GoodSync 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 GoodSync

GoodSync 歷史版本列表

GoodSync 是一個簡單,安全,可靠的方式來自動同步和備份您的照片,MP3 和重要文件。備份和 / 或同步您的關鍵文件就像點擊一樣容易,也可以使用各種自動選項進行安排。真正的雙向文件同步可防止任何數據丟失。 GoodSync 可以用於通過本地網絡或 Internet 在桌面 PC 和筆記本電腦,家庭和辦公室計算機,計算機和可移動設備(USB Key,閃存驅動器,CDRW 光盤)之間同步數據。 ... GoodSync 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Fix Windows 11 22H2 Dualscreen not supported

GetFLV 30.2209.23 查看版本資訊


GetFLV 30.2209.15 查看版本資訊


Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- AMD : additional files and registry cleanup (pnplockdownfiles region)
- Nvidia: additional files and registry cleanup (pnplockdownfiles region)

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What's new in this version:

- August’s release focuses on a lot of clean-up as we head towards an LTS release later in the year - some old or underused platforms have now been removed; many project-saving, performance, or stability changes have been made; and we have made a big improvement to tile-encoding in rooms, which does require a change in project version because older GameMaker versions will not be able to read those tile layers (so please do read these release notes carefully!).
- In addition to those very important stability changes, we also added: Feather has a lot more customisation options in Preferences; several more filter types can be found in the Room Editor; new audio functions/arguments so you can control playback more easily; the browser-based platforms now support the use of virtual keys and clipboard functionality in your games; and rollback now supports chat functionality.

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What's new in this version:

- Account Setup: If Impersonation mode is prohibited by Install type, empty it out
- Account Setup: Do not show Cancel button on Finishing progress dialog, it cannot be canceled
- Browse/Explore: Fixed password entry/navigation sequence for servers that require password to list shares
- SFTP: Fixed RSA authentication with Pageant

- Account Setup: new Account Setup, more usable, complete redesign
- Account Setup: Request ComputerId on Serving Files page, not on Login page
- Account Setup: Enterprise: Separate Direct Addressing mode and Offline mode
- Account Setup: Impersonation option now appears only for Enterprise versions
- Account Switch: Fixed new Account can get Jobs from old one, if GS is Elevated
- Runner Setup: re-implement it as Sib-HTML dialog, improve usability
- Copy Progress: For big files (>= 1 Byte) log 2 messages: start (<) and finish (>)
- Apple iCloud: Added new file system for Apple iCloud online storage
- Implement block uploads (for files >=20 MiB)
- S3: Fixed escaping of URL, when uploading parts of large files
- S3 and Azure: Always uses CanonicV4Escape on all URIs
- S3 Google Cloud: Fixed Copy/Move of files inside FS did not work if file name contains ( ) '
- S3: Allow parallel upload and download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Azure S3 DropBox WebDAV: Do not return OK but return error, if file/folder to be deleted is not found
- SFTP: Added ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 hostkey algorithms
- SFTP: Fix our order of preferred hostkey algorithms, this allows connecting to Wings server
- SMB: Added support for SetFolderModTime() to new Sib-SMB
- SMB: Fully separate Old Win-SMB (prefix smb:// or ) and New Sib-SMB (prefix smbd://)
- SMB + gs-server: gs-server smb:/ virtual folder uses New Sib-SMB or Old Win-SMB based on Program Option
- Gs-Server: Get back to keeping 10 last transactions memorized, as we might need them
- GsRunner + GsServer service: Do not try to start Gs-Server service from GsRunner service start
- GsServer Sessions: improved locking and dead session cleanup
- CC-Runner: fixed /cc-acct-passwd= and /sys-passwd= specified in command line were lost on elevation
- CC-Runner: Stopped using HttpConnectionPool in CC Runner, optimized reuse of HTTPS connections
- Explorer Download: Fixed download was not always retried on lossy connections (such as WiFi)
- SyncLib: Create _gsdata_ folders if they do not exist, not just on Analyze but On Sync too
- Main GUI Windows: Fix job direction button layout, so that Analyze button does not change its size
- Cryptography: improved randomness of random generator used to seed encryption

- SMB FS: Added support for DFS (Distributed File System) links in SMB 2 and 3
- SMB FS: Implement File Owner and ACL operations (Get/Set file owner and ACL)
- OpenSSL + Windows XP: Make GoodSync work again on Windows XP - adjust OpenSSL compile options
- Explorer: File Copy: Restore 'From' field value in detailed progress after connecting FSes
- GUI: Fixed job drag-and-drop job reordering (in 'Sort job names by alphabet' == Off)
- Sync in Control Center Runner: Improved log file name normalization

- S3: Do not use parallel upload/download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- S3: Fixed bug that prevented files > 2 Gb from downloading
- S3: Pass Port and SSL flag to Parallel Part Uploader and Downloader
- Azure Files + Explorer: Allow creation of Shares in Azure Files file system
- GUI Analyze: Replaced Analyze animations with per-side analyze progress display
- GUI Analyze: Progress is shown with 'Running Pipe' when State File is not present
- GUI: Switch job side buttons, job direction button and job direction drop-down to SVG icons
- gs-server: Testing Forwarders: Test forwarder with TLS/SSL mode On
- Sib-TLS/SSL: Fixed memory leaks related to new OpenSSL 1.1.x

- Fixed crash that appeared in ver 11.11.3
- Jobs.tic: Reading Program Options: if we cannot decrypt SMTP or other creds, do not return terminal error
- GDocs: Do not allow uploading of files longer than 256 Mb

- Fixed crash that appeared in ver 11.11.3

- SyncJob: Fixed free space updates were performed too often
- FTP: Improved Data Connection start sequence, to speed up and address proxy issues
- FTP: Passive Mode: Added retries of entire PASV sequence, if we failed data connection
- SFTP: Improved our default preferred KEX (Key Exchange Algorithm) list
- Windows FS + Sym Link: Fixed creation of symbolic link by GS
- SyncLib: Fixed observed crash on NULL pointer in GsInitStats
- CC Runner + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error
- Unattended + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error
- Gs-Server: Local Account: do better normalization when setting it up
- Installer: Show PostInstall web page with instructions for new users too
- Gs-Server: Folder Grants: Speed up and improve integrity of Grant stuffing
- Gs-Server: Browsing Files: better connection management
- Gs-Server: Browsing Files: Improve Picture Thumbnails implementation
- Browse/Explorer: Server Accounts with Home Folder: do not hang it off Account node
- Mini-Progress Window: more improvements in showing Job Lists, fixed some bugs

- SMB FS: Added client for SMB v 3 protocol
- SMB FS: Implement sym link and junction traversal in all operations
- SMB FS: Fixed lookup problems on machines having multiple network interfaces
- SMB FS: Added support for LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution, RFC4795)
- SMB FS: Allow non-standard server port number (not 445)
- SMB FS: Use timeout value from SMB Server Account, not the default 20 sec
- SMB FS: Request signing is now disabled when logging in as anonymous user
- Files via Browser: Present file listing as HTML table
- Files via Browser: Show graphics file (.jpg .png .gif etc) thumbnails
- Files via Browser: More consistent generation of Session Id
- FTP + Proxy: Added handling of EPSV mode, as it now is a preferred mode
- SFTP FS: Fixed ed25519 host key verification failure
- SFTP FS: If server host key is different from cached host key, treat it as an error
- SFTP FS: Switch to using sshhostkey.txt file, not registry, to keep SSH Host Keys in Windows
- Edit Account dialog: Add 'Last Modified' read-only field, which shows Server account timestamp
- gs-server: Fixed ComputerId not present when user changes Server Account HomeFolder in Web UI
- MiniProgres Window: complete rewrite using tables, to make it consistent across platforms

- SMB: If drive letter of NetShare is already mounted then do not mount/unmount it again
- Sync Tree Visual: Fixed Analyze did not switch View Mode to Changes correctly
- Sync Tree Views: Fixed Sync Tree View did not switch correctly
- SFTP FS: Limit number of outgoing not-yet-authenticated connections to 3
- Delete Empty Folders: do not remove top folder, as we usually need it
- Delete Empty Folders: Fixed it was not working in non-Local FS
- Delete Folders Recursive: Fixed it did not delete folder with Links ti unknown in it
- GSTP client: retry transaction on 'Server is still computing response (Code 518)'
- Localization: Updated Polish localization
- gs-server: If we cannot find SMB credentials in Account Manager, use Impersonation creds
- gs-server: Local Account UserId: Allow these chars in OsUserId: . ! # ^ $ & ( ) ' ~ '
- Explorer Ver 10: Fixed navigation to bad/old unnamed bookmarks usually for old SMB
- Browse / Explorer: Several small fixes
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series

- GsExplorer: Allow 2-sided file op destination to be account root
- Browse/Explorer: Show [Decrypt Folder] button on address bar for 'potentially encrypted' folders
- Encrypted FS: Show decryption error if small number of file/folder names fail to decrypt
- Browse: Fixed rare crashes on Browse dialog close
- SMB FS: Change official FS names to shorter ones: Net Shares (Sib-SMB), Net Shares (Win-SMB)
- Gs-Server License Check: do it under lock, or else License may briefly disappear
- Ver 10: Browse Dlg: Do not attempt to turn top level smb:// account into per-server account
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series.

- OFC Incremental Analyze + Chained Jobs + new File in Folder: Fixed in this case new file did not propagate
- Job File Counters in Analyze+Sync: Fixed file counters could be reset when Sync of Job starts in Analyze+Sync
- Browse/Explorer: Show Decrypt Folder context menu command, if folder looks Encrypted by GoodSync
- Browse/Explorer: When leaving Encrypted folder, re-position onto its Not-Decrypted version
- Browse/Explorer: Scroll to wait indicator on expanding items
- Browse/Explorer: Ask for password on SMB/AFP accounts with server, if existing password does not work
- Browse/Explorer: Allow deletion of junk Server Accounts for file systems that cannot list servers
- Google TeamDrive FS: Fixed Delete File may not work if we do not have enough permissions to do that
- SMB-windows FS: Allow $ in URLs, as we can have something like smb://wsl$
- SMB-siber FS: Explicitly reject special servers WSL$, TSCLIENT and advise user to use SMB-windows
- Gs-Server + Locks: Fixed locking of Sessions and Users to avoid rare deadlocks and crashes
- Gs-Server License: When counting Users for max of 4, count only Non-Local users
- Ver 10: Allow changing UserId in Server Account
- Ver 10: Explorer: Open File: make it work for SMB-windows
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series

- SMB-like file systems: Use only [email protected] accounts, get away from [email protected] Server Accounts
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Convert old server-less SMB-like accounts to new [email protected] accounts
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed scrolling to slow navigation did not work
- Explorer: If Program Options -> Request Account Password is On, request Password on start
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed some memory leaks
- Explorer: Fixed error on Copy Links, if destination does not exist
- Links + Elevation: Fixed Link Target contained '%20' when created with Elevation
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Allow Files to have comments too, as Links to File show Target
- Links: Added support for APPEXECLINK Reparse Points
- gs-server + SMB letters: Lookup credentials in Account Manager for SMB letters too
- SMB: Show 'Windows Shares (Windows SMB Client)' old style file system, used for TSclient and Linux
- GUI: Right-side (per-group) Job List: Make column order persistent
- Progress: fixed progress overflow that may happens in file systems such as MTP
- Speed Limit + Conveyors: Do not use Conveyors when we have speed limit
- Sib-TLS: Speed up loading of certificates into our OpenSSL layer
- AllwaySync import: Implement account completion: retrieve missing data from online account
- Mediator: Account Sync Changes: Make the list shorter and more readable
- Mediator UI: Account Sync Reset: Added Jobs page that allow to reset encrypted stored Jobs

- Syncing with CheckSums: Log CheckSums when we are doing Verify CheckSum
- File Systems: fixed memory leak in file system allocation by Analyze
- GSTP client: Log correct Local IP addr of Client, when it changes
- Gs-Server: fixed rare crashes on Disconnect and Session Cleanup
- FTP + Proxy: Do not use HTTP proxy, use only Connect proxy
- Proxy: Fixed Proxy Settings were not used in GoodSync Account Setup
- FolderModTime: In 2-way sync, copy FolderModTime when GS creates folder
- Logging: Fixed slowdown caused by frequent use of Elevation
- Licensing: Store OsCompSerial in licensee too, as it is used in comparisons
- Gs-Server: Improved computation of Client that come in, for licensing
- Account Sync Changes: Show shorter and more concise List of Changes
- Mediator Web UI: Password Reset: Allow it only for Verified Emails

- Added AllwaySync to GoodSync job converter
- Explorer/Browse: Detect Encrypted folders and offer to enter password to decrypt them
- Explorer/Browse: Offer to save Decryption password of Encrypted folders, if it's good
- Explorer: Move [Decrypt Folder] button form top toolbar to folder context menu
- Explorer: Added Account Sync button to top toolbar
- Browse: Account Edit dialog: Do not retry connection when doing Test
- Filters: Add Copy and Paste buttons, process Ctrl+Ins and Shift-Ins
- Filters: Remove secret newlines and CR from incoming filters
- Include after Analyze: removed Re-filter, as it is too slow
- SFTP: better error massages, parse more formats
- gs-server Clean Sessions: Fixed it did not clean Session if cannot GetUser
- Proxy and Program Options: Added Test button to test Proxy settings
- Gs-Server + SMB: Gs-Server now will read Account Manager from GS client, when going to smb:/ folder
- gs-server: Improved Counting Clients for Licensing
- sib-url: new URL parse, do not allow UserId and Password in URL
- sib-socket: Added recognition and parsing of numeric IP v6 addresses with parts
- GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed rare errors 'SetFileLength: No such descriptor: 0'
- Encrypted FS: Download: Fixed rare decryption errors at file's end
- GsServer + SMB + Ver 10: Use old Windows-based SMB client for everything in ver 10
- Synclib Generations: Do not allow to have more than 65K generations, prune them at 32K
- Folder Grants + Caching: Speed up propagation of changes in Folder Grants to Gs-Server
- OST files + VSS: OST file are temporary and must not be backed up, as Windows does not snapshot them

- Local Elevation account: new Per-User encryption scheme for credentials to increase security
- Per Computer Licenses: Fixed they did not work after Per-User encryption changes
- Limited User: Now Limited Windows user cannot use Gs-Server and no Elevation too
- CC Runner: Fixed Local Elevation did not work in CC Runner, in case of AutoUpdate
- Server Accounts: Fixed sometimes they could not be decrypted, so user cannot start GS
- Proxy: Do not test Proxy settings when starting GoodSync, it leads to delays
- SibSmb + CC Runner: Make CC Runner use new SibSmb client by default (was Windows SMB)
- Snapshots: Fixed sometimes huge Snapshot was deleted while still being generated
- gs-server: fixed rare crashes
- Speed Limit and Pause: Fixed they did not work on direct Local to Local/SMB copy
- Account Sync: Added 'Declare Winner' command to force propagation of local credentials
- Sib-AFP: fixed SetFolderTime not implemented and other errors
- Enterprise: Added policy not to show password in Account Manager.

- Snapshots: Fixed 'Device Not Connected' error caused by premature removal of snapshot
- Gs-Server: Do not try to Logon for Impersonation, if system password is empty
- Account Setup: Preserve passwords that GS client cannot decrypt, needed for Non-Mediator users
- Installer: Force Restart of Gs-Server Service, if we added Main Account to replace Local Account
- Locking: fixed crashes and bugs in locking monitor
- SFTP FS: Fixed bugs in reading OpenSSH >= 7.8 private key format
- CC Runner: Do not show passwords and other credentials in logs

- GS Client: Implement Per-User encryption by Account Password for Jobs and Server Accounts
- GS Client: Implement Per-User encryption by OS for caching Account Password
- GS Server: Implement Per-User (System Account) encryption for Server User credentials
- GS Server: Do not return Impersonation errors as terminal errors, just log them
- Account Setup: Do it only in elevated mode, to be sure OS user is allowed to do it
- Account Setup: Server Setup is presented as Advanced option, On by default
- Elevated operations: Local Account has been discontinued, Main user acct is used for elevation
- GoodSync GUI: Added option: When GoodSync GUI starts, request Account Password
- File Upload + Monitoring: Do not stop file upload when source file changes, to be redone on next Sync
- SFTP FS + PuTTY: Added support for new PuTTY private key format (PuTTY-User-Key-File-3)
- SFTP FS + PuTTY: Made reading of OpenSSH (old) format work correctly
- SFTP FS: Made Private Key portable, by storing actual Private Key string, not just path to Pvt Key file
- AFP FS: fixed some bugs
- sib-lock: Improved detection of critical sections and mutexes that are locked for too long
- GS Server: Now it uses new SMBD:// file system when browsing smb:/ virtual sub-folder

- gs-server: Fixed massive and memory leak, related to storing txns in memory
- gs-server: Do not free file system on Disconnect, if transaction is still running
- Azure Files FS: Fixed 'Not Implemented' error when Moving file
- Storage Servers: Reject File Monitoring for Storage servers

- GSTP client: Fixed reconnect on Server Not Found errors did not always work
- GSTP client: Fixed longer Time To Reconnect option could be ignored by GSTP client
- GSTP client: GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed it was not reusing already uploaded file part
- GSTP client: Added doing Exponential Backoff on Error 515 (Forwarder Changed)
- GSTP server: Disconnect file system when Gs-Server loses connection, as it is easy to reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed Gs-Server could drop socket connection on Server Error returned to client
- GSTP server: Much improved logging of transactions
- GSTP server: Already Computing Response (Error 518) is returned only if the same Txn is requested
- Explorer: Fixed updating of source and destination items changed by Copy or Move operation
- Explorer: Fix back-navigation oafter [Leave Decrypted Folder] did not show previous folder
- Storage Servers: Fixed excessively long locks
- Storage Servers: Fixed error 'CloseFile: invalid gstp file handle' for Enecrypted FS

GSTP client:
- Fixed reconnect on Server Not Found errors did not always work
- Fixed longer Time To Reconnect option could be ignored by GSTP client
- GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed it was not reusing already uploaded file part
- Added doing Exponential Backoff on Error 515 (Forwarder Changed)

GSTP server:
- Disconnect file system when Gs-Server loses connection, as it is easy to reconnect
- Fixed Gs-Server could drop socket connection on Server Error returned to client
- Much improved logging of transactions
- Already Computing Response (Error 518) is returned only if the same Txn is requested

- Explorer: Fixed updating of source and destination items changed by Copy or Move operation

- File Copy Conveyors: Fixed error on Source file getting shorter during Copy
- gs-server: Fixed returning Error 518 'Direct Server is still computing response' in wrong cases
- gs-server Storage: Fixed Usage was not recomputed, when invoked from GS Account Web UI
- AutoUpdate: Increase waiting for Jobs to stop, before doing AutoInstall, from 1 hour to 8 hours
- Explorer: If file/folder is being copied to itself on top level, add '- Copy' to dest name
- Explorer: Added 'Rename' option to Overwrite dialog
- Google Photos: fixed some errors on Upload
- Sib-AFP: fixed several bugs, implemented GetFreeDiskSpace

- Explorer: several user interface fixes
- Explorer: Do not generate unique file names, when Folder exists on dest side, ask user instead
- Explorer: Fixed moving folders between different disks on Local FS did not work
- Google Cloud FS: Move files large than 10 Mb using local files, produced error before
- Browse Ver 10: If user changes too much in Server Account, reject such change
- Progress of MoveFile: Show progress on node that is being deleted, not the other node
- GSTP client: Fixed sequence on reconnect when Gs-Server lost sessions
- gs-server: Keep only last 2 txns before the new current transaction, as Conveyor restart changed
- AFP: Fixed many errors and crashes in the initial implementation, now it is a solid Beta

- AFP: Added AFP files system that works on Windows and Linux, our own client
- Fixed crashes that appeared in the great progress rewrite of ver 11.9.4
- GSTP client: Fixed error processing on disconnect followed by reconnect
- File Monitoring: Fixed On File Change does not restart after Cancel of Browse dialog
- Folder Counters: Fixed they did not always go to zero at the end of Sync

- Fixed crashes that appeared in the great progress rewrite of ver 11.9.4
- GSTP client: Fixed error processing on disconnect followed by reconnect
- File Monitoring: Fixed On File Change does not restart after Cancel of Browse dialog
- Folder Counters: Fixed they did not always go to zero at the end of Sync

- Progress: improved progress reporting, made it more smooth and correct
- Job Speed Limit: made it work better, more smooth
- Updated File/Folder List in GUI: made it more smooth
- Socket Server: fixed rare crashes on new encrypted connections
- Explorer and Browse dialog: fixed many ser Inreface bugs
- Explorer: Fixed Move in one file system sometimes did not work
- Explorer: File Op dialog: improved progress reporting
- Explorer: Fixed focus handling, especially after Delete
- Explorer: Imrpoved error reporting, especially for short Tasks
- Recycled and History Cleanup: Major speedup, by better clusterization
- Google Photos: Implement Quick Browse mode, improved caching
- SMB (Windows Shares): Fixed could not copy file that are locked by other programs
- MS Graph: Fixed error in upload-move sequence, caused by MS server consistency issues
- S3: Added option Require Checksum When Uploading, needed for buckets with Object Lock
- S3: When ?location is forbidden then use Preferred Region from S3 Server Account
- Sync Locks: Do not declare terminal error when we cannot delete Abandoned Lock File
- EncryptedFS Download: better implementation of it, that does Conveyor
- Windows installer: Added /gs-proxy parameter, so that AppKey-based activation works
- Snapshot + Progress + Many Sync Workers: Fixed rare crash on closing of Snapshot
- Activate Via Browser: Make sure that UserId of GsClient is the same as UserId of Account

- Sib-SMB: Fixed Access Denied on Read-Only files: perform softening by removing readonly attrs first
- Download of Locked file via GSTP: fixed file mod time not properly copied
- Sib-SMB: Fixed Access Denied in OpenInfoByHandle()
- gs-server: Fixed rare cycling on non-locked map lookup, when many connections come in at once

- Change log not available for this version

- SFTP FS: fixed some more crashes on file close
- Encrypted FS: fixed some more crashes on file close
- GSTP client: Fixed Copy of Locked File over GSTP was not working
- EncryptedFS Download conveyor: Make EncryptedFS conveyor work on downloads
- Sib-SMB: misc CIFS fixes
- Sib-SSL/TLS: Removed expired certs, added Google Trusted Services root CAs

- GSTP file system that is on This Computer: Fixed file handles were sometimes not closed
- SFTP FS: More fixes to CloseUpload() crashes
- CC Runner: For non-server OSes CC-runner platform requests GS-V11 license for GS GUI, not BsnsClnt
- sib-socket: Fixed rare crashes related to closing sockets when passing Session from one thread to another
- GSTP client: Show detailed Reason sent by Gs-Server
- sib-SSL: Do not load expired root CAs from built-in cert store and system CA stores
- sib-SMB: multiple fixes in CIFS/SMB1 protocol negotiation

- WinFileSys and UnixFileSys Close: Fixed closing sequence
- SFTP: Fixed observed crashes in CloseDownload() and CloseUpload() on errors
- CC Runner: Make it to be a separate Platform, requiring BsnsClnt or MidServe license for GUI
- Windows: Detect and show Windows 11 in version info, GoodSync works OK on it
- AutoUpdate: if Jobs are running, wait for 1 hour for them to finish, but not longer

- GSTP client Progress: Fixed Progress reporting, esp for No Internet
- CCrunner: If CCrunner is installed with GoodSync GUI, then AutoUpdate installs GS GUI, not CCrunner
- GSTP conveyor: several fixes for restarting conveyor when connection is lost and restored
- GSTP client + User Stop: Fixed User Stop was not releasing handles on GsServer side
- Crash Reporter: Simplified and Fixed determination of Our-Module
- GsExplorer: add Program Options menu item back
- SibSmb: Fix SMB1/CIFS listing errors, etc
- gsync command line: Fixed parsing of /uN with /kN
- Add exclusion of Expired Root Cert DST Root CA X3, now with SHA-1 thumbprint

- GSTP client Progress: Fixed Progress reporting, esp for No Internet
- CCrunner: If CCrunner is installed with GoodSync GUI, then AutoUpdate installs GS GUI, not CCrunner
- GSTP conveyor: several fixes for restarting conveyor when connection is lost and restored
- GSTP client + User Stop: Fixed User Stop was not releasing handles on GsServer side
- Crash Reporter: Simplified and Fixed determination of Our-Module
- GsExplorer: add Program Options menu item back
- SibSmb: Fix SMB1/CIFS listing errors, etc
- gsync command line: Fixed parsing of /uN with /kN

- GSTP client: Fixed rebuilding Conveyor upon Reconnect to GsServer
- GSTP client: Recover Connection and continue Job, if GsServer restarts
- GS file systems: further progress reporting unification
- Sib SMB file system: fixed a number of bugs in this new file system
- Sib SMB file system: Disable Conveyor until credit management is done
- Browse: Edit Account Dialog: Show error message in cases when connection test fails
- Ver 10: Do not allow to Skip Account Setup

- Backblaze: fixed expired certificate error: Remove expired DST Root CA
- GsRunner: Removed excessive logging, log only errors and reconnect
- gs-server: Add checks for File Descriptor indices, to prevent crashes
- Explorer: Add support for mouse/kbd multiple selection and single-side/two-side operations on it
- Browse/Explorer:e Edit account dialog: Show error message if connection test failed

- SMB FS: New SMB (Windows Shares) file system added, to replace FS based on Windows SMB client
- SMB FS: Added option to use New Sib-SMB FS or Windows-based SMB FS to Program Options
- MS Graph FS: Preserve original file modification times on MoveFile
- MS Graph FS: Fix site listing: Exclude bad results from search API
- License Activation on Account Setup: fixed several smaller issues
- License Activation: Add more diagnostic of why license was not activated (diff Platform, Expired)
- Crash Reporter: Do not report crash to us, if injected DLL that is likely to cause crashes is present
- RFC/RDP tunnel: Improved diagnostic of port not present on remote end
- RFC/RDP tunnel: Now available only in Ver 11, as it is coming out of Beta
- UI: several fixed in Job List resizing of columns

- GSTP Sharing: Get rid of ToFolderName -- not shown in GUI, works for legacy shares only
- GSTP Sharing: Now folders appear directly in Virtual Server shared to User
- Browse Dialog: Allow to create folders directly in Servers, as there is no ToFolderName inside
- TrayOnClose Warning: Show this warning only 3 times and then stop showing it On Close
- PerComputer License + PerUser Account Setup: Do not Activate License after Ltd user Account Setup
- GsFileSys: Add ListDirPaged() call to API, to allow for paged folder listings
- GSTP: Implement ListDirPaged(), so that long folder listings do not block the connection
- Google Drive and relatives: Upload: Reduce min size for Block Upload from 10 Mb to 5 Mb
- Cleanup Progress: Improve progress reporting, esp Start and Stop
- GsServer: Get rid of Sleep Mode, Rework File System Re-Connect to always allow it
- GsClient + GsServer: Do Not return error on change of Unique ServerId, as server update does it
- Quota for User Account Shares created via Advanced Web UI: Fixed it was not working
- Disk Quota + Disk Full: Fixed When Quota produces Disk Full, user gets zero-size file

- Log Cleanup: Do it after Analyze too, not just after Sync
- WinFS Disk Full: Improved reporting of Disk Full and FAT-32 overflow
- Sys Tray: When GS hides to Sys Tray, report it to user via notification
- Unattended Jobs: Fixed Term->OK transition resulted in TermErr message not going away
- Unattended Job GUI: Fixed logging on Unattended Jobs in GUI log
- On File Change: Increased default Wait from 9 sec to 20 sec
- Google Photos FS: Fix item/album item paging
- Explorer: Improved Popup menu
- Explorer/Browse sorting: improve sorting algorithm, to be more like Windows Explorer
- Startup/Shutdown sequence: fixed some rare crashes related to global destructors

- Web UI: Added 'events' view that shows all significant changes done to GoodSync Account
- Google Photos FS: big rewrite, to speed up cache, better diagnostics
- Job Runner + Sleep: Fixed if AutoRun was Disabled then after Sleep users cannot run Jobs
- Account Edit Dialog: If pre-save connection test fails, ask user whether he wants to save it anyway
- Mediator: fixed memory leak on Account Sync, improved memory allocator to TCmalloc
- Storage Servers: drop cache when Storage is deleted
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter
- Fixed miscellaneous crashes and asserts

- Web UI: Added 'events' view that shows all significant changes done to GoodSync Account
- Google Photos FS: big rewrite, to speed up cache, better diagnostics
- Job Runner + Sleep: Fixed if AutoRun was Disabled then after Sleep users cannot run Jobs
- Account Edit Dialog: If pre-save connection test fails, ask user whether he wants to save it anyway
- Mediator: fixed memory leak on Account Sync, improved memory allocator to TCmalloc
- Storage Servers: drop cache when Storage is deleted
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter

- Google Drive/Docs/TeamDrive FS: Google Drive API has changed, do fixes related to new API
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter
- Browse Dialog + Tasks: Improve logging, fixed rare crashes
- Account Sync: Do NOT sync Proxy settings as part of Account Sync, as they are specific to Device
- Proxy + GsRunner: Fixed Proxy setting change was ignored by GsRunner until restart
- Account Sync: Fixed Override (Server Wins) does not work in Account Sync

- MS Graph: Fixed Listing site root now consistently returns 500 Internal Server Error on OneDrive Personal
- Relaxed some Asserts, that were reported as crashes
- GsServer: Added more and faster bail-outs on User Stop (caused by Sleep or Shutdown)
- SMB: To Turn On Siber's new SMB, set Hkey_local_machineSoftwareSiber SystemsGoodSyncSibSmb to 1
- SMB on Mac: Several fixes to errors found on MacOS: no conveyor, better error messages
- Google Photos FS: Fixed several bugs, esp in getting media item size

- Google Cloud Storage file system: Added this S3-like file system, not related to Google Drive
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed file generations were mixed up when changes appeared on both sides
- On File Change + Wait for User after Analyze with Errors: fixed it never got to Sync in this case
- Explorer: Case-Sensitivity: file whose name differs only by case are shown separately
- Auto-Proxy for HTTP: Fixed switching from Manual to Auto proxy could fail
- MS graph: Use CkSum to see if file is new, as SharePoint server changes Office files after upload
- Account Sync: Do Not Delete or Rename Job by Account Sync, if Job is Busy under Browse or Options dialog
- Groups: Change empty Group name to '-empty-', so that user can delete or rename it
- File Copy Conveyors: more fixes to streamline conveyors
- Asserts: soften more of them into SoftAssert, based on what was reported

- Conveyor: fixed source file may be treated as zero size (bug in 11.7.4 only)
- Log Viewer: Fixed logs were not shown on Local FS presented as GSTPS

- Conveyor: rewrite Conveyor functions, to make them work for different buffer sizes
- GsFileSys: prepare Conveyor and other facilities to Native SMB file system
- Incremental Analyze + File Monitoring: Do not Re-Analyze errors, wait till files change
- Recycle and History DB in Mirror: Fixed unnecessary multiple inits of History
- Global Log Folder: If we cannot create it, just give up, revert to old Log Folder
- SyncLib: Fixed rare crashes on terminal job errors
- GsServer: Fixed 'Number of Unique Clients of this gs-server has exceeded license'
- S3: x-amz-acl header: Specify it only for start and finish of multi-part upload
- SFTP: Add reporting of errors that are written to invisible SSH console
- Mediator: several fixes to increase performance improve monitoring

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Fixed some crashes and asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Change log not available for this version

- Fixed ASSERTs reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7

- Gs-Server: Restore connection after timeout, instead of 'Not Connected' error
- Gs-Server: Reduce Session Delete time from 24 hours to 1 hours, sleep time still at 3 min
- Gs-Server + File Monitoring or User Stop: improved termination sequence
- File Monitoring: do not ignore Excludes that are based on intermediate folders
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed Incremental Analyze was dropping Name-Case conflict
- Conflict counters: Init Conflict counters in DoSync, to avoid doubling them
- gsync command line: Fixed /fN handling without /kN, in presence of Account Manager
- Asserts: Add reporting of Asserts, report them same as Crashes
- SMB client: continue work on our own native SMB client, both for SMB v2/v3 and SMB v1
- Linux: Added raspberry_pi64 platform for 64-bit (aarch64) Raspberry Pi and compatible boards.

- Proxy: If Auto-Proxy is specified, then use it right away, without testing direct connection
- Gs2Go: Write jobs-account.tic file as garbled not as local-encrypted, for portability
- GUI: Improve responsiveness and make it more stable
- Crash Reporting: do not report crashes produced by foreign broken DLLs

- Account Sync: fixed several User Interface issues
- Account Sync: Get proposed changes in background non-GUI Update Thread
- Account Sync: Do not perform it on GS start, to avoid slowdown
- Saving Jobs and Server Accounts: improve security, save only encrypted version
- Browse dialog Ver 10: fixed applying proposed URL conversions not working
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflict Resolver not shown after Analyze + Sync
- Edit Account dialog: Added more help items
- Edit Account dialog: improved field organization and layout

- SFTP: Make our SFTP client send version string without waiting for SFTP server
- GSTP Client: Fixed when Server changes Forwarder, client may ignores it and return error
- GSTP Client: Do not Try Direct Connect when we have no direct port to connect to
- GSTP checksums: switch from expensive MD5 to cheaper CRC-32, it is sufficient for integrity
- GSTP Server: Fully removed Old Ticket Scheme from GsServer, only more secure New Scheme is allowed
- GSTP Server Register: improved de-registering server on Sleep and Shutdown
- GSTP Severe Going Offline: Added call to /unregister-server of Forwarder
- GSTP Edit Account: Added 'Direct Plain Text' connectoid option, to be used for slow NASes
- GSTP Mediator: Fixed CanShare was incorrectly applied when doing Composition of two grants
- Proxy: Do NOT test Effective proxy when it is not set, to reduce load on Mediator
- Proxy: If proxy is set, but both Auth and Manual Proxy are unchecked, do not use any proxy
- GsServer: Browser Sessions: Fixed crashes on multiple downloads from one browser
- Browse Dialog: Fixed UI errors and navigation issues
- gsync: Added Account Manager options to gsync help and GS online manual

- Fixed when Sync finishes, often times AnalyzeDone message was sent instead of SyncDone message
- S3 storage classes and headers: more fixes
- Recycled/History DB: Fixed if DB file gets zero size then GS would not reinitialize it
- Recycled/History DB: Make Init History/Saved DB work for GsData in Mirror Folder too
- Special Ops Node list: fixed some rare crashes, keep list of paths, not pointers
- Job List/Tree: fixed icons for job states, multi-select of Jobs
- Browse Dlg Ver 10: Fixed Job with a portable drive does not ask user to use =VolumeLabe
- gs-server: Improve locking, fixed rare crashes on Session start
- Edit Account: Re-design OAuth2 [Authorization] section to match Google UX guidelines
- GsExplorer File Op dialog: improved error processing for terminal errors
- Localization: Update Polish translation

- S3 options: Added Server Side Encryption Key provided by Customer
- S3 options: Bring back Access Control Policy text box
- S3: GovCloud: Added Location Constraint to Bucket creation
- S3: Added new setting -- Preferred Geo Region, to be used in Bucket creation
- SFTP and speed: Fixed Current Speed was shown as way too high
- SMB: Fixed crashes when user has many shares that do not connect due to error
- B2 FS: Upload of large files: prevent rare crashes by doing more checks
- TaskBar JumpList: Do not show Job on TaskBar JumpList, just global commands
- Browse V10: Fixed Accounts tab was cycling if we have Server Accounts with + in its name
- Job Tree View: rewrite using new framework
- Browse Dialog and Explorer: miscellaneous UI fixes

- Fixed crashes on sync tree item update

- License Renew: Fixed Renew Link in Buy Pro dialog was incorrect
- SyncJob locking: fixed GoodSync GUI could freeze on loss of connection
- AccountSync: Fixed GsRunner RefreshToken save can interfere with Job sync
- Runner + GUI + Logs: Fixed sometimes log lines were missing in Log Window
- Job List view: Fixed it was not always updated for Unattended GsRunner jobs
- Runner + Log Folder: Make GsRunner use custom LogLevel and LogFolder
- OneFile + Browse dlg: Allow creation of new OneFile files
- GoodSync GUI: Fixed rare crashes on GoodSync shutdown
- gsync + /d option: make it work for new Unnamed bookmark
- gsync: Fix /sa-create: save resulting account to disk.

- gs-server Sessions: Fixed server Sessions were not cleaned up, so memory leak could result
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not reconnected, after disconnect
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not listed, when Gs-Server runs as a Service
- gs-server + Home Folders: Fixed all folders of Server were shown, not just Home Folder
- GPhotos: Fixed Analyze were rejected with: cannot be sync folder, folders cannot be created here
- Job List: fixed saving and restoring column widths and positions
- Storage Server: Fixed re-getting grants when server is restarted.

- Browsing Files: Allow files from GoodSync Severs to be listed and opened in a browser
- Browsing Files: Access to it is in Serves tab of GoodSync Account Web UI
- Browsing Files: GoodSync server must be ver 11.5.7 or newer, Storage Servers were upgraded
- Mediator: improved device identification, to avoid duplicate devices
- Mediator + Web UI: improved login sequence, to accommodate file browsing
- gs-server + COM: Fixed VSS Snapshot was not working on Gs-Server, it needs OleInitialize
- File Sharing: improved authentication between Client and Server when they belong to different users
- Gs-Storage and SetAttributes: do not allow to SetAttributes to make folders unreadable
- Gs-Storage and File Sharing: improved stuffing of file system when user connects
- Forwarders + UDP: ignore empty UDP packets, they may occur naturally
- Job Runner: improved locking of data to fix some rare crashes
- Google Photos: do not allow to use it with Business licenses
- Browse dialog: Bring back MS Graph 'national cloud' connectoid GUI option
- License Renewal: add new promotion to License Renewal: Free 10 Gb storage
- Browse Dialog: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- GoodSync Explorer: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- Browse Dialog + Account Manager: Added Revoke Credentials command
- Job Sending Mail: Increase limit on body of email (which is job log) from 8 Kb to 40 Mb
- gsync /sa-oauth: Fixed accounts not being written to disk after updating
- Localizations: Updated NL, UA and ES translations

- Gs-Server: Fixed server can get stuck on certain errors and refuses to take new connections
- Gs-Server: Improved transactional integrity of GSTP, to allow for faster connection restore
- Google Team Drive: Speed up Analyze/Sync by reducing /change API calls to a minimum
- Google Photos: Make this FS available to personal non-enterprise version only
- S3, expat: Allow EF BF xx UTF-89 sequences in file names, so they can be listed
- Job List: Use separate column for job index, needed for user-mandated custom job order
- Job List: revive option to turn off 'Sort Job Names By Alphabet' and allow custom job order
- GoodSync Explorer: Added 'Cut to Clipboard' command
- Services: Added 30-sec timeout for waiting for service nodes to stop, so that servers do not get stuck
- New Ticket System: new and more secure ticket-based authentication system for folder sharing
- Mediator: improved performance, optimized TLS/SSL handling
- Browsing on Gs-Server: Alpha version of browsing files and folders directly from Gs-Server

- Change log not available for this version

- MEGA FS: Upload: Fixed 'cannot get fingerprint' error
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Fixed Gs-Runner may be preventing computer from sleeping
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was reporting zero Bytes Processed as they were reset too early
- Progress Reporting: Fixed SetProgress could reset progress to 0 when switching scale
- Job List View: Allow custom column order, reordering of columns by Drag-N-Drop
- Job List View: Fix miscellaneous bugs
- GoodSync Explorer: Fixed processing of connections to encrypted folders -- offer to decrypt

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Workers and Sleep: Job Worker thread now prevents computer from going to Sleep
- Direction Change in Sync Tree by User: improved transactional integrity of it, fixed bugs
- MacOS device identification for licensing: ignore device properties that are changes by MacOS updates
- Free Space Info in Job: consolidate its processing, fixed bugs
- Installer: Fixed System Account was not detected as such on some non-English Windows systems
- Shutdown after Sync: Made it work correctly, even if Analyze produced No Changes
- Job Tree View: fixed UI bugs, some RunState transitions were missed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed changing of Direct Path to Portable path was ignored
- Miscellaneous User Interface fixes

- User Interfaces: fixed some crashes and minor bugs
- WD Free Version: improved detection of WD NAS via GSTP
- Simplify computation of Free Space: do it once every 30 sec, not once per quant
- Installer: Fixed Cancel was showing wrong error

- On File Change + GUI: Fixed likely observed crashes, simplify RunState change reporting
- Estimated Space: Make estimated space computations simpler, do nto account for Recycle Bin
- Sync Direction Change: Fixed crashes -- start worker thread to recompute space requirements
- AutoClear: Fixed AutoClear of Sync Tree was not working in GUI mode
- GsRunner Socket: Fixed rare observed crashes related to GsRunner state reporting
- Updated BR-portugues localization

- License Limitations for WD: Fixed Free version did not allow jobs with more than 100 files
- Licensing: improved reporting of License statusm esp for Analyze+Sync and Unattended jobs
- SyncTree: Show SyncTree even if we have No Changes, as there may be Excluded files
- Downloads: Fixed mac distribution link was sometimes showing 'Not Found'

- GoodSync Account Setup: lower-case ComputerId, always save it
- GsRunner + License Activation: notify GsRunner faster about changed License
- Account Sync TurnOn: Added Cancel command, same as Close
- Account Sync + Groups: Perform Account Sync when Jobs are added to Groups by DND
- GUI AutoStart: Use /miniwin mode in Windows Start, so that Mini-Progress windows is shown
- Gs-Server: optimize memory allocation, to reduce memory consumption
- Analyze + Sync: improved switch from Analyze to Sync, so it cannot stall on this
- Stopping Services: improved stopping of the Gs-Server and Gs-Runner service
- Browse Dialog: Fixed commit of manually edited URLs

GoodSync 11.4.6
- Job AutoStart: Fixed crashes caused by deleting sync tree while Worker thread runs
- Stop All: Fixed Stop All did not work for jobs in Waiting To Run state
- Changes Limit Exceeded - Attention Required: make this work in Unattended mode too
- Account Sync: better command names, better presentation, better list of changes
- CC Runner and Server Accounts: Fixed passwords and refresh tokens were not uploaded
- Licenses: Added License Renewal Link, if user has licenses that are Active or Expired
- Explorer: Added Account Sync commands, update Server Accounts view when synced
- Server Account Edit: do not ask whether to save to New Account when saving, save to this
- Beta: new native SMB client that does not use Windows SMB client code

GoodSync 11.4.5
- Account Sync: Reset Account Sync, so that users can use Server Override when they turn it On
- Account Sync: Added Show Changes for Account Sync -- shows Job-Groups changes that will happen
- Account Sync: more improvements to Jobs-Groups and Server Accounts sync algorithm
- GUI: Turn On Mini-Window mode when user selects it, sometimes it was not shown
- Browse/Explorer Edit Account: Fixed checkbox clicks did not work
- Policies: Added file system policies for Gs RealDisk Storage, Google Photos

GoodSync 11.4.4
- AutoUpdate Installer: Fixed it was removing Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items of GoodSync

GoodSync 11.4.3
- Account Sync: Jobs-Groups and Server Account sync has been rewritten, quality of sync improved
- Account Sync: if you are using it, all your Jobs must be synced before you upgrade to this version
- Account Sync: Job-Group Sync operations and Sync stats are now logged
- Program Options: Remove option to encrypt when store locally, local encryption now is always done
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed GUI was losing connection to GsRunner Service, when running UnAttended jobs
- GsRunner and Cc-Runner GUI: improved showing of Job Run status in mini status window
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Hide into [Views] button pull down tree view buttons that have zero item count
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Rename [Other] button to [Views]
- Sync Tree Context Menu: Move direction change commands into sub-menu 'Change Direction to'
- Control Center: Fixed Server Accounts did not upload with empty Account Encryption password
- Installer: Do not update Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items when we are doing auto-install

GoodSync 11.4.1
- Google Photo FS: Added new file system, it only allows 2 levels of folders, no GsData
- On Folder Connect / On File Change: Fixed it was not starting job on Reconnect
- GsRunner + GUI: When GUI cannot connect/talk to GsRunner, show error message about it in GUI
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Do proper processing of Sleep and Wakeup
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was checking for Local license, not CC license
- GUI: Do not allow Changing direction of Sync while the job is Under Runner
- Side Logs + Analyze: Fixed if only Analyze was done then Side logs are not uploaded
- Side Logs + Spec Ops: Upload side logs when doing Spec Ops too
- Certificate Roots: update list of Certificate Authorities who GoodSync trusts

GoodSync 11.4.0
- Under Runner Jobs + Context Menu: fixed content menu enabled status
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed terminal errors on job run were not fully reported in GUI
- Logging in GUI mode: Fixed it was not complete, many details were missing
- Sleep + GsRunner: Fixed Windows did not go into sleep, if GsRunner was running
- Sleep + Wakeup: Reduce Wait after Wakeup from 60 sec to 30 sec, log wait for it in GUI
- Space Estimate: Fixed Space Estimate was not always shown at the end of Analyze
- MEGA: Increased max HTTP body size to 512 Mb, as MEGA can send long list of changes
- Forwarders: fixed rare crashes

GoodSync 11.3.8
- Fixed Auto Analyze and Sync may freeze, if Conflicts are present
- UnAttended Jobs: Fixed side logs were not written, so email could not be sent
- Side Info: Add critical section for better locking

GoodSync 11.3.7
- Sleep and Wakeup: Fixed Unattended Jobs do not restart after Wakeup
- Unattended GsRunner: Fixed error in logs: GsRunner Client: cannot find job
- Server Account Sync: Fixed deletion of Server Accounts not always propagated
- Job Runner for GUI: improved progress monitoring and reporting for GUI jobs
- Explorer: Fixed Account Edit dialog in Windows 10 Dark scheme
- UI: Removed Exit menu item from Job Group context menu

GoodSync 11.3.6
- Local and CC Runner: redo thread management, make it run more smoothly
- Unattended Auto Jobs: Fixed artefacts of flipping Unattended + Auto mode Off/On
- Fixed 'Create New Folder' text in Job Options

GoodSync 11.3.5
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.4
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.3
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about folders that cannot be sync/backup folders
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about top folders of the disk that cannot be backup folder
- Browse Dialog: Added Mew Folder command tree node to Disks on backup destination side
- Browse / GsExplorer: Added Named Bookmarks into the tree, as first node
- Browse / GsExplorer: more fixes to Encrypted Folder mode
- GsExplorer: Implemented Paste files/folders to Windows Explorer, Desktop, etc
- SMB FS: several fixes to Connection Caching, to improve locking and timeliness of results
- On File Change and On Folder Connect: rewrote File Monitoring, to improve Sleep/Wakeup
- Gs-Server: improve initial startup sequence logging
- CC Runner: When deleting job that has Monitor running, stop Monitoring first
- CC Runner + AutoUpdate: Fixed AutoUpdate could turn CC Runner into regular GS
- gs-runner: Fixed Last Run Time was not updated when Auto Job is run Unattended
- License: Make C:ProgramDataGoodSync writable to all GoodSync processes
- AppKey Install: made it work for enterprise (AllUsers) licenses
- Italian localization updated

GoodSync 11.3.2
- SMB FS: Fixed GoodSync could lock up on Disconnect of SMB connections
- SMB FS: If password is empty, send NULL, it fixes Error 1219 on real password
- Sleep + File Monitoring: do not try to stop all Jobs and Monitoring when going to Sleep
- Sleep + File Monitoring: Instead finish stopping Jobs on Wakeup, then restart them
- CC Runner: Fixed If Mini Status Window is not shown then CC Runner would freeze
- CC Runner: Fixed Submitter thread could freeze on exit, due to rare race condition
- Account Setup: If canceled by user, do not show error message
- DLL path Windows: SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) in all EXEs
- Mediator: Fixed Mediator was rejecting /official-forwarders

GoodSync 11.3.1
- Trial +

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What's new in this version:

- support for accent insensitive search – when enabled, for example, any of ‘àáâãäåāăąạ’ is equivalent to the ascii ‘a’
- keyboard shortcuts to the toolbar button’s tooltips
- command line option ‘–anchor AnchorName’ that in addition to existing ‘–node NodeName’ allows to open a document focusing an anchor in a node
- syntax highlighting support for GDScript

- export to HTML crash – regression introduced with support for RTL languages
- crash on print/export to pdf of a sequence of characters without spaces longer that the page width, such as a very long URL
- bulleted list unindent (Shift+Tab) crash
- tooltip and cursor not reset after hovering link and then navigating to non rich text node
- Changed non configurable keyboard shortcuts for codebox width and table column width increase/decrease to use parenthesis open instead of backslash
- wrongly entering column edit mode when using keyboard shortcuts with such as insert codebox
- Allow to disable the dialog asking for confirmation before executing the code in codeboxes and code nodes
- crash on double exit from systray icon right click menu

GoodSync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Account Setup: new Account Setup, more usable, complete redesign
- Account Setup: Request ComputerId on Serving Files page, not on Login page
- Account Setup: Enterprise: Separate Direct Addressing mode and Offline mode
- Account Setup: Impersonation option now appears only for Enterprise versions
- Account Switch: Fixed new Account can get Jobs from old one, if GS is Elevated
- Runner Setup: re-implement it as Sib-HTML dialog, improve usability
- Copy Progress: For big files (>= 1 Byte) log 2 messages: start (<) and finish (>)
- Apple iCloud: Added new file system for Apple iCloud online storage
- Implement block uploads (for files >=20 MiB)
- S3: Fixed escaping of URL, when uploading parts of large files
- S3 and Azure: Always uses CanonicV4Escape on all URIs
- S3 Google Cloud: Fixed Copy/Move of files inside FS did not work if file name contains ( ) '
- S3: Allow parallel upload and download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Azure S3 DropBox WebDAV: Do not return OK but return error, if file/folder to be deleted is not found
- SFTP: Added ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 hostkey algorithms
- SFTP: Fix our order of preferred hostkey algorithms, this allows connecting to Wings server
- SMB: Added support for SetFolderModTime() to new Sib-SMB
- SMB: Fully separate Old Win-SMB (prefix smb:// or \) and New Sib-SMB (prefix smbd://)
- SMB + gs-server: gs-server smb:/ virtual folder uses New Sib-SMB or Old Win-SMB based on Program Option
- Gs-Server: Get back to keeping 10 last transactions memorized, as we might need them
- GsRunner + GsServer service: Do not try to start Gs-Server service from GsRunner service start
- GsServer Sessions: improved locking and dead session cleanup
- CC-Runner: fixed /cc-acct-passwd= and /sys-passwd= specified in command line were lost on elevation
- CC-Runner: Stopped using HttpConnectionPool in CC Runner, optimized reuse of HTTPS connections
- Explorer Download: Fixed download was not always retried on lossy connections (such as WiFi)
- SyncLib: Create _gsdata_ folders if they do not exist, not just on Analyze but On Sync too
- Main GUI Windows: Fix job direction button layout, so that Analyze button does not change its size
- Cryptography: improved randomness of random generator used to seed encryption

- SMB FS: Added support for DFS (Distributed File System) links in SMB 2 and 3
- SMB FS: Implement File Owner and ACL operations (Get/Set file owner and ACL)
- OpenSSL + Windows XP: Make GoodSync work again on Windows XP - adjust OpenSSL compile options
- Explorer: File Copy: Restore 'From' field value in detailed progress after connecting FSes
- GUI: Fixed job drag-and-drop job reordering (in 'Sort job names by alphabet' == Off)
- Sync in Control Center Runner: Improved log file name normalization

- S3: Do not use parallel upload/download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- S3: Fixed bug that prevented files > 2 Gb from downloading
- S3: Pass Port and SSL flag to Parallel Part Uploader and Downloader
- Azure Files + Explorer: Allow creation of Shares in Azure Files file system
- GUI Analyze: Replaced Analyze animations with per-side analyze progress display
- GUI Analyze: Progress is shown with 'Running Pipe' when State File is not present
- GUI: Switch job side buttons, job direction button and job direction drop-down to SVG icons
- gs-server: Testing Forwarders: Test forwarder with TLS/SSL mode On
- Sib-TLS/SSL: Fixed memory leaks related to new OpenSSL 1.1.x

- Fixed crash that appeared in ver 11.11.3
- Jobs.tic: Reading Program Options: if we cannot decrypt SMTP or other creds, do not return terminal error
- GDocs: Do not allow uploading of files longer than 256 Mb

- Fixed crash that appeared in ver 11.11.3

- SyncJob: Fixed free space updates were performed too often
- FTP: Improved Data Connection start sequence, to speed up and address proxy issues
- FTP: Passive Mode: Added retries of entire PASV sequence, if we failed data connection
- SFTP: Improved our default preferred KEX (Key Exchange Algorithm) list
- Windows FS + Sym Link: Fixed creation of symbolic link by GS
- SyncLib: Fixed observed crash on NULL pointer in GsInitStats
- CC Runner + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error
- Unattended + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error
- Gs-Server: Local Account: do better normalization when setting it up
- Installer: Show PostInstall web page with instructions for new users too
- Gs-Server: Folder Grants: Speed up and improve integrity of Grant stuffing
- Gs-Server: Browsing Files: better connection management
- Gs-Server: Browsing Files: Improve Picture Thumbnails implementation
- Browse/Explorer: Server Accounts with Home Folder: do not hang it off Account node
- Mini-Progress Window: more improvements in showing Job Lists, fixed some bugs

- SMB FS: Added client for SMB v 3 protocol
- SMB FS: Implement sym link and junction traversal in all operations
- SMB FS: Fixed lookup problems on machines having multiple network interfaces
- SMB FS: Added support for LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution, RFC4795)
- SMB FS: Allow non-standard server port number (not 445)
- SMB FS: Use timeout value from SMB Server Account, not the default 20 sec
- SMB FS: Request signing is now disabled when logging in as anonymous user
- Files via Browser: Present file listing as HTML table
- Files via Browser: Show graphics file (.jpg .png .gif etc) thumbnails
- Files via Browser: More consistent generation of Session Id
- FTP + Proxy: Added handling of EPSV mode, as it now is a preferred mode
- SFTP FS: Fixed ed25519 host key verification failure
- SFTP FS: If server host key is different from cached host key, treat it as an error
- SFTP FS: Switch to using sshhostkey.txt file, not registry, to keep SSH Host Keys in Windows
- Edit Account dialog: Add 'Last Modified' read-only field, which shows Server account timestamp
- gs-server: Fixed ComputerId not present when user changes Server Account HomeFolder in Web UI
- MiniProgres Window: complete rewrite using tables, to make it consistent across platforms

- SMB: If drive letter of NetShare is already mounted then do not mount/unmount it again
- Sync Tree Visual: Fixed Analyze did not switch View Mode to Changes correctly
- Sync Tree Views: Fixed Sync Tree View did not switch correctly
- SFTP FS: Limit number of outgoing not-yet-authenticated connections to 3
- Delete Empty Folders: do not remove top folder, as we usually need it
- Delete Empty Folders: Fixed it was not working in non-Local FS
- Delete Folders Recursive: Fixed it did not delete folder with Links ti unknown in it
- GSTP client: retry transaction on 'Server is still computing response (Code 518)'
- Localization: Updated Polish localization
- gs-server: If we cannot find SMB credentials in Account Manager, use Impersonation creds
- gs-server: Local Account UserId: Allow these chars in OsUserId: . ! # ^ $ & ( ) ' ~ '
- Explorer Ver 10: Fixed navigation to bad/old unnamed bookmarks usually for old SMB
- Browse / Explorer: Several small fixes
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series

- GsExplorer: Allow 2-sided file op destination to be account root
- Browse/Explorer: Show [Decrypt Folder] button on address bar for 'potentially encrypted' folders
- Encrypted FS: Show decryption error if small number of file/folder names fail to decrypt
- Browse: Fixed rare crashes on Browse dialog close
- SMB FS: Change official FS names to shorter ones: Net Shares (Sib-SMB), Net Shares (Win-SMB)
- Gs-Server License Check: do it under lock, or else License may briefly disappear
- Ver 10: Browse Dlg: Do not attempt to turn top level smb:// account into per-server account
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series.

- OFC Incremental Analyze + Chained Jobs + new File in Folder: Fixed in this case new file did not propagate
- Job File Counters in Analyze+Sync: Fixed file counters could be reset when Sync of Job starts in Analyze+Sync
- Browse/Explorer: Show Decrypt Folder context menu command, if folder looks Encrypted by GoodSync
- Browse/Explorer: When leaving Encrypted folder, re-position onto its Not-Decrypted version
- Browse/Explorer: Scroll to wait indicator on expanding items
- Browse/Explorer: Ask for password on SMB/AFP accounts with server, if existing password does not work
- Browse/Explorer: Allow deletion of junk Server Accounts for file systems that cannot list servers
- Google TeamDrive FS: Fixed Delete File may not work if we do not have enough permissions to do that
- SMB-windows FS: Allow $ in URLs, as we can have something like smb://wsl$
- SMB-siber FS: Explicitly reject special servers WSL$, TSCLIENT and advise user to use SMB-windows
- Gs-Server + Locks: Fixed locking of Sessions and Users to avoid rare deadlocks and crashes
- Gs-Server License: When counting Users for max of 4, count only Non-Local users
- Ver 10: Allow changing UserId in Server Account
- Ver 10: Explorer: Open File: make it work for SMB-windows
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series

- SMB-like file systems: Use only [email protected] accounts, get away from [email protected] Server Accounts
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Convert old server-less SMB-like accounts to new [email protected] accounts
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed scrolling to slow navigation did not work
- Explorer: If Program Options -> Request Account Password is On, request Password on start
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed some memory leaks
- Explorer: Fixed error on Copy Links, if destination does not exist
- Links + Elevation: Fixed Link Target contained '%20' when created with Elevation
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Allow Files to have comments too, as Links to File show Target
- Links: Added support for APPEXECLINK Reparse Points
- gs-server + SMB letters: Lookup credentials in Account Manager for SMB letters too
- SMB: Show 'Windows Shares (Windows SMB Client)' old style file system, used for TSclient and Linux
- GUI: Right-side (per-group) Job List: Make column order persistent
- Progress: fixed progress overflow that may happens in file systems such as MTP
- Speed Limit + Conveyors: Do not use Conveyors when we have speed limit
- Sib-TLS: Speed up loading of certificates into our OpenSSL layer
- AllwaySync import: Implement account completion: retrieve missing data from online account
- Mediator: Account Sync Changes: Make the list shorter and more readable
- Mediator UI: Account Sync Reset: Added Jobs page that allow to reset encrypted stored Jobs

- Syncing with CheckSums: Log CheckSums when we are doing Verify CheckSum
- File Systems: fixed memory leak in file system allocation by Analyze
- GSTP client: Log correct Local IP addr of Client, when it changes
- Gs-Server: fixed rare crashes on Disconnect and Session Cleanup
- FTP + Proxy: Do not use HTTP proxy, use only Connect proxy
- Proxy: Fixed Proxy Settings were not used in GoodSync Account Setup
- FolderModTime: In 2-way sync, copy FolderModTime when GS creates folder
- Logging: Fixed slowdown caused by frequent use of Elevation
- Licensing: Store OsCompSerial in licensee too, as it is used in comparisons
- Gs-Server: Improved computation of Client that come in, for licensing
- Account Sync Changes: Show shorter and more concise List of Changes
- Mediator Web UI: Password Reset: Allow it only for Verified Emails

- Added AllwaySync to GoodSync job converter
- Explorer/Browse: Detect Encrypted folders and offer to enter password to decrypt them
- Explorer/Browse: Offer to save Decryption password of Encrypted folders, if it's good
- Explorer: Move [Decrypt Folder] button form top toolbar to folder context menu
- Explorer: Added Account Sync button to top toolbar
- Browse: Account Edit dialog: Do not retry connection when doing Test
- Filters: Add Copy and Paste buttons, process Ctrl+Ins and Shift-Ins
- Filters: Remove secret newlines and CR from incoming filters
- Include after Analyze: removed Re-filter, as it is too slow
- SFTP: better error massages, parse more formats
- gs-server Clean Sessions: Fixed it did not clean Session if cannot GetUser
- Proxy and Program Options: Added Test button to test Proxy settings
- Gs-Server + SMB: Gs-Server now will read Account Manager from GS client, when going to smb:/ folder
- gs-server: Improved Counting Clients for Licensing
- sib-url: new URL parse, do not allow UserId and Password in URL
- sib-socket: Added recognition and parsing of numeric IP v6 addresses with parts
- GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed rare errors 'SetFileLength: No such descriptor: 0'
- Encrypted FS: Download: Fixed rare decryption errors at file's end
- GsServer + SMB + Ver 10: Use old Windows-based SMB client for everything in ver 10
- Synclib Generations: Do not allow to have more than 65K generations, prune them at 32K
- Folder Grants + Caching: Speed up propagation of changes in Folder Grants to Gs-Server
- OST files + VSS: OST file are temporary and must not be backed up, as Windows does not snapshot them

- Local Elevation account: new Per-User encryption scheme for credentials to increase security
- Per Computer Licenses: Fixed they did not work after Per-User encryption changes
- Limited User: Now Limited Windows user cannot use Gs-Server and no Elevation too
- CC Runner: Fixed Local Elevation did not work in CC Runner, in case of AutoUpdate
- Server Accounts: Fixed sometimes they could not be decrypted, so user cannot start GS
- Proxy: Do not test Proxy settings when starting GoodSync, it leads to delays
- SibSmb + CC Runner: Make CC Runner use new SibSmb client by default (was Windows SMB)
- Snapshots: Fixed sometimes huge Snapshot was deleted while still being generated
- gs-server: fixed rare crashes
- Speed Limit and Pause: Fixed they did not work on direct Local to Local/SMB copy
- Account Sync: Added 'Declare Winner' command to force propagation of local credentials
- Sib-AFP: fixed SetFolderTime not implemented and other errors
- Enterprise: Added policy not to show password in Account Manager.

- Snapshots: Fixed 'Device Not Connected' error caused by premature removal of snapshot
- Gs-Server: Do not try to Logon for Impersonation, if system password is empty
- Account Setup: Preserve passwords that GS client cannot decrypt, needed for Non-Mediator users
- Installer: Force Restart of Gs-Server Service, if we added Main Account to replace Local Account
- Locking: fixed crashes and bugs in locking monitor
- SFTP FS: Fixed bugs in reading OpenSSH >= 7.8 private key format
- CC Runner: Do not show passwords and other credentials in logs

- GS Client: Implement Per-User encryption by Account Password for Jobs and Server Accounts
- GS Client: Implement Per-User encryption by OS for caching Account Password
- GS Server: Implement Per-User (System Account) encryption for Server User credentials
- GS Server: Do not return Impersonation errors as terminal errors, just log them
- Account Setup: Do it only in elevated mode, to be sure OS user is allowed to do it
- Account Setup: Server Setup is presented as Advanced option, On by default
- Elevated operations: Local Account has been discontinued, Main user acct is used for elevation
- GoodSync GUI: Added option: When GoodSync GUI starts, request Account Password
- File Upload + Monitoring: Do not stop file upload when source file changes, to be redone on next Sync
- SFTP FS + PuTTY: Added support for new PuTTY private key format (PuTTY-User-Key-File-3)
- SFTP FS + PuTTY: Made reading of OpenSSH (old) format work correctly
- SFTP FS: Made Private Key portable, by storing actual Private Key string, not just path to Pvt Key file
- AFP FS: fixed some bugs
- sib-lock: Improved detection of critical sections and mutexes that are locked for too long
- GS Server: Now it uses new SMBD:// file system when browsing smb:/ virtual sub-folder

- gs-server: Fixed massive and memory leak, related to storing txns in memory
- gs-server: Do not free file system on Disconnect, if transaction is still running
- Azure Files FS: Fixed 'Not Implemented' error when Moving file
- Storage Servers: Reject File Monitoring for Storage servers

- GSTP client: Fixed reconnect on Server Not Found errors did not always work
- GSTP client: Fixed longer Time To Reconnect option could be ignored by GSTP client
- GSTP client: GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed it was not reusing already uploaded file part
- GSTP client: Added doing Exponential Backoff on Error 515 (Forwarder Changed)
- GSTP server: Disconnect file system when Gs-Server loses connection, as it is easy to reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed Gs-Server could drop socket connection on Server Error returned to client
- GSTP server: Much improved logging of transactions
- GSTP server: Already Computing Response (Error 518) is returned only if the same Txn is requested
- Explorer: Fixed updating of source and destination items changed by Copy or Move operation
- Explorer: Fix back-navigation oafter [Leave Decrypted Folder] did not show previous folder
- Storage Servers: Fixed excessively long locks
- Storage Servers: Fixed error 'CloseFile: invalid gstp file handle' for Enecrypted FS

GSTP client:
- Fixed reconnect on Server Not Found errors did not always work
- Fixed longer Time To Reconnect option could be ignored by GSTP client
- GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed it was not reusing already uploaded file part
- Added doing Exponential Backoff on Error 515 (Forwarder Changed)

GSTP server:
- Disconnect file system when Gs-Server loses connection, as it is easy to reconnect
- Fixed Gs-Server could drop socket connection on Server Error returned to client
- Much improved logging of transactions
- Already Computing Response (Error 518) is returned only if the same Txn is requested

- Explorer: Fixed updating of source and destination items changed by Copy or Move operation

- File Copy Conveyors: Fixed error on Source file getting shorter during Copy
- gs-server: Fixed returning Error 518 'Direct Server is still computing response' in wrong cases
- gs-server Storage: Fixed Usage was not recomputed, when invoked from GS Account Web UI
- AutoUpdate: Increase waiting for Jobs to stop, before doing AutoInstall, from 1 hour to 8 hours
- Explorer: If file/folder is being copied to itself on top level, add '- Copy' to dest name
- Explorer: Added 'Rename' option to Overwrite dialog
- Google Photos: fixed some errors on Upload
- Sib-AFP: fixed several bugs, implemented GetFreeDiskSpace

- Explorer: several user interface fixes
- Explorer: Do not generate unique file names, when Folder exists on dest side, ask user instead
- Explorer: Fixed moving folders between different disks on Local FS did not work
- Google Cloud FS: Move files large than 10 Mb using local files, produced error before
- Browse Ver 10: If user changes too much in Server Account, reject such change
- Progress of MoveFile: Show progress on node that is being deleted, not the other node
- GSTP client: Fixed sequence on reconnect when Gs-Server lost sessions
- gs-server: Keep only last 2 txns before the new current transaction, as Conveyor restart changed
- AFP: Fixed many errors and crashes in the initial implementation, now it is a solid Beta

- AFP: Added AFP files system that works on Windows and Linux, our own client
- Fixed crashes that appeared in the great progress rewrite of ver 11.9.4
- GSTP client: Fixed error processing on disconnect followed by reconnect
- File Monitoring: Fixed On File Change does not restart after Cancel of Browse dialog
- Folder Counters: Fixed they did not always go to zero at the end of Sync

- Fixed crashes that appeared in the great progress rewrite of ver 11.9.4
- GSTP client: Fixed error processing on disconnect followed by reconnect
- File Monitoring: Fixed On File Change does not restart after Cancel of Browse dialog
- Folder Counters: Fixed they did not always go to zero at the end of Sync

- Progress: improved progress reporting, made it more smooth and correct
- Job Speed Limit: made it work better, more smooth
- Updated File/Folder List in GUI: made it more smooth
- Socket Server: fixed rare crashes on new encrypted connections
- Explorer and Browse dialog: fixed many ser Inreface bugs
- Explorer: Fixed Move in one file system sometimes did not work
- Explorer: File Op dialog: improved progress reporting
- Explorer: Fixed focus handling, especially after Delete
- Explorer: Imrpoved error reporting, especially for short Tasks
- Recycled and History Cleanup: Major speedup, by better clusterization
- Google Photos: Implement Quick Browse mode, improved caching
- SMB (Windows Shares): Fixed could not copy file that are locked by other programs
- MS Graph: Fixed error in upload-move sequence, caused by MS server consistency issues
- S3: Added option Require Checksum When Uploading, needed for buckets with Object Lock
- S3: When ?location is forbidden then use Preferred Region from S3 Server Account
- Sync Locks: Do not declare terminal error when we cannot delete Abandoned Lock File
- EncryptedFS Download: better implementation of it, that does Conveyor
- Windows installer: Added /gs-proxy parameter, so that AppKey-based activation works
- Snapshot + Progress + Many Sync Workers: Fixed rare crash on closing of Snapshot
- Activate Via Browser: Make sure that UserId of GsClient is the same as UserId of Account

- Sib-SMB: Fixed Access Denied on Read-Only files: perform softening by removing readonly attrs first
- Download of Locked file via GSTP: fixed file mod time not properly copied
- Sib-SMB: Fixed Access Denied in OpenInfoByHandle()
- gs-server: Fixed rare cycling on non-locked map lookup, when many connections come in at once

- Change log not available for this version

- SFTP FS: fixed some more crashes on file close
- Encrypted FS: fixed some more crashes on file close
- GSTP client: Fixed Copy of Locked File over GSTP was not working
- EncryptedFS Download conveyor: Make EncryptedFS conveyor work on downloads
- Sib-SMB: misc CIFS fixes
- Sib-SSL/TLS: Removed expired certs, added Google Trusted Services root CAs

- GSTP file system that is on This Computer: Fixed file handles were sometimes not closed
- SFTP FS: More fixes to CloseUpload() crashes
- CC Runner: For non-server OSes CC-runner platform requests GS-V11 license for GS GUI, not BsnsClnt
- sib-socket: Fixed rare crashes related to closing sockets when passing Session from one thread to another
- GSTP client: Show detailed Reason sent by Gs-Server
- sib-SSL: Do not load expired root CAs from built-in cert store and system CA stores
- sib-SMB: multiple fixes in CIFS/SMB1 protocol negotiation

- WinFileSys and UnixFileSys Close: Fixed closing sequence
- SFTP: Fixed observed crashes in CloseDownload() and CloseUpload() on errors
- CC Runner: Make it to be a separate Platform, requiring BsnsClnt or MidServe license for GUI
- Windows: Detect and show Windows 11 in version info, GoodSync works OK on it
- AutoUpdate: if Jobs are running, wait for 1 hour for them to finish, but not longer

- GSTP client Progress: Fixed Progress reporting, esp for No Internet
- CCrunner: If CCrunner is installed with GoodSync GUI, then AutoUpdate installs GS GUI, not CCrunner
- GSTP conveyor: several fixes for restarting conveyor when connection is lost and restored
- GSTP client + User Stop: Fixed User Stop was not releasing handles on GsServer side
- Crash Reporter: Simplified and Fixed determination of Our-Module
- GsExplorer: add Program Options menu item back
- SibSmb: Fix SMB1/CIFS listing errors, etc
- gsync command line: Fixed parsing of /uN with /kN
- Add exclusion of Expired Root Cert DST Root CA X3, now with SHA-1 thumbprint

- GSTP client Progress: Fixed Progress reporting, esp for No Internet
- CCrunner: If CCrunner is installed with GoodSync GUI, then AutoUpdate installs GS GUI, not CCrunner
- GSTP conveyor: several fixes for restarting conveyor when connection is lost and restored
- GSTP client + User Stop: Fixed User Stop was not releasing handles on GsServer side
- Crash Reporter: Simplified and Fixed determination of Our-Module
- GsExplorer: add Program Options menu item back
- SibSmb: Fix SMB1/CIFS listing errors, etc
- gsync command line: Fixed parsing of /uN with /kN

- GSTP client: Fixed rebuilding Conveyor upon Reconnect to GsServer
- GSTP client: Recover Connection and continue Job, if GsServer restarts
- GS file systems: further progress reporting unification
- Sib SMB file system: fixed a number of bugs in this new file system
- Sib SMB file system: Disable Conveyor until credit management is done
- Browse: Edit Account Dialog: Show error message in cases when connection test fails
- Ver 10: Do not allow to Skip Account Setup

- Backblaze: fixed expired certificate error: Remove expired DST Root CA
- GsRunner: Removed excessive logging, log only errors and reconnect
- gs-server: Add checks for File Descriptor indices, to prevent crashes
- Explorer: Add support for mouse/kbd multiple selection and single-side/two-side operations on it
- Browse/Explorer:e Edit account dialog: Show error message if connection test failed

- SMB FS: New SMB (Windows Shares) file system added, to replace FS based on Windows SMB client
- SMB FS: Added option to use New Sib-SMB FS or Windows-based SMB FS to Program Options
- MS Graph FS: Preserve original file modification times on MoveFile
- MS Graph FS: Fix site listing: Exclude bad results from search API
- License Activation on Account Setup: fixed several smaller issues
- License Activation: Add more diagnostic of why license was not activated (diff Platform, Expired)
- Crash Reporter: Do not report crash to us, if injected DLL that is likely to cause crashes is present
- RFC/RDP tunnel: Improved diagnostic of port not present on remote end
- RFC/RDP tunnel: Now available only in Ver 11, as it is coming out of Beta
- UI: several fixed in Job List resizing of columns

- GSTP Sharing: Get rid of ToFolderName -- not shown in GUI, works for legacy shares only
- GSTP Sharing: Now folders appear directly in Virtual Server shared to User
- Browse Dialog: Allow to create folders directly in Servers, as there is no ToFolderName inside
- TrayOnClose Warning: Show this warning only 3 times and then stop showing it On Close
- PerComputer License + PerUser Account Setup: Do not Activate License after Ltd user Account Setup
- GsFileSys: Add ListDirPaged() call to API, to allow for paged folder listings
- GSTP: Implement ListDirPaged(), so that long folder listings do not block the connection
- Google Drive and relatives: Upload: Reduce min size for Block Upload from 10 Mb to 5 Mb
- Cleanup Progress: Improve progress reporting, esp Start and Stop
- GsServer: Get rid of Sleep Mode, Rework File System Re-Connect to always allow it
- GsClient + GsServer: Do Not return error on change of Unique ServerId, as server update does it
- Quota for User Account Shares created via Advanced Web UI: Fixed it was not working
- Disk Quota + Disk Full: Fixed When Quota produces Disk Full, user gets zero-size file

- Log Cleanup: Do it after Analyze too, not just after Sync
- WinFS Disk Full: Improved reporting of Disk Full and FAT-32 overflow
- Sys Tray: When GS hides to Sys Tray, report it to user via notification
- Unattended Jobs: Fixed Term->OK transition resulted in TermErr message not going away
- Unattended Job GUI: Fixed logging on Unattended Jobs in GUI log
- On File Change: Increased default Wait from 9 sec to 20 sec
- Google Photos FS: Fix item/album item paging
- Explorer: Improved Popup menu
- Explorer/Browse sorting: improve sorting algorithm, to be more like Windows Explorer
- Startup/Shutdown sequence: fixed some rare crashes related to global destructors

- Web UI: Added 'events' view that shows all significant changes done to GoodSync Account
- Google Photos FS: big rewrite, to speed up cache, better diagnostics
- Job Runner + Sleep: Fixed if AutoRun was Disabled then after Sleep users cannot run Jobs
- Account Edit Dialog: If pre-save connection test fails, ask user whether he wants to save it anyway
- Mediator: fixed memory leak on Account Sync, improved memory allocator to TCmalloc
- Storage Servers: drop cache when Storage is deleted
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter
- Fixed miscellaneous crashes and asserts

- Web UI: Added 'events' view that shows all significant changes done to GoodSync Account
- Google Photos FS: big rewrite, to speed up cache, better diagnostics
- Job Runner + Sleep: Fixed if AutoRun was Disabled then after Sleep users cannot run Jobs
- Account Edit Dialog: If pre-save connection test fails, ask user whether he wants to save it anyway
- Mediator: fixed memory leak on Account Sync, improved memory allocator to TCmalloc
- Storage Servers: drop cache when Storage is deleted
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter

- Google Drive/Docs/TeamDrive FS: Google Drive API has changed, do fixes related to new API
- GsFileSys: GsCopyFileAppend: more fixes to Assert that happens when source file becomes shorter
- Browse Dialog + Tasks: Improve logging, fixed rare crashes
- Account Sync: Do NOT sync Proxy settings as part of Account Sync, as they are specific to Device
- Proxy + GsRunner: Fixed Proxy setting change was ignored by GsRunner until restart
- Account Sync: Fixed Override (Server Wins) does not work in Account Sync

- MS Graph: Fixed Listing site root now consistently returns 500 Internal Server Error on OneDrive Personal
- Relaxed some Asserts, that were reported as crashes
- GsServer: Added more and faster bail-outs on User Stop (caused by Sleep or Shutdown)
- SMB: To Turn On Siber's new SMB, set Hkey_local_machineSoftwareSiber SystemsGoodSyncSibSmb to 1
- SMB on Mac: Several fixes to errors found on MacOS: no conveyor, better error messages
- Google Photos FS: Fixed several bugs, esp in getting media item size

- Google Cloud Storage file system: Added this S3-like file system, not related to Google Drive
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed file generations were mixed up when changes appeared on both sides
- On File Change + Wait for User after Analyze with Errors: fixed it never got to Sync in this case
- Explorer: Case-Sensitivity: file whose name differs only by case are shown separately
- Auto-Proxy for HTTP: Fixed switching from Manual to Auto proxy could fail
- MS graph: Use CkSum to see if file is new, as SharePoint server changes Office files after upload
- Account Sync: Do Not Delete or Rename Job by Account Sync, if Job is Busy under Browse or Options dialog
- Groups: Change empty Group name to '-empty-', so that user can delete or rename it
- File Copy Conveyors: more fixes to streamline conveyors
- Asserts: soften more of them into SoftAssert, based on what was reported

- Conveyor: fixed source file may be treated as zero size (bug in 11.7.4 only)
- Log Viewer: Fixed logs were not shown on Local FS presented as GSTPS

- Conveyor: rewrite Conveyor functions, to make them work for different buffer sizes
- GsFileSys: prepare Conveyor and other facilities to Native SMB file system
- Incremental Analyze + File Monitoring: Do not Re-Analyze errors, wait till files change
- Recycle and History DB in Mirror: Fixed unnecessary multiple inits of History
- Global Log Folder: If we cannot create it, just give up, revert to old Log Folder
- SyncLib: Fixed rare crashes on terminal job errors
- GsServer: Fixed 'Number of Unique Clients of this gs-server has exceeded license'
- S3: x-amz-acl header: Specify it only for start and finish of multi-part upload
- SFTP: Add reporting of errors that are written to invisible SSH console
- Mediator: several fixes to increase performance improve monitoring

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Fixed some crashes and asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- gs-server: Fixed UDP receiver was slow to stop when going to sleep
- gs-server: Improved shutdown/sleep sequence for register/autoupdate
- gs-server: Restore Session timeout on server to be 24 hours, need for long Analyze
- GsRunner service: allow it to detect and send Asserts
- Installer for 64-bit OS: Install 64-bit EXEs more directly, without 32-bit EXEs

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Fixed Asserts reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7
- Gs-Server: Fixed 'Not Found' error, introduced in the previous ver
- Gs-Server: Improved sleep/shutdown sequence in presence of faulty networks
- Gs-Server: Improved connection management for multiple transactions in one socket

- Change log not available for this version

- Fixed ASSERTs reported by the new Assert reported from ver 11.6.7

- Gs-Server: Restore connection after timeout, instead of 'Not Connected' error
- Gs-Server: Reduce Session Delete time from 24 hours to 1 hours, sleep time still at 3 min
- Gs-Server + File Monitoring or User Stop: improved termination sequence
- File Monitoring: do not ignore Excludes that are based on intermediate folders
- Incremental Analyze: Fixed Incremental Analyze was dropping Name-Case conflict
- Conflict counters: Init Conflict counters in DoSync, to avoid doubling them
- gsync command line: Fixed /fN handling without /kN, in presence of Account Manager
- Asserts: Add reporting of Asserts, report them same as Crashes
- SMB client: continue work on our own native SMB client, both for SMB v2/v3 and SMB v1
- Linux: Added raspberry_pi64 platform for 64-bit (aarch64) Raspberry Pi and compatible boards.

- Proxy: If Auto-Proxy is specified, then use it right away, without testing direct connection
- Gs2Go: Write jobs-account.tic file as garbled not as local-encrypted, for portability
- GUI: Improve responsiveness and make it more stable
- Crash Reporting: do not report crashes produced by foreign broken DLLs

- Account Sync: fixed several User Interface issues
- Account Sync: Get proposed changes in background non-GUI Update Thread
- Account Sync: Do not perform it on GS start, to avoid slowdown
- Saving Jobs and Server Accounts: improve security, save only encrypted version
- Browse dialog Ver 10: fixed applying proposed URL conversions not working
- Conflicts: Fixed Conflict Resolver not shown after Analyze + Sync
- Edit Account dialog: Added more help items
- Edit Account dialog: improved field organization and layout

- SFTP: Make our SFTP client send version string without waiting for SFTP server
- GSTP Client: Fixed when Server changes Forwarder, client may ignores it and return error
- GSTP Client: Do not Try Direct Connect when we have no direct port to connect to
- GSTP checksums: switch from expensive MD5 to cheaper CRC-32, it is sufficient for integrity
- GSTP Server: Fully removed Old Ticket Scheme from GsServer, only more secure New Scheme is allowed
- GSTP Server Register: improved de-registering server on Sleep and Shutdown
- GSTP Severe Going Offline: Added call to /unregister-server of Forwarder
- GSTP Edit Account: Added 'Direct Plain Text' connectoid option, to be used for slow NASes
- GSTP Mediator: Fixed CanShare was incorrectly applied when doing Composition of two grants
- Proxy: Do NOT test Effective proxy when it is not set, to reduce load on Mediator
- Proxy: If proxy is set, but both Auth and Manual Proxy are unchecked, do not use any proxy
- GsServer: Browser Sessions: Fixed crashes on multiple downloads from one browser
- Browse Dialog: Fixed UI errors and navigation issues
- gsync: Added Account Manager options to gsync help and GS online manual

- Fixed when Sync finishes, often times AnalyzeDone message was sent instead of SyncDone message
- S3 storage classes and headers: more fixes
- Recycled/History DB: Fixed if DB file gets zero size then GS would not reinitialize it
- Recycled/History DB: Make Init History/Saved DB work for GsData in Mirror Folder too
- Special Ops Node list: fixed some rare crashes, keep list of paths, not pointers
- Job List/Tree: fixed icons for job states, multi-select of Jobs
- Browse Dlg Ver 10: Fixed Job with a portable drive does not ask user to use =VolumeLabe
- gs-server: Improve locking, fixed rare crashes on Session start
- Edit Account: Re-design OAuth2 [Authorization] section to match Google UX guidelines
- GsExplorer File Op dialog: improved error processing for terminal errors
- Localization: Update Polish translation

- S3 options: Added Server Side Encryption Key provided by Customer
- S3 options: Bring back Access Control Policy text box
- S3: GovCloud: Added Location Constraint to Bucket creation
- S3: Added new setting -- Preferred Geo Region, to be used in Bucket creation
- SFTP and speed: Fixed Current Speed was shown as way too high
- SMB: Fixed crashes when user has many shares that do not connect due to error
- B2 FS: Upload of large files: prevent rare crashes by doing more checks
- TaskBar JumpList: Do not show Job on TaskBar JumpList, just global commands
- Browse V10: Fixed Accounts tab was cycling if we have Server Accounts with + in its name
- Job Tree View: rewrite using new framework
- Browse Dialog and Explorer: miscellaneous UI fixes

- Fixed crashes on sync tree item update

- License Renew: Fixed Renew Link in Buy Pro dialog was incorrect
- SyncJob locking: fixed GoodSync GUI could freeze on loss of connection
- AccountSync: Fixed GsRunner RefreshToken save can interfere with Job sync
- Runner + GUI + Logs: Fixed sometimes log lines were missing in Log Window
- Job List view: Fixed it was not always updated for Unattended GsRunner jobs
- Runner + Log Folder: Make GsRunner use custom LogLevel and LogFolder
- OneFile + Browse dlg: Allow creation of new OneFile files
- GoodSync GUI: Fixed rare crashes on GoodSync shutdown
- gsync + /d option: make it work for new Unnamed bookmark
- gsync: Fix /sa-create: save resulting account to disk.

- gs-server Sessions: Fixed server Sessions were not cleaned up, so memory leak could result
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not reconnected, after disconnect
- gs-server + SMB: Fixed SMB disk letters were not listed, when Gs-Server runs as a Service
- gs-server + Home Folders: Fixed all folders of Server were shown, not just Home Folder
- GPhotos: Fixed Analyze were rejected with: cannot be sync folder, folders cannot be created here
- Job List: fixed saving and restoring column widths and positions
- Storage Server: Fixed re-getting grants when server is restarted.

- Browsing Files: Allow files from GoodSync Severs to be listed and opened in a browser
- Browsing Files: Access to it is in Serves tab of GoodSync Account Web UI
- Browsing Files: GoodSync server must be ver 11.5.7 or newer, Storage Servers were upgraded
- Mediator: improved device identification, to avoid duplicate devices
- Mediator + Web UI: improved login sequence, to accommodate file browsing
- gs-server + COM: Fixed VSS Snapshot was not working on Gs-Server, it needs OleInitialize
- File Sharing: improved authentication between Client and Server when they belong to different users
- Gs-Storage and SetAttributes: do not allow to SetAttributes to make folders unreadable
- Gs-Storage and File Sharing: improved stuffing of file system when user connects
- Forwarders + UDP: ignore empty UDP packets, they may occur naturally
- Job Runner: improved locking of data to fix some rare crashes
- Google Photos: do not allow to use it with Business licenses
- Browse dialog: Bring back MS Graph 'national cloud' connectoid GUI option
- License Renewal: add new promotion to License Renewal: Free 10 Gb storage
- Browse Dialog: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- GoodSync Explorer: miscellaneous User Interface fixes
- Browse Dialog + Account Manager: Added Revoke Credentials command
- Job Sending Mail: Increase limit on body of email (which is job log) from 8 Kb to 40 Mb
- gsync /sa-oauth: Fixed accounts not being written to disk after updating
- Localizations: Updated NL, UA and ES translations

- Gs-Server: Fixed server can get stuck on certain errors and refuses to take new connections
- Gs-Server: Improved transactional integrity of GSTP, to allow for faster connection restore
- Google Team Drive: Speed up Analyze/Sync by reducing /change API calls to a minimum
- Google Photos: Make this FS available to personal non-enterprise version only
- S3, expat: Allow EF BF xx UTF-89 sequences in file names, so they can be listed
- Job List: Use separate column for job index, needed for user-mandated custom job order
- Job List: revive option to turn off 'Sort Job Names By Alphabet' and allow custom job order
- GoodSync Explorer: Added 'Cut to Clipboard' command
- Services: Added 30-sec timeout for waiting for service nodes to stop, so that servers do not get stuck
- New Ticket System: new and more secure ticket-based authentication system for folder sharing
- Mediator: improved performance, optimized TLS/SSL handling
- Browsing on Gs-Server: Alpha version of browsing files and folders directly from Gs-Server

- Change log not available for this version

- MEGA FS: Upload: Fixed 'cannot get fingerprint' error
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Fixed Gs-Runner may be preventing computer from sleeping
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was reporting zero Bytes Processed as they were reset too early
- Progress Reporting: Fixed SetProgress could reset progress to 0 when switching scale
- Job List View: Allow custom column order, reordering of columns by Drag-N-Drop
- Job List View: Fix miscellaneous bugs
- GoodSync Explorer: Fixed processing of connections to encrypted folders -- offer to decrypt

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Direction Change by User: fixed crashes
- Get back to running GoodSync /min mode (was /miniwin) for 'Start GoodSync when Windows starts' option
- Job List View: new tables-based implementation

- Workers and Sleep: Job Worker thread now prevents computer from going to Sleep
- Direction Change in Sync Tree by User: improved transactional integrity of it, fixed bugs
- MacOS device identification for licensing: ignore device properties that are changes by MacOS updates
- Free Space Info in Job: consolidate its processing, fixed bugs
- Installer: Fixed System Account was not detected as such on some non-English Windows systems
- Shutdown after Sync: Made it work correctly, even if Analyze produced No Changes
- Job Tree View: fixed UI bugs, some RunState transitions were missed
- Browse Dialog: Fixed changing of Direct Path to Portable path was ignored
- Miscellaneous User Interface fixes

- User Interfaces: fixed some crashes and minor bugs
- WD Free Version: improved detection of WD NAS via GSTP
- Simplify computation of Free Space: do it once every 30 sec, not once per quant
- Installer: Fixed Cancel was showing wrong error

- On File Change + GUI: Fixed likely observed crashes, simplify RunState change reporting
- Estimated Space: Make estimated space computations simpler, do nto account for Recycle Bin
- Sync Direction Change: Fixed crashes -- start worker thread to recompute space requirements
- AutoClear: Fixed AutoClear of Sync Tree was not working in GUI mode
- GsRunner Socket: Fixed rare observed crashes related to GsRunner state reporting
- Updated BR-portugues localization

- License Limitations for WD: Fixed Free version did not allow jobs with more than 100 files
- Licensing: improved reporting of License statusm esp for Analyze+Sync and Unattended jobs
- SyncTree: Show SyncTree even if we have No Changes, as there may be Excluded files
- Downloads: Fixed mac distribution link was sometimes showing 'Not Found'

- GoodSync Account Setup: lower-case ComputerId, always save it
- GsRunner + License Activation: notify GsRunner faster about changed License
- Account Sync TurnOn: Added Cancel command, same as Close
- Account Sync + Groups: Perform Account Sync when Jobs are added to Groups by DND
- GUI AutoStart: Use /miniwin mode in Windows Start, so that Mini-Progress windows is shown
- Gs-Server: optimize memory allocation, to reduce memory consumption
- Analyze + Sync: improved switch from Analyze to Sync, so it cannot stall on this
- Stopping Services: improved stopping of the Gs-Server and Gs-Runner service
- Browse Dialog: Fixed commit of manually edited URLs

GoodSync 11.4.6
- Job AutoStart: Fixed crashes caused by deleting sync tree while Worker thread runs
- Stop All: Fixed Stop All did not work for jobs in Waiting To Run state
- Changes Limit Exceeded - Attention Required: make this work in Unattended mode too
- Account Sync: better command names, better presentation, better list of changes
- CC Runner and Server Accounts: Fixed passwords and refresh tokens were not uploaded
- Licenses: Added License Renewal Link, if user has licenses that are Active or Expired
- Explorer: Added Account Sync commands, update Server Accounts view when synced
- Server Account Edit: do not ask whether to save to New Account when saving, save to this
- Beta: new native SMB client that does not use Windows SMB client code

GoodSync 11.4.5
- Account Sync: Reset Account Sync, so that users can use Server Override when they turn it On
- Account Sync: Added Show Changes for Account Sync -- shows Job-Groups changes that will happen
- Account Sync: more improvements to Jobs-Groups and Server Accounts sync algorithm
- GUI: Turn On Mini-Window mode when user selects it, sometimes it was not shown
- Browse/Explorer Edit Account: Fixed checkbox clicks did not work
- Policies: Added file system policies for Gs RealDisk Storage, Google Photos

GoodSync 11.4.4
- AutoUpdate Installer: Fixed it was removing Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items of GoodSync

GoodSync 11.4.3
- Account Sync: Jobs-Groups and Server Account sync has been rewritten, quality of sync improved
- Account Sync: if you are using it, all your Jobs must be synced before you upgrade to this version
- Account Sync: Job-Group Sync operations and Sync stats are now logged
- Program Options: Remove option to encrypt when store locally, local encryption now is always done
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed GUI was losing connection to GsRunner Service, when running UnAttended jobs
- GsRunner and Cc-Runner GUI: improved showing of Job Run status in mini status window
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Hide into [Views] button pull down tree view buttons that have zero item count
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Rename [Other] button to [Views]
- Sync Tree Context Menu: Move direction change commands into sub-menu 'Change Direction to'
- Control Center: Fixed Server Accounts did not upload with empty Account Encryption password
- Installer: Do not update Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items when we are doing auto-install

GoodSync 11.4.1
- Google Photo FS: Added new file system, it only allows 2 levels of folders, no GsData
- On Folder Connect / On File Change: Fixed it was not starting job on Reconnect
- GsRunner + GUI: When GUI cannot connect/talk to GsRunner, show error message about it in GUI
- GsRunner Server + Sleep: Do proper processing of Sleep and Wakeup
- CC Runner: Fixed CC Runner was checking for Local license, not CC license
- GUI: Do not allow Changing direction of Sync while the job is Under Runner
- Side Logs + Analyze: Fixed if only Analyze was done then Side logs are not uploaded
- Side Logs + Spec Ops: Upload side logs when doing Spec Ops too
- Certificate Roots: update list of Certificate Authorities who GoodSync trusts

GoodSync 11.4.0
- Under Runner Jobs + Context Menu: fixed content menu enabled status
- GsRunner + GUI: Fixed terminal errors on job run were not fully reported in GUI
- Logging in GUI mode: Fixed it was not complete, many details were missing
- Sleep + GsRunner: Fixed Windows did not go into sleep, if GsRunner was running
- Sleep + Wakeup: Reduce Wait after Wakeup from 60 sec to 30 sec, log wait for it in GUI
- Space Estimate: Fixed Space Estimate was not always shown at the end of Analyze
- MEGA: Increased max HTTP body size to 512 Mb, as MEGA can send long list of changes
- Forwarders: fixed rare crashes

GoodSync 11.3.8
- Fixed Auto Analyze and Sync may freeze, if Conflicts are present
- UnAttended Jobs: Fixed side logs were not written, so email could not be sent
- Side Info: Add critical section for better locking

GoodSync 11.3.7
- Sleep and Wakeup: Fixed Unattended Jobs do not restart after Wakeup
- Unattended GsRunner: Fixed error in logs: GsRunner Client: cannot find job
- Server Account Sync: Fixed deletion of Server Accounts not always propagated
- Job Runner for GUI: improved progress monitoring and reporting for GUI jobs
- Explorer: Fixed Account Edit dialog in Windows 10 Dark scheme
- UI: Removed Exit menu item from Job Group context menu

GoodSync 11.3.6
- Local and CC Runner: redo thread management, make it run more smoothly
- Unattended Auto Jobs: Fixed artefacts of flipping Unattended + Auto mode Off/On
- Fixed 'Create New Folder' text in Job Options

GoodSync 11.3.5
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.4
- MS Graph, OneDrive: Fixed unable to get local issuer certificate ''
- TLS + S3: Fixed reading HTTP transaction body when 'Connection; Close' is used
- License: Fixed SibIsEqualGuid() ,it may affect some old version activations
- SyncTree Dlg Counters: Fixed Counters could become corrupted if Jobs are switched during Analyze
- MEGA FS: Fix API session management which could lead to GS client hitting server-side limits
- MEGA FS: Allow parallel Sync threads when syncing with MEGA FS
- Elevation + UserStop: Do NOT show error message when user stops Elevation
- About dialog: Show Local gs-server and web-server info: On/Off:LocalOnly:Port
- Do not perform SibSetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) at init
- Localization + Explorer: Fixed localization did not work in GS Explorer
- Localization: Fixed localization of comments in file systems when exploring
- Localization: Updated AR and UA localization

GoodSync 11.3.3
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about folders that cannot be sync/backup folders
- Browse Dialog: Added warnings about top folders of the disk that cannot be backup folder
- Browse Dialog: Added Mew Folder command tree node to Disks on backup destination side
- Browse / GsExplorer: Added Named Bookmarks into the tree, as first node
- Browse / GsExplorer: more fixes to Encrypted Folder mode
- GsExplorer: Implemented Paste files/folders to Windows Explorer, Desktop, etc
- SMB FS: several fixes to Connection Caching, to improve locking and timeliness of results
- On File Change and On Folder Connect: rewrote File Monitoring, to improve Sleep/Wakeup
- Gs-Server: improve initial startup sequence logging
- CC Runner: When deleting job that has Monitor running, stop Monitoring first
- CC Runner + AutoUpdate: Fixed AutoUpdate could turn CC Runner into regular GS
- gs-runner: Fixed Last Run Time was not updated when Auto Job is run Unattended
- License: Make C:ProgramDataGoodSync writable to all GoodSync processes
- AppKey Install: made it work for enterprise (AllUsers) licenses
- Italian localization updated

GoodSync 11.3.2
- SMB FS: Fixed GoodSync could lock up on Disconnect of SMB connections
- SMB FS: If password is empty, send NULL, it fixes Error 1219 on real password
- Sleep + File Monitoring: do not try to stop all Jobs and Monitoring when going to Sleep
- Sleep + File Monitoring: Instead finish stopping Jobs on Wakeup, then restart them
- CC Runner: Fixed If Mini Status Window is not shown then CC Runner would freeze
- CC Runner: Fixed Submitter thread could freeze on exit, due to rare race condition
- Account Setup: If canceled by user, do not show error message
- DLL path Windows: SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) in all EXEs
- Mediator: Fixed Mediator was rejecting /official-forwarders

GoodSync 11.3.1
- Trial + License: Do not reset Trial when Activating license, as there may be no License
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed warning could come out on every GS start
- Trial Expire Warning: fixed trial status determinations and Days before/after Trial
- File Monitoring: improved stopping sequence for file monitoring
- Program Options -> SMTP: Fixed TEST did not pass SSL option

Thonny 4.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix error when running script with closed Shell,
- Fix error with programs calling exit (more robust handing of closing the back-end process), , ,
- Fix blank editor after switching tabs on macOS,
- Instruct saving the program before debugging,
- Fix find not highlighting selected result in block comments,
- Fix new file creation error,
- Fix Choice Dialog closing with ESC,
- Fix the error when invoking Python's help function,
- Fall back to killing current process when running and interrupt doesn't work,
- Don't close the backend process when interrupting at idle prompt,
- Fix Windows 11 version in About dialog,
- Fix outdated test,
- Make the Mac installer more compatible with Arm,
- Allow downloading latest unstable MicroPython builds,
- Allow new file command for remote file browser
- Update Estonian, German and Chinese (TW) translations

MotionCaster 查看版本資訊
