O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 O&O SafeErase Professional 18.0 Build 526

O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 歷史版本列表

當您銷售,放棄或銷毀舊電腦或硬盤驅動器時,您的個人照片和機密文件很容易落入不法分子的手中。身份盜用現在是一個普遍的安全威脅。這是因為點擊“刪除”並不意味著你的文件被永久刪除。即使格式化硬盤也不足以永久刪除數據。 O& O SafeErase 永久刪除您的機密文件使用公認的方法,使恢復是永遠不可能的,即使當使用最好的文件恢復軟件。 選擇版本:O&O SafeErase 專業 11.0.151... O&O SafeErase Professional Edition 軟體介紹

O&O SafeErase Professional Edition (32-bit)O&O SafeErase Professional Edition (64-bit)

O&O SafeErase Professional 16.1 Build 63 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2021.03.23 build 9745 查看版本資訊


install4j 9.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Reworked proxy handling to be more reliable and use native connections on Windows
- Support for encrypted and authenticated communication with the floating license server
- Support for remote checkout of a license from the floating license server

- macOS: Code signing did not set Team ID, this could be checked by anti-virus software
- macOS: JRE bundle creation with "latest" as the minor version did not work for universal binaries
- Warnings for overwritten files in the distribution tree were printed even if the source files were the same
- Removed dependency of the FlatLaf look and feel on java.logging
- Code signing: Globalsign timestamp server URL did not work anymore. This was used as a fallback if the Digicert timestamp server URL did not work.

exe4j 8.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added support for non-OpenJDK Java launchers
- Added a --fail-on-warning command line option for the compiler as well as corresponding properties for Gradle and Ant tasks
- 64-bit install4j launchers now prefer the server JVM on Windows. This fixes problems with recent AdoptOpenJDK Java 11 releases that contain a client VM.
- Using ~ for the home directory is now supported for the redirection files
- The minimum runtime Java version is now 1.8, the exe4j compiler and wizard need a Java 11 JRE

- Could not use absolute locations for the JRE search sequence when the build was not performed on Windows
- An empty JRE search sequence was reverted to the default after opening the project again

install4j 9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Cross-platform Look & Feel with dark mode
- Auto-detection of dark mode and automatic switching between light and dark mode
- Added a "Dark mode switcher" form component that can also be used in styles
- Support for IntelliJ UI themes
- Added support for custom look & feels with look and feel handlers in custom code
- Added Amazon Corretto and Azul Zulu JDK providers
- Universal binaries architecture selection in the "Installation options" step of the macOS media wizards. Launchers then work with both x64 and aarch64 (Apple Silicon) architectures.
- Universal JRE bundle generation on macOS. If the Universal binaries architecture is selected, the generated JRE bundle will include universal binaries for both x64 and aarch64 if the selected JDK release contains those architectures.
- JRE bundling is now the default for new projects. The default JDK is set to the latest AdoptOpenJDK release in the LTS series at the time of the install4j release.
- The Java project version is now primarily taken from the selected JDK. Minimum and maximum versions can be overridden in the "Search sequence" step.
- Added support for using the latest JDK release in a selected major release with the syntax 11/latest or by selecting the major release folder node in the JDK release dialog
- Added a "Show all modules" button on the JRE bundles step to inspect all modules provided by the selected JDK. The "Show included modules" buttons continues to show only those modules that will be included in the JRE bundle.
- Use the selected JDK for the script editor and script compilation with automatic configuration of the Javadoc URL
- Introduced sharing IDs for shared JREs to limit the scope of sharing. In this context the installation directories for shared JREs have changed.
- Show a warning count at the end of the build with a hint on how to disable selected warnings
- In verbose mode, show warning suppression hints after each warning with hyperlinks to add the corresponding compiler variables
- Added a --fail-on-warning command line option for the compiler as well as corresponding properties for Gradle, Maven, and Ant tasks
- Script compilation warnings are now printed during the build
- Added a Maven plugin with the same functionality as the Gradle plugin
- The "hello" sample project now has a Maven POM that shows how to work with the Maven plugin
- Configurable setup application for macOS single bundle archives
- Configurable post-installation and pre-uninstallation applications for Linux RPM and DEB archives
- Request privileges" action: Added support for Linux
- Search for IDs, names, property values and comments in the Screens & Actions view, form component dialogs and styles
- The file mode of additional top-level files in DMGs on the "Installer options->DMG files and options" step in the macOS media wizards can now be overridden
- Added an "Extracted archive" entry type for additional top-level files in DMGs on the "Installer options->DMG files and options" step in the macOS media wizards
- Gradle plugin: Added a CreateBundle task to pre-create JRE bundles from installed JREs
- Separate JDK providers for AdoptOpenJDK with HotSpot and OpenJ9
- MacOS code signing: Added a field for directories that should be excluded for macOS code signing, such as pre-signed application bundles
- Added an option to preserve internal symlinks for non-Windows media files on the Files->File Options step
- Request privileges" action: Implemented encrypted communication between the installer application and its elevated helper process
- Install a service action": Added the "Restart after milliseconds", "Maximum number of restarts" and "Reset failure count after seconds" properties to control the restart behaviour of execution failures. These are child properties of the "Restart on Failure" property
- Optional display of alerts in unattended mode with progress dialog. This new mode can be activated with the "Show alerts" property for installer applications or the -alerts command line parameter.
- The Unix default directory mode is now used for manual directory entries in the distribution tree and can be overridden when editing a manual directory entry
- Custom installer applications: Added a "Create executable" property to prevent the creation of executables. In this case, the custom installer application can only be launched through the ApplicationLauncher API and launcher integrations.
- Write timestamps to the build log after build has finished and to the installation log before the installer exits.
- Installation type" screen: Descriptions of installation type descriptions can now be shown in console mode
- When a file that is already present in the distribution tree is overwritten by another entry, a warning is printed at build time
- Using ~ for the home directory is now supported for launcher redirection files
- Install4j config files, JRE caches and pre-created JRE bundles are now stored in platform specific directories
- The custom base directory for installer media files now supports installer variables, making it easier to install into locations like ${installer:sys.localAppdataDir}.
- Check project errors when saving, offering an option to save anyway
- JDBC actions: Added a "Log warnings" property
- Register Add/Remove item": Show installation size in "Apps & Features"

API changes:
- The callback in ApplicationLauncher.launchApplication/launchApplicationInProcess can now override Callback#createProgressListener to receive all progress information
- Added com.install4j.api.UiUtil to help with the look and feel, for example to find out if the desktop or the installer application is in dark mode
- Added com.install4j.api.laf.LookAndFeelEnhancer to help with custom UI creation. The singleton instance is available from UiUtil.getLookAndFeelEnhancer().
- Added com.install4j.api.laf.LookAndFeelHandler to integrate custom look and feels
- Added com.install4j.api.windows.SpecialFolder#LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW/PROGRAM_FILES/PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON
- Added com.install4j.api.Util#isArchive to check whether the installation is an archive media file
- Added FormComponentBeanInfo#setHideVisibilityScript to hide the visibility script configuration for form components that manage their own visibility
- Added com.install4j.api.contextProgressInterface#isUnattendedProgressDialog and ProgressInterface#isAlertsShown to detect the unattended mode with progress dialog and whether alerts are shown or not in that mode
- Com.install4j.api.windows.WinRegistry could not read or write QWORD values

- Install files" action: Removed "Update bundled JRE" property. Deselecting this property had the potential to create problems during updates, especially if the minimum Java version number changed
- HTTP request" action: The installer variables configured with the "Variable name for response code" and "Variable name for response headers" properties were not set if the HTTP request failed.
- Execute launcher" action: The launcher was always executed without elevation, even if the "Action elevation type" was set to elevate privileges.
- Ant task: disableNotarization attribute did not work
- The --add-modules option of the createbundle application did not support comma-separated lists of modules as claimed by the documentation
- New frames were not opened on the same monitor as the last active frame
- Installer applications now set the system property jdk.lang.Process.allowAmbiguousCommands=false to avoid cmd.exe injections. In unattended mode as well as in console mode, installers already behaved this way in previous versions.
- Pressing Ctrl+C did not work correctly when questions were asked while running an action
- Fail if the timestamp server returns an HTTP error code
- Unix launchers could fail when they were started repeatedly in quick succession

O&O SafeErase Professional 16.0 Build 52 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The “Cluster View” shows graphically the progress of a deletion, each block representing a deleted file. The duration is also shown live.
- The UI has been redesigned
- Support for all popular current browser version

install4j 8.0.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- "Modify ZIP file action": The action did not preserve the ZIP entry compression method on recent versions of macOS
- "Check box" and "Single radio button" form components: Fixed stackoverflow when selecting coupled form components
- The JRE Version of pre-created bundles was not detected correctly. This could lead to warnings during the build and wrong DPI awareness settings for Windows launchers if a 1.8 JRE was bundled
- Some PKCS12 files could not be read if no unlimited strength cryptography was present in the JRE
- If -Dinstall4j.langugage was passed to an installer to manually set the language, the initial progress dialog ignored that parameter and used the auto-detected language
- Recent OpenJ9 JVMs did not work on macOS with launchers generated by install4j
- Windows: Removed the default VM parameter -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true for installer applications because it caused problems when used in remote desktop connections

install4j 8.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- The install4j GUI and compiler now run natively on ARM macOS (Apple M1)
- Code signing: Added support for AES256 encrypted PKCS12 key files
- JetBrains JDK provider: macos-aarch64 platform can now be used and notarized

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed notarization for Zulu Java 11 macos-aarch64 builds
- Older Java 11 and 8 releases were not shown for the AdoptOpenJDK JDK provider
- JetBrains JDK provider: Releases were not sorted correctly in the selection dialog
- Regression in 8.0.9: Under some circumstances, scripts and multi-line strings were not saved after closing the editor.
- Calling ApplicationInfo.getInstallerVariable() always returned variables for the first project it was used on

O&O SafeErase Professional 15.11 Build 80 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


install4j 8.0.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for ARM macOS (Apple M1). The desired architecture (x64 or arm64) can be chosen in the media wizard
- Added a "Custom fragment for Info.plist" property for installer applications

API changes:
- Added FormEnvironment#scrollComponentToVisible(FormComponent) to scroll the form panel to the specified form component

- "Installation type" screen and "Installation components selector" form component: If descriptions were expanded initially, the layout of the description could be broken
- "Default execution mode" property of installer applications: Compiler variables were not replaced.
- "Create program group" action: Modified settings could get lost when saving while the program group entries tab was visible
- "Install a service" action: On Unix, if systemd is not used and the link in /etc/init.d could not be created, the action did not fail
- "Console handler" form component: When hitting CTRL-D, instead of cancelling during a terminal prompt, an exception was printed and the installer application continued
- "Require installer privileges" action: Wrong failure message was displayed in the uninstaller (Regression in 8.0.8)
- Fixed layout of form components that are made visible and are not within the displayed viewport
- Dissolving a bean group did not mark the project as modified
- Changing a variable in the dialog for pre-defined installer variables did not mark the project as modified
- Regression: Changes in coupled form components would no longer be saved
- When using the dialog to insert a form component ID, the saved form components instead of the current form components were used
- When cancelling installer applications with CTRL-C in console mode while input was read from the console, execution continued for a short time in some cases
- In generated install4j launchers, runtime messages were always in English and not in the auto-detected locale
- When the installer icon was customized and no cross-platform images or ICNS file was specified, the fallback to the default macOS icon was announced in a warning, but the build failed subsequently
- In the Japanese translation, the product name install4j was translated by mistake
- "Choose" button in file chooser was not translated anymore
- Specifying relative path names to createbundle did not work