.NET Framework (4) 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 .NET Framework 4.8.1

.NET Framework (4) 歷史版本列表

.NET Framework 是微軟全面而一致的編程模型,用於構建具有視覺效果令人驚嘆的用戶體驗,無縫和安全通信的應用程序,以及模擬一系列業務流程的能力。 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 可再發行組件包將安裝.NET Framework 運行時和運行和開發應用程序所需的關聯文件,以將目標.NET Framework 4.6 和更高版本的 Framework Framework... .NET Framework (4) 軟體介紹

Sandboxie Classic 5.53.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- debug switch to disable Sbie console redirection "NoSandboxieConsole=y"
- -- note that this was previously part of "NoSandboxieDesktop=y"
- Sbie+ version to the log
- uninstall cleanup of extra files for the Plus installer
- set language for Sandman for the Plus installer
- EventLog messages with SbieMsg.dll for the Plus installer
- group expansion state is now saved
- additional filters to the trace tab

- reworked and extended RPC logging
- reintroduced the "UseRpcMgmtSetComTimeout=some.dll,n" setting to be used when no "RpcPortBinding" entry is specified
- --- this allows to enable/disable out of box RPC binding independently from the timeout setting
- the "BoxNameTitle" value can now be set explicitly on a per image name basis

- inability to delete read-only files from sandboxed explorer
- wrong recovery target in Plus UI
- SBIE2101 issue introduced with 0.9.7a
- sorting in the box picker window
- tray refresh issue
- tray activity display
- recovery window not displaying in taskbar
- dark theme preset not updating in real time
- Microsoft Edge complaining about "FakeAdminRights=y"
- issue with using local template in the global section
- issue with git.exe from MinGW freezing
- issue with search highlighting when using in dark mode

- removed the ability to sort the trace log as it took too much CPU

FileMaker Pro 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Addressed issues:
- Important: To ensure that you don't encounter the following issues, you must update all clients to FileMaker Pro 19.3.2

- Because of a known issue with the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control, interactive container fields didn't display PDF files when FileMaker Pro 19.3.1 connected to a hosted FileMaker Pro file. An error message was displayed in the field instead.
- In FileMaker Pro 19.3.2, PDF files are no longer streamed from the host. Instead, they are downloaded to a temporary folder on the user's local computer and displayed in interactive container fields. The downloaded PDF files are deleted when the user shuts down or signs out of Windows. In most cases, this change in behavior won't be noticeable.
- Note: Starting with FileMaker Pro 19.3.1, interactive containers use the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control to display PDF files rather than an Internet Explorer PDF plug-in. Interactivity with PDF files now consists mainly of viewing and scrolling pages.

FileMaker Pro 查看版本資訊


FileMaker Pro Advanced (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- macOS: FileMaker Pro Advanced was not enabled to ask permission for use of system services.
- macOS: The FileMaker Pro Advanced updater failed if the application name was changed.

Script steps:
- Windows: The Insert from URL script step failed to support the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) protocol.

Converting files:
- During file conversion, a table occurrence was named differently than the table.

Importing data:
- When importing to a new target table and the import order was changed, a field was unavailable for selection.

- Windows: An open drop-down value list overlaid the originating field.
- Windows: The application closed unexpectedly when the view was switched while a popover object was active in the header part.

FileMaker Pro Advanced (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- macOS: FileMaker Pro Advanced was not enabled to ask permission for use of system services.
- macOS: The FileMaker Pro Advanced updater failed if the application name was changed.

Script steps:
- Windows: The Insert from URL script step failed to support the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) protocol.

Converting files:
- During file conversion, a table occurrence was named differently than the table.

Importing data:
- When importing to a new target table and the import order was changed, a field was unavailable for selection.

- Windows: An open drop-down value list overlaid the originating field.
- Windows: The application closed unexpectedly when the view was switched while a popover object was active in the header part.

FileMaker Pro Advanced (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Script steps and functions:
- Under certain conditions, the Import Records script step displays the Open File dialog box when an XML data source is specified.
- Under certain conditions, the application closed unexpectedly when XML Data was specified as the data source for the Import Records script step.
- Windows 10: An issue occurred when editing script steps that display long lists of tables.
- FileMaker Pro Advanced 18.0.2 uses OpenSSL 1.1.1. As a result, support for the SHA (also known as SHA-0) cryptographic hash algorithm has been removed. Setting the algorithm parameter in the CryptAuthCode, CryptDigest, CryptGenerateSignature, or CryptVerifySignature function to SHA now causes the function to return "?".

- Windows: The FileMaker Pro Advanced installer could not find the license certificate when the certificate's path contained non-ASCII characters.

- Windows: Page numbers may appear differently between Preview mode and the printed output.

FileMaker Pro Advanced (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Script steps and functions:
- Under certain conditions, the Import Records script step displays the Open File dialog box when an XML data source is specified.
- Under certain conditions, the application closed unexpectedly when XML Data was specified as the data source for the Import Records script step.
- Windows 10: An issue occurred when editing script steps that display long lists of tables.
- FileMaker Pro Advanced 18.0.2 uses OpenSSL 1.1.1. As a result, support for the SHA (also known as SHA-0) cryptographic hash algorithm has been removed. Setting the algorithm parameter in the CryptAuthCode, CryptDigest, CryptGenerateSignature, or CryptVerifySignature function to SHA now causes the function to return "?".

- Windows: The FileMaker Pro Advanced installer could not find the license certificate when the certificate's path contained non-ASCII characters.

- Windows: Page numbers may appear differently between Preview mode and the printed output.

FileMaker Pro Advanced (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


FileMaker Pro Advanced (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


.NET Framework Version 4.8 查看版本資訊
