GoodSync 歷史版本列表 Page14

最新版本 GoodSync

GoodSync 歷史版本列表

GoodSync 是一個簡單,安全,可靠的方式來自動同步和備份您的照片,MP3 和重要文件。備份和 / 或同步您的關鍵文件就像點擊一樣容易,也可以使用各種自動選項進行安排。真正的雙向文件同步可防止任何數據丟失。 GoodSync 可以用於通過本地網絡或 Internet 在桌面 PC 和筆記本電腦,家庭和辦公室計算機,計算機和可移動設備(USB Key,閃存驅動器,CDRW 光盤)之間同步數據。 ... GoodSync 軟體介紹

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2022.07.30 build 9772 查看版本資訊


JRiver Media Center 29.0.80 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed: Internal change on DirectShow based TV playback and recording
- Changed: Adjusted how the volume fade feature is done in the Scheduler (now it takes a number of seconds for more control and adds labels)
- NEW: Left-click and hold on file in list or top player bar text launches Spotlight in a new tab

Symfony 6.1.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Allow redirect after login to absolute URLs
- [HttpKernel] Fix non-scalar check in surrogate fragment renderer
- [HtmlSanitizer] Allow null for sanitizer option allowed_link_hosts and allowed_media_hosts
- [Serializer] Fix wrong needsNormalization in TraceableEncoder
- [Cache] Ensured that redis adapter can use multiple redis sentinel hosts
- [Serializer] Respect default context in DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize
- [Messenger] Fix function name in TriggerSql on postgresql bridge to support table name with schema
- Workaround disabled "var_dump"
- [BrowserKit] Merge fields and files recursively if they are multidimensional array
- [String] Fix width method in AbstractUnicodeString
- [Serializer] Fix XmlEncoder encoding attribute false
- [HttpFoundation] Fix Stringable support in InputBag::get()
- [Console] get full command path for command in search path
- [ErrorHandler] Fix return type patching for list and class-string pseudo types
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Don't throw on 304 Not Modified
- [Bridge] Corrects bug in test listener trait
- [DoctrineBridge] Avoid calling AbstractPlatform::hasNativeGuidType()
- [Serializer] Ignore getter with required parameters
- [Mime]  quote address names if they contain parentheses
- [FrameworkBundle] Fail gracefully when forms use disabled CSRF
- [DependencyInjection] Fail gracefully when attempting to autowire composite types
- [Serializer] Fix inconsistent behaviour of nullable objects in key/value arrays
- [Mime] Fix inline parts when added via attachPart()
- [PropertyInfo] Make sure nested composite types do not crash ReflectionExtractor
- Flush backend output buffer after closing.
- [Serializer] Prevent that bad Ignore method annotations lead to incorrect results
- [Validator] : Fix "PHP Warning: Undefined array key 1" in NotCompromisedPasswordValidator
- [BrowserKit] fix sending request to paths containing multiple slashes
- [Validator] Fix traverse option on Valid constraint when used as Attribute
- [HttpFoundation] Fix deleteFileAfterSend on client abortion
- [Messenger] Fix calls to deprecated DBAL methods
- [Mime] Fix invalid DKIM signature with multiple parts
- [HttpFoundation] Fix TypeError on null $_SESSION in NativeSessionStorage::save()
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix comment for type on Query::setValue (middlewares)
- [HttpFoundation] Prevent PHP Warning: Session ID is too long or contains illegal characters
- [HttpClient] Prevent "Fatal error" in data collector
- Spaces in system temp folder path cause deprecation errors in php 8
- [Messenger] Ceil waiting time when multiplier is a float on retry

Symfony 6.0.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Allow redirect after login to absolute URLs
- [HttpKernel] Fix non-scalar check in surrogate fragment renderer
- [HtmlSanitizer] Allow null for sanitizer option allowed_link_hosts and allowed_media_hosts
- [Serializer] Fix wrong needsNormalization in TraceableEncoder
- [Cache] Ensured that redis adapter can use multiple redis sentinel hosts
- [Serializer] Respect default context in DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize
- [Messenger] Fix function name in TriggerSql on postgresql bridge to support table name with schema
- Workaround disabled "var_dump"
- [BrowserKit] Merge fields and files recursively if they are multidimensional array
- [String] Fix width method in AbstractUnicodeString
- [Serializer] Fix XmlEncoder encoding attribute false
- [HttpFoundation] Fix Stringable support in InputBag::get()
- [Console] get full command path for command in search path
- [ErrorHandler] Fix return type patching for list and class-string pseudo types
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Don't throw on 304 Not Modified
- [Bridge] Corrects bug in test listener trait
- [DoctrineBridge] Avoid calling AbstractPlatform::hasNativeGuidType()
- [Serializer] Ignore getter with required parameters
- [Mime]  quote address names if they contain parentheses
- [FrameworkBundle] Fail gracefully when forms use disabled CSRF
- [DependencyInjection] Fail gracefully when attempting to autowire composite types
- [Serializer] Fix inconsistent behaviour of nullable objects in key/value arrays
- [Mime] Fix inline parts when added via attachPart()
- [PropertyInfo] Make sure nested composite types do not crash ReflectionExtractor
- Flush backend output buffer after closing.
- [Serializer] Prevent that bad Ignore method annotations lead to incorrect results
- [Validator] : Fix "PHP Warning: Undefined array key 1" in NotCompromisedPasswordValidator
- [BrowserKit] fix sending request to paths containing multiple slashes
- [Validator] Fix traverse option on Valid constraint when used as Attribute
- [HttpFoundation] Fix deleteFileAfterSend on client abortion
- [Messenger] Fix calls to deprecated DBAL methods
- [Mime] Fix invalid DKIM signature with multiple parts
- [HttpFoundation] Fix TypeError on null $_SESSION in NativeSessionStorage::save()
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix comment for type on Query::setValue (middlewares)
- [HttpFoundation] Prevent PHP Warning: Session ID is too long or contains illegal characters
- [HttpClient] Prevent "Fatal error" in data collector
- Spaces in system temp folder path cause deprecation errors in php 8
- [Messenger] Ceil waiting time when multiplier is a float on retry

Symfony 5.4.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Allow redirect after login to absolute URLs
- [HttpKernel] Fix non-scalar check in surrogate fragment renderer
- [HtmlSanitizer] Allow null for sanitizer option allowed_link_hosts and allowed_media_hosts
- [Serializer] Fix wrong needsNormalization in TraceableEncoder
- [Cache] Ensured that redis adapter can use multiple redis sentinel hosts
- [Serializer] Respect default context in DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize
- [Messenger] Fix function name in TriggerSql on postgresql bridge to support table name with schema
- Workaround disabled "var_dump"
- [BrowserKit] Merge fields and files recursively if they are multidimensional array
- [String] Fix width method in AbstractUnicodeString
- [Serializer] Fix XmlEncoder encoding attribute false
- [HttpFoundation] Fix Stringable support in InputBag::get()
- [Console] get full command path for command in search path
- [ErrorHandler] Fix return type patching for list and class-string pseudo types
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Don't throw on 304 Not Modified
- [Bridge] Corrects bug in test listener trait
- [DoctrineBridge] Avoid calling AbstractPlatform::hasNativeGuidType()
- [Serializer] Ignore getter with required parameters
- [Mime]  quote address names if they contain parentheses
- [FrameworkBundle] Fail gracefully when forms use disabled CSRF
- [DependencyInjection] Fail gracefully when attempting to autowire composite types
- [Serializer] Fix inconsistent behaviour of nullable objects in key/value arrays
- [Mime] Fix inline parts when added via attachPart()
- [PropertyInfo] Make sure nested composite types do not crash ReflectionExtractor
- Flush backend output buffer after closing.
- [Serializer] Prevent that bad Ignore method annotations lead to incorrect results
- [Validator] : Fix "PHP Warning: Undefined array key 1" in NotCompromisedPasswordValidator
- [BrowserKit] fix sending request to paths containing multiple slashes
- [Validator] Fix traverse option on Valid constraint when used as Attribute
- [HttpFoundation] Fix deleteFileAfterSend on client abortion
- [Messenger] Fix calls to deprecated DBAL methods
- [Mime] Fix invalid DKIM signature with multiple parts
- [HttpFoundation] Fix TypeError on null $_SESSION in NativeSessionStorage::save()
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix comment for type on Query::setValue (middlewares)
- [HttpFoundation] Prevent PHP Warning: Session ID is too long or contains illegal characters
- [HttpClient] Prevent "Fatal error" in data collector
- Spaces in system temp folder path cause deprecation errors in php 8
- [Messenger] Ceil waiting time when multiplier is a float on retry

EMCO MSI Package Builder 10.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Monitoring in Windows Sandbox:
- Now all editions of the program allow you using Windows Sandbox for monitoring installations. Sandbox is a Windows feature available on Windows 11 and latest builds of Windows 10. It provides a lightweight desktop environment to safely run applications in isolation. Sandbox provides a clean environment for repackaging that is ready to use right of the box and doesn't require any configuration.
- You can use Sandbox to repackage installations in a clean environment. The corresponding option is available in the Repackage Installation Wizard. When repackaging in Sandbox the program starts Sandbox and opens its window and automatically copies your installation there. You just need to follow installation steps in the Sandbox environment. Once the installation is complete, the captured changes are retrieved from Sandbox and a new package is generated. All local changes in Sandbox are disposed once you close it, so you have a clean repackaging environment each time you run Sandbox.

Improved Pre and Post Actions:
- Custom actions have been improved to extend functionality of pre-install and post-uninstall custom actions. These actions are executed before package installation and after uninstallation, at the moment when filed deployed by the package aren't yet created (for pre-install) or are already deleted (for post-uninstall). To resolve this problem now you can specify a custom set of files in custom actions. These files are deployed before running a custom action and you can use them to run the action. For example, you can use this feature to include a script file and run it before the package installation.

Custom Actions Templates:
- To simplify configuration of custom pre and post actions the program provides configuration templates for the frequently used actions. Click on the buttons displayed in the Actions Templates group of the Custom Actions contextual Ribbon menu to create an action based on templates. The program allows you to configure a PowerShell script, VB script, batch file and executable file using templates. Templates include configuration if files, command-line options and other parameters of the custom action.

Excluding Items from a Package:
- File System, Registry and other project editors now include an option to exclude resources from a build. When a resource is excluded, it doesn't appear in the generated package, but is still available in the project, so it is possible to include it into package generation. The exclude option can help you to experiment with projects and a set of project resources.

New Vector Skins:
- The program now includes new vector skins that have perfect look and feel on monitors with HiDPI. Program icons now are adaptable and have different colors in the different skins.

New and improved features:
- Added support of large monitors with HiDPI and support for multi-monitor configurations with different DPI
- Added a new project settings view that splits settings in sections
- Improved wrapped package structure and deployment that allows resolving a few known problems
- Improved the project validation before creating a package

GameMaker Studio 2022.6.1.26 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- June’s release brings Feather for everyone who wants to try it, and includes lots of fixes for Feather and also the current Syntax Errors system; adds 5 more Filter types you can use in your games; introduces more functionality when creating and using your extensions; brings microphone support to the Opera GX target; changes the Switch crash-reporter to be Nintendo’s own system; and fixes a number of issues with the collision system.

GetFLV 30.2207.25 查看版本資訊


iClone 8.02.0718.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

iClone 8.02.0718.1
- The new Root Bone option in the Import FBX panel can be used to import the correct root motion

- Layer keys are now kept after deploying and replacing motions
- New Auto Transition Selected Clips function in the Timeline's right-click context menu can be used to create a fade-in and fade-out effect between the tail of the selected front clip and head of the selected back clip. Feedback Tracker
- Soft-cloth calculations are now multi-threaded, resulting in big improvements in performance.

- Perform actions can't be deployed if it contains iAnim data (for example, Machines of War content pack). Feedback Tracker
- Soft-cloth weight maps with black and white gradients result in faulty data.
- Running LiveFace in offline mode opens a dialog window warning of improper serial number.
- Bake Substance Texture button label does not fully show. Feedback Tracker
- Application tends to freeze when there are too many animation keys in the imported motion file (using Import External Motion).
- Attaching multiple props to a character's pelvis, waist, or spine and adjusting accessory pivots, then exporting an FBX to adjust the hand motions, and bringing the said motions back into iClone via the Motion Pipeline causes an error in the application of the motion.
- Normal maps do not bake correctly for characters imported via Transformer. Feedback Tracker
- The Speed Info heads-up-display remains empty after having deployed two characters, applying iMD to the latter character and starting Motion Director.
- Can't Undo after applying and removing a character, then rotating the camera via 3DConnexion.
- Applying iMD and opening the Behavior Manager results in missing data.
- Disabling Auto-align Playhead, applying motion to the character, and double-clicking on any Motion Layer Track to set keys, causes the motion to distort.
- If the FPS for the project and the Export FPS settings don't coincide, then the exported length of the motion is incorrect.
- After applying Motion Loop, clip alignment region for two adjoining clips do not include the loop offset.
- Motion for UV animated objects contain errors when played back.
- When two clips' transition regions overlap, changing the trailing transition of the front clip causes the transition to move to the head of the clip.
- Unable to control material animations with LUA for materials that have illegal characters in their names rectified by the system.
- Ordering the Material list by shader type and converting multi-selected materials to a different shader does not affect all selected materials. Feedback Tracker
- Unable to drag FBX into the viewport after Visual > IBL > Show Sky is enabled.
- Applying external motions with Z-rotations for the hips to a character, and performing Hip to Root results in an improper orientation of the root Z-axis
- Morph tracks do not update for CC characters that have added/removed custom morphs in MC.
- Certain prop Perform motions causes the application to crash. Feedback Tracker
- Failure to apply Extended/Standard Facial Profiles for CC characters that have custom eyes and teeth applied
- Importing an iC7 prop with Perform motions to iClone 8, and calling Perform motions causes the program to crash
- Suppress Shadow Flicker feature has no effect

iClone 8.01.0601.1
- Support for 3dconnexion (can be toggled on/off in the preference panel)
- Scene Manager now supports reordering with drag-and-drop

- Importing a character with special characters in the naming of its bones will cause a crash in the application
- Linking a lens flare to a spotlight, and pressing the Modify > Link ("...") button will cause a crash in the application
- Eyeballs and eyebrows of certain Humanoid characters drift away when imported into CC 4 and iClone 8. Feedback Tracke
- Duplicating a character with motion, breaking it's clip into two segments, and joining the latter clip segment with the former causes an error for the character
- Application crashes when certain FBX files are imported as props and applied with FBX motions
- Props with Transform keys fail to carry animation when they are exported in FBX. Feedback Tracke
- Certain FBX can not read Characterization profiles made in 3DXchange
- Error as a result of saving a CC character as a project in iClone 8 that was rescaled in iClone 7. Feedback Tracke
- Axial errors occur for FBX motion files exported from iClone there were originally imported from Motion Builder via Motion File Import
- Character spring effects recorded in Motion Director may be missing or experience juddering if the scene is heavy and the FPS drops too low
- Replacing the character removes sound clips. Feedback Tracke
- Applying iMotionPlus containing voice onto characters and reimporting the saved project, degrades the sound quality while increasing its volume
- Activating Proportion > Adjusting Full Body scale for an old Standard character with body resized does not keep individual scales for different body parts
- Applying Flatten All Layers on multi-selected clips will remove some random clips. Feedback Tracke
- Error in the Transform track after executing Insert Frame
- Error in the Transform track after executing Delete Range
- CPU threads over 50 will cause motion-related functions to lose effect like applying motion, modifying motion, etc. Feedback Tracker 1, Feedback Tracker
- Unable to use the Curve Editor to change the character's Path Position curve from non-linear to linear under the influence of Pick Path. Feedback Tracke
- The camera in the toolbar needs to maintain its start position when Motion Director starts and stops
- Skin color can be baked to the Diffuse map when Skin Color is deactivated
- Activating subdivisions on the eyeballs and turning the head will cause a delay in the motion of the eyeball's reflective highlights
- The facial slider parameter cannot be adjusted with the mouse wheel, up/down arrow keys, and page up/down keys
- If Motion Director does not have data, and Add Macro is launched in Replay mode, then the Add button is disabled
- After using waypoints to move the character and when two waypoints are close to each other, the viewport does not show the waypoint, however, the character continues to move in its direction
- Flatten All Motion with Constraints has no effect on props
- Applying DRM motion to the characters, saving the rlPose using Content Manager, and applying the pose makes a blocking message appear
- Opening the application without launching Motion Director, deploying two characters with iMD applied on either one, and using Ctrl+R leads to a lack of data for the Speed info
- Unexpected reflective artefacts exist for videos exported from certain projects
- Using F10 to preview a particle project causes visual discrepancies with the particle effects in the viewport
- Application crashes when rendering video with physical simulation of certain hair. Feedback Tracker 1, Feedback Tracker 2, Feedback Tracker 3
- The Content Manager initializes failed on a weak internet connection

iClone 8.0.0511.1
One stop character animation:
Body animation:
- No tool can be faster and easier than iClone for creating quality character animation with smooth motion blend, interactive target reach, footstep system, and mocap data correction.

Facial animation:
- Powerful facial tools with proven proficiency on muscle level facial editing, facial puppeteering, multi-pass facial mocap, and accurate lip-sync animation.

Motion director:
- Dreaming of animating characters like playing games? Motion Director lets you smoothly pilot your 3D characters with XBox or PS game controllers, mouse click waypoints to direct movements, or just let AI control autonomous behaviors.

Device live:
- Lens, layout, and control 3D scenes like a movie director with iClone. Connect and map all UI commands to custom peripheral devices. Operate drone camera with a gamepad, fade or switch lights with knobs and sliders, scrub timeline with Space Mouse, or trigger performances with the push of a button.

Motion live:
- Motion LIVE for iClone is a full body motion capture platform that connects motion data streams from all industry leading mocap devices, to simultaneously animate 3D character faces, hands and bodies. Additionally, users can choose to export their animations as FBX or BVH, or Live Link to other 3D tools like Unreal Engine.

Comprehensive Realtime Production:
- iClone is like a swiss army knife for fast animation production with a powerful character animation system and beyond including all critical features for storytelling, scene construction, physics simulation, multi-camera directing, and visual effects.

Extensive add-ons:
Character creation:
- iClone is perfectly coupled with Character Creator (CC), enliven all character types made by CC and also access shared folders for character assets, motion data, and facial resources between iClone and CC

Pipeline | plugins | scripts:
- iClone provides an open API for python scripting, Unreal Live Link, and free plugins for NVIDIA Omniverse render and more

Pipeline to 3d universe:
- iClone and CC seamlessly work together as one big design-to-animation character platform and greatly ease the in-and-out productivity with many other 3D applications

iClone 7.93.5904.1
- Exporting Game Base Characters in USD format results in a loss of animation, reset of character position, with offset to the hair and eyeballs
- No suitable thumbnails for ActorCore MaterialModifier.iSubstance

iClone 7.93.5902.1
- Added: Compatibility with IC Omniverse Connector v7.93
- Added: New MaterialModifer.iSubstance for Actorcore characters. ActorBuild and ActorScan characters can use RGB Mask and Color ID Mask to quickly partition the materials and adjust colors.
- Note: There is currently no support for Toon Figures Vol.1 content pack
- Added: AccuLips now works for Actorcore characters (ActorBuild and ActorScan)
- Note: There is currently no support for Toon Figures Vol.1 content pack
- Added: ExpressionPlus now works for Actorcore characters (ActorBuild and ActorScan)
- Note: The current priority is to give support for upcoming content packs. For packs that have already been released, please wait for the next Smart Gallery content update announcement.
- Enhanced: Optimized Restore Project order of operation: When the saved project is designated for restore, the process will run from start to finish without interruption from pop-up messages.
- Fixed: Saved projects not appearing in the File > Recent Projects list
- Fixed: Bake All Substance Textures command for Subtance materials does not obey the settings for Substance Output Size, instead it is overriden by Preference > Realtime Render Options > Max Texture Size.

Facial Animation:
- Fixed: Viseme Track > Talking Style Editor settings are not being saved with iTalk, iMotionPlus, and FBX files
- Note: Talking style settings are currently baked frame by frame when saved, which will cause the preset to reset to Global_100. If you need to store the preset settings, then you'll have to save the scene as an iProject. Feedback Tracker

- Added: New Resource Map section under Modify > Material for content production
- Added: New hotkey (Shift + B) for Paint Material tool

Export FBX:
- Enhanced: Export FBX > Blender Preset will now export JSON files
- Fixed: Characters exported with the Export FBX > Unity Preset from iClone have different bone names compared to exported FBX characters from Character Creator (also using Unity Preset)
- Fixed: Failure to export embedd ToKo_Lewis (AccuLips_Demo_Lewis_ToKoMotion.iProject) to FBX

- Fixed: iClone crashes as a result of executing Export FBX on certain characters with the Unreal or Unity preset. Feedback Tracker
- Fixed: Certain audio files imported via Create Menu > Create Script > Audio File crashes iclone. Only uncompressed audio WAV files are supported for the time being. Feedback Tracker1, Feedback Tracker 2
- Fixed: iClone crashes as a result of applying Paint Material to objects that have undergone Consolidate Materials
- Fixed: Application crashes as result of applying certain eyebrow content (i.e. Old_Sparse.rlHair from Beard & Brows Builder pack) and exporting the character in FBX format to Unreal.

iClone 7.92.5425.1
- 36 new expressions loops (.iTalk) for the Replica Studios plug-in. Several bug fixes..

iClone 7.91.5223.1
- Morph Creator not launching when a prop is selected and Modify > Animation > Morph Creator button is pressed. Feedback Tracker 1, Feedback Tracker 2, Feedback Tracker 3

iClone 7.91.5208.1
- Compatible with the enhanced Smart Gallery, and bug fix

iClone 7.81.4501.1
- FBX asset renaming is now structurally compatible with Unreal

- Unable to pick bones in the viewport under Edit Motion Layer mode
- Picking a Substance material causes some projects to crash
- iClone and Character Creator crashes from repetitive docking and undocking of the Smart Gallery, Curve Editor, and Live Link panels
- Some projects lag on playback
- UV adjustments not taking effect for some props
- Some characters exported in FBX fail to load into Blender
- $time variable not working for Substance materials in iClone
- Displacement channels can't utilize Substance materials and Bake Substance Texture is disabled
- Sbsar blurriness caused by failure to set the output size

iClone 7.72.3818.1
- Compatible with Smart Gallery plug-in

- GI settings on default project for better visual quality

- Incorrect teeth position, twisted thumbs, and visual flaws of the inner eye corner for Jody

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.2.52 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.2.52
- an error that occurred when displaying database schema synchronization script
- an error that occurred when switching between the pages of the Link Database to Source Control wizard
- an error that occurred when connecting to the Azure server
- an issue with hinting objects in the CROSS APPLY context
- an issue with generating a Scripts Folder
- a false positive syntax check error
- an unexpected exception that occurred when dragging and dropping database objects
- a bug with editing functions
- the behavior of shortcuts in SQL Editor
- incorrect comparison of extended properties in Schema Compare
- static data processing in Source Control
- the processing of shortcuts for Outline commands
- an error in executing the Generate Script As command for a trigger

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.2.22
New features and improvements:
- Added support for new functions in the Completion List, Quick Info, and Parameter Information: GREATEST, LEAST, CURRENT_TIMEZONE, CURRENT_TIMEZONE_ID
- Added support for the FORMATFILE_DATA_SOURCE parameter for bulk_options in the OPENROWSET function
- Extended support for the comparison of SQL Server 2014-2019 backup files
- Improved the server connection behavior to avoid blocking connected databases
- Improved the behavior of wildcard-aided search in a Schema Compare document
- Improved the display of the object type list in the filter window of a Schema Compare document
- Improved the grid display in the Monitor document
- Improved the logic of column width auto-adjustment in Data Editor
- Improved the diagnostics of false syntax errors in Query Builder

User-reported bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue that occurred when launching schema comparison
- Fixed the performance of the source control update operation
- Fixed an issue that occurred when working with static data in source control
- Fixed an issue with the formatting of spatial data types
- Fixed a text editor issue
- Fixed an issue that occurred when closing the application
- Fixed an issue that occurred when comparing data
- Fixed an index synchronization issue
- Fixed the performance of the commit and push operations in source control
- Fixed an issue that occurred when changing the database in a SQL document
- Fixed a command-line editor issue
- Fixed an issue with displaying a container header on a diagram
- Fixed a documentation generation issue
- Fixed an issue with displaying text comparison differences
- Fixed an issue that occurred when working with the file system
- Fixed an issue with displaying nodes in Database Explorer
- Fixed a data generation issue
- Fixed an issue that occurred when working with transactions during schema synchronization
- Fixed an issue with the installation package
- Fixed an issue with document generation for encrypted procedures and functions in Documenter
- Fixed an icon display issue in the Monitor document
- Fixed a log file initialization issue that occurred when opening the application
- Fixed an issue with the CONTRACT permission type in Security Manager
- Fixed an issue with the search and replacement of values in Data Editor
- Fixed an issue with creating a foreign key on a database diagram
- Added the capability to control the column width for text data in Profile Server Events
- Fixed a data filtering issue in Data Editor
- Fixed an issue that occurred when opening Data Compare
- Fixed the Close all unmodified command for object editors
- Fixed an issue that occurred when opening a Monitor document
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when copying data to clipboard
- Fixed an application uninstallation issue
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when creating data reports for non-SELECT scripts
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when building dependencies for Queue objects while generating documentation
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when describing database objects during search
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when working under the Azure Active Directory connection
- Fixed an issue with the interception of external exceptions by SQL Tools
- Fixed an issue that occurred when performing Analyze Code for a script with NOCOUNT ON
- Fixed an issue with the display of differences in the XLS comparison reports in Data Compare
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when generating HTML documentation
- Fixed the behavior of the Reseed Identity Columns option for Azure connections in Data Compare
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when exporting data to the Excel format
- Fixed an unexpected exception in Data Editor
- Fixed an issue with defining columns in a script for Python Generator in Data Generator
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when describing databases with identical names for Schema and Assembly objects in Documenter
- Fixed an issue with connecting a database to a version control system
- Fixed an issue with reading data from the server when executing a script
- Fixed false syntax errors
- Removed an error report thrown upon switching to the Design tab in cases when the query contained syntax errors or was not supported by Query Builder
- Fixed an issue that occurred when inserting a drop-down list element into the text
- Fixed an issue with calculating the Parameter Info of a function that was referred to via a synonym
- Fixed a script formatting issue
- Fixed an issue that occurred when updating the database object cache for hints
- Fixed an issue that occurred when loading SSMS extensions
- Fixed the highlighting of the system statistical functions in SQL Editor
- Fixed a text editor issue on the Windows Build 22567 or later
- Fixed the behavior of the Parameter Info hint
- Fixed the behavior of the Quick Info hint
- Fixed an issue that occurred when working with the table editor
- Fixed the display of data in the login_time and last_batch columns on the Sessions tab in Monitor
- Fixed an issue that occurred when working with a data comparison document
- Fixed an issue that occurred when selecting view columns from its query
- Fixed an issue that occurred when viewing trigger dependencies in Database Explorer
- Fixed an issue with loading an SQL script from a saved file to a document
- Fixed an issue that occurred when analyzing differences in Queue objects while executing the Get Latest command

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.1.14
New features and improvements:
- Support for the Execution step for the Jenkins, TeamCity, and Bamboo plugins
- Added the check constraints hints for the ALTER TABLE statements
- Support for the WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY option for the ALTER TABLE ... SWITCH PARTITION statements
- Added the DISTRIBUTED_AGG hint for the SELECT - GROUP BY queries
- Added the suggestion of keywords for ALTER/DROP DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL statements
- Added the suggestion of keywords for the ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION statement
- Added the suggestion of keywords for MEMORY_OPTIMIZED in the ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION statements
- Support for the CREATE/ALTER/DROP EVENT SESSION session_name ON DATABASE statements
- Support for Query Store options in the ALTER DATABASE statements
- Improved the behavior of data sorting in Data Editor
- Improved the display of table relationships on the Query Builder diagram
- Improved the error diagnosis when working with Source Control
- Added the ability to resize the search text field
- Added a warning when trying to save read-only files with the applied changes

- Excluded collations from elements falling into the category of identifiers when working out the Enclose identifiers within square brackets option (U36183154)
- search behavior for the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER columns
- unexpected exception thrown when creating a connection
- unexpected exception thrown when generating database documentation
- unexpected exception thrown when closing the SQL Document with the running Query Profiler
- unexpected exception thrown when running the application tracer
- an issue with saving changes in the table editor
- a request to get events in Event Profiler
- a definition of columns and data for importing data from a JSON file in which JSON properties are missing
- an issue that occurred when starting the application with the Object Viewer open and the Database Explorer closed
- an issue with getting the name of the branch for the Git repository
- the 'Connection Timeout' error in the SQL Document
- the 'The connection is closed' error in the SQL Document
- an issue with data export freezing on a database with a large quantity of objects
- an issue with reading comparison parameters in console mode in Data Compare
- a query execution error in the SQL Document in Data Compare
- an issue with using the object names mapping options in Data Compare
- an issue with defining unique keys when using object names in different registers in Data Editor
- a bug in the Link Database to Source Control wizard in Source Control
- an issue with synchronizing the list of connections to database servers
- an error in the document service that occurred when starting the application
- an issue with accessing partition functions for SQL Server 2000 Storage options in Object Editor
- an issue with generating Excel and HTML reports when the 'Hide unmodified columns' option is enabled in Data Compare
- the behavior of Code Completion on case sensitive servers
- false positives of Syntax Check
- an issue with calculating Quick Info
- an issue with launching Monitor
- an issue with highlighting associated IF/ELSE keywords
- an issue with calculating Parameter Info when accessing the procedure using a synonym
- an issue that occurred when performing Refresh Suggestions
- an issue with Output that occurred when working with SQL Tools versions integrated into SSMS
- an issue with data import through templates
- an issue with navigating to the similarly named triggers in different schemas
- an issue with calculating Parameter Info
- an issue with creating an incorrect tooltip for a connection element when starting the application
- an error that occurred with comparing data
- an issue with comparing user-defined object schemas that differ only in spaces
- an issue with reading data in the table editor
- an issue that occurred when comparing a database with the Script Folder
- an issue with synchronizing objects with data recovery when comparing schemas
- an issue with renaming a snippets folder
- an error that occurred when starting SSMS
- an issue that occurred when creating a connection with custom parameters
- an issue that occurred when starting the application
- an issue when starting the application with the opened Start Page
- an problem with poor performance when working with TFS
- the OutOfMemoryException error that occurred when synchronizing schemas
- an issue with generating a data comparison report in the XLS format
- an issue that occurred when closing the application
- a syntax error in the STRING_AGG construction
- an error that occurred when comparing a database with an empty folder
- an issue in Source Control when working with a case sensitive database server
- the behavior of keyboard shortcuts
- an error that occurred when starting the SQL Server Monitoring Tool
- an issue with zooming text in the SQL Server Monitoring Tool
- Returned the capability to insert a JOIN condition after an open parenthesis

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.0.563
- The application fails with a critical error when trying to create diagram objects after installing the KB5006670, KB5006672 or KB5006674 Windows update

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.0.560
New features and improvements:
- Ability to simultaneously connect with different ApplicationIDs to Azure SQL Server

- Unexpected exception when selecting Style in Documenter on Azure connection (Z55517)
- Unexpected exception when changing a database on the connection
- Error during the data export to an Excel file (Z62513)
- Unexpected exception with the filter in Documenter
- Error during the data export through ODBC (Z57386)
- During data import, the values from default constraints for the columns of the target table were ignored
- Error during the data generation for the tables with composite primary keys
- Error with the integration of several add-ins
- Improved behavior of linking system databases in Source Control
- Error with updating a document in Source Control
- Error with getting a list of schemas on the SqlServer 2000
- Error with getting a list of files in the Browse for Folder window
- Error with canceling the operation in Data Editor
- Error with changing databases on the SQL Server connection
- Error with editing data for the selection from tables of different schemas in Data Editor
- Typos in the Filter window of Data Editor (Z59481)
- Error with closing a parallel connection in Data Editor (Z53577)
- Improved behavior with the active Paste As New Records command in Data Editor (p195068)
- Error when executing the Go To Definition command to a remote connection to the server
- Improved behavior of active control of changing the current database when executing the query in SQL Document
- Coloring of cells with the NULL values in Data Editor (Z57818)
- Error when completing the procedure with parameters in Data Editor (Z57682, Z61911)
- Error when executing a query with parameters of the Date type in Paginal Mode in Data Editor
- Error with specifying an incorrect value in the Filter window in Data Editor
- Error with updating transaction operations in a SQL Document
- Error with closing wizards when getting a list of databases
- Generation of a DDL trigger when executing a command from Database Explorer (Z56348)
- Description of the column in Database Explorer (p45705)
- Issue with deploying a tSQLt framework on the Azure SQL database (Z58747)
- Invalid response to syntax check (Z60052, Z59176, Z60241)
- Issue with saving changes in the procedure to the server (Z59244)
- Error with closing SQL documents (Z55637, Z58342)
- Error with updating a table
- Bug when scrolling the drop-down list with the mouse wheel
- Incorrect change of a query when updating it in Query Builder (p196244, Z60596)
- Bug when launching Data Compare from the command line
- Update of a procedure script after modification (Z56348)
- Processing of the Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C shortcuts in Data Viewer (Z56062)
- Bug with Commit in Source Control
- Added the ability to connect with MFA through a proxy (Z59810)
- Errors in the synchronization script in Schema Compare (Z55541)
- Bug when deleting a column in the table editor
- Handling of CTRL + 0 on the numeric keyboard (p194936)
- Error with synchronizing Extended Properties for views

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.0.383
- ALTER for views was generated incorrectly
- Error with duplicating the max size for varchar, nvarchar, and varbinary when generating CREATE
- Critical error when reading metadata for an external table
- Error with processing a procedure during synchronization
- Temporary Schema Compare synchronization script files duplicated in Recent Files
- Error with closing the Data Comparison document
- Error with the report generation
- Critical error when processing mapping during comparison
- Mechanism of deletion of temporary folders
- Critical error with processing metadata for nullable columns
- Error with working with documents when closing the application
- Display of the 'Hide unmodified columns' button in the comparison document
- Issue with activation of the application
- Issue with opening SqlDocument when navigating from the Error List window
- Issue with the 'Create or Alter' command when copying to clipboard
- Issue with opening the trigger editor from another schema
- Query execution with USE in SqlDocument
- Behavior in the view editor when working with Query Design was tweaked
- Behavior when editing a query with comments in Query Builder was tweaked
- Inputting fractional values in the parameter editor when executing a procedure
- Error with working the TFS version control system
- Error with starting the application
- Error when changing the connection status in SqlDocument,
- Date and time formats for data editor were improved
- Option for enclosing identifiers within square brackets when generating scripts was added
- Incorrect parsing of types enclosed within square brackets
- Possible error with closing IDE with a floating document
- Customized toolbar buttons order was not restored after restarting IDE
- Code completion failed to suggest columns from CTE
- IFF function was not highlighted by the code editor
- Build step of Azure for Release pipeline failed to proceed
- IDE failed to parse specific complex scripts
- Incorrect syntax check for AT TIME ZONE clauses
- Code completion failed to suggest objects from schemas except for the default one
- Pressing Backspace within the search dialog led to the selection of the last character from the remaining text
- Text from the clipboard was pasted to incorrect locations in case of the multiline selection
- Error when exporting to ODBC Dynamics Driver
- Unexpected exception when saving document cache
- Exception occurred during the application activation
- Exit codes output in the command line for the unit testing functionality

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.0.330
User-reported bug fixes:
- Error with loading the application with certain OS (Z49539, Z49498)

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.0.237
The DevOps Automation feature:
Now dbForge Studio for SQL Server takes part in DevOps Automation. On the start page, in the DevOps tab, added links to install the following plugins:
- Plugin for Jenkins
- Plugin for TeamCity
- Plugin for Azure DevOps
- Plugin for Bamboo
- PowerShell module that helps with organizing database DevOps processes for your SQL Server databases. It allows you to develop, source-control, and safely automate the deployment of database changes by using dbForge for SQL Server tools via the PowerShell interface.

Connectivity improvements:
- Heroku Cloud connectivity support
- Display of the SQL Server version when testing connection

Code Completion improvements:
- Column sensitivity classification information available in the completion list and Quick Info
- Support for statement: GRANT ALTER ANY SECURITY POLICY
- Support for statement: GRANT ALTER ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY
- Support for statement: CREATE/ALTER/DROP EXTERNAL LANGUAGE for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for the function PREDICT for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for CREATE USER for Azure SQL Database
- Expanded support for CREATE INDEX for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER DATABASE for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER TABLE for SQL server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER EXTERNAL LIBRARY for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP for SQL server 2019
- Expanded support for DROP EXTERNAL RESOURCE POOL for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for DROP EXTERNAL LIBRARY for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ACCELERATED_DATABASE_RECOVERY in ALTER DATABASE for SQL Server 2019
- Temporary tables suggestion
- OPENJSON objects suggestion
- Properties suggestion for built-in metadata functions
- Prompting hints names for the USE HINT option
- Prompting time zones in AT TIME ZONE
- Displaying MS_Description for SQL Azure database objects
- Prompting objects in the context of DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS
- New options suggestion for the ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION statement

- Code Refactoring improvements:
- Converting stored routines execution into a script
- Unwrapping dynamic SQL into parameterized queries
- Find Invalid Objects to get to know if any objects are referencing objects that have been dropped and no longer exist in the database

- Code Navigation improvements:
- Jump between CASE/END
- Jump between BEGIN TRY/END TRY
- Extend INSERT Highlight Occurrences feature to show a popup with the column name in the values area

- Code Execution improvements:
- Run a single script against multiple databases in parallel or serial mode
- Execution Warnings to warn of UPDATE or DELETE statements without a WHERE clause as well as TRUNCATE and DROP statements
- Export of execution history to CSV file format

SQL Formatter improvements:
- New formatting profiles introduced: Collapsed; Commas before; Compact; Extended; Indented; MSDN SQL; Right aligned; Stack compact
- Quick select formatting profile from context menu of SQL file

Data Editor improvements:
- Cached Updates Mode to defer posting updates to a table to a later time
- New Web view for Data Viewer
- Unified display of DATE in the Results Grid and Data Viewer
- Ability to customize colors for Data Viewer JSON view in the dark skin
- Export data from a data grid to the CSV, XML, HTML, and JSON formats
- Settings for the export data from a data grid to the CSV
- Copy data as CSV, XML, HTML, and JSON formats to clipboard as well as to a file
- Keyboard shortcut for the Apply Changes command

Data Export/Import improvements:
- Data Export/Import to Google Sheets
- Output Settings tab is added to Data Export Wizard
- Information about the export format is added to the Data Export Wizard header
- Remember the Save an Export Project checkbox value

Schema Compare improvements:
- Redesigned Progress Window for schema comparison and synchronization
- In-place SQL Formatting option for the text compare control
- Pre/Post-scripts execution tab in Schema Synchronization Wizard
- Append Timestamp to the File Name option in Schema Synchronization Wizard
- Colors for Modified, Added, and Deleted blocks are changed in the text compare control

Data Compare improvements:
- Redesigned Progress window for data comparison and synchronization
- Exclude newly added objects option in Data Compare Wizard
- Ignore Whitespaces option in Data Compare Wizard
- Tolerance Interval option in Data Compare Wizard
- Pre/Post-scripts execution tab in Data Synchronization Wizard
- Hide empty columns options for Only in Source and Only in Target view of Data Compare document

Data Generator improvements:
- Redesigned Progress Window for data generation
- Documenter improvements<
- Auto-line-break of long headings

Other improvements:
- Generate Script As for DML Commands
- Access to SQL Designer from the context menu is added
- Search for options is introduced
- Remember the size of the column properties window
- DevExpress controls updated to v20
- New vector HiDPI skins

User-reported and internal bug fixes:
- The "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow." issue is SQL Profiler (T310029)
- Unexpected exception occurred when generating data via the command line(T320298)
- The freeze when describing user database in Data Generator (T319445)
- Improved generation of data previews in the data generator for tables with composite indexes (T316409)
- Bug during generation of data preview in Data Import (T308286)
- Unexpected exception occurred during data generation for tables with circular dependencies (T278700)
- Improved object search. When editing a search query, a new search occurred according to the previous query (T304247)
- Changes to the Description field in the generated documentation were not saved in Documenter (T293113)
- Unexpected exception was thrown when opening any execution plan saved in SQL Server 2012 (T294320)
- Display of controls in dark skin in the table editor (T277001)
- Mapping settings when comparing data in backups (T323655)
- Critical parsing error (T312403)
- Error with displaying data in the Data Compare grid (T319144, T297723)
- Critical error with mapping when opening the data compare document (T306175)
- Error occurred in Comparison Wizard when connecting to TFS (T308893)
- Incorrect parsing of the FUNCTION parameters (T317519)
- An option to exclude versioned tables from comparison is added (T309869)
- Error with setting connection in the Script Folder creation form (T294568)
- Initial values were missing for SEQUENCE when retrieving DDL (T307257)
- Error with defining compatibility of the columnstore indexes when working with Azure SQL (T306938)
- Error with parsing DDL script of objects containing brackets (T303303)
- Script parsing error occurred (T283445)
- Incorrect synchronization script was generated when setting IDENTITY for the NOT NULL column (T275640)
- Data display in the Data Compare document (T268482)
- Generation of CREATE and CREATE OR ALTER scripts (T267680)
- Display of equal objects (T293657)
- The Insert Semicolons menu item put semicolons in wrong places making the script invalid (T323877)
- Incorrect behavior of the split/combined layout toggle when retrieving data for tables from Database Explorer (T318219)
- Code Completion did not suggest columns for table aliases (T304419, T305484)
- When selecting the dark color scheme and applying the dark mode in the Windows settings, the text in an SQL document remained black (T309895)
- The Edit.GotoBeginEnd command was missing from shortcuts configuration table
- Possible critical error after printing an SQL document (T317747)
- The Unexpected Object Already Exists errors were popping up frequently within the database objects editor (T304855)
- The procedure script was reformatted unexpectedly when trying to modify the latest (T304521)
- The multiline string was incorrectly highlighted within an SQL document
- The toolbar customizations are lost after restarting the program (T298461)
- The modify method for the XML data type was treated incorrectly by the syntax checker (T297890, T297936)
- Possible critical error within text comparison module when comparing database schemas (T297377, T297515, T297919, T298365, T298573,T302658, T304732, T305199, T305378, T305599, T306396, T309922)
- The FOR JSON clause was not allowed in the CURSOR statement (T289629, T320446, T314673)
- It was impossible to select multiple lines at once within an SQL document (T281370)
- The syntax checker did not accept user variables within the SEND statement (T283619)
- The syntax checker did not accept the FORCESEEK hint with the brackets
- Items in the completion list were scrolled by pixels but not rows, thus it was impossible to use mouse wheel for navigation (T280133)
- The formatter failed to process queries containing column aliases defined via the 'alias = column' syntax
- The Alt + R accelerator in the Find and Replace window did not work (T270967)
- The JSON_QUERY was not recognized correctly by the syntax checker (T266900)
- Incorrect statement was highlighted with the error marker when profiling specific statements (T264205)
- The WHERE keyword was not highlighted in case the JOIN condition was incomplete (T263709)
- Improved generation of DDL script of a trigger for the Modify command in Database Explorer (T318082)
- Error with defining the server version in (T309862, T309689)
- Description of the Schema Export options is improved (T313400)
- Error occurred when updating the values of the joined tables in Data Editor (Modif298178)
- Behavior with the window focus when executing queries in SQL document is tweaked (T294116)
- Error occurred when opening the Database Diagram file in the previous version (T294212)
- The work of the Filter Editor window in Data Editor is tweaked (T276373)
- Support for the SSDT folder structure in Script Folder and Source Control (T251625)
- Issue with connecting to the cloud Git repositories (T306465)
- Error when working with a SEQUENCE with large values (T281220)
- Improved performance when displaying data with a large number of columns (T283046, T289442)
- Formatting was disabled when generating the script objects script
- Error when executing SELECT queries with the FOR JSON clause (T244543, T264914, T272571)

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.8.127
Bug fixes:
- Problem with Generate Script As on SQL Server 2019 is fixed
- Problem with connecting to azure managed instance is fixed
- Problem with freezing on refresh Source Folder is fixed
- Problem with displaying comperison result is fixed
- Other User-reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.8.107
Data Compare improvements:
- Redesigned data compare control
- Redesigned data comparison report window
- Redesigned data comparison report in CSV

Schema Compare improvements:
- Object filter
- Redesigned objects text diff control
- Redesigned schema comparison report window
- Redesigned schema comparison report in HTML

User reported bug fixes:
- Problem with execution of push command is fixed
- Problem with virtual relation on database diagram is fixed
- Problem with constraint renaming is fixed
- Problem with data view in data editor is fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.7.99
Fixed bugs:
- Problems with data refreshing in data editor are fixed
- NRE in view editor is fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.7.98
- Problem with connecting to GIT using proxy is resolved
- Problems with incorrect query generation are fixed
- Problem with procedure creating in the editor is fixed
- Problems with conneting to repository are fixed
- Problems with parser error are fixed
- Problems with opening database diagram are fixed
- Problems with saving changes when modifying an object in the object editor are fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.7.31

- Support for the Active Directory - Universal with MFA authentication

Schema & Data Compare:
- Comparison performance improved dramatically

User reported bug fixes:
- Problem with column order is fixed
- Problem with wrong error messages is fixed
- Problem with lost user shortcuts is fixed
- Problem with check constraints is fixed
- Problems with drag and drop several tables to diagram are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.6.104
Bugs fixed:
- Problems with a virtual relation on a database diagram
- Problem with the connection to Azure
- Problem with mapping a foreign key on a database diagram
- Problem with shortcuts
- Problem with wrong differences after data comparing

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.6.62
SQL Server support:
- Connectivity support for SQL Server 2019
- Lots of Azure improvements implemented

Data Generator
- Foreign Key Generator for a group of unique table columns

Source Control:
- Support for TFS 2018

User reported bug fixes:
- Synchronization issue using command line is fixed
- Problem with false different records is fixed
- Problem with view renaming is fixed
- Problem with script generating for system-versioned table is fixed
- Problem with connect to TFS is fixed
- Problem with inserting data in data editor is fixed
- Problem with editing table structure is fixed
- Problem with renaming file for data export to CSV is fixed
- Problem with documentation generation is fixed
- Problem with object duplicate is fixed
- Problems with activation are fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Profesional 5.5.369
- Problem with popup menu in database explorer is fixed