
最新版本 Symfony 6.2.2

Symfony 6.2.2

Symfony 6.2.2
FreeCommander 是一個易於使用的替代標準免費的 Windows 文件管理器。該程序可以幫助您在 Windows 中進行日常工作。在這裡你可以找到所有必要的功能來管理你的數據庫存。你可以隨時隨地拿 FreeCommander; 只需將安裝目錄複製到 CD 或 USB 棒上即可; 您可以在外部計算機上使用該程序.

FreeCommander 功能:
雙面板技術 - 水平和垂直每個面板的可選樹視圖內置文件查看器,以十六進制,二進制,文本或圖像格式查看文件檔案中的文件查看器也可以在歸檔處理中構建:ZIP(讀取,寫入),CAB(讀取,寫入),RAR(讀取)嵌套歸檔處理輕鬆訪問系統文件夾,控制面板,桌面和開始菜單複制,移動,刪除,重命名文件和文件夾擦除文件創建並驗證 MD5 校驗和文件拆分文件屬性和上下文菜單文件夾大小的計算文件夾比較 / 同步文件日期和屬性的修改文件夾 / 程序收藏夾文件搜索(也在檔案庫內)用於顯示的文件過濾器用戶定義的詳細視圖列更多...


檔案版本 Symfony 6.2.2

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Marek Jasinski
更新日期 2022-12-17

What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] fix context attribute with serializedName
- [Console] Revert "Fix clear line with question in section (maxbeckers)
- [Cache] fix lazyness of redis when using RedisTagAwareAdapter
- [HttpKernel] AbstractSessionListener should not override the cache lifetime for private responses
- [DependencyInjection] Shared private services becomes public after a public service is accessed
- [Mailer] Include all transports' debug messages in RoundRobin transport exception
- [Validator] Allow opt-out of EmailValidator deprecation when using Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
- [FrameworkBundle] container:debug CLI output improvements for excluded services
- [Console] Fix clear line with question in section
- [HtmlSanitizer] Fix HtmlSanitizer default configuration behavior for allowed schemes
- [HttpFoundation] Use relative timestamps with MemcachedSessionHandler
- [Cache] Fix dealing with ext-redis' multi/exec returning a bool
- [Messenger] [Amqp] Added missing rpc_timeout option
- [Serializer] Prevent GetSetMethodNormalizer from creating invalid magic method call
- [HttpFoundation] Fix dumping array cookies
- [ExpressionLanguage] Fix BC of cached SerializedParsedExpression containing GetAttrNode
- [HttpKernel] Fix CacheAttributeListener priority
- [Translation] Fix extraction when dealing with VariadicPlaceholder parameters
- [SecurityBundle] Fix authenticator existence check in Security::login()
- [TwigBundle] Alias BodyRendererInterface
- [Console] Fix missing command not matching namespace error message
- [DependencyInjection] Fix bug when tag name is a text node
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dump header not being displayed
- [HttpClient] TraceableHttpClient: increase decorator's priority
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow configuring framework.exceptions with a config builder
- [Mime] Fix MessagePart serialization
- [Yaml] fix dumping top-level tagged values
- Fix getting the name of closures on PHP 8.1.11+
- [ErrorHandler][HttpKernel] Fix reading the SYMFONY_IDE env var
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Fix some new return types support
- [VarExporter] Fix adding a key to an uninitialized array
- [Security] Fix invalid deprecation messages in Security constants
- [Clock] Fix usleep deprecation warning
- [HttpFoundation] IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses incorrectly rejected
- [RateLimiter] Add int to Reservation::wait()
- [VarDumper] Ignore Error in __debugInfo()
- [VarExporter] Fix calling parent::__wakeup() when unserializing with LazyProxyTrait
- [DoctrineBridge] Skip resolving entities when the corresponding request attribute is already an object
- [FrameworkBundle] add kernel.locale_aware tag to LocaleSwitcher
- [FrameworkBundle] fix removing commands if console not available
- [DependencyInjection] Generate different classes for ghost objects and virtual proxies
- [DependencyInjection] Revert "Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes"

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