
最新版本 MobaXterm 9.1

MobaXterm 9.1

MobaXterm 9.1
MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.

MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Windows 桌面,盒子.

為您的遠程任務提供多合一網絡應用程序有許多優點,例如當您使用 SSH 連接到遠程服務器時,會自動彈出圖形 SFTP 瀏覽器,以便直接編輯遠程文件。您的遠程應用程序也將使用嵌入式 X 服務器無縫地顯示在 Windows 桌面上.

MobaXterm 功能:

嵌入式 X server
完全配置 Xserver 基於

DISPLAY 從遠程 Unix 導出到本地 Windows

X11- 轉發能力
您的遠程顯示器使用 SSH 進行安全傳輸

Tabbed 基於 Cygwin 的命令(bash,grep,awk,sed,rsync,...)

你可以使用插件擴展 MobaXterm 功能


MobaXterm 已打包為單個可執行文件,不需要管理員權限和 wh ich 你可以從一個 U 盤啟動

MobaXterm 專業為非常具有挑戰性的人設計的安全性和穩定性



檔案版本 MobaXterm 9.1

檔案名稱 MobaXterm_Setup_9.1.msi
檔案大小 25.43 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Mobatek
更新日期 2016-08-15

What's new in this version:

- Improvement: added automatic scrolling of the sessions tree: you can now move a session to a folder which is not reachable without scrolling
- Improvement: added new "Monokai" color scheme for terminal emulator
- Improvement: better detection of non-writeable configuration file
- Bugfix: fixed a focus issue with RDP sessions when switching from another application to MobaXterm
- Bugfix: fixed some small issues when selecting/moving/duplicating sessions from the sessions tree
- Bugfix: fixed default home symbolic links which occured when targets are on a shared folder
- Improvement: added "MATE desktop" to the list of remote desktop managers in SSH session settings
- Improvement: added some more debugging information for INI file detection, localisation and update
- Bugfix: fixed a "freeze" issue which occured when attempting to perform the "ls -al /usr//../" command
- Improvement: added a "-nomultitaskbar" commandline option (in order to force MobaXterm to the first taskbar)
- Bugfix: fixed an issue when starting a new PowerShell or Cmd session in "C:": session did not start in "C:", but in default directory instead
- Bugfix: resized some folder icons in order for all folder icons to have the same size
- Improvement: improved logging information concerning SSH host keys
- Bugfix: MobaXterm used to take SSH hosts keys from PuTTY if available, with some potential issues if a host key was modified in MobaXterm but not in PuTTY
- Improvement: escape sequence sent when pressing alt+arrow keys in terminal are the same as in standard xterm terminal emulator
- Bugfix: in some specific cases, tab titles were displayed in red after disconnection/reconnection
- Bugfix: suppressed a transient visual "glitch" on the top buttons bar when a new session was started
- Improvement: added a new setting in RDP sessions in order to enable or disable Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) for authentication
- Improvement: the embedded SSH agent is now launched before SSH tunnels
- Improvement: when MobaXterm starts and a tunnel is slow to connect, startup continues without waiting for tunnel connection to terminate
- Bugfix: function keys now work properly in "MultiExec" mode
- Improvement: SSH-browser with SCP protocol now preserves files permissions after a direct file edition
- Bugfix: fixed an issue with "Store password" window which could be activated twice with RDP session
- Improvement: enhanced macros at sessions start: now macros can be executed simultaneously when you start multiple sessions
- Bugfix: improved SSH tunnels closing function (in some rare cases, some tunnels could leave MobaXterm in a pending state after closing it)
- Improvement: number of terminal lines when printing is limited to the last terminal lines in order to save the environment
- Bugfix: suppressed an incorrect warning concerning host identification verification when SSHing through a gateway server (SSH jump host)
- Improvement: MobaXterm start up speed has been slightly improved
- Bugfix: fixed a maximize/restore issue on Windows 10 when multiple monitors are present and a specific taskbar is affected to each monitor
- Bugfix: fixed a typo in the Home page on "Professional" word

MobaXterm 9.1 相關參考資料
Download MobaXterm 9.1 for Windows

2023年7月24日 — MobaXterm is a complete toolbox for remote computing. The application is an enhanced terminal for Windows with an X11 server, ...

MobaXterm 9.1

2016年7月25日 — MobaXterm 9.1 ; Description: terminal with collection of Cygwin utilities and session management for SSH and other remote control protocols.

MobaXterm 9.1 Download (Free trial)

2024年4月12日 — MobaXterm is an enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools, and other useful applications.

MobaXterm 9.1 专业版:简化远程工作的全能工具

2024年4月1日 — 简介:MobaXterm 9.1 专业版是一款功能强大的远程连接工具,它提供了SSH连接、多标签和多终端分屏、SFTP文件传输、X server支持、远程桌面协议支持等多项 ...

MobaXterm 9.1 免安裝版– 好用的Telnet軟體

2016年7月6日 — 好用的Telnet軟體- MobaXterm,Windows終端機連線軟體加強版,支援X11 Server,具有多分頁的介面,支援RDP、VNC、SSH、telnet、rsh、FTP、SFTP、XDMCP ...

MobaXterm free Xserver and tabbed SSH client for Windows

Free X server for Windows with tabbed SSH terminal, telnet, RDP, VNC, Xdmcp, Mosh and X11-forwarding. Portable or installer version.

MobaXterm Xserver with SSH, telnet, RDP, VNC and X11

Free X server for Windows with tabbed SSH terminal, telnet, RDP, VNC and X11-forwarding - Home Edition.


2023年3月23日 — MobaXterm是一款非常方便的远程连接工具,它支持多种协议,包括SSH、RDP、VNC等,并且内置了许多强大的功能。本文将简单介绍如何下载和安装MobaXterm ...

New version of MobaXterm (9.1)

2016年7月1日 — Improvement: added automatic scrolling of the sessions tree: you can now move a session to a folder which is not reachable without scrolling ...