GoodSync 歷史版本列表 Page38

最新版本 GoodSync

GoodSync 歷史版本列表

GoodSync 是一個簡單,安全,可靠的方式來自動同步和備份您的照片,MP3 和重要文件。備份和 / 或同步您的關鍵文件就像點擊一樣容易,也可以使用各種自動選項進行安排。真正的雙向文件同步可防止任何數據丟失。 GoodSync 可以用於通過本地網絡或 Internet 在桌面 PC 和筆記本電腦,家庭和辦公室計算機,計算機和可移動設備(USB Key,閃存驅動器,CDRW 光盤)之間同步數據。 ... GoodSync 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Updates: Multi-threaded pre-extraction option
- (uses multiple CPU cores for faster parallel package extraction)
- Updates: Permanent cache option for decompressed packages
- (~10% faster integration per instance and less wear on SSDs in repeated sessions)
- Updates: Delta CAB extraction support
- (Win11 PSF previusly and now with Win7-10 deltas)
- Source: Windows 11 Preview build 22000.100 support
- Settings: Win11 Taskbar – Size
- Settings: Win11 Taskbar – Classic (disables start menu, only only with Start alternatives)
- Components: BCD Template Client (needed for image setup, only removable on deployed installs)
- Components: CapFrameX component removal compatibility option
- UI-Translation: Romanian

- General: Cleaning temporary files is now deleting root directories in parallel threads
- General: Long (>256 characters) network path support
- Updates: Removed placeholder row, deferred post-setup updates always queued first in execution
- Settings: Bypass Win11 TMP also includes BypassRAMCheck
- Components: Discord compatibility now includes ‘Windows Presentation Foundation Core’
- UI-Translation: Thanks for Chinese Traditional (Matt), French (tistou77), German (Cartman), Polish (KrzysioZ)

- Updates: Win7 2533552 integration order fix
- Source: Win8.1 boot.wim image title was incorrectly displayed
- Source: Loading image without Servicing Stack could stuck on load

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What's new in this version:

- Fixed miscellaneous crashes and asserts

- Web UI: Added 'events' view that shows all significant changes done to GoodSync Account
- Google Photos FS: big rewrite, to speed up cache, better diagnostics
- Job Runner + Sleep: Fixed if AutoRun was Disabled then after Sleep users cannot run Jobs
- Account Edit Dialog: If pre-save connection test fails, ask user whether he wants to save it anyway
- Mediator: fixed memory leak on Account Sync, improved memory allocator to TCmalloc
- Storage Servers: drop cache when Storage is deleted
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter

- Google Drive/Docs/TeamDrive FS: Google Drive API has changed, do fixes related to new API
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter
- Browse Dialog + Tasks: Improve logging, fixed rare crashes
- Account Sync: Do NOT sync Proxy settings as part of Account Sync, as they are specific to Device
- Proxy + GsRunner: Fixed Proxy setting change was ignored by GsRunner until restart
- Account Sync: Fixed Override (Server Wins) does not work in Account Sync

- MS Graph: Fixed Listing site root now consistently returns 500 Internal Server Error on OneDrive Personal
- Relaxed some Asserts, that were reported as crashes
- GsServer: Added more and faster bail-outs on User Stop (caused by Sleep or Shutdown)
- SMB: To Turn On Siber's new SMB, set Hkey_local_machineSoftwareSiber SystemsGoodSyncSibSmb to 1
- SMB on Mac: Several fixes to errors found on MacOS: no conveyor, better error messages
- Google Photos FS: Fixed several bugs, esp in getting media item size

- Google Cloud Storage file system: Added this S3-like file system, not related to Google Drive
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed file generations were mixed up when changes appeared on both sides
- On File Change + Wait for User after Analyze with Errors: fixed it never got to Sync in this case
- Explorer: Case-Sensitivity: file whose name differs only by case are shown separately
- Auto-Proxy for HTTP: Fixed switching from Manual to Auto proxy could fail
- MS graph: Use CkSum to see if file is new, as SharePoint server changes Office files after upload
- Account Sync: Do Not Delete or Rename Job by Account Sync, if Job is Busy under Browse or Options dialog
- Groups: Change empty Group name to '-empty-', so that user can delete or rename it
- File Copy Conveyors: more fixes to streamline conveyors
- Asserts: soften more of them into SoftAssert, based on what was reported

- Conveyor: fixed source file may be treated as zero size (bug in 11.7.4 only)
- Log Viewer: Fixed logs were not shown on Local FS presented as GSTPS

- Conveyor: rewrite Conveyor functions, to make them work for different buffer sizes
- GsFileSys: prepare Conveyor and other facilities to Native SMB file system
- Incremental Analyze + File Monitoring: Do not Re-Analyze errors, wait till files change
- Recycle and History DB in Mirror: Fixed unnecessary multiple inits of History
- Global Log Folder: If we cannot create it, just give up, revert to old Log Folder
- SyncLib: Fixed rare crashes on terminal job errors
- GsServer: Fixed 'Number of Unique Clients of this gs-server has exceeded license'
- S3: x-amz-acl header: Specify it only for start and finish of multi-part upload
- SFTP: Add reporting of errors that are written to invisible SSH console
- Mediator: several fixes to increase performance improve monitoring

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Fixed some crashes and asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Change log not available for this version

- Fixed ASSERTs reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7

- Gs-Server: Restore connection after timeout, instead of 'Not Connected' error
- Gs-Server: Reduce Session Delete time from 24 hours to 1 hours, sleep time still at 3 min
- Gs-Server + File Monitoring or User Stop: improved termination sequence
- File Monitoring: do not ignore Excludes that are based on intermediate folders
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed Incremental Analyze was dropping Name-Case conflict
- Conflict counters: Init Conflict counters in DoSync, to avoid doubling them
- gsync command line: Fixed /fN handling without /kN, in presence of Account Manager
- Asserts: Add reporting of Asserts, report them same as Crashes
- SMB client: continue work on our own native SMB client, both for SMB v2/v3 and SMB v1
- Linux: Added raspberry_pi64 platform for 64-bit (aarch64) Raspberry Pi and compatible boards.

- Proxy: If Auto-Proxy is specified, then use it right away, without testing direct connection
- Gs2Go: Write jobs-account.tic file as garbled not as local-encrypted, for portability
- GUI: Improve responsiveness and make it more stable
- Crash Reporting: do not report crashes produced by foreign broken DLLs

- Account Sync: fixed several User Interface issues
- Account Sync: Get proposed changes in background non-GUI Update Thread
- Account Sync: Do not perform it on GS start, to avoid slowdown
- Saving Jobs and Server Accounts: improve security, save only encrypted version
- Browse dialog Ver 10: fixed applying proposed URL conversions not working
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflict Resolver not shown after Analyze + Sync
- Edit Account dialog: Added more help items
- Edit Account dialog: improved field organization and layout

- SFTP: Make our SFTP client send version string without waiting for SFTP server
- GSTP Client: Fixed when Server changes Forwarder, client may ignores it and return error
- GSTP Client: Do not Try Direct Connect when we have no direct port to connect to
- GSTP checksums: switch from expensive MD5 to cheaper CRC-32, it is sufficient for integrity
- GSTP Server: Fully removed Old Ticket Scheme from GsServer, only more secure New Scheme is allowed
- GSTP Server Register: improved de-registering server on Sleep and Shutdown
- GSTP Severe Going Offline: Added call to /unregister-server of Forwarder
- GSTP Edit Account: Added 'Direct Plain Text' connectoid option, to be used for slow NASes
- GSTP Mediator: Fixed CanShare was incorrectly applied when doing Composition of two grants
- Proxy: Do NOT test Effective proxy when it is not set, to reduce load on Mediator
- Proxy: If proxy is set, but both Auth and Manual Proxy are unchecked, do not use any proxy
- GsServer: Browser Sessions: Fixed crashes on multiple downloads from one browser
- Browse Dialog: Fixed UI errors and navigation issues
- gsync: Added Account Manager options to gsync help and GS online manual

- Fixed when Sync finishes, often times AnalyzeDone message was sent instead of SyncDone message
- S3 storage classes and headers: more fixes
- Recycled/History DB: Fixed if DB file gets zero size then GS would not reinitialize it
- Recycled/History DB: Make Init History/Saved DB work for GsData in Mirror Folder too
- Special Ops Node list: fixed some rare crashes, keep list of paths, not pointers
- Job List/Tree: fixed icons for job states, multi-select of Jobs
- Browse Dlg Ver 10: Fixed Job with a portable drive does not ask user to use =VolumeLabe
- gs-server: Improve locking, fixed rare crashes on Session start
- Edit Account: Re-design OAuth2 [Authorization] section to match Google UX guidelines
- GsExplorer File Op dialog: improved error processing for terminal errors
- Localization: Update Polish translation

- S3 options: Added Server Side Encryption Key provided by Customer
- S3 options: Bring back Access Control Policy text box
- S3: GovCloud: Added Location Constraint to Bucket creation
- S3: Added new setting -- Preferred Geo Region, to be used in Bucket creation
- SFTP and speed: Fixed Current Speed was shown as way too high
- SMB: Fixed crashes when user has many shares that do not connect due to error
- B2 FS: Upload of large files: prevent rare crashes by doing more checks
- TaskBar JumpList: Do not show Job on TaskBar JumpList, just global commands
- Browse V10: Fixed Accounts tab was cycling if we have Server Accounts with + in its name
- Job Tree View: rewrite using new framework
- Browse Dialog and Explorer: miscellaneous UI fixes

- Fixed crashes on sync tree item update

- License Renew: Fixed Renew Link in Buy Pro dialog was incorrect
- SyncJob locking: fixed GoodSync GUI could freeze on loss of connection
- AccountSync: Fixed GsRunner RefreshToken save can interfere with Job sync
- Runner + GUI + Logs: Fixed sometimes log lines were missing in Log Window
- Job List view: Fixed it was not always updated for Unattended GsRunner jobs
- Runner + Log Folder: Make GsRunner use custom LogLevel and LogFolder
- OneFile + Browse dlg: Allow creation of new OneFile files
- GoodSync GUI: Fixed rare crashes on GoodSync shutdown
- gsync + /d option: make it work for new Unnamed bookmark
- gsync: Fix /sa-create: save resulting account to disk.

- gs-server Sessions: Fixed server Sessions were not cleaned up, so memory leak could result
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not reconnected, after disconnect
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not listed, when Gs-Server runs as a Service
- gs-server + Home Folders: Fixed all folders of Server were shown, not just Home Folder
- GPhotos: Fixed Analyze were rejected with: cannot be sync folder, folders cannot be created here
- Job List: fixed saving and restoring column widths and positions
- Storage Server: Fixed re-getting grants when server is restarted.

- Browsing Files: Allow files from GoodSync Severs to be listed and opened in a browser
- Browsing Files: Access to it is in Serves tab of GoodSync Account Web UI
- Browsing Files: GoodSync server must be ver 11.5.7 or newer, Storage Servers were upgraded
- Mediator: improved device identification, to avoid duplicate devices
- Mediator + Web UI: improved login sequence, to accommodate file browsing
- gs-server + COM: Fixed VSS Snapshot was not working on Gs-Server, it needs OleInitialize
- File Sharing: improved authentication between Client and Server when they belong to different users
- Gs-Storage and SetAttributes: do not allow to SetAttributes to make folders unreadable
- Gs-Storage and File Sharing: improved stuffing of file system when user connects
- Forwarders + UDP: ignore empty UDP packets, they may occur naturally
- Job Runner: improved locking of data to fix some rare crashes
- Google Photos: do not allow to use it with Business licenses
- Browse dialog: Bring back MS Graph 'national cloud' connectoid GUI option
- License Renewal: add new promotion to License Renewal: Free 10 Gb storage
- Browse Dialog: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- GoodSync Explorer: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- Browse Dialog + Account Manager: Added Revoke Credentials command
- Job Sending Mail: Increase limit on body of email (which is job log) from 8 Kb to 40 Mb
- gsync /sa-oauth: Fixed accounts not being written to disk after updating
- Localizations: Updated NL, UA and ES translations

- Gs-Server: Fixed server can get stuck on certain errors and refuses to take new connections
- Gs-Server: Improved transactional integrity of GSTP, to allow for faster connection restore
- Google Team Drive: Speed up Analyze/Sync by reducing /change API calls to a minimum
- Google Photos: Make this FS available to personal non-enterprise version only
- S3, expat: Allow EF BF xx UTF-89 sequences in file names, so they can be listed
- Job List: Use separate column for job index, needed for user-mandated custom job order
- Job List: revive option to turn off 'Sort Job Names By Alphabet' and allow custom job order
- GoodSync Explorer: Added 'Cut to Clipboard' command
- Services: Added 30-sec timeout for waiting for service nodes to stop, so that servers do not get stuck
- New Ticket System: new and more secure ticket-based authentication system for folder sharing
- Mediator: improved performance, optimized TLS/SSL handling
- Browsing on Gs-Server: Alpha version of browsing files and folders directly from Gs-Server

- Change log not available for this version

- MEGA FS: Upload: Fixed 'cannot get fingerprint' error
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Fixed Gs-Runner may be preventing computer from sleeping
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was reporting zero Bytes Processed as they were reset too early
- Progress Reporting: Fixed SetProgress could reset progress to 0 when switching scale
- Job List View: Allow custom column order, reordering of columns by Drag-N-Drop
- Job List View: Fix miscellaneous bugs
- GoodSync Explorer: Fixed processing of connections to encrypted folders -- offer to decrypt

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Workers and Sleep: Job Worker thread now prevents computer from going to Sleep
- Direction Change in Sync Tree by User: improved transactional integrity of it, fixed bugs
- MacOS device identification for licensing: ignore device properties that are changes by MacOS updates
- Free Space Info in Job: consolidate its processing, fixed bugs
- Installer: Fixed System Account was not detected as such on some non-English Windows systems
- Shutdown after Sync: Made it work correctly, even if Analyze produced No Changes
- Job Tree View: fixed UI bugs, some RunState transitions were missed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed changing of Direct Path to Portable path was ignored
- Miscellaneous User Interface fixes

- User Interfaces: fixed some crashes and minor bugs
- WD Free Version: improved detection of WD NAS via GSTP
- Simplify computation of Free Space: do it once every 30 sec, not once per quant
- Installer: Fixed Cancel was showing wrong error

- On File Change + GUI: Fixed likely observed crashes, simplify RunState change reporting
- Estimated Space: Make estimated space computations simpler, do nto account for Recycle Bin
- Sync Direction Change: Fixed crashes -- start worker thread to recompute space requirements
- AutoClear: Fixed AutoClear of Sync Tree was not working in GUI mode
- GsRunner Socket: Fixed rare observed crashes related to GsRunner state reporting
- Updated BR-portugues localization

- License Limitations for WD: Fixed Free version did not allow jobs with more than 100 files
- Licensing: improved reporting of License statusm esp for Analyze+Sync and Unattended jobs
- SyncTree: Show SyncTree even if we have No Changes, as there may be Excluded files
- Downloads: Fixed mac distribution link was sometimes showing 'Not Found'

- GoodSync Account Setup: lower-case ComputerId, always save it
- GsRunner + License Activation: notify GsRunner faster about changed License
- Account Sync TurnOn: Added Cancel command, same as Close
- Account Sync + Groups: Perform Account Sync when Jobs are added to Groups by DND
- GUI AutoStart: Use /miniwin mode in Windows Start, so that Mini-Progress windows is shown
- Gs-Server: optimize memory allocation, to reduce memory consumption
- Analyze + Sync: improved switch from Analyze to Sync, so it cannot stall on this
- Stopping Services: improved stopping of the Gs-Server and Gs-Runner service
- Browse Dialog: Fixed commit of manually edited URLs

GoodSync 11.4.6
- Job AutoStart: Fixed crashes caused by deleting sync tree while Worker thread runs
- Stop All: Fixed Stop All did not work for jobs in Waiting To Run state
- Changes Limit Exceeded - Attention Required: make this work in Unattended mode too
- Account Sync: better command names, better presentation, better list of changes
- CC Runner and Server Accounts: Fixed passwords and refresh tokens were not uploaded
- Licenses: Added License Renewal Link, if user has licenses that are Active or Expired
- Explorer: Added Account Sync commands, update Server Accounts view when synced
- Server Account Edit: do not ask whether to save to New Account when saving, save to this
- Beta: new native SMB client that does not use Windows SMB client code

GoodSync 11.4.5
- Account Sync: Reset Account Sync, so that users can use Server Override when they turn it On
- Account Sync: Added Show Changes for Account Sync -- shows Job-Groups changes that will happen
- Account Sync: more improvements to Jobs-Groups and Server Accounts sync algorithm
- GUI: Turn On Mini-Window mode when user selects it, sometimes it was not shown
- Browse/Explorer Edit Account: Fixed checkbox clicks did not work
- Policies: Added file system policies for Gs RealDisk Storage, Google Photos

GoodSync 11.4.4
- AutoUpdate Installer: Fixed it was removing Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items of GoodSync

GoodSync 11.4.3
- Account Sync: Jobs-Groups and Server Account sync has been rewritten, quality of sync improved
- Account Sync: if you are using it, all your Jobs must be synced before you upgrade to this version
- Account Sync: Job-Group Sync operations and Sync stats are now logged
- Program Options: Remove option to encrypt when store locally, local encryption now is always done
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed GUI was losing connection to GsRunner Service, when running UnAttended jobs
- GsRunner and Cc-Runner GUI: improved showing of Job Run status in mini status window
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Hide into [Views] button pull down tree view buttons that have zero item count
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Rename [Other] button to [Views]
- Sync Tree Context Menu: Move direction change commands into sub-menu 'Change Direction to'
- Control Center: Fixed Server Accounts did not upload with empty Account Encryption password
- Installer: Do not update Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items when we are doing auto-install

GoodSync 11.4.1
- Google Photo FS: Added new file system, it only allows 2 levels of folders, no GsData
- On Folder Connect / On File Change: Fixed it was not starting job on Reconnect
- GsRunner + GUI: When GUI cannot connect/talk to GsRunner, show error message about it in GUI
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Do proper processing of Sleep and Wakeup
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was checking for Local license, not CC license
- GUI: Do not allow Changing direction of Sync while the job is Under Runner
- Side Logs + Analyze: Fixed if only Analyze was done then Side logs are not uploaded
- Side Logs + Spec Ops: Upload side logs when doing Spec Ops too
- Certificate Roots: update list of Certificate Authorities who GoodSync trusts

GoodSync 11.4.0
- Under Runner Jobs + Context Menu: fixed content menu enabled status
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed terminal errors on job run were not fully reported in GUI
- Logging in GUI mode: Fixed it was not complete, many details were missing
- Sleep + GsRunner: Fixed Windows did not go into sleep, if GsRunner was running
- Sleep + Wakeup: Reduce Wait after Wakeup from 60 sec to 30 sec, log wait for it in GUI
- Space Estimate: Fixed Space Estimate was not always shown at the end of Analyze
- MEGA: Increased max HTTP body size to 512 Mb, as MEGA can send long list of changes
- Forwarders: fixed rare crashes

GoodSync 11.3.8
- Fixed Auto Analyze and Sync may freeze, if Conflicts are present
- UnAttended Jobs: Fixed side logs were not written, so email could not be sent
- Side Info: Add critical section for better locking

GoodSync 11.3.7
- Sleep and Wakeup: Fixed Unattended Jobs do not restart after Wakeup
- Unattended GsRunner: Fixed error in logs: GsRunner Client: cannot find job
- Server Account Sync: Fixed deletion of Server Accounts not always propagated
- Job Runner for GUI: improved progress monitoring and reporting for GUI jobs
- Explorer: Fixed Account Edit dialog in Windows 10 Dark scheme
- UI: Removed Exit menu item from Job Group context menu

GoodSync 11.3.6
- Local and CC Runner: redo thread management, make it run more smoothly
- Unattended Auto Jobs: Fixed artefacts of flipping Unattended + Auto mode Off/On
- Fixed 'Create New Folder' text in Job Options

GoodSync 11.3.5
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.4
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.3
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about folders that cannot be sync/backup folders
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about top folders of the disk that cannot be backup folder
- Browse Dialog: Added Mew Folder command tree node to Disks on backup destination side
- Browse / GsExplorer: Added Named Bookmarks into the tree, as first node
- Browse / GsExplorer: more fixes to Encrypted Folder mode
- GsExplorer: Implemented Paste files/folders to Windows Explorer, Desktop, etc
- SMB FS: several fixes to Connection Caching, to improve locking and timeliness of results
- On File Change and On Folder Connect: rewrote File Monitoring, to improve Sleep/Wakeup
- Gs-Server: improve initial startup sequence logging
- CC Runner: When deleting job that has Monitor running, stop Monitoring first
- CC Runner + AutoUpdate: Fixed AutoUpdate could turn CC Runner into regular GS
- gs-runner: Fixed Last Run Time was not updated when Auto Job is run Unattended
- License: Make C:ProgramDataGoodSync writable to all GoodSync processes
- AppKey Install: made it work for enterprise (AllUsers) licenses
- Italian localization updated

GoodSync 11.3.2
- SMB FS: Fixed GoodSync could lock up on Disconnect of SMB connections
- SMB FS: If password is empty, send NULL, it fixes Error 1219 on real password
- Sleep + File Monitoring: do not try to stop all Jobs and Monitoring when going to Sleep
- Sleep + File Monitoring: Instead finish stopping Jobs on Wakeup, then restart them
- CC Runner: Fixed If Mini Status Window is not shown then CC Runner would freeze
- CC Runner: Fixed Submitter thread could freeze on exit, due to rare race condition
- Account Setup: If canceled by user, do not show error message
- DLL path Windows: SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) in all EXEs
- Mediator: Fixed Mediator was rejecting /official-forwarders

GoodSync 11.3.1
- Trial + License: Do not reset Trial when Activating license, as there may be no License
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed warning could come out on every GS start
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed trial status determinations and Days before/after Trial
- File Monitoring: improved stopping sequence for file monitoring
- Program Options -> SMTP: Fixed TEST did not pass SSL option
- New Job: Enable Parallel Mode of 3 threads, by default
- CC Runner: Log file monitoring file changes too
- Localization: More strings localized, especially in Browse dialog

GoodSync 11.3.0
- New Dialog for licensing events: trial expiration, license expiration: Trial Expired, Trial Will expire, License Expired, License Will expire, Paid-only Feature
- License: Do not allow Trial without GoodSync Account
- DeviceId: fully discontinue stored DeviceId, use only computed DeviceId
- Compare Files: Fixed it did not work for GSTP file system on local gs-server
- 2Go Setup: Fixed errors are shown that must be ignored on GS2Go install
- Installer and Runner: Fixed some NetAPI function did not work due to DLL path
- WebDAV: Send cookies, as apparently some sites require them for authentication
- WebDAV: Show UTF-8 vs ANSI encoding option again, as users need it
- MS Graph FS: Do not try to SetFileModTime() with null timestamps
- Dropbox FS: ListDir() Fixed: Pass Dropbox-API-Path-Root parameter
- CC Runner: Fixed GUI settings were ignored on start
- Ver 10: GsGetLocalPlatform: Fixed default Platform reported as GS V11
- Windows XP: make GoodSync Explorer work on Windows XP again

GoodSync 11.2.9
- New Dialog for licensing events: trial expiration, license expiration: Trial Expired, Trial Will expire, License Expired, License Will expire, Paid-only Feature
- License: Do not allow Trial without GoodSync Account
- DeviceId: fully discontinue stored DeviceId, use only computed DeviceId
- Compare Files: Fixed it did not work for GSTP file system on local gs-server
- 2Go Setup: Fixed errors are shown that must be ignored on GS2Go install
- Installer and Runner: Fixed some NetAPI function did not work due to DLL path
- WebDAV: Send cookies, as apparently some sites require them for authentication
- WebDAV: Show UTF-8 vs ANSI encoding option again, as users need it
- MS Graph FS: Do not try to SetFileModTime() with null timestamps
- Dropbox FS: ListDir() Fixed: Pass Dropbox-API-Path-Root parameter
- CC Runner: Fixed GUI settings were ignored on start
- Ver 10: GsGetLocalPlatform: Fixed default Platform reported as GS V11
- Windows XP: make GoodSync Explorer work on Windows XP again.

GoodSync 11.2.8
- Browse/Explorer: Ver 11: Hide old Windows Shares (SMB) file system, show only the new one
- Browse/Explorer: Edit Account dialog: several UI fixes
- Browse/Explorer: If job side is a general SMBD account, force creation of per-server account on job commit
- SMB FS: Ver 10: Ignore Connect errors, to preserve old behaviour
- SMB FS: Do not try to connect to //WSL$ server -- this is Linux subsystem that is local
- XP + SMBD: Made GoodSync work on Windows XP again, replace calls to poll() with select()
- ReadStatsFile of synclib: Skip .sib-mnt folders when reading state file, fallout from old Mac errors
- License: fixed time of install is not always preserved
- Account Sync and Normalization: fixed several issues
- Server authentication: sent correct x-sib-err-code for bad password and account not found
- Desktop Shortcuts: Do not write them, if they are already in place and are the same as needed
- CC Runner: Fixed jobs can get stuck upon termination
- CC Runner: Retry GsEntepriseRunnerOnStart() as it can fail due to absence of connection
- CC Runner Installer: fixed writing some local sittings did not work
- SMTP settings: Revive Always SSL option, as users need it (have no STARTTLS)

GoodSync 11.2.7
- SMBD: Added new Windows Shares file system that discovers all devices on local network
- SMBD: Discovers a lot more devices than native Windows or MacOS SMB implementations
- SMBD: It allows to have custom credentials for individual Servers and Shares
- SMBD: Credentials are memorized per SMB Server, Share is Home Folder
- SMBD: Technologies used for Discovery: UPNP, SSDP, MDNS (Bonjour), local DNS, NetBIOS
- Home Path: Added Home Path (Folder) to SMBD, FTP, SFTP file systems
- Home Path: Browse/Explorer navigates to it when opening Server
- Installer: Register and Activate GoodSync Device via command line for mass deployment
- Installer: Added options for Proxy to connect to CC when installing CC Runner
- Installer: New system of Affiliate management, integrated with GoodSync Account
- SMB + Elevation: Do not try elevated file operations, if we are working on SMB or AFP share
- SMB + ConnectFS: Always get out on Connect error, it used to be ignored in some cases
- Account Sync: improved syncing of Jobs and Server Accounts

GoodSync 11.2.5
- Browse Dialog + Credentials entry: fixed UserId and Pasword were swappped upon entry
- Browse Dialog / Explorer: Fixed chage of URL sometimes ignores if node ia already expanded
- 2Go licensing: Added new 2Go-V11 license

GoodSync 11.2.4
- 2Go licensing: get back to old per-drive scheme, discontinue consumer license
- Icon: Make all frames of rotating GoodSync tray logo be new style icon
- GoodSync Account Setup: fixed misc smaller issues
- Storage: make current storage be provisioned if user has more than one GS Account
- Activation dialog + Ver 10: Removed By OrderID option, allow only Via Account
- Job Options: Fixed change of Balloon option was not saved
- Password Reset + Account Sync: Fixed Pass Reset was not resetting Account Sync.

GoodSync 11.2.3
- Explorer and Browse: Improve Credential Popup, make it always appear when needed
- Explorer and Browse: misc user interface fixes
- Explorer and Browse: log errors returned by navigation / listing tasks
- Azure Files FS: Fix paged directory listing, it was broken in parser and request parts
- Licenses: store Per-Computer licnse at file GsAcct.tic so that we store GS account too
- Licenses: misc improvements of Account-based license system
- Licenses: get rid of license bits, now it is just License Platform and LicenseGood flag
- Per-Computer Licenses: make them work better and not be affected by Per-User activity
- Devices + Licenses: add more parameters to better disambiguate devices
- License Activation Via Browser: make it work better, fix bugs
- 2Go license: do 2Go licensing per Device on which it is installed, not per Drive
- Account Setup: improve automatic activation after Account Setup
- Server Licenses: Increase limits for MidServer, mostly eliminating them
- Installer: when extracting Platform from installer name, allow lower-casing
- Mediator: detach old Licenses from Device on activation of new License
- Mediator Web UI: Better Devices View, less technical details
- Mediator: Do not include OsCompName into ExtKey, as User may change it

GoodSync 11.2.0
- GSTP client: Fixed rare crashes caused by race condition on many threads
- Activation Wizard: improved button layout
- Gs-Server License Activations: fixed some conflicst with GS client activation
- Mediator: allow for longer DeviceIDs
- Mediator: fixed resolving of conflict: two Devices on one DeviceID

GoodSync 11.1.9
- Gs-Server: Stop enforcing Per User License on Gs-Server for Read and List, enforce it only for Write
- MEGA FS: Fix bad On File Change processing that could result in memory corruption
- Installer: Fixed installer type (such as WD) was not shown on Welcome screen
- Silent Installer: Fixed Local Account not setup
- Gs-Server + AutoUpdate: Fixed not reporting properly to update server
- Device ID: better reporting of DeviceID to Mediator, better disambiguation
- Gs-Server: better reporting of Connection / Discovery / Transaction stages
- Gs-Server on Linux/NAS Web UI: Added notification of new versions to install
- Mediator: when Mediator start, use SQL DB to lookup Servers, not just Memory DB
- Mediator + Client + License: Implement License Activation on the main Mediator
- Mediator Web UI: Fixed changing/resetting password for old users with basic auth
- New and updated pages on GoodSync Account and GoodSync Connect

- Installer: Server Versions only: Show No Mediator option
- Activation Wizard: Fixed Via Browser activation UI
- GoodSync WD client: fixed discovering NASes via UPNP when non-responding devices are present
- Explorer: Added Pie menu with Program Options and About dialog
- CC Runner Installer on Windows Server: fixed AutoUpdate was installing wrong version
- Gs-Server License: Fixed GS-V11 platform could be reset to WD on WD NAS
- Mediator UI: User Licenses: Added Delete command to Unassigned and Inactive licenses

- WD version: Allow all file systems for WD paid license
- WD Trial: Do not allow Gs Runner (Unattended Job) in Free WD version
- Gs-Server: improve storing and processing of Licensee Platform
- License Writing: properly write license when it voided by payment system
- Gs-Server Unique Clients: Count only active IP addresses (seen less than 3 min ago)
- Browse/Explorer: New Account / Edit Account: Allow direct IP addresses/names

- OAuth Browsers: Added option to show OAuth2 in Private/Regular Default Browser (Regular by Default)
- Job Progress: fixed rare crashes caused by interaction with On File Change
- GSTP Client and Server: improved GsCompId and OsCompName normalization
- Activation Dialog: use new Wizard, to make it directly portable to Mac
- Free vs Trial license: fixed computation of Trial to Free transition
- Explorer: improvements, misc bug fixes

- License Activation: Do Not show By OrderID option, activation is done only by GoodSync Account
- Explorer + GSTP: Show Email of Account (not UserId) if we have it
- GS Account Setup: Update GSTP Server Account credentials, as password may change
- Job Sync: Fixed automatically created Job1 is deleted on turning On of Jobs Sync
- Switching GS Account: Do Not offer to Merge old and new Jobs/ServerAccounts, always replace
- Explorer: Added Cut/Copy/Paste functionality

- Account Trial Mode: improved handling of Trial mode, esp for ver 11
- GoodSync Account Setup: perform License activation too, based on Account UserID
- GoodSync Account Setup: show more detailed progress on last page of wizard
- Gs-Runner Setup: add final (2nd) page that shows progress of operations
- Gs-Runner WebUI: do forms-based login, instead of Digest/Basic auth login
- Gs-Runner Service: Remove Delay after Boot from it
- Gs-Server Service: Remove Delay from GsServer Service start.
- Gs-Server Service: after reboot accelerate connect to Mediator, as Internet may be slow to come up
- GsFileSys: Fixed rare crashes on NULL progress pointer, possible when FS becomes disconnected
- Program Options -> SMTP: Do not show SSL option, as it is rarely used, use STARTTLS instead.

- Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: Fixed Filters were lost when Destination side was committed
- Job Options: Fixed Job Side Folder Options were not saved in Job Options
- Sync Tree + Filters: Fixed Sync Tree was not updated when Filters were changed from Context Menu
- BackBlaze FS: Request new token if we get Error 401 during upload of file parts
- Google Drive: Got higher Quota for GDrive API Queries, so 'Rate Limit' errors should disappear
- GsRunner + Refresh Tokens: fixed new Refresh Token lost on transition of Job from GsRunner to GUI
- GsFileSys: Log retries upon error in GsCopyFileSimple and other generic file functions
- Progress: Fixed progress of Job going higher than 100% on renames and some errors
- Sync Progress: Smooth it further, get rid of negative values, show 'Computing Speed' initially
- Start Sync: Do not redraw Sync Tree, if we are already in Proposed Changes view
- RDC over GSTP: Made it work via Forwarder

- Analyze/Sync: Fixed final interaction between Worker and GUI thread was wrong, could cause crashes
- Job Options: Fixed On Logoff option was not saved, so it was lost after GoodSync restart
- sib-trace: Get rid of big output buffers on stack, it could cause stack overflow sometimes
- Google Drive: Requested higher Quota for GDrive API Queries Per 100 sec.

- Fixed Users of ver 10 with no GS Account were not getting Trial
- sib-socket: Fixed 2nd host of resolved IP name is lost, if the 1st host returns error
- MS Graph: Fixed Group Perms and Region flag were not making it from Browse Dlg to Connect()
- MS Graph: Use both 'mail' and 'userPrincipalName' fields to get e-mail
- Backblaze FS: Release Part Uploaded memory, if we got an error and are out of retries
- GsRunner + GS GUI: Update Server Accounts in GUI if GsRunner changes them
- Local FS via GSTP: Pass thru locked flag, so that we can get snaphots of locked files
- Unattended Jobs + Progress: Fixed deadlock between RunState lock and JobProgress lock
- Updated IT translation

- Progress of Unattended Jobs in Runner: make it smoother, reduce processor load
- Progress of Analyze: Compute and show Analyze speed in Files+Folders (Items) per sec
- Progress of Sync: Compute Elapsed Time, Current and Average speed on every timer tick
- Progress of Sync: Fixed Elapsed Time was shown as zero at the end of Sync
- Progress of Cleanup Recycled/History: allow Stop/Pause, show percent of completion
- CC Runner: Submit /api/update-job-run at least every 5 min, even if % did not change

- Fixed crashes related to progress reporting

- fix reporting progress of Unattended job in in GsRunner service
- fix reporting progress of CC Runner jobs
- better reporting of History/Recycled cleanup

- GSTP file system: if Client == Server then automatically use Local FS
- Better locking for reporting Tree Items Changed, fixes rare crashes
- Progress Sync Tree: it now ticks every second, sends fewer messages
- Progress Analyze: show Total items, Files, Folder (total / excluded)
- Progress Sync: show current sync command on the left

- SMB FS: Fixed error: Error copying file: Wrong WinFS path(3)
- Progress: Made Job percent completion progress reporting more smooth

Browse Dialog:
- Fixed non-path Filters were lost when Sync Folder was changed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed if Enter is pressed in Folders tab, credentials are not picked up
- Analyze Progress: Show messages from file systems such as 'Initializing Cache' of Google Drive
- FTPS: Do session reuse, even if certs are not checked -- fixes session reuse problems
- SFTP: Fixed SFTP FS was crashing when writing out SSH diagnostic messages to stderr
- AutoUpdate: If product matches but version does not match, still get URL for manual download
- gsync command line: Added one time run options: /comp-cksums, /comp-bodies
- gs-server: fixed several crashes
- gs-server receiver: Fixed Cannot wakeup FS: Cannot open file on wakeup .. (error 32)
- gs-server receiver: Keep file system connected for 3 minute when socket disconnects.

- Change log not available for this version

- Job Speed: optimimized speed computation and made it more precise
- SyncTree StatusBar: update it more often, so that progress ticks every second
- FTPS: Always ignore certs in data connection from PASV command, as it uses IP address
- Fixed Job URL conversion did not work if %VAR% was present in URL
- Command Line: Allow jobs without Server Account Manager, the ones that use /fN=URL
- Control Center Runner: command line processing: Add Unnamed bookmarks when needed
- Explorer: CopyMove task: better progress reporting
- Explorer: When pasting file/folder to its parent folder, add ' - Copy' to its name

- Change log not available for this version

- Speed and Progress: Added Elapsed Time, better Current Speed computed for last minute
- Fixed Speed Limit did not work on fast connections, do better speed measurement
- ForceStop of Jobs: fixed some rare crashes
- Sockets + IP v6: fixed socket leak when IP v6 connection drops
- Ver 9 conversion and import: fixed bugs in migratino from older Jobs .tic and .tix
- Browse Dlg: made conversion of GSTP for this computer to Local FS work again
- GoodSync Account Setup: Mid Server and File Server: Revive not deleting existing users

GoodSync 10.10.20
-  Speed and Progress: Added Elapsed Time, better Current Speed computed for last minute
-  Fixed Speed Limit did not work on fast connections, do better speed measurement
-  ForceStop of Jobs: fixed some rare crashes
-  Sockets + IP v6: fixed socket leak when IP v6 connection drops
-  Ver 9 conversion and import: fixed bugs in migratino from older Jobs .tic and .tix
-  Browse Dlg: made conversion of GSTP for this computer to Local FS work again
-  GoodSync Account Setup: Mid Server and File Server: Revive not deleting existing users

GoodSync 10.10.19
- Fixed Analyzed + Sync command did not proceed to Sync, if Analyze-time errors were detected
- Browse Dialog: fixed errors when Show Files is flipped several times
- Job Scripts: fixed incorrect return code (must be 0) for Jobs with errors: prefix
- GS-server: Pass platform from Client to Server, so that Server may adjust License based on Client platform
- License Check and Change: Fixed spurious message about [digest auth]

GoodSync 10.10.18
- Browse Dlg + Multi-Select: Do not drop Filters and Sync Folder, when changing Show Files option
- Browse Dlg: Fixed Multi folder selections were wrong if Sync folder is root folder of server with home folder
- Browse Dlg + Server Accounts: Do not add new Account if Account with same data already exists
- Browse Dlg + 2Go: Fixed conversion of folder path on %GSDISK% was producing incorrect URL
- Switching Job Direction to Backup via Direction button: set Propagate Deletions to On
- MS Graph (SharePoint/O365): Fix failure to upload and/or process empty files
- Activation Via Browser for Enterprise: fixed problems in its operation

GoodSync 10.10.17
- Browse: Fixed URL breaks when we offer user to change from file://z/dir to smb://zont/dir
- Icons: improved system icon processing in GS and Explorer
- Browse Dlg: Allow to select Folder at the top of Server, it makes sense for FTP servers
- Update Italian localization

GoodSync 10.10.16
- Server Accounts: allow changing of server URL and options not to change Account Key
- Server Accounts: Added User Email, User Full Name to accounts
- Browse Dialog: when user changes Server Account, ask her whether to update Account or create a new one
- Browse Dialog: Make %VAR% parametric sync folder paths work properly in Browse dialog
- Browse Dialog: Disable OK button, if User clicks on Server or Server Account
- Browse Dialog: Make GSTP Direct Addressing work correctly with Server Accounts
- Do not check SSL certs: On for gstore://, Off for gstps://, On for single-server file systems
- New Job: Fixed New Job from Templates, it was not working
- GoodSync + CC: Show Upload Accounts and Upload Jobs commands in regular GoodSync
- gsync: Added commands to manage Server Accounts: /sa-create /sa-update /sa-rename /sa-delete /sa-list
- gsync: Added /dN=/server/folder to specify Server/Folder or Folder inside Server Account

- Server Accounts: allow changing of server URL and options not to change Account Key
- Server Accounts: Added User Email, User Full Name to accounts
- Browse Dialog: when user changes Server Account, ask her whether to update Account or create a new one
- Browse Dialog: Make %VAR% parametric sync folder paths work properly in Browse dialog
- Browse Dialog: Disable OK button, if User clicks on Server or Server Account
- Browse Dialog: Make GSTP Direct Addressing work correctly with Server Accounts
- Do not check SSL certs: On for gstore://, Off for gstps://, On for single-server file systems
- New Job: Fixed New Job from Templates, it was not working
- GoodSync + CC: Show Upload Accounts and Upload Jobs commands in regular GoodSync
- gsync: Added commands to manage Server Accounts: /sa-create /sa-update /sa-rename /sa-delete /sa-lis
- gsync: Added /dN=/server/folder to specify Server/Folder or Folder inside Server Account

- New Job Dialog: Set initial job direction to undefined, user has to select it explicitly
- Server Account Normalization: misc fixes to make it work better
- Browse Dlg: Do not show prefix in Virt Account Name derived from Account Key
- Browse Dlg: If Account Names are the same but Account Keys differs, then add + to Account Name
- Server Account Rename: Allow empty new account names, in this case Account Key comes out
- MEGA FS: Fixed propagation of 2-factor authenticated session to runner
- Mediator Web UI: Request Storage: misc fixes
- Mediator Web UI: Removed Google CAPTCHA checks on login
- Mediator Web UI: Instead of CAPTCHA require users to have verified Email

- MS Graph: Fixed large file upload was failing due to change in Graph API
- MS Graph: Fixed 409 Conflict on SetFileModTime
- S3: If location request fails for S3 bucket, try it with default location, to accommodate older buckets
- S3, Azure + Plain Text: Use only TLS version of protocols, convert s3:// to s3s:// and azure:// to azures://
- GoodSync Account Setup: Fixed No Mediator option was not shown for Enterprise versions
- Reading Server Options: fixed proxy options changes were not becoming effective without GS restart
- Proxy Options: remove per-Job proxy option from global online storage file systems (S3, MS, Google, Boxes)
- RFS: Remove strings that are no longer in default.rfs (do not need translation)
- Gs-server Web UI: If any of gs-server users needs OTP show big notifications at the top of Web UI

- Proxies and Certs: by default Trust Certificates from System Storage, to accomodate AV programs
- DropBox: fixed encoding of non-latin paths
- Logs: Fixed _mirrors_ logs file were always cleaned up after 1 day of sitting in _mirrors_
- Gs-Server: Fixed init sequence that determines DeviceID, when Proxy is present
- Windows Server OS license: moved it from HKLM registry to AllUsers License.dat file
- Server License: fixed problems in license computation and activation, especially on NAS
- RealDisk Storage: fixed usage and bandwith stats computation.

- Job Stop: fixed deadlock possible on forced job stop
- BackBlaze B2: Reduce number of threads per large file from 12 to 6, to save memory
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflicts and Errors were not reported in post-Sync emails and scripts
- Licenses: Allow ViaBrowser (offline) activation for Business Client
- GoodSync Account Setup: generate server cerificate by calling Mediator
- TLS: change list of ciphers, to drop weak ciphers

- Import: Fixed import of old format jobs.tic file
- Import: Fixed normalization of gstp:// account to gstps:// account
- GSTP: Allow gstp:// prefix if it is IP name/addr without .goodsync in it
- Backblaze B2: When doing multi-part uploading, request new URL for chunk to upload on each retry
- Browse Dlg + Storage: Improved Storage provisioning in Browse dialog
- OAuth2 + Browser: Run OAuth2 request from main thread, in Browser, not from worker thread
- OAuth2 + Browser: improved unwinding on various OAuth2 stopping/canceling scenarios
- Licenses: Implement Offline (Via Browser) Activation using GoodSync Account, for server licenses
- GSTP: Fixed One Time Password (OTP) can be sent more than one time
- Gsync /version or /license: Print better data, same as in Help -> About of GUI version
- Change log not available for this version

- Auto Jobs + Options/Browse dialog: Fixed Folder Monitoring could start before final commit
- WebDAV: add non-standard port to Destination of MOVE, as IIS 10 and other require it now
- S3: main host does not always allow to list buckets, so remove request to do it from initial connect
- S3: use V4 auth for implementation of S3
- GSTP client: Fixed not every transaction was sending fields such as fr-os-comp-name
- gs-server Impersonation: try Network login, then Batch login; not Batch, then Interactive login
- GoodSync Account Setup: Start/Stop GsRunner correctly (if present), to avoid conflicts with changes
- License + GoodSync Account: check for License online when GsAccount is changed by user
- gs-server License: Fixed Per-User license was killed when periodic license check returned changed license
- Mediator Web UI: Add CAPTCHA to login page, show it only when necessary
- gs-server Web UI: Account page: moved Changed Account and Change Computer to separate pages
- gs-server Web UI on Linux: User can claim higher platform (MidServe, FileServer) to activate server licenses.

- License: When writing license after Activation from Gs Account, reset ActivationId of PUMS
- License Activation: Stop GsRunner and GsServer services before Activation, not after
- License: Fixed activated per-User license was nullified
- License: Store per-User license in AppDataLocalGoodSyncGsAcct.tic
- Activate License: Gs Account: If Email is not known, then show GsAccount UserId
- Save email of GoodSync User retrieved from Mediator, if user used UserId

- DropBox: Added DropBox for Business folders
- Amazon S3: several fixes related to switch of regional servers
- S3 on made it work on single region S3 services such as Sirv
- MEGA FS: fixed crashes on server-based file copy and file move
- Browse Dialog: do not clear Auto settings, if only Filter changed
- Browse Dialog: make Advanced Connection options be saved again on Connect
- Licenses: per-User Licenses are activated from GoodSync Account (new way), they are per OS user
- Licenses: per-Computer Licenses are activated from OrderId/Name (old way), hey are per Computer
- Licenses: old per-Computer way of licensing remains until user activates from GoodSync account
- gs-server: do not use any files from ProgramDataGoodSyncServerBookmarks folder anymore
- DeviceId: properly sync it between GS Client and GS Server, it is now per OS user
- ComputerId: it is now alllcated structly per OS/GS user on the machine
- GoodSync Users: one OS user can have only one GS user on it, and one GS user maps to only one OS user
- gs-server: Forwarder: report all licensing issues back to client
- GS client: store Gs Account designation in file AppData/Local/GoodSync/GsAcct.tic
- GS client: stop usng file AppData/Local/GoodSync/Bookmarks/GsOnline.gsb, because it moved
- GoodSync2Go Setup: ask user for PortableDrive name, it will appear in Computer Name in Devices
- GoodSync Account Setup: request Computer together with User Id, so that they submit together

- Server Account Normalization: Do not delete SMB accounts with credentials
- Server Account Normalization: Convert gstp:// to gstps:// for all Jobs
- Server Account Normalization: Fix gstore:// accounts, they need no Server in the key
- Server Accounts: Get rid of old-style /file:// /smb:// mid-URL prefixes in GSTP URLs
- Runner Service Setup: Use profile from assigned Windows User, do not pass it via command line
- Runner Service Setup: Fixed updating GoodSync could change profile used by Runner Service
- GsServer Service Setup: allow Limited Windows users to do it properly
- Browse dialog: Fixed list of bookmarks in Account tab of GSTP browse dialog
- GSTP Server: Fixed reporting of Impersonation errors, send them back to GS Client
- S3: Wasabi: Better handling of location of Wasabi regions
- Job List tab: Fixed adding a job was not placing it in correct order
- Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming

GoodSync 10.10.0
- Current Job and Group: Store them in registry as they change, do not wait for GoodSync exit
- Job List: Fixed rare crashes and mis-assigned GUI parts on Job Rename and Clone
- GSTP Client: Do not reset waiting period of m_backoff on reconnect, respect Seconds To Reconnect option
- S3: Fixed protocol errors on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Server Account Manager: improved cleanup and repairs of Accounts when GoodSync starts

GoodSync 10.9.36
- GoodSync Storage and Connect Initial Setup: Improve usability
- gs-server: Fixed crashes on stopping service
- gs-server: Fixed crash on Disconnect of long-running transaction
- gs-server: Merge Manage API server into gs-server
- Tools Menu: do not show Upload to CC menu items to non-business user
- Job Rename and Close: fixed rare crashes
- Ver 11: Reset trial time for Ver 11 beta
- Ver 11: Improved initial setup, especially for GoodSync Connect and Storage

GoodSync 10.9.35
- Job Filters + Browse Dlg: Fixed Show Files flag is not saved
- GSTP Client: UploadFileBlock: Fixed Server Pipe Receiver cannot find stored transaction
- Job List and Options: Restore User-mandated Job order, whereby User can Drag-and-Drop Jobs
- Azure Blobs and Files: Add Azure Govt Cloud to Azure Blob and Files file system
- Browse Dialog: Changes can get stuck if user changes UserID of the existing server account
- ConnectFS: Re-allow :443 suffix for File Systems such as Googl

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What's new in this version:

- Web UI: Added 'events' view that shows all significant changes done to GoodSync Account
- Google Photos FS: big rewrite, to speed up cache, better diagnostics
- Job Runner + Sleep: Fixed if AutoRun was Disabled then after Sleep users cannot run Jobs
- Account Edit Dialog: If pre-save connection test fails, ask user whether he wants to save it anyway
- Mediator: fixed memory leak on Account Sync, improved memory allocator to TCmalloc
- Storage Servers: drop cache when Storage is deleted
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter

- Google Drive/Docs/TeamDrive FS: Google Drive API has changed, do fixes related to new API
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter
- Browse Dialog + Tasks: Improve logging, fixed rare crashes
- Account Sync: Do NOT sync Proxy settings as part of Account Sync, as they are specific to Device
- Proxy + GsRunner: Fixed Proxy setting change was ignored by GsRunner until restart
- Account Sync: Fixed Override (Server Wins) does not work in Account Sync

- MS Graph: Fixed Listing site root now consistently returns 500 Internal Server Error on OneDrive Personal
- Relaxed some Asserts, that were reported as crashes
- GsServer: Added more and faster bail-outs on User Stop (caused by Sleep or Shutdown)
- SMB: To Turn On Siber's new SMB, set Hkey_local_machineSoftwareSiber SystemsGoodSyncSibSmb to 1
- SMB on Mac: Several fixes to errors found on MacOS: no conveyor, better error messages
- Google Photos FS: Fixed several bugs, esp in getting media item size

- Google Cloud Storage file system: Added this S3-like file system, not related to Google Drive
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed file generations were mixed up when changes appeared on both sides
- On File Change + Wait for User after Analyze with Errors: fixed it never got to Sync in this case
- Explorer: Case-Sensitivity: file whose name differs only by case are shown separately
- Auto-Proxy for HTTP: Fixed switching from Manual to Auto proxy could fail
- MS graph: Use CkSum to see if file is new, as SharePoint server changes Office files after upload
- Account Sync: Do Not Delete or Rename Job by Account Sync, if Job is Busy under Browse or Options dialog
- Groups: Change empty Group name to '-empty-', so that user can delete or rename it
- File Copy Conveyors: more fixes to streamline conveyors
- Asserts: soften more of them into SoftAssert, based on what was reported

- Conveyor: fixed source file may be treated as zero size (bug in 11.7.4 only)
- Log Viewer: Fixed logs were not shown on Local FS presented as GSTPS

- Conveyor: rewrite Conveyor functions, to make them work for different buffer sizes
- GsFileSys: prepare Conveyor and other facilities to Native SMB file system
- Incremental Analyze + File Monitoring: Do not Re-Analyze errors, wait till files change
- Recycle and History DB in Mirror: Fixed unnecessary multiple inits of History
- Global Log Folder: If we cannot create it, just give up, revert to old Log Folder
- SyncLib: Fixed rare crashes on terminal job errors
- GsServer: Fixed 'Number of Unique Clients of this gs-server has exceeded license'
- S3: x-amz-acl header: Specify it only for start and finish of multi-part upload
- SFTP: Add reporting of errors that are written to invisible SSH console
- Mediator: several fixes to increase performance improve monitoring

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Fixed some crashes and asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Change log not available for this version

- Fixed ASSERTs reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7

- Gs-Server: Restore connection after timeout, instead of 'Not Connected' error
- Gs-Server: Reduce Session Delete time from 24 hours to 1 hours, sleep time still at 3 min
- Gs-Server + File Monitoring or User Stop: improved termination sequence
- File Monitoring: do not ignore Excludes that are based on intermediate folders
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed Incremental Analyze was dropping Name-Case conflict
- Conflict counters: Init Conflict counters in DoSync, to avoid doubling them
- gsync command line: Fixed /fN handling without /kN, in presence of Account Manager
- Asserts: Add reporting of Asserts, report them same as Crashes
- SMB client: continue work on our own native SMB client, both for SMB v2/v3 and SMB v1
- Linux: Added raspberry_pi64 platform for 64-bit (aarch64) Raspberry Pi and compatible boards.

- Proxy: If Auto-Proxy is specified, then use it right away, without testing direct connection
- Gs2Go: Write jobs-account.tic file as garbled not as local-encrypted, for portability
- GUI: Improve responsiveness and make it more stable
- Crash Reporting: do not report crashes produced by foreign broken DLLs

- Account Sync: fixed several User Interface issues
- Account Sync: Get proposed changes in background non-GUI Update Thread
- Account Sync: Do not perform it on GS start, to avoid slowdown
- Saving Jobs and Server Accounts: improve security, save only encrypted version
- Browse dialog Ver 10: fixed applying proposed URL conversions not working
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflict Resolver not shown after Analyze + Sync
- Edit Account dialog: Added more help items
- Edit Account dialog: improved field organization and layout

- SFTP: Make our SFTP client send version string without waiting for SFTP server
- GSTP Client: Fixed when Server changes Forwarder, client may ignores it and return error
- GSTP Client: Do not Try Direct Connect when we have no direct port to connect to
- GSTP checksums: switch from expensive MD5 to cheaper CRC-32, it is sufficient for integrity
- GSTP Server: Fully removed Old Ticket Scheme from GsServer, only more secure New Scheme is allowed
- GSTP Server Register: improved de-registering server on Sleep and Shutdown
- GSTP Severe Going Offline: Added call to /unregister-server of Forwarder
- GSTP Edit Account: Added 'Direct Plain Text' connectoid option, to be used for slow NASes
- GSTP Mediator: Fixed CanShare was incorrectly applied when doing Composition of two grants
- Proxy: Do NOT test Effective proxy when it is not set, to reduce load on Mediator
- Proxy: If proxy is set, but both Auth and Manual Proxy are unchecked, do not use any proxy
- GsServer: Browser Sessions: Fixed crashes on multiple downloads from one browser
- Browse Dialog: Fixed UI errors and navigation issues
- gsync: Added Account Manager options to gsync help and GS online manual

- Fixed when Sync finishes, often times AnalyzeDone message was sent instead of SyncDone message
- S3 storage classes and headers: more fixes
- Recycled/History DB: Fixed if DB file gets zero size then GS would not reinitialize it
- Recycled/History DB: Make Init History/Saved DB work for GsData in Mirror Folder too
- Special Ops Node list: fixed some rare crashes, keep list of paths, not pointers
- Job List/Tree: fixed icons for job states, multi-select of Jobs
- Browse Dlg Ver 10: Fixed Job with a portable drive does not ask user to use =VolumeLabe
- gs-server: Improve locking, fixed rare crashes on Session start
- Edit Account: Re-design OAuth2 [Authorization] section to match Google UX guidelines
- GsExplorer File Op dialog: improved error processing for terminal errors
- Localization: Update Polish translation

- S3 options: Added Server Side Encryption Key provided by Customer
- S3 options: Bring back Access Control Policy text box
- S3: GovCloud: Added Location Constraint to Bucket creation
- S3: Added new setting -- Preferred Geo Region, to be used in Bucket creation
- SFTP and speed: Fixed Current Speed was shown as way too high
- SMB: Fixed crashes when user has many shares that do not connect due to error
- B2 FS: Upload of large files: prevent rare crashes by doing more checks
- TaskBar JumpList: Do not show Job on TaskBar JumpList, just global commands
- Browse V10: Fixed Accounts tab was cycling if we have Server Accounts with + in its name
- Job Tree View: rewrite using new framework
- Browse Dialog and Explorer: miscellaneous UI fixes

- Fixed crashes on sync tree item update

- License Renew: Fixed Renew Link in Buy Pro dialog was incorrect
- SyncJob locking: fixed GoodSync GUI could freeze on loss of connection
- AccountSync: Fixed GsRunner RefreshToken save can interfere with Job sync
- Runner + GUI + Logs: Fixed sometimes log lines were missing in Log Window
- Job List view: Fixed it was not always updated for Unattended GsRunner jobs
- Runner + Log Folder: Make GsRunner use custom LogLevel and LogFolder
- OneFile + Browse dlg: Allow creation of new OneFile files
- GoodSync GUI: Fixed rare crashes on GoodSync shutdown
- gsync + /d option: make it work for new Unnamed bookmark
- gsync: Fix /sa-create: save resulting account to disk.

- gs-server Sessions: Fixed server Sessions were not cleaned up, so memory leak could result
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not reconnected, after disconnect
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not listed, when Gs-Server runs as a Service
- gs-server + Home Folders: Fixed all folders of Server were shown, not just Home Folder
- GPhotos: Fixed Analyze were rejected with: cannot be sync folder, folders cannot be created here
- Job List: fixed saving and restoring column widths and positions
- Storage Server: Fixed re-getting grants when server is restarted.

- Browsing Files: Allow files from GoodSync Severs to be listed and opened in a browser
- Browsing Files: Access to it is in Serves tab of GoodSync Account Web UI
- Browsing Files: GoodSync server must be ver 11.5.7 or newer, Storage Servers were upgraded
- Mediator: improved device identification, to avoid duplicate devices
- Mediator + Web UI: improved login sequence, to accommodate file browsing
- gs-server + COM: Fixed VSS Snapshot was not working on Gs-Server, it needs OleInitialize
- File Sharing: improved authentication between Client and Server when they belong to different users
- Gs-Storage and SetAttributes: do not allow to SetAttributes to make folders unreadable
- Gs-Storage and File Sharing: improved stuffing of file system when user connects
- Forwarders + UDP: ignore empty UDP packets, they may occur naturally
- Job Runner: improved locking of data to fix some rare crashes
- Google Photos: do not allow to use it with Business licenses
- Browse dialog: Bring back MS Graph 'national cloud' connectoid GUI option
- License Renewal: add new promotion to License Renewal: Free 10 Gb storage
- Browse Dialog: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- GoodSync Explorer: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- Browse Dialog + Account Manager: Added Revoke Credentials command
- Job Sending Mail: Increase limit on body of email (which is job log) from 8 Kb to 40 Mb
- gsync /sa-oauth: Fixed accounts not being written to disk after updating
- Localizations: Updated NL, UA and ES translations

- Gs-Server: Fixed server can get stuck on certain errors and refuses to take new connections
- Gs-Server: Improved transactional integrity of GSTP, to allow for faster connection restore
- Google Team Drive: Speed up Analyze/Sync by reducing /change API calls to a minimum
- Google Photos: Make this FS available to personal non-enterprise version only
- S3, expat: Allow EF BF xx UTF-89 sequences in file names, so they can be listed
- Job List: Use separate column for job index, needed for user-mandated custom job order
- Job List: revive option to turn off 'Sort Job Names By Alphabet' and allow custom job order
- GoodSync Explorer: Added 'Cut to Clipboard' command
- Services: Added 30-sec timeout for waiting for service nodes to stop, so that servers do not get stuck
- New Ticket System: new and more secure ticket-based authentication system for folder sharing
- Mediator: improved performance, optimized TLS/SSL handling
- Browsing on Gs-Server: Alpha version of browsing files and folders directly from Gs-Server

- Change log not available for this version

- MEGA FS: Upload: Fixed 'cannot get fingerprint' error
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Fixed Gs-Runner may be preventing computer from sleeping
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was reporting zero Bytes Processed as they were reset too early
- Progress Reporting: Fixed SetProgress could reset progress to 0 when switching scale
- Job List View: Allow custom column order, reordering of columns by Drag-N-Drop
- Job List View: Fix miscellaneous bugs
- GoodSync Explorer: Fixed processing of connections to encrypted folders -- offer to decrypt

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Workers and Sleep: Job Worker thread now prevents computer from going to Sleep
- Direction Change in Sync Tree by User: improved transactional integrity of it, fixed bugs
- MacOS device identification for licensing: ignore device properties that are changes by MacOS updates
- Free Space Info in Job: consolidate its processing, fixed bugs
- Installer: Fixed System Account was not detected as such on some non-English Windows systems
- Shutdown after Sync: Made it work correctly, even if Analyze produced No Changes
- Job Tree View: fixed UI bugs, some RunState transitions were missed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed changing of Direct Path to Portable path was ignored
- Miscellaneous User Interface fixes

- User Interfaces: fixed some crashes and minor bugs
- WD Free Version: improved detection of WD NAS via GSTP
- Simplify computation of Free Space: do it once every 30 sec, not once per quant
- Installer: Fixed Cancel was showing wrong error

- On File Change + GUI: Fixed likely observed crashes, simplify RunState change reporting
- Estimated Space: Make estimated space computations simpler, do nto account for Recycle Bin
- Sync Direction Change: Fixed crashes -- start worker thread to recompute space requirements
- AutoClear: Fixed AutoClear of Sync Tree was not working in GUI mode
- GsRunner Socket: Fixed rare observed crashes related to GsRunner state reporting
- Updated BR-portugues localization

- License Limitations for WD: Fixed Free version did not allow jobs with more than 100 files
- Licensing: improved reporting of License statusm esp for Analyze+Sync and Unattended jobs
- SyncTree: Show SyncTree even if we have No Changes, as there may be Excluded files
- Downloads: Fixed mac distribution link was sometimes showing 'Not Found'

- GoodSync Account Setup: lower-case ComputerId, always save it
- GsRunner + License Activation: notify GsRunner faster about changed License
- Account Sync TurnOn: Added Cancel command, same as Close
- Account Sync + Groups: Perform Account Sync when Jobs are added to Groups by DND
- GUI AutoStart: Use /miniwin mode in Windows Start, so that Mini-Progress windows is shown
- Gs-Server: optimize memory allocation, to reduce memory consumption
- Analyze + Sync: improved switch from Analyze to Sync, so it cannot stall on this
- Stopping Services: improved stopping of the Gs-Server and Gs-Runner service
- Browse Dialog: Fixed commit of manually edited URLs

GoodSync 11.4.6
- Job AutoStart: Fixed crashes caused by deleting sync tree while Worker thread runs
- Stop All: Fixed Stop All did not work for jobs in Waiting To Run state
- Changes Limit Exceeded - Attention Required: make this work in Unattended mode too
- Account Sync: better command names, better presentation, better list of changes
- CC Runner and Server Accounts: Fixed passwords and refresh tokens were not uploaded
- Licenses: Added License Renewal Link, if user has licenses that are Active or Expired
- Explorer: Added Account Sync commands, update Server Accounts view when synced
- Server Account Edit: do not ask whether to save to New Account when saving, save to this
- Beta: new native SMB client that does not use Windows SMB client code

GoodSync 11.4.5
- Account Sync: Reset Account Sync, so that users can use Server Override when they turn it On
- Account Sync: Added Show Changes for Account Sync -- shows Job-Groups changes that will happen
- Account Sync: more improvements to Jobs-Groups and Server Accounts sync algorithm
- GUI: Turn On Mini-Window mode when user selects it, sometimes it was not shown
- Browse/Explorer Edit Account: Fixed checkbox clicks did not work
- Policies: Added file system policies for Gs RealDisk Storage, Google Photos

GoodSync 11.4.4
- AutoUpdate Installer: Fixed it was removing Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items of GoodSync

GoodSync 11.4.3
- Account Sync: Jobs-Groups and Server Account sync has been rewritten, quality of sync improved
- Account Sync: if you are using it, all your Jobs must be synced before you upgrade to this version
- Account Sync: Job-Group Sync operations and Sync stats are now logged
- Program Options: Remove option to encrypt when store locally, local encryption now is always done
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed GUI was losing connection to GsRunner Service, when running UnAttended jobs
- GsRunner and Cc-Runner GUI: improved showing of Job Run status in mini status window
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Hide into [Views] button pull down tree view buttons that have zero item count
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Rename [Other] button to [Views]
- Sync Tree Context Menu: Move direction change commands into sub-menu 'Change Direction to'
- Control Center: Fixed Server Accounts did not upload with empty Account Encryption password
- Installer: Do not update Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items when we are doing auto-install

GoodSync 11.4.1
- Google Photo FS: Added new file system, it only allows 2 levels of folders, no GsData
- On Folder Connect / On File Change: Fixed it was not starting job on Reconnect
- GsRunner + GUI: When GUI cannot connect/talk to GsRunner, show error message about it in GUI
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Do proper processing of Sleep and Wakeup
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was checking for Local license, not CC license
- GUI: Do not allow Changing direction of Sync while the job is Under Runner
- Side Logs + Analyze: Fixed if only Analyze was done then Side logs are not uploaded
- Side Logs + Spec Ops: Upload side logs when doing Spec Ops too
- Certificate Roots: update list of Certificate Authorities who GoodSync trusts

GoodSync 11.4.0
- Under Runner Jobs + Context Menu: fixed content menu enabled status
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed terminal errors on job run were not fully reported in GUI
- Logging in GUI mode: Fixed it was not complete, many details were missing
- Sleep + GsRunner: Fixed Windows did not go into sleep, if GsRunner was running
- Sleep + Wakeup: Reduce Wait after Wakeup from 60 sec to 30 sec, log wait for it in GUI
- Space Estimate: Fixed Space Estimate was not always shown at the end of Analyze
- MEGA: Increased max HTTP body size to 512 Mb, as MEGA can send long list of changes
- Forwarders: fixed rare crashes

GoodSync 11.3.8
- Fixed Auto Analyze and Sync may freeze, if Conflicts are present
- UnAttended Jobs: Fixed side logs were not written, so email could not be sent
- Side Info: Add critical section for better locking

GoodSync 11.3.7
- Sleep and Wakeup: Fixed Unattended Jobs do not restart after Wakeup
- Unattended GsRunner: Fixed error in logs: GsRunner Client: cannot find job
- Server Account Sync: Fixed deletion of Server Accounts not always propagated
- Job Runner for GUI: improved progress monitoring and reporting for GUI jobs
- Explorer: Fixed Account Edit dialog in Windows 10 Dark scheme
- UI: Removed Exit menu item from Job Group context menu

GoodSync 11.3.6
- Local and CC Runner: redo thread management, make it run more smoothly
- Unattended Auto Jobs: Fixed artefacts of flipping Unattended + Auto mode Off/On
- Fixed 'Create New Folder' text in Job Options

GoodSync 11.3.5
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.4
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.3
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about folders that cannot be sync/backup folders
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about top folders of the disk that cannot be backup folder
- Browse Dialog: Added Mew Folder command tree node to Disks on backup destination side
- Browse / GsExplorer: Added Named Bookmarks into the tree, as first node
- Browse / GsExplorer: more fixes to Encrypted Folder mode
- GsExplorer: Implemented Paste files/folders to Windows Explorer, Desktop, etc
- SMB FS: several fixes to Connection Caching, to improve locking and timeliness of results
- On File Change and On Folder Connect: rewrote File Monitoring, to improve Sleep/Wakeup
- Gs-Server: improve initial startup sequence logging
- CC Runner: When deleting job that has Monitor running, stop Monitoring first
- CC Runner + AutoUpdate: Fixed AutoUpdate could turn CC Runner into regular GS
- gs-runner: Fixed Last Run Time was not updated when Auto Job is run Unattended
- License: Make C:ProgramDataGoodSync writable to all GoodSync processes
- AppKey Install: made it work for enterprise (AllUsers) licenses
- Italian localization updated

GoodSync 11.3.2
- SMB FS: Fixed GoodSync could lock up on Disconnect of SMB connections
- SMB FS: If password is empty, send NULL, it fixes Error 1219 on real password
- Sleep + File Monitoring: do not try to stop all Jobs and Monitoring when going to Sleep
- Sleep + File Monitoring: Instead finish stopping Jobs on Wakeup, then restart them
- CC Runner: Fixed If Mini Status Window is not shown then CC Runner would freeze
- CC Runner: Fixed Submitter thread could freeze on exit, due to rare race condition
- Account Setup: If canceled by user, do not show error message
- DLL path Windows: SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) in all EXEs
- Mediator: Fixed Mediator was rejecting /official-forwarders

GoodSync 11.3.1
- Trial + License: Do not reset Trial when Activating license, as there may be no License
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed warning could come out on every GS start
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed trial status determinations and Days before/after Trial
- File Monitoring: improved stopping sequence for file monitoring
- Program Options -> SMTP: Fixed TEST did not pass SSL option
- New Job: Enable Parallel Mode of 3 threads, by default
- CC Runner: Log file monitoring file changes too
- Localization: More strings localized, especially in Browse dialog

GoodSync 11.3.0
- New Dialog for licensing events: trial expiration, license expiration: Trial Expired, Trial Will expire, License Expired, License Will expire, Paid-only Feature
- License: Do not allow Trial without GoodSync Account
- DeviceId: fully discontinue stored DeviceId, use only computed DeviceId
- Compare Files: Fixed it did not work for GSTP file system on local gs-server
- 2Go Setup: Fixed errors are shown that must be ignored on GS2Go install
- Installer and Runner: Fixed some NetAPI function did not work due to DLL path
- WebDAV: Send cookies, as apparently some sites require them for authentication
- WebDAV: Show UTF-8 vs ANSI encoding option again, as users need it
- MS Graph FS: Do not try to SetFileModTime() with null timestamps
- Dropbox FS: ListDir() Fixed: Pass Dropbox-API-Path-Root parameter
- CC Runner: Fixed GUI settings were ignored on start
- Ver 10: GsGetLocalPlatform: Fixed default Platform reported as GS V11
- Windows XP: make GoodSync Explorer work on Windows XP again

GoodSync 11.2.9
- New Dialog for licensing events: trial expiration, license expiration: Trial Expired, Trial Will expire, License Expired, License Will expire, Paid-only Feature
- License: Do not allow Trial without GoodSync Account
- DeviceId: fully discontinue stored DeviceId, use only computed DeviceId
- Compare Files: Fixed it did not work for GSTP file system on local gs-server
- 2Go Setup: Fixed errors are shown that must be ignored on GS2Go install
- Installer and Runner: Fixed some NetAPI function did not work due to DLL path
- WebDAV: Send cookies, as apparently some sites require them for authentication
- WebDAV: Show UTF-8 vs ANSI encoding option again, as users need it
- MS Graph FS: Do not try to SetFileModTime() with null timestamps
- Dropbox FS: ListDir() Fixed: Pass Dropbox-API-Path-Root parameter
- CC Runner: Fixed GUI settings were ignored on start
- Ver 10: GsGetLocalPlatform: Fixed default Platform reported as GS V11
- Windows XP: make GoodSync Explorer work on Windows XP again.

GoodSync 11.2.8
- Browse/Explorer: Ver 11: Hide old Windows Shares (SMB) file system, show only the new one
- Browse/Explorer: Edit Account dialog: several UI fixes
- Browse/Explorer: If job side is a general SMBD account, force creation of per-server account on job commit
- SMB FS: Ver 10: Ignore Connect errors, to preserve old behaviour
- SMB FS: Do not try to connect to //WSL$ server -- this is Linux subsystem that is local
- XP + SMBD: Made GoodSync work on Windows XP again, replace calls to poll() with select()
- ReadStatsFile of synclib: Skip .sib-mnt folders when reading state file, fallout from old Mac errors
- License: fixed time of install is not always preserved
- Account Sync and Normalization: fixed several issues
- Server authentication: sent correct x-sib-err-code for bad password and account not found
- Desktop Shortcuts: Do not write them, if they are already in place and are the same as needed
- CC Runner: Fixed jobs can get stuck upon termination
- CC Runner: Retry GsEntepriseRunnerOnStart() as it can fail due to absence of connection
- CC Runner Installer: fixed writing some local sittings did not work
- SMTP settings: Revive Always SSL option, as users need it (have no STARTTLS)

GoodSync 11.2.7
- SMBD: Added new Windows Shares file system that discovers all devices on local network
- SMBD: Discovers a lot more devices than native Windows or MacOS SMB implementations
- SMBD: It allows to have custom credentials for individual Servers and Shares
- SMBD: Credentials are memorized per SMB Server, Share is Home Folder
- SMBD: Technologies used for Discovery: UPNP, SSDP, MDNS (Bonjour), local DNS, NetBIOS
- Home Path: Added Home Path (Folder) to SMBD, FTP, SFTP file systems
- Home Path: Browse/Explorer navigates to it when opening Server
- Installer: Register and Activate GoodSync Device via command line for mass deployment
- Installer: Added options for Proxy to connect to CC when installing CC Runner
- Installer: New system of Affiliate management, integrated with GoodSync Account
- SMB + Elevation: Do not try elevated file operations, if we are working on SMB or AFP share
- SMB + ConnectFS: Always get out on Connect error, it used to be ignored in some cases
- Account Sync: improved syncing of Jobs and Server Accounts

GoodSync 11.2.5
- Browse Dialog + Credentials entry: fixed UserId and Pasword were swappped upon entry
- Browse Dialog / Explorer: Fixed chage of URL sometimes ignores if node ia already expanded
- 2Go licensing: Added new 2Go-V11 license

GoodSync 11.2.4
- 2Go licensing: get back to old per-drive scheme, discontinue consumer license
- Icon: Make all frames of rotating GoodSync tray logo be new style icon
- GoodSync Account Setup: fixed misc smaller issues
- Storage: make current storage be provisioned if user has more than one GS Account
- Activation dialog + Ver 10: Removed By OrderID option, allow only Via Account
- Job Options: Fixed change of Balloon option was not saved
- Password Reset + Account Sync: Fixed Pass Reset was not resetting Account Sync.

GoodSync 11.2.3
- Explorer and Browse: Improve Credential Popup, make it always appear when needed
- Explorer and Browse: misc user interface fixes
- Explorer and Browse: log errors returned by navigation / listing tasks
- Azure Files FS: Fix paged directory listing, it was broken in parser and request parts
- Licenses: store Per-Computer licnse at file GsAcct.tic so that we store GS account too
- Licenses: misc improvements of Account-based license system
- Licenses: get rid of license bits, now it is just License Platform and LicenseGood flag
- Per-Computer Licenses: make them work better and not be affected by Per-User activity
- Devices + Licenses: add more parameters to better disambiguate devices
- License Activation Via Browser: make it work better, fix bugs
- 2Go license: do 2Go licensing per Device on which it is installed, not per Drive
- Account Setup: improve automatic activation after Account Setup
- Server Licenses: Increase limits for MidServer, mostly eliminating them
- Installer: when extracting Platform from installer name, allow lower-casing
- Mediator: detach old Licenses from Device on activation of new License
- Mediator Web UI: Better Devices View, less technical details
- Mediator: Do not include OsCompName into ExtKey, as User may change it

GoodSync 11.2.0
- GSTP client: Fixed rare crashes caused by race condition on many threads
- Activation Wizard: improved button layout
- Gs-Server License Activations: fixed some conflicst with GS client activation
- Mediator: allow for longer DeviceIDs
- Mediator: fixed resolving of conflict: two Devices on one DeviceID

GoodSync 11.1.9
- Gs-Server: Stop enforcing Per User License on Gs-Server for Read and List, enforce it only for Write
- MEGA FS: Fix bad On File Change processing that could result in memory corruption
- Installer: Fixed installer type (such as WD) was not shown on Welcome screen
- Silent Installer: Fixed Local Account not setup
- Gs-Server + AutoUpdate: Fixed not reporting properly to update server
- Device ID: better reporting of DeviceID to Mediator, better disambiguation
- Gs-Server: better reporting of Connection / Discovery / Transaction stages
- Gs-Server on Linux/NAS Web UI: Added notification of new versions to install
- Mediator: when Mediator start, use SQL DB to lookup Servers, not just Memory DB
- Mediator + Client + License: Implement License Activation on the main Mediator
- Mediator Web UI: Fixed changing/resetting password for old users with basic auth
- New and updated pages on GoodSync Account and GoodSync Connect

- Installer: Server Versions only: Show No Mediator option
- Activation Wizard: Fixed Via Browser activation UI
- GoodSync WD client: fixed discovering NASes via UPNP when non-responding devices are present
- Explorer: Added Pie menu with Program Options and About dialog
- CC Runner Installer on Windows Server: fixed AutoUpdate was installing wrong version
- Gs-Server License: Fixed GS-V11 platform could be reset to WD on WD NAS
- Mediator UI: User Licenses: Added Delete command to Unassigned and Inactive licenses

- WD version: Allow all file systems for WD paid license
- WD Trial: Do not allow Gs Runner (Unattended Job) in Free WD version
- Gs-Server: improve storing and processing of Licensee Platform
- License Writing: properly write license when it voided by payment system
- Gs-Server Unique Clients: Count only active IP addresses (seen less than 3 min ago)
- Browse/Explorer: New Account / Edit Account: Allow direct IP addresses/names

- OAuth Browsers: Added option to show OAuth2 in Private/Regular Default Browser (Regular by Default)
- Job Progress: fixed rare crashes caused by interaction with On File Change
- GSTP Client and Server: improved GsCompId and OsCompName normalization
- Activation Dialog: use new Wizard, to make it directly portable to Mac
- Free vs Trial license: fixed computation of Trial to Free transition
- Explorer: improvements, misc bug fixes

- License Activation: Do Not show By OrderID option, activation is done only by GoodSync Account
- Explorer + GSTP: Show Email of Account (not UserId) if we have it
- GS Account Setup: Update GSTP Server Account credentials, as password may change
- Job Sync: Fixed automatically created Job1 is deleted on turning On of Jobs Sync
- Switching GS Account: Do Not offer to Merge old and new Jobs/ServerAccounts, always replace
- Explorer: Added Cut/Copy/Paste functionality

- Account Trial Mode: improved handling of Trial mode, esp for ver 11
- GoodSync Account Setup: perform License activation too, based on Account UserID
- GoodSync Account Setup: show more detailed progress on last page of wizard
- Gs-Runner Setup: add final (2nd) page that shows progress of operations
- Gs-Runner WebUI: do forms-based login, instead of Digest/Basic auth login
- Gs-Runner Service: Remove Delay after Boot from it
- Gs-Server Service: Remove Delay from GsServer Service start.
- Gs-Server Service: after reboot accelerate connect to Mediator, as Internet may be slow to come up
- GsFileSys: Fixed rare crashes on NULL progress pointer, possible when FS becomes disconnected
- Program Options -> SMTP: Do not show SSL option, as it is rarely used, use STARTTLS instead.

- Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: Fixed Filters were lost when Destination side was committed
- Job Options: Fixed Job Side Folder Options were not saved in Job Options
- Sync Tree + Filters: Fixed Sync Tree was not updated when Filters were changed from Context Menu
- BackBlaze FS: Request new token if we get Error 401 during upload of file parts
- Google Drive: Got higher Quota for GDrive API Queries, so 'Rate Limit' errors should disappear
- GsRunner + Refresh Tokens: fixed new Refresh Token lost on transition of Job from GsRunner to GUI
- GsFileSys: Log retries upon error in GsCopyFileSimple and other generic file functions
- Progress: Fixed progress of Job going higher than 100% on renames and some errors
- Sync Progress: Smooth it further, get rid of negative values, show 'Computing Speed' initially
- Start Sync: Do not redraw Sync Tree, if we are already in Proposed Changes view
- RDC over GSTP: Made it work via Forwarder

- Analyze/Sync: Fixed final interaction between Worker and GUI thread was wrong, could cause crashes
- Job Options: Fixed On Logoff option was not saved, so it was lost after GoodSync restart
- sib-trace: Get rid of big output buffers on stack, it could cause stack overflow sometimes
- Google Drive: Requested higher Quota for GDrive API Queries Per 100 sec.

- Fixed Users of ver 10 with no GS Account were not getting Trial
- sib-socket: Fixed 2nd host of resolved IP name is lost, if the 1st host returns error
- MS Graph: Fixed Group Perms and Region flag were not making it from Browse Dlg to Connect()
- MS Graph: Use both 'mail' and 'userPrincipalName' fields to get e-mail
- Backblaze FS: Release Part Uploaded memory, if we got an error and are out of retries
- GsRunner + GS GUI: Update Server Accounts in GUI if GsRunner changes them
- Local FS via GSTP: Pass thru locked flag, so that we can get snaphots of locked files
- Unattended Jobs + Progress: Fixed deadlock between RunState lock and JobProgress lock
- Updated IT translation

- Progress of Unattended Jobs in Runner: make it smoother, reduce processor load
- Progress of Analyze: Compute and show Analyze speed in Files+Folders (Items) per sec
- Progress of Sync: Compute Elapsed Time, Current and Average speed on every timer tick
- Progress of Sync: Fixed Elapsed Time was shown as zero at the end of Sync
- Progress of Cleanup Recycled/History: allow Stop/Pause, show percent of completion
- CC Runner: Submit /api/update-job-run at least every 5 min, even if % did not change

- Fixed crashes related to progress reporting

- fix reporting progress of Unattended job in in GsRunner service
- fix reporting progress of CC Runner jobs
- better reporting of History/Recycled cleanup

- GSTP file system: if Client == Server then automatically use Local FS
- Better locking for reporting Tree Items Changed, fixes rare crashes
- Progress Sync Tree: it now ticks every second, sends fewer messages
- Progress Analyze: show Total items, Files, Folder (total / excluded)
- Progress Sync: show current sync command on the left

- SMB FS: Fixed error: Error copying file: Wrong WinFS path(3)
- Progress: Made Job percent completion progress reporting more smooth

Browse Dialog:
- Fixed non-path Filters were lost when Sync Folder was changed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed if Enter is pressed in Folders tab, credentials are not picked up
- Analyze Progress: Show messages from file systems such as 'Initializing Cache' of Google Drive
- FTPS: Do session reuse, even if certs are not checked -- fixes session reuse problems
- SFTP: Fixed SFTP FS was crashing when writing out SSH diagnostic messages to stderr
- AutoUpdate: If product matches but version does not match, still get URL for manual download
- gsync command line: Added one time run options: /comp-cksums, /comp-bodies
- gs-server: fixed several crashes
- gs-server receiver: Fixed Cannot wakeup FS: Cannot open file on wakeup .. (error 32)
- gs-server receiver: Keep file system connected for 3 minute when socket disconnects.

- Change log not available for this version

- Job Speed: optimimized speed computation and made it more precise
- SyncTree StatusBar: update it more often, so that progress ticks every second
- FTPS: Always ignore certs in data connection from PASV command, as it uses IP address
- Fixed Job URL conversion did not work if %VAR% was present in URL
- Command Line: Allow jobs without Server Account Manager, the ones that use /fN=URL
- Control Center Runner: command line processing: Add Unnamed bookmarks when needed
- Explorer: CopyMove task: better progress reporting
- Explorer: When pasting file/folder to its parent folder, add ' - Copy' to its name

- Change log not available for this version

- Speed and Progress: Added Elapsed Time, better Current Speed computed for last minute
- Fixed Speed Limit did not work on fast connections, do better speed measurement
- ForceStop of Jobs: fixed some rare crashes
- Sockets + IP v6: fixed socket leak when IP v6 connection drops
- Ver 9 conversion and import: fixed bugs in migratino from older Jobs .tic and .tix
- Browse Dlg: made conversion of GSTP for this computer to Local FS work again
- GoodSync Account Setup: Mid Server and File Server: Revive not deleting existing users

GoodSync 10.10.20
-  Speed and Progress: Added Elapsed Time, better Current Speed computed for last minute
-  Fixed Speed Limit did not work on fast connections, do better speed measurement
-  ForceStop of Jobs: fixed some rare crashes
-  Sockets + IP v6: fixed socket leak when IP v6 connection drops
-  Ver 9 conversion and import: fixed bugs in migratino from older Jobs .tic and .tix
-  Browse Dlg: made conversion of GSTP for this computer to Local FS work again
-  GoodSync Account Setup: Mid Server and File Server: Revive not deleting existing users

GoodSync 10.10.19
- Fixed Analyzed + Sync command did not proceed to Sync, if Analyze-time errors were detected
- Browse Dialog: fixed errors when Show Files is flipped several times
- Job Scripts: fixed incorrect return code (must be 0) for Jobs with errors: prefix
- GS-server: Pass platform from Client to Server, so that Server may adjust License based on Client platform
- License Check and Change: Fixed spurious message about [digest auth]

GoodSync 10.10.18
- Browse Dlg + Multi-Select: Do not drop Filters and Sync Folder, when changing Show Files option
- Browse Dlg: Fixed Multi folder selections were wrong if Sync folder is root folder of server with home folder
- Browse Dlg + Server Accounts: Do not add new Account if Account with same data already exists
- Browse Dlg + 2Go: Fixed conversion of folder path on %GSDISK% was producing incorrect URL
- Switching Job Direction to Backup via Direction button: set Propagate Deletions to On
- MS Graph (SharePoint/O365): Fix failure to upload and/or process empty files
- Activation Via Browser for Enterprise: fixed problems in its operation

GoodSync 10.10.17
- Browse: Fixed URL breaks when we offer user to change from file://z/dir to smb://zont/dir
- Icons: improved system icon processing in GS and Explorer
- Browse Dlg: Allow to select Folder at the top of Server, it makes sense for FTP servers
- Update Italian localization

GoodSync 10.10.16
- Server Accounts: allow changing of server URL and options not to change Account Key
- Server Accounts: Added User Email, User Full Name to accounts
- Browse Dialog: when user changes Server Account, ask her whether to update Account or create a new one
- Browse Dialog: Make %VAR% parametric sync folder paths work properly in Browse dialog
- Browse Dialog: Disable OK button, if User clicks on Server or Server Account
- Browse Dialog: Make GSTP Direct Addressing work correctly with Server Accounts
- Do not check SSL certs: On for gstore://, Off for gstps://, On for single-server file systems
- New Job: Fixed New Job from Templates, it was not working
- GoodSync + CC: Show Upload Accounts and Upload Jobs commands in regular GoodSync
- gsync: Added commands to manage Server Accounts: /sa-create /sa-update /sa-rename /sa-delete /sa-list
- gsync: Added /dN=/server/folder to specify Server/Folder or Folder inside Server Account

- Server Accounts: allow changing of server URL and options not to change Account Key
- Server Accounts: Added User Email, User Full Name to accounts
- Browse Dialog: when user changes Server Account, ask her whether to update Account or create a new one
- Browse Dialog: Make %VAR% parametric sync folder paths work properly in Browse dialog
- Browse Dialog: Disable OK button, if User clicks on Server or Server Account
- Browse Dialog: Make GSTP Direct Addressing work correctly with Server Accounts
- Do not check SSL certs: On for gstore://, Off for gstps://, On for single-server file systems
- New Job: Fixed New Job from Templates, it was not working
- GoodSync + CC: Show Upload Accounts and Upload Jobs commands in regular GoodSync
- gsync: Added commands to manage Server Accounts: /sa-create /sa-update /sa-rename /sa-delete /sa-lis
- gsync: Added /dN=/server/folder to specify Server/Folder or Folder inside Server Account

- New Job Dialog: Set initial job direction to undefined, user has to select it explicitly
- Server Account Normalization: misc fixes to make it work better
- Browse Dlg: Do not show prefix in Virt Account Name derived from Account Key
- Browse Dlg: If Account Names are the same but Account Keys differs, then add + to Account Name
- Server Account Rename: Allow empty new account names, in this case Account Key comes out
- MEGA FS: Fixed propagation of 2-factor authenticated session to runner
- Mediator Web UI: Request Storage: misc fixes
- Mediator Web UI: Removed Google CAPTCHA checks on login
- Mediator Web UI: Instead of CAPTCHA require users to have verified Email

- MS Graph: Fixed large file upload was failing due to change in Graph API
- MS Graph: Fixed 409 Conflict on SetFileModTime
- S3: If location request fails for S3 bucket, try it with default location, to accommodate older buckets
- S3, Azure + Plain Text: Use only TLS version of protocols, convert s3:// to s3s:// and azure:// to azures://
- GoodSync Account Setup: Fixed No Mediator option was not shown for Enterprise versions
- Reading Server Options: fixed proxy options changes were not becoming effective without GS restart
- Proxy Options: remove per-Job proxy option from global online storage file systems (S3, MS, Google, Boxes)
- RFS: Remove strings that are no longer in default.rfs (do not need translation)
- Gs-server Web UI: If any of gs-server users needs OTP show big notifications at the top of Web UI

- Proxies and Certs: by default Trust Certificates from System Storage, to accomodate AV programs
- DropBox: fixed encoding of non-latin paths
- Logs: Fixed _mirrors_ logs file were always cleaned up after 1 day of sitting in _mirrors_
- Gs-Server: Fixed init sequence that determines DeviceID, when Proxy is present
- Windows Server OS license: moved it from HKLM registry to AllUsers License.dat file
- Server License: fixed problems in license computation and activation, especially on NAS
- RealDisk Storage: fixed usage and bandwith stats computation.

- Job Stop: fixed deadlock possible on forced job stop
- BackBlaze B2: Reduce number of threads per large file from 12 to 6, to save memory
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflicts and Errors were not reported in post-Sync emails and scripts
- Licenses: Allow ViaBrowser (offline) activation for Business Client
- GoodSync Account Setup: generate server cerificate by calling Mediator
- TLS: change list of ciphers, to drop weak ciphers

- Import: Fixed import of old format jobs.tic file
- Import: Fixed normalization of gstp:// account to gstps:// account
- GSTP: Allow gstp:// prefix if it is IP name/addr without .goodsync in it
- Backblaze B2: When doing multi-part uploading, request new URL for chunk to upload on each retry
- Browse Dlg + Storage: Improved Storage provisioning in Browse dialog
- OAuth2 + Browser: Run OAuth2 request from main thread, in Browser, not from worker thread
- OAuth2 + Browser: improved unwinding on various OAuth2 stopping/canceling scenarios
- Licenses: Implement Offline (Via Browser) Activation using GoodSync Account, for server licenses
- GSTP: Fixed One Time Password (OTP) can be sent more than one time
- Gsync /version or /license: Print better data, same as in Help -> About of GUI version
- Change log not available for this version

- Auto Jobs + Options/Browse dialog: Fixed Folder Monitoring could start before final commit
- WebDAV: add non-standard port to Destination of MOVE, as IIS 10 and other require it now
- S3: main host does not always allow to list buckets, so remove request to do it from initial connect
- S3: use V4 auth for implementation of S3
- GSTP client: Fixed not every transaction was sending fields such as fr-os-comp-name
- gs-server Impersonation: try Network login, then Batch login; not Batch, then Interactive login
- GoodSync Account Setup: Start/Stop GsRunner correctly (if present), to avoid conflicts with changes
- License + GoodSync Account: check for License online when GsAccount is changed by user
- gs-server License: Fixed Per-User license was killed when periodic license check returned changed license
- Mediator Web UI: Add CAPTCHA to login page, show it only when necessary
- gs-server Web UI: Account page: moved Changed Account and Change Computer to separate pages
- gs-server Web UI on Linux: User can claim higher platform (MidServe, FileServer) to activate server licenses.

- License: When writing license after Activation from Gs Account, reset ActivationId of PUMS
- License Activation: Stop GsRunner and GsServer services before Activation, not after
- License: Fixed activated per-User license was nullified
- License: Store per-User license in AppDataLocalGoodSyncGsAcct.tic
- Activate License: Gs Account: If Email is not known, then show GsAccount UserId
- Save email of GoodSync User retrieved from Mediator, if user used UserId

- DropBox: Added DropBox for Business folders
- Amazon S3: several fixes related to switch of regional servers
- S3 on made it work on single region S3 services such as Sirv
- MEGA FS: fixed crashes on server-based file copy and file move
- Browse Dialog: do not clear Auto settings, if only Filter changed
- Browse Dialog: make Advanced Connection options be saved again on Connect
- Licenses: per-User Licenses are activated from GoodSync Account (new way), they are per OS user
- Licenses: per-Computer Licenses are activated from OrderId/Name (old way), hey are per Computer
- Licenses: old per-Computer way of licensing remains until user activates from GoodSync account
- gs-server: do not use any files from ProgramDataGoodSyncServerBookmarks folder anymore
- DeviceId: properly sync it between GS Client and GS Server, it is now per OS user
- ComputerId: it is now alllcated structly per OS/GS user on the machine
- GoodSync Users: one OS user can have only one GS user on it, and one GS user maps to only one OS user
- gs-server: Forwarder: report all licensing issues back to client
- GS client: store Gs Account designation in file AppData/Local/GoodSync/GsAcct.tic
- GS client: stop usng file AppData/Local/GoodSync/Bookmarks/GsOnline.gsb, because it moved
- GoodSync2Go Setup: ask user for PortableDrive name, it will appear in Computer Name in Devices
- GoodSync Account Setup: request Computer together with User Id, so that they submit together

- Server Account Normalization: Do not delete SMB accounts with credentials
- Server Account Normalization: Convert gstp:// to gstps:// for all Jobs
- Server Account Normalization: Fix gstore:// accounts, they need no Server in the key
- Server Accounts: Get rid of old-style /file:// /smb:// mid-URL prefixes in GSTP URLs
- Runner Service Setup: Use profile from assigned Windows User, do not pass it via command line
- Runner Service Setup: Fixed updating GoodSync could change profile used by Runner Service
- GsServer Service Setup: allow Limited Windows users to do it properly
- Browse dialog: Fixed list of bookmarks in Account tab of GSTP browse dialog
- GSTP Server: Fixed reporting of Impersonation errors, send them back to GS Client
- S3: Wasabi: Better handling of location of Wasabi regions
- Job List tab: Fixed adding a job was not placing it in correct order
- Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming

GoodSync 10.10.0
- Current Job and Group: Store them in registry as they change, do not wait for GoodSync exit
- Job List: Fixed rare crashes and mis-assigned GUI parts on Job Rename and Clone
- GSTP Client: Do not reset waiting period of m_backoff on reconnect, respect Seconds To Reconnect option
- S3: Fixed protocol errors on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Server Account Manager: improved cleanup and repairs of Accounts when GoodSync starts

GoodSync 10.9.36
- GoodSync Storage and Connect Initial Setup: Improve usability
- gs-server: Fixed crashes on stopping service
- gs-server: Fixed crash on Disconnect of long-running transaction
- gs-server: Merge Manage API server into gs-server
- Tools Menu: do not show Upload to CC menu items to non-business user
- Job Rename and Close: fixed rare crashes
- Ver 11: Reset trial time for Ver 11 beta
- Ver 11: Improved initial setup, especially for GoodSync Connect and Storage

GoodSync 10.9.35
- Job Filters + Browse Dlg: Fixed Show Files flag is not saved
- GSTP Client: UploadFileBlock: Fixed Server Pipe Receiver cannot find stored transaction
- Job List and Options: Restore User-mandated Job order, whereby User can Drag-and-Drop Jobs
- Azure Blobs and Files: Add Azure Govt Cloud to Azure Blob and Files file system
- Browse Dialog: Changes can get stuck if user changes UserID of the existing server account
- ConnectFS: Re-allow :443 suffix for File Systems such as Google Drive, for legacy reasons
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Fixed did not work if user sti

3DP Chip 21.07.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Driver date/version information has been added or updated
- Intel motherboard chipset v10.1.18793.8276
- Newly added product or support has been enhanced
- AMD Radeon Pro W6800
- Intel UHD Graphics
- NVIDIA GeForce MX450
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 with Max-Q Design
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA PG506-242
- NVIDIA PG506-243
- NVIDIA RTX A2000 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA RTX A3000 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA RTX A4000 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA RTX A5000 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA T600 Laptop GPU
- NVIDIA T1200 Laptop GPU

CherryPlayer 3.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Ported CherryPlayer to Windows 64-bit
- Added High DPI support
- Fixed bugs in YouTube playback
- Improved performance
- Updated Italian, Korean, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian translations. Added Greek translation
- Fixed different bugs

FlightGear 2020.3.11 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.680 查看版本資訊


Anki 2.1.45 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Undo handling:
- Most actions now support multiple undo steps. You can change a card template, delete some notes, bury a card, then undo each of those steps if you wish
- Actions that support multiple undo steps will now save the changes
- immediately, meaning that if Anki crashes, the changes you made in the last few minutes will no longer be lost
- Most undoable actions can now be redone, so you can undo an accidental undo
- Actions that don't support the new undo handling (eg, Check Database), will clear the undo history
- Add-ons will clear the undo history if they modify the database directly, or use routines that don't support undoing. There are some new routines available
- to add-ons to make operations undoable, but add-ons may need to be updated to use them

Scheduling changes:
- A new scheduler is available, with a number of improvements. Please see the 2021 scheduler page for more information.
- The deck list now shows the learning count separately
- On new collections, the v2 scheduler is now the default
- Set due date uses the deck's configured starting ease

Browser changes:
- The sidebar now has two modes. The default allows clicking on items to search for them. The other mode allows you to select multiple items at once, so you can drag & drop or delete multiple items.
- The browse screen can now be toggled between showing cards, and showing notes.
- When showing notes, some columns will show an aggregate over all the cards of a note.
- Added an introduced:x search to locate cards first studied in the last x days.
- Column rendering has been moved into the backend, and will be faster than before (but is still limited by the speed of the graphics toolkit).
- A fair bit of the browser code has been changed, and some add-ons like the "Advanced Browser" add-on will need to be updated to support the new approach.
- New tag icons and associated backend work
- Added an option in the Preferences screen to customize the starting search text (eg, to start with "deck:current")
- More reliably scroll to the current card
- When opening the Browse screen with an active study card, the whole deck is now shown
- Added 3 new flag colours
- Flags can now be renamed in the sidebar
- Horizontal scrolling in the browse screen is less jumpy
- Sidebar items can be dragged onto the Saved Searches area to add them as a favourite

Editor changes, mostly thanks to Henrik:
- A new editor toolbar implementation, with improved icons and handling
- The editor now provides bullet and numbered list buttons
- The editor now provides buttons to control text alignment and indent
- Sticky fields can now be toggled on/off from the editing screen
- A new API is available for add-ons, and the existing API should continue to work
- The HTML editor is now shown inline, and supports syntax highlighting, and showing opening/closing tags
- Warn user when they attempt to use cloze markers inappropriately

State handling:
- When you make changes, the user interface should update more consistently now
- Adding a new tag to a note will update the sidebar in the Browse screen for example, and when you review a card that is shown there, the columns will update
- The Browse screen no longer refreshes a search automatically. When you make a change, the column text may update, but the number of rows will not change.
- Deleted cards show "(deleted)" until you search again
- The main window no longer shows a "waiting for editing to finish" screen. When you make changes such as editing a note, the main window will dim, and will automatically refresh when you return to it.

The deck options screen has been reimplemented:
- (Re)learning steps are now shown with units, eg 10m or 4d
- Deck options are now shown on one scrollable page
- Extra help is available for most options
- It is easy to see at a glance which options have been changed from the default, and individual options can be reverted to the default setting
- Warnings will be shown for some common issues (eg, review limit too low compared to new cards)
- Some of the more advanced options have been moved to a separate "Advanced" section
- The old options can be accessed with a Shift+click, since it will take a while for add-ons to be updated to support the new screen. A new API is available.
- The deck description is now accessible via a button in the overview screen, instead of via the deck options

Other features:
- An updated Change Notetype implementation, that can match fields by name, and allows you to map a source field to multiple destination fields in order to clone a field
- Pre-load images on answer side
- The [...] in cloze deletions is now read as "blank" by TTS
- The Find&Replace option in the Browse screen can now be used on tags as well
- Added a Card Info option to the review screen
- When opening deck option from the study screen, you'll now be asked which deck you want if the card is in a subdeck
- You can now choose which add-ons you want to update
- Support system SSL certs on Linux
- Extra checks are now done when updating a card template, such as detecting when a cloze notetype is missing a cloze directive, or two templates have identical question sides
- Support Ctrl+Numpad Enter to add cards
- Added night mode styling to 'type in the answer' box, and improve legibility of comparison
- Sidebar search now scrolls to first match
- F3/F4 in card layout screen go to next/previous template

- Custom study now limits the tag selection to 100 tags or fewer, to prevent errors caused by exceeding database limits
- an issue compiling on recent Python 3.9 installs
- audio getting stuck when pausing near end
- building on linux-arm64
- Card Info screen not ignoring manual rescheduling when calculating the average time
- crash when pressing the copy shortcut with no active selection
- current review card sometimes changing when making edits
- deck options tooltip appearance
- escaping of hyphens in searches
- field pin status being forgotten when opening Cards screen
- incorrect card count when removing multiple templates
- incorrect font on Windows
- resource leak in sound code
- some instances of a flash when revealing answer on cards with images
- text with single quote not being escaped in export various links to the manual
- red duplicate background being included in copy+paste
- flags not being excluded on export
- Force x11 mode when the packaged build is run on a system that tells Qt to use Wayland, as Wayland is not currently supported by the packaged build
- Numerous behind-the-scenes improvements
- Strip invalid unicode from filenames in media check
- Performance improvements and other miscellaneous fixes