Cocos Creator 歷史版本列表 Page11

最新版本 Cocos Creator 3.8.1

Cocos Creator 歷史版本列表

Cocos Creator 是一個完整的遊戲開發工具包和工作流程,包括一個遊戲引擎(基於 Cocos2d-x),資源管理,場景編輯,遊戲預覽,調試和發布一個項目到多個平台. 我們首次引入了實體 - 組件結構和數據驅動的工作流程到 Cocos2d- x 系列。使用 JavaScript,您可以立即編寫組件腳本。編輯器和引擎擴展也是使用 JavaScript 編寫的,因此您可以用一種編程語言製作遊戲並... Cocos Creator 軟體介紹

MuseScore 3.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Complete palettes redesign
- Note Input workflow improvements
- Native support for Roman numeral analysis and Nashville notation

- Chord Symbol Formatting not only for MuseJazz has been supported
- Symbols can be attached to barlines
- Multiple improvements to the Plugin API
- Implement changing palette and palette cell properties on fly
- Current workspace is automatically saved on each action that changes the workspace
- Palettes and workspaces can be reset to the default state defined by the workspace you started customisations from
- Improve algorithm for determining start point for note input
- Move the viewport to show actual changes in the score if they are outside of the current view

- NVDA screen reader didn't work
- Various MusicXML Import/Export fixes
- Various fixes for the playback of tied notes, muted voices and notes being edited in parts
- Sticking was not linked between score and parts
- The presence of fretboard diagrams prevented input of chord symbols in other staves
- Loop playback was set incorrectly in parts
- Shortcuts navigation across the palettes was broken
- Palettes and palette cells were not translated
- It was impossible to enter successive sticking elements

Postman 7.10.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the settings -> update tab back in Postman Snap app
- Added warnings to request-header editor when invalid characters are identified
- Update the Postman Console to new user interface
- Disable XML from dropdown when openapi 1/2/3 selected as type
- Show API name in collection browser
- Fixed an issue where runner was using disabled collection variables while running a collection
- Fixed a bug where cookies were not updated in Collection Runner
- Fixed an issue where `Beautify` button was not visible when language was inferred from Content-Type header
- Fixed an issue where HttpOnly cookie was not getting updated to non-HttpOnly
- Disallow creation of version tags on collections for free users on the non-latest state of a collection
- Fixed an issue where example request was missing after resolving conflicts
- Fixed a bug where app used to stay in build mode on workspace leave action
- Added support for Akamai EdgeGrid authentication
- Schema changelog
- Added flow to allow creating APIs by importing schema
- Added support to redirect relations to dashboard
- Ability to create APIs from CNX flow
- Improved UI and extended functionality of API Network in the app

Cocos Creator 2.1.4 查看版本資訊


Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 6.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Result tabs drag-n-drop support was added
- Spatial data viewer was fixed (tooltips generator)

- SQL Editor: parameters binding dialog improvements (value preview)
- Task editor: add/remove tables for existing task was fixed
- Virtual foreign keys support was fixed (table rename support)
- Oracle: Q-style quoting support was added

- Foreign Data Wrappers configurator wizard was added
- $$-quote support was fixed
- Dependencies info reading was fixed (PG12)
- Function signature generator was fixed (FQ type names)

- MySQL: column autoincrement flag editor was fixed
- Elasticsearch: driver version was updated
- Windows: app crash problem was fixed
- MacOS: app notarization added for all distributions
- Eclipse plugin: create .dbeaver folder on demand
- A lot of minor UI fixes

Cocos Creator 2.2.0 查看版本資訊


Postman 7.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for `pm.collectionVariables` to modified collection variables
- Added support for configuring proxy behavior using environment variables
- Added configuration to allow bypassing the global proxy
- Fixed an issue where Run In Postman button was not working when app was closed
- Fixed an issue where Save Response button was disabled for response with empty body
- Fixed some performance issues around loading of Collection Runner
- Fixed an issue where lesson CTA text overflows in empty state in two pane view.
- Maximizing, closing and reopening with dual monitors opens in primary monitor
- Shortcuts fire even if the user is in browse view of workspace

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


DreamMail 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 6.2.2 查看版本資訊
