FreeCommander 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 FreeCommander XE 2023 Build 880

FreeCommander 歷史版本列表

FreeCommander 是一個易於使用的替代標準免費的 Windows 文件管理器。該程序可以幫助您在 Windows 中進行日常工作。在這裡你可以找到所有必要的功能來管理你的數據庫存。你可以隨時隨地拿 FreeCommander; 只需將安裝目錄複製到 CD 或 USB 棒上即可; 您可以在外部計算機上使用該程序.FreeCommander 功能: 雙面板技術 - 水平和垂直每個面板的可選樹... FreeCommander 軟體介紹

FreeCommander XE 2023 Build 880 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Multi rename - "Activate profiles combo box first" is broken
- After resizing the main window, some elements may be drawn not properly (red area may appear)

Symfony 6.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] fix context attribute with serializedName
- [Console] Revert "Fix clear line with question in section (maxbeckers)
- [Cache] fix lazyness of redis when using RedisTagAwareAdapter
- [HttpKernel] AbstractSessionListener should not override the cache lifetime for private responses
- [DependencyInjection] Shared private services becomes public after a public service is accessed
- [Mailer] Include all transports' debug messages in RoundRobin transport exception
- [Validator] Allow opt-out of EmailValidator deprecation when using Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
- [FrameworkBundle] container:debug CLI output improvements for excluded services
- [Console] Fix clear line with question in section
- [HtmlSanitizer] Fix HtmlSanitizer default configuration behavior for allowed schemes
- [HttpFoundation] Use relative timestamps with MemcachedSessionHandler
- [Cache] Fix dealing with ext-redis' multi/exec returning a bool
- [Messenger] [Amqp] Added missing rpc_timeout option
- [Serializer] Prevent GetSetMethodNormalizer from creating invalid magic method call
- [HttpFoundation] Fix dumping array cookies
- [ExpressionLanguage] Fix BC of cached SerializedParsedExpression containing GetAttrNode
- [HttpKernel] Fix CacheAttributeListener priority
- [Translation] Fix extraction when dealing with VariadicPlaceholder parameters
- [SecurityBundle] Fix authenticator existence check in Security::login()
- [TwigBundle] Alias BodyRendererInterface
- [Console] Fix missing command not matching namespace error message
- [DependencyInjection] Fix bug when tag name is a text node
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dump header not being displayed
- [HttpClient] TraceableHttpClient: increase decorator's priority
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow configuring framework.exceptions with a config builder
- [Mime] Fix MessagePart serialization
- [Yaml] fix dumping top-level tagged values
- Fix getting the name of closures on PHP 8.1.11+
- [ErrorHandler][HttpKernel] Fix reading the SYMFONY_IDE env var
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Fix some new return types support
- [VarExporter] Fix adding a key to an uninitialized array
- [Security] Fix invalid deprecation messages in Security constants
- [Clock] Fix usleep deprecation warning
- [HttpFoundation] IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses incorrectly rejected
- [RateLimiter] Add int to Reservation::wait()
- [VarDumper] Ignore Error in __debugInfo()
- [VarExporter] Fix calling parent::__wakeup() when unserializing with LazyProxyTrait
- [DoctrineBridge] Skip resolving entities when the corresponding request attribute is already an object
- [FrameworkBundle] add kernel.locale_aware tag to LocaleSwitcher
- [FrameworkBundle] fix removing commands if console not available
- [DependencyInjection] Generate different classes for ghost objects and virtual proxies
- [DependencyInjection] Revert "Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes"

Symfony 6.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection] Fix ContainerBuilder stats env usage with enum
- [HttpKernel] Fix using entities with the #[Cache()] attribute
- [Mailer] Fix rendered templates for notifications
- [WebProfilerBundle] Use same color as other icons for the close toolbar btn
- [DependencyInjection] Remove refs that point to container.excluded services when allowed
- [HttpKernel] In DateTimeValueResolver, convert previously defined date attribute to the expected class
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix form panel expanders
- [FrameworkBundle] [Framework] Fix Infobip Mailer transport factory import
- [VarExporter] Fix possible memory-leak when using lazy-objects
- [TwigBridge] Amend MoneyType twig to include a space
- [WebProfilerBundle] Remove redundant code from logger template
- Fixed undefined variable error
- [FrameworkBundle] don't register the MailerTestCommand symfony/console is not installed

Symfony 6.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [String] Fix AsciiSlugger with emojis
- [Security] Reuse AbstractFactory's config tree in AccessTokenFactory
- [Security] [LoginLink] Throw InvalidLoginLinkException on missing parameter

Symfony 6.1.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Yaml] parse unquoted digits in tag values as integers
- [FrameworkBundle] do not wire the MercureTransportFactory if the MercureBundle is not enabled
- [Notifier] [SMSBiuras] true/false mismatch for test_mode option
- [HttpKernel] Fix message for unresovable arguments of invokable controllers
- [PropertyInfo] ignore const expressions read by phpdocumentor
- [DependencyInjection] Process bindings in ServiceLocatorTagPass
- [Console] Support completion for bash functions
- [Console] Improve error message when shell is not detected in completion command
- [Translation] [Lokalize] Configure replace_breaks to prevent issues with multilines translations
- [Console]  Fix signal handlers called after event listeners and skip exit
- [Messenger] Fix time-limit check exception
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix language deprecations incorrectly marked as direct
- [Console] Fix console ProgressBar::override() after manual ProgressBar::cleanup()
- [HttpClient] Handle Amp HTTP client v5 incompatibility gracefully
- [HttpKernel] Don’t try to wire Response argument with controller.service_arguments
- [Messenger] Tell about messenger:consume invalid limit options
- [Messenger] Do not throw 'no handlers' exception when skipping handlers due to duplicate handling
- [HttpFoundation] Compare cookie with null value as empty string in ResponseCookieValueSame
- [FrameworkBundle][Lock] Allow to disable lock without defining a resource
- [HttpKernel] Fix deprecation for DateTimeValueResolver with null on non-nullable argument
- [DependencyInjection] don't move locator tag for service subscriber
- [Mailer] Stream timeout not detected fgets returns false
- Fix the notification email theme for asynchronously dispatched emails
- Fix search scope when performing fallback mapping driver detection
- [HttpClient] Do not set http_version instead of setting it to null
- [DependencyInjection] Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes
- [HttpFoundation] Check IPv6 is valid before comparing it

Symfony 6.0.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Yaml] parse unquoted digits in tag values as integers
- [FrameworkBundle] do not wire the MercureTransportFactory if the MercureBundle is not enabled
- [Notifier] [SMSBiuras] true/false mismatch for test_mode option
- [HttpKernel] Fix message for unresovable arguments of invokable controllers
- [PropertyInfo] ignore const expressions read by phpdocumentor
- [DependencyInjection] Process bindings in ServiceLocatorTagPass
- [Console] Support completion for bash functions
- [Console] Improve error message when shell is not detected in completion command
- [Translation] [Lokalize] Configure replace_breaks to prevent issues with multilines translations
- [Console]  Fix signal handlers called after event listeners and skip exit
- [Messenger] Fix time-limit check exception
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix language deprecations incorrectly marked as direct
- [Console] Fix console ProgressBar::override() after manual ProgressBar::cleanup()
- [HttpClient] Handle Amp HTTP client v5 incompatibility gracefully
- [HttpKernel] Don’t try to wire Response argument with controller.service_arguments
- [Messenger] Tell about messenger:consume invalid limit options
- [Messenger] Do not throw 'no handlers' exception when skipping handlers due to duplicate handling
- [HttpFoundation] Compare cookie with null value as empty string in ResponseCookieValueSame
- [FrameworkBundle][Lock] Allow to disable lock without defining a resource
- [HttpKernel] Fix deprecation for DateTimeValueResolver with null on non-nullable argument
- [DependencyInjection] don't move locator tag for service subscriber
- [Mailer] Stream timeout not detected fgets returns false
- Fix the notification email theme for asynchronously dispatched emails
- Fix search scope when performing fallback mapping driver detection
- [HttpClient] Do not set http_version instead of setting it to null
- [DependencyInjection] Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes
- [HttpFoundation] Check IPv6 is valid before comparing it

Symfony 6.1.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient] Fix retrying requests when the content is used by the strategy
- [ErrorHandler] s/
- [Console] Update Application.php
- [Security][Serializer] Add missing args to trigger_deprecation
- Throw LogicException instead of Error when trying to generate logout-…
- [Intl] Update the ICU data to 72.1 - 5.4
- [HttpKernel] Fix empty request stack when terminating with exception
- [HttpClient] Fix buffering after calling AsyncContext::passthru()
- [HttpKernel] Remove EOL when using error_log() in HttpKernel Logger
- [HttpClient] Don't override header if is x-www-form-urlencoded
- [Console] Fix error output on windows cli
- [Cache] Reserve numeric keys when doing memory leak prevention
- [DoctrineBridge] Allow doctrine/event-manager 2
- [Messenger] Fix amqp socket lost
- [Routing] TypeError in Router when using UrlGenerator
- [Mailer] fix: use message object from event
- [DoctrineBridge] Implement EventManager::getAllListeners()

Symfony 6.0.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient] Fix retrying requests when the content is used by the strategy
- [ErrorHandler] s/
- [Console] Update Application.php
- [Security][Serializer] Add missing args to trigger_deprecation
- Throw LogicException instead of Error when trying to generate logout-…
- [Intl] Update the ICU data to 72.1 - 5.4
- [HttpKernel] Fix empty request stack when terminating with exception
- [HttpClient] Fix buffering after calling AsyncContext::passthru()
- [HttpKernel] Remove EOL when using error_log() in HttpKernel Logger
- [HttpClient] Don't override header if is x-www-form-urlencoded
- [Console] Fix error output on windows cli
- [Cache] Reserve numeric keys when doing memory leak prevention
- [DoctrineBridge] Allow doctrine/event-manager 2
- [Messenger] Fix amqp socket lost
- [Routing] TypeError in Router when using UrlGenerator
- [Mailer] fix: use message object from event
- [DoctrineBridge] Implement EventManager::getAllListeners()

Symfony 6.1.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Allow getting discriminated type by class name (@TamasSzigeti)
- [TwigBridge] Remove empty spaces between choices when using checkbox-inline or checkbox-switch (@simondaigre)
- [HttpClient] Fix seeking in not-yet-initialized requests
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix auto mapping for bundles that contain only embeddables
- [Messenger] Fix default serializer not handling DateTime objects properly
- [Serializer] fixed traceable decoration priorities
- [Console] Fix Helper::removeDecoration hyperlink bug
- [Mime] sync message serializer code for forward-compatibility
- [PropertyInfo] a readonly property must not be reported as being writable
- [WebProfiler] Fix overflow issue in Forms panel
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow to specify null for exception mapping configuration values
- [HttpFoundation] Fix BinaryFileResponse content type detection logic
- [Notifier] [Expo] Throw exception on error-response from expo api
- [Security] Fix login url matching when app is not run with url rewriting or from a sub folder

Symfony 6.0.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Allow getting discriminated type by class name (@TamasSzigeti)
- [TwigBridge] Remove empty spaces between choices when using checkbox-inline or checkbox-switch (@simondaigre)
- [Serializer] Allow getting discriminated type by class name
- [TwigBridge] Remove empty spaces between choices when using checkbox-inline or checkbox-switch
- [HttpClient] Fix seeking in not-yet-initialized requests
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix auto mapping for bundles that contain only embeddables
- [Messenger] Fix default serializer not handling DateTime objects properly
- [Console] Fix Helper::removeDecoration hyperlink bug
- [Mime] sync message serializer code for forward-compatibility
- [PropertyInfo] a readonly property must not be reported as being writable
- [WebProfiler] Fix overflow issue in Forms panel
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow to specify null for exception mapping configuration values
- [HttpFoundation] Fix BinaryFileResponse content type detection logic
- [Notifier] [Expo] Throw exception on error-response from expo api
- [Security] Fix login url matching when app is not run with url rewriting or from a sub folder