
最新版本 Mobirise 4.8.10

Mobirise 4.8.10

Mobirise 4.8.10
FreeCommander 是一個易於使用的替代標準免費的 Windows 文件管理器。該程序可以幫助您在 Windows 中進行日常工作。在這裡你可以找到所有必要的功能來管理你的數據庫存。你可以隨時隨地拿 FreeCommander; 只需將安裝目錄複製到 CD 或 USB 棒上即可; 您可以在外部計算機上使用該程序.

FreeCommander 功能:
雙面板技術 - 水平和垂直每個面板的可選樹視圖內置文件查看器,以十六進制,二進制,文本或圖像格式查看文件檔案中的文件查看器也可以在歸檔處理中構建:ZIP(讀取,寫入),CAB(讀取,寫入),RAR(讀取)嵌套歸檔處理輕鬆訪問系統文件夾,控制面板,桌面和開始菜單複制,移動,刪除,重命名文件和文件夾擦除文件創建並驗證 MD5 校驗和文件拆分文件屬性和上下文菜單文件夾大小的計算文件夾比較 / 同步文件日期和屬性的修改文件夾 / 程序收藏夾文件搜索(也在檔案庫內)用於顯示的文件過濾器用戶定義的詳細視圖列更多...


檔案版本 Mobirise 4.8.10

檔案大小 512 KB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Marek Jasinski
更新日期 2018-12-21

What's new in this version:

Mobirise 4.8.10
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.8.8
- Bug fixes: parallax in M4 themes, AMP sliders

Mobirise 4.8.6
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.5
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.1
- Custom subdomain on
- SSL certificate (url with https)
- Lightning-fast global CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- Unlimited pages
- Unlimited space and bandwidth

Mobirise 4.8.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.9
- Bug Fixes for AMP Themes: video autoplay, map layout, video lightbox

Mobirise 4.7.8
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.7
- Improved app loading
- Fixed inserting icons in menu in m3 themes
- Fixed and updated translations
- Fixed disappearance of text placeholders
- Select all text on first click
- Fixed font dropdown panel height

Mobirise 4.7.2
- Cookie Alert Extension updated - now it is "Cookie Alert and GDPR Compliance" - After activating GDPR compliance, all web forms on your website will have checkbox for agreeing to your Terms and Privacy Policy.
- Code Editor Extension updated - some fixes
- Different fixes in translation engine
- New AMP themes - StartupAMP and SpaceAMP

Mobirise 4.7.1
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.6
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.5
- Languages: Polish

Bug fixes:
- Issue with missing projects fixed
- Issue with missing user blocks fixed
- Mobirise 3: sliders
- Alignment in AgencyM4 and LawyerM4
- Text style for forms in StoreM4

Mobirise 4.6.4
- Themes optimization
- Languages: Romanian, Portuguese

Bug fixes:
- Mobirise 3: broken iconfonts

Mobirise 4.6.3
- New languages added: Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Italian
- Bootstrap is updated to v4.0.0 (stable) for all M4 themes

Mobirise 4.6.0
- Hotkey: if your Sites list is empty, you can load the list of previously used projects: open your Sites list and press Ctrl+Alt+L when it opened
- Now you can load your empty or broken project in the app to restore a previously saved site version from Site History
- SEO Extension updated: bug fixes

Mobirise 4.8.10 相關參考資料
4.8.10 missing all library images - Mobirise Forums

Hi, Please can someone assist. i just updated to 4.8.10 and now all my images are missing in the library.

Consulting AMP Broken in Mobirise 4.8.10 - Mobirise Forums

Ok, I started using the Consulting AMP Template in a previous version of Mobirise....I think... I'm not sure. In any event Its driving me nuts.

How to remove "Mobirise Website Builder 4.8.10"? - Mobirise Forums

So they "force" people to download their latest software? Any other page I made before did not have this showing. I'm not that far with the latest ...

Mobirise 4.10.16 Beta - Mobirise Forums

I'm still on 4.8.10 which seems to be the most stable so far. Anyway it's a step in the right direction which is Good News. Thanks for listening ...

Mobirise Free Website Builder Version History

Update of Code Editor extension. New features: Edit Block Anchor, Edit Site Styles. Edit user block name; Choose a Social sharing image; New Site Settings ...

Mobirise v4.8.10 has been released - Mobirise Forums

So support changed it back to "dark" the same day and now it´s version 4.8.10. That's all. Merry Christmas. Thank you so much for your ...

Mobirise Website Builder Version History

Mobirise v3.12. Users with paid extensions can install versions of extensions they have after the end of the free update period; Site image library improvement ...

Since Version 4.8.10- Upload Error - mobirise 4 and purity Theme ...

Hi! I try to upload my site but it is not working, since the update! There are over 18 errors, such as: mbr-switch error, viewportchecker, ...

Version 4.8.10 - Mobirise Forums

We have version 4.8.10 and wants that on the work computer also. On the archived box app page, I see, is that the same one, we ...

Where can I find the Mobirise 4 blocks? (mobirise 4.8.10 ...

... in one subscription but dont find it! I know how to find and add themes with Mobirise. I see only Mobirise 3 blocks... I am using mobirise 4.8.10