OpenShot Video Editor

最新版本 OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.4

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.4

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.4
OpenShot Video Editor 是一款免費的 Windows PC 開源視頻編輯器。 OpenShot 可以把你的視頻,照片和音樂文件,並幫助你創造你一直夢想的電影。輕鬆添加子標題,轉場和效果,然後將您的電影導出到 DVD,YouTube,Vimeo,Xbox 360 和許多其他常見格式。立即下載 OpenShot Video Editor for PC!

OpenShot Video Editor 功能:

OpenShot 是一個跨平台的視頻編輯器,支持 Linux,Mac 和 Windows。立即開始下載我們的安裝程序.

Trim& 切片
快速修剪您的視頻,並找到完美的時刻。 OpenShot 有很多簡單的方法來削減您的視頻.

動畫& 關鍵幀





3D 動畫
Render 美麗的 3D 動畫標題和效果,如雪,鏡頭耀斑或飛行文字.

Slow Motion& 時間效應

70 + 語言
OpenShot 有很多不同的語言版本,可以在線與 LaunchPad.6235896
簡單的用戶界面 61353596 我們設計 OpenShot 是有史以來最簡單和最友好的視頻編輯器。試一試,看看自己.

直接從您的文件管理器拖放視頻,音頻或圖像到 OpenShot。這是很容易開始.


檔案版本 OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.4

檔案名稱 OpenShot-v2.4.4-x86_64.exe
檔案大小 170 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 OpenShot Studios, LLC.
更新日期 2019-03-21

What's new in this version:

- Bump version to 2.4.4 (minimum libopenshot to 0.2.3)
- Scale keyframe coordinates when changing Profile or Exporting using a different FPS
- Large performance improvements on AngularJS Timeline (and solved some Async issues)
- Integration of resvg SVG library (gitlab and freeze updates)
- Improved Tracks (simpler numbering, faster inserting, prevent deletion of locked tracks)
- Improved Docking (Timeline widget is now dockable and Properties works in pillar mode)
- Windows Installer: Remove invalid files (system32/zlib1.dll)
- Use libopenshot to generate preview images for our Title editor, and no longer use Qt's SVG parsing by default.
- Improving UTF-8 path detection and conversion
- Rewrite conversion of relative and absolute path support in OpenShot
- Fixing many Python issues reported in our automatic exception tracking
- Fixing Various Breakages in our Release Testing Plan
- Fixing regressions to Split Audio
- Integrate Constant Rate Factor (CRF) into Export Dialog
- Separating PrepareStreams() from Open(), to allow SetOption() to correctly function
- Adding h265 export preset (thanks Peter)
- Adding ~/.openshot_qt/presets/ User-defined Presets, so users can easily install custom export presets (devices and formats)
- Dragging an OSP file into the Project Files widget will open the entire project file (and prompt to save unsaved changes)
- Persist undo/redo history correctly across OpenShot sessions
- Fix audio waveform display when slicing clips or resizing/trimming clips
- Color picker: Never use native dialog
- Adding Git Changelog screen
- Converting to new Settings class, instead of the old ENV VAR method
- Reverting Angular from 1.7.2 to 1.6.0 (for stability reasons)
- Updating GitHub Templates (for bug report, question, and feature request)
- Updating GitHub README: features list, translation urls, and badges
- Completed Arabic, Hindi, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) translations
- Update messaging integration on build server
- Add file for installed module
- Path-detect via openshot_qt init
- Exit using sys.exit()
- preferences: Tweak item layout
- Widen export window
- Pass remaining command line args to Qt
- Copy (cleaned up) xdg icon to src/images
- Add strings to be translated and fix tuple error
- added browse button in file properties dialog, to allow relinking of individual media files
- fix for automatic relinking of missing media files during project open
- Add the same browse type for inkscape and blender field
- Remove CRLF line endings from chromebook preset
- Convert line endings
- Missing files are now automatically deleted from the recent menu
- Append correct extension to snapshot frames
- Simplify version number and file name logic in build server (especially for releases)
- Update Contributors & Translations

OpenShot Video Editor 2.4.4 相關參考資料
OpenShot Video Editor | Download

OpenShot Video Editor is available for download on Linux, OS X, and Windows. We provide both direct download links and torrents. We also have daily builds ...

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1 天前 - I am proud to announce the immediate release of OpenShot 2.4.4, the absolute .... Do you want to help spark “video editing joy” in the world?

OpenShot 影片編輯器| Call for Translations ... - OpenShot Video Editor

OpenShot 2.4.2 is complete and ready for translations. Any help with translations would be super appreciated! OpenShot Translations:

OpenShot 影片編輯器| 下載 - OpenShot Video Editor

OpenShot 影片編輯器可以在Linux、OS X 和Windows上下載。我們提供直接下載連結和torrent。我們也有每日建構可以在下面的每日建構按鈕下載。 發行公告 ...

OpenShot 影片編輯器| 使用者手冊 - OpenShot Video Editor

在以下官方用戶指南中了解有關OpenShot Video Editor 如何運作的更多信息!創建第一個視頻項目的分步說明!您還可以在新窗口中啟動用戶指南。 啟動使用者 ...

[教學] 中文介面的免費影片編輯軟體OpenShot Video Editor 簡易教學 ...

大家好,我是TN-Man,今天終於把這篇早就想寫的簡易教學寫出來了因為現在使用比較少發生當掉卡死問題比較好擷圖(我的電腦很久沒重灌了), ...

開源和得獎的Linux, Mac, 和Windows 影片編輯器! - OpenShot Video ...

OpenShot 影片編輯軟體是得獎的免費與開放原始碼的影片編輯器,適用於Linux、Mac 和Windows 平臺。創造具有令人興奮的視訊效果、字幕、音軌和動畫的影片。