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最新版本 .NET Framework 4.8.1

.NET Framework (4) 歷史版本列表

.NET Framework 是微軟全面而一致的編程模型,用於構建具有視覺效果令人驚嘆的用戶體驗,無縫和安全通信的應用程序,以及模擬一系列業務流程的能力。 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 可再發行組件包將安裝.NET Framework 運行時和運行和開發應用程序所需的關聯文件,以將目標.NET Framework 4.6 和更高版本的 Framework Framework... .NET Framework (4) 軟體介紹

.NET Framework 4.8.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NET Framework 4.8.1 introduces new features in the following areas:
- Native support for Arm64
- WCAG2.1 compliant accessible tooltips
- Windows Forms – Accessibility Improvements
- Improved accessibility, which allows an application to provide an appropriate experience for users of Assistive Technology, is a major focus of .NET Framework 4.8.1. For information on accessibility improvements in .NET Framework 4.8.1, see What's new in accessibility in .NET Framework.
- .NET Framework 4.8.1 adds native Arm64 support to the .NET Framework family. So, your investments in the vast ecosystem of .NET Framework apps and libraries can now leverage the benefits of running workloads natively on Arm64—namely better performance when compared to running x64 code emulated on Arm64.
- Microsoft has a commitment to providing products and platforms that are accessible to everyone. .NET Framework 4.8.1 offers two Windows UI development platforms, both of which provide developers with the support necessary to create accessible applications. Over the past several releases, both Windows Forms and WPF have added new features and fixed numerous reliability issues related to accessibility. You can read more about the details of what was fixed or added in each release by visiting What’s new in accessibility in .NET Framework.

In this release, both Windows Forms and WPF have made improvements to the handling of tooltips to make them more accessible. In both cases, tooltips now comply with the guidelines set forth in the WCAG2.1 content on Hover or Focus guidance. The requirements for tooltips are:
- Tooltips must display either via mouse hover or by keyboard navigation to the control
- Tooltips should be dismissable. That is, a simple keyboard command like Esc should dismiss the tooltip.
- Tooltips should be hoverable. Users should be able to place their mouse cursor over the tooltip. This enables scenarios like using magnifier to be able to read the tooltip for low-vision users.
- Tooltips should be persistent. Tooltips should not automatically disappear after a certain amount of time has elapsed. Rather, tooltips should be dismissed by the user moving their mouse to another control or by a keyboard command.
- In Windows Forms, this support is only available on Windows 11 or later operating systems. Windows Forms is a thin managed wrapper around the Windows API, and the new tooltip behavior only became available in Windows 11. WPF has no operating system version dependencies for its accessible tooltips.
- WPF had implemented most of the requirements for WCAG2.1 compliant tooltips in .NET Framework 4.8. In this release, WPF improved the experience by ensuring that a tooltip in the current window can easily be dismissed by using the Esc key, the Ctrl key (by itself), or by the combination Ctrl+Shift+F10. The scope of the escape key was reduced in this release to apply only to the current window. Previously it applied to any open tooltip in the application.
- Windows Forms was the first Windows UI stack created for .NET Framework. As such, it was originally created to utilize legacy accessibility technology, which doesn't meet current accessibility requirements. In this release, Windows Forms has addressed a number of issues. For a complete list of the accessibility related changes, visit What’s new in accessibility in .NET Framework.

The highlights of Windows Forms improvements in .NET Framework 4.8.1 are:
- Text pattern support– Windows Forms added support for the UIA Text Pattern. This pattern enables assistive technology to traverse the content of a TextBox or similar text-based control letter by letter. It enables text to be selected within the control and changed, and new text to be inserted at the cursor. Windows Forms added this support for TextBox, DataGridView cells, ComboBox controls, and more.
- Address contrast issues– In several controls, Windows Forms has changed the contrast ratio of selection rectangles to be darker and more visible

Fixed several DataGridView issues:
- The scrollbar names have been updated to be consistent
- Narrator is now able to focus on empty DataGridView cells
- Developers are able to set the localized control type property for Custom DataGridView cells
- The link color for DataGridViewLink cells has been updated to have better contrast with the background

Sandboxie Classic 5.58.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added icons to sub tabs in the box options dialog
- recovery and message pop-up menu options are not persisting across UI restarts any more
- added new box color, a white box indicates that its not really a sandbox and is displayed when the user specified OpenFilePath=* or alike

- Sandboxie no longer issues message 1301 when forced processes are temporarily disabled
- -- the message can be re-enabled with "NotifyForceProcessDisabled=y"
- reworked the "Open COM" checkbox mechanism in the plus UI
- -- Now it uses a template and it can also keep COM closed while OpenIpcPath=* is set

- compatibility issue with Proxifier
- encoding issue with Korean translation
- issues with update available message

FileMaker Pro 查看版本資訊


Sandboxie Classic 5.58.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- ability to switch fusion theme independently of the dark theme
- ability to download updates from the support page
- missing system calls to the hardened box type
- search box to the Plus UI Settings and box option dialogs
- Korean translation to the Plus UI
- grouping to sandman tray menu

- improved info label
- the look of vintage mode is even more vintage
- reloading the configuration with the Sandman command "Options -> Reload ini file" now updates the list of approved syscalls
- made rule specificity more specific, now a rule with less wildcards overrules a rule with more wildcards
- -- Note: tailing wildcards are evaluated separately

- issue with displaying sandbox configuration
- flashing issue when switching views
- inconsistencies with various checkboxes in the Plus UI
- a certificate validation issue
- issue with "UseRuleSpecificity" setting

Sandboxie Classic 5.57.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added option to alternate row color in all lists

- SandboxieLogon is now disabled by default as it was not compatible with 3rd party antimalware tools
- the access view list now adds in display the tailing * to file and key paths the same way the driver does 2039
- setup of shell integration is now done by sandman, no longer by the installer
- uninstaller can now remove the sandbox folders

Sandboxie Classic 5.57.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- reworked saving of global options

- fixed issue with the Delete Content option
- fixed issue with box prefs
- fixed issue with Delete V2 registry

FileMaker Pro 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Custom functions were commented out if imported from another file
- Functions were commented out in fields with calculations if tables were imported from another file
- The Replace Field Contents script step was much slower in version 19.5.1 than in previous versions
- In some cases, field validation incorrectly displayed a warning message for empty repeating fields or fields that were not modified
- PDFs being generated in a hidden background file didn't calculate an object's visibility correctly
- Windows: Upgrading to version 19.5.1 with a valid maintenance contract resulted in an invalid maintenance expired message
- In version 19.5.1, the Quote function was modified to handle line feeds the same way as carriage returns. This change caused existing calculations to return different, unexpected results. Previous functionality has been restored
- macOS: Modifying data in a field while an administrator modified the same field in the Manage Database dialog box caused FileMaker Pro to quit unexpectedly

Sandboxie Classic 5.56.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added group first sorting

- updated Classic UI Swedish translation
- restored Plus UI Turkish translation

- fixed issue with recovery window on delete
- fixed double-click issue on path column
- "AllowBoxedJobs=n" is back to the default behaviour as issues were reported
- fixed issue with internet block
- fixed grouping issue in the Plus UI
- fixed issue with CredentialUIBroker.exe on win 11 with win32k hooks
- fixed issue with delete V2

FileMaker Pro 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features and enhancements:
- FileMaker Pro notifies you when an fmp URL is opening a hosted custom app. Choose to open anyway, add the host to your permitted hosts list, or cancel. See Setting permitted hosts and plug-ins preferences in FileMaker Pro Help.
- This notification is disabled by default. To enable it, open the Preferences dialog box and in the Permitted tab, choose Warn me before an fmp URL opens a file. See FileMaker Pro Help.
- To enable this notification for assisted installations, set AI_WARN_FMP_URL in the Assisted Install.txt file. See FileMaker Pro Network Install Setup Guide.
- OpenSSL has been upgraded to version 1.1.1n

- JSONGetElementType – Returns the type of JSON data for an element specified by an object name, an array index, or a path. For example, the following validates that fieldText contains a JSON object: ( JSONGetElementType ( fieldText, "" ) = JSONObject ).
- GetLiveText – Returns the text found in the image of the specified container field using the text-recognition algorithm, starting with iOS 15.0, iPadOS 15.0, and macOS 12.0. You specify a container field and one of the supported language codes.
- ReadQRCode – Reads a QR code from an image in a container field and returns it as text, starting in macOS Monterey, iOS 15, and iPadOS 15

- You can now save data from the current window by leaving the "Window name" option empty in the Save a Copy as XML and Save a Copy as Add-on Package script steps

- When you copy objects that have no tab order set, the pasted objects now have no tab order set. Previously, pasted objects were next in the tab order.

- You can now replace the existing license certificate file at any time without quitting FileMaker Pro. See Replacing the license certificate file in FileMaker Pro Help.

The Save a Copy as XML script step now includes the following in the XML file:
- Metadata specifying whether database files are encrypteddetailed calculation information, including variables
- Unique hashes for calculations
- References to scripts across file relationships with the same UUIDs
- References to fields across file relationships with remote UUIDs as members of related file layouts
- External data source references and UUIDs for value lists
- The timestamp property has been removed from the headers of the XML created by the Save a Copy as XML script step
- In the output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step, FileReference is renamed DataSourceReference. Other value list external reference errors have also been corrected.

Addressed issues:
- It was possible to use the Add Account script step to specify the Full Access privilege after reordering the privilege sets. Full Access is now grayed out for the Add Account script step regardless of the order of the privilege sets.
- Modification Detection Code 2 (MDC2) has been deprecated by OpenSSL and is now removed as an algorithm option from various FileMaker Pro cryptographic functions
- Long Custom OAuth names were truncated in the login dialog box

- Conditionally hidden layout objects continued to be evaluated in hidden windows, slowing layout loads

Save a Copy as XML:
- The output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step incorrectly used the same UUID to identify parent scripts and child scripts called from the Perform Script script step if the child scripts were located in different files from the parent scripts
- The output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step included the incorrect UUIDs for scripts in related files when calling the Perform Script script step
- When using the Save a Copy as XML script step, the FieldReference tag was missing in the output XML file
- The output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step included unnecessary ampersands (&) in the name attributes of base tags
- For the output XML file of the Save a Copy as XML script step, the timestamp for UUID under ScriptCatalog did not update when modification counts changed

- Windows: When multiple container field objects on a layout contained mixed optimization options (such as "Images" and "Interactive content") in Inspector > Data > Data Formatting, and the objects were collectively selected in Layout Mode, the radio buttons for Optimize for in the Inspector became unresponsive
- When a group of relationships were copied on the relationships graph, the relation keys were appropriately related to the new table occurrences, but the sort fields continued to reference the original table occurrences
- The Quote function failed to escape line feed characters in the same way as carriage returns
- Windows: Newly installed custom menus were not displaying after opening new windows unless the windows were refreshed
- The tooltip for the Shortcuts Donation icon in the Script Workspace incorrectly read "Run script with full access privileges" instead of "Run script by Siri"
- Windows: The Save a Copy as Add-on Package script step returned an error
- Windows: Pressing the PgUp, PgDn, End, Home, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, or Delete keyboard keys or pressing the Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, or Ctrl+Z keyboard key combinations while inside text fields in web viewers did not allow the cursor to move.
- Windows: Web Viewers defined as buttons did not respond to button clicks
- Windows: The Insert from URL script step with the cURL options did not return values when it was performed from a computer user account containing Japanese characters

The literal string "<![CDATA[" was not processed by the XML parser, resulting in blank text instead of the provided string in the following areas:
- Copy and pasting schema/layout/script objects
- Save a Copy as XML script step output
- Database Design Report
- Tab controls with 0 point width caused a pixel bar to show up on layouts where an empty space was expected
- When importing records, imports with field validation failed to filter record imports and instead ignored the “existing value” validation option and imported all records
- Web Viewers with dark backgrounds flashed white when entering a layout in browse mode before rendering the dark background

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.22 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added auto update download and silent install option to sandman.exe
- trace monitor mode can now also save to file
- trace log now shows ipc object type information
- added support for windows 11 context menus

- sandman crash issue
- issue with windows server 2022 build 20348
- translation switching issues