O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 O&O SafeErase Professional 18.0 Build 526

O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 歷史版本列表

當您銷售,放棄或銷毀舊電腦或硬盤驅動器時,您的個人照片和機密文件很容易落入不法分子的手中。身份盜用現在是一個普遍的安全威脅。這是因為點擊“刪除”並不意味著你的文件被永久刪除。即使格式化硬盤也不足以永久刪除數據。 O& O SafeErase 永久刪除您的機密文件使用公認的方法,使恢復是永遠不可能的,即使當使用最好的文件恢復軟件。 選擇版本:O&O SafeErase 專業 11.0.151... O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 軟體介紹

O&O SafeErase Professional Edition (32-bit)O&O SafeErase Professional Edition (64-bit)

install4j 8.0.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- "Modify an environment variable on Windows" action: Added a "Remove" option
- The mouse navigation buttons now work in the view selector to navigate to previously selected views

API changes:
- Added methods getException() and getLog() to InstallerActionEvent providing the exception for abnormal termination and the logging output of an action

Bugs fixed:
- Regression in 8.0.4: Startup error dialog in launchers did not work anymore, instead the launcher would hang when an error in the main class was detected
- Liberica JDK provider did not download full JDKs with JavaFX for recent releases
- MSI UAC dialog now shows the application name instead of a generated MSI file name
- The JAR file resource/i4jruntime-dev-additional.jar was missing from the distribution
- Pre-created bundles caused an exception during build under some circumstances
- Fixed a memory leak when running in-process installer applications multiple times
- When pasting actions into action lists, the "Can be executed multiple times" and "Failure strategy" properties were not reset to the fixed values that are required in action lists
- Pre-signed JRE bundles that contain the CodeResources hashes file in binary form could not be notarized. This affects Oracle 8u261+
- Exclusion of symlinks in the distribution tree did not work correctly because the target was excluded as well
- Symlinks that point to a target within an "include directory entry" in the distribution tree were duplicated as separate files. Define the compiler variable sys.ext.dirEntryFollowAllSymlinks=true to restore the previous behavior

UltraViewer 6.2.87 查看版本資訊


O&O SafeErase Professional 15.5 Build 69 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


O&O SafeErase Professional 15.4 Build 66 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


install4j 8.0.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Liberica JDK provider: New releases were not listed anymore
- Regression in 8.0.6: Custom localization files in .properties format could not override system messages anymore
- When using compiler variables, the "Java version" step could showed a message "The minimum version must be lower than the maximum version" in some cases
- "Delete files and directories" action: Rollback was not supported for symbolic links to directories
- "Delete files and directories" action: Mode and modification time were not restored for directories on Unix

install4j 8.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- "Delete files and directories" action: Support rollback for symbolic links
- Linux/Unix media files can now require a 64-bit JVM via the new "Bundled JRE->JRE search sequence options" step in the corresponding media wizards

API changes:
- API: Added Context#cancel and Context#runWithSuspendedActions to cancel the installer application programmatically and ask the user a question while the currently running actions are suspended

Bugs fixed:
- Regression in install4j 8.0: An empty JRE search sequence was reverted to the default after opening the project again
- "Show URL" action: The action failed if the scheme was empty or contained spaces
- Eliminate warnings during build about Java 14 and 15 class file version numbers
- AdoptOpenJDK provider: The deprecated v2 API has become unstable and recent major version were sometimes missing. By using the new AdoptOpenJDK v3 API this problem is fixed.
- The install4j runtime development artifact did not include i18n messages, so some API calls failed when called from the IDE
- The UI froze during the build if a variable replacement error occurred during code signing
- The JRE Bundle wizard did not work for Java 14 because the jdk.pack module is now removed

O&O SafeErase Professional 15.3 Build 62 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


install4j 8.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- In development environments, the API runtime dependency now automatically provides the native libraries that are required by some API calls
- In development environments, the .install4j runtime directory can now be specified with the system property -Dinstall4j.runtimeDir. This allows all API calls to work, including those that require access to the config file, such as Variables.getCompilerVariable(...).
- Multiple timestamp signing services are now tried in the case of a failure. The default is now DigiCert with a fallback to GlobalSign. This can be changed on a per-project basis as explained in the documentation.

Bugs fixed:
- "Download file" action: If the digest file was created with an external tool that produces upper case letters, the check would fail
- "Execute SQL script" action: Regexp delimiters and compound delimiters with a line break like "; " did not work
- "Check for running processes" action: Prevent closing the process dialog with the window close button
- "Set the owner of files and directories" action: Leading and trailing spaces in the "owner" property were not trimmed and lead to an unhelpful error message
- The native log files of Windows installers was not deleted
- Fixed deadlock during auto-save or while saving the project when the floating license server connection was lost
- Fixed memory leak when running in-process installer applications multiple times
- When using the filter text field in the certificate selection dialogs, the wrong certificate was selected
- The check whether modules are used by launchers was not made for merged projects, so a non-modular runtime library could be generated leading to a runtime failure in a merged launcher
- Text mode overrides for bean properties did not work for elevated actions
- Installers could throw an LzmaException for large data files
- Arguments in .vmoptions files were not trimmed on macOS
- API: If a scheduled version has already been installed manually, return false for UpdateChecker.isUpdateScheduled()
- macOS: Command line executables could not use bundled JRE in macos folder archives due to notarization requirements
- macOS: The reported file sizes of notarized media files in updates.xml was wrong
- macOS: Fixed signing Java 9+ JRE bundles for macOS folder archives when the build runs on macOS or Linux
- Windows: The -manual command line option for selecting a JRE did not work as expected when the direct JRE download options was selected for the media file
- Windows: Could not use absolute locations for the Windows JRE search sequence when the build was not performed on a Windows machine
- Windows: PKCS11 code signing for multiple Windows media files could fail
- Linux: systemd service installation did not work correctly with rpm update
- Linux: Build would fail if non-ASCII characters were present in the install4j installation directory
- Linux: KillMode=process is now set in systemd files by default so additional processes started by a service will not be stopped. This is required for update downloaders that are started by a service.
- Linux: Installers running in console or unattended mode on Java 8u242+ throw an exception if no physical fonts are present on the system
- Linux: Menu entries did not work for installations with spaces in path
- Linux: File associations did not work with spaces in the installation path

O&O SafeErase Professional 15.1 Build 36 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2020.03.12 build 9731 查看版本資訊
