OpenShot Video Editor

最新版本 OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3
OpenShot Video Editor 是一款免費的 Windows PC 開源視頻編輯器。 OpenShot 可以把你的視頻,照片和音樂文件,並幫助你創造你一直夢想的電影。輕鬆添加子標題,轉場和效果,然後將您的電影導出到 DVD,YouTube,Vimeo,Xbox 360 和許多其他常見格式。立即下載 OpenShot Video Editor for PC!

OpenShot Video Editor 功能:

OpenShot 是一個跨平台的視頻編輯器,支持 Linux,Mac 和 Windows。立即開始下載我們的安裝程序.

Trim& 切片
快速修剪您的視頻,並找到完美的時刻。 OpenShot 有很多簡單的方法來削減您的視頻.

動畫& 關鍵幀





3D 動畫
Render 美麗的 3D 動畫標題和效果,如雪,鏡頭耀斑或飛行文字.

Slow Motion& 時間效應

70 + 語言
OpenShot 有很多不同的語言版本,可以在線與 LaunchPad.6235896
簡單的用戶界面 61353596 我們設計 OpenShot 是有史以來最簡單和最友好的視頻編輯器。試一試,看看自己.

直接從您的文件管理器拖放視頻,音頻或圖像到 OpenShot。這是很容易開始.


檔案版本 OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3

檔案名稱 OpenShot-v2.4.3-x86_64.exe
檔案大小 120 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 OpenShot Studios, LLC.
更新日期 2018-09-23

What's new in this version:

- Bumping version to 2.4.3 (libopenshot dependency to 0.2.2)
- Disable OMP thread concurrency during Export, to make exports as safe as possible
- Nudge clips when holding SHIFT + Left or Right arrow
- Animated Masks: New "reader" propety type, initially used by the Mask effect to change the image/video used by transitions and the Mask effect
- Add Save Current Frame button
- New translation & language infrastructure and logic (better logic for determining current language)
- Fixed split keep both sides (right side position was incorrect)
- Application icon updates
- Zoom fixes (lots of issues relating to zooming fixed)
- Undo/Redo fixes (fixing and preventing giant .osp project files)
- New tutorial system, better child window management
- Travis CI Integration
- Improve Title filename duplication naming/counting
- Use track names in "Add To Timeline" window
- Improve waveform display rendering
- Fix audio wave not rendered after completion
- Add instagram and twitter presets
- Add AppStream metadata to
- Timeline JavaScript Bug Fixes
- Timeline cleanup and performance, upgrade Angular.js
- Removing from AppImage
- Add src/language path to Mac DMG builder
- Add language override on command line using --lang
- Add explanatory text for --list-lang
- Some fixes for the timeline debugger
- Update edit-clear icon in Humanity
- Correct variable name typo to initialize properly
- Convert all nonesential logs to .debug()
- Remove unused effects filters
- Add "Ask a Question" template
- Preventing libopenshot version check on unittests
- More framerates for YouTube HD and Vimeo HD presets
- Convert (most) files with DOS line-endings to Unix
- Remove debug.js from index.html
- Square the PNG icon file
- App metadata updates for easier packaging
- Move Slice All shortcuts to correct menu
- Don't set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1
- Updating default project type to 720p 30 FPS, and sample rate 44100
- Fix retention of export path
- Fixing GitLab to no longer run CI for tags, and fixing version # for daily and release builds
- Add "release-candidate" to filename for daily RC builds, so they don't look so official on the website
- Misc Typos and text fixes
- Updating contributors and supporters
- Updating translations

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3 相關參考資料
Download OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3 (Free) for Linux

Download OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3 for Linux. Edit videos easily and more with OpenShot Video Editor.

Download OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3 -

OpenShot Video Editor is a simple, yet powerful video editor designed to be easy to use, quick to learn, and surprisingly powerful. OpenShot ...

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3 - Neowin

OpenShot is a free, open-source video editor. OpenShot can take your videos, photos, and music files and help you create the film you have ...

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.3 Free Download - VideoHelp

OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor for Linux, Mac OS, Windows, built with Python, GTK, and the MLT Framework. Our goal is ...

OpenShot 影片編輯器| OpenShot 2.4.3 Released | Animated Masks ...

If you love video editing and want to help improve OpenShot, please send me an email: [email protected]. No programming skills are ...

OpenShot 影片編輯器| 下載 - OpenShot Video Editor

下載適用於Linux、Mac 和Windows 平臺的OpenShot,包含每日建構. ... I am very proud to announce the release of OpenShot 2.4.3, our latest and greatest version ...

OpenShot 影片編輯器| 使用者手冊 - OpenShot Video Editor

在以下官方用戶指南中了解有關OpenShot Video Editor 如何運作的更多信息!創建第 ... I am very proud to announce the release of OpenShot 2.4.3, our latest and ...

OpenShot 影片編輯器| 關於我們 - OpenShot Video Editor

OpenShot Video Editor 是一個獲獎過的開源影片編輯器。 ... I am very proud to announce the release of OpenShot 2.4.3, our latest and greatest version! A huge ...

開源和得獎的Linux, Mac, 和Windows 影片編輯器! - OpenShot Video ...

OpenShot 影片編輯軟體是得獎的免費與開放原始碼的影片編輯器,適用於Linux、Mac 和Windows 平臺。創造具有令人 ... OpenShot Video Editor Logo .... I am very proud to announce the release of OpenShot 2.4.3, our latest and greatest version!