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最新版本 Komodo Edit 12.0.1 Build 18441

Komodo Edit 歷史版本列表

Komodo Edit 來自 ActiveState 是一個免費的開源多平台多語言編輯器(PHP,Python,Ruby,Perl 和 Tcl,JavaScript,CSS,HTML 和模板語言,如 RHTML,Template-Toolkit,HTML-Smarty 和 Django) 。背景語法檢查和語法著色會立即捕獲錯誤,而自動完成和呼叫提示會在您編寫時引導您。適用於 Windows,Mac... Komodo Edit 軟體介紹

Komodo Edit 8.5.1 Build 13781 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Code Browser: Fix case where code browser can stop working when editing HTML code.
- Code Intelligence: JavasSript: Add rudimentary support for ES6 fat arrow functions. (Bug 100070)
- Code Intelligence: Python: Include 2 character keywords in the local symbols completion list. (Bug 100471)
- Code Intelligence: Tcl: Ensure completions get inserted on Tab keypress. (Bug 100332)
- Colour Picker: Added keybinding to launch colour picker without an existing hex colour. (Bug 99413)
- Debugging: Python: Prevent debugger crash when debugging numpy. (Bug 100540)
- Editor: Don't throw an exception on null views when closing all buffers. (Bug 100508)
- Editor: Ensure saveAs works when linting is disabled. (Bug 100476)
- Editor: On close, if an untitled buffer failed to save then leave the buffer open. (Bug 100455)
- Editor: Speed up editor scrolling. (Bug 100536)
- Editor: Stop a breakpoint click from also performing code folding. (Bug 100390)
- File Associations: Associate ".inl" file extension to the C++ language. (Bug 99525)
- Mac: Allow hyperlinks to work after the editor is scrolled. (Bug 100487)
- Mac: Ensure python is installed correctly for out-of-process codeintel. (Bug 98931)
- Mac: Ensure retina icons are enabled. (Bug 100549)
- Mac: Fix variable highlight coloring after scrolling. (Bug 100361)
- Mac: Stop high CPU usage when idle. (Bug 100457)
- Find: Stop editor background color from leaking into the find bar. (Bug 100441)
- Places: Support copying folders. (Bug 100160)
- Refactoring: Rename Variable: Don't give up when an occurrence of the current variable occurs inside a comment or default text. Accept it, and carry on. (Bug 100499)
- Remote Files: Stop delay when switching between remote file editor tabs. (Bug 100525)
- Spellcheck: Make sure the spellchecker correctly replaces with the suggested text. (Bug 100612)
- Startup: If no buffers are loaded, stop history from trying to log the current buffer. (Bug 100501)
- Syntax Checking: JSLint: Get jslint and jshint working again by allowing for the scriptArgs. (Bug 100530)
- Unit Testing: Support creating unittests for Python3. (Bug 98705)

Komodo Edit 8.5.0 Build 13638 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:


Code Refactoring: The new Komodo refactoring component has these smart code-transformation capabilities:
- Rename Variable: quickly and easily rename variables in the editor. It uses inline markers and multiple cursor selections to easily change the name of a code variable.
- Rename Class Member: similar to rename variable, but works on all instances and across multiple files.
- Method Extraction: move parts of your code into a new function. Any variables used in the selected text are refactored into function arguments and are then passed to the extracted method.

Abyss theme:
- A new dark theme for the Komodo user interface has been added. This theme affects the Komodo UI elements outside of the main editor (i.e. different from Komodo color schemes which only affect the main editor colors). You can enable Abyss in the Komodo Appearance preferences.

PHP 5.5 Support:
- We've added support for PHP 5.5, with a new Xdebug module (for PHP debugging and Code Profiling), updates for the two new keywords (yield, finally) and updates to code intelligence to provide the latest API data for PHP 5.5.

- A file and directory navigation bar has been added to the Komodo statusbar. This bar shows the directory ancestors relative to the current editor file, allowing you to easily find and open related files. You can use mouse and/or keyboard to navigate entries and filter down the list of files displayed.

Multiple Carets:
- In addition to Komodo's rectangular (column) editing, you can now add multiple caret positions in the editor, so that any typing or editing commands will be reflected at all caret locations. Press Ctrl+K Ctrl+Y to start a multi-caret session on the first selection or caret. Then press Ctrl+Click (Cmd+Click on the Mac) to place additional carets, or alternatively use the editor's right click contextual menu and select the 'Add as Additional Caret/Selection'.

Button Menu:
- Komodo can now be configured to use a collapsed toolbar button menu, instead of a full menu bar (does not apply to Mac OS X). This can be useful when you want to maximize your vertical editing space. A bonus of this feature is that the last used menu items will also be displayed in the top-level of the button menu, making it quick and easy to run the same menu command again.

Python Symbols:
- Due to popular demand, we've now added two-character length triggering for Python symbols. For example, when you type "im" you'll now see completions for "import" as well as any local variables, functions, classes and builtins that are in scope and have a name starting with "im".

Code Intelligence Out-Of-Process:
- Komodo's code intelligence system (code scanning, calltips, completions, goto definition, refactoring, etc...) is now handled by an external process. Mostly you won't notice any changes in functionality, but this does boost Komodo's responsiveness whilst editing.

Mac Improvements:
- Drawing is smoother and Komodo can draw using the integrated graphics card. There were some edge cases on Retina screens where drawing glitches could occur in the editor component, leaving unwanted artefacts - this has now been fixed. Komodo can now work with the integrated graphics card - which can lead to improved battery life on laptops.

- Various performance tweaks were made to Komodo 8.5 to improve the editing performance, as well as improving the search speed, syntax checking times and general responsiveness of Komodo.

Other Mentionables:
- Side pane scrollbars now fade out when they are not in use
- Open Files now includes additional sorting and grouping options
- Font Quality (anti-aliasing) preferences were added (Windows and Mac OS X)
- Komodo now updated to use the Mozilla 24, Scintilla 3.34 and Python 2.7.5

- Collaboration: Allow ko.collaboration.shareCurrentTabInNewSession. (Bug 95867)
- Editor: Add a pref to control whether tab skips over soft characters. (Bug 95685)
- Editor: After pressing tab, update the caretX setting. (Bug 95409)
- Editor: Ensure "Save as" properly maintains the language name. (Bug 100142)
- Editor: Implement select current/next word in multi-caret sessions. (Bug 99924)
- Editor: Mac: Allow scrolling with magic mouse and trackpad. (Bug 99862)
- Editor: Mac: Ensure mouse actions use the correct editor co-ordinates. (Bug 100140)
- Editor: Mac: Fix drawing glitch in the editor. (Bug 99863)
- Editor: Mac: Stop editor glitches when resizing the editor view. (Bug 99863)
- Editor: Mac: Stop white flashes when using a dark background. (Bug 100251)
- Editor: Show matching tag when clicking between "

Komodo Edit 8.0.2 Build 12590 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Code Intelligence: PHP: Allow completions for files that use the same base name. (Bug 93859)
- Code Intelligence: PHP: Show completions for core PHP interfaces. (Bug 98831)
- Code Intelligence: Python: Allow completions and calltips even when no Python interpreter is found/configured. (Bug 98174)
- Debugger: Python: Report types of ints and bools correctly, not as "str". (Bug 98546)
- Debugger: Tcl: Allow Tk programs to be launched with wish, not just tclsh. (Bug 98313)
- Debugger: Python: Fix python2 remote debugging package. (Bug 98532)
- Editor: Add a pref at editor/scrolling to control whether shift-ctrl-mouse-wheel changes the zoom level of the current view. (Bug 89701)
- Editor: Color in EJS and komodo snippets as escape sequences. (Bug 98464)
- Editor: Handle comment-continuations for languages that don't do auto-indent, like ini, diff, Makefile, and batch. (Bug 98467)
- Editor: Make sure clicking in the line-number margin of a wrapped line selects that line. (Bug 98494)
- Editor: Minimap: Don't allow pasting by clicking on the middle-button on Linux. (Bug 97909)
- Editor: Minimap: Disable drag/drop involving the minimap. (Bug 97159)
- Editor: Minimap: Update minimap context menu when buffer is first shown. (Bug 98512)
- Editor: Prevent landing on buffers from moving to seemingly random positions. (Bug 98716)
- Editor: Recognize that '$' is part of a variable name for purposes of double-clicking and identifier highlighting. (Bug 98566)
- Editor: Ruby 2.0 support: Color %i-strings as array of symbols for Ruby 2.0+. (Bug 97711)
- Editor: Upgraded Tcl colorizer and code-completion on keywords to Tcl 8.6. (Bug 98034)
- Editor: Reinstate word-wrap for all scintilla objects. (Bug 98471)
- Keybindings: Mac: Remove Ctrl+Y accesskey in the find toolbar. (Bug 98709)
- Keybindings: Vi: Ensure "O" command works when used on a word-wrapped line. (Bug 98811)
- Keybindings: Vi: Make sure "W" always moves either to the next. (Bug 98813)
- Linux: Icons: Ensure Ambiance skin is properly auto-detected. (Bug 98894)
- Linux: Install: Better detection of the host architecture, to avoid false warnings. (Bug 98519)
- Linux: Scrollbars: Removed UI drawing glitch when left or right panes were visible. (Bug 97084)
- Mac: Retina: Find Results: Fix disappearing results on Retina displays. (Bug 98230)
- Mac: Retina: Icons: Edge-cases where icons would show at twice their size have been resolved. (Bug 98607)
- Mac: Retina: Icons: Fixed case where viewing Appearance preferences could switch to the Classic theme. (Bug 98877)
- Mac: SDK: Ensure the Komodo extension tools work correctly on a Mac. (Bug 98441)
- Places: Confirm that files/folders should be dragged/dropped onto a folder. (Bug 98484)
- Places: Expose the "Show in places" context-menu item in the Keybindings pref panel. (Bug 98572)
- Places: You can now double click a folder to expand/collapse it (if "double click to make folder root" pref is turned off).
- Prefs: Add an option to use pixel-mapped squigglies for better performance. (Bug 98440)
- Projects: Show a proper group icon for project groupings. (Bug 98808)
- Remote Files: Enable select button for choosing the current folder location. (Bug 97991)
- Run Commands: Ensure the focus goes back to the editor after running a command. (Bug 98414)
- Toolbox: Make sure undo/redo works after inserting snippets. (Bug 92695)
- Toolbox: Make first launch of a snippet does not get ignored. (Bug 98835)
- Syntax Checking: Ensure the pylint and pyflakes files can find their config files. (Bug 98461)

Komodo Edit 8.0.1 Build 12353 查看版本資訊


Komodo Edit 8.0.0 Build 12188 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New User Interface:
- We've redesigned our UI from the ground up to give you a much better user experience. You'll appreciate seeing less clutter and more editing space. Every feature now has consistent styling and feels native to your OS.

Floating Side Panes:
- By popular request! Click to detach any side pane tab (ie. Places, Code Browser, Debug) and move it anywhere on screen. It's a much more flexible way to work, and even better if you have two monitors.

Open Files Side Pane:
- Managing tons of files is easier than ever. Files are now listed in a side pane that groups them by language. You can even hide all the editor tabs completely and just work off the Open Files pane.

Auto Abbreviation Snippets:
- Type the first few characters of a snippet to trigger a list you can tab through. This makes inserting snippets faster, while keeping you in control of the content. New support for Embedded JavaScript (EJS) within a snippet means you can now systematically determine snippet contents at runtime.

Fast Open Shortcuts:
- We've made Fast Open faster. You can now make shortcuts to frequently used paths. Have a directory path like "/some/long/path/etc"? Make a shortcut for "code/" and see all the files in the directory.

- As your document gets longer, it can sometimes get harder to visualize. The minimap gives you a high-level overview so you can mouse over and reposition the editor on any targeted section - sort of like Google Maps for code.

New Languages:
- We've added editing for Laravel Blade. Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that allows tremendous flexibility in design. We've also added syntax checking for Sass, an extension of CSS3 that adds nested rules, variables, and other fun stuff.

Updated Platform:
- Komodo now runs on Mozilla 18, Python 2.7, Scintilla 3.2.4 and other updated components. What this means for you:

Komodo Edit 7.1.3 Build 11027 查看版本資訊


Komodo Edit 7.1.2 Build 10678 查看版本資訊


Komodo Edit 7.1.1 Build 10623 查看版本資訊


Komodo Edit 7.1.0 Build 10496 查看版本資訊


Komodo Edit 7.0.2 Build 9923 查看版本資訊
