MobaXterm 歷史版本列表 Page23

最新版本 MobaXterm 23.5

MobaXterm 歷史版本列表

MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Wind... MobaXterm 軟體介紹

MobaXterm 9.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New feature: you can now create your own custom syntax highlighting definitions for the terminal, using the embedded syntax customization tool
- New feature: added line delay option while pasting to the terminal. This gives some time for slow remote systems to handle pasted text properly
- Improvement: enhanced startup speed when many sessions are present
- Improvement: enhanced "network" syntax highlighting
- Improvement: added a graphical editor for files/folders permissions through SSH, SFTP or SCP
- Bugfix: corrected SSH-browser display of "special files" (block device, ...) when SCP protocol is checked
- Improvement: users are now prompted for master password when resuming from a locked screen (for better security)
- Improvement: enhanced SSH-browser display of "parent folder"
- Bugfix: Mosh sessions are forced to IPv4 only (IPv6 is not yet supported by Mosh client/server)
- Improvement: hidden files/folders are now faded out in SSH-browser
- Improvement: added 1920x1200 RDP resolution setting
- Improvement: added "PERL" and "SQL" terminal syntax colorations
- Improvement: added "i3" and "wmii" remote desktops in SSH advanced settings
- Improvement: "Ubuntu Bash 4 Windows" sessions now start in the proper "HOME" folder
- Improvement: backup archive for configuration files now stores the last 16 configurations (instead of 8)
- Bugfix: fixed a potential tabs drag/drop issue when "mouse follows focus" feature was activated in Windows Accessibility settings
- Bugfix: fixed some issues with html web page generation from sessions list
- Improvement: properly support "special" characters in Ubuntu Bash for Windows (WSL): now Home, End, Insert, Delete, F1 - F16 and Ctrl+A - Ctrl+Z keys are properly handled

MobaXterm 9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improvement: added automatic scrolling of the sessions tree: you can now move a session to a folder which is not reachable without scrolling
- Improvement: added new "Monokai" color scheme for terminal emulator
- Improvement: better detection of non-writeable configuration file
- Bugfix: fixed a focus issue with RDP sessions when switching from another application to MobaXterm
- Bugfix: fixed some small issues when selecting/moving/duplicating sessions from the sessions tree
- Bugfix: fixed default home symbolic links which occured when targets are on a shared folder
- Improvement: added "MATE desktop" to the list of remote desktop managers in SSH session settings
- Improvement: added some more debugging information for INI file detection, localisation and update
- Bugfix: fixed a "freeze" issue which occured when attempting to perform the "ls -al /usr//../" command
- Improvement: added a "-nomultitaskbar" commandline option (in order to force MobaXterm to the first taskbar)
- Bugfix: fixed an issue when starting a new PowerShell or Cmd session in "C:": session did not start in "C:", but in default directory instead
- Bugfix: resized some folder icons in order for all folder icons to have the same size
- Improvement: improved logging information concerning SSH host keys
- Bugfix: MobaXterm used to take SSH hosts keys from PuTTY if available, with some potential issues if a host key was modified in MobaXterm but not in PuTTY
- Improvement: escape sequence sent when pressing alt+arrow keys in terminal are the same as in standard xterm terminal emulator
- Bugfix: in some specific cases, tab titles were displayed in red after disconnection/reconnection
- Bugfix: suppressed a transient visual "glitch" on the top buttons bar when a new session was started
- Improvement: added a new setting in RDP sessions in order to enable or disable Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) for authentication
- Improvement: the embedded SSH agent is now launched before SSH tunnels
- Improvement: when MobaXterm starts and a tunnel is slow to connect, startup continues without waiting for tunnel connection to terminate
- Bugfix: function keys now work properly in "MultiExec" mode
- Improvement: SSH-browser with SCP protocol now preserves files permissions after a direct file edition
- Bugfix: fixed an issue with "Store password" window which could be activated twice with RDP session
- Improvement: enhanced macros at sessions start: now macros can be executed simultaneously when you start multiple sessions
- Bugfix: improved SSH tunnels closing function (in some rare cases, some tunnels could leave MobaXterm in a pending state after closing it)
- Improvement: number of terminal lines when printing is limited to the last terminal lines in order to save the environment
- Bugfix: suppressed an incorrect warning concerning host identification verification when SSHing through a gateway server (SSH jump host)
- Improvement: MobaXterm start up speed has been slightly improved
- Bugfix: fixed a maximize/restore issue on Windows 10 when multiple monitors are present and a specific taskbar is affected to each monitor
- Bugfix: fixed a typo in the Home page on "Professional" word

MobaXterm 9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New feature: added support for the new "Ubuntu Bash on Windows" feature (introduced in latest Windows 10 builds). In "Shell" sessions, you can choose between native Bash, Cmd, Powershell and "Ubuntu bash"
- New feature: added terminal activity tracking: icon of terminal tab is displayed with a blue dot if some activity is detected
- New feature: added terminal modification tracking: title of inactive terminal tab is displayed using blue color if something occured in the terminal
- New feature: added terminal disconnection tracking: title of inactive terminal tab is displayed using red color if session has been disconnected
- New feature: added a new experimental setting in the "File" session type, which allows you to open any file/folder directly into MobaXterm tabbed interface
- New feature: you can now specify a start up macro for SSH, Telnet, RSH, Mosh, Serial (COM) and Shell sessions
- New feature: you can now specify pattern conditions in macros (wait for a pattern before following up with macro execution)
- New feature: added new browser session setting which allows to emulate older IE versions, from IE7 to IE11
- Improvement: you can now specify the COM port to use for serial connection at session start (useful if you use a USB/COM adapter which can be attached to random COM ports numbers)
- Improvement: enhanced macro editor: you can now type some text directly into the macro editor instead of editing each keystroke
- Improvement: you can now use the following variables in macros: $MobaDisplay and $MobaIP
- Improvement: terminal syntax highlighting feature (a.k.a. keyword coloration) is no more tagged as "experimental"
- Improvement: enhanced terminal speed when syntax highlighting is enabled: the terminal no longer suffer from slower speed when syntax highlighting is active
- Improvement: added a new "Byobu" terminal type in sessions which is compatible with Byobu escape sequences (Ctrl+Fn and Shift+Fn keys)
- Improvement: added "R" programming language in MobaTextEditor syntax list
- Improvement: when you save terminal output to file, the file format you choose (RTF or TXT) is now saved
- Improvement: added /dev/shm directory structure (especially useful in order to use Ansible on Windows with MobaXterm)
- Improvement: added a new "Duplicate macro" feature for existing macros
- Improvement: enhanced saving speed when dealing with huge terminal output
- Improvement: added a new "Hide toolbar" button in detached windows
- Improvement: added a refresh feature for local folders for FTP/SFTP sessions, by pressing "F5" key
- Improvement: implemented 2 undocumented settings "AllowBlinking" and "CtrlAltIsAltGr" ( more info on )
- Improvement: MobaXterm is now displayed on the proper taskbar with multiple monitors
- Improvement: when saving huge terminal output, a prompt now allows you to choose whether to limit the number of lines to save
- Improvement: added the iperf3 tool in the CygUtils plugin
- Improvement: updated the "Default (OK/warning/error keywords)" terminal syntax highlighting with new patterns detection
- Improvement: updated the "Unix shell script" terminal syntax highlighting with new patterns detection
- Improvement: added new manual INI setting "AllowLegacyAlgos" under the "SSH" section (set to "0" by default), which allows to activate legacy protocols and keys for SSH client
- Improvement: improved Ctrl+C and arrows handling in Dos and PowerShell sessions
- Improvement: added basic keywords coloration (Ok/warning/error) as default global setting
- Bugfix: TFTP server (embedded TFTP daemon) can now handle folders structure in order to upload/upload files
- Bugfix: corrected typo in syntax highlighting: the keyword "successful" is now properly detected
- Bugfix: added Windows path environment variable to RDP sessions for proper Smartcards authentication
- Bugfix: the "SSH-browser" label in MobaXterm global settings was not displayed entirely
- Bugfix: commandline SSH client was missing support for GSSAPI authentication in previous version
- Bugfix: the /registry symlink was incorrect on some Windows systems
- Bugfix: terminal scrollback was erased when telnet or rlogin sessions were reconnected
- Bugfix: fixed libraries incompatibilities with the "findutils" package downloaded using "apt-get"
- Bugfix: a "reconnection message" was displayed on CMD or POWERSHELL sessions types, even if the setting was unchecked
- Bugfix: "Quick search" menu was displayed in the wrong place when sidebar was docked to the right
- Bugfix: with Pro Edition, the separation line was shown even if it was unchecked in global settings
- Bugfix: corrected a freeze issue in MultiExec mode, when connecting several SSH sessions to the same host and using Keyboard-interactive authentication
- Bugfix: removed an error message when starting a beta version with Compact mode enabled
- Bugfix: removed an error message when starting a Powershell session with a command and no home folder specified
- Bugfix: fixed file access rights issues in HOME folder

MobaXterm 8.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New feature: added terminal syntax coloration in global and sessions settings
- New feature: added experimental support for Z-modem transfers in MobaXterm terminal if you have the CygUtils plugin installed: you can now transfer files directly through the terminal by launching sz, rz, lsz or lrz on your remote host and choosing "Z-modem send" or "Z-modem receive" in terminal right-click menu
- Bugfix: updated OpenSSH to version 7.1p2 in order to fix CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778 bugs. Note that this fix is for manual SSH connections from local terminal commandline only: "normal" MobaXterm SSH sessions are not concerned by the OpenSSH CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778 bugs
- Bugfix: corrected the "search" feature which was not properly reset when closed
- Improvement: added another check for master password in passwords management, when showing stored passwords
- Bugfix: terminals in detached windows no longer loose focus when spawning SSH connections
- New feature: added xrdb and setx11dpi tools: useful for retrieving/modifying Xserver settings, especially Xserver DPI value
- Improvement: allowed log files to be written to UNC network paths
- Improvement: added new available keyboard shortcuts combinations: WindowsLogo + F1-F12 and WindowsLogo + 0-9

MobaXterm 8.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Security fix:
- in previous releases, when opening a session with a configured SSH gateway (jump host), the gateway connection was bound to any local network adapters. This has been changed in current version by only binding SSH gateway connections to loopback network interface. Thanks to thomas (at) for reporting this issue

New feature:
- added basic syntax coloration (right-click on the terminal and choose "Syntax highlighting" sub-menu). Currently 3 syntax types are available: keywords, shell script and Cisco (network configuration)

- added automatic detection and fix for buggy Cisco SSH servers which do not properly handle "Winadj" SSH message
- added automatic basic import feature for Exceed sessions (xs files)

- some third-party software installed with "MobApt" package manager were unable to start properly
- MobaXterm used to eat a huge amount of CPU while displaying the "reconnection" message and waiting for user input
- when checking the "FlickerFree" setting in "Display" section, MobaXterm displays a prompt message before restarting the application
- bookmarks from the top menu were not ordered and started properly in a border case related to using special characters in sessions
- when saving terminal output to RTF file, text font in the RTF file is set to "Courier New" for proper fixed-width text rendering
- some graphical corrections have been performed for proper High DPI display on 4K (HDPI) monitors
- fixed an "Assertion failed" error message when connecting to a SSH server with "KexAlgorithms" set to "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1"

MobaXterm 8.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New feature:
- added "SCP" protocol for the graphical SSH-browser: MobaXterm can now use SCP in order to browse your remote server content. This experimental feature can be activated from your SSH session settings.

- accelerated terminal display even in TrueColors mode
- with SCP protocol, SSH-browser does not open a new SSH connection anymore, but makes use of the existing terminal connection instead (SSH multiplexing)
- with SCP protocol, SSH-browser is not "connected" anymore and thus it stays alive as long as the terminal SSH connection is enabled
- greatly improved SSH-browser transfer speed when using the new SCP protocol
- if SSH-browser cannot connect using SFTP protocol, it will try SCP protocol instead
- renamed "SFTP browser" to "SSH-browser"
- added a "Flicker Free" setting for MobaXterm main window
- added color support to "less" and "git" commands
- improved detection of running sub-process when starting or stopping MobaXterm
- starting a session from a file now opens it in a new tab if an existing instance of MobaXterm already exists
- added "OpenIniFile" command which allows to directly open MobaXterm.ini file from local terminal
- you can now clear the screen AND the scrollback buffer by using the "Clear scrollback" right-click menu entry on any terminal
- using the "newtab" commandline switch now sets MobaXterm running instance to foreground

- fixed a potential issue with open remote files through SSH when multiple instances of MobaXterm were opened and a file with same name is open on 2 different remote servers
- fixed a vulnerability in "MoTTY" PuTTY-based terminal (CVE-2015-5309)
- fixed the filter field in "MobApt" package manager which displays "Filter packages" instead of "Filter sessions"
- fixed log file names which did not properly mention remote hostname in case a SSH gateway has been defined
- fixed fullscreen mode on multi-monitors environment when 2nd monitor coordinates were negative
- fixed bug on "paste" command which did not work properly with Windows files
- fixed a bug with commandline SSH when default SSH username chosen in global settings contains special characters
- fixed an issue in FTP sessions: when removing a folder, MobaXterm tried to perform a CWD in the removed folder after its deletion

MobaXterm 8.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Security fix: in previous releases, some remote users could spy on X11 connections when Access Control was turned off (thanks to for the information). This has been changed in current version by activating Access Control by default with an authorization prompt when a remote program requests local display connection.
- New feature: added full TrueColor (24 bit) support in MobaXterm terminal (can be tested using the "lscolors" command)
- New feature: added a tooltip containing columns / rows values when resizing a terminal

- xterm-256color is now properly supported with a proper 256 colors palette
- when "User" field is left blank for SSH gateway, MobaXterm will use the default username configured in your global settings
- improved focus behaviour with RDP sessions: clicking on RDP session when another window overlaps it should raise MobaXterm
- added a new option to leave audio at remote computer in RDP sessions
- pressing RETURN key while browsing sessions now starts the selected session
- you can now press RETURN key in the "store password" prompt in order to quickly accept
- added some more inline information and tooltips
- added sessions details in tooltips when hovering nodes in the main sessions tree
- disabled automatic completion for DLL libraries
- improved resize function in "MultiExec" mode
- MobaXterm now detects at startup if another different version of MobaXterm is running and shows a warning in this case

- Alt+Tab now brings focus to MobaXterm even when a modal window is in foreground
- in RDP sessions, the "Disconnect" button now performs a proper RDP disconnection instead of killing RDP session
- paste shortcut was sent to the incorrect terminal when used in a detached form with another tabbed terminal active
- with some specific folder priviledges, Mosh session did not start properly
- some checkbox settings in RDP sessions were overlapped on high DPI monitors
- added a workaround in order to avoid a warning message caused by an old install of "MIT Kerberos" application
- ssh agent forwarding was not properly disabled when "Forward agents" was unchecked in global settings
- bash completion (using tab key) for ssh commands deleted @ character

BirdFont for Windows 2.13.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- More descriptive fields in TTF fonts (license, designer, URL etc.)
- Stylistic alternates (OpenType feature tag: salt)
- Small Caps (OpenType feature tag: scmp)
- Capitals to Small Caps (OpenType feature tag: c2sc)
- Swashes (OpenType feature tag: swsh)
- Parse circles, ellipses and lines in SVG files

MobaXterm 8.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New feature:
- added a new "inline search" feature which allows you to highlight search terms directly into the terminal itself
- added an internal SSH agent "MobAgent" which allows you to automatically load SSH keys at MobaXterm startup and to forward them

- the keyboard shortcut for "Paste inside terminal" can now be modified (default: Shift+INSERT). Remember that there is no shortcut for "COPY" as copying is performed automatically when you select some text.
- you can now scroll in Tmux using Shift+MouseWheel if you have the "set-window-option -g mode-mouse on" feature enabled in your ".tmux.conf" file
- enhanced compatibility with Emacs in terminal mode (better scrolling, better selection using shift+arrows, better home/end/arrows keys handling, better Ctrl+Alt shortcuts handling)
- added "Pageant" support for SSH tunnels and SSH gateways
- if you use a laptop and sometimes connect it to an external monitor, MobaXterm will automatically store 2 independant graphical configuration profiles (window position/size, sidebar visibility) for each configuration.
- you can now select terminals for writing in "MultiExec" mode
- you can now force terminal font antialiasing even if ClearType is disabled in your Windows configuration
- better URL detection for Ctrl+click on the terminal
- improved GSSAPI authentication for the SFTP browser
- added a new global setting which allows to disable SSH banner
- the terminal popup menu can be displayed using Ctrl+right-click or Shift+right-click when using right-click to paste
- enhanced compatibility with Byobu (Ctrl+function keys)
- telnet escape sequence was not handled correctly on German and French keyboards
- when using "-newtab" command with MobaXterm minimized, the application is properly restored
- you can now navigate in the SFTP browser using arrows, return and back keys
- added some more debugging information in log for failed SFTP connection attempts
- HOME and END keys now work properly in "less" command

- main window size/position were not automatically saved after MobaXterm was closed with some particular Windows configuration
- Sidebar visibility and "compact mode" were not automatically saved after MobaXterm was closed with some particular Windows configuration
- corrected some issues when pasting to all terminals (in MultiExec mode): some terminals were not updated in some specific conditions
- corrected a "freeze" issue when closing SSH tab with SFTP browser and "follow SSH path" checked, in some particular cases
- corrected a "freeze" issue when resizing MobaXterm while a CMD or POWERSHELL session is running on Windows 10
- corrected some issues with flashing taskbar or focus loss at terminal startup
- disabled GSSAPI authentication attempt when it is unchecked in global settings
- corrected the erroneous "closewhendone" mention in the documentation (the correct commandline parameter is "exitwhendone")
- the "newtab" command was not starting a new tab properly for ssh commands
- fixed "Decrease font size" menu entry which resized the terminal window instead of changing columns/rows number
- you can now extend selection using Shift+left-click
- HOME and END keys did not send correct key codes in some applications
- Shift+Arrow keys did not work properly in some applications

MobaXterm 8.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- corrected the SFTP browser which was not displayed if you used a private SSH key with no passphrase
- advanced terminal settings were not accessible for telnet sessions
- corrected an issue with Powershell and Cmd sessions when a startup folder was specified
- the "duplicate tab" feature did not work in previous version
- SSH keys in a shared folder with UNC path were not handled correctly
- terminal resize was not handled correctly when asked by "screen", "tmux" or "reset" programs
- corrected the SFTP browser which did not work with GSSAPI SSH connections
- corrected an issue with "ascii" command which exited without displaying ascii table
- removed some code which made some antivirus detect games executable as false-positive
- the "-exec" feature was not working correctly with ssh commands in previous version

- improved the KeepAlive function by enabling/disabling the application-level keepalive feature AND the TCP keepalive feature simultaneously
- added some debugging information for MoTTY connections (right-click on the terminal and choose "Event log" to show it)
- popup windows for fatal connection errors are now printed to the terminal output
- display SSH banner before the remote server banner for better readibility
- replaced Ctrl+Insert shortcut by Ctrl+Shift+Insert for pasting in the terminal
- added Ctrl+0 shortcut for resetting fonts size to default
- added the Ctrl+Left_arrow / Ctrl+Right_arrow keyboard shortcuts for "forward-word" / "backward-word" in terminal
- increased startup speed especially if you have many sessions folders
- you can now save your SSH keys passphrases the same way as you save passwords if you activate the setting in "Manage passwords" window
- a middle-click on a SFTP browser item copies the item path to the SSH session
- added the VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS environment variable which allows Vagrant to work correctly inside MobaXterm
- if SFTP browser does not work because your remote server echoes some text, an explicit warning message is displayed in MobaXterm log file
- added a new script which allows to create MobaXterm sessions from a plain text list of servers: ""