
最新版本 MobaXterm 8.1

MobaXterm 8.1

MobaXterm 8.1
MobaXterm 是遠程計算的終極工具箱。在單一的 Windows 應用程序中,它提供了為程序員,網站管理員,IT 管理員以及幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身定制的大量功能.

MobaXterm 提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH, X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH 等)和 Unix 命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...)到 Windows 桌面,盒子.

為您的遠程任務提供多合一網絡應用程序有許多優點,例如當您使用 SSH 連接到遠程服務器時,會自動彈出圖形 SFTP 瀏覽器,以便直接編輯遠程文件。您的遠程應用程序也將使用嵌入式 X 服務器無縫地顯示在 Windows 桌面上.

MobaXterm 功能:

嵌入式 X server
完全配置 Xserver 基於

DISPLAY 從遠程 Unix 導出到本地 Windows

X11- 轉發能力
您的遠程顯示器使用 SSH 進行安全傳輸

Tabbed 基於 Cygwin 的命令(bash,grep,awk,sed,rsync,...)

你可以使用插件擴展 MobaXterm 功能


MobaXterm 已打包為單個可執行文件,不需要管理員權限和 wh ich 你可以從一個 U 盤啟動

MobaXterm 專業為非常具有挑戰性的人設計的安全性和穩定性



檔案版本 MobaXterm 8.1

檔案名稱 MobaXterm_Setup_8.1.msi
檔案大小 25.01 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Mobatek
更新日期 2015-08-05

What's new in this version:

- corrected the SFTP browser which was not displayed if you used a private SSH key with no passphrase
- advanced terminal settings were not accessible for telnet sessions
- corrected an issue with Powershell and Cmd sessions when a startup folder was specified
- the "duplicate tab" feature did not work in previous version
- SSH keys in a shared folder with UNC path were not handled correctly
- terminal resize was not handled correctly when asked by "screen", "tmux" or "reset" programs
- corrected the SFTP browser which did not work with GSSAPI SSH connections
- corrected an issue with "ascii" command which exited without displaying ascii table
- removed some code which made some antivirus detect games executable as false-positive
- the "-exec" feature was not working correctly with ssh commands in previous version

- improved the KeepAlive function by enabling/disabling the application-level keepalive feature AND the TCP keepalive feature simultaneously
- added some debugging information for MoTTY connections (right-click on the terminal and choose "Event log" to show it)
- popup windows for fatal connection errors are now printed to the terminal output
- display SSH banner before the remote server banner for better readibility
- replaced Ctrl+Insert shortcut by Ctrl+Shift+Insert for pasting in the terminal
- added Ctrl+0 shortcut for resetting fonts size to default
- added the Ctrl+Left_arrow / Ctrl+Right_arrow keyboard shortcuts for "forward-word" / "backward-word" in terminal
- increased startup speed especially if you have many sessions folders
- you can now save your SSH keys passphrases the same way as you save passwords if you activate the setting in "Manage passwords" window
- a middle-click on a SFTP browser item copies the item path to the SSH session
- added the VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS environment variable which allows Vagrant to work correctly inside MobaXterm
- if SFTP browser does not work because your remote server echoes some text, an explicit warning message is displayed in MobaXterm log file
- added a new script which allows to create MobaXterm sessions from a plain text list of servers: ""

MobaXterm 8.1 相關參考資料
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Subscription - MobaXterm - Mobatek

PERSONAL DATA 8.1. Processing of personal data collected To execute the Order, MOBATEK is obliged to collect, via forms, personal data concerning the ...