GeoGebra 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 GeoGebra 6.0.826.0

GeoGebra 歷史版本列表

GeoGebra 是動態的數學軟件為各級教育,幾何,代數,電子表格,圖形,統計和微積分在一個簡單易用的軟件包中匯集在一起。 GeoGebra 是幾乎每個國家的數百萬用戶迅速擴大的社區。 GeoGebra 已成為全球領先的動態數學軟件提供商,支持科學,技術,工程和數學(STEM)教育和創新教學和學習。把世界上領先的動態數學軟件和教材交到學生和老師手中!GeoGebra 簡介: 圖形,代數和表格相連,... GeoGebra 軟體介紹

ImageGlass (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Adds setting DisabledMenus in igconfig.xml to disable ImageGlass features using menu name
- Adds support for relative path of Exiftool in igconfig.xml file
- Adds support for displaying and extracting Unicode characters from EXIF metadata
- Adds a new confirmation dialog when the user overrides the current image to warn them about the limitations of ImageGlass regarding image saving
- The About dialog now includes information about the ImageGlass license and privacy policy
- The Check for Update feature has been improved to show more information about the update and check if the user's system can install version 9.0 in the future
- Image saving has been updated to only work with supported formats listed in the "Write" column of the supported formats page
- If the user attempts to save an unsupported format, the "Save as..." dialog will be opened instead
- This change also affects other image saving-related features such as rotation, flipping, and cropping

- Upgraded Magick.NET to version 13.0.0
- Improved loading speed for animated WEBP format
- Thumbnails are now automatically centered
- Enhanced the corner radius of the toolbar, thumbnail bar, and menu to ensure optimal display on high DPI screens running Windows 11
- Implemented rounded frameless window borders on Windows 11

- Fixed an issue where the user couldn't minimize the window in Window Fit mode
- Fixed a bug that prevented ImageGlass from loading certain TIF files with invalid tags
- Fixed an issue where the Exif tool was not functional when using the default name of ExifTool: exiftool(-k).exe
- Fixed an issue where images became corrupted during the save process, causing display errors when navigating to the next image or exiting the app
- Fixed an issue where the "loading..." message always shows when viewing next images

NxFilter 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- NxClassifier ruleset has been updated to 637
- RequestHandler.isRqDropDomain bug for not bypassing local domain correctly when there are too many wating queries in the queue has been fixed
- Conditional forwarder feature has been added
- Baselist has been updated to 4537434

NxFilter 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bug for old GUI not adding Active Directory setup corretly has been fixed
- Suppressing log for Azure username not found by CxLogon
- Add Client IP into access violation email
- Drop ANY type query at default for new installation
- Baselist has been updated to 4507060

NxFilter 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Use UDP socket for sending log data between cluster nodes
- Enable Config.useLocalJahaslist flag for Globlist
- The size of domain columns in DB have been changed to 255
- Try to close DB connections in ShutdownHook
- Delete orphaned traffic data overnight
- Set RD flag into block message if there's a recursion request
- Traffic database cleanup script name has been changed to ''
- Defragment function has been added into cleanup script
- Delete login session on every node in a cluster by 'DELETE LOGIN SESSION button on user test page
- User login, logout by webpage will be notified to slave nodes by ConfigLoader
- Baselist has been updated to 4499042

GeoGebra 6.0.754.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GeoGebra 6.0.754.0
- fix for dragging Point(list)
- fix for on-screen keyboard in Table view

GeoGebra 6.0.753.0
- Editor: mixed number button added
- iOS Classic: fix for textfields in Settings
- fix for spreadsheet "keyboard trap"
- CAS fix for f(matrix)
- fix for opacity and linestyle in PDF export
- Classic 6: shortcuts now work in spreadsheet

GeoGebra 6.0.752.0
- Classic 6: fix problem with copy/paste in spreadsheet
- add "y-increment" for points

GeoGebra 6.0.751.0
- CAS: Distance() command added
- New default Button style

GeoGebra 6.0.749.0
- new command SetImage( , )
- new applet parameter "ScreenReaderMode":"Unicode" or "ScreenReaderMode":"ASCII"
- text/images highlighted on only, not mouse click
- new icons to switch between exact/approx answers
- Classic 6: "Open Tool" added
- Absolute Position can now take variables
- fix for eg Slope(Element(NormalQuantilePlot[ {2,3,4}],4))
- fix for AV sliders on touch

GeoGebra 6.0.745.0
- fix plotting glitch for eg -1 / tan²(x) - 1

GeoGebra 6.0.744.0
- fix for saving regression line
- fix for plotting eg f(x)=Normal(n,s,x,false), f(x)=x+sqrt(2*3)
- CAS: fix for Limit((sin(pi/6)-sin(t))/(pi/6-t),t,pi/6) and eg f({1,2,3})
- fix for editing eg (1;20deg)

GeoGebra 6.0.742.0
- fix problem with FitPoly(l1, 1)
- new default axes colour

GeoGebra 6.0.741.0
- fix for plotting problems eg Derivative(2^x)
- fix for saving one-var analysis with frequency table
- new CAS: more consistent Solve() / NSolve() behaviour
- more objects can have "absolute position" set in settings

GeoGebra 6.0.739.0
- eg Spline(list1,3) is now draggable
- fix clicking for drop-downs
- fix enableFileFeatures
- new plotter improvements
- fix bug with custom tools

GeoGebra 6.0.736.0
- clean up unused WebGL contexts
- fix update of dependencies when dragging >code>{Polygon(...)}

GeoGebra 6.0.735.0
- Suite: Probability Calculator sub-app added for iOS and Android

GeoGebra 6.0.734.0
- Classic 6: fix for spreadsheet editing on iOS

GeoGebra 6.0.732.0
- fix for Shading for Integral(f, a, b, false)

GeoGebra 6.0.729.0
- CAS: better syntax errors when number of arguments is wrong
- bugfix for saving table of values
- bugfix for polar grid with point fixed to grid
- "transparent":true also for 3D View
- Notes: images and equations can be dragged in from outside the applet
- Plot piecewise If() better

GeoGebra 6.0.726.0
- new style for selected Points
- Old Input Boxes now have "keyboard" icon for the full keyboard rather then the old "α" icon

GeoGebra 6.0.724.0
- CAS: fix for eg Sequence(j,j,0,pi/2,pi/10) and NSolve({(N)/(((a)(exp((-30)(k))))+(1))=(11)/(50), (N)/(((a)(exp((-40)(k))))+(1))=(11)/(25), (N)/((a)+(1))=(3)/(200)},{N=1, a=1, k=1})
- fix label position when x:y is not 1:1
- update to GWT 2.10.0
- fix ShowGrid() scripting problem

GeoGebra 6.0.723.0
- 3D: fix Show/Hide grid button

GeoGebra 6.0.722.0
- HTML5: fix for extra spurious digits when rounding

GeoGebra 6.0.721.0
- CAS: fix for Solve({a k=1,a ℯ^(3 k)=3 ℯ},{a,k})
- Data Table improvements
- fix for full-screen icon on touch

GeoGebra 6.0.720.0
- New command NIntegral(function, start x, start y, end x) to calculate and plot a numerical integral

GeoGebra 6.0.718.0
- improvements for ClosestPoint(point, function)
- bugfix for Derivative(f,0)
- bugfix for Sample({2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14}, RandomBetween(2,3), false)
- Freehand Function tool now available in the "Customize Toolbar" dialog
- bugfix for IntersectPath(line, triangle) when dependent points are used
- bugfix for positions of "Play" / "Reset" / "full-screen" icons

GeoGebra 6.0.715.0
- fix for SetFilling()

GeoGebra 6.0.713.0
- new command Type(Conic/Quadric)
- fix zooming jitter with 2 Views

GeoGebra 6.0.709.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.707.0
- allow line thickness for 2D "surfaces"
- bugfix for LaTeX style in 3D View

GeoGebra 6.0.706.0
- CAS: fix for Extremum(40 sqrt(x) ℯ^(-0.5 x))
- fix for macros getting duplicated
- fix for slider's "play" button on touch

GeoGebra 6.0.704.0
- fix problem with value of c_1 when saving SolveODE()

GeoGebra 6.0.703.0
- fix problem with saving/loading value of c_1 from SolveODE()
- CAS: fix crashing problem on Windows with Classic 5

GeoGebra 6.0.702.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.700.0
- new syntax to set the decoration at the ends of segments SetDecoration( , , )
- Support for simple surds eg √8
- fix for Surface(If(...
- CAS: fix for x(x)^2
- 3D: fix for "Use text as Caption"

GeoGebra 6.0.697.0
- fix plotting of eg 4x³ - 12x² > 0
- Classic 6: fix problem with transparent burger menu

GeoGebra 6.0.694.0
- fix crashing with pen strokes

GeoGebra 6.0.693.0
- make sure Cube tool doesn't label the "extra" points
- fix f==-g for functions
- Classic 6: fix for spreadsheet scrolling
- fix for problem saving randomized lists of images

GeoGebra 6.0.691.0
- fixes for drawing quadrics
- fix for dilating circles

GeoGebra 6.0.689.0
- Notes: Isometric and Polar grids

GeoGebra 6.0.688.0
- bug fixes

GeoGebra 6.0.687.0
- Android, iOS: Image Tool added
- CAS: PerpendicularVector(plane) syntax added

GeoGebra 6.0.686.0
- New special syntax for just 2 points FitSin( {A, B} )
- fix for Translate(circumcircular arc)
- more function plotting improvements (especially asymptotes)

GeoGebra 6.0.683.0
- web: fix bold gridlines checkbox
- fix plotting of eg nroot(x,3)
- fix for Pen in 3D view
- new dynamic syntaxes ParseToFunction("u+v",{"u", "v"}), ParseToFunction("x^2"), ParseToNumber("1+2")

GeoGebra 6.0.680.0
- Notes: fix problem with images
- CAS: make sure functions updated on zooming
- filling updated when redefining eg y=x to y<x
- fix SVG aspect ratio on buttons

GeoGebra 6.0.676.0
- Fix for Translate(If(0 < x < k, 2 + x, 1 < x < 2, -1), vector)
- Fix for If() not working in scripts sometimes
- make sure Sequence(IntegralBetween(... updates with slider

GeoGebra 6.0.675.0
- fix for drawing cylinders
- CAS: better support for conics y=...
- bugfix: auxiliary setting doesn't "stick" for segments of 3D polygon
- fix for Tangent(implicit, A)
- fix for wrong scale for some filling styles when exporting
- Classic 5: make sure JavaScript objects are always returned from API calls

GeoGebra 6.0.674.0
- fix for Solve({x * y = 1,3*x^2 = y^2},{x,y})
- Classic 5: fix for some CAS Calculations eg Numeric(), FitPoly() (Windows)

GeoGebra 6.0.672.0
- Classic: fix for NSolve Tool
- Classic CAS: fix for Substitute with Keep Input (missing brackets)
- Classic 5: fix for hyperbola drawing
- Notes: fix for missing Mindmap Tool
- CAS App: make sure redefining a function updates the graph
- make sure screen reader output works in iframe

GeoGebra 6.0.671.0
- Notes: New tools Ruler and Protractor
- fix for ggbApplet.showToolBar()
- fix for Tools with Surfaces

GeoGebra 6.0.670.0
- Better drawing of angles when axis ratio is not 1:1
- fix for plotting eg ln(x)^(1+1/3+1/3+1/3)
- fix problem with Input Boxes and 3D/Spreadsheet View

GeoGebra 6.0.668.0
- for missing Labelling menu
- problem plotting paraboloids etc
- problem on iOS where Input Boxes scroll the applet
- for IntersectPath(P, a) with Zip()
- bug for 3D angles in lists
- bug with full-screen button

- Technical change: use Pointer Events
- Classic: fix bug where "Keep Input" button gives null:=
- Make sure PgUp, PgDown don't change layer
- CAS: make sure Solve() doesn't call NSolve() for inequalities

GeoGebra 6.0.666.0
- Condition to Show Object not copied correctly in spreadsheet when it's just a single variable
- opening .ggb files from Google Drive

GeoGebra 6.0.665.0
- CAS: make sure "random" commands work again
- fixes for ggbApplet.remove()

GeoGebra 6.0.664.0
- fix problem with Box Plot label position

GeoGebra 6.0.662.0
- Classic 6: fix for Ctrl-C/V/A in scripting dialogs
- new command IsFactored( )
- small Probability Calculator fixes

GeoGebra 6.0.659.0
- atan(), acos(), asin() now work for complex numbers
- new parameter "detachKeyboard":true
- Classic 5: fix for disappearing objects when Input Box has the focus
- Suite: Probability Calculator sub-app added (web only)
- 3D: fix for labelling eg Cube segments
- fix alignment for new "Text as caption" Captions
- CAS: make sure Invert() is exact

GeoGebra 6.0.657.0
- CAS: Make sure Invert(matrix) is exact
- Notes: New Spotlight Tool
- GeoGebra Classic 6: missing style bar added to Probability Calculator (for discrete)

GeoGebra 6.0.656.0
- CAS: fix for Solve(3*sqrt(x+4)<=5-2abs(x+2))

GeoGebra 6.0.654.0
- fix order of Arabic digits eg on axes
- Tabbing order can be customized by making a special list like tabOrder = {A, B, E, D}
- fix problem with truncating calculations on %

GeoGebra 6.0.652.0
- CAS: fix eg 2/1E-12 in Keep Input mode
- CAS: slightly simplified answer from Substitute()
- CAS: new option to "save" (in a secure area) in exam mode
- Probability Calculator: fix problem saving intervals

GeoGebra 6.0.651.0
- CAS: fixes for Solve( { (k-s)/k * (105-(k-s))/(300-k) = 0.125, (k-w)/k * (105-(k-s))/(300 - k) = 0.375, (k-s)/k * (195-(k-w))/(300-k) + (k-w)/k * (195 - (k-w)) / (300-k) = 0.5 } , {k,s,w} ) , NSolve(Integral(sqrt(sin(x)),0,b)=0.64,b) and Derivative(f(sec(x))), TaylorPolynomial(cbrt(2x-3))
- New two-tailed ][ option for probability calculator
- CAS: fix problem with n!
- Notes: fix for embedded applets
- improved spreadsheet previews from ggbApplet.getScreenshotBase64()
- ChromeOS: Exam mode starts automatically in Kiosk mode

GeoGebra 6.0.649.0
- Notes: new Mindmaps Tool and Charts improvements
- improvement for eg FormulaText(sin(1x + 1x - 1x))
- CAS: fix for eg mod(3^5431843, 2)

GeoGebra 6.0.646.0
- fix ggbApplet.getScreenshotBase64() for webSimple
- CAS: make sure eg SolveODE((y')²+5y'+6=0) returns both solutions
- fix Rigid Polygon Tool/Command
- Symbolic Input boxes are now the default

GeoGebra 6.0.644.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.640.0
- Fix style bar in Safari

GeoGebra 6.0.639.0
- fix for tracing functions
- switch from pako.js to fflate.js
- built-in buttons icons switched to SVGs
- CAS: fix for eg Rationalize(1/(sqrt(3+ί))) in web (& smaller)
- CAS: fix for acosd and atand
- CAS: make sure Eigenvectors({{1,2},{3,4}}) is exact

GeoGebra 6.0.637.0
- Geometry: fix Rigid Polygon Tool/command
- fix for plotting arcosh(x)

GeoGebra 6.0.636.0
- Fix problem drawing linear functions (especially in Regression panel)

GeoGebra 6.0.631.0
- cbrt( switched to nice form

GeoGebra 6.0.620.0
- new commands ReplaceAll( , , ) and Split( , )
- fix for PlaySound()

GeoGebra 6.0.609.0
-Bug fixes

GeoGebra 6.0.608.0
- fix for Input Box linked to slider not respecting slider bounds (old Input Boxes only)
- CAS: Numeric() works for more than 15 d.p.
- Classic 6: fix white background in Customize Tools dialog
- fix for language translation of functions

GeoGebra 6.0.606.0
- Symbolic Input Boxes: add option for Serif
- Symbolic Input Boxes: asin(x) is now a*sin(x)
- Mobile: make sure keyboard always opens for tool dialogs
- fix for Input Boxes without labels

GeoGebra 6.0.605.0
- CAS: Min() and Max() implemented

GeoGebra 6.0.604.0
- Classic 5: fix for ggbApplet.getValueString()
- Graphing: "Statistics" summary for Min / Q1 / Median / Q3 / Max
- CAS: new command IntegralSymbolic()
- Complex functions implemented (including Expand(f) and f==g)

GeoGebra 6.0.603.0
- fix beta() for negative inputs

GeoGebra 6.0.600.0
- fix RandomPointIn( <Conic/Circle> )
- Intersect( , , , ) working for 3D Curves

GeoGebra 6.0.599.0
- Classic 5: fix for ggbApplet.getValueString()
- CAS: RemoveUndefined() and IsInteger() implemented

GeoGebra 6.0.598.0
- fix for ggbApplet.reset()

GeoGebra 6.0.596.0
- fix for dropdowns not closing on click
- Improvements for pasting LaTeX into the Algebra Input and Input Boxes
- new command RemovableDiscontinuity() for rational functions (also for previews)
- Notes: new Table Tool
- Editor: SVG export, evalLaTeX() added, event for / focus lost added
- Chrome: copy image to clipboard working

GeoGebra 6.0.593.0
- fix for Inverse polygons
- fix for leftlangle

GeoGebra 6.0.592.0
- fix for plotting eg f(x)=ln(44)

GeoGebra 6.0.591.0
- log(x) now gives log_10(x) not ln(x)
- new command RemovableDiscontinuity() for rational functions (also for previews)
- fix for eg sin(x)^cos(x)
- extra parameter added toggbApplet.getValueString("f", false) to make sure output isn't localized
- fix for sliders with 1° increment

GeoGebra 6.0.590.0
- 3D: new tool Surface of Revolution
- Graphing: make sure complex * complex works again
- fix for n in Input Boxes
- fix for Polygon(A,B,3,plane) when A and B are 2D points
- Notes: new Equation tool
- Complex i displayed better in Input Boxes and LaTeX texts

GeoGebra 6.0.588.0
- Delete Tool won't now delete fixed objects in Activities

GeoGebra 6.0.587.0
- better parsing of expressions without explicit multiply eg f(p,q)=sin(pq)
- fix for Input Boxes sometimes disappearing on
- new parameter to set button's border colors eg "buttonBorderColor":"#ff00ff"
- Graphing: Length(list) working again
- Graphing: Equation shown for Line(A, B) again
- Symbolic Input Boxes working for conics, implicit curves and quadrics
- Now built with GWT 2.9

GeoGebra 6.0.583.0
- Classic 6: fix for re-opening settings (mostly iOS)
- Classic 6: make sure random numbers aren't updated when CAS is loaded
- fix for angle not being shown when it's from Element(list,1)

GeoGebra 6.0.581.0
- Suite (beta): now on geogebra/calculator
- remove unnecessary API calls

GeoGebra 6.0.580.0
- Classic 5: "Apply Template" will also apply default styles to existing objects
- fix for symbolic Input Boxes disappearing on touch
- fix for FormulaText("Rho")
- JavaScript listeners preserved over a redefine
- GeoGebra 6: fix installer where username contains a space
- fix for Input Box cleared on full-screen button
- improved plotting for eg ln(x)
- bugfix for drawing grid with "positive only" axis
- better parsing of expressions without brackets eg sinsinsinx
- Classic 6: brackets added when typed after function name
- pi replaced by π in Input Boxes
- 3D Calculator: Snapshot button in AR Mode

GeoGebra 6.0.579.0
- fix bug with numbers being turned into sliders
- Classic 5: fix bug with dragging drop-down lists

GeoGebra 6.0.578.0
- Classic 5: Symbolic Input Boxes working
- Scientific calculator moved to

GeoGebra 6.0.577.0
- Classic: fix for native keyboard appearing on iOS 13.3.1
- CAS App: sliders and vectors working
- Classic: fix for eg ggbApplet.evalCommand("$1:f(x)≔x^2")
- make sure InputBox1+"" and FormulaText(InputBox1) work properly
- fix for undo/redo with symbolic Input Boxes

GeoGebra 6.0.574.0
- Make sure output line shown for FitLine() etc again
- Web: fix for #&¬ key

GeoGebra 6.0.573.0
- Graphing: same in exam and non-exam
- More Symbolic Input Box improvements (including Vectors and the type can't be changed by typing "bad" syntax)
- Bugfix: ggbApplet.setFixed() no longer triggers OnUpdate scripts
- RandomElement({1/2,1/3,1/4}) works better

GeoGebra 6.0.564.0
- New command CASLoaded()
- Improvement for random numbers being updated on redefinition (eg when Input Box contents changed) - random numbers should be defined in their "own object" to take advantage of this

GeoGebra 6.0.562.0
- Classic 5: fix for ggbApplet.registerAddListener()
- Classic 6: fix for eg SetPerspective("S")
- Symbolic Input Boxes working for eg f(x,y)

GeoGebra 6.0.560.0
- Input Boxes are empty rather than showing ? for undefined linked geo
- Alignment option for Input Boxes
- CAS Calculator: more commands added: Invert(), NSolutions(), Sequence(), ReducedRowEchelonForm(), Substitute(), Sum(), Transpose(), RemoveUndefined(), Tangent()

GeoGebra 6.0.559.0
- Download xx.cache.js files in parallel
- Option for caching with service worker
- "Selection Allowed" working for Input Boxes, Dropdowns and Buttons
- Screenreader works for reading LaTeX Captions

GeoGebra 6.0.546.0
- Classic 5: fix for JavaScript error ("java.lang.String")

GeoGebra 6.0.544.0
- CAS View: fix for Solve(8/(p^(-4000*x))=6,x) and Integral(sqrt(x+sqrt(x)))
- fix for GeoGebra Scripts on Android/iOS
- ZoomIn() working for 3D View (non-dynamic)

GeoGebra 6.0.541.0
- CAS View: fix for SolveODE(y'=sqrt(x),(1,1))

GeoGebra 6.0.536.0
- Classic 5: fix for large tool icons
- Corner(-1,13) returns scales for x, y, z axes
- Improvement for f(x)=(3/2)^x, f(-1)
- GeoGebra 6: make sure more decimal places (minimum 5) are used when editing an expression
- Editor: fix for ÷ immediately after log₁₀(x) and for eg 3|x|
- LaTeX: fixes for eg v_{1}'^{2} and @{hspace{3.7 mm}}
- Geometry: "Fit to Zoom" preserves aspect ratio
- New default labels for equations eq1, eg2, ...
- CAS View: fix for eg Vector[(x,y,z)] = Vector[(1,2,3)]

GeoGebra 6.0.535.0
- fix SlowPlot()
- GeoGebra 6: fix problem when text is re-edited (text dialog stuck open)
- missing 180° solution for eg NSolutions(4 sin³(x) cos(x) -6cos²(x) sin(x))

GeoGebra 6.0.533.0
- 3D View: Corner(-1, 12) gives screen left-to-right direction in 3D view coords
- Statistics Calculator: fix for problems entering eg 0.01, 1/60
- Consistent Greek font added for keyboard
- fix for auto-sliders eg y=mx+c
- fix bug with a((?,?)) for quadratic inequalities
- Graphing: "Table of Values" working for conics eg y=x^2

GeoGebra 6.0.529.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.526.0
- Chrome: fix problem in full-screen mode

GeoGebra 6.0.523.0
- Checkboxes: use $math{x}$ in Caption for "proper" math x

GeoGebra 6.0.518.0
- fix for stdev() / stdevp() problem

GeoGebra 6.0.513.0
- Fix trace for filled Curves
- Fix for eg Sequence(k°, k, 0, 360, 30) Sequence(cos( Element( l1, k )), k, 1, 5 )
- Make sure setting labels works for eg a = RigidPolygon(poly1)
- Exam mode: don't allow fix/unfix for functions, conics

GeoGebra 6.0.512.0
- Fix for touchscreens with Chrome 70+
- Fix for eg ((x + 1) / 41 + 0z = y / -16,(x + 1) / 41 = (z - 3) / a) becoming undefined after a = 0
- Fix for Asymptote(x^(-2n)) and Asymptote(log(f(x))
- LaTeX: fix for Epsilon
- Splines: fix export to PSTricks / PGF and fix problem with closed splines

GeoGebra 6.0.511.0
- fix for clickToLoad parameter

GeoGebra 6.0.509.0
- Fix for plotting eg f(x) = x^3

GeoGebra 6.0.507.0
- Improvement for Limit() eg Limit(If(x

GeoGebra 6.0.503.0
- label outlines removed for exporting
- Spreadsheet: fix for pasting in applets
- CAS View: fix for Append(3, {4, 5, 6})
- Editor: fix for f′′ and f'/2
- 3D Android: AR enabled (beta, ARCore devices only)

GeoGebra 6.0.498.0
- fix for saving mean (1,2,3,4)

GeoGebra 6.0.496.0
- fix for LaTeX fonts

GeoGebra 6.0.489.0
- Android / iOS: List Tool
- fix bug saving conics in "Conic Form"
- Classic 5: fix for displaying subscripts in the Algebra View

GeoGebra 6.0.487.0
- GeoGebra 6: fix for missing grid color/line style options
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix on iOS for "doubled characters" in old Input Bar

GeoGebra 6.0.481.0
- Classic 5: fix for dragging drop-down lists
- Fix for y² = (x² - a²) / x²

GeoGebra 6.0.477.0
- Classic 5: bugfix for size of fixed Buttons
- Classic 6: new option: Download As -> Construction Protocol (html)
- Graphing: fix for missing output row
- Classic 6: fix for exam mode

GeoGebra 6.0.476.0
- Classic 6: Allow non-adjacent columns to be selected in the spreadsheet (Ctrl-Click)

GeoGebra 6.0.475.0
- Improve PGF/PSTricks export for 3D objects wholly in 2D view (Points, Lines, Conics)
- Fix b = a for quadrics
- New command SetDecoration( , )

GeoGebra 6.0.474.0
- Classic 6: Input Boxes line up exactly when editing
- When moving eg a polygon with the arrow keys, use the "Increment" of the first defining point
- Make sure eg Ctrl-Shift-A is disabled when enableRightClick = false
- CAS View: new matrix commands JordanDiagonalization(), Eigenvectors(), Eigenvalues()
- Classic 6: fix image export on iOS
- Tablets: Make sure keyboard appears again for Input Boxes

GeoGebra 6.0.473.0
- Algebra View: fix for Integral( x sqrt( 1 + cos(2x) ) , 0 , pi / 2 )

GeoGebra 6.0.472.0
- Statistics View: fix for Histogram -> Set Classes Manually
- CAS View: fix for Solve(((-a sqrt(a² + x²) + x sqrt(a² + x²) + x sqrt(a² + (a - x)²)) / (sqrt(a² + x²) sqrt(a² + (a - x)²))),x)
- Make sure preview points aren't shown in Classic
- FormulaText(svgImage) now works (HTML5 only)

GeoGebra 6.0.471.0
- Fix for Asymptote(2^x / (2^x - 3^x))
- Fix for truncation in iframes
- CAS View: fix for reloading MidPoint() / Center()
- Mobile: fix for plotting eg y = x sin(x) then x^2 + y^2 = pi^2

GeoGebra 6.0.470.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.468.0
- Classic 6: Download as -> Activity as Webpage
- CAS View: new command Assume( , ).
- Classic 6: fix for missing toolbar when loading files
- Screenreader support for drop-down menus

GeoGebra 6.0.466.0
- 3D View: fix for IntersectPath() when the z-axis is rescaled
- new command MAD( ), MAD( , ) for Mean Absolute Deviation
- CAS View: improvement for sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x - 2)
- SetAxesRatio(a, 1) now keeps the y-axis fixed
- fix for Sequence(Intersect(a, Element(L_1, i), 2), i, 1, 9)
- fix for Translate(inequality)

GeoGebra 6.0.465.0
- Editor: fix for eg |x|/3
- Make sure the full-screen button always appears in the right-hand view
- for for using + to move a point on a path

GeoGebra 6.0.464.0
- Chrome: fix for exporting large images

GeoGebra 6.0.463.0
- CAS View: fix bug with NSolve Tool eg Sum(T/2^n, n, 3, 10) = 1500000
- CAS View: fix for UnitVector(Vector((1, 2, 3)))
- GeoGebra 6: fix for Ubuntu 18.04

GeoGebra 6.0.462.0
- TikZ Export: use pgfplots for the axes/grid

GeoGebra 6.0.459.0
- CAS View: fix for NSolve Tool for eg A'(x) = 0
- CAS View: improvements for eg Factor(1+ln(x) + 2 ln(y)) and Expand(ln(3x^5))
- Graphics View: support currencies as axes unit £ € $ ¥ ₩ ϯ ₫ ₪ ₮ ₨ ₹
- bugfix: Make sure + and - keys work for moving Point(path) again
- Load toolbar icons asyncronously
- fix decimal point display bug

GeoGebra 6.0.458.0
- Fix for disappearing objects when preview points calculated
- Custom Toolbar working in the new UI

GeoGebra 6.0.455.0
- fix mean and variance for Pascal Distribution
- fix scaling problem

GeoGebra 6.0.453.0
- 3D View: fix for opacity of circles in lists
- improvement for plotting eg Derivative(|x|)
- fixes for ⊕ (XOR)

GeoGebra 6.0.452.0
- make sure keyboard is shown for tool dialogs
- new command IsTangent( , )
- GeoGebra 6: fix LaTeX preview in Text Tool
- Create image with pic1 = ExportImage("view", 2, "corner", A, "corner2", B)
- CAS View: Improved answer for eg Solve(sin(x) = sin(2x))

GeoGebra 6.0.451.0
- fix for loading some /o/ URLs

GeoGebra 6.0.450.0
- CAS View: fix for Sum(RandomBetween(0,1),t,1,20)
- GeoGebra 6: Export multi-page PDFs with ExportImage("type", "pdf", "filename", "test.pdf", "slider", n)

GeoGebra 6.0.447.0
- fix for toolbar disappearing on file load
- load SVG files with drag'n'drop
- iOS: fix for FitSin()

GeoGebra 6.0.445.0
- CAS View: fix for PerpendicularLine( , )
- GeoGebra Classic 6 (online): fix for a=Integral(ℯ^(-x^(2)),-∞,0)
- Speedup for definite integrals of piecewise functions
- Open context menu in Graphics View withF10 or
- 3D View: thinner axes
- Editor: fix for (3|4) and (cross-product)

GeoGebra 6.0.444.0
- fix for Integral(x (x - (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2 / ((exp(1) - exp(-1)) / 2)))
- fix for moving vertical sliders

GeoGebra 6.0.443.0
- fix for integrating piecewise functions

GeoGebra 6.0.442.0
- CAS View: add InverseNormal()
- CAS View: LeftSide() and RightSide() working for inequalities
- CAS View: fix for PerpendicularLine( , )
- Dragging fixed background (on touch) will scroll the whole page
- Better control when dragging the slider on "automatic" increment
- GeoGebra 6 (offline): C will copy an image to the clipboard

GeoGebra 6.0.441.0
- fix for CopyFreeObject(centered image)
- fix for pasting

GeoGebra 6.0.438.0
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for redraw problems on iOS with dropdowns
- GeoGebra Classic 6: PDF export will include Graphics View 2 as a second page
- CAS View: fix for f(x) := π x

GeoGebra 6.0.437.0
- don't show recovery dialog for embedded applets
- fix for Input Boxes on mobile (small screens)
- fix for loading bad syntax If(a, {1}, 0)
- fix for freeze typing y=x after drawing polygon

GeoGebra 6.0.434.0
- fix for ! in editor
- fix for centered images
- new command InteriorAngles( ) (used by the Angle Tool for Polygons)
- SetColor() and SetBackgroundColor() accept hexcodes in the form #AARRGGBB and #RRGGBB eg SetBackgroundColor(text1, "#80FF0000")
- fix for Sequence(1, 2, 0.1)
- fix for redrawing LaTeX after fonts loaded
- fix for dragging Polygons

GeoGebra 6.0.432.0
- make sure "Create Slider" dialog doesn't appear for Input Boxes
- fix for on-screen keyboard in Norwegian

GeoGebra 6.0.431.0
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for switching language to eg Chinese

GeoGebra 6.0.429.0
- GeoGebra Classic 6: possible fix for "?" in CAS View
- Spreadsheet View: fix for Points not appearing when Create List dialog closed
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for switching to Norwegian

GeoGebra 6.0.427.0
- fix for rename dialog opening when using the Text Tool
- GeoGebra Classic 5: bundle with Java 8 to fix File -> Share problem
- fix for Tangent() for functions using acos(), atan()
- GeoGebra Classic 6: possible fix for "?" in CAS View

GeoGebra 6.0.426.0
- Android Classic: split screen mode disallowed
- Use = not ≟ for Conditional Functions
- 3D View: fix for drawing planes when axes are rescaled
- new command ExportImage() eg ExportImage("type", "svg", "filename", "myimage.svg"), ExportImage("type", "png", "filename", "myimage.png", "width", 1000), ExportImage("type", "png", "filename", "myimage.png", "scalecm", 1, "dpi", 300)
- Spreadsheet View: fix preview for List Tool
- Statistics Calculator: state now saved in .ggb file

GeoGebra 6.0.423.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.422.0
- Fix problem with preview points
- iOS: fix problem with f'

GeoGebra 6.0.420.0
- Automatic preview points
- GeoGebra Classic 6: fix for icon size in Construction Protocol
- GeogebraSans-Regular and GeogebraSerif-Regular fonts removed
- CAS View: fix for Edge browser
- CAS View: fix for {1, 2} * {3, 4} and 3 / {1,2,3}
- CAS View: make sure UnitVector(), PerpendicularVector(), UnitPerpendicularVector() return a vector not point
- Fix for exporting images

GeoGebra 6.0.417.0
- Firefox: fix for SVG Export
- Algebra View: LaTeX and Presentation MathML can be pasted
- CAS View: fix for Division(2a^2+2a+1,a-1)
- CAS View: fix for Sum(Element({1,2,3,4},k),k,1,4)

GeoGebra 6.0.414.0
- Native Apps: fix for app not loading on Android 5.1
- Graphing / Geometry / 3D: fix for Edit menu getting stuck

GeoGebra 6.0.413.0
- Classic 6: fix for stopping recording to spreadsheet
- CAS View: fix for Solve(3*4^(x/5)=48)
- fix for arg(?)

GeoGebra 6.0.412.0
- 3D View: optimizations for multiple segments/polygons (especially for Edge browser)
- Algebra View: asin(),acos(),atan() respect the degree/radian setting
- improvement for function plotting on wider screens
- Classic 6: fix export in Data Analysis and Probability Calculator
- fix for Point(Locus)
- Classic 6: make sure the editor works better in the CAS View for long inputs

GeoGebra 6.0.411.0
- Classic 6: fix for exporting SVG/PSTricks/PGF/Asymptote
- Classic 5: fix for starting on Linux

GeoGebra 6.0.410.0
- CAS View: fix for LeftSide({a,b}={1,2})
- CAS View: small improvement for Simplify(x^(5k)*x^(2*k+1))
- Algebra View: fix for g(x)=f(x) / c in symbolic mode
- Classic 6: fix for lines in PGF / TikZ export

GeoGebra 6.0.409.0
- fix for Sequence(Surface(...
- fix problem with missing faces from eg cube
- CAS View: improvement for Simplify(x^(8*k+9)*x^(5*k))
- CAS View: fix for plotting Integral(f, 1, 2) and IntegralBetween(f, g, 1, 2)
- Editor: fix for typing eg x|x|

GeoGebra 6.0.408.0
- Classic 6: fix for Spreadsheet "Create" menu

GeoGebra 6.0.405.0
- Classic 5: fix file saving bug
- Classic 6: PDF Export

GeoGebra 6.0.404.0
- 3D: new user interface

GeoGebra 6.0.403.0
- Classic 5: fix for PDF export with images/hatching
- fix for inverted checkboxes in "View" menu

GeoGebra 6.0.401.0
- Midpoint tool works for Polygons (to give Centroid)
- fix for ZoomIn(-5, 5, -4, 4)
- Native apps: Quick stylebar: tap on object to quickly change color, point or line style, etc.
- iOS Native Apps: New tools: Create Slider, Angle with Given Size, Segment with Given Length, Regular Polygon, Circle with Center & Radius, Rotate around Point, Dilate from Point, Relation

GeoGebra 6.0.400.0
- more slider styling options
- CAS View: ToBase(), FromBase(), IndexOf() implemented
- fix for saving the style of eg Intersect(fun1, fun2, a, b)

GeoGebra 6.0.394.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.393.0
- CAS View: fixes for Solve(-(1.4)^(n-1)32=-1000), Area(x^2+y^2=r^2), Area(polygon)
- CAS View: fix for Solve(f(x)==g(x)) when f is a result of Tangent()
- dpi setting in getPNGBase64() and writePNGtoFile() now works (but slow)
- GeoGebra Classic 6: SVG Export working
- Polar Grid: now allows any multiple of π

GeoGebra 6.0.392.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.391.0
- Fix for Integral(sqrt((-3*a*cos(x)^(2)*sin(x))^(2)+(3a*(sin(x))^(2)*cos(x))^(2)),0,pi/2)

GeoGebra 6.0.390.0
- Fixes for F(t,x)=Integral(sin(x)*sin(t-x), x)

GeoGebra 6.0.389.0
- fixes for Korean in editor

GeoGebra 6.0.386.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.385.0
- Brand new Graphing Calculator and Geometry Apps
- 3D View: SetAxesRatio( , , ) working
- Fix for renaming with _ and '
- Algebra View: Solve equations: exact and numeric
- Special points for functions: roots, min/max, intersections
- Classic: fix for plotting quadrics on macOS

GeoGebra 6.0.382.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.381.0
- bugfix: make sure macro object eg Hexagon(G_8) can be moved with the arrow keys
- just one "zero" shown at the origin
- new full-screen, home and zoom buttons
- new parameters "showZoomButtons":true,"showFullscreenButton":true,

GeoGebra 6.0.379.0
- Curvature( ) works with 3D curves
- SelectObjects(InputBox) sets the focus
- Fix for FormulaText[FormulaText[FormulaText[... problem
- Math Calculators (offline only): Better CAS Engine eg exact answer for sqrt(ί)

GeoGebra 6.0.377.0
- CAS View: fix for "Copy to LaTeX"
- Default brackets for commands changed from eg ZoomIn[] to ZoomIn()

GeoGebra 6.0.374.0
- Fix for ZoomIn[ ]
- Make sure point can't be dragged off eg If[1<=x<=5,x]

GeoGebra 6.0.363.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 6.0.355.0
- new functions fixed by default
- Graphing Calculator: Angle Bisector Tool fixed
- Spreadsheet: fix for Copy & Paste of formulas
- Spreadsheet: One-variable analysis tool now treats second column of data as frequencies (if just two columns selected)
- fix problem with SlopeField[1/y]
- fix problem with redefine dialog opening on double-click when it shouldn't
- Exam: Invert[ ] command not available when CAS is disabled
- new command NInvert[ ] for numerical function inversion (intended for exam mode)
- fix for copy & paste of eg x/cos(x)

GeoGebra 6.0.353.0
- CAS View: fix for Integral[cos(n π x / 4), 1, 4] (desktop only)
- fix for Corner[1]

GeoGebra 6.0.352.0
- CAS View: fix for #1 notation

GeoGebra 6.0.351.0
- Editor: fix for {{1,2},3}
- CAS View: make sure Vectors in Sequence[Vector[(i, i)],i,1,3] stay as Vectors

GeoGebra 6.0.350.0
- CAS View: fix for a:=1/1E8
- fix for dragging with 2 views open

GeoGebra 6.0.349.0
- fix for auto-slider dialog in Safari
- make sure preview for FillCells[ ] doesn't delete cells
- new LaTeX commands brack brace bangle cancel bcancel xcancel longdiv

GeoGebra 5.0.348.0
- CAS View: fix for Expand Tool

GeoGebra 5.0.346.0
- fix for not setting Input Box content
- fix for not hiding Input Box correctly
- fix for wrong coefficient in FitPoly

GeoGebra 5.0.345.0
- fix for Surface[ ] defined in terms of another surface
- Math Apps: make sure PNG Export isn't truncated by the menu
- Math Apps: Export PSTricks, PGF/TikZ, Asymptote

GeoGebra 5.0.344.0
- Length[] and First[] work on Freehand Functions
- Algebra View: fix for right-click
- Fix for drawing big arcs
- Fix for list of Polylines

GeoGebra 5.0.341.0
- Desktop: fix for SetValue[a, b, c]
- Web: increase maximum spreadsheet rows to 350

GeoGebra 5.0.339.0
- fix for InverseBinomial[]

GeoGebra 5.0.338.0
- fix for Intersect[]

GeoGebra 5.0.336.0
- Tangent[] works for log(f(x),g(x)) and nroot(f(x),g(x))
- Android: fix for wrong version of Giac

GeoGebra 5.0.334.0
- fix for Intersect[ , , t1, t2 ]
- Apache Commons Math Library updated to 3.6.1
- Probability Calculator: improvement for point dragging

GeoGebra 5.0.332.0
- fix for problem with "degree" sign in Input Boxes
- CAS View: make sure NSolve[{3x-5y=11,14x^2-11x=52}] gives a numerical result not exact
- Grid showing by default

GeoGebra 5.0.331.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 5.0.330.0
- Desktop: fix Function Inspector
- new syntax for lines eg x-1=y-2=(z-3)/2
- CAS View: better fix for ScientificText[ ]

GeoGebra 5.0.328.0
- fix for Envelope[]

GeoGebra 5.0.327.0
- fix for Integral[x(A)+...]
- CAS View: fix for ScientificText[ ] and arg()
- 3D View: fix for Angle[u, v] for very small angles
- "Solids" added to defaults (for Polyhedra, Cylinders, Cones)
- z = sin(x) + sin(y) will create f(x, y) = sin(x) + sin(y)
- Envelope[ ] command uses new method
- fix for exporting SVG with embedded image

GeoGebra 5.0.326.0
- nicer coefficients for Polynomial[x^3 - x^2 - x - 1] and RandomPolynomial[5, -1, 1]
- Android: fixes for logging in and viewing

GeoGebra 5.0.321.0
- Fix for bbbb: r=2θ
- fix for drop-downs that change length
- 3D View: fix for plotting a(x, y) = abs(x + y ί)

GeoGebra 5.0.320.0
- 3D View: fix for back-to-front angles
- CAS View: improve form of Numeric[121V^2 m 3.14159265359 (0.0004 / W / O)]

GeoGebra 5.0.318.0
- GGB6: new editor enabled
- On-screen keyboard: fix for accents keys

GeoGebra 5.0.317.0
- fix for dragging 3D polygons in 2D
- fix for inverting segments in degenerate circles
- CAS View: fix for f(1/x)
- On-screen keyboard: fix for key

GeoGebra 5.0.316.0
- fix for dragging 3D polygons in 2D
- fix for inverting segments in degenerate circles
- CAS View: fix for f(1/x)
- On-screen keyboard: fix for key

GeoGebra 5.0.313.0
- 3D View: fix for tracing conics

GeoGebra 5.0.311.0
- Spreadsheet: copy scripts for copy/paste
- Input Boxes: fix for entering a formula after a number
- set background color from the spreadsheet when an object is created / renamed (if necessary)
- CAS View: fix for f'(x) for eg f(x) = K(x)/x

GeoGebra 5.0.309.0
- Fix for Input Boxes on iOS

GeoGebra 5.0.307.0
- Desktop: fix for "500" error on File -> Share

GeoGebra 5.0.306.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 5.0.305.0
- Change log not available for this version

GeoGebra 5.0.304.0
- HTML5: fix for Input Bar focus problem on touch

GeoGebra 5.0.303.0
- HTML5: fix for Input Bar focus bug

GeoGebra 5.0.302.0
- use correct minus sign for Braille export
- Exam Simple: disable f'
- GeoGebra 6: resize window on file load

GeoGebra 5.0.301.0
- Desktop: fix drawing bug

GeoGebra 5.0.300.0
- Change log not available for this version

- CAS View: fix for NSolve Tool for f(x)=1
- Classic Desktop: command-line option --stereo for testing with 3D Monitors / Projectors

- fix for 2-Var Analysis Tool after using 1-Var Tool

- Change log not available for this version

- fix for SurdText[]
- fix for display form of Conics when saved

- Change log not available for this version

- functions asind(), acosd(), atand(), atan2d() to return answer in degrees
- 3D view: drag nets to open / close
- Desktop: fix for in the Input Bar
- CAS View: ComplexRoot[ ] changed to give a numeric answer
- make sure Input Box scripts are run in the right order when Button clicked

- Distance Tool working for Polylines
- Debian: use stronger signing

- New form for lines ax + by + c =0
- New forms for Parabolas (Conic Form and Vertex Form)
- CAS View: fix for (x=y)+(x=y)*(-1)
- fix for Z-Test of Difference of Proportions
- brand new method for LocusEquation[ ] under the hood

- fix for Input Boxes linked to sliders
- 3D View: orientation fix

- fix for Input Boxes linked to sliders
- 3D View: orientation fix

- CAS View: fix for NSolve[x^5730=1/2]

- Improvements for Polyline in 3D
- fix Invert[log(3,x+1)], Invert[log(x+1,3)]

- Fix problem with IntersectPath[Polygon, Line]
- Fix problem with Input Bar giving error eg Integral[x,0,1]
- Logarithmic grid for Data Analysis (beta)

- Surd improvements, eg Simplify[cbrt(x^6)] returns x^2

- Results from Derivative and Integral cached in the XML
- Fast dragging of CAS functions in the Graphics View
- Web App: print Algebra View
- Pen Tool and Freehand Shape Tool moved to under the Move Tool
- CAS View: Solve Numerically Tool fix for 2 rows
- Fix for qquad

- Desktop: fix for "alpha" popup
- Web App: fix for dragging to change order in the Construction Protocol
- CAS View: fix for focus problem (Web)

- Desktop: fix for "alpha" popup
- Web App: fix for dragging to change order in the Construction Protocol
- CAS View: fix for focus problem (Web)

- CAS View: fix for NSolve[(sqrt(3) 4 x³ + 12x² - sqrt(3) 12 x - 4)]
- CAS View: Solve Numerically Tool adds initial values for systems of equations eg {2.5=a*b^-5,8.4=a*b^7}

- HTML5: fix for editing in spreadsheet

- CAS View: fix for Simplify[sqrt(2)*sqrt(5)] and Solve[(sqrt(3) 4 x³ + 12x² - sqrt(3) 12 x - 4)]

- Change log not available for this version

- CAS View: fix for ln(0) and Integral[abs(x cos(x²)),0,sqrt(pi)]
- 3D View: hide cursor for export

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Make sure Polygon's segments are correct color after translation
- Tablet Apps: use native Giac (TBC)

- Graphing Calculator: Relation Tool implemented
- EPS Export: fix for exporting Trace and adjust color according to transparency
- Background color fills the whole cell in TableText[] now
- Tablet Apps: use native Giac (TBC)

- Tablet Apps: use native Giac (TBC)
- Checkboxes work in EPS Export
- Fix for Image Tool when it's the first tool
- New command Surface[Curve, Angle, Line]
- Graphing Calculator: Relation Tool implemented

- fix for otimes
- CAS View: fix for Translate[ellipse]
- new API methods ggbApplet.setPointCapture(view, mode), ggbApplet.setAxisStep(x, y, z), ggbApplet.setAxisLabel(x, y, z), ggbApplet.setAuxilliary(geo, true/false)
- new TableText[] alignment option "%" to convert to a percentage, and align on decimal points

- new TableText[] alignment option "." to align on decimal points
- fix for loading IntersectPath[]

- "%0" replaced by object's name in Click & Update scripts

- fix for autocomplete
- Graphing Calculator: fix for editor bug with (1,1/2)
- Exam Mode: make sure f'(x) works in non-CAS mode

- CAS View: fix for Solve[(x+5)*exp(x)=(x+5)*exp(2*x)]
- fix for NDerivative[] in Exam Mode

- fix for customized toolbar in 3D View
- CAS View: improvement for Simplify[1/x^(1/2) - (1/x)^(1/2)]

- fix for customized toolbar in 3D View
- ggbApplet.setRounding("10") added
- fix for Reflect[Plane, Plane]
- Symbolic mode for texts, eg FormulaText[1/2]
- CAS View: Intersect[] working for planes

- Fix for duplicated objects

- Fraction fixes

- Web App: can now set filling of individual bars for BarChart[] and Histogram[]
- fix for matrices M=N
- fix for If[ ]
- allow Input Boxes to be linked to CAS Cells

- HTML5: can now set properties of individual bars for BarChart[] and Histogram[]

- Algebra View: Input & Output rows, exact fractions
- CAS View: fix for Solve[(sin(x) * exp(x)) + (cos(x) * exp(x))]
- CAS View: fix for Angle[Vector[(1,2)],Vector[(t,5)]]
- CAS View: CountIf[] implemented
- fix for Macros that involve intersection of circles
- fixes for transformations of implicit curves (and rotating functions)
- CAS View: improvement for Integral(Simplify(((sqrt((((-(x))/(sqrt(((r)^(2))-((x)^(2)))))^(2))+(1))))))
- fix for Input Boxes when applet scaled (Chrome)

- f(x,y,z)=x+y+z then f(A) works for 3D Points
- fix for Implicit Curves

- fix problem with background image updates
- Desktop: fix problem with missing images in Button properties

- Fixed problem with Object Properties

- New Button design
- Graphing Calculator: Redo button added

- fix for BarChart opacity

- 3D View: small fix for Intersection[conic, conic]

- fixes for hatching of barcharts
- Hull[] command removed and new algorithms for other discrete commands
- fix for PlaySound[false]
- msi Installer: built using WiX 3.10.2 instead of 3.9

- Graphing Calculator: fix for eg e^x*sin(x), x^2+1

- bug fix for Intersection[ plane, arc ]
- improvement for integrals involving freehand functions
- Desktop: fix for JavaScript listeners
- 3D View: clipping defaults changed

- fix for y-axis labeling
- Graphing Calculator: enable Circle (Point, Radius) and Angle (fixed size) Tools

- CAS View: fix for SolveODE[y/x] and SolveODE[sin(0.017*x)*y]

- Implicit curves that are already factored are drawn better
- fix for Volume of Cylinder

- CAS View: fix for Solve[abs(6x - 3) + abs(6x + 9) - 12 = 0]
- make sure EPS files are exported to the clipboard properly (as file, not text)

- Image Tool: dialog now shown immediately
- Make sure all images are drawn interpolated on retina displays
- Graphing Calculator: Copy & Paste working, "x" to clear Input Bar
- CAS View: BinomialDist command works in general, ie BinomialDist[n, p, k, true]
- fix for ggbApplet.setWidth(), ggbApplet.setHeight()
- fix for {{0,0},{0,0}}^-1

- fix for SetValue[]

- CAS View: fix for SVD[] (desktop) and Limit[]
- f' works as a shortcut for f'(x)
- plane1 == plane2 implemented
- fix for Greek characters inside mbox{}

- fix for copy & paste of text with absolute screen location
- fix for Implicit Curves creating extra object

- Change log not available for this version

- Speed-up for Envelope command
- Algebra View: fix for keyboard shortcuts (eg Ctrl-Z)
- fix for problem with extra braces in surface(a,b)
- fix for SetValue[ , , ]
- fix for RotateText[ ] and rotated LaTeX
- JOGL2 updated to 2.3.2
- add data-param-enableCAS, data-param-enable3D, data-param-rounding (for Exam Mode)
- 3D View: fixes for trace

- Extremum and Roots Tools working for parabolas
- 3D View: Zoom menu
- resize Algebra View when editing long equation
- autocomplete now starts after 3 letters (not 2)

- 3D View: Intersect Tool works with f(x,y) and Plane.

- fix for tools with dialogs

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What's new in this version:

- Added "[APP] ForceDefaultRefreshRate" global config option
- Added error message to overlay when there were errors loading some add-ons
- Added optional add-on initialization entry points: Add-ons can now export a "AddonInit" and/or "AddonUninit" function, which ReShade will call after loading/before unloading, to allow for more complicated code than valid inside DLLMain
- Added preprocessor support for variadic macros
- Added preprocessor support for backslash at end of line to skip to the next
- Added error tooltip to file list in technique context menu
- Added error coloring to file list in technique context menu for effects that failed to compile
- Added option for stats overlays (clock, FPS, frametime) to only show while main overlay is open (filled out checkbox)
- Added global alpha support in VR and increased overlay window resolution
- Changed technique search in overlay to include effect file name in filtering
- Changed technique ordering to keep the declaration order specified within an effect file
- Changed preprocessor to concatenate in macros without expanding arguments (to follow behavior of the C preprocessor)

- crash with DLSS 3
- crash in Crusader Kings II
- crash in Phantasy Star Online 2
- duplicated input in some games (e.g. Payday 2)
- ReShade not showing up in some D3D11 VR games
- screen not updating in RPCS3 when using certain add-ons
- depth buffer detection in Quake
- effects declaring the same texture semantic multiple times failing to compile in D3D9
- shader interface matching when system value semantic contains a trailing zero
- whitespace in macro definition ending up in replacement text
- preprocessor crash if encountering end of file in a preprocessor statement
- preprocessor ignoring multiple pragma directives
- line numbers preprocessor generates for lines directly following an include statement
- add-on information missing in overlay when file version info is not using default translation
- technique context menu not working for techniques with "enabled" annotation
- open code editors for included files not updating after effect reload
- code editor colorization for preprocessor directives with spaces in them
- preset shortcut keys in config getting duplicated with each load
- GPU timestamp queries returning invalid results sometimes in D3D10/11
- push descriptor bindings in OpenGL add-on events
- 32-bit value count for push constants in D3D9 add-on events
- missing value conversion for some D3D9 dynamic states

- Added "dot" intrinsic overload that accepts scalars to ReShade FX
- Added special behavior when calling "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_effects" with no render target view: This now effectively disables effect rendering done by ReShade altogether, which can be useful if doing that manually via calls to "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_technique"
- Added support for "#pragma reshade showfps" and "#pragma reshade showclock" directives again
- Added "create_swapchain" add-on event in OpenGL (called during "wglSetPixelFormat")
- Added support for creating resource views with a default resource view description (which will create a view encompassing the entire resource)
- Added render buffer creation in OpenGL for "reshade::api::resource_type::surface" and fixed automatic mipmap levels
- Added log message when resizing VR effect runtime
- Added internal compiler error to effect error list when pipeline creation failed
- Moved "AddonPath" option to "ADDON" config section
- Changed ReShade icon
- Changed log fallback filename (will now attempt to open ReShadeX.log where X is a number greater or equal 2 if ReShade.log is in use)
- Changed add-on manager to avoid loading add-on DLLs for disabled add-ons entirely
- Changed file list in technique context menu to show relative paths
- Changed preprocessor defines hidden in the overlay to include those starting with "INCLUDE_GUARD_"
- Changed "present" event in VR to be called separately for both eye submits
- Changed D3D11 state block implementation
- Changed Vulkan copy command hooks to call events for image layer ranges rather than single layers
- Simplified texture mapping using add-on API in D3D12 (can now create CPU-visible textures, ReShade will translate that into a D3D12 buffer behind the scenes)
- Improved "wglSwapMultipleBuffers" implementation to behave more like the original
- Removed automatic D3D12 pipeline backup and restore in "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_effects" and "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_technique" (better handled in add-on code)
- Removed stats overlay settings in VR (since those cannot be seen there anyway)

tinyMediaManager 4.3.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

tinyMediaManager 4.3.8
- new style for Kodi v19+
- an option to specify update check interval/disable update check completely
- new IMDB trailer scraper (needs to be activated in the settings)
- a new renderer to process outputs from multiple renderers
- season name renamer token to the eamples
- "Passed" and "Approved" to US certifications
- some validation to the aspect ratio detection

- (movie, TV show) added the ability to copy renamer token into the clipboard (CTRL C, right click)
- Upgraded libmediainfo to 22.12 + new implementation of the IMDB scraper (check scraper settings!)
- Open contet menu of movie/movie set/TV show lists via contet menu key on the keyboard
- Automatically close renamer preview if nothing needs to be renamed
- Do not store filters if they are not active
- Do not remove missing episodes with unset DVD S/E
- (movie) create new editions when importing NFO files
- (movie) added some more editions per default
- (movie) enabled strict case comparison when creating new editions
- Improve episode detection to find them also in optional [brackets]
- (TV shows) fied filtering for missing episode thumbs
- Fi parsing MediaSource on echanged video files
- Remember all splitter locations
- (movie) enhanced detection of movie titles when parsing the data source
- (AniDB) inform users when they are banned
- (movie, TV show) set playcount and lastplayed along with watched state in the NFO
- Fied deletion of filter presets when the warning has been disabled
- Provide release date as another date field for UI
- Fied adding of new etrathumbs/etrafanarts
- switch url back to original IMDB: artworks should only be downscaled, but never upscaled -
- Prevent UI lockups when writing NFO files is not possible

tinyMediaManager 4.3.7
- Better detect and parse movie structures
- Fixed changing of tags in episodes
- (IMDB) make cleaner calls to avoid HTTP 403 responses

tinyMediaManager 4.3.6
- Added reloading of mediainfo to the commandline interface
- Subtitles: also parse language from filename, if MediaInfo detects none
- Updated Java to 17.0.5
- Improved MediaSource detection (false positives, ordering)
- (TV show) also normalize database values before filtering the tree
- (IMDB) fixed search
- (TV show) enhanced season detection for season artwork
- Added some performance improvements to the launcher

tinyMediaManager 4.3.5
- Added the “date added” column to the movie set table + IMDB serves different search result pages - parse other one too
- fixed wrong detection of the season number in season artwork filename (resulting in season2147483647-poster.jpg)
- prevent crashes in the episode editor due to too large episode numbers
- also enable FFmpeg for automatic fanart scraping
- do not show rating star twice in the ratings panel
- (TV show) normalize text before filtering the tree
- AniDB: better filtering of search results
- Improved search results when having a date in title
- revert change, which prevented renaming of episodes w/o patterns
- better handling of timeouts

tinyMediaManager 4.3.4
- Added the ID of the movie/TV show to the search results
- Added a renamer token for TV show genres and TV show/episode ratings
- Also delete unwanted folders on rename
- TV episodes: also detect IDs from filename
- Changing the user rating will remove it from the ratings
- Added regular epression based skip folders for TV shows
- Added a path based filter for movies and TV shows
- Do not check title token for valid episode name pattern
- Fied timing of KodiRPC calls
- (TVDB) allow using a subscriber API key & pin
- (TMDB) matching of episode numbers
- Update movie media source on echanged video files
- Remove all scraped IDs when changing episode/season numbers
- Upgrade MediaSource BluRay to UHD-BluRay, if video specs say so
- (TVDB) also scrape certification data for TV shows
- KodiRPC: better handling of URIs for matching (stackoverflow)
- Read real subtitle format via mediainfo

tinyMediaManager 4.3.3
- redesign the file type panel
- added Top 250 column to the movie list
- fi displaying correct runtime for disc folders
- preserve tags order
- better fallback scraper selection
- merging multiple items should not remove anything
- (TMDB) fied rating download for TV shows
- do not try to get episode thumbs from
- ignore tmdbcol (from Ember) in the duplicate filter
- (AniDB) fied scraping of episodes
- saving of changes genres/tags in the movie/TV show editor
- (TV shows) removed double assigned hotkey
- fi scraping TV season names
- also set unknown HDR values
- respect preferred artwork sizes for TV shows too
- fi loading values in the replacement renderer

tinyMediaManager 4.3.2
- Redesign artwork type naming panel
- Check for eisting ID when using MPDb.TV scraper (metadata & artwork)
- Fied aspect ratio detection; improved logging of errors
- Fied occasional removing of cast when re-scrape #1840
- Fied downloading of some YT trailers
- Fied fetching of season artwork from TVDB #1841
- Fied KodiRPC calls #1831
- Download missing artwork did not respect the chosen scrapers
- Improved fallback episode detection for files with just numbers
- Improved error handling on reading MediaInfo MLs
- Revert UI lib to fi scaling issues with bigger fonts
- better error handling
- Fi FFMpeg artwork scraper for tv episodes #1842
- Parse even more metadata fields of MKV files

tinyMediaManager 4.3.1
- Removed copying of file attributes which resulted in inaccessible artwork
- Fix for handling disc files not in their expected folder
- Parse correct filename out of the mediainfo.xml (which is now mandatory for better detection)
- Fix AspectRatioDetection on some files
- Improved overall performance when dealing with disc folder structures (runtime calculation)
- Fix for detection of the FFmpeg executable
- Removed overwriting of the renamer pattern when using a media center preset

tinyMediaManager 4.3
- an action to scrape ratings from multiple scrapers
- a fallback strategy for the universal scraper
- an action to lock objects on movie/TV show level
- an HTTP API for remote control of tinyMediaManager
- a movie scraper for AniDB
- a regular expression based JMTE annotation
- a renamer token for movie set inderespecting missing movies
- writing of TMDB/IMDB/TVDB ids for writers and directors in the NFO files
- an option to disable the trash bin (.deletedByTMM)
- an option to store NFO files outside of disc folders (VIDEO_TS, BDMV)
- an option to automatically “cleanup unwanted files” on rename
- extended syntato movie search field.
- a NFO option to control writing of true

- fetch all possible IDs & ratings when scraping
- updated the bundled Java version to 17.0.2
- bundled Java, libmediainfo and tinyFileDialogs for arm (32bit)
- (AniDB) added an option to get the character image instead of the actor image
- (movies/TV shows) write tag for actors in the NFO file
- allow editing of cast from within the cast panels
- (TMDB) enabled logo scraping
- enhanced delete unwanted files action to find unwanted folders too
- changed person-merge behavior:
- with “Do not overwrite” enabled, new person data will be merged into existing data
- with “Do not overwrite” disabled, existing person data will replaced by the newly scraped data
- Improved handling of Bluray/DVD disc folder structures (also within ISOs)
- rework automatic aspect ratio detection (performance)
- updated Movie Picker template
- copy file-date attributes on Windows
- improved download speed of trailers
- changed imdb actor image loading/scaling algorithm
- enabled downloading actor images for multi movie folders
- loading of “ignore SSL errors” on startup
- use collection as root node of the collection NFO
- (TV shows/movie sets) do not crash when title and original title column is hidden
- (Emby) preserve custom movie sets in NFO
- sync episodes to via IDs where possible
- locked movies should not disappear on update
- adhere empty season folder on renaming ‘specials’
- fixed downloading missing artwork for seasons
- remove failed tasks from the task list
- removed tmdbCollectionId from NFOs because Emby does not read that any more
- fixed update datasource with additional files in disc folders / or at root level
- reloading of user_note from NFO
- round ratings to only one decimal place
- filter for season artwork in the image chooser
- some issues with filter loading

tinyMediaManager 4.2.8
- enabled multi line notes
- updated libmediainfo to 22.03
- added a renamer token for movie set index respecting missing movies
- movies/TV shows) write tag for actors in the NFO file
- (movies/TV shows) fixed losing of entries after loading
- (TV shows) fixed incomplete missing episodes list
- (TV shows) smaller fixes for displaying missing episodes
- improved download speed of trailers
- (TV shows) allow episode numbers up to 6 digits long
- prevent adding duplicate data sources
- prevent an occasional crash in the movie search dialog
- changed imdb actor image loading/scaling algorithm
- (TV shows) removed duplicated shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+N
- removed some well known words from being deleted in the title detection
- suppress scraping a blank title due to a wrong configuration

tinyMediaManager 4.2.7
- Added an action to rewrite movie set NFO files
- Revert duplicate filter changes - too many false positives
- Some enhancements for the TVmaze scraper
- Clear inputbox when adding a tag
- Faster cancelling of an aborted search
- Enhanced getting alternative trailer qualities for trailers

- Fixed multi-language search results with TVDB API
- Fixed actor image loading from IMDb
- Fixed calculating of movie counts in the movie set panel
- Fixed errors when displaying plots
- Fixed displaying of links in plot
- Fix startup problems if your Kodi RPC credentials are wrong
- Fix MediaSource detection for extracted DVD folders

tinyMediaManager 4.2.6
- added certification support for Hong Kong
- added button to create movie sets from within the movie editor
- (movies/TV shows) added support for clearlogo in the information panels
- enabled displaying of animated gifs in the artwork panel
- added an action to just (re)scrape TV shows/episodes (without the need to trigger a search)
- (TV show) added changing of the display season to the bulk editor
- (movie sets/TV shows) added enhanced keyboard navigation for tables
- also parse TMDB id from the filename in update data sources
- needs to be in the form tmdb-xxxxx or tmdbid-xxxxx
- added the option to use the release date as in the NFO files
- enhanced the ISO parser for BluRays and DVDs
- increased loading speed of large libraries
- removed rating for movie set completeness check
- do not check season names for missing seasons
- storing of window locations/sizes in batch mode
- force re-reading mediainfo after exchanging the video file
- rewrote caching of animated gifs (if you have animated gifs, you may need to rebuild the image cache)
- storing of hidden columns for some tables
- cleaner shutdown of the IMDB id cache
- added MAKEMKV to skip folders per default
- proper cleanup of resources in the media files panel
- (movie sets/TV shows) loading of filters at startup
- enhanced merging of tags
- fixed renaming of TV show thumbs when auto renaming is active
- RPC: fixed Kodi version display
- avoid downloading of 0byte images
- some fixes to the TVmaze scraper
- do not process episodes with season < 0 in the renamer preview
- moved the scroll buttons in the update data source submenu to the right place
- (TV shows) reworked filter for media files/notes
- mitigate errors of invalid expressions in Kodi scrapers
- (AniDB) better handling of specials
- Duplicate filter also checks for matching name/year combo

- proper linkage of dummy episodes with the TV show
- getting the path of dummy episodes

tinyMediaManager 4.2.5
- Enabled aspect ratio detection for disc folders (VIDEO_TS, BDMV)
- Added an option to ignore specials in list missing episodes
- upgraded Java to 15.0.5
- re-ordered popup menus
- add “path” column to TV show table settings
- download missing artwork when saving movies/TV shows/seasons/episodes
- fixed an issue with the FFmpeg artwork provider
- consider external files when getting MediaInfo for movie/show
- fix downloading trailer, if show has not been cleaned yet
- fix checking for missing season names
- remove movies/episodes in background (do not block the UI)
- (TVDB/TMDB) use only configured languages for title/plot
- reworked image downloading engine for less needed downloads and better artwork filename cleanup #1598
- fixed loading of season fanart on startup
- run aspect ratio detection for episodes too
- added automatic text direction detection
- further improve naming detection
- (TVDB/TMDB) add networks in the front of the production companies

tinyMediaManager 4.2.4
- Added support for season fanart
- Support for getting FFmpeg thumbs from disk folders
- Added bit depth to audio media information
- Prefer fanart without text to comply with Kodi standards
- Sort the column “date added” by date AND time
- Some enhancements in the MPDb.TV scraper
- Sort filter presets by name
- Moved the select all/select none items to top
- (TV shows) fixed writing of for Emby NFOs x (movies) include the original filename as valid renamer pattern x scraping several trailers from davestrailerpage x some enhancements in the renamer preview x some enhancements in the image chooser x re-aligned media information panel to show less duplicate data x (TV shows) added presets for Emby/Jellyfin x properly set the "ignore SSL errors" setting on startup

tinyMediaManager 4.2.3
- Support for multiple trailers in the same language (forced, sdh, …)
- Make trailer table sortable
- Added a dedicated file name filter for video files
- Updated libmediainfo to 21.09 + re-added legacy TVDB API v3 (the shutdown of API v3 has been postponed to the first half of 2022)
- Added trailer scraper for Dave’s movie trailer page (
- Displaying of artwork is now configurable (for poster, fanart, banner, thumb)
- Enabled editing of person IDs
- Added writing of IMDB ID/TMDB ID for directors in Emby NFO format
- (movies) fixed regression of where a duplicate movie may removed the original one
- (movies) do not update the selected sum too often
- Enhanced display of ratings if a user rating has been added
- Added tmdbid to the movie set NFO
- Cleanup of old season artwork when adding new one
- Fixed check of shipped FFmpeg
- (image chooser) show a warning message when a wrong url has been entered
- (movies) Duplicate filter now considers all IDs
- Enhanced aborting of trailer downloads
- Enhanced layouting of the movie/TV show settings
- Enhanced nextpvr parsing
- (Linux) statically linked launcher to avoid glibc version mismatch
- Fixed occasional double spaces in the renamer results
- (TV shows) enhanced note filter
- Plot & note fields render now clickable links
- Enabled growing of the datasource settings panel
- Do not strip tag from TV show NFO files (TV shows) re-set episode IDs when changing the S/E number via the find episode dialog (movies) write the original filename (rather than the actual one) to the NFO Emby: quickfifor multi episodes by writing tag

tinyMediaManager 4.2.2
- selected entries amount and file size totals to the movie/movie set/TV show list
- file size totals tp the movie/movie set/TV show table
- an option to set the default value for "do not overwrite existing data" to the settings
- a setting to ignore completeness check for specials

- (TVDB) fix recent API changes from TVDB
- (TVDB) enhanced translation handling of our API implementation
- fix some minor issues for the live update of movie set data
- calculation of minimum size for restoring window sizes/positions
- enhanced loading times of internal scrapers
- fix detection of paths in skip folders
- fix detection of multiple trailers (Zidoo style)
- lowered defaults for completeness check
- enhanced the filename filter to run against all media files
- rewrote fetching of translated episodes in the episode chooser
- (IMDB) allow unassigned episodes to be scraped
- several fixes for post-processing management

- (TVDB) hotfix for the broken TVDB search API x selecting images in the image chooser with double click x (TV shows) redraw tree on recent changes

tinyMediaManager 4.1.6
movies/TV shows:
- “add a new data source” has been added to the “update data sources” menu
- view NFO files and play music theme files in the mediafiles tab
- (TV shows) added IMDB id to the TV show renamer
- (movies) added renamer fields for production company/studio (thx @DirtyRacer)
- reduced CPU usage of MVStore
- reduced loading time of the databases
- eager creation of .actors folder
- prevent errors when closing dialogs
- (movies) Subtitles: detect and rename hearing impaired SDH ones
- prevent custom sort prefixes from crashing TMDB searches
- improved performance of displaying the Kodi menu
- (movies) added sorting via title as second sort order
- (movies) set original file name for single movie folders too
- compare date added on the date part only
- fixed reading existing NFO files from disc folders
- catch more errors on failed scrape
- exchange data source between windows and unix style
- (movie sets) do not delete the artwork folder when all movie sets get removed

- added an enhanced aspect ratio detector
- heavily reworked the Kodi integration
- added a filter for movie sets containing missing movies
- movie) added year to the bulk editor
- automatically restore a backup if a damaged database has been detected on startup
- support for scraping adult TV shows
- new macOS icon that matches the BigSur style
- fixed loading of license module on UNC paths
- partly reverted changes to the database management
- reworked memory usage visualization in the status bar
- do not pre-set artwork types in the (background) scrape dialogs, when automatic artwork download is disabled
- x allow more season/episode variants to be detected
- enhanced check for missing artwork to extrafanart/extrathumbs too
- (TMDB) enhanced language fallback for es_MX, pt_BR and fr_CA
- x reverted splitting playcount from watched state
- x (movies/TV shows) make sure the actors folder exists prior to moving files
- x (TV shows) do not remove “season-all-*” artwork on rename

tinyMediaManager 4.1.4
- Updated libmediainfo to 21.03
- (movies/TV shows) added “force best match” to automatic subtitle downloads (rather than only download file hash matches)
- Added possibility to double click the image in the image chooser to select the artwork
- Re-added various zoom options to the image preview window
- Added filter options for the image chooser
- (movie sets) some UI enhancements: show IMDB id, show artwork files, show year in search dialog
- (TV shows) option to only include the first studio in the NFO
- (movies/TV shows) search via TMDB id, IMDB id and TVDB id is now possible (TV shows only)
- Changed the database compacting logic to be more resistant to file corruptions
- Fixed occasional crash on startup of the TV show module
- (TV show) support more than 9 extrafanarts in the renamer
- (TV show) also respect the trailer filename settings in the TV show renamer
- (movies/TV shows) respect first alphanumeric character for the “first” renderer
- (TV show) embed episode details into a scroll pane
- (FFmpeg) suppress unnecessary error logs
- (TV show) write/read country tag to/from NFO files
- (TV show) parse aired tag before the premiered tag for episode NFOs
- Repackaged the linux distributable to only contain one root folder
- Do not crash the scrape if imdb ratings cannot the loaded
- Enhanced cleaning of filenames on import
- Some fixes for detecting/handling pt-BR subtitles
- Reuse the playcount from pre-existing NFO files when writing new NFO files
- (OMDb API) enhanced searching of movies with short titles like “21”

tinyMediaManager 4.1.3
Emby compatibility enhancements:
- (TV shows) proper trailer naming for Emby
- (TV shows) added tmdbid to the NFO
- (TV shows) added option to write to the TV show NFO
- (TV shows) added option to write all actors/guests into the TV show NFO
- (TV shows) added vote count column
- basic support for nextpvr recording XML parsing
- added shutdown hook to prevent database corruption
- (TV shows) also fetch IMDB ratings for episodes
- (movies) catch occasional errors in movie set sorting
- check write access to the tinyMediaManager folder on startup
- (TV shows) added columns for music theme and video bitrate
- (TV shows) do not mix in a missing episode on media file exchange
- (movies/TV shows) fixed creation of trailer folder while muxing
- (TV show) fixed bug when writing TV show NFO
- re-aligned new rating logos to do not take up that much vertical space
- (TV show) prevent rating panel from flickering
- do not draw the rating panel over popups
- change filter indicator if all filters are deactivated

tinyMediaManager 4.1.2
- new columns for HDR and aspect ratio
- (movies/TV shows) re-added persisting of last used filters
- (movies) option to only include the first studio in the NFO
- (movies) added cover.ext to well known poster file names
- removed unused code fot TV show ratings
- display custom rating source logo
- do not delete tags on further scrapes
- (movies/TV shows) saving changed data sources in settings
- (movies/TV shows) do not write NFO on update data sources
- (TV shows) do not strip out TV show title from inside the episode title
- changed renamer token ${hdr} to ${hdrformat}
- better propagation of API errors to the UI
- (TV shows) reworked scrape new items
- (TV shows) writing of correct NFO file name for BD/DVD episodes
- (movies/TV shows) fixed update data sources for git-annex setups
- run some long running actions in a background task
- (movies) sorting of MS/RT columns
- (movies/TV shows) fixed rendering issues of bidirectional text

tinyMediaManager 4.1.1
- Filter for note field
- (TV show) fixes endless update data source
- (TV show) do not select all episodes in TV show rename action per default
- Better visualization of failed download
- Increased max memory limit to 8G
- Fix changing maximum download thread count at runtime
- Sort showlinks in the dropdown box

- License changes - Now there is a FREE and PRO version of tinyMediaManager. In the FREE version there is no more limitation of loaded movies/TV shows or API calls

The FREE version includes:
- base functionality of tinyMediaManager (update data sources, scrape, rename, edit, eport, command line interface, ...)
- TMDB scraper

The PRO version includes also:
- all other scrapers (IMDB, OMDB, Universal, Kodi, ...)
- trailer download
- subtitle download
- integration

BIG scraper rework:
- We split up all scrapers into individual sub-scrapers for every scope (meta data, artwork, trailer, subtitle)

This offers new options to configure them:
- now they are all independently configurable (no setting for the movie section influences the TV show section)
- we could strip out options which are not needed for the actual section (e.g. TV show options in the movie scraper)
- they have a better code base for future changes
- separated country setting for certifications and release date
- The only drawback here is, that you may have to enter some options (like an individual API key) in every sub-scraper
- ATTENTION: since almost everything changed in the scraper setup, you may need to re-set the scraper options after the update

added integration of FFmpeg:
- You can directly download and use FFmpeg on Windows, macOS and Linu - as well as use FFmpeg from your system
- creation of still/thumb creation via FFmpeg
- muing downloaded trailers using FFmpeg
- added TVmaze scraper
- enhanced sync (added personal rating sync, reworked settings & actions)
- added missing movies in movie set
- added an option to suppress tooltips in the main tables
- added a function to migrate eisting movies/TV shows to a new data source
- remember last used scraper for each entry - for scraping new episodes the same scraper will be taken into account as for the TV show
- (movie) added full customization in which priority/order the rating should be loaded
- use qualified metadata (title, plot, year, IMDB id, episode/season number) from mediainfo on first import
- (movie) added an epert mode to the bulk editor to "freely" edit tet based fields
- added a JMTE replacement renderer for custom replacements (movie/TV show, renamer & eporter)
- added OMDB TV Show scraping
- added more Columns for Movie Sets
- added period (year of movies in collection) for Movie Sets
- added clickable ID Links to the Episode Detail Panel
- added button in tv show scrape/search window for opening TVShow folder
- added original title column for TV shows / episodes
- reworked visualization of ratings
- added original title column for TV shows / episodes
- added possibility to play the trailer url in the editor (Movie and TvShow)
- added option to manual choose artwork in the movie set chooser (as for movies)
- separated country setting for certifications and release date
- rewritten integration to be more fleible and ready for multiple versions of the same movie/episode
- echanged native file dialogs with tiny file dialogs
- Windows users will see a change here, because tiny file dialogs uses the "folder browser" component from Windows
- better error messages for SSL errors
- added z (No linguistic content) to the language code detection
- allow selecting of E00 in episode chooser for some special episodes
- added an HiDPI splash screen
- re-write NFO on gathering mediainfo data
- improved HDR detection
- set displayepisode and displayseason
- added Soap to well known genres
- re-read mediainfo data for (e)changed files
- (movie) remove missing/deleted files on update data sources
- (movie) support more than 9 etrafanarts in the renamer
- (movie) sorting by new column
- (TV show) also fetch season artwork from tmdb
- (TV show) TV show related action can be triggered from episodes/seasons too
- (movie) adopted movie defaults/Kodi preset to Kodi v19
- (TV show) fall back to TV show artwork if season artwork is not available
- removing negative filters in presets

tinyMediaManager 4.0.7
- added decades filter for movies
- added new column (audio title) in MediaInformationPanels (Movie / TvShows)
- added HDR Format filter for movies and episodes
- added movie set artwork completeness check options (like for movies)
- added "_" as a colon separator in the renamer settings
- better error messages for SSL errors
- fixed downloading trailers
- detecting video resolution for certain 3D SBS files
- writing of movie set artwork with a path separator in the name
- smaller fixes to the movie search
- fixed renaming of episode extras (e.g. extra text files)
- fixed loading of Kodi scrapers
- fixed: do not set "episode guide" tag when selecting KODI preset

Megacubo 16.7.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bugfix on EPG loading to prevent crashing on Linux
- Minor improvements

Megacubo 16.7.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bugfix when adding IPTV list under certain conditions
- Improved IPTV lists loading performance