.NET Framework (4) 歷史版本列表 Page2

最新版本 .NET Framework 4.8.1

.NET Framework (4) 歷史版本列表

.NET Framework 是微軟全面而一致的編程模型,用於構建具有視覺效果令人驚嘆的用戶體驗,無縫和安全通信的應用程序,以及模擬一系列業務流程的能力。 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 可再發行組件包將安裝.NET Framework 運行時和運行和開發應用程序所需的關聯文件,以將目標.NET Framework 4.6 和更高版本的 Framework Framework... .NET Framework (4) 軟體介紹

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.21 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added "FuncSkipHook=FunctionName" option to selectively disable certain function hooks

- improved the support certificate entry box
- changing the language no longer requires a restart on Plus UI
- fixed issue with high CPU load when using SbieCtrl to change settings

- fixed issue with Firefox/Chromium browsers that have been compiled with the MinGW toolchain #538
- fixed issues with folder recovery on Plus UI

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.20 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- issue with video playback in firefox introduced in the previouse build
- BSOD issue with driver
- issue with editing start restriction entries
- issue with netwirk options tab
- portable mode issue when runnign sandman as admin

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.19 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- drag and drop support for groups
- del key support to the box view for all entry types
- warning when trying to run explorer.exe in a box with OpenCOM

- crash issue in the sandman ui
- issue some installers when EnableObjectFiltering is enabled
- to allow NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject to be used safely in the sandbox
- added workaround for a vivaldi hooking issue 1783
- -- Note: its a very provisional fix hence it can be disabled with UseVivaldiWorkaround=n
- registry issue with snapshots
- issue with box grouping
- more issue with box grouping
- issues with snadshot ui
- issue with recovery dialog focus

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.18 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added minor browsers to BlockSoftwareUpdaters template

- Failed memory read attempts to unboxed processes will no longer cause message 2111 by default
- -- Note: the message can be enabled in the settings if desired with "NotifyProcessAccessDenied=y"
- reordered BlockSoftwareUpdaters template

- pipe impersonation in compartment mode
- issue with box clean-up introduced in a recent build
- missing trace log cleanup command
- unpin did not work

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed memory corruption introduced in the last build causing chrome to sometimes crash
- FIXED SECURITY ISSUE: NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject was not filtered

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.13 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed security issue: Hard link creation was not properly filtered
- fixed issue with checking the certificate entry

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.12 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added mini dump creation to sandman.exe in case it crashes

- disabled Chrome and Firefox phishing entries in new sandboxes
- updated Mozilla paths for the BlockSoftwareUpdaters template
- renamed "Pause Forced Programs Rules" command to "Pause Forcing Programs" (Plus only)
- reworked tray icon generation now using overlays, added busy overlay

- issue with accessing network drives in privacy mode
- issue with ping in compartment mode
- SandMan UI freezing when a lot of processes are created and closed in a box
- Editing existing 'Run Menu' Command Line entry not being recognized
- bsod issue in driver (thanks Diversenok)
- incompatybility with windows 11 insider build 22563.1

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- optional tray notification when a box content gets auto deleted
- FreeDownloadManager template
- warnign when opening unsandboxed regedit
- languages files that were missing in official Qt 5.15.2

- the asynchroniouse box operations introduced in the last build are due to a pupular request now disabled by default
- moved sys tray options from general to shell integration tab
- removed "AlwaysUseWin32kHooks", now these win32 hooks are always enabled
- -- note: you can use "UseWin32kHooks=program.exe,n" to disable them for sellected programs
- updated Listary template to v6

- compatybility issue with SECUROM
- modality issue #1615

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added option to show only boxes in tray with runnign processes
- additional option show only pinned bixes, in box options a bix can be set to be always shown in theay list (Pinned)
- added options menu command to reset the GUI
- added 'Run Un-Sandboxed' context menu option
- added new trigger "OnBoxDelete" that allows to specify a command that is run UNBOXED just before the box content gets deleted
- note: this can be used as a replacemetn to the DeleteCommand
- sellected box operations (deletion) no longer show the progress dialog 1061
- instead a box with a running operation show a blinking hour glass icon, the context menu can be used to cancel the operation

- HideHostProcess=program.exe can now be used to hide sandboxie services
- updater blocking is now done using a template called BlockSoftwareUpdaters
- enchanced "StartProgram=..." making "StartCommand=..." obsolete
- for same functionality as "StartCommand=..." use "StartProgram=%SbieHome%Start.exe ..."
- merged "Auto Start" General tab with the "Auto Exec" Advanced tab into a universal"Triggers" Advanced tab

- a couple issues with the new breakout process feature and improved security (thanks Diversenok)
- issues with re opening already open windows
- issue with desktop access
- issue handling commandline invokation
- ui issue with main window state when switching always on top attribute
- issue with box context menu in tray list 1106
- issue with "AutoExec=..."
- issues canceling box deletion operations didn't working 1061
- issue with DPI scalling and color picker dialog #803

- removed UseRpcMgmtSetComTimeout=AppXDeploymentClient.dll,y used for free download manager as it broke other things
- when using free download manager ad the line manually to your sandboxie.ini

Sandboxie Classic 5.55.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- SandMan now causes all boxed processes to update their path settings in real time when access options were modified
- added new maintenance menu option "Uninstall All" to quickly remove all components when running in portable mode
- added version number to the title bar of Sandboxie Classic
- added option to return not to a snapshot but to an empty box state while keeping all snapshots
- Sandboxie-Plus.ini can now be placed in C:ProgramDataSandboxie-Plus folder and takes precedence (for business use)
- added support for AF_UNIX on Windows to resolve issues with OpenJDK17 and later

- reworked breakout mechanism to be service based and not allowing the parent process to access the broken out child process
- enabled creation of directory junctions for sandboxed processes
- restored back AutoRecover=y on box creation
- improved snapshot support
- renamed "Disable Forced Programs" command to "Pause Forced Programs Rules" (Plus only)

fixed BreakoutProcess not working with EnableObjectFiltering=y
FIXED SECURITY ISSUE: when starting COMSRV unboxed, the returned process handle had full access
fixed issue with progress dialog
fixed issue with handling directory junctions in Sandboxie
fixed a handle leak in File_NtCloseImpl
fixed border issues on maximized windows introduced in the last build
fixed a couple of index overruns
fixed issues with sysnative directory
fixed issue with starting SandMan when running sandboxed from context menu
fixed dark mode flash issue with main window creation
fixed issues with snapshot error handling
fixed issues with the always on top option (Plus only)