GoodSync 歷史版本列表 Page40

最新版本 GoodSync

GoodSync 歷史版本列表

GoodSync 是一個簡單,安全,可靠的方式來自動同步和備份您的照片,MP3 和重要文件。備份和 / 或同步您的關鍵文件就像點擊一樣容易,也可以使用各種自動選項進行安排。真正的雙向文件同步可防止任何數據丟失。 GoodSync 可以用於通過本地網絡或 Internet 在桌面 PC 和筆記本電腦,家庭和辦公室計算機,計算機和可移動設備(USB Key,閃存驅動器,CDRW 光盤)之間同步數據。 ... GoodSync 軟體介紹

CherryTree 0.99.39 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Menu element icons not always visible
- File links in exported PDF do not work when path isn’t relative
- TODO lists not working in table cells- bug in password protected archives on windows a backslash character in the password was replaced with a slash character
- issue with p7zip on windows and non ascii characters in document path – p7zip is now using glib
- build with fmt 8.0.0
when system tray and start hidden on system tray are enabled, load document only after the user clicks the systray icon to show cherrytree
- codebox plain text wrongly using code font instead of plain text font
- error in translation ru.po

ExpanDrive 2021.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dramatically improved SFTP tranfer speed, as much as 10x in many cases
- Improved unmount functionality under linux

- Fixed a issue causing with Google Cloud Storage authentication

ReaConverter Pro 7.660 查看版本資訊


FireAlpaca 2.5.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a crash when trying to open and close the properties of a layer in the animation folder in animation mode

Electron 13.1.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed requestFullscreen inside webview does not make the element take fullscreen
- Fixed a crash when calling the webContents.on('login') callback synchronously
- Fixed a possible renderer crash when using fsPromises.readFile- Fixed an issue where Electron would sometimes not honor the user-defined Downloads directory
- Fixed an issue where the traffic lights would get double-drawn when exiting fullscreen and adding a BrowserView on macOS
- Fixed incorrect value of document.focus when opening multiple windows on macOS
- fix key window status on mac when opening panels or using custom window switchers
- Fixed systemPreferences.getSystemColor returning colors missing alpha values

GoodSync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- MS Graph: Fixed Listing site root now consistently returns 500 Internal Server Error on OneDrive Personal
- Relaxed some Asserts, that were reported as crashes
- GsServer: Added more and faster bail-outs on User Stop (caused by Sleep or Shutdown)
- SMB: To Turn On Siber's new SMB, set Hkey_local_machineSoftwareSiber SystemsGoodSyncSibSmb to 1
- SMB on Mac: Several fixes to errors found on MacOS: no conveyor, better error messages
- Google Photos FS: Fixed several bugs, esp in getting media item size

- Google Cloud Storage file system: Added this S3-like file system, not related to Google Drive
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed file generations were mixed up when changes appeared on both sides
- On File Change + Wait for User after Analyze with Errors: fixed it never got to Sync in this case
- Explorer: Case-Sensitivity: file whose name differs only by case are shown separately
- Auto-Proxy for HTTP: Fixed switching from Manual to Auto proxy could fail
- MS graph: Use CkSum to see if file is new, as SharePoint server changes Office files after upload
- Account Sync: Do Not Delete or Rename Job by Account Sync, if Job is Busy under Browse or Options dialog
- Groups: Change empty Group name to '-empty-', so that user can delete or rename it
- File Copy Conveyors: more fixes to streamline conveyors
- Asserts: soften more of them into SoftAssert, based on what was reported

- Conveyor: fixed source file may be treated as zero size (bug in 11.7.4 only)
- Log Viewer: Fixed logs were not shown on Local FS presented as GSTPS

- Conveyor: rewrite Conveyor functions, to make them work for different buffer sizes
- GsFileSys: prepare Conveyor and other facilities to Native SMB file system
- Incremental Analyze + File Monitoring: Do not Re-Analyze errors, wait till files change
- Recycle and History DB in Mirror: Fixed unnecessary multiple inits of History
- Global Log Folder: If we cannot create it, just give up, revert to old Log Folder
- SyncLib: Fixed rare crashes on terminal job errors
- GsServer: Fixed 'Number of Unique Clients of this gs-server has exceeded license'
- S3: x-amz-acl header: Specify it only for start and finish of multi-part upload
- SFTP: Add reporting of errors that are written to invisible SSH console
- Mediator: several fixes to increase performance improve monitoring

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Fixed some crashes and asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Change log not available for this version

- Fixed ASSERTs reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7

- Gs-Server: Restore connection after timeout, instead of 'Not Connected' error
- Gs-Server: Reduce Session Delete time from 24 hours to 1 hours, sleep time still at 3 min
- Gs-Server + File Monitoring or User Stop: improved termination sequence
- File Monitoring: do not ignore Excludes that are based on intermediate folders
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed Incremental Analyze was dropping Name-Case conflict
- Conflict counters: Init Conflict counters in DoSync, to avoid doubling them
- gsync command line: Fixed /fN handling without /kN, in presence of Account Manager
- Asserts: Add reporting of Asserts, report them same as Crashes
- SMB client: continue work on our own native SMB client, both for SMB v2/v3 and SMB v1
- Linux: Added raspberry_pi64 platform for 64-bit (aarch64) Raspberry Pi and compatible boards.

- Proxy: If Auto-Proxy is specified, then use it right away, without testing direct connection
- Gs2Go: Write jobs-account.tic file as garbled not as local-encrypted, for portability
- GUI: Improve responsiveness and make it more stable
- Crash Reporting: do not report crashes produced by foreign broken DLLs

- Account Sync: fixed several User Interface issues
- Account Sync: Get proposed changes in background non-GUI Update Thread
- Account Sync: Do not perform it on GS start, to avoid slowdown
- Saving Jobs and Server Accounts: improve security, save only encrypted version
- Browse dialog Ver 10: fixed applying proposed URL conversions not working
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflict Resolver not shown after Analyze + Sync
- Edit Account dialog: Added more help items
- Edit Account dialog: improved field organization and layout

- SFTP: Make our SFTP client send version string without waiting for SFTP server
- GSTP Client: Fixed when Server changes Forwarder, client may ignores it and return error
- GSTP Client: Do not Try Direct Connect when we have no direct port to connect to
- GSTP checksums: switch from expensive MD5 to cheaper CRC-32, it is sufficient for integrity
- GSTP Server: Fully removed Old Ticket Scheme from GsServer, only more secure New Scheme is allowed
- GSTP Server Register: improved de-registering server on Sleep and Shutdown
- GSTP Severe Going Offline: Added call to /unregister-server of Forwarder
- GSTP Edit Account: Added 'Direct Plain Text' connectoid option, to be used for slow NASes
- GSTP Mediator: Fixed CanShare was incorrectly applied when doing Composition of two grants
- Proxy: Do NOT test Effective proxy when it is not set, to reduce load on Mediator
- Proxy: If proxy is set, but both Auth and Manual Proxy are unchecked, do not use any proxy
- GsServer: Browser Sessions: Fixed crashes on multiple downloads from one browser
- Browse Dialog: Fixed UI errors and navigation issues
- gsync: Added Account Manager options to gsync help and GS online manual

- Fixed when Sync finishes, often times AnalyzeDone message was sent instead of SyncDone message
- S3 storage classes and headers: more fixes
- Recycled/History DB: Fixed if DB file gets zero size then GS would not reinitialize it
- Recycled/History DB: Make Init History/Saved DB work for GsData in Mirror Folder too
- Special Ops Node list: fixed some rare crashes, keep list of paths, not pointers
- Job List/Tree: fixed icons for job states, multi-select of Jobs
- Browse Dlg Ver 10: Fixed Job with a portable drive does not ask user to use =VolumeLabe
- gs-server: Improve locking, fixed rare crashes on Session start
- Edit Account: Re-design OAuth2 [Authorization] section to match Google UX guidelines
- GsExplorer File Op dialog: improved error processing for terminal errors
- Localization: Update Polish translation

- S3 options: Added Server Side Encryption Key provided by Customer
- S3 options: Bring back Access Control Policy text box
- S3: GovCloud: Added Location Constraint to Bucket creation
- S3: Added new setting -- Preferred Geo Region, to be used in Bucket creation
- SFTP and speed: Fixed Current Speed was shown as way too high
- SMB: Fixed crashes when user has many shares that do not connect due to error
- B2 FS: Upload of large files: prevent rare crashes by doing more checks
- TaskBar JumpList: Do not show Job on TaskBar JumpList, just global commands
- Browse V10: Fixed Accounts tab was cycling if we have Server Accounts with + in its name
- Job Tree View: rewrite using new framework
- Browse Dialog and Explorer: miscellaneous UI fixes

- Fixed crashes on sync tree item update

- License Renew: Fixed Renew Link in Buy Pro dialog was incorrect
- SyncJob locking: fixed GoodSync GUI could freeze on loss of connection
- AccountSync: Fixed GsRunner RefreshToken save can interfere with Job sync
- Runner + GUI + Logs: Fixed sometimes log lines were missing in Log Window
- Job List view: Fixed it was not always updated for Unattended GsRunner jobs
- Runner + Log Folder: Make GsRunner use custom LogLevel and LogFolder
- OneFile + Browse dlg: Allow creation of new OneFile files
- GoodSync GUI: Fixed rare crashes on GoodSync shutdown
- gsync + /d option: make it work for new Unnamed bookmark
- gsync: Fix /sa-create: save resulting account to disk.

- gs-server Sessions: Fixed server Sessions were not cleaned up, so memory leak could result
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not reconnected, after disconnect
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not listed, when Gs-Server runs as a Service
- gs-server + Home Folders: Fixed all folders of Server were shown, not just Home Folder
- GPhotos: Fixed Analyze were rejected with: cannot be sync folder, folders cannot be created here
- Job List: fixed saving and restoring column widths and positions
- Storage Server: Fixed re-getting grants when server is restarted.

- Browsing Files: Allow files from GoodSync Severs to be listed and opened in a browser
- Browsing Files: Access to it is in Serves tab of GoodSync Account Web UI
- Browsing Files: GoodSync server must be ver 11.5.7 or newer, Storage Servers were upgraded
- Mediator: improved device identification, to avoid duplicate devices
- Mediator + Web UI: improved login sequence, to accommodate file browsing
- gs-server + COM: Fixed VSS Snapshot was not working on Gs-Server, it needs OleInitialize
- File Sharing: improved authentication between Client and Server when they belong to different users
- Gs-Storage and SetAttributes: do not allow to SetAttributes to make folders unreadable
- Gs-Storage and File Sharing: improved stuffing of file system when user connects
- Forwarders + UDP: ignore empty UDP packets, they may occur naturally
- Job Runner: improved locking of data to fix some rare crashes
- Google Photos: do not allow to use it with Business licenses
- Browse dialog: Bring back MS Graph 'national cloud' connectoid GUI option
- License Renewal: add new promotion to License Renewal: Free 10 Gb storage
- Browse Dialog: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- GoodSync Explorer: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- Browse Dialog + Account Manager: Added Revoke Credentials command
- Job Sending Mail: Increase limit on body of email (which is job log) from 8 Kb to 40 Mb
- gsync /sa-oauth: Fixed accounts not being written to disk after updating
- Localizations: Updated NL, UA and ES translations

- Gs-Server: Fixed server can get stuck on certain errors and refuses to take new connections
- Gs-Server: Improved transactional integrity of GSTP, to allow for faster connection restore
- Google Team Drive: Speed up Analyze/Sync by reducing /change API calls to a minimum
- Google Photos: Make this FS available to personal non-enterprise version only
- S3, expat: Allow EF BF xx UTF-89 sequences in file names, so they can be listed
- Job List: Use separate column for job index, needed for user-mandated custom job order
- Job List: revive option to turn off 'Sort Job Names By Alphabet' and allow custom job order
- GoodSync Explorer: Added 'Cut to Clipboard' command
- Services: Added 30-sec timeout for waiting for service nodes to stop, so that servers do not get stuck
- New Ticket System: new and more secure ticket-based authentication system for folder sharing
- Mediator: improved performance, optimized TLS/SSL handling
- Browsing on Gs-Server: Alpha version of browsing files and folders directly from Gs-Server

- Change log not available for this version

- MEGA FS: Upload: Fixed 'cannot get fingerprint' error
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Fixed Gs-Runner may be preventing computer from sleeping
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was reporting zero Bytes Processed as they were reset too early
- Progress Reporting: Fixed SetProgress could reset progress to 0 when switching scale
- Job List View: Allow custom column order, reordering of columns by Drag-N-Drop
- Job List View: Fix miscellaneous bugs
- GoodSync Explorer: Fixed processing of connections to encrypted folders -- offer to decrypt

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Workers and Sleep: Job Worker thread now prevents computer from going to Sleep
- Direction Change in Sync Tree by User: improved transactional integrity of it, fixed bugs
- MacOS device identification for licensing: ignore device properties that are changes by MacOS updates
- Free Space Info in Job: consolidate its processing, fixed bugs
- Installer: Fixed System Account was not detected as such on some non-English Windows systems
- Shutdown after Sync: Made it work correctly, even if Analyze produced No Changes
- Job Tree View: fixed UI bugs, some RunState transitions were missed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed changing of Direct Path to Portable path was ignored
- Miscellaneous User Interface fixes

- User Interfaces: fixed some crashes and minor bugs
- WD Free Version: improved detection of WD NAS via GSTP
- Simplify computation of Free Space: do it once every 30 sec, not once per quant
- Installer: Fixed Cancel was showing wrong error

- On File Change + GUI: Fixed likely observed crashes, simplify RunState change reporting
- Estimated Space: Make estimated space computations simpler, do nto account for Recycle Bin
- Sync Direction Change: Fixed crashes -- start worker thread to recompute space requirements
- AutoClear: Fixed AutoClear of Sync Tree was not working in GUI mode
- GsRunner Socket: Fixed rare observed crashes related to GsRunner state reporting
- Updated BR-portugues localization

- License Limitations for WD: Fixed Free version did not allow jobs with more than 100 files
- Licensing: improved reporting of License statusm esp for Analyze+Sync and Unattended jobs
- SyncTree: Show SyncTree even if we have No Changes, as there may be Excluded files
- Downloads: Fixed mac distribution link was sometimes showing 'Not Found'

- GoodSync Account Setup: lower-case ComputerId, always save it
- GsRunner + License Activation: notify GsRunner faster about changed License
- Account Sync TurnOn: Added Cancel command, same as Close
- Account Sync + Groups: Perform Account Sync when Jobs are added to Groups by DND
- GUI AutoStart: Use /miniwin mode in Windows Start, so that Mini-Progress windows is shown
- Gs-Server: optimize memory allocation, to reduce memory consumption
- Analyze + Sync: improved switch from Analyze to Sync, so it cannot stall on this
- Stopping Services: improved stopping of the Gs-Server and Gs-Runner service
- Browse Dialog: Fixed commit of manually edited URLs

GoodSync 11.4.6
- Job AutoStart: Fixed crashes caused by deleting sync tree while Worker thread runs
- Stop All: Fixed Stop All did not work for jobs in Waiting To Run state
- Changes Limit Exceeded - Attention Required: make this work in Unattended mode too
- Account Sync: better command names, better presentation, better list of changes
- CC Runner and Server Accounts: Fixed passwords and refresh tokens were not uploaded
- Licenses: Added License Renewal Link, if user has licenses that are Active or Expired
- Explorer: Added Account Sync commands, update Server Accounts view when synced
- Server Account Edit: do not ask whether to save to New Account when saving, save to this
- Beta: new native SMB client that does not use Windows SMB client code

GoodSync 11.4.5
- Account Sync: Reset Account Sync, so that users can use Server Override when they turn it On
- Account Sync: Added Show Changes for Account Sync -- shows Job-Groups changes that will happen
- Account Sync: more improvements to Jobs-Groups and Server Accounts sync algorithm
- GUI: Turn On Mini-Window mode when user selects it, sometimes it was not shown
- Browse/Explorer Edit Account: Fixed checkbox clicks did not work
- Policies: Added file system policies for Gs RealDisk Storage, Google Photos

GoodSync 11.4.4
- AutoUpdate Installer: Fixed it was removing Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items of GoodSync

GoodSync 11.4.3
- Account Sync: Jobs-Groups and Server Account sync has been rewritten, quality of sync improved
- Account Sync: if you are using it, all your Jobs must be synced before you upgrade to this version
- Account Sync: Job-Group Sync operations and Sync stats are now logged
- Program Options: Remove option to encrypt when store locally, local encryption now is always done
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed GUI was losing connection to GsRunner Service, when running UnAttended jobs
- GsRunner and Cc-Runner GUI: improved showing of Job Run status in mini status window
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Hide into [Views] button pull down tree view buttons that have zero item count
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Rename [Other] button to [Views]
- Sync Tree Context Menu: Move direction change commands into sub-menu 'Change Direction to'
- Control Center: Fixed Server Accounts did not upload with empty Account Encryption password
- Installer: Do not update Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items when we are doing auto-install

GoodSync 11.4.1
- Google Photo FS: Added new file system, it only allows 2 levels of folders, no GsData
- On Folder Connect / On File Change: Fixed it was not starting job on Reconnect
- GsRunner + GUI: When GUI cannot connect/talk to GsRunner, show error message about it in GUI
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Do proper processing of Sleep and Wakeup
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was checking for Local license, not CC license
- GUI: Do not allow Changing direction of Sync while the job is Under Runner
- Side Logs + Analyze: Fixed if only Analyze was done then Side logs are not uploaded
- Side Logs + Spec Ops: Upload side logs when doing Spec Ops too
- Certificate Roots: update list of Certificate Authorities who GoodSync trusts

GoodSync 11.4.0
- Under Runner Jobs + Context Menu: fixed content menu enabled status
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed terminal errors on job run were not fully reported in GUI
- Logging in GUI mode: Fixed it was not complete, many details were missing
- Sleep + GsRunner: Fixed Windows did not go into sleep, if GsRunner was running
- Sleep + Wakeup: Reduce Wait after Wakeup from 60 sec to 30 sec, log wait for it in GUI
- Space Estimate: Fixed Space Estimate was not always shown at the end of Analyze
- MEGA: Increased max HTTP body size to 512 Mb, as MEGA can send long list of changes
- Forwarders: fixed rare crashes

GoodSync 11.3.8
- Fixed Auto Analyze and Sync may freeze, if Conflicts are present
- UnAttended Jobs: Fixed side logs were not written, so email could not be sent
- Side Info: Add critical section for better locking

GoodSync 11.3.7
- Sleep and Wakeup: Fixed Unattended Jobs do not restart after Wakeup
- Unattended GsRunner: Fixed error in logs: GsRunner Client: cannot find job
- Server Account Sync: Fixed deletion of Server Accounts not always propagated
- Job Runner for GUI: improved progress monitoring and reporting for GUI jobs
- Explorer: Fixed Account Edit dialog in Windows 10 Dark scheme
- UI: Removed Exit menu item from Job Group context menu

GoodSync 11.3.6
- Local and CC Runner: redo thread management, make it run more smoothly
- Unattended Auto Jobs: Fixed artefacts of flipping Unattended + Auto mode Off/On
- Fixed 'Create New Folder' text in Job Options

GoodSync 11.3.5
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.4
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.3
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about folders that cannot be sync/backup folders
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about top folders of the disk that cannot be backup folder
- Browse Dialog: Added Mew Folder command tree node to Disks on backup destination side
- Browse / GsExplorer: Added Named Bookmarks into the tree, as first node
- Browse / GsExplorer: more fixes to Encrypted Folder mode
- GsExplorer: Implemented Paste files/folders to Windows Explorer, Desktop, etc
- SMB FS: several fixes to Connection Caching, to improve locking and timeliness of results
- On File Change and On Folder Connect: rewrote File Monitoring, to improve Sleep/Wakeup
- Gs-Server: improve initial startup sequence logging
- CC Runner: When deleting job that has Monitor running, stop Monitoring first
- CC Runner + AutoUpdate: Fixed AutoUpdate could turn CC Runner into regular GS
- gs-runner: Fixed Last Run Time was not updated when Auto Job is run Unattended
- License: Make C:ProgramDataGoodSync writable to all GoodSync processes
- AppKey Install: made it work for enterprise (AllUsers) licenses
- Italian localization updated

GoodSync 11.3.2
- SMB FS: Fixed GoodSync could lock up on Disconnect of SMB connections
- SMB FS: If password is empty, send NULL, it fixes Error 1219 on real password
- Sleep + File Monitoring: do not try to stop all Jobs and Monitoring when going to Sleep
- Sleep + File Monitoring: Instead finish stopping Jobs on Wakeup, then restart them
- CC Runner: Fixed If Mini Status Window is not shown then CC Runner would freeze
- CC Runner: Fixed Submitter thread could freeze on exit, due to rare race condition
- Account Setup: If canceled by user, do not show error message
- DLL path Windows: SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) in all EXEs
- Mediator: Fixed Mediator was rejecting /official-forwarders

GoodSync 11.3.1
- Trial + License: Do not reset Trial when Activating license, as there may be no License
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed warning could come out on every GS start
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed trial status determinations and Days before/after Trial
- File Monitoring: improved stopping sequence for file monitoring
- Program Options -> SMTP: Fixed TEST did not pass SSL option
- New Job: Enable Parallel Mode of 3 threads, by default
- CC Runner: Log file monitoring file changes too
- Localization: More strings localized, especially in Browse dialog

GoodSync 11.3.0
- New Dialog for licensing events: trial expiration, license expiration: Trial Expired, Trial Will expire, License Expired, License Will expire, Paid-only Feature
- License: Do not allow Trial without GoodSync Account
- DeviceId: fully discontinue stored DeviceId, use only computed DeviceId
- Compare Files: Fixed it did not work for GSTP file system on local gs-server
- 2Go Setup: Fixed errors are shown that must be ignored on GS2Go install
- Installer and Runner: Fixed some NetAPI function did not work due to DLL path
- WebDAV: Send cookies, as apparently some sites require them for authentication
- WebDAV: Show UTF-8 vs ANSI encoding option again, as users need it
- MS Graph FS: Do not try to SetFileModTime() with null timestamps
- Dropbox FS: ListDir() Fixed: Pass Dropbox-API-Path-Root parameter
- CC Runner: Fixed GUI settings were ignored on start
- Ver 10: GsGetLocalPlatform: Fixed default Platform reported as GS V11
- Windows XP: make GoodSync Explorer work on Windows XP again

GoodSync 11.2.9
- New Dialog for licensing events: trial expiration, license expiration: Trial Expired, Trial Will expire, License Expired, License Will expire, Paid-only Feature
- License: Do not allow Trial without GoodSync Account
- DeviceId: fully discontinue stored DeviceId, use only computed DeviceId
- Compare Files: Fixed it did not work for GSTP file system on local gs-server
- 2Go Setup: Fixed errors are shown that must be ignored on GS2Go install
- Installer and Runner: Fixed some NetAPI function did not work due to DLL path
- WebDAV: Send cookies, as apparently some sites require them for authentication
- WebDAV: Show UTF-8 vs ANSI encoding option again, as users need it
- MS Graph FS: Do not try to SetFileModTime() with null timestamps
- Dropbox FS: ListDir() Fixed: Pass Dropbox-API-Path-Root parameter
- CC Runner: Fixed GUI settings were ignored on start
- Ver 10: GsGetLocalPlatform: Fixed default Platform reported as GS V11
- Windows XP: make GoodSync Explorer work on Windows XP again.

GoodSync 11.2.8
- Browse/Explorer: Ver 11: Hide old Windows Shares (SMB) file system, show only the new one
- Browse/Explorer: Edit Account dialog: several UI fixes
- Browse/Explorer: If job side is a general SMBD account, force creation of per-server account on job commit
- SMB FS: Ver 10: Ignore Connect errors, to preserve old behaviour
- SMB FS: Do not try to connect to //WSL$ server -- this is Linux subsystem that is local
- XP + SMBD: Made GoodSync work on Windows XP again, replace calls to poll() with select()
- ReadStatsFile of synclib: Skip .sib-mnt folders when reading state file, fallout from old Mac errors
- License: fixed time of install is not always preserved
- Account Sync and Normalization: fixed several issues
- Server authentication: sent correct x-sib-err-code for bad password and account not found
- Desktop Shortcuts: Do not write them, if they are already in place and are the same as needed
- CC Runner: Fixed jobs can get stuck upon termination
- CC Runner: Retry GsEntepriseRunnerOnStart() as it can fail due to absence of connection
- CC Runner Installer: fixed writing some local sittings did not work
- SMTP settings: Revive Always SSL option, as users need it (have no STARTTLS)

GoodSync 11.2.7
- SMBD: Added new Windows Shares file system that discovers all devices on local network
- SMBD: Discovers a lot more devices than native Windows or MacOS SMB implementations
- SMBD: It allows to have custom credentials for individual Servers and Shares
- SMBD: Credentials are memorized per SMB Server, Share is Home Folder
- SMBD: Technologies used for Discovery: UPNP, SSDP, MDNS (Bonjour), local DNS, NetBIOS
- Home Path: Added Home Path (Folder) to SMBD, FTP, SFTP file systems
- Home Path: Browse/Explorer navigates to it when opening Server
- Installer: Register and Activate GoodSync Device via command line for mass deployment
- Installer: Added options for Proxy to connect to CC when installing CC Runner
- Installer: New system of Affiliate management, integrated with GoodSync Account
- SMB + Elevation: Do not try elevated file operations, if we are working on SMB or AFP share
- SMB + ConnectFS: Always get out on Connect error, it used to be ignored in some cases
- Account Sync: improved syncing of Jobs and Server Accounts

GoodSync 11.2.5
- Browse Dialog + Credentials entry: fixed UserId and Pasword were swappped upon entry
- Browse Dialog / Explorer: Fixed chage of URL sometimes ignores if node ia already expanded
- 2Go licensing: Added new 2Go-V11 license

GoodSync 11.2.4
- 2Go licensing: get back to old per-drive scheme, discontinue consumer license
- Icon: Make all frames of rotating GoodSync tray logo be new style icon
- GoodSync Account Setup: fixed misc smaller issues
- Storage: make current storage be provisioned if user has more than one GS Account
- Activation dialog + Ver 10: Removed By OrderID option, allow only Via Account
- Job Options: Fixed change of Balloon option was not saved
- Password Reset + Account Sync: Fixed Pass Reset was not resetting Account Sync.

GoodSync 11.2.3
- Explorer and Browse: Improve Credential Popup, make it always appear when needed
- Explorer and Browse: misc user interface fixes
- Explorer and Browse: log errors returned by navigation / listing tasks
- Azure Files FS: Fix paged directory listing, it was broken in parser and request parts
- Licenses: store Per-Computer licnse at file GsAcct.tic so that we store GS account too
- Licenses: misc improvements of Account-based license system
- Licenses: get rid of license bits, now it is just License Platform and LicenseGood flag
- Per-Computer Licenses: make them work better and not be affected by Per-User activity
- Devices + Licenses: add more parameters to better disambiguate devices
- License Activation Via Browser: make it work better, fix bugs
- 2Go license: do 2Go licensing per Device on which it is installed, not per Drive
- Account Setup: improve automatic activation after Account Setup
- Server Licenses: Increase limits for MidServer, mostly eliminating them
- Installer: when extracting Platform from installer name, allow lower-casing
- Mediator: detach old Licenses from Device on activation of new License
- Mediator Web UI: Better Devices View, less technical details
- Mediator: Do not include OsCompName into ExtKey, as User may change it

GoodSync 11.2.0
- GSTP client: Fixed rare crashes caused by race condition on many threads
- Activation Wizard: improved button layout
- Gs-Server License Activations: fixed some conflicst with GS client activation
- Mediator: allow for longer DeviceIDs
- Mediator: fixed resolving of conflict: two Devices on one DeviceID

GoodSync 11.1.9
- Gs-Server: Stop enforcing Per User License on Gs-Server for Read and List, enforce it only for Write
- MEGA FS: Fix bad On File Change processing that could result in memory corruption
- Installer: Fixed installer type (such as WD) was not shown on Welcome screen
- Silent Installer: Fixed Local Account not setup
- Gs-Server + AutoUpdate: Fixed not reporting properly to update server
- Device ID: better reporting of DeviceID to Mediator, better disambiguation
- Gs-Server: better reporting of Connection / Discovery / Transaction stages
- Gs-Server on Linux/NAS Web UI: Added notification of new versions to install
- Mediator: when Mediator start, use SQL DB to lookup Servers, not just Memory DB
- Mediator + Client + License: Implement License Activation on the main Mediator
- Mediator Web UI: Fixed changing/resetting password for old users with basic auth
- New and updated pages on GoodSync Account and GoodSync Connect

- Installer: Server Versions only: Show No Mediator option
- Activation Wizard: Fixed Via Browser activation UI
- GoodSync WD client: fixed discovering NASes via UPNP when non-responding devices are present
- Explorer: Added Pie menu with Program Options and About dialog
- CC Runner Installer on Windows Server: fixed AutoUpdate was installing wrong version
- Gs-Server License: Fixed GS-V11 platform could be reset to WD on WD NAS
- Mediator UI: User Licenses: Added Delete command to Unassigned and Inactive licenses

- WD version: Allow all file systems for WD paid license
- WD Trial: Do not allow Gs Runner (Unattended Job) in Free WD version
- Gs-Server: improve storing and processing of Licensee Platform
- License Writing: properly write license when it voided by payment system
- Gs-Server Unique Clients: Count only active IP addresses (seen less than 3 min ago)
- Browse/Explorer: New Account / Edit Account: Allow direct IP addresses/names

- OAuth Browsers: Added option to show OAuth2 in Private/Regular Default Browser (Regular by Default)
- Job Progress: fixed rare crashes caused by interaction with On File Change
- GSTP Client and Server: improved GsCompId and OsCompName normalization
- Activation Dialog: use new Wizard, to make it directly portable to Mac
- Free vs Trial license: fixed computation of Trial to Free transition
- Explorer: improvements, misc bug fixes

- License Activation: Do Not show By OrderID option, activation is done only by GoodSync Account
- Explorer + GSTP: Show Email of Account (not UserId) if we have it
- GS Account Setup: Update GSTP Server Account credentials, as password may change
- Job Sync: Fixed automatically created Job1 is deleted on turning On of Jobs Sync
- Switching GS Account: Do Not offer to Merge old and new Jobs/ServerAccounts, always replace
- Explorer: Added Cut/Copy/Paste functionality

- Account Trial Mode: improved handling of Trial mode, esp for ver 11
- GoodSync Account Setup: perform License activation too, based on Account UserID
- GoodSync Account Setup: show more detailed progress on last page of wizard
- Gs-Runner Setup: add final (2nd) page that shows progress of operations
- Gs-Runner WebUI: do forms-based login, instead of Digest/Basic auth login
- Gs-Runner Service: Remove Delay after Boot from it
- Gs-Server Service: Remove Delay from GsServer Service start.
- Gs-Server Service: after reboot accelerate connect to Mediator, as Internet may be slow to come up
- GsFileSys: Fixed rare crashes on NULL progress pointer, possible when FS becomes disconnected
- Program Options -> SMTP: Do not show SSL option, as it is rarely used, use STARTTLS instead.

- Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: Fixed Filters were lost when Destination side was committed
- Job Options: Fixed Job Side Folder Options were not saved in Job Options
- Sync Tree + Filters: Fixed Sync Tree was not updated when Filters were changed from Context Menu
- BackBlaze FS: Request new token if we get Error 401 during upload of file parts
- Google Drive: Got higher Quota for GDrive API Queries, so 'Rate Limit' errors should disappear
- GsRunner + Refresh Tokens: fixed new Refresh Token lost on transition of Job from GsRunner to GUI
- GsFileSys: Log retries upon error in GsCopyFileSimple and other generic file functions
- Progress: Fixed progress of Job going higher than 100% on renames and some errors
- Sync Progress: Smooth it further, get rid of negative values, show 'Computing Speed' initially
- Start Sync: Do not redraw Sync Tree, if we are already in Proposed Changes view
- RDC over GSTP: Made it work via Forwarder

- Analyze/Sync: Fixed final interaction between Worker and GUI thread was wrong, could cause crashes
- Job Options: Fixed On Logoff option was not saved, so it was lost after GoodSync restart
- sib-trace: Get rid of big output buffers on stack, it could cause stack overflow sometimes
- Google Drive: Requested higher Quota for GDrive API Queries Per 100 sec.

- Fixed Users of ver 10 with no GS Account were not getting Trial
- sib-socket: Fixed 2nd host of resolved IP name is lost, if the 1st host returns error
- MS Graph: Fixed Group Perms and Region flag were not making it from Browse Dlg to Connect()
- MS Graph: Use both 'mail' and 'userPrincipalName' fields to get e-mail
- Backblaze FS: Release Part Uploaded memory, if we got an error and are out of retries
- GsRunner + GS GUI: Update Server Accounts in GUI if GsRunner changes them
- Local FS via GSTP: Pass thru locked flag, so that we can get snaphots of locked files
- Unattended Jobs + Progress: Fixed deadlock between RunState lock and JobProgress lock
- Updated IT translation

- Progress of Unattended Jobs in Runner: make it smoother, reduce processor load
- Progress of Analyze: Compute and show Analyze speed in Files+Folders (Items) per sec
- Progress of Sync: Compute Elapsed Time, Current and Average speed on every timer tick
- Progress of Sync: Fixed Elapsed Time was shown as zero at the end of Sync
- Progress of Cleanup Recycled/History: allow Stop/Pause, show percent of completion
- CC Runner: Submit /api/update-job-run at least every 5 min, even if % did not change

- Fixed crashes related to progress reporting

- fix reporting progress of Unattended job in in GsRunner service
- fix reporting progress of CC Runner jobs
- better reporting of History/Recycled cleanup

- GSTP file system: if Client == Server then automatically use Local FS
- Better locking for reporting Tree Items Changed, fixes rare crashes
- Progress Sync Tree: it now ticks every second, sends fewer messages
- Progress Analyze: show Total items, Files, Folder (total / excluded)
- Progress Sync: show current sync command on the left

- SMB FS: Fixed error: Error copying file: Wrong WinFS path(3)
- Progress: Made Job percent completion progress reporting more smooth

Browse Dialog:
- Fixed non-path Filters were lost when Sync Folder was changed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed if Enter is pressed in Folders tab, credentials are not picked up
- Analyze Progress: Show messages from file systems such as 'Initializing Cache' of Google Drive
- FTPS: Do session reuse, even if certs are not checked -- fixes session reuse problems
- SFTP: Fixed SFTP FS was crashing when writing out SSH diagnostic messages to stderr
- AutoUpdate: If product matches but version does not match, still get URL for manual download
- gsync command line: Added one time run options: /comp-cksums, /comp-bodies
- gs-server: fixed several crashes
- gs-server receiver: Fixed Cannot wakeup FS: Cannot open file on wakeup .. (error 32)
- gs-server receiver: Keep file system connected for 3 minute when socket disconnects.

- Change log not available for this version

- Job Speed: optimimized speed computation and made it more precise
- SyncTree StatusBar: update it more often, so that progress ticks every second
- FTPS: Always ignore certs in data connection from PASV command, as it uses IP address
- Fixed Job URL conversion did not work if %VAR% was present in URL
- Command Line: Allow jobs without Server Account Manager, the ones that use /fN=URL
- Control Center Runner: command line processing: Add Unnamed bookmarks when needed
- Explorer: CopyMove task: better progress reporting
- Explorer: When pasting file/folder to its parent folder, add ' - Copy' to its name

- Change log not available for this version

- Speed and Progress: Added Elapsed Time, better Current Speed computed for last minute
- Fixed Speed Limit did not work on fast connections, do better speed measurement
- ForceStop of Jobs: fixed some rare crashes
- Sockets + IP v6: fixed socket leak when IP v6 connection drops
- Ver 9 conversion and import: fixed bugs in migratino from older Jobs .tic and .tix
- Browse Dlg: made conversion of GSTP for this computer to Local FS work again
- GoodSync Account Setup: Mid Server and File Server: Revive not deleting existing users

GoodSync 10.10.20
-  Speed and Progress: Added Elapsed Time, better Current Speed computed for last minute
-  Fixed Speed Limit did not work on fast connections, do better speed measurement
-  ForceStop of Jobs: fixed some rare crashes
-  Sockets + IP v6: fixed socket leak when IP v6 connection drops
-  Ver 9 conversion and import: fixed bugs in migratino from older Jobs .tic and .tix
-  Browse Dlg: made conversion of GSTP for this computer to Local FS work again
-  GoodSync Account Setup: Mid Server and File Server: Revive not deleting existing users

GoodSync 10.10.19
- Fixed Analyzed + Sync command did not proceed to Sync, if Analyze-time errors were detected
- Browse Dialog: fixed errors when Show Files is flipped several times
- Job Scripts: fixed incorrect return code (must be 0) for Jobs with errors: prefix
- GS-server: Pass platform from Client to Server, so that Server may adjust License based on Client platform
- License Check and Change: Fixed spurious message about [digest auth]

GoodSync 10.10.18
- Browse Dlg + Multi-Select: Do not drop Filters and Sync Folder, when changing Show Files option
- Browse Dlg: Fixed Multi folder selections were wrong if Sync folder is root folder of server with home folder
- Browse Dlg + Server Accounts: Do not add new Account if Account with same data already exists
- Browse Dlg + 2Go: Fixed conversion of folder path on %GSDISK% was producing incorrect URL
- Switching Job Direction to Backup via Direction button: set Propagate Deletions to On
- MS Graph (SharePoint/O365): Fix failure to upload and/or process empty files
- Activation Via Browser for Enterprise: fixed problems in its operation

GoodSync 10.10.17
- Browse: Fixed URL breaks when we offer user to change from file://z/dir to smb://zont/dir
- Icons: improved system icon processing in GS and Explorer
- Browse Dlg: Allow to select Folder at the top of Server, it makes sense for FTP servers
- Update Italian localization

GoodSync 10.10.16
- Server Accounts: allow changing of server URL and options not to change Account Key
- Server Accounts: Added User Email, User Full Name to accounts
- Browse Dialog: when user changes Server Account, ask her whether to update Account or create a new one
- Browse Dialog: Make %VAR% parametric sync folder paths work properly in Browse dialog
- Browse Dialog: Disable OK button, if User clicks on Server or Server Account
- Browse Dialog: Make GSTP Direct Addressing work correctly with Server Accounts
- Do not check SSL certs: On for gstore://, Off for gstps://, On for single-server file systems
- New Job: Fixed New Job from Templates, it was not working
- GoodSync + CC: Show Upload Accounts and Upload Jobs commands in regular GoodSync
- gsync: Added commands to manage Server Accounts: /sa-create /sa-update /sa-rename /sa-delete /sa-list
- gsync: Added /dN=/server/folder to specify Server/Folder or Folder inside Server Account

- Server Accounts: allow changing of server URL and options not to change Account Key
- Server Accounts: Added User Email, User Full Name to accounts
- Browse Dialog: when user changes Server Account, ask her whether to update Account or create a new one
- Browse Dialog: Make %VAR% parametric sync folder paths work properly in Browse dialog
- Browse Dialog: Disable OK button, if User clicks on Server or Server Account
- Browse Dialog: Make GSTP Direct Addressing work correctly with Server Accounts
- Do not check SSL certs: On for gstore://, Off for gstps://, On for single-server file systems
- New Job: Fixed New Job from Templates, it was not working
- GoodSync + CC: Show Upload Accounts and Upload Jobs commands in regular GoodSync
- gsync: Added commands to manage Server Accounts: /sa-create /sa-update /sa-rename /sa-delete /sa-lis
- gsync: Added /dN=/server/folder to specify Server/Folder or Folder inside Server Account

- New Job Dialog: Set initial job direction to undefined, user has to select it explicitly
- Server Account Normalization: misc fixes to make it work better
- Browse Dlg: Do not show prefix in Virt Account Name derived from Account Key
- Browse Dlg: If Account Names are the same but Account Keys differs, then add + to Account Name
- Server Account Rename: Allow empty new account names, in this case Account Key comes out
- MEGA FS: Fixed propagation of 2-factor authenticated session to runner
- Mediator Web UI: Request Storage: misc fixes
- Mediator Web UI: Removed Google CAPTCHA checks on login
- Mediator Web UI: Instead of CAPTCHA require users to have verified Email

- MS Graph: Fixed large file upload was failing due to change in Graph API
- MS Graph: Fixed 409 Conflict on SetFileModTime
- S3: If location request fails for S3 bucket, try it with default location, to accommodate older buckets
- S3, Azure + Plain Text: Use only TLS version of protocols, convert s3:// to s3s:// and azure:// to azures://
- GoodSync Account Setup: Fixed No Mediator option was not shown for Enterprise versions
- Reading Server Options: fixed proxy options changes were not becoming effective without GS restart
- Proxy Options: remove per-Job proxy option from global online storage file systems (S3, MS, Google, Boxes)
- RFS: Remove strings that are no longer in default.rfs (do not need translation)
- Gs-server Web UI: If any of gs-server users needs OTP show big notifications at the top of Web UI

- Proxies and Certs: by default Trust Certificates from System Storage, to accomodate AV programs
- DropBox: fixed encoding of non-latin paths
- Logs: Fixed _mirrors_ logs file were always cleaned up after 1 day of sitting in _mirrors_
- Gs-Server: Fixed init sequence that determines DeviceID, when Proxy is present
- Windows Server OS license: moved it from HKLM registry to AllUsers License.dat file
- Server License: fixed problems in license computation and activation, especially on NAS
- RealDisk Storage: fixed usage and bandwith stats computation.

- Job Stop: fixed deadlock possible on forced job stop
- BackBlaze B2: Reduce number of threads per large file from 12 to 6, to save memory
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflicts and Errors were not reported in post-Sync emails and scripts
- Licenses: Allow ViaBrowser (offline) activation for Business Client
- GoodSync Account Setup: generate server cerificate by calling Mediator
- TLS: change list of ciphers, to drop weak ciphers

- Import: Fixed import of old format jobs.tic file
- Import: Fixed normalization of gstp:// account to gstps:// account
- GSTP: Allow gstp:// prefix if it is IP name/addr without .goodsync in it
- Backblaze B2: When doing multi-part uploading, request new URL for chunk to upload on each retry
- Browse Dlg + Storage: Improved Storage provisioning in Browse dialog
- OAuth2 + Browser: Run OAuth2 request from main thread, in Browser, not from worker thread
- OAuth2 + Browser: improved unwinding on various OAuth2 stopping/canceling scenarios
- Licenses: Implement Offline (Via Browser) Activation using GoodSync Account, for server licenses
- GSTP: Fixed One Time Password (OTP) can be sent more than one time
- Gsync /version or /license: Print better data, same as in Help -> About of GUI version
- Change log not available for this version

- Auto Jobs + Options/Browse dialog: Fixed Folder Monitoring could start before final commit
- WebDAV: add non-standard port to Destination of MOVE, as IIS 10 and other require it now
- S3: main host does not always allow to list buckets, so remove request to do it from initial connect
- S3: use V4 auth for implementation of S3
- GSTP client: Fixed not every transaction was sending fields such as fr-os-comp-name
- gs-server Impersonation: try Network login, then Batch login; not Batch, then Interactive login
- GoodSync Account Setup: Start/Stop GsRunner correctly (if present), to avoid conflicts with changes
- License + GoodSync Account: check for License online when GsAccount is changed by user
- gs-server License: Fixed Per-User license was killed when periodic license check returned changed license
- Mediator Web UI: Add CAPTCHA to login page, show it only when necessary
- gs-server Web UI: Account page: moved Changed Account and Change Computer to separate pages
- gs-server Web UI on Linux: User can claim higher platform (MidServe, FileServer) to activate server licenses.

- License: When writing license after Activation from Gs Account, reset ActivationId of PUMS
- License Activation: Stop GsRunner and GsServer services before Activation, not after
- License: Fixed activated per-User license was nullified
- License: Store per-User license in AppDataLocalGoodSyncGsAcct.tic
- Activate License: Gs Account: If Email is not known, then show GsAccount UserId
- Save email of GoodSync User retrieved from Mediator, if user used UserId

- DropBox: Added DropBox for Business folders
- Amazon S3: several fixes related to switch of regional servers
- S3 on made it work on single region S3 services such as Sirv
- MEGA FS: fixed crashes on server-based file copy and file move
- Browse Dialog: do not clear Auto settings, if only Filter changed
- Browse Dialog: make Advanced Connection options be saved again on Connect
- Licenses: per-User Licenses are activated from GoodSync Account (new way), they are per OS user
- Licenses: per-Computer Licenses are activated from OrderId/Name (old way), hey are per Computer
- Licenses: old per-Computer way of licensing remains until user activates from GoodSync account
- gs-server: do not use any files from ProgramDataGoodSyncServerBookmarks folder anymore
- DeviceId: properly sync it between GS Client and GS Server, it is now per OS user
- ComputerId: it is now alllcated structly per OS/GS user on the machine
- GoodSync Users: one OS user can have only one GS user on it, and one GS user maps to only one OS user
- gs-server: Forwarder: report all licensing issues back to client
- GS client: store Gs Account designation in file AppData/Local/GoodSync/GsAcct.tic
- GS client: stop usng file AppData/Local/GoodSync/Bookmarks/GsOnline.gsb, because it moved
- GoodSync2Go Setup: ask user for PortableDrive name, it will appear in Computer Name in Devices
- GoodSync Account Setup: request Computer together with User Id, so that they submit together

- Server Account Normalization: Do not delete SMB accounts with credentials
- Server Account Normalization: Convert gstp:// to gstps:// for all Jobs
- Server Account Normalization: Fix gstore:// accounts, they need no Server in the key
- Server Accounts: Get rid of old-style /file:// /smb:// mid-URL prefixes in GSTP URLs
- Runner Service Setup: Use profile from assigned Windows User, do not pass it via command line
- Runner Service Setup: Fixed updating GoodSync could change profile used by Runner Service
- GsServer Service Setup: allow Limited Windows users to do it properly
- Browse dialog: Fixed list of bookmarks in Account tab of GSTP browse dialog
- GSTP Server: Fixed reporting of Impersonation errors, send them back to GS Client
- S3: Wasabi: Better handling of location of Wasabi regions
- Job List tab: Fixed adding a job was not placing it in correct order
- Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming

GoodSync 10.10.0
- Current Job and Group: Store them in registry as they change, do not wait for GoodSync exit
- Job List: Fixed rare crashes and mis-assigned GUI parts on Job Rename and Clone
- GSTP Client: Do not reset waiting period of m_backoff on reconnect, respect Seconds To Reconnect option
- S3: Fixed protocol errors on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Server Account Manager: improved cleanup and repairs of Accounts when GoodSync starts

GoodSync 10.9.36
- GoodSync Storage and Connect Initial Setup: Improve usability
- gs-server: Fixed crashes on stopping service
- gs-server: Fixed crash on Disconnect of long-running transaction
- gs-server: Merge Manage API server into gs-server
- Tools Menu: do not show Upload to CC menu items to non-business user
- Job Rename and Close: fixed rare crashes
- Ver 11: Reset trial time for Ver 11 beta
- Ver 11: Improved initial setup, especially for GoodSync Connect and Storage

GoodSync 10.9.35
- Job Filters + Browse Dlg: Fixed Show Files flag is not saved
- GSTP Client: UploadFileBlock: Fixed Server Pipe Receiver cannot find stored transaction
- Job List and Options: Restore User-mandated Job order, whereby User can Drag-and-Drop Jobs
- Azure Blobs and Files: Add Azure Govt Cloud to Azure Blob and Files file system
- Browse Dialog: Changes can get stuck if user changes UserID of the existing server account
- ConnectFS: Re-allow :443 suffix for File Systems such as Google Drive, for legacy reasons
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Fixed did not work if user still had jobs.tic only
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Move _mirrors_ folder too, it may have state files
- Command line: Fixed crash in 'gsync sync /all'.

GoodSync 10.9.34
- GSTP client: fixed possible '401 Unauthorized' error when reconnecting
- GSTP client: fixed connection recovery on reconnects, esp when conveyor is present
- GSTP client: try for direct connection more often after recovery, to get it sooner
- GSTP client: memorize auth context, to speed up recovery on reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed rare file corruption on recovery when conveyor is running
- GSTP server: UPNP: speedup discovery, store more in UPNP cache
- GSTP server: UPNP: register before UPNP discovery, as it can take long
- Profile: Move GS Profile Folder from C:Usersuser-nameAppDataRoamingGoodSync to C:Usersuser-nameAppDataLocalGoodSync
- Reading Jobs: If we cannot find Unnamed Bookmark in Server Account then just recreate it
- Sib-tic: Add skipping of maps, they start with '('. Old GS versions cannot skip new maps
- TIC cleanup: leave only last 10 versions of the Server Accounts and Jobs backup timestamped TIC files
- Job List: always order Jobs by alphabet, re

Electron 12.0.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a crash when calling the webContents.on('login') callback synchronously
- Fixed a potential crash when calling app.quit() on macOS
- Fixed key window status on mac when opening panels or using custom window switchers
- Fixed pressing ESC not exiting fullscreen from webview

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2021.07.16 build 9756 查看版本資訊


Postman 8.8.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


FireAlpaca 2.5.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the Animation menu and moved the animation functions there
- It is now possible to specify the display time of each frame during auto-playback (set in Layer Properties)
- APNG and GIF output now reflects the display time of the frame
- Fixed a bug in which the background color was not applied during autoplay
- Improved processing when scaling images