GeoGebra 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 GeoGebra 6.0.826.0

GeoGebra 歷史版本列表

GeoGebra 是動態的數學軟件為各級教育,幾何,代數,電子表格,圖形,統計和微積分在一個簡單易用的軟件包中匯集在一起。 GeoGebra 是幾乎每個國家的數百萬用戶迅速擴大的社區。 GeoGebra 已成為全球領先的動態數學軟件提供商,支持科學,技術,工程和數學(STEM)教育和創新教學和學習。把世界上領先的動態數學軟件和教材交到學生和老師手中!GeoGebra 簡介: 圖形,代數和表格相連,... GeoGebra 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Unused blocked reasons have been removed
- Config.adwareCatid flag has been removed
- Freemarker library has been removed
- 'System > Alert > Alert Events' menu has been added
- User password change form has been added
- Language files have been updated
- Baselist has been updated to 4487203

Kodi 19.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- As this is a point release, there are no major changes since the previous version, and you should be fine to install this straight over the top of any existing Kodi 19.x installation - indeed, this will happen automatically on many platforms. However, as for all software installations, back up your userdata beforehand if you've any doubts or have anything you can't afford to lose (and definitely do this if you're going for a major version upgrade).

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What's new in this version:

- Language files have been updated
- DnsSetup.httpsDnsTimeout has been added
- Custom DNS server for DNS over HTTPS option has been added
- Baselist has been updated to 4469622

ReShade 5.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- compile times for effects to log
- compile error when texture with a semantic is used as a render target or storage
- warning when input cannot be captured for window because it was created by a different process (e.g. in Portal with RTX)
- "copy_buffer_to_texture" event for OpenGL texture updates from a pixel unpack buffer binding
- format conversion for "VK_FORMAT_A8B8G8R8_[...]_PACK32"

- CPU-side performance of effect rendering slightly
- error handling for filesystem errors

- add-on list in overlay to hide file path for built-in add-on
- input handling to ignore raw input on secondary windows that are not input sinks
- error on choosing layered pixel format in OpenGL to a warning (this fixes a crash with Tomb1Main)
- shader model 5 implementation of "tex2Dgather" intrinsic overloads taking individual offsets to visually match GLSL/SPIR-V

- typo in D3D9On12 exports
- crash with D3D9On12 due to incorrect vertex count provided to "DrawIndexedPrimitive" (this fixes a crash in D3D9 games with 12th Gen Intel graphics processors)
- crash due to use-after-free in "vkFreeDescriptorSets"
- crash with Stream overlay and Vulkan validation layers due to dispatch pointer not being initialized for queues
- Thief: Deadly Shadows hanging and/or not exiting
- ReShade FX compiler not generating a cast to merged type for elements in array initializer expressions
- ReShade FX compiler emitting an error for "for" loop statements without an initializer expression
- unknown depth buffer format being shown for some depth buffers in Avorion
- insufficient initial data array passed to OpenGL "init_resource" and "create_resource" events for cubemaps
- hooking when multiple virtual function tables refer to the same hook function (e.g. in D3D9 games with Steam overlay)
- mismatching errors being shown in editor for generated code
- texture sampling of textures with a semantic in D3D9 applying incorrect pixel offsets
- warning about in-use depth-stencil resource being destroyed after effect runtime was already destroyed

- Removed built-in FreePIE support and instead moved it into an add-on

ReShade 5.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added "screenshot" uniform source which is true while a screenshot is being taken
- Removed directory from add-on file name in add-on settings when it matches that of the add-on search path

- depth buffer detection to skip depth buffers that were not used for at least a frame
- depth buffer list in overlay to keep showing unused items for a few frames and sort by texture dimensions
- loading of preset to sort techniques alphabetically when not otherwise specified in the preset

- crash on startup in Vulkan games with signed build of ReShade
- crash when exiting Yuzu when using OpenGL
- crash in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection
- crash when "vkDestroy[...]" is called with a "VK_NULL_HANDLE" object (e.g. done by VKD3D)
- previous depth-stencil shader resource view not being unbound when creation of new one failed
- missing resource view description for some render target/depth-stencil views in D3D12

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What's new in this version:

- Max persistent cache size has been adjusted to 300000
- Delete persistent cache which is not updated for 7 days over night
- Upstream DNS column size has been increased to 64
- Baselist has been updated to 4467158

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What's new in this version:

- ClusterSync.addBlocklistData has been added
- Showing parent group instead of child group bug fixed on 'User > Group'
- 'Exclude Empty Group' option has been added for Active Directory importation
- Multiple IP for MS DNS value not allowed bug has been fixed

ReShade 5.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for navigating the overlay using a XBox controller (to open/close press left + right shoulder buttons and the start button simultaneously)
- This is only active when "[INPUT] GamepadNavigation=1" is set in ReShade.ini!
- Controls are as follows:

- hooking in Evoland and other D3D10/11 games on Windows 7
- crash with DXVK 2.0 (or other Vulkan games using the "VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library" extension)
- crash on startup in Toontown Rewritten
- tree and cloud rendering artifacts in Minecraft
- bad performance while the "Add-ons" window in the overlay is visible
- ReShade rendering applied multiple times to the same frame in games using "D3DPRESENT_DONOTWAIT" or "DXGI_PRESENT_DO_NOT_WAIT" present flag
- modifying resource description in "create_resource" event having no effect in D3D10/11
- "swapchain::get_current_back_buffer_index()" result being out of date in "present" event in D3D12/Vulkan
- "command_list::copy_texture_region" not always performing blitting in Vulkan when texture dimensions do not match
- "effect_runtime::get_texture_binding" not working for textures with a semantic
- crash in Vulkan when destroying shared resource
- crash when binding nullptr constant buffer in D3D11
- nullptr descriptor heap being bound sometimes after D3D12 mipmap generation
- format conversion for formats from "GL_NV_depth_buffer_float" OpenGL extension and "GL_ALPHA", "GL_LUMINANCE", "GL_INTENSITY" and "GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"

- Added "vkAcquireNextImageKHR" hook to update back buffer index in Vulkan
- Added support for imgui command user callbacks
- Added support for "command_list::copy_buffer_to_texture()" from buffer resource to back buffer in OpenGL (compatibility OpenGL contexts only)
- Added support for push descriptors with multiple descriptor ranges (see "pipeline_layout_param_type::push_descriptors_ranges")
- Added support for creating multisampled textures in OpenGL
- Added "bind_*" events for D3D10/11/12 "ClearState" command
- Added "push_descriptors" event for "ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::Set(Compute/Graphics)Root(ShaderResource/UnorderedAccess)View"
- Added "bind_descriptor_sets" event for "ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::Set(Compute/Graphics)RootSignature"
- Improved D3D12/Vulkan barrier access to "resource_usage" enum conversion
- Changed preset saving to skip "TechniqueSorting" key when it is equivalent to the "Techniques" key
- Removed automatic D3D12 descriptor state backup and restore in "render_effects" and "render_technique" (this is better done properly inside add-ons using these)

GeoGebra 6.0.742.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GeoGebra 6.0.742.0
- fix problem with FitPoly(l1, 1)
- new default axes colour

GeoGebra 6.0.741.0
- fix for plotting problems eg Derivative(2^x)
- fix for saving one-var analysis with frequency table
- new CAS: more consistent Solve() / NSolve() behaviour
- more objects can have "absolute position" set in settings

GeoGebra 6.0.739.0
- eg Spline(list1,3) is now draggable
- fix clicking for drop-downs
- fix enableFileFeatures
- new plotter improvements
- fix bug with custom tools

GeoGebra 6.0.736.0
- clean up unused WebGL contexts
- fix update of dependencies when dragging >code>{Polygon(...)}

GeoGebra 6.0.735.0
- Suite: Probability Calculator sub-app added for iOS and Android

GeoGebra 6.0.734.0
- Classic 6: fix for spreadsheet editing on iOS

GeoGebra 6.0.732.0
- fix for Shading for Integral(f, a, b, false)

GeoGebra 6.0.729.0
- CAS: better syntax errors when number of arguments is wrong
- bugfix for saving table of values
- bugfix for polar grid with point fixed to grid
- "transparent":true also for 3D View
- Notes: images and equations can be dragged in from outside the applet
- Plot piecewise If() better

GeoGebra 6.0.726.0
- new style for selected Points
- Old Input Boxes now have "keyboard" icon for the full keyboard rather then the old "α" icon

GeoGebra 6.0.724.0
- CAS: fix for eg Sequence(j,j,0,pi/2,pi/10) and NSolve({(N)/(((a)(exp((-30)(k))))+(1))=(11)/(50), (N)/(((a)(exp((-40)(k))))+(1))=(11)/(25), (N)/((a)+(1))=(3)/(200)},{N=1, a=1, k=1})
- fix label position when x:y is not 1:1
- update to GWT 2.10.0
- fix ShowGrid() scripting problem

GeoGebra 6.0.723.0
- 3D: fix Show/Hide grid button

GeoGebra 6.0.722.0
- HTML5: fix for extra spurious digits when rounding

GeoGebra 6.0.721.0
- CAS: fix for Solve({a k=1,a ℯ^(3 k)=3 ℯ},{a,k})
- Data Table improvements
- fix for full-screen icon on touch

GeoGebra 6.0.720.0
- New command NIntegral(function, start x, start y, end x) to calculate and plot a numerical integral

GeoGebra 6.0.718.0
- improvements for ClosestPoint(point, function)
- bugfix for Derivative(f,0)
- bugfix for Sample({2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14}, RandomBetween(2,3), false)
- Freehand Function tool now available in the "Customize Toolbar" dialog
- bugfix for IntersectPath(line, triangle) when dependent points are used
- bugfix for positions of "Play" / "Reset" / "full-screen" icons

GeoGebra 6.0.715.0
- fix for SetFilling()

GeoGebra 6.0.713.0
- new command Type(Conic/Quadric)
- fix zooming jitter with 2 Views

GeoGebra 6.0.709.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.707.0
- allow line thickness for 2D "surfaces"
- bugfix for LaTeX style in 3D View

GeoGebra 6.0.706.0
- CAS: fix for Extremum(40 sqrt(x) ℯ^(-0.5 x))
- fix for macros getting duplicated
- fix for slider's "play" button on touch

GeoGebra 6.0.704.0
- fix problem with value of c_1 when saving SolveODE()

GeoGebra 6.0.703.0
- fix problem with saving/loading value of c_1 from SolveODE()
- CAS: fix crashing problem on Windows with Classic 5

GeoGebra 6.0.702.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.700.0
- new syntax to set the decoration at the ends of segments SetDecoration( , , )
- Support for simple surds eg √8
- fix for Surface(If(...
- CAS: fix for x(x)^2
- 3D: fix for "Use text as Caption"

GeoGebra 6.0.697.0
- fix plotting of eg 4x³ - 12x² > 0
- Classic 6: fix problem with transparent burger menu

GeoGebra 6.0.694.0
- fix crashing with pen strokes

GeoGebra 6.0.693.0
- make sure Cube tool doesn't label the "extra" points
- fix f==-g for functions
- Classic 6: fix for spreadsheet scrolling
- fix for problem saving randomized lists of images

GeoGebra 6.0.691.0
- fixes for drawing quadrics
- fix for dilating circles

GeoGebra 6.0.689.0
- Notes: Isometric and Polar grids

GeoGebra 6.0.688.0
- bug fixes

GeoGebra 6.0.687.0
- Android, iOS: Image Tool added
- CAS: PerpendicularVector(plane) syntax added

GeoGebra 6.0.686.0
- New special syntax for just 2 points FitSin( {A, B} )
- fix for Translate(circumcircular arc)
- more function plotting improvements (especially asymptotes)

GeoGebra 6.0.683.0
- web: fix bold gridlines checkbox
- fix plotting of eg nroot(x,3)
- fix for Pen in 3D view
- new dynamic syntaxes ParseToFunction("u+v",{"u", "v"}), ParseToFunction("x^2"), ParseToNumber("1+2")

GeoGebra 6.0.680.0
- Notes: fix problem with images
- CAS: make sure functions updated on zooming
- filling updated when redefining eg y=x to y<x
- fix SVG aspect ratio on buttons

GeoGebra 6.0.676.0
- Fix for Translate(If(0 < x < k, 2 + x, 1 < x < 2, -1), vector)
- Fix for If() not working in scripts sometimes
- make sure Sequence(IntegralBetween(... updates with slider

GeoGebra 6.0.675.0
- fix for drawing cylinders
- CAS: better support for conics y=...
- bugfix: auxiliary setting doesn't "stick" for segments of 3D polygon
- fix for Tangent(implicit, A)
- fix for wrong scale for some filling styles when exporting
- Classic 5: make sure JavaScript objects are always returned from API calls

GeoGebra 6.0.674.0
- fix for Solve({x * y = 1,3*x^2 = y^2},{x,y})
- Classic 5: fix for some CAS Calculations eg Numeric(), FitPoly() (Windows)

GeoGebra 6.0.672.0
- Classic: fix for NSolve Tool
- Classic CAS: fix for Substitute with Keep Input (missing brackets)
- Classic 5: fix for hyperbola drawing
- Notes: fix for missing Mindmap Tool
- CAS App: make sure redefining a function updates the graph
- make sure screen reader output works in iframe

GeoGebra 6.0.671.0
- Notes: New tools Ruler and Protractor
- fix for ggbApplet.showToolBar()
- fix for Tools with Surfaces

GeoGebra 6.0.670.0
- Better drawing of angles when axis ratio is not 1:1
- fix for plotting eg ln(x)^(1+1/3+1/3+1/3)
- fix problem with Input Boxes and 3D/Spreadsheet View

GeoGebra 6.0.668.0
- for missing Labelling menu
- problem plotting paraboloids etc
- problem on iOS where Input Boxes scroll the applet
- for IntersectPath(P, a) with Zip()
- bug for 3D angles in lists
- bug with full-screen button

- Technical change: use Pointer Events
- Classic: fix bug where "Keep Input" button gives null:=
- Make sure PgUp, PgDown don't change layer
- CAS: make sure Solve() doesn't call NSolve() for inequalities

GeoGebra 6.0.666.0
- Condition to Show Object not copied correctly in spreadsheet when it's just a single variable
- opening .ggb files from Google Drive

GeoGebra 6.0.665.0
- CAS: make sure "random" commands work again
- fixes for ggbApplet.remove()

GeoGebra 6.0.664.0
- fix problem with Box Plot label position

GeoGebra 6.0.662.0
- Classic 6: fix for Ctrl-C/V/A in scripting dialogs
- new command IsFactored( )
- small Probability Calculator fixes

GeoGebra 6.0.659.0
- atan(), acos(), asin() now work for complex numbers
- new parameter "detachKeyboard":true
- Classic 5: fix for disappearing objects when Input Box has the focus
- Suite: Probability Calculator sub-app added (web only)
- 3D: fix for labelling eg Cube segments
- fix alignment for new "Text as caption" Captions
- CAS: make sure Invert() is exact

GeoGebra 6.0.657.0
- CAS: Make sure Invert(matrix) is exact
- Notes: New Spotlight Tool
- GeoGebra Classic 6: missing style bar added to Probability Calculator (for discrete)

GeoGebra 6.0.656.0
- CAS: fix for Solve(3*sqrt(x+4)<=5-2abs(x+2))

GeoGebra 6.0.654.0
- fix order of Arabic digits eg on axes
- Tabbing order can be customized by making a special list like tabOrder = {A, B, E, D}
- fix problem with truncating calculations on %

GeoGebra 6.0.652.0
- CAS: fix eg 2/1E-12 in Keep Input mode
- CAS: slightly simplified answer from Substitute()
- CAS: new option to "save" (in a secure area) in exam mode
- Probability Calculator: fix problem saving intervals

GeoGebra 6.0.651.0
- CAS: fixes for Solve( { (k-s)/k * (105-(k-s))/(300-k) = 0.125, (k-w)/k * (105-(k-s))/(300 - k) = 0.375, (k-s)/k * (195-(k-w))/(300-k) + (k-w)/k * (195 - (k-w)) / (300-k) = 0.5 } , {k,s,w} ) , NSolve(Integral(sqrt(sin(x)),0,b)=0.64,b) and Derivative(f(sec(x))), TaylorPolynomial(cbrt(2x-3))
- New two-tailed ][ option for probability calculator
- CAS: fix problem with n!
- Notes: fix for embedded applets
- improved spreadsheet previews from ggbApplet.getScreenshotBase64()
- ChromeOS: Exam mode starts automatically in Kiosk mode

GeoGebra 6.0.649.0
- Notes: new Mindmaps Tool and Charts improvements
- improvement for eg FormulaText(sin(1x + 1x - 1x))
- CAS: fix for eg mod(3^5431843, 2)

GeoGebra 6.0.646.0
- fix ggbApplet.getScreenshotBase64() for webSimple
- CAS: make sure eg SolveODE((y')²+5y'+6=0) returns both solutions
- fix Rigid Polygon Tool/Command
- Symbolic Input boxes are now the default

GeoGebra 6.0.644.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.640.0
- Fix style bar in Safari

GeoGebra 6.0.639.0
- fix for tracing functions
- switch from pako.js to fflate.js
- built-in buttons icons switched to SVGs
- CAS: fix for eg Rationalize(1/(sqrt(3+ί))) in web (& smaller)
- CAS: fix for acosd and atand
- CAS: make sure Eigenvectors({{1,2},{3,4}}) is exact

GeoGebra 6.0.637.0
- Geometry: fix Rigid Polygon Tool/command
- fix for plotting arcosh(x)

GeoGebra 6.0.636.0
- Fix problem drawing linear functions (especially in Regression panel)

GeoGebra 6.0.631.0
- cbrt( switched to nice form

GeoGebra 6.0.620.0
- new commands ReplaceAll( , , ) and Split( , )
- fix for PlaySound()

GeoGebra 6.0.609.0
-Bug fixes

GeoGebra 6.0.608.0
- fix for Input Box linked to slider not respecting slider bounds (old Input Boxes only)
- CAS: Numeric() works for more than 15 d.p.
- Classic 6: fix white background in Customize Tools dialog
- fix for language translation of functions

GeoGebra 6.0.606.0
- Symbolic Input Boxes: add option for Serif
- Symbolic Input Boxes: asin(x) is now a*sin(x)
- Mobile: make sure keyboard always opens for tool dialogs
- fix for Input Boxes without labels

GeoGebra 6.0.605.0
- CAS: Min() and Max() implemented

GeoGebra 6.0.604.0
- Classic 5: fix for ggbApplet.getValueString()
- Graphing: "Statistics" summary for Min / Q1 / Median / Q3 / Max
- CAS: new command IntegralSymbolic()
- Complex functions implemented (including Expand(f) and f==g)

GeoGebra 6.0.603.0
- fix beta() for negative inputs

GeoGebra 6.0.600.0
- fix RandomPointIn( <Conic/Circle> )
- Intersect( , , , ) working for 3D Curves

GeoGebra 6.0.599.0
- Classic 5: fix for ggbApplet.getValueString()
- CAS: RemoveUndefined() and IsInteger() implemented

GeoGebra 6.0.598.0
- fix for ggbApplet.reset()

GeoGebra 6.0.596.0
- fix for dropdowns not closing on click
- Improvements for pasting LaTeX into the Algebra Input and Input Boxes
- new command RemovableDiscontinuity() for rational functions (also for previews)
- Notes: new Table Tool
- Editor: SVG export, evalLaTeX() added, event for / focus lost added
- Chrome: copy image to clipboard working

GeoGebra 6.0.593.0
- fix for Inverse polygons
- fix for leftlangle

GeoGebra 6.0.592.0
- fix for plotting eg f(x)=ln(44)

GeoGebra 6.0.591.0
- log(x) now gives log_10(x) not ln(x)
- new command RemovableDiscontinuity() for rational functions (also for previews)
- fix for eg sin(x)^cos(x)
- extra parameter added toggbApplet.getValueString("f", false) to make sure output isn't localized
- fix for sliders with 1° increment

GeoGebra 6.0.590.0
- 3D: new tool Surface of Revolution
- Graphing: make sure complex * complex works again
- fix for n in Input Boxes
- fix for Polygon(A,B,3,plane) when A and B are 2D points
- Notes: new Equation tool
- Complex i displayed better in Input Boxes and LaTeX texts

GeoGebra 6.0.588.0
- Delete Tool won't now delete fixed objects in Activities

GeoGebra 6.0.587.0
- better parsing of expressions without explicit multiply eg f(p,q)=sin(pq)
- fix for Input Boxes sometimes disappearing on
- new parameter to set button's border colors eg "buttonBorderColor":"#ff00ff"
- Graphing: Length(list) working again
- Graphing: Equation shown for Line(A, B) again
- Symbolic Input Boxes working for conics, implicit curves and quadrics
- Now built with GWT 2.9

GeoGebra 6.0.583.0
- Classic 6: fix for re-opening settings (mostly iOS)
- Classic 6: make sure random numbers aren't updated when CAS is loaded
- fix for angle not being shown when it's from Element(list,1)

GeoGebra 6.0.581.0
- Suite (beta): now on geogebra/calculator
- remove unnecessary API calls

GeoGebra 6.0.580.0
- Classic 5: "Apply Template" will also apply default styles to existing objects
- fix for symbolic Input Boxes disappearing on touch
- fix for FormulaText("Rho")
- JavaScript listeners preserved over a redefine
- GeoGebra 6: fix installer where username contains a space
- fix for Input Box cleared on full-screen button
- improved plotting for eg ln(x)
- bugfix for drawing grid with "positive only" axis
- better parsing of expressions without brackets eg sinsinsinx
- Classic 6: brackets added when typed after function name
- pi replaced by π in Input Boxes
- 3D Calculator: Snapshot button in AR Mode

GeoGebra 6.0.579.0
- fix bug with numbers being turned into sliders
- Classic 5: fix bug with dragging drop-down lists

GeoGebra 6.0.578.0
- Classic 5: Symbolic Input Boxes working
- Scientific calculator moved to

GeoGebra 6.0.577.0
- Classic: fix for native keyboard appearing on iOS 13.3.1
- CAS App: sliders and vectors working
- Classic: fix for eg ggbApplet.evalCommand("$1:f(x)≔x^2")
- make sure InputBox1+"" and FormulaText(InputBox1) work properly
- fix for undo/redo with symbolic Input Boxes

GeoGebra 6.0.574.0
- Make sure output line shown for FitLine() etc again
- Web: fix for #&¬ key

GeoGebra 6.0.573.0
- Graphing: same in exam and non-exam
- More Symbolic Input Box improvements (including Vectors and the type can't be changed by typing "bad" syntax)
- Bugfix: ggbApplet.setFixed() no longer triggers OnUpdate scripts
- RandomElement({1/2,1/3,1/4}) works better

GeoGebra 6.0.564.0
- New command CASLoaded()
- Improvement for random numbers being updated on redefinition (eg when Input Box contents changed) - random numbers should be defined in their "own object" to take advantage of this

GeoGebra 6.0.562.0
- Classic 5: fix for ggbApplet.registerAddListener()
- Classic 6: fix for eg SetPerspective("S")
- Symbolic Input Boxes working for eg f(x,y)

GeoGebra 6.0.560.0
- Input Boxes are empty rather than showing ? for undefined linked geo
- Alignment option for Input Boxes
- CAS Calculator: more commands added: Invert(), NSolutions(), Sequence(), ReducedRowEchelonForm(), Substitute(), Sum(), Transpose(), RemoveUndefined(), Tangent()

GeoGebra 6.0.559.0
- Download xx.cache.js files in parallel
- Option for caching with service worker
- "Selection Allowed" working for Input Boxes, Dropdowns and Buttons
- Screenreader works for reading LaTeX Captions

GeoGebra 6.0.546.0
- Classic 5: fix for JavaScript error ("java.lang.String")

GeoGebra 6.0.544.0
- CAS View: fix for Solve(8/(p^(-4000*x))=6,x) and Integral(sqrt(x+sqrt(x)))
- fix for GeoGebra Scripts on Android/iOS
- ZoomIn() working for 3D View (non-dynamic)

GeoGebra 6.0.541.0
- CAS View: fix for SolveODE(y'=sqrt(x),(1,1))

GeoGebra 6.0.536.0
- Classic 5: fix for large tool icons
- Corner(-1,13) returns scales for x, y, z axes
- Improvement for f(x)=(3/2)^x, f(-1)
- GeoGebra 6: make sure more decimal places (minimum 5) are used when editing an expression
- Editor: fix for ÷ immediately after log₁₀(x) and for eg 3|x|
- LaTeX: fixes for eg v_{1}'^{2} and @{hspace{3.7 mm}}
- Geometry: "Fit to Zoom" preserves aspect ratio
- New default labels for equations eq1, eg2, ...
- CAS View: fix for eg Vector[(x,y,z)] = Vector[(1,2,3)]

GeoGebra 6.0.535.0
- fix SlowPlot()
- GeoGebra 6: fix problem when text is re-edited (text dialog stuck open)
- missing 180° solution for eg NSolutions(4 sin³(x) cos(x) -6cos²(x) sin(x))

GeoGebra 6.0.533.0
- 3D View: Corner(-1, 12) gives screen left-to-right direction in 3D view coords
- Statistics Calculator: fix for problems entering eg 0.01, 1/60
- Consistent Greek font added for keyboard
- fix for auto-sliders eg y=mx+c
- fix bug with a((?,?)) for quadratic inequalities
- Graphing: "Table of Values" working for conics eg y=x^2

GeoGebra 6.0.529.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.526.0
- Chrome: fix problem in full-screen mode

GeoGebra 6.0.523.0
- Checkboxes: use $math{x}$ in Caption for "proper" math x

GeoGebra 6.0.518.0
- fix for stdev() / stdevp() problem

GeoGebra 6.0.513.0
- Fix trace for filled Curves
- Fix for eg Sequence(k°, k, 0, 360, 30) Sequence(cos( Element( l1, k )), k, 1, 5 )
- Make sure setting labels works for eg a = RigidPolygon(poly1)
- Exam mode: don't allow fix/unfix for functions, conics

GeoGebra 6.0.512.0
- Fix for touchscreens with Chrome 70+
- Fix for eg ((x + 1) / 41 + 0z = y / -16,(x + 1) / 41 = (z - 3) / a) becoming undefined after a = 0
- Fix for Asymptote(x^(-2n)) and Asymptote(log(f(x))
- LaTeX: fix for Epsilon
- Splines: fix export to PSTricks / PGF and fix problem with closed splines

GeoGebra 6.0.511.0
- fix for clickToLoad parameter

GeoGebra 6.0.509.0
- Fix for plotting eg f(x) = x^3

GeoGebra 6.0.507.0
- Improvement for Limit() eg Limit(If(x

GeoGebra 6.0.503.0
- label outlines removed for exporting
- Spreadsheet: fix for pasting in applets
- CAS View: fix for Append(3, {4, 5, 6})
- Editor: fix for f′′ and f'/2
- 3D Android: AR enabled (beta, ARCore devices only)

GeoGebra 6.0.498.0
- fix for saving mean (1,2,3,4)

GeoGebra 6.0.496.0
- fix for LaTeX fonts

GeoGebra 6.0.489.0
- Android / iOS: List Tool
- fix bug saving conics in "Conic Form"
- Classic 5: fix for displaying subscripts in the Algebra View

GeoGebra 6.0.487.0
- GeoGebra 6: fix for missing grid color/line style options
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix on iOS for "doubled characters" in old Input Bar

GeoGebra 6.0.481.0
- Classic 5: fix for dragging drop-down lists
- Fix for y² = (x² - a²) / x²

GeoGebra 6.0.477.0
- Classic 5: bugfix for size of fixed Buttons
- Classic 6: new option: Download As -> Construction Protocol (html)
- Graphing: fix for missing output row
- Classic 6: fix for exam mode

GeoGebra 6.0.476.0
- Classic 6: Allow non-adjacent columns to be selected in the spreadsheet (Ctrl-Click)

GeoGebra 6.0.475.0
- Improve PGF/PSTricks export for 3D objects wholly in 2D view (Points, Lines, Conics)
- Fix b = a for quadrics
- New command SetDecoration( , )

GeoGebra 6.0.474.0
- Classic 6: Input Boxes line up exactly when editing
- When moving eg a polygon with the arrow keys, use the "Increment" of the first defining point
- Make sure eg Ctrl-Shift-A is disabled when enableRightClick = false
- CAS View: new matrix commands JordanDiagonalization(), Eigenvectors(), Eigenvalues()
- Classic 6: fix image export on iOS
- Tablets: Make sure keyboard appears again for Input Boxes

GeoGebra 6.0.473.0
- Algebra View: fix for Integral( x sqrt( 1 + cos(2x) ) , 0 , pi / 2 )

GeoGebra 6.0.472.0
- Statistics View: fix for Histogram -> Set Classes Manually
- CAS View: fix for Solve(((-a sqrt(a² + x²) + x sqrt(a² + x²) + x sqrt(a² + (a - x)²)) / (sqrt(a² + x²) sqrt(a² + (a - x)²))),x)
- Make sure preview points aren't shown in Classic
- FormulaText(svgImage) now works (HTML5 only)

GeoGebra 6.0.471.0
- Fix for Asymptote(2^x / (2^x - 3^x))
- Fix for truncation in iframes
- CAS View: fix for reloading MidPoint() / Center()
- Mobile: fix for plotting eg y = x sin(x) then x^2 + y^2 = pi^2

GeoGebra 6.0.470.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.468.0
- Classic 6: Download as -> Activity as Webpage
- CAS View: new command Assume( , ).
- Classic 6: fix for missing toolbar when loading files
- Screenreader support for drop-down menus

GeoGebra 6.0.466.0
- 3D View: fix for IntersectPath() when the z-axis is rescaled
- new command MAD( ), MAD( , ) for Mean Absolute Deviation
- CAS View: improvement for sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x - 2)
- SetAxesRatio(a, 1) now keeps the y-axis fixed
- fix for Sequence(Intersect(a, Element(L_1, i), 2), i, 1, 9)
- fix for Translate(inequality)

GeoGebra 6.0.465.0
- Editor: fix for eg |x|/3
- Make sure the full-screen button always appears in the right-hand view
- for for using + to move a point on a path

GeoGebra 6.0.464.0
- Chrome: fix for exporting large images

GeoGebra 6.0.463.0
- CAS View: fix bug with NSolve Tool eg Sum(T/2^n, n, 3, 10) = 1500000
- CAS View: fix for UnitVector(Vector((1, 2, 3)))
- GeoGebra 6: fix for Ubuntu 18.04

GeoGebra 6.0.462.0
- TikZ Export: use pgfplots for the axes/grid

GeoGebra 6.0.459.0
- CAS View: fix for NSolve Tool for eg A'(x) = 0
- CAS View: improvements for eg Factor(1+ln(x) + 2 ln(y)) and Expand(ln(3x^5))
- Graphics View: support currencies as axes unit £ € $ ¥ ₩ ϯ ₫ ₪ ₮ ₨ ₹
- bugfix: Make sure + and - keys work for moving Point(path) again
- Load toolbar icons asyncronously
- fix decimal point display bug

GeoGebra 6.0.458.0
- Fix for disappearing objects when preview points calculated
- Custom Toolbar working in the new UI

GeoGebra 6.0.455.0
- fix mean and variance for Pascal Distribution
- fix scaling problem

GeoGebra 6.0.453.0
- 3D View: fix for opacity of circles in lists
- improvement for plotting eg Derivative(|x|)
- fixes for ⊕ (XOR)

GeoGebra 6.0.452.0
- make sure keyboard is shown for tool dialogs
- new command IsTangent( , )
- GeoGebra 6: fix LaTeX preview in Text Tool
- Create image with pic1 = ExportImage("view", 2, "corner", A, "corner2", B)
- CAS View: Improved answer for eg Solve(sin(x) = sin(2x))

GeoGebra 6.0.451.0
- fix for loading some /o/ URLs

GeoGebra 6.0.450.0
- CAS View: fix for Sum(RandomBetween(0,1),t,1,20)
- GeoGebra 6: Export multi-page PDFs with ExportImage("type", "pdf", "filename", "test.pdf", "slider", n)

GeoGebra 6.0.447.0
- fix for toolbar disappearing on file load
- load SVG files with drag'n'drop
- iOS: fix for FitSin()

GeoGebra 6.0.445.0
- CAS View: fix for PerpendicularLine( , )
- GeoGebra Classic 6 (online): fix for a=Integral(ℯ^(-x^(2)),-∞,0)
- Speedup for definite integrals of piecewise functions
- Open context menu in Graphics View withF10 or
- 3D View: thinner axes
- Editor: fix for (3|4) and (cross-product)

GeoGebra 6.0.444.0
- fix for Integral(x (x - (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2 / ((exp(1) - exp(-1)) / 2)))
- fix for moving vertical sliders

GeoGebra 6.0.443.0
- fix for integrating piecewise functions

GeoGebra 6.0.442.0
- CAS View: add InverseNormal()
- CAS View: LeftSide() and RightSide() working for inequalities
- CAS View: fix for PerpendicularLine( , )
- Dragging fixed background (on touch) will scroll the whole page
- Better control when dragging the slider on "automatic" increment
- GeoGebra 6 (offline): C will copy an image to the clipboard

GeoGebra 6.0.441.0
- fix for CopyFreeObject(centered image)
- fix for pasting

GeoGebra 6.0.438.0
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for redraw problems on iOS with dropdowns
- GeoGebra Classic 6: PDF export will include Graphics View 2 as a second page
- CAS View: fix for f(x) := π x

GeoGebra 6.0.437.0
- don't show recovery dialog for embedded applets
- fix for Input Boxes on mobile (small screens)
- fix for loading bad syntax If(a, {1}, 0)
- fix for freeze typing y=x after drawing polygon

GeoGebra 6.0.434.0
- fix for ! in editor
- fix for centered images
- new command InteriorAngles( ) (used by the Angle Tool for Polygons)
- SetColor() and SetBackgroundColor() accept hexcodes in the form #AARRGGBB and #RRGGBB eg SetBackgroundColor(text1, "#80FF0000")
- fix for Sequence(1, 2, 0.1)
- fix for redrawing LaTeX after fonts loaded
- fix for dragging Polygons

GeoGebra 6.0.432.0
- make sure "Create Slider" dialog doesn't appear for Input Boxes
- fix for on-screen keyboard in Norwegian

GeoGebra 6.0.431.0
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for switching language to eg Chinese

GeoGebra 6.0.429.0
- GeoGebra Classic 6: possible fix for "?" in CAS View
- Spreadsheet View: fix for Points not appearing when Create List dialog closed
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for switching to Norwegian

GeoGebra 6.0.427.0
- fix for rename dialog opening when using the Text Tool
- GeoGebra Classic 5: bundle with Java 8 to fix File -> Share problem
- fix for Tangent() for functions using acos(), atan()
- GeoGebra Classic 6: possible fix for "?" in CAS View

GeoGebra 6.0.426.0
- Android Classic: split screen mode disallowed
- Use = not ≟ for Conditional Functions
- 3D View: fix for drawing planes when axes are rescaled
- new command ExportImage() eg ExportImage("type", "svg", "filename", "myimage.svg"), ExportImage("type", "png", "filename", "myimage.png", "width", 1000), ExportImage("type", "png", "filename", "myimage.png", "scalecm", 1, "dpi", 300)
- Spreadsheet View: fix preview for List Tool
- Statistics Calculator: state now saved in .ggb file

GeoGebra 6.0.423.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.422.0
- Fix problem with preview points
- iOS: fix problem with f'

GeoGebra 6.0.420.0
- Automatic preview points
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for icon size in Construction Protocol
- GeogebraSans-Regular and GeogebraSerif-Regular fonts removed
- CAS View: fix for Edge browser
- CAS View: fix for {1, 2} * {3, 4} and 3 / {1,2,3}
- CAS View: make sure UnitVector(), PerpendicularVector(), UnitPerpendicularVector() return a vector not point
- Fix for exporting images

GeoGebra 6.0.417.0
- Firefox: fix for SVG Export
- Algebra View: LaTeX and Presentation MathML can be pasted
- CAS View: fix for Division(2a^2+2a+1,a-1)
- CAS View: fix for Sum(Element({1,2,3,4},k),k,1,4)

GeoGebra 6.0.414.0
- Native Apps: fix for app not loading on Android 5.1
- Graphing / Geometry / 3D: fix for Edit menu getting stuck

GeoGebra 6.0.413.0
- Classic 6: fix for stopping recording to spreadsheet
- CAS View: fix for Solve(3*4^(x/5)=48)
- fix for arg(?)

GeoGebra 6.0.412.0
- 3D View: optimizations for multiple segments/polygons (especially for Edge browser)
- Algebra View: asin(),acos(),atan() respect the degree/radian setting
- improvement for function plotting on wider screens
- Classic 6: fix export in Data Analysis and Probability Calculator
- fix for Point(Locus)
- Classic 6: make sure the editor works better in the CAS View for long inputs

GeoGebra 6.0.411.0
- Classic 6: fix for exporting SVG/PSTricks/PGF/Asymptote
- Classic 5: fix for starting on Linux

GeoGebra 6.0.410.0
- CAS View: fix for LeftSide({a,b}={1,2})
- CAS View: small improvement for Simplify(x^(5k)*x^(2*k+1))
- Algebra View: fix for g(x)=f(x) / c in symbolic mode
- Classic 6: fix for lines in PGF / TikZ export

GeoGebra 6.0.409.0
- fix for Sequence(Surface(...
- fix problem with missing faces from eg cube
- CAS View: improvement for Simplify(x^(8*k+9)*x^(5*k))
- CAS View: fix for plotting Integral(f, 1, 2) and IntegralBetween(f, g, 1, 2)
- Editor: fix for typing eg x|x|

GeoGebra 6.0.408.0
- Classic 6: fix for Spreadsheet "Create" menu

GeoGebra 6.0.405.0
- Classic 5: fix file saving bug
- Classic 6: PDF Export

GeoGebra 6.0.404.0
- 3D: new user interface

GeoGebra 6.0.403.0
- Classic 5: fix for PDF export with images/hatching
- fix for inverted checkboxes in "View" menu

GeoGebra 6.0.401.0
- Midpoint tool works for Polygons (to give Centroid)
- fix for ZoomIn(-5, 5, -4, 4)
- Native apps: Quick stylebar: tap on object to quickly change color, point or line style, etc.
- iOS Native Apps: New tools: Create Slider, Angle with Given Size, Segment with Given Length, Regular Polygon, Circle with Center & Radius, Rotate around Point, Dilate from Point, Relation

GeoGebra 6.0.400.0
- more slider styling options
- CAS View: ToBase(), FromBase(), IndexOf() implemented
- fix for saving the style of eg Intersect(fun1, fun2, a, b)

GeoGebra 6.0.394.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.393.0
- CAS View: fixes for Solve(-(1.4)^(n-1)32=-1000), Area(x^2+y^2=r^2), Area(polygon)
- CAS View: fix for Solve(f(x)==g(x)) when f is a result of Tangent()
- dpi setting in getPNGBase64() and writePNGtoFile() now works (but slow)
- GeoGebra Classic 6: SVG Export working
- Polar Grid: now allows any multiple of π

GeoGebra 6.0.392.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.391.0
- Fix for Integral(sqrt((-3*a*cos(x)^(2)*sin(x))^(2)+(3a*(sin(x))^(2)*cos(x))^(2)),0,pi/2)

GeoGebra 6.0.390.0
- Fixes for F(t,x)=Integral(sin(x)*sin(t-x), x)

GeoGebra 6.0.389.0
- fixes for Korean in editor

GeoGebra 6.0.386.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.385.0
- Brand new Graphing Calculator and Geometry Apps
- 3D View: SetAxesRatio( , , ) working
- Fix for renaming with _ and '
- Algebra View: Solve equations: exact and numeric
- Special points for functions: roots, min/max, intersections
- Classic: fix for plotting quadrics on macOS

GeoGebra 6.0.382.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.381.0
- bugfix: make sure macro object eg Hexagon(G_8) can be moved with the arrow keys
- just one "zero" shown at the origin
- new full-screen, home and zoom buttons
- new parameters "showZoomButtons":true,"showFullscreenButton":true,

GeoGebra 6.0.379.0
- Curvature( ) works with 3D curves
- SelectObjects(InputBox) sets the focus
- Fix for FormulaText[FormulaText[FormulaText[... problem
- Math Calculators (offline only): Better CAS Engine eg exact answer for sqrt(ί)

GeoGebra 6.0.377.0
- CAS View: fix for "Copy to LaTeX"
- Default brackets for commands changed from eg ZoomIn[] to ZoomIn()

GeoGebra 6.0.374.0
- Fix for ZoomIn[ ]
- Make sure point can't be dragged off eg If[1<=x<=5,x]

GeoGebra 6.0.363.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.355.0
- new functions fixed by default
- Graphing Calculator: Angle Bisector Tool fixed
- Spreadsheet: fix for Copy & Paste of formulas
- Spreadsheet: One-variable analysis tool now treats second column of data as frequencies (if just two columns selected)
- fix problem with SlopeField[1/y]
- fix problem with redefine dialog opening on double-click when it shouldn't
- Exam: Invert[ ] command not available when CAS is disabled
- new command NInvert[ ] for numerical function inversion (intended for exam mode)
- fix for copy & paste of eg x/cos(x)

GeoGebra 6.0.353.0
- CAS View: fix for Integral[cos(n π x / 4), 1, 4] (desktop only)
- fix for Corner[1]

GeoGebra 6.0.352.0
- CAS View: fix for #1 notation

GeoGebra 6.0.351.0
- Editor: fix for {{1,2},3}
- CAS View: make sure Vectors in Sequence[Vector[(i, i)],i,1,3] stay as Vectors

GeoGebra 6.0.350.0
- CAS View: fix for a:=1/1E8
- fix for dragging with 2 views open

GeoGebra 6.0.349.0
- fix for auto-slider dialog in Safari
- make sure preview for FillCells[ ] doesn't delete cells
- new LaTeX commands brack brace bangle cancel bcancel xcancel longdiv

GeoGebra 5.0.348.0
- CAS View: fix for Expand Tool

GeoGebra 5.0.346.0
- fix for not setting Input Box content
- fix for not hiding Input Box correctly
- fix for wrong coefficient in FitPoly

GeoGebra 5.0.345.0
- fix for Surface[ ] defined in terms of another surface
- Math Apps: make sure PNG Export isn't truncated by the menu
- Math Apps: Export PSTricks, PGF/TikZ, Asymptote

GeoGebra 5.0.344.0
- Length[] and First[] work on Freehand Functions
- Algebra View: fix for right-click
- Fix for drawing big arcs
- Fix for list of Polylines

GeoGebra 5.0.341.0
- Desktop: fix for SetValue[a, b, c]
- Web: increase maximum spreadsheet rows to 350

GeoGebra 5.0.339.0
- fix for InverseBinomial[]

GeoGebra 5.0.338.0
- fix for Intersect[]

GeoGebra 5.0.336.0
- Tangent[] works for log(f(x),g(x)) and nroot(f(x),g(x))
- Android: fix for wrong version of Giac

GeoGebra 5.0.334.0
- fix for Intersect[ , , t1, t2 ]
- Apache Commons Math Library updated to 3.6.1
- Probability Calculator: improvement for point dragging

GeoGebra 5.0.332.0
- fix for problem with "degree" sign in Input Boxes
- CAS View: make sure NSolve[{3x-5y=11,14x^2-11x=52}] gives a numerical result not exact
- Grid showing by default

GeoGebra 5.0.331.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 5.0.330.0
- Desktop: fix Function Inspector
- new syntax for lines eg x-1=y-2=(z-3)/2
- CAS View: better fix for ScientificText[ ]

GeoGebra 5.0.328.0
- fix for Envelope[]

GeoGebra 5.0.327.0
- fix for Integral[x(A)+...]
- CAS View: fix for ScientificText[ ] and arg()
- 3D View: fix for Angle[u, v] for very small angles
- "Solids" added to defaults (for Polyhedra, Cylinders, Cones)
- z = sin(x) + sin(y) will create f(x, y) = sin(x) + sin(y)
- Envelope[ ] command uses new method
- fix for exporting SVG with embedded image

GeoGebra 5.0.326.0
- nicer coefficients for Polynomial[x^3 - x^2 - x - 1] and RandomPolynomial[5, -1, 1]
- Android: fixes for logging in and viewing

GeoGebra 5.0.321.0
- Fix for bbbb: r=2θ
- fix for drop-downs that change length
- 3D View: fix for plotting a(x, y) = abs(x + y ί)

GeoGebra 5.0.320.0
- 3D View: fix for back-to-front angles
- CAS View: improve form of Numeric[121V^2 m 3.14159265359 (0.0004 / W / O)]

GeoGebra 5.0.318.0
- GGB6: new editor enabled
- On-screen keyboard: fix for accents keys

GeoGebra 5.0.317.0
- fix for dragging 3D polygons in 2D
- fix for inverting segments in degenerate circles
- CAS View: fix for f(1/x)
- On-screen keyboard: fix for key

GeoGebra 5.0.316.0
- fix for dragging 3D polygons in 2D
- fix for inverting segments in degenerate circles
- CAS View: fix for f(1/x)
- On-screen keyboard: fix for key

GeoGebra 5.0.313.0
- 3D View: fix for tracing conics

GeoGebra 5.0.311.0
- Spreadsheet: copy scripts for copy/paste
- Input Boxes: fix for entering a formula after a number
- set background color from the spreadsheet when an object is created / renamed (if necessary)
- CAS View: fix for f'(x) for eg f(x) = K(x)/x

GeoGebra 5.0.309.0
- Fix for Input Boxes on iOS

GeoGebra 5.0.307.0
- Desktop: fix for "500" error on File -> Share

GeoGebra 5.0.306.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 5.0.305.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 5.0.304.0
- HTML5: fix for Input Bar focus problem on touch

GeoGebra 5.0.303.0
- HTML5: fix for Input Bar focus bug

GeoGebra 5.0.302.0
- use correct minus sign for Braille export
- Exam Simple: disable f'
- GeoGebra 6: resize window on file load

GeoGebra 5.0.301.0
- Desktop: fix drawing bug

GeoGebra 5.0.300.0
- Change log not available for this version

- CAS View: fix for NSolve Tool for f(x)=1
- Classic Desktop: command-line option --stereo for testing with 3D Monitors / Projectors

- fix for 2-Var Analysis Tool after using 1-Var Tool

- Change log not available for this version

- fix for SurdText[]
- fix for display form of Conics when saved

- Change log not available for this version

- functions asind(), acosd(), atand(), atan2d() to return answer in degrees
- 3D view: drag nets to open / close
- Desktop: fix for in the Input Bar
- CAS View: ComplexRoot[ ] changed to give a numeric answer
- make sure Input Box scripts are run in the right order when Button clicked

- Distance Tool working for Polylines
- Debian: use stronger signing

- New form for lines ax + by + c =0
- New forms for Parabolas (Conic Form and Vertex Form)
- CAS View: fix for (x=y)+(x=y)*(-1)
- fix for Z-Test of Difference of Proportions
- brand new method for LocusEquation[ ] under the hood

- fix for Input Boxes linked to sliders
- 3D View: orientation fix

- fix for Input Boxes linked to sliders
- 3D View: orientation fix

- CAS View: fix for NSolve[x^5730=1/2]

- Improvements for Polyline in 3D
- fix Invert[log(3,x+1)], Invert[log(x+1,3)]

- Fix problem with IntersectPath[Polygon, Line]
- Fix problem with Input Bar giving error eg Integral[x,0,1]
- Logarithmic grid for Data Analysis (beta)

- Surd improvements, eg Simplify[cbrt(x^6)] returns x^2

- Results from Derivative and Integral cached in the XML
- Fast dragging of CAS functions in the Graphics View
- Web App: print Algebra View
- Pen Tool and Freehand Shape Tool moved to under the Move Tool
- CAS View: Solve Numerically Tool fix for 2 rows
- Fix for qquad

- Desktop: fix for "alpha" popup
- Web App: fix for dragging to change order in the Construction Protocol
- CAS View: fix for focus problem (Web)

- Desktop: fix for "alpha" popup
- Web App: fix for dragging to change order in the Construction Protocol
- CAS View: fix for focus problem (Web)

- CAS View: fix for NSolve[(sqrt(3) 4 x³ + 12x² - sqrt(3) 12 x - 4)]
- CAS View: Solve Numerically Tool adds initial values for systems of equations eg {2.5=a*b^-5,8.4=a*b^7}

- HTML5: fix for editing in spreadsheet

- CAS View: fix for Simplify[sqrt(2)*sqrt(5)] and Solve[(sqrt(3) 4 x³ + 12x² - sqrt(3) 12 x - 4)]

- Change log not available for this version

- CAS View: fix for ln(0) and Integral[abs(x cos(x²)),0,sqrt(pi)]
- 3D View: hide cursor for export

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Make sure Polygon's segments are correct color after translation
- Tablet Apps: use native Giac (TBC)

- Graphing Calculator: Relation Tool implemented
- EPS Export: fix for exporting Trace and adjust color according to transparency
- Background color fills the whole cell in TableText[] now
- Tablet Apps: use native Giac (TBC)

- Tablet Apps: use native Giac (TBC)
- Checkboxes work in EPS Export
- Fix for Image Tool when it's the first tool
- New command Surface[Curve, Angle, Line]
- Graphing Calculator: Relation Tool implemented

- fix for otimes
- CAS View: fix for Translate[ellipse]
- new API methods ggbApplet.setPointCapture(view, mode), ggbApplet.setAxisStep(x, y, z), ggbApplet.setAxisLabel(x, y, z), ggbApplet.setAuxilliary(geo, true/false)
- new TableText[] alignment option "%" to convert to a percentage, and align on decimal points

- new TableText[] alignment option "." to align on decimal points
- fix for loading IntersectPath[]

- "%0" replaced by object's name in Click & Update scripts

- fix for autocomplete
- Graphing Calculator: fix for editor bug with (1,1/2)
- Exam Mode: make sure f'(x) works in non-CAS mode

- CAS View: fix for Solve[(x+5)*exp(x)=(x+5)*exp(2*x)]
- fix for NDerivative[] in Exam Mode

- fix for customized toolbar in 3D View
- CAS View: improvement for Simplify[1/x^(1/2) - (1/x)^(1/2)]

- fix for customized toolbar in 3D View
- ggbApplet.setRounding("10") added
- fix for Reflect[Plane, Plane]
- Symbolic mode for texts, eg FormulaText[1/2]
- CAS View: Intersect[] working for planes

- Fix for duplicated objects

- Fraction fixes

- Web App: can now set filling of individual bars for BarChart[] and Histogram[]
- fix for matrices M=N
- fix for If[ ]
- allow Input Boxes to be linked to CAS Cells

- HTML5: can now set properties of individual bars for BarChart[] and Histogram[]

- Algebra View: Input & Output rows, exact fractions
- CAS View: fix for Solve[(sin(x) * exp(x)) + (cos(x) * exp(x))]
- CAS View: fix for Angle[Vector[(1,2)],Vector[(t,5)]]
- CAS View: CountIf[] implemented
- fix for Macros that involve intersection of circles
- fixes for transformations of implicit curves (and rotating functions)
- CAS View: improvement for Integral(Simplify(((sqrt((((-(x))/(sqrt(((r)^(2))-((x)^(2)))))^(2))+(1))))))
- fix for Input Boxes when applet scaled (Chrome)

- f(x,y,z)=x+y+z then f(A) works for 3D Points
- fix for Implicit Curves

- fix problem with background image updates
- Desktop: fix problem with missing images in Button properties

- Fixed problem with Object Properties

- New Button design
- Graphing Calculator: Redo button added

- fix for BarChart opacity

- 3D View: small fix for Intersection[conic, conic]

- fixes for hatching of barcharts
- Hull[] command removed and new algorithms for other discrete commands
- fix for PlaySound[false]
- msi Installer: built using WiX 3.10.2 instead of 3.9

- Graphing Calculator: fix for eg e^x*sin(x), x^2+1

- bug fix for Intersection[ plane, arc ]
- improvement for integrals involving freehand functions
- Desktop: fix for JavaScript listeners
- 3D View: clipping defaults changed

- fix for y-axis labeling
- Graphing Calculator: enable Circle (Point, Radius) and Angle (fixed size) Tools

- CAS View: fix for SolveODE[y/x] and SolveODE[sin(0.017*x)*y]

- Implicit curves that are already factored are drawn better
- fix for Volume of Cylinder

- CAS View: fix for Solve[abs(6x - 3) + abs(6x + 9) - 12 = 0]
- make sure EPS files are exported to the clipboard properly (as file, not text)

- Image Tool: dialog now shown immediately
- Make sure all images are drawn interpolated on retina displays
- Graphing Calculator: Copy & Paste working, "x" to clear Input Bar
- CAS View: BinomialDist command works in general, ie BinomialDist[n, p, k, true]
- fix for ggbApplet.setWidth(), ggbApplet.setHeight()
- fix for {{0,0},{0,0}}^-1

- fix for SetValue[]

- CAS View: fix for SVD[] (desktop) and Limit[]
- f' works as a shortcut for f'(x)
- plane1 == plane2 implemented
- fix for Greek characters inside mbox{}

- fix for copy & paste of text with absolute screen location
- fix for Implicit Curves creating extra object

- Change log not available for this version

- Speed-up for Envelope command
- Algebra View: fix for keyboard shortcuts (eg Ctrl-Z)
- fix for problem with extra braces in surface(a,b)
- fix for SetValue[ , , ]
- fix for RotateText[ ] and rotated LaTeX
- JOGL2 updated to 2.3.2
- add data-param-enableCAS, data-param-enable3D, data-param-rounding (for Exam Mode)
- 3D View: fixes for trace

- Extremum and Roots Tools working for parabolas
- 3D View: Zoom menu
- resize Algebra View when editing long equation
- autocomplete now starts after 3 letters (not 2)

- 3D View: Intersect Tool works with f(x,y) and Plane.

- fix for tools with dialogs

GitKraken 8.10.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GitKraken 8.10.3 (64-bit)
- Fixed: The client will no longer get stuck when creating a new file in-app

GitKraken 8.10.2 (64-bit)
- Workspace Overview section will now show Pull Requests for Bitbucket repos for the current user

- When a GitLab token expires, GitKraken Client will now show a prompt to re-login. This should address previous issues working with GitLab repos.
- Workspaces can now be viewed across machines and profiles. Be sure to sign into the same GitKraken account to access Workspaces on a different machine.
- Improved Commit Graph responsiveness when bringing the app into focus

- Jira issues will no longer break if there is no vote field on an issue
- Removing your remote from the Left Panel no longer causes rows to overlap
- Links in blame commit messages will now open in an external browser

GitKraken 8.10.1 (64-bit)
- an issue where some Linux distributions could no longer launch GitKraken Client
- an issue where Window Server could no longer launch GitKraken Client

GitKraken 8.10.0 (64-bit)
- GitKraken Client has been updated to Electron 17
- New Tab layout has been rearranged to make it easier to access Repositories, Workspaces, and the Terminal Tab
- You can now double click a section header in the left panel to maximize that section. This option is also available in a context menu.

- an issue where the breadcrumb in Azure repo tabs would direct users to add the repo to a Workspace when this is not supported
- an issue where the SSH key options were not being displayed for Azure and self hosted integrations
- an issue where the Workspace Overview page would say there are no PR’s/issues during initial loading

GitKraken 8.9.1 (64-bit)
- Fixed an crash on some Windows machines when opening the Preferences menu

GitKraken 8.7.0 (64-bit)
- We hemmed in some new threads
- Watch v8.7 feature demo ????
- GitKraken Client now supports the ability to create and apply patches
- Create patch from commit(s)
- Create patch from uncommitted file(s)
- Create patch from Command Palette
- Apply patch from Command Palette
- Left panel improvements – Left Panel now has a context menu to toggle visibility of the different sections
- New Tab update – Updated UI and layout
- Terminal Tab – Repo aliases will now show in Terminal Tab titles
- More fuzzy search – Enabled fuzzy search in gk history and gk blame commands in GitKraken CLI.
- Search tabs list – Users may now search tabs by repo alias in the tabs list
- Naming branch from issue – When viewing an issue from inside GitKraken Client, there is now a short text field for naming the branch when creating a branch from the issue.

Git LFS performance improvements:
- Users will see faster performance when cloning LFS repositories with submodules
- Users will note much faster performance for general GitKraken Client actions, e.g. reset, merge

- We’ve stitched up a few loose ends
- Fixed issue related to GitKraken CLI’s autocomplete in Git Bash
- In Workspaces, users will be notified if attempting to open a deleted or unreachable repo from the repo details section
- Fixed task lists for GitLab issues showing
- Commit graph will immediately update when the app performs a fetch or force push from the terminal
- Fixed issue where if two profiles both have the same repo tab open, switching profiles would cause issues to disappear from the left panel
- Changing accounts will now properly reset the selected Workspace
- In the Workspace Pull Request section, removing a filter and quickly selecting a PR will no longer generate a blank screen

GitKraken 8.6.0 (64-bit)
- You've got a friend in GitKraken
- Users can now create Workspaces using Bitbucket Server repos
- Users can now select Git Bash as their default shell in Windows for GitKraken CLI
- Users can set Git Bash as their default terminal by navigating to Preferences → Terminal → Default Terminal and selecting "Git Bash" from the dropdown menu
- Repo and Terminal Tab aliases
- Users can now set an alias for a repository
- To set an alias, users can right-click on a Repo Tab and select the Alias repository option
- Setting an alias through a Repo Tab will cause GitKraken Client to store that name for the repo and reference it as an “Alias Repository”
- Users can set an alias for individual Terminal Tabs
- To rename any Terminal Tab, users can right-click on the tab and select the Rename tab option
- Setting an alias to a Terminal Tab results in only renaming that specific tab
- Users can now set GitKraken Client to skip submodule updates while performing Git actions, either globally or per repo

- Faster for LFS, big repos, and beyond

Git LFS performance improvements:
- Users will see faster performance when cloning LFS repositories
- Users will note much faster checkout times in LFS repositories
- Sections in the left panel will now be collapsed by default
- Users can now set the maximum number of commits shown in the Commit Graph as low as 500 commits
- To set the shown commit limit, navigate to Preferences → General and look for Max Commits in Graph towards the bottom of that menu
- Users will note improved performance when the open repo has a large number of stashes
- When creating a pull request from a branch that starts with an issue ID (e.g, GK-123-feature-branch), a link to the associated issue will now be added to the pull request description automatically

- You are a sad, strange little bug, and you don't have my pity
- When creating a new branch from an issue, users will see the input box as expected
- When working with remote branches in the left panel, the context menu will remain available
- GitLab avatars will now more consistently display correctly
- Branches will immediately refresh when a checkout is performed in a Terminal Tab
- Users connected to an Azure DevOps integration using Azure's older hostname style (eg. {organization} will now be able to use Workspaces and the Pull Requests section in the left panel
- Users leveraging Azure DevOps Workspaces will no longer see a misleading ‘Add a Repository’ button in their Workspace. Users will need to visit Azure DevOps directly to add repositories to their Workspaces

GitKraken 8.5.0 (64-bit)
- Git is what gives a dev their power...It binds the galaxy together
- GitKraken WorkSpaces now support Azure DevOps repositories
- Any Workspace created for Azure DevOps will automatically include repos for a selected Azure Project
- Workspaces can currently support up to 100 repositories for an Azure Project
- Visual interactive rebase can now be initiated from the GitKraken CLI, which you can access from a Terminal Tab or a Repo Tab by clicking the Terminal icon in the top toolbar
- Users can type either gk rebase -i or gk rebase --interactive along with two refs to open the interactive rebase view. If only one ref is passed it will perform the rebase of the branch currently checked out onto the specified ref.

- An elegant Git client for a more civilized age

Git LFS Improvements:
- Users will experience a reduced delay in updating the graph and commit detail panel when selecting commits in LFS enabled repos
- NoteSignificant work towards reducing checkout times for LFS repos is underway and we plan to include these improvements in the GitKraken Client v8.6.0 release, scheduled for June
- When creating a new Team, members can now be added as part of the creation process
- Team members are now sorted by username in the Teams section, found in the left panel of GitKraken Client

Improvements to GitKraken Workspaces:
- Workspaces can now be shared as Team Workspaces, allowing users to share the Workspace with specific teams within their Organization
- In the Workspaces Repository view, clicking on the name of a repository will open it in a Repo Tab
- Users can view repository information by clicking on the Open Repository Details option, found on the right side of the Repositories view
- Organization admins and owners will see a new "Show All Workspaces" checkbox, allowing a simplified way to see all available Workspaces
- Users can now leverage GitHub’s search syntax when using the Workspaces Pull Requests view search

Users will find more options for filtering in the Workspaces Pull Requests view. The new options include:
- "Opened by Me", to show pull requests that were opened by the user. This filter is available for GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, and GitLab Self-Managed repositories.
- "At Risk", to show any pull requests that are not drafts and have been open for longer than 7 days. This filter is currently only available for GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, and GitLab Self-Managed repositories.
- "By repository", to limit the view to a single repo within the Workspace. This filter is currently available for Azure DevOps, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, Gitlab, and Gitlab Self-Managed repositories.
- For Windows users, GitKraken Client will now respect the core.longpaths setting in .gitconfig. Previously, GitKraken Client had its own longpaths setting independent of the user’s .gitconfig setting.
- On Windows, core.longpaths now only applies to the files in the working directory, not in the .git directory, to maintain compatibility with Git for Windows

GitKraken CLI autocomplete will now be able to suggest more than one argument in these commands:
- git add
- npm install
- npm remove
- yarn add
- yarn remove
- Notifications with a Call to Action will now be marked as read when the CTA is clicked

Users encountering merge conflicts can now right-click on the conflicts shown in the Commit Panel to reveal new options for easier and faster conflict resolution. The new options available are:
- "Take current", which applies the changes from the branch currently checked out to resolve the conflict
- "Take incoming", which applies the changes from the incoming branch to resolve the conflict

- Bugs…You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
- GitKraken Client will now open as expected for users on OpenSSL 3 Linux distributions such as Ubuntu 22.04 and Fedora 36
- Users will see increased performance when opening a commit diff for very large images. Large images will now display as a binary file Instead of producing an error
- For large files, such as images and other media, we recommend using Git LFS
- Dotted graph lines will no longer take precedence when overlapping with solid lines in graph views
- Users can now type in the GitKraken Terminal as expected on a wider range of OS versions
- When un-hiding a remote, users can continue hiding or un-hiding remotes without waiting for the triggered automatic fetch to resolve
- Azure DevOps integrations and all self hosted integrations will now work properly on our new Teams license tier
- Users with hundreds or thousands of Azure DevOps Projects will see improved performance when integrating Azure DevOps
- Users can now use quotation marks when naming Workspaces
- All Organization and Team actions will remain available after using the login screen
- The scrollbar in the GitKraken Terminal will now remain clickable in all situations
- When a user pushes many files up at once to GitHub, they will no longer experience an OAuth infinite loop
- Opening repositories via gitkraken --path when GitKraken is already open will now work as expected

GitKraken 8.4.0 (64-bit)
- I pity the tool that does not have Workspaces or the GitKraken CLI

GitKraken Workspaces:
- Workspaces now include a Pull Requests view
- Users can filter PRs to see items "Assigned to me"
- At-risk pull requests are highlighted through a label and filterable
- Selecting any GitHub pull request now shows the user a new Pull Request view that presents users options to quickly manage PRs across a whole Workspace
- Clicking on any repo in a Workspace now shows see more info and options. Users will see the repository's README, as well as quick access buttons to open the repository in a Repo Tab, Terminal Tab, or on the remote repository's hosting provider.

GitKraken CLI:
- The Terminal button in a Repo Tab’s toolbar will now open the GitKraken CLI inside a Terminal Panel, instead of opening a new Terminal Tab. Users can still open new Terminal Tabs through a New Tab, the Command Palette, or through any Terminal’s context menu.
- Users can toggle the Terminal Panel on and off by pressing the Terminal button in Repo Tab toolbar, through keyboard shortcut Ctrl+`, the Command Palette, the Terminal Panel’s context menu, or options in the GitKraken Client's View menu. Toggling the Terminal Panel will turn it on or off across all Repo Tabs.
- A Terminal Panel session can also be terminated by executing the exit command. This will only close the Terminal Panel and not the Repo Tab. Toggling the Terminal Panel back on will initialize a new terminal session.
- Unlike with the Terminal Tabs, navigating to a different working directory in a Terminal Panel will not change the repository opened in the Repo Tab

The following gk commands are available in the Terminal Panel:
- gk blame
- gk diff
- gk history
- gk help

- Making GitKraken Client a mean, clean Git managing machine
- Users will now see helpful icons when shown GitKraken CLI Autocomplete suggestions, helping clarify to which command the suggestion is related.
- Git LFS users will see improved performance checkouts.

- Filtering Autocomplete suggestions by name will work as expected
- After selecting between multiple Autocomplete suggestions that have the same prefix, further suggestions will disappear as expected
- Users will no longer be allowed to create Workspaces for repositories on unsupported versions of GitLab Self-Managed services
- Bitbucket Server users will now see the branches correctly populated when creating Pull Requests

GitKraken 8.3.3 (64-bit)
- Users creating an account or signing in will see an improved user experience

GitKraken 8.3.2 (64-bit)
- GitKraken Client now supports GitHub’s new GraphQL query types. GitHub users will now see creating, commenting and reviewing pull requests work as expected.

GitKraken 8.3.1 (64-bit)
- Though short, February is filled with lots of love and sweet improvements

GitKraken CLI:
- Users who want to use the GitKraken Terminal when opening repositories in external terminals, alt/⌥ + T, can now set this as the default by navigating to Preferences → General → Default External Terminal and selecting "GitKraken Terminal" from the dropdown menu.
- When hiding the visualization panel orientated to the top of the window, the toolbar will remain in place at the top

- Users can customize the terminal colors together with the rest of their custom themes. This update removes the Terminal Theme setting from the Preferences → Terminal menu.

- The early birds of spring get the bugs
- GitKraken Client will remain responsive when adding an issue tracker integration supporting a large number of assignable users

GitKraken 8.3.0 (64-bit)
- I got a need…a need for speed
- GitKraken Client v8.3 introduces a new ARM64 compatible version, offering native support for Apple Silicon architectures, as used in Macs with M1 chips.
- GitKraken Workspaces are now available for repositories hosted on GitHub Enterprise and GitLab Self-Managed.

- There are no speed limits on the road to success
- Mac users will get optimal performance without needing to run the 'Big Sur workaround' from a terminal, which had been required to fix the partial signature issue introduced in macOS Big Sur.
- Fedora 35 users will no longer need to pass the --no-sandbox flag to launch GitKraken Client

gitKraken CLI:
- New Terminal settings added under Preferences → Terminal
- Default Directory - Users can now set the default directory where new Terminal Tabs will open when initiated from the "New CLI Tab" button in the Repo Management Tab or from the Comand Palette.
- Line Height - Users can set how much space appears between each line printed to the terminal
- Autocomplete suggestions have been added for git flowcommands
- Any user created global or local Git aliases will be shown as autocomplete suggestions
- The git reset command will now suggest staged files too
- Autocomplete suggestions for git add will show relative paths when called from inside a subfolder
- The visualization panel will automatically open after making the initial commit in a new repo
- Right mouse clicking in a Terminal Tab will open a new context menu allowing users to open new Terminal Tabs, paste into the terminal, and close the terminal, among other actions

- Users can customize the commit graph colors in their custom themes. Examples of // graph colors have been added to the default theme files. Users can refer to Preferences → UI Customization -> Theme to locate the GitKraken Client theme folder on their computer.

- You take a crash, you get back up, and next time you succeed. That’s a great feeling.
- Pull requests filtering in the left panel is no longer case sensitive
- Users on GitLab Self-managed +13.8 will no longer get directed to a 404 page when selecting Generate a token on GitLab
- When using the Pull Request panel for forks using Azure DevOps based repositories, users will no longer see a no options error on the form

GitKraken CLI:
- Using reverse search (ctl+r) will no longer cause unintended autocomplete suggestions
- Updated autocomplete suggestions for git gc, fixing spelling issues
- Autocomplete suggestions for paths with spaces in them have been improved

GitKraken 8.2.1 (64-bit)
- The Workspaces tab can now be closed to save space in the tabs bar while not in use. A small icon has been added to quickly reopen the tab when needed.

GitKraken 8.2.0 (64-bit)
- We have helped users progress and seen them accomplish wonders
- Introducing GitKraken Workspaces
- GitKraken Workspaces save teams time by providing an easy way to group repositories, take actions against multiple repositories at once, and quickly onboard new team members
- GitKraken Workspaces allow you to gather and access all the required repos for your project in a single tab in the GitKraken Client. The new GitKraken Workspaces tab shows you the status for the last branch that you checked out, how far ahead and/or behind in commits you are, and if there is an active WIP for each included repository.
- GitKraken Workspaces can be created as Personal, only visible to you, or Shared, visible to all members of your Organization
- Users can access GitKraken Workspaces from the new “Workspaces” tab in the tabs bar, from the New Tab view, from the command palette, which can be opened with the keyboard shortcut cmd/ctrl + p, or from the newly added repository breadcrumb in any Repo Tab.

Users can view details and trigger the following actions on any or all of the repositories in a workspace at once:
- Clone multiple repositories at once. This will help teams quickly onboard a new team member or get a new computer up and running
- View the last checked out branch for all repositories and see if a branch is ahead/behind a remote
- View work in progress for all repositories, including the number of files modified, added, renamed, or deleted
- Perform a fetch for all or a selection of repositories
- Open multiple repos in the GitKraken Client, or in an external editor, such as VS Code, IntelliJ, Atom, or Sublime Text
- Open any repository in the associated hosting service website
- GitKraken Workspaces can currently contain repositories hosted on,, or

- Users may now create their own custom GitKraken Client themes
- For more information about creating a new custom theme, checkout our Themes documentation or navigate to gitkraken/themes/
- Users will find two new themes when navigating to Preferences → UI Customization menu
- Users can now sync their GitKraken theme with their system theme, if their OS supports it

Activity status:
- An activity status will now display on the avatars of members in your GitKraken Organization or Team, indicating if they are actively using the GitKraken Client. This activity status icon is visible in the Team View section in the Left Panel, or in the Organization view in Preferences.
- Users can manually set their status to “Active” or “Away” by selecting the circle icon in the top right corner, or by opening the Profile/Account dropdown menu
- GitKraken Workspaces and Activity status are currently unavailable for Self-Hosted and Stand-Alone customers

GitKraken CLI:
- Users can now customize the behavior of the ↹ Tab key when using auto-complete in a Terminal Tab. This setting can be found under Preferences → Terminal → Tab Behavior.
- Users can customize the cursor used in a Terminal Tab. This can be configured in Preferences → Terminal → Cursor Style. Users can select either Block, Underline or Bar for their cursor.
- Auto-complete suggestions will now show branches and tags as options when running git diff or git reset commands
- The gk diff command now supports tags and branches as options
- Auto-complete suggestions have been added for npm and yarn
- When users open the pull request panel and click on a pull request while the left panel is minimized, the GitKraken Client will now open the pull request view

- We came here years ago to protect users from these bugs
- When using the GitKraken CLI, suggestions will disappear as expected after auto-completing a command with escaped characters in the path
- After using the GitKraken Client to execute a cherry-pick and resolving any arising conflicts, the Git CLI will no longer report that a cherry-pick is currently active
- When creating a pull request in a repository with a large number of forks, users will no longer have to wait as all forks are being fetched before opening the dropdown menu

GitKraken 8.1.1 (64-bit)
- Sudon't want to miss out on these new improvements

GitKraken CLI Preview:
- GitKraken CLI users can now use git help to display help information about using Git
- Windows users will now see an auto-suggest option for the cd command
- Users changing directories in the GitKraken Terminal will see auto-suggest options showing the end of the folder path rather than just the beginning. This is useful when long directory names are present.
- Users can choose from more Keif options for their avatars when creating or editing their Profiles

- There are only 10 kinds of bugs: the ones we have fixed and the ones that we have not identified yet

GitKraken CLI Preview:
- Improved GitKraken Terminal support for custom fonts, such as Nerd Fonts and Powerline fonts
- Users leveraging oh-my-posh in Powershell using custom themes will now see and be able to select auto-suggest options
- Users can now resize the commit panel in a GitKraken Terminal tab
- All Mac users are now able to use the gk commands
- Windows users leveraging “Constrained” language mode in Powershell can now execute gk commands
- Users can now resize the merge editor tool as expected when the visualization panel is positioned to the left or right in a GitKraken Terminal tab
- When working with GitHub and GitLab wiki repos, GitKraken will no longer throw an error message about being unable to fetch pull requests
- If a user checks out a commit while in Solo mode, they will now see the HEAD tag displayed
- Users fetching GitHub pull requests will no longer see timeouts

Stand-Alone & Self-Hosted:
- There is no place like ~
- The GitKraken CLI Preview is now available for Self-Hosted and Stand-Alone customers

GitKraken 8.1.0 (64-bit)
- The seasons continue to change and so does GitKraken...for the better
- The GitKraken Git client can now identify weak SSH keys and provide an easy way to remove and replace them

- It's the time of year to reap the harvest of new improvements to the GitKraken Git client

GitKraken CLI:
- GitKraken CLI users can now use reverse search as expected by typing Ctrl+R in the terminal
- Mac users will now see the LANG environment variable pass automatically to the shell process
- When selecting an auto-suggest option with the mouse, GitKraken will now refocus on the terminal prompt
- The GitKraken CLI now supports 256 colors
- Mac and Linux users will now see auto-complete suggestions for the cd command
- When running gk blame or gk history, users will now see suggestions when navigating from inside a repository's subdirectory after typing ../
- Users will now see auto-suggest options for the git gc command
- In addition to showing or hiding the visualization panel, users can now orient it to the top, bottom, left, or right, as well as toggle the right-side commit panel using the visualization panel toolbar
- The user interface for user profile settings under the [Preferences] menu has been improved
- Users can now open specific comments on from the comments inside GitKraken's pull request or issue views
- Users who are not using GitKraken Integrations will no longer be repeatedly prompted for credentials for each remote when connected to repositories with multiple remotes sharing the same hostname

- As the leaves fall, so do these bugs
- The overall reliability of notification delivery has been improved
- Auto-complete for Windows users leveraging the GitKraken CLI has been improved
- Windows users will no longer see a Named Pipes error when running gk commands in a terminal tab
- Using gk diff in the GitKraken CLI will produce properly parsed numerical SHAs
- When discarding a large number of files in a repository, the repo will fully load as expected

GitKraken 8.0.1 (64-bit)
- GitKraken users can now search for a particular tab and navigate the menu using the keyboard when using the tab dropdown menu

- Gitflow branch folders and tag folders collapse and expand as expected when selected in the left panel in GitKraken
- Layout and options have been optimized in the Organization panel in GitKraken's Preference view

GitKraken 8.0.0 (64-bit)
- Introducing the GitKraken CLI Preview

Deep Linking:
- We've added the ability to share deep links to specific remote repositories, commits, branches, and tags in GitKraken. This allows users to more easily collaborate and save time when working in issue queues or Git pull requests.

Jira App Integration - Git Integration for Jira:
- GitKraken now works with the Git Integration for Jira app to allow quick navigation between GitKraken and Jira when viewing commits and file diffs related to Jira issues

- The Fuzzy Finder is now the Command Palette!
- Tab navigation has been significantly improved when many tabs are open at once
- Reopening tabs after a “close all tabs to the right”, a “reopen closed tab” will now reopen only one tab at a time, instead of all that were closed at once
- An option to “Quote Reply” has been added for comments in the PR view
- The profile menu now shows the Organization associated with the current profile
- A “Cancel Rebase” button has been added at the top right of the Interactive Rebase panel for easier access
- We have improved form, prompt, and modal keyboard navigation and submission
- Improved user experience for the login form

- Styling of long branch names in the right panel has been improved
- Users will no longer see issues for remotes without access to a repo, as happens when users leave an organization or when forks are deleted
- When using the delete key to erase spaces in a URL, the cursor will behave as expected
- The Pull Request icon has been added back to branch labels in the graph
- The bottom of Diff views are no longer cut off when the file mode changes
- Relative paths are now allowed in hooksPath
- All users are now able to select a project for GitLab and GitLab-Self-Managed issues on the left panel
- If Sublime Text 4 is installed, it will now be detected and appear in the external editor dropdown
- Debouncing has been added in the left panel search. Searches will be executed when you stop typing, instead of on each letter, making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

GitKraken 7.7.2 (64-bit)
- Users who are leveraging Git hooks in their workflows will be happy to learn that GitKraken now supports the Git configuration core.hooksPath variable. Users can also change the directory for where a repository’s hooks are stored from inside GitKraken by navigating to Preferences → Git Hooks.

- We’ve improved performance for the new GitKraken Teams features. Users will notice that repository actions respond faster, especially for larger repositories.
Untracked files will no longer appear in the GitKraken Teams Panel if those files have not been modified.

- GitKraken Merge Conflict Editor users can now scroll horizontally, even if the scrollbar is over a conflicted line
- When switching tabs, GitKraken will now remember what panes users had collapsed, as well as which branches & tags had been hidden

GitKraken 7.7.1 (64-bit)
- All users will notice improved performance when switching between tabs in GitKraken
- The Author and Team filter lists are now sorted alphabetically by default, making it easier to find what you are looking for

- When opening repositories in GitKraken, users will no longer get stuck on the loading screen
- GitKraken users will no longer encounter a loop repeatedly asking for their SSH passphrase

GitKraken 7.7.0 (64-bit)
- Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships…
- Introducing GitKraken Teams
- GitKraken users with Pro and Enterprise Cloud accounts can now create and manage teams within their organization

Organizations are now visible in Preferences in each user's Profile. From this view:
- All team members can view a list of other members in the organization, as well as the members in any team to which they belong
- Administrators can create and manage teams
- Administrators can also invite, remove, or change the role of members in an organization.
- Team collaboration features
- Team View
- View a list of members in your team in the left panel
- See which files and branches your fellow team members are currently working on
- To avoid merge conflicts, files you and a team member both have changes on are marked with a warning icon ⚠️.
- Graph filtering. Filter the Author column of the commit graph by Team and/or collaborators to highlight work committed by your team.

New Pull Request section:
- Pull request filtering

The following filters are included by default to help focus PRs most important to users, with some options specific to certain hosting providers:
- My Pull Requests
- All Pull Requests
- Assigned to me
- Awaiting my review
- Custom filters can also be created for all supported integrations
- All filtered pull requests can now be easily searched
- New status icons will now indicate CI/CD status as well as request status of pull requests, depending on the hosting provider

- It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed…
- Diff hunks are now copyable from the Pull Request view
- Updated and new GitHub Actions templates
- Any form submission will now be focused, making for more convenient submission with tab/enter

- We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in…
- Commits from interactive rebases will resume being signed
- Tab navigation issues resolved
- Notifications settings will no longer always be detected as offline
- The merge tool window will no longer extend off the right of the screen
- When in a detached head state the pull dropdown is now enabled to allow fetching

- If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants...
- GitHub is deprecating user/pass authentication, we have added an in app notification to prepare users of this upcoming change

GitKraken 7.6.1 (64-bit)
- Resolved an issue that was preventing some repositories from rendering when connected to GitLab Self-Managed

GitKraken 7.6.0 (64-bit)
- users may now utilize the Pull Request view! Selecting a pull request in the left panel will bring up the pull request view which will allow users to:
- Edit the pull request title, description, reviewers, assignees, milestones, and labels
- Comment on a pull request
- Merge a pull request from GitKraken
- Submit reviews by leaving a comment, approving the PR, or requesting changes
- GitKraken users at all plan levels can now create and edit issues on GitHub and GitLab public repositories

- The cherry pick option has been removed from the context menu that appears after selecting multiple commits in the graph. GitKraken does not support the ability to cherry pick multiple commits...yet
- Markdown and styling have been improved throughout the application, most notably in issue detail view and the in-app release notes
- The scrollbar in the hunk diff view has been improved so it is selectable in all cases

- Scrolling through a list of tracked LFS file types will feel smoother and render correctly
- The left panel will no longer disappear if a GitHub workflow file contains only content that has been commented out
- Pull request information will no longer render multiple times, and text artifacts will no longer clutter the left panel
- The diff and issue detail views can no longer be opened simultaneously when the commit panel is pinned to the bottom of the screen
- The .gitignore file generated when initializing a repository form GitKraken will no longer be set as read-only

GitKraken 7.5.5 (64-bit)
- Resolved an issue that was causing GitKraken to sporadically crash on Mac and Linux when performing certain actions
- Fixed another crash that could occur when performing checkout operations

- In an upcoming release of GitKraken, the minimum supported version of GitHub Enterprise will be 2.20.24 in order to use the integration. We anticipate this change to go live at the beginning of May.

GitKraken 7.5.4 (64-bit)
- Resolved an issue that was causing GitKraken to crash for some users when trying to push

GitKraken 7.5.3 (64-bit)
- Using HTTPS over a proxy will no longer incorrectly throw the error message: Failed to get server certificate: The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation
- Hitting the Delete button in the commit message box when a commit template is present will no longer generate new lines
- The cursor will no longer jump to the end of the line when typing in a feedback or support form
- Repositories containing empty annotated tags will no longer cause GitKraken to crash on Mac and Linux
- Squashing in interactive rebase will no longer cause GitKraken to deadlock
- The error message: Failed to initialize [object Object] will no longer appear for GitLab users
- Error logs can again be opened using the File menu

GitKraken 7.5.2 (64-bit)
- The tooltip display has improved when dragging-and-dropping branches in the left panel
- If a WIP node is present when a user selects Reset Local to Here to checkout a remote branch, GitKraken will now create a stash
- The profile dropdown menu will now close after switching profiles

- Relative timestamps will display correctly in the graph
- Desktop notifications will render as intended
- A newline can now be prepended to the commit description field
- The option to delete a remote tag will again appear when deleting subsequent tags after deleting a tag from a remote repository

GitKraken 7.5.1 (64-bit)
- critical stability improvements for syncing GitKraken notifications

GitKraken 7.5.0 (64-bit)
- A notifications system has been added to GitKraken to alert users of important messages such as version updates, bug fixes, and more helpful information. These notifications can be accessed via the bell icon ???? in the upper right corner, and notification settings can be configured via Preferences Notifications

- The hamburger menu in the upper right corner has been removed. Preferences can now be more easily accessed through a new gear icon ⚙️
- The profile dropdown menu has been redesigned to better distinguish a user's Git authoring details from their GitKraken account details
- Users will now see the options to Show/Hide when multi-selecting local branches and stashes from the left panel

- Actions accomplished by tab-related keyboard shortcuts will no longer be duplicated
- Users can again toggle the left and commit panels from the View menu options
- The left panel will no longer disappear if users have an empty yaml file in their repository’s github/workflows/ folder

GitKraken 7.4.1 (64-bit)
- After a commit action has been made in GitKraken, a timestamp showing the duration of the action will be added to the activity log

- The GitLab Self-Managed issue tracking integration will work for instances that have a URL path or protocol
- Fetching and auto-fetching while a file is open in GitKraken will no longer reset the scroll position on the Monaco text editor
- Stashing while the WIP node is selected will select the parent commit
- Post-checkout hooks will run correctly when starting a Gitflow Feature, Release, or Hotfix branch

GitKraken 7.4.0 (64-bit)
- These are the key points of GitKraken v7.4.0
- Users may now authenticate their GitKraken account using Google OAuth
- We have added a header to the commit graph, making resizing columns easier

We have added the option to display additional columns of information in the commit graph:
- Commit author
- Commit date/time
- Commit SHA
- GitHub users now have the ability to create draft pull requests in GitKraken

- These improvements fit with GitKraken like a lock and key
- Now, when assigning an assignee or reviewer to a pull request, the dropdown menu will display the user’s name and username
- Autocomplete suggestions will now appear when creating or editing GitHub filters
- Search results will be more accurate when opening a repo via the Fuzzy Finder
- Keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + K can now be used to toggle the visibility of the commit panel on and off, while keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + J can be used to collapse and expand the left panel. The visibility of these panels can also be toggled from the View menu

- Thanks for putting up with these door-key release notes we’re almost finished
- Users will again receive a notification when GitKraken automatically resolves a merge conflict
- Branches will load in the Pull Request panel in repositories that have a space or hyphen in the repo name
- Users will now be prevented from setting editor tab size to 0 as that was causing performance issues when viewing diffs
- Finishing a release branch with Gitflow when the commit on the local master and develop branches are the same will no longer cause GitKraken to display a blank screen
- The Add a remote and checkout context menu option will only appear once
- Issue tracking for GitHub Enterprise will work for instances that have a URL path or protocol

GitKraken 7.3.2 (64-bit)
- We have resolved an issue preventing remote icons from appearing in the graph for some users

GitKraken 7.3.1 (64-bit)
Bug Fixes:
- We have resolved an issue causing the Ubuntu snap version of GitKraken to crash for some users
- Users will no longer encounter an error message when switching between profiles
- The icon noting when a branch is associated with a card will display properly for the GitKraken Boards issue tracking integration

GitKraken 7.3.0 (64-bit)
GitHub Issues users now have the ability to perform the following actions from GitKraken:
- View and filter a list of issues from the left panel
- Create a branch tied to an issue
- View issue details
- Edit assignee of an issue*
- Edit state of an issue*
- Add/remove labels*
- Comment on an issue*
- Create new issues*
*Paid features

- Users may now set a custom default branch name when initializing a new repository. Set a default branch by navigating to Preferences General Default Branch Name.
- GitHub users now have the ability to fork a remote repository and add it to the left panel via a new context menu. This option will only appear if you do not have any existing forks of the repository.
- GitHub users now have the ability to add an existing fork of a cloned repository. A pop-up message will appear in the left panel.

Bug Fixes:
- Clicking on a remote reference in the left panel will select that remote reference in the graph
- An issue has been resolved that was preventing some Jira users from viewing issue details

GitKraken 7.2.0 (64-bit)
- GitLab users will feel even more cunning ???? while managing issues directly from the GitKraken Git GUI

The GitKraken Git GUI now supports issue tracking integration for GitLab & GitLab Self-Managed! GitLab Issues users now have the ability to perform the following from GitKraken:
- View and filter a list of issues from the left panel
- Create a branch tied to an issue
- View issue details
- Edit assignee of an issue
- Edit the state of an issue
- Add/remove labels
- Comment and reply on an issue
- Create new issues
- Adding and removing labels is now supported for all issue trackers
- Paid features

Time to clean up that foxhole:
- Users can now multi-select branches in the left panel. This can be extremely helpful for quick clean up, like deleting all local branches.
- The Preferences menu has been updated. The Authentication section has been renamed to SSH, and we have added a new Integrations section for accessing both Git and issue tracking integrations.
- After pushing changes to a remote branch, the Push Successful notification will include a link to view the PR on the related hosting service
- Users can now use Esc to close the Create Issue and Create Filter panels
- When creating a new issue, users will see required fields noted with an asterisk
- When creating a new branch tied to an issue, users can now select the base of the branch

Bug Fixes:
- What does the fox say? “NO” to these bugs
- For GitLab users: when creating a merge request, clicking on Continue editing in GitLab will no longer take users to a 404 error page
- Users can now successfully delete remote tags
- GitKraken will no longer disconnect users who utilize multiple services that reside on the same base domain
- For Trello users: “Closed” boards will no longer appear in the Board dropdown menu in the left panel
- After deleting a local tag, the following prompt to delete that tag from all remotes works as intended

GitKraken 7.1.0 (64-bit)
It’s the GitKraken Git GUI here to announce Trello integration.

The GitKraken Git GUI now integrates with Trello as an issue tracker! Once the connection has been authorized, Trello users will be able to accomplish the following from GitKraken:
- View and filter a list of cards from Trello boards in the left panel
- Create branches tied to a card

Select cards from the left panel to view card details. From the card details pane, users can perform the following actions:
- Edit the list of a card
- Edit member(s) of a card
- Add comments to a card
- Create new Trello cards from within the GitKraken Git GUI

- At least we can say that we’ve tried
- We have added the ability to re-open closed tabs
- Users can now reorder filters in the left panel using drag-and-drop
- For users who have integrated an issue tracker: we have added an option to the context menu for branches tied to an issue or card allowing users to view the issue or card both inside the GitKraken Git GUI and the respective issue tracker
- Users will now be asked for confirmation before removing a filter

Bug Fixes:
- These bugs must have called a thousand times to tell us they’re sorry..
- The left panel will no longer vanish due to an issue with the Jira integration
- The GitKraken Git GUI is now able to detect all versions of IntelliJ
- After selecting a Clone or Initialize path, the path will be auto-filled next time

GitKraken 7.0.1 (64-bit)
- We have added a right-click context menu to Tabs. Right click on an opened tab to access the following options:
- Close selected tab
- Close all other opened tabs
- Close all tabs to the right of the selected tab

- When starting a pull request from a branch associated with a Jira or GitKraken Boards issue, the GitKraken Git GUI will now populate pull request titles
- When viewing issue details, users can now navigate to an associated branch by clicking the branch name, or double-clicking the branch to checkout
- The status color and text for Jira issues is more legible in Light Theme
- We have removed the unassigned Jira default filter

Bug Fixes:
- Default Jira filters that are created inside the GitKraken Git GUI will no longer throw an error if the project prefix was a JQL reserved word
- The My Cards default filter will now populate with cards assigned to a user on a GitHub-synced board
- Search results will no longer display NaN when filtering in the left panel

GitKraken 7.0.0 (64-bit)
- Got issues? Keep them in Jira! Now you’ll have no issues tracking your issues because you can stay in the GitKraken Git GUI. New integrations for Jira Issue Boards and GitKraken Boards make it possible to resolve and manage issues directly from the GitKraken Git GUI.

GitKraken Git GUI now integrates with the following issue trackers:
- Jira (Cloud & Self-Hosted)
- GitKraken Boards
- After setting up the integration, users will be able to do the following from the GitKraken Git GUI:
- View and filter a list of project issues
- View issue details
- Create branches that are tied to an issue
- Add comments
- Edit the status/column of an issue
- Edit the assignee of an issue
- Create new issues
- Users can now open repositories inside of the following text editors via the Fuzzy Finder, menu, or keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E):
- VS Code
- Atom
- Sublime
- IntelliJ

- When creating a GitHub pull request in the GitKraken Git GUI, users can now search for reviewers and assignees by name or username
- The text color in a commit description will change when the placeholder text has been replaced
- Users now have the ability to rename remotes
- ed25519 and ecdsa SSH key pairs are now supported
- For Windows users: the Open with GitKraken menu option will now open a new tab inside of the GitKraken Git GUI instead of a new window
- Pull request links can now be copied through the context menu

Bug Fixes:
- The From Repo drop-down menu will populate results when opening a pull request
- Users can successfully initialize a repository on a Bitbucket server from the GitKraken Git GUI
- For Windows users: the Open in File Manager menu option, keyboard shortcut, and Fuzzy Finder action now work as intended

- For Snap users: the snap for the GitKraken Git GUI has been moved to the classic confinement! Before updating to v7.0.0 of GitKraken, please install the snap with the --classic flag

GitKraken 6.6.0 (64-bit)
- GitKraken now supports Bitbucket Workspaces

GitKraken 6.5.4 (64-bit)
- When users select a parent SHA in the commit panel, you will now be navigated to the parent commit
- The Cmd/Ctrl + F keyboard shortcut will now open the file search option if used when opening a file diff

Bug Fixes:
- The list of commits in Blame and History views will no longer duplicate
- Signed annotated tags will no longer display the related GPG signature in the tooltip
- The commit panel will now show names of both the committer and the commit author if the names are different but the email addresses are the same

GitKraken 6.5.3 (64-bit)
- For Windows users: We've addressed a false positive report from Windows Defender that GitKraken contained a Trojan virus. We have thoroughly investigated the issue and have verified the report was a false warning and GitKraken never contained a virus.

GitKraken 6.5.2 (64-bit)
- Now, when users hover over the Push button in the toolbar, the upstream of the branch you’re pushing changes to will be displayed
- GitKraken will now remember the last directory to which you cloned a repository

Bug Fixes:
- Now, when users rebase in GitKraken, the application will correctly remember your profile’s name and email address
- If you cancel a rebase from GitKraken’s merge conflict tool, the tool will now reset properly
- GitKraken will successfully perform a fetch, even if a pull request author has deleted their account on the related hosting service

GitKraken 6.5.1 (64-bit)
- If the GitKraken application crashes, it will now automatically relaunch

GitKraken 6.5.0 (64-bit)
- GitHub Users now have the ability to fork repositories from inside the GitKraken application. Now, when adding a remote, GitKraken will check to see if a fork exists for your current repository. If a fork does exist, GitKraken will offer to add your fork as a remote repository; if a fork does not already exist, GitKraken will provide an option to fork the repository and add a newly created fork as a remote in GitKraken.
- GitKraken now supports core.longpaths, making it possible for Windows users to work with long paths exceeding 259 characters in length.

- Some said it was too spoon to go for another performance improvement...but for fork’s sake, we just had to do it. And with reduced memory consumption and application size, you have more room on your plate for the good stuff.
- Application startup time for GitKraken has improved, making it up to 10% faster
- Memory consumption for GitKraken has been reduced by up to 20%
- The application size for GitKraken has been reduced by up to 30%
- We have added a loading icon to the left panel when adding a remote

Bug fixes:
- Please forkive us for these bugs...they were preventing us from providing our knifest experience possible
- If the left panel is collapsed, users can open all menu options
- All rows will be styled correctly in Interactive Rebase view

- Enterprise users running on Linux now have an option to Check for latest update in the File menu

GitKraken 6.4.1 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- If stashes are created externally, users can now view the content of those stashes inside of GitKraken
- Creating branches titled constructor or toString will no longer cause repositories to become invisible
- GPG users using Git for Windows with non-empty passphrases will be prompted for their GPG passphrase instead of seeing the message: Error: GPG passphrase not found
- Git Hook activity log tabs will no longer display the word Repository

GitKraken 6.4.0 (64-bit)
- A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...was a Git GUI without activity logs
- Introducing Activity Log! Users can now view all Git actions made to repositories and all application actions made in GitKraken through activity logs. Access this feature through the new icon in the footer toolbar
- To access the activity log for a repository, navigate to the repo’s tab and click the icon. You will then see any Git actions made in the repo listed in chronological order on the tab titled Repository
- To access the activity log of local application changes made in GitKraken, click the icon. You will then see all application changes listed in chronological order on the tab titled Application
- The progress of Git hooks can also be tracked through activity logs. All Git hooks within the repository's log contain a clickable link where you can click to view the hook’s output in a separate tab

- We polished our lightsabers and dusted off our droids to make these improvements your new reality
- The appearance of the dropdown menu that displays when selecting a repository to clone has been improved for consistency
- We have added additional context to the error message that displays when opening a pull request with a remote ref that doesn’t exist
- Commit author names are now displayed on hover above commit nodes in the graph instead of below them

bug fixes:
- We built up a Resistance to these unwanted bugs
- When opening GitKraken, if the most recent tab is not a Glo Boards tab, and the user switches to or opens a new Glo tab, the Glo Board is now correctly in focus
- Commit search now closes upon opening the Fuzzy Finder
- Editing a file to a previous state no longer creates an empty WIP node
- Users cannot use keyboard shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + F to search commits when the graph is blocked by a prompt for input (as search results would not be visible behind the prompt’s display box)
- The button on a new tab now works as expected
- Bitbucket remote origins now correctly display their name instead of displaying undefinied
- GitLab users can view and create pull requests from repositories in subgroups
- Users will be appropriately directed to Account Management in the application after clicking during the free trial period
- Users will no longer be prevented from interacting with collapsed left panel items
- Users with multiple profiles can now successfully delete the first profile created from that account
- Folders will be created when cloning a repository on Windows

GitKraken 6.3.1 (64-bit)
- We brought in Gomez and Morticia to class this place up with some supernatural improvements
- Users now have the ability to force push tags. The action will trigger a warning message
- Pushing a tag to all remotes is faster

Bug Fixes:
- MacOS Catalina users can access the terminal option
- Initializing a repository inside of GitKraken no longer causes an empty screen to display
- Interacting with a remote host or proxy that is self-signed will no longer cause the error message: Failed to get server certificate: The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation
- Users can successfully checkout a submodule change where the URL has been modified

GitKraken 6.3.0 (64-bit)
- No need to hold a séance, this new search feature will help you conjure those spirits. Uncle that you?
- Users can now associate Glo cards with pull requests created from within the GitKraken Git Client. When creating a new pull request, simply search for the Glo card you wish to associate. The pull request description will then be updated to include a link to said card. Better yet, if you’ve set up the GitHub pull request integration, you can trigger an automatic change to progress your card to a new column the moment your PR status changes
- Users can now control the max number of commits that display in your graph. Navigate to Preferences → General and set a value for Max Comm