O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 O&O SafeErase Professional 18.0 Build 526

O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 歷史版本列表

當您銷售,放棄或銷毀舊電腦或硬盤驅動器時,您的個人照片和機密文件很容易落入不法分子的手中。身份盜用現在是一個普遍的安全威脅。這是因為點擊“刪除”並不意味著你的文件被永久刪除。即使格式化硬盤也不足以永久刪除數據。 O& O SafeErase 永久刪除您的機密文件使用公認的方法,使恢復是永遠不可能的,即使當使用最好的文件恢復軟件。 選擇版本:O&O SafeErase 專業 11.0.151... O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 軟體介紹

O&O SafeErase Professional Edition (32-bit)O&O SafeErase Professional Edition (64-bit)

install4j 9.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added a JDK provider for Adoptium. This is now the default JDK provider
- Added an option to collect file association actions for macOS installer media files at compile-time on the "Executable info->macOS options" step of the launcher wizard. This is required on the ARM architecture where the Info.plist file cannot be modified after the installation. This will become the default behavior in install4j 10.

- Regression in 9.0.3: Leading or trailing spaces in the default launcher arguments produced empty arguments
- Regression in 9.0: Blocking in-process launcher integrations did not set the Look and Feel anymore
- Regression in 9.0: The "Insert variables" action in editors did not work in contexts where i18n messages are not supported
- Regression in 9.0: If no JRE bundle and no maximum Java version was configured, the minimum Java version was incorrectly used as the maximum version
- Regression in 9.0: Windows installers did not work with IBM 9+ JREs
- "Load a response file" and "Create a response file" actions: The variable selection in the edit dialog of properties for excluded variables inserted the replacement syntax instead of the variable names
- "Create a file association" action: Compiler variables were not supported in the "Icon file for macOS" property
- Empty directories in the distribution tree with an uninstall policy "Never" were deleted by the uninstaller
- Fixed a StackOverflowException in the communication with the elevated helper process
- macOS: The configured native library directories had no effect for command line launchers
- macOS: JAR files with an & in their file name did not work
- MSI installers: Temporary files were not always deleted
- MSI installers: Starting an already installed per-machine installation again did not work as expected
- RPM archives: Signed RPMs were considered source packages by older RPM releases

O&O SafeErase Professional 16.5 Build 71 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


O&O SafeErase Professional 16.4 Build 70 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


install4j 9.0.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DMGs could not be opened in the Finder on macOS 12 beta
- Command line parameter parsing changes in 9.0.3 also applied to fixed parameters. This created problems with quoted Windows paths.
- Jetbrains JDK provider failed to show any releases due to Bintray being unavailable
- Fixed memory leak for in-process installer applications
- Regression in 8.0: Public fields of beans in custom code without getters could no longer be deserialized
- "Run executable or batch file" action: The action failed for batch files if the temporary directory contained a & character

install4j 9.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Floating license customers can now request license keys for the web license server instead of using the on-premises license server
- Command line parameters are now handled in the same way as by the default java launcher. This fixes cases of invalid parsing due to unbalanced quotes.
- Text overrides for enum bean properties now also support the displayed texts of enum values and not only integer indices or enum constant names

- Regression in 9.0: Custom icons on disabled form components were no longer shown in gray
- Regression in 9.0: Gradle and Maven plugins were compiled with -target 11
- "License agreement" form component: The "User must scroll to bottom" property had no effect under some circumstances
- "Dark mode switcher" component: Keyboard focus was not shown
- Script edits were not saved for form components if the "Insert ID" dialog was invoked
- JetBrains JRE provider did not show newest releases after Bintray was frozen
- Fixed NPE for pre-created JRE bundles that do not contain a release file
- Cache information about platforms required for building a universal JRE bundle for macOS
- Gracefully handle the removal of the SecurityManager class in Java 18
- macOS: New JFrame instances could be shown as tabs, depending on the system settings
- dpkg --verify was broken for .deb Linux packages

O&O SafeErase Professional 16.3 Build 69 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


O&O SafeErase Professional 16.2 Build 67 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


UltraViewer 6.3.9 查看版本資訊


install4j 9.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Windows task bar icon now shows compilation progress as well as installation progress in generated installers

- Regression in 9.0: Low-resolution images were painted too small on HighDPI displays
- Regression in 9.0.1: file:// URLs were not handled correctly anymore by the HTTP actions
- Regression in 9.0.1: Fixed problems with server authentication in the HTTP actions on Windows
- macOS: Notarization was perfomed in dry run
- macOS: JRE bundle generation with universal binaries was broken for Zulu 8u282+
- macOS: Notarization was broken for recent JetBrains Runtime JDKs
- Fixed incompatibility with RPM

Aicoosoft Video Converter 6.1.2 查看版本資訊
