Komodo Edit 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 Komodo Edit 12.0.1 Build 18441

Komodo Edit 歷史版本列表

Komodo Edit 來自 ActiveState 是一個免費的開源多平台多語言編輯器(PHP,Python,Ruby,Perl 和 Tcl,JavaScript,CSS,HTML 和模板語言,如 RHTML,Template-Toolkit,HTML-Smarty 和 Django) 。背景語法檢查和語法著色會立即捕獲錯誤,而自動完成和呼叫提示會在您編寫時引導您。適用於 Windows,Mac... Komodo Edit 軟體介紹

Komodo Edit 9.3.1 Build 16424 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Commando: Fix miss-alignment when opened from the toolbar - fixes #789
- Commando: Fix non-recursive searches not working - fixes #834
- Console: Fixed object keys not dumping in some cases - fixes #790
- Debug: Fix run without debugging throwing error - fixes #835
- Find: Restore focus after the find frame closes - fixes #805
- Linting: Only notify about the first linting error (don’t bombard users with notifications) - fixes #818
- OpenFiles: Fix tab sorting won’t toggle - fixes #841
- Runinline: Consider global environment preferences - fixes #810
- Troubleshooting: Fix safe-mode on OSX - fixes #776
- UI: Fix missing checkmark icons in menu’s on OSX - fixes #801
- debugger: All versions of NodeJS should be supported now - fixes #747
- elastic tabstops: Respect tab width preference - fixes #820
- install: More robust GDK version checker for Linux - fixes #799
- CodeIntel: Autocompletion doesn’t show in some cases - fixes #871
- CodeIntel: CSS codeintel should read all CSS files in the project - fixes #783

Komodo Edit 9.3.0 Build 16396 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Quick Bookmarks: Quickly place numeric bookmarks and go to them, allowing you to use bookmarks as more than just reminders. Hit Ctrl+Shift+number to place a quick bookmark, then hit Ctrl+number to go to that bookmark
- Console Widget: The new Console pane allows you to interact with the Komodo runtime much in the same way as you would use your browser developer tools console to interact with a website. This is especially useful for developers wanting to customize their Komodo experience
- CSS Auto-Completions: CSS, LESS, and SCSS files now support auto-completions and code browsing. This will also work when editing HTML and using CSS classes or ID’s in your markup. With the 9.3.0 release this only works for CSS files living at the same or a lower level as the HTML file, we will very soon be supporting this project wide
- Auto-Wrap Delimiters: When pressing a delimiter (eg. double quotes) while having text selected the text will be wrapped by that delimiter. Delimiters are configurable from your Preferences and can be disabled entirely
- Auto multi-caret for HTML/XML tags: When selecting an HTML (XML) tag the corresponding start/end tag will also be selected, allowing you to change the start and end tag without having to select each individually
- Elastic Tabstops: Komodo now supports Elastic Tabstops. Since this is intended only for files that use tab characters for indentation it is disabled by default. You can enable it under Indentation Preferences
- In-line Syntax Checking: When syntax errors/warnings occur a small notification popup will show at the bottom right corner of your editor window
- Package Manager 2.0: You can now fully manage your packages via Komodo, ie. uninstall, update, etc. (the previous version only allowed you to install). Advanced functionality currently only works for addons, skins, and languages
- Enhanced Multi-Caret Mode: Multiple caret mode is now much more flexible and useful, allowing for more complex actions than before. You can also now set multi-carets with ctrl+click
- Embedded Find/Replace: Find and replace has been significantly overhauled and is now part of the editor (rather than a popup dialog)
- Multiple Find Result Tabs: Every search now opens in its own result tab, you are no longer limited to 2 tabs. Find results now also show a new input field that allow you to search again with the same input but a different search pattern
- Macros renamed to Userscripts: Toolbox Macros have been renamed to Userscripts. Macros also still exist but only through the toolbar or menu interface. When you save them to your toolbox they effectively become userscripts
- Quick Start on Tabs: When opening a new tab you now get a view that lets you pick what to do with the tab; eg. create a new file, open files, new file from template, recent file, etc
- New & Improved File Icons: The language icons have been updated to be more distinctive and less generic looking
- Commando has gotten a visual overhaul: More lightweight, no borders or gradients. Commando now feels as lightweight as it is
- Tons and tons of UX improvements: An ongoing effort to make Komodo the most user friendly IDE out there by many miles

Komodo Edit 9.2.1 Build 15998 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Prefs: Added Vagrantfile file association.
- Syntax Highlighting: Added Docker syntax highlighting.
- Toolbox: fix issue preventing tools from saving - fixes #504.
- Collab: Improve contact request user experience.
- Go: Fix issue where interpreter would not be properly detected.
- Python: Detect pyflakes properly in Python3.
- Publishing: Fixed auto push not working when path has spaces - fixes #505.
- Commando: Fix issue where results would not update - fixes #515.
- Commando: Shell: Don’t default to running in container commands in an external terminal.
- Commando: Shell: Fix autocompletion triggering on partial matches.
- OSX: Ensure Scintilla dialog views’ text is visible.
- Scintilla: Highlight JavaScript and CoffeeScript regex properly - fixes #414.
- CodeIntel: Fixed reading from rails.cix catalog - fixes #537.
- Keybindings: vi: Ensure the caret is scrolled into view after moving in visual mode - fixes #436.
- Lint: Fixed linting for Javascript macros - fixes #381.
- Scintilla: Ruby: Highlight keyword-style arguments correctly - fixes #522.

Komodo Edit 9.2.0 Build 15966 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Package Installer - We are introducing an all new way to install addons, color schemes, skins, keybindings, languages, etc. Simply by using Commando, you can now install all your favourite “Packages” (previously called “Resources” or “Extensions”).
- EditorConfig Integration (see issue #271) - Komodo now checks for .editorconfig files in your path, you can read more about this here.
- Focus Mode (aka Distraction Free Mode) - Clean up your IDE: easily hide non-essential UI with a keystroke, you can read more about this here.
- CSS3 Autocompletions - We already supported a ton of CSS3 in our autocompletions, but thanks to Defman we now support all of CSS3.
- Crisper UI - Particularly when using dark color schemes, the UI could feel a little bit “fuzzy” in the past, but no longer is that the case!
- A boatload of Commando enhancements and fixes

Komodo Edit 9.1.0 Build 15798 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Select Commando (Go to Anything) results by pressing ALT+number
- The Commando user experience has had significant usability improvements. Most notably when starting Commando you will now be presented with a convenient list of scopes that you can use to narrow down your search results

Other Mentionables:
- Color Schemes: Use foreground color for caret color - fixes #75
- Commando: Don’t preserve query when navigating backwards
- Commando: Escape now clears the current search
- SDK: Added the “shell” SDK, allowing you to easily run shell commands
- UI: Improved scrollbar contrast on dark color schemes
- UI: “Ugly border” showing around notifications on windows - fixes #108
- CodeIntel: Improve PHPDoc tooltip legibility - contributed by Defman - PR #225

Komodo Edit 9.0.1 Build 15745 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Abyss: Fixed issues on Windows with double borders and white space above toolbar.
- Color Schemes: Use foreground color for caret color - fixes #75. (Bug issue #75)
- Commando: Cache is not updated when a shorcut is added - fixes #115. (Bug issue #115)
- Commando: Commando hangs when descriptions have complex values - fixes #111. (Bug issue #111)
- Commando: Commando prompts are behind commando panel on OSX - fixes #110. (Bug issue #110)
- Commando: Oversized menulist icon on HiDPI.
- Commando: Reload sections scope when switching files - fixes #114. (Bug issue #114)
- Editor: XML Auto-indentation causes infinite loop in edge cases - fixes #186. (Bug issue #186)
- Icons: Debug tab icon was oversized on HiDPI/Retina - fixes #72. (Bug issue #72)
- Notify: Pressing cog hides notification when priority is NOW - fixes #41. (Bug issue #41)
- Places: Duplicate contents when toggling a folder - fixes #61. (Bug issue #61)
- Places: Update places when a project is saved - fixes #129. (Bug issue #129)
- Printing: Use the global ko object - fixes #74 & fixes #135. (Bug issue #74)
- Run: Run command was not saving recent commands - fixes #37. (Bug issue #37)
- Trackchanges: Encoding issue on windows where characters end up garbled in the change dialog - fixes #69. (Bug issue #69)
- UI: Bottom pane height did not persist properly across restart - fixes #47. (Bug issue #47)
- UI: High CPU use on OSX when using Trackpad - fixes #99. (Bug issue #99)
- UI: Improve scrollbar contrast on dark color schemes.
- UI: Places widget dropdown menu had uppercase text - fixes #46. (Bug issue #46)
- UI: Ugly border showing around notifications on windows - fixes #108. (Bug issue #108)
- UI: fixed OSX Yosemite vibrancy effect in panes.
- fix Debugger: Required two attempts to start debugging.
- fix issue #149 - Debugger: Ensure Ctrl+F5 to skip debugger dialog works. (Bug issue #149)
- fix issue #149 - Debugger: Ensure Ctrl+F5 to skip debugger dialog works. (Bug issue #149)
- fix issue #58 - codeintel: allow go-lang prefs to pass to out-of-process codeintel. (Bug issue #58)
- fix issue #85 - Tcl autocomplete insertion was incorrect for unicode. (Bug issue #85)
- fix issue 171: Code Intelligence: Fix race condition when multiple windows opened at startup.

Komodo Edit 9.0.0 Build 15707 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Track Changes: The editor has gained a new left margin, which highlights unsaved changes, as well as any uncommitted SCC changes. Clicking on the margin will show a diff dialog of the changes, and you can also revert these individual changes.
- Markdown Viewer: When a markdown file is open in Komodo, you’ll be able to easily HTML preview that markdown with a click of a button. The Komodo markdown viewer uses GitHub markdown styling.
- Go Lang: Initial support for the Go programming language has been added to Komodo. It provides syntax coloring, code folding, syntax checking (linting) and code intelligence with completions, calltips, outline and goto definition.
- Kopy.io: This allows you to easily share snippets of code with other people (like a pastebin) directly from Komodo. Simple make a text selection and right-click and use the Share Code via Kopy.io. Even better is that Kopy.io supports client side encryption, so you can make those shared pastes more secure.
- Notifications: Messages shown to the user now appear in a separate popup panel that overlays the main Komodo editor window (previously they appeared in the Komodo statusbar). There are notification preferences which allows you to control which messages get displayed in the popup panel.
- Color Schemes: We’ve changed all the default Komodo color schemes. All schemes included in Komodo are now Base16, that is, they are based on a set of 16 different base colors, which are re-used by different parts of the scheme. You can also tweak the editor line height spacing now directly in the color scheme preferences page.
- Menu Bar: The Komodo main menu bar is now hidden by default (Windows and Linux. You can use the Alt key to toggle the menu visibility. Whilst the top-level menu is hidden, the unified button menu will be visible in the toolbar. You can also control menu visibility through the View > Toolbars menu.
- PHP 5.6 Support: We’ve added support for PHP 5.6, with a new Xdebug module (for PHP debugging and Code Profiling), updates for keyword changes and updates to code intelligence to provide the latest API data for PHP 5.6.
- Python PEP 8 Syntax Checking: PEP 8 syntax checking has been added. You can turn it on by visiting the Python Syntax Checking preferences. For those that don’t know - PEP 8 is the official style guide for Python code.
- CSS Code Formatting: Komodo now includes a CSS code formatter - so you can keep your CSS looking beautifully structured. We’re using a JavaScript CSS Beautify library from Sencha Labs.
- Komodo Developer APIs: We’ve been overhauling the Komodo APIs, to make it easier to load and access the methods inside of Komodo. We’re now making use of CommonJS (aka Node.js) require() calls to load individual modules - you can see the full list of supported modules in the sdk directory. Examples and more information can be found in the Komodo wiki. We’ve also added convenient console.log() and friends support - the messages show up in the Komodo Notifications pane.
- Performance: Various performance tweaks were made to Komodo to improve the editing performance, as well as improving the search speed, syntax checking times and general responsiveness of Komodo. Other Mentionables:
- Statusbar has moved to be above the bottom pane (attached to the editor view)
- CSS code formatter was added
- Preference page now has a simple and advanced mode
- Startpage has been removed - instead a Quick Launch page is shown when no views are opened
- Workspaces can be saved and loaded on demand - see the File > Workspace menu
- High DPI configurations on Windows should work correctly - no blurred fonts
- Tab Width indentation preference has changed from 8 spaces to 4 spaces
- Find Results now has a toolbar command to copy the find results to the clipboard
- SCC Commit dialog now displays the current branch name
- Re-organised various menus, including tab and editor context menus
- Sections list (IDE) has merged with breadcrumbs widget
- Tabs v’s spaces indentation detection was improved
- Komodo was updated to use the Mozilla 31 code base
- Opt-in analytics module was added. This is entirely optional and we do not track user specific information.
- Komodo Sync has been removed for Komodo 9; similar functionality may be re-introduced in a later version of Komodo. Icons: Most of the Komodo UI icons have been updated - here is a list of the most noticeable icon changes:
- file icons
- language icons
- places icons
- toolbox icons
- preference page
- code intelligence icons (completions, sections list, code browser) Commando: This popup dialog is the combined successor of the “Fast Open” dialog and “Invoke Tool” dialog. Commando provides the following search tools and features:
- fuzzy matching
- string match highlighting in the results panel
- find any file under a particular folder
- tool (macro, run command, snippet, …) search
- bookmark integration
- shortcuts (go-tool) integration
- custom category filtering Commando also comes with an easy to use API so that you can easily add your own custom search “scopes”. Bug Fixes:
- Editor: Stop scrolling jumps when word wrap is enabled and editor is resized. (Bug 106383)
- Projects: Ensure project restore loads the correct files. (Bug 106386)
- Places: Ensure SCC status icon changes for edited files. (Bug 104886)

Komodo Edit 8.5.4 Build 14424 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Code Intelligence: CSS: Show pseudo completions after ":".
- Code Intelligence: PHP: Fix memory leak in PHP file scanning. (Bug 102643)
- Code Intelligence: JavaScript: Ensure document completions work inside of HTML. (Bug 102993)
- Debugging: Python 3: Update log-level matching code to work on Python 3.4. (Bug 103631)
- Debugging: Tcl: Update appLaunch.tcl file. (Bug 101199)
- Editor: Automatically enable word-wrap when a file has long lines. (Bug 93790)
- Editor: Django: Highlight 'elif' tag, 'elseif' in Twig (and improve auto-indent). (Bug 101792)
- Editor: Fix high DPI popup positioning on Windows. (Bug 100492)
- Editor: When changing case in column selection, stay in column selection. (Bug 100269)
- Find: Ensure find markers are not added more than once. (Bug 104553)
- Find: Stop find options from changing when using multi caret commands. (Bug 103329)
- Places: After creating a new file, open it and display it in places. (Bug 94287)
- Places: Cull deleted items in places history menu. (Bug 98684)
- Preferences: Indentation Settings: Allow per language settings to be saved. (Bug 99431)
- Projects: When opening a new project is aborted, keep the old project on the MRU list. (Bug 94201)
- SDK: Ensure koext startlang works with --is-html-based argument (Bug 104551).
- Source Code Control: Checkout: Remember the checkout textbox url. (Bug 99395)
- Source Code Control: Git: Ensure git submodules are properly detected in commit dialog. (Bug 95701)
- Syntax Checking: Python: Reinstate passing --rcfile to pylint, and add tests to verify it works. (Bug 101777)
- Syntax Checking: Python: Tell pylint where to find .pylintrc. (Bug 101777)
- Toolbox: Stop duplication of snippets when dropping snippet text. (Bug 103113)
- UI: Re-enable word-wrap in output panels (command output, debugger output). (Bug 98471)

Komodo Edit 8.5.3 Build 14067 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Code Intelligence: Fix case where codeintel startup could fail due to race condition. (Bug 101543)
- Code Intelligence: Performance: Avoid rescanning dependent files on modification. (Bug 101312)
- Code Intelligence: PHP: Allow goto definition on foreach variables. (Bug 100701)
- Code Intelligence: Python: Ensure code scanning supports the "yield from" syntax. (Bug 101404)
- Code Intelligence: Sections List: Ensure HTML/XML section lists are updated after editor modifications. (Bug 101442)
- Code Intelligence: Sections List: Sometimes the list would not show due to a recursion error. (Bug 101280)
- Crash Reports: Re-enable the crash report dialog. (Bug 101006)
- Debugger: Make sure we can debug Python3 programs that contain non-ascii data in strings (and comments). (Bug 101268)
- Debugger: PHP: Update Xdebug to version 2.2.3. (Bug 101265)
- Debugger: Tcl: Include a Tcl debug engine for Win64, and choose it at runtime when the tclsh.exe or wish.exe interpreter is 64-bit. (Bug 101199)
- Debugger: When starting a remote-debugging session, make sure the pref for stopping at the first breakpoint is respected. (Bug 100884)
- Editor: Ensure caret is scrolled into view when opening files and jumping to definitions. (Bug 98866)
- Editor: Make sure cmd_addNextWordToCaretSet (default binding: Ctrl-D) works in presence of high-bit chars in the document. (Bug 100931)
- Editor: Minimap: Don't change the first line in the screen when tabbing/shift-tabbing a block with the minimap visible. (Bug 101318)
- Editor: Minimap: Improve editor scroll handling and scrolling performance when minimap is enabled. (Bug 100956)
- Editor: Performance: Speed up UDL processing for files with very long lines (includes PHP, XML, HTML, Django, etc). (Bug 101267)
- Editor: Prefs: Increase the file size limits that control switching to a plain-text language. (Bug 101629)
- Editor: Prevent repeatedly pressing Ctrl-D (Add next word to multiple selection) from crashing Komodo. (Bug 100955)
- History: Make sure history db corruptions do not cause startup failures. (Bug 101551)
- Hyperlinks: Ensure the PHP include handler works over the full include statement. (Bug 101505)
- Languages: Support C++11 keywords. (Bug 101299)
- Linux: Editor: Allow rectangular paste on Linux. (Bug 82591)
- Mac: Disable the scroll width preference, as it can mess up the editor display. (Bug 88586)
- Mac: Editor: Focus the editor when mouse clicking on the line number margin. (Bug 101290)
- Mac: Editor: Make sure text is pasted into every selection when a multiple-selection/caret session is in effect. (Bug 101220)
- Macros: Make sure macro and snippet contents are always up to date when editing them in the editor. (Bug 101263)
- Macros: Show accurate macro line numbers for syntax errors and runtime errors when executing macros. (Bug 95519)
- Preferences: Make sure project internationalization settings are correctly saved to project prefs. (Bug 101174)
- Refactoring: Make sure undo (and other operations that end multi-caret editing sessions) don't corrupt the undo-stack. (Bug 100837)
- Rx Toolkit: Don't throw an exception on startup when the regex field is empty. (Bug 100694)
- Rx Toolkit: Clear errors when switching between different regex languages. (Bug 97340)
- Source Code Control: The Git push dialog no longer gets stuck at the end of a push. (Bug 99920)
- Syntax Checking: Make sure files are linted when they are first opened. (Bug 101552)
- Syntax Checking: PyLint: Support pylint 1.0, which stopped supporting the -i argument. (Bug 100028)
- Syntax Checking: PyLint: Support pylint for Python3 code. (Bug 96733)
- Syntax Checking: RHTML: Wrap constructs with 'Proc.new {' ... '}.call;' to avoid bugus syntax errors. (Bug 100835)
- UI: Added a Getting Started dialog to Komodo that helps new users get the basics of Komodo. (Bug 98250)
- UI: Button text in the toolbar will now properly show when using a hidpi (cupertino) icon set. (Bug 100933)
- UI: Icons: Checkboxes and radio boxes were sometimes not showing in menu's under Abyss.
- UI: Moved trial message out of statusbar and into notification, so that its not blocking breadcrumbs. (Bug 100548)
- Windows: Support high DPI on Windows, for editor right-clicking and context menus. (Bug 100492)

Komodo Edit 8.5.2 Build 13850 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Code Intelligence: Reduce memory usage by properly clearing requests and working variables. (Bug 100994)
- Editor: When saving, fix the "Strip trailing whitespace" preference from removing lines. (Bug 100967)