to improve the performance of the page Please read the help for more details! Note however that this also may affect the way to page is rendered beucase styles are loaded after the contnet has been load, resulting in flicker Also some scripot may bnot support this becuase they exccpet style to be between the head tags
- New feature: Added 'CSS visibility property' (visibility vs display) HTML/CSS options This option controls the way objects are hidden When using 'visibility:hidden' hidden objects will not be visible but they still affect the layout (just like in previous versions of WWB) On the other hand 'display:none' removes the object from the layout so it no longer affects the size of the page This can be useful when hiding objects that are not inside the page boundaries in breakpoints
- Flash Video Player has been renamed to WWB Video Player The player no longer supports Flash, it is now pure HTML5/CSS3 The reason is that movile brwoser do not supprot flash and most browsers consider Flash as being unsafe

- Improved: When using "enable response fonts" the text alignment is now also responsive, so you can have different alignments in breakpoints
- New feature: Text styles now display style gallery with preview
- New feature: Add 'Create a style' option Create a style based on the formatting of the selected text
- New feature: Added support for native Windows spell checker With 'spell as you type', 'Checking spelling' dialog (F7) and context menu suggestions Supports all language dictionaries you have installed in Windows Requires Windows 8, 81 or 10!

- New feature: Added 'Reverse' option to hyperlink styles When this option is enabled the transition will be reversed (underline will be initially visible and hidden on hover)

- New feature: Added support for jQuery 3 This version promises to be slimmer and faster

jQuery UI:
- Improved: Upgraded to the latest version All jQuery UI scripts are combined in one file (jquery-uiminjs instead of jqueryuiwidgetminjs, jqueryuiaccordionminjs, jqueryuieffectminjs etc) This reduces the number of generated files which may help speed up loading of your pages
- All internal scripts have been updated If you have created custom theme you will need to upgrade them to make sure they work with the new version
- New feature: A new jQuery UI theme ‘base’ has been added
- New feature: Added the ability to customize colors of the jQuery UI widgets independently of the jQuery UI theme

- New feature: Added 'News Paper' and 'Flip Horizontal/Vertical' animations
- New feature: Added 'CSS3 animation' option Select animations created with the Animation Manager A different animation can be selected for 'show' and 'hide' to create sophisticated animation effects
- New feature: Added 'Full Page' support An easy way to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or onepage sites) This option uses the great 'fullPagejs' jQuery plugin

- New feature: Tabs can now be part of a layout grid!
- New feature: Added the ability to align the navigation tabs in the header
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap tabs
- New feature: Added floating mode to Tabs When this option is enabled objects inside the tabs float instead of having a fixed position This is recommended for flexible layouts with layout grids

- New feature: Accordions can now be part of a layout grid!
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap Accordion
- New feature: Added floating mode to Accordion When this option is enabled objects inside the panels float instead of having a fixed position This is recommended for flexible layouts with layout grids

jQuery Dialog:
- Improved: The jQuery Dialog can now have sizes and different layouts in breakpoints

- Improved: margins of floating layers are now responsive, so they can have different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added ‘Position children’ option By default, child elements of the layer use absolute positions so you can place them anywhere you want By using 'floating' mode the objects inside the layer will float instead of having a fixed position This can be useful when using floating layers which are set to 'Relative horizontal sizing' to create fluid layouts
- New feature: Added ‘100vh’ to floating mode options This will set the height of the layer to 100% of the viewport This can be useful to create floating layers with a relative horizontal size For example, to create full height columns
- New feature: Added background overlay option This uses the specified background color (and alpha value) to add and an overlay to the background image
- New feature: Added the ability to use a video as background Supported are Youtube and Vimeo URLs This is especially useful for full width/full screen layers
- New feature: Added option to select semantic HTML5 tag instead of generic

Available options: , , , , ,

- New feature: Added 'Enable JS API' option This option enables the player to be controlled via JavaScript Player API calls Only works in modern browsers! http://caniusecom/#search=postMessage
- New feature: Added support for YouTube events (play, pause, ended etc) Requires 'Enable JS API'
- New feature: play, pause actions in events can now be used to control the YouTube video Requires 'Enable JS API'

- New feature: Added support for Vimeo events (play, pause, ended etc)
- New feature: play, pause actions in events can now be used to control the Vimeo video Requires 'Enable JS API'

- New feature: Added 'Flip Horizontal' and 'Flip Vertical' animations (uses CSS3 transforms)
- New feature: Added 'Fan' and 'Block Scale' animations
- New feature: Added animations to caption: fade, slide, rotate, scale, translate
- New feature: Added 'CSS3 animation' option Select animations created with the Animation Manager A different animation can be selected for 'show' and 'hide' to create sophisticated slideshow
- New feature: Added Instagram integration This makes it possible to feed the slideshow with images from your Instragram account

Photo Gallery:
- Improved: Now includes galleria 154, which makes it possible to use the lightbox/galleria in responsive layouts
- New feature: The Photo Gallery uses and tags when ‘Use HTML5 Semantic Tags (in Tools->Options->HTML) is enabled
- New feature: Added Instagram integration This makes it possible to feed the photo gallery with images from your Instragram account

Photo Collage:
- New feature: Added 'Photo Collage' object Introduces a cool new way to display your images More than 30 layout variants are available
- The Photo collage object is flexible so it can be used in layout grids and responsive layouts Also supports lightboxes, instragram integration, load animations and more

RollOver Image:
- New feature: Added 'Flip Horizontal' and 'Flip Vertical' animations (uses CSS3 transforms)

- Improved: The icons in the FontAwesome Gallery of the Ribbon are now categorized to make it easier to find icons (based on the categories on the FontAwesome website: http://fontawesomeio/icons/)
- New feature: Added support for rotation Note: this uses CSS3 transforms
- New feature: Added 'Publish as svg' option This will output the icon as embedded SVG (scalable vector image) instead as font This greatly reduces the overal size of the website if you only use a few fontawasome icons

Material Icons:
- New feature: Added support for Google's Material Design Icons(https://materialio/icons/) Adds more than 900 new icons The Material Icon object supports the same featutes as FontAwesome

- New feature: Added support for Material Icons, so you can also publish the new icon as an image

- Improved: Maximum file size is now set in the script instead of using an hidden form field for better security
- Improved: It is now also possible to use variables in the subject of the email message (PHP Mailer or rich text must be enabled)
- New feature: Added the ability to set ID property for hidden fields
- New feature: Added option to include page name/refferer in form data
- New feature: Added option to configure the auto responder email input field
- New feature: Added 'Full Width' option to Editbox, TextArea, Combobox, Label and Button This makes it possible to switch between block (100%) and inline mode (fixed width) when used in a Layout Grid
- New feature: Added the ability to send form data to an email address based on the selection in a combobox Users can select a 'department' from a dropdown menu, and have the email sent to just that department's email address

Form Conditions and Calculations:
- New feature: Added 'Conditions' This makes it possible to show/hide/enable/disable other objects based on the value or selection of an form input field For example you can disable the form's submit button until the user checks a box
- New feature: Added the posibilty to do calculations in form fields Calculations are available in the 'Conditions' section of input fields They can be used to calculate a value based on values or selections of other input fields For example to calculate the total price of an item in a webshop based on the selected options
- Conditions/calculations options are available for Editbox, TextArea, Combobox, Checkbox and Radio Button

File Upload:
- New feature: Added 'Accept multiple files' option To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting
- New feature: It is now possible to customize the style of the File Upload object The button and editbox each can have their own styling This new behavior can be disabled with the 'use default browser styling' (This is enabled for older projects for backwards compatibility)
- New feature: Added 'Padding' option Note: left padding will be used for the editbox and the right padding for the button
- New feature: Added 'Place Holder' option Specifies a short hint to help the user to fill out the input field
- New feature: Added "Button text' option This makes it possible to customize the text of the button

Editbox/Text Area:
- New feature: Added "Spellcheck' option The HTML5 spellcheck attribute specifies whether the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked or not

Checkbox/Radio Button:
- New feature: It is now possible to customize the style (and size) of the Checkbox/Radio Button object to override the default browser appearance This also make the Checkbox/Radio Button responsive so it can have a different size (and color) in breakpoints This new behavior can be disabled with the 'use default browser styling' (This is enabled for older projects for backwards compatibility)

Login Tools:
- New feature: Added 'Enable error reporting' to Login Admin for debugging purposes
- New feature: Added 'checkbox' option to custom profile fields

Layout Grid:
- Improved: gutter, padding and margin are now responsive, so they can have different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added background overlay option This uses the specified background color (and alpha value) to add and an overlay to the background image
- New feature: Added the ability to use a video as background Supported are Youtube and Vimeo URLs
- New feature: Added 'Use Flexbox' option When this option is enabled, the grid will use CSS flexbox layout This results in cleaner code and also enables some extra features like vertical alignment and entire column will be filled with the background
- Note that this is a relative new CSS feature, it is not supported by older browsers (< IE11) http://caniusecom/#feat=flexbox
- New feature: Different column widths in breakpoints
- New feature: Different column counts in breakpoint
- New feature: Added the ability to hide columns in breakpoints
- New feature: Added 'overflow' option This determines what happen when columns that do not fit in the current row Overflow columns can be hidden, 100% or have custom value
- New feature: Added vertical alignment option to columns Note this only works when CSS flexbox is used!
- New feature: Added the ability to set the layout grid fixed to the top of the page

Flex Container:
- New feature: Add support for CSS flexbox! The flexbox container is a great new way to implement layouts

Master Object/Page:
- Improved: A warning is displayed when using the same master page on the same page the same master page will result in duplicated IDs and other conflicts
- New feature: Master objects can now be used inside a Layout Grid The object becomes flexible/floating when it's part of a layout grid Note that the objects on a master page should also be floating for the best results

- New feature: Added 'CSS3 Animate' action This will trigger a CSS3 animation from the animation manager So it's no longer necesarry to manually create a seperate style for this (WWB will do this automatically)
- New feature: Added 'onscrollreveal', 'onscrollhide' and 'onscrollrevealpartial' events to most objects These events were previous only available for the bookmark object Note: these events do not work for hidden objects becuase if an object is hidden then it has an undefined position in the HTML document, therefor it's not possible to determine whether the object is inside the viewport
- New feature: Added support for events to links in navigation objects: BreadCrumb, CSS Menu, Mega Menu, Navigation Bar, Pagination, Panel Menu, Responsive Menu, Slide Menu, Tab Menu, Text Menu, jQuery ListView and jQuery Menu

- Improved: The sort tool now includes all data in the table So for example if you sort a column then the other columns will be moved too Also the style of the cells will be included, not only the text, so cells keep their own styling
- New feature: Added cell alignment options to the Ribbon and context menu of the table to quickly set the alignment of one or multiple table cells
- New feature: Added border-collapse option The border-collapse property sets whether the table borders are collapsed into a single border or detached as in standard HTML
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the border-width of table cells This replaces 'enable cell borders'
- New feature: Added 'Hover rows color' option to enable a hover state on table rows
- New feature: Added 'Striped row color' option to add zebra-striping to the table rows
- New feature: Added 'Header row' option This will output the first row as header cells (instead or)
- New feature: Added 'Table Styles' gallery This allows you to quickly update the style of your tables You may know this feature from MS Office 30 predefined styles are currently available
- New feature: Added size mode 'Automatic' (in addition to 'pixels' and 'percentages') When using this mode the table cells will be automatically sized based on their content This makes it possible to use a table in layout grid layouts
- New feature: Added 'Import data from text file' A quick way to get data from a comma seperated text file into the table
- New feature: Added the possibility to add objects inside table cells The main purpose of this feature is to make images part of a table

CSS3 Animations and Transitions:
- New feature: Added 10 new CSS3 animations to the Animation Manager: animate-rotate-in-left, animate-rotate-in-right, animate-rotate-out-left, animate-rotate-out-right, heartbeat-1, heartbeat-2, transform-peek, transform-scale-in, transform-scale-out, transform-shiver
- New feature: Added background, border (short hand), display and position properties to animatable properties These may be useful for scroll transitions
- New feature: Added "Copy' buttons to quickly clone animations and transitions
- New feature: Added scroll transitions This allows you to animate CSS properties of objects depending on the horizontal scrollbar position For example you can set the opacity (fading) of an object based on the scroll position Of move/rotate/scale objects into place when it scrolls into view

- Improved: WWB now preserves the original filename when using filters (instead of generating a unique name) You can still change it with ‘Allocated filenames’, if you like
- New feature: Added ‘Color overlay’ filter to the image object Often used in websites to create a ‘dim’ effect

- New feature: Add 'Picture' object The HTML5 element is a container used to specify multiple images for different viewport or screen resolutions The browser will choose the most suitable image according to the current layout of the page and the device it will be displayed on
- You can specify different images for breakpoints It also supports high resolution displays using pixel density descriptors such as 1x, 15x, 2x, and 3x For example you can include different versions of the image by using names like: filename@15xpng, filename@2xpng
- The picture object supports rotation using standard CSS3 transforms Plus expirimental support for CSS3 filters (blur, contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, negative, sepia, grayscale)

Rollover Layer:
- New feature: Add 'RollOver Layer' object A RollOver Layer works just like the RollOver image, but instead of just images you can now use any type of objects In additional to fixed mode (where you can place obejct anywhere you want), the object also supports floating mode so it can be used in Layout grids

Mega Menu:
- Improved: It is now possible to hide the arrows/icons (select the last item in the icon list)
- Improved: To disable categories, set all Category names to   This will hide the Category header in the menu

Responsive Menu:
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the menu alignment

Breadcrumb Menu:
- Improved: CSS3 Transitions are now applied to the menu items For example, to rotate, scale or modify the style of an item on hover
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the menu alignment
- New feature: Added ‘Full Width’ property so the menu can be stretched to the full width of its container (when used inside a layout grid)

- New feature: Added support for line styles: solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge

Page Properties->Style:
- New feature: Added ‘Enable Responsive Fonts’ option to the default text settings (in Page Properties) This sets the default for new text objects

- New feature: Added ‘Scale’ to the Arrange tools This tool may be useful for optimizing the layout in breakpoints Basically, it takes the size and position of the selected object(s) on the default view and scales it to the current breakpoint width For example: let's say the default view is 960 pixels and you are now working in the 480 breakpoint This makes the scale factor 2, so using the Scale tool will make the objects 50% smaller

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improved Image Quality:
- We have improved the image processing pipeline in OpenShot to create sharper images, by switching our image scaling algorithm, and most importantly, only scaling a frame once, as opposed to multiple times (which used to happen in certain scenarios). This results in a noticeably sharper image, and slightly better performance

Improved Playback Smoothness:
- The video preview capabilities in OpenShot have been improved to better handle higher framerate videos (50 fps, 60 fps, 120 fps). This results in a smoother playback experience, and less jittering and freezing with certain preview profiles

Improved Stability (especially for Windows):
- Right after our previous release (in September 2017) we made some very large changes to libopenshot to better support Windows (with respect to certain data types in C++). This fixes many, many Windows issues, including audio files stopping early, sync/desync issues, videos stopping at 30 minutes (or at an earlier time), opening project files with non-English characters, and more. If you have had any issues on Windows, please give this new version a try

But is it really more stable?:
- Yes. Each release we fix actual stability issues, and continue to find race conditions, and add more protection around high risk code (such as image data). On certain systems, and with different combinations of video cards, CPUs, and OSes, some crashes happen often (which is less than ideal), and on other systems, it doesn’t crash at all. Each time we can reproduce a crash, we fix it, and the net result is statistically less crashes with each new version of OpenShot. We have reduced the # of crashes by a factor of 10 in the past 12 months, and will continue to work hard in this area

New Video Tutorials:
- I am proud to announce a new series of video tutorials is in the works, and the first few are now available. I will be adding more videos very soon, and look forward to building a comprehensive collection of short (5 to 10 minutes) tutorials, covering all the features, secrets, and workflows built into OpenShot

Openshot-qt (full list of changes):
- Fixing small regression with translation website URLs when using default/en_US
- Fixing small bug in Export dialog where profile and quality get blown away when changing format
- Ignoring history update messages, since libopenshot doesn't care about them
- Simplifying export progress, reducing # of signals being emitted
- Integrating current language into website URLs and simplifying a few translations (removing HTML tags)
- Removing unneeded UTF8 encode method, which caused certain project paths to fail when loading (solves crash on Windows trying to open non-English project file paths)
- Fixing a big race condition on initial launch of OpenShot, which causes certain JavaScript calls to fail (so default profiles, snapping mode, and few other things set on launch would fail sometimes)
- Adding keyboard shortcuts for toggling 'Transform' and 'Insert Keyframe'. This improves the animation work-flow, and no longer requires a bunch of mouse clicks / context menus for animations.
- Preventing overwriting an input file with the export dialog, and updating export progress on export window title (thanks Peter)
- Updating translations and contributor credits

Libopenshot (full list of changes):
- More experimental critical sections trying to prevent race conditions on high CPU core systems
- Additional omp critical sections around adding frame images
- Experimental codec lookup by name in FFmpegWriter, which should solve a few issues (such as xvid support). Thanks Peter!
- Fixing regression (I think) with rotation origin. Things should always rotate around the center of an object (until I add in keyframable origin points)
- Setting timebase on video stream in FFmpegWriter... a bit experimental
- Improving playback smoothness on high framerate videos, especially when the video frames need to jump forward to keep up with the audio
- Removing throw statements from header files (thanks Peter)
- Reducing # of scale operations to 1 per layer on the timeline
- Fixing 16 thread limit on FFmpegReader
- Fixing a cast from long to int64_t
- Big update! Updating all "long int" frame number types to int64_t, so all 3 OSes will produce the same depth and precision on frame numbers
- Removing variable bitrate support (for now), since it causes more problems than it solves

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.0 查看版本資訊
