Avira Antivirus Pro 歷史版本列表 Page13

最新版本 Technic Launcher 4.803

Avira Antivirus Pro 歷史版本列表

從惡意軟件和特洛伊木馬到間諜和身份盜竊,Avira Antivirus Pro 為您提供所需的保護,讓您擁有自己想要的生活。快速簡單的方法來保護您免受在線威脅和 ndash; 沒有所有的麻煩。 Avira 將先進的啟發式技術與雲計算的強大功能相結合,確保您擁有最強有力的保護。但是您不必為此付出代價,Avira 的防病毒技術受到數百萬用戶的信賴,並一直贏得獨立審查平台的讚譽。立即下載 Avira A... Avira Antivirus Pro 軟體介紹

Bitwig Studio 3.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
Launcher clips now offer a third Play Mode setting:
- from Start, triggering the clip from the top each time
- Continue, taking over from the previously playing clip at the same relative position
- Continue Quantized, taking over from the previously playing clip at the clip quantize interval

- When multiple Launcher clips are selected, pressing [ENTER] now launches all selected clips
- When adding samples to a drum machine, key tracking is now off
- When slicing to multisample, the loop region now defaults to the slice region instead of to the whole sample duration
- When setting Launch Quantization for Launcher Clips to Off it is now completely off
- Improved the appearance of the Mappings Browser Panel
- Windows and Linux: Improved file dialogs
- Windows: New ASIO audio setting to Override Driver Timing, for rare cases where MIDI and synchronization isn't acting correctly (or at all)
- Nektar controllers: improved scripts and documentation for the SE25 and SE49, as well as the GX and LX+ product lines

- Audio stretched with Elastique modes could randomly become silent in rare situations
- Crash when assigning a channel to multiple selected notes that have different channels but are equal in time/key
- Sample stop time marker disappears when resizing new raw audio clip
- MIDI import: notes might get truncated when there is another note at the same time/key but on a different channel
- Time selection was sometimes not preserved after duplicating a time selection including group tracks
- Some graphical elements & transitions didn't get affected by the Contrast controls
- Dragging mouse outside of a text entry popup and releasing would cancel the text input and all other popups
- Was only possible to type in a value for a parameter (like Shuffle in the Play menu) if the mouse remained inside the text entry area
- Pressing ESC while entering a value for a parameter (like Shuffle in the Play menu) would cancel the play menu popup too. Now it just cancels the entering of the value and second press of Esc will then cancel the play menu popup
- A control script that performed some error on startup would notify the user twice
- If a control script file is not properly encoded in UTF-8, give a useful error message
- Any errors found scanning control scripts are shown in the Global tab of the control script console
- Crash when dropping a note clip into the empty area below the tracks while the note editor is open (in clip content / drum mode), and then hitting undo
- MIDI channel information was not shown in the Mappings Browser Panel for MIDI mappings
- Notification that files were missing could be shown when bouncing and recording audio in some cases
- Relative clip automation (additive [+] or multiplicative [×]) didn't work in some cases
- Fixed potential errors that could happen while recording or bouncing audio
- Deleting a Grid module could create an illegal connection in some cases
- Deselecting a Grid module with the [ESCAPE] key didn't redraw that patch
- When playhead follow is on and stop is pressed (to set the playhead to top of arrangement), include a small visual margin to the left of the playhead
- MIDI CC device: Could send the wrong values when automated
- Note LEDs in Device Panel could get stuck when playing the same note on multiple channels
- Linux: Harrison Plug-ins no longer crash after opening the window
- LinnStrument help file couldn't be opened from Bitwig Studio preferences

- Since 3.0: Some modulation mapping didn't sound correct after duplicating a device

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1908.1548 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1908.1548
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Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1907.1514
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Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1906.1432
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Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1906.1389
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro

- Implementation of the time triggered survey
- Hide expiration date for subscription licenses
- Early license renewal status bar

Bug fixes:
- Fixed: Process exclusion does not work
- Fixed: Vulnerability - Local Privilege Escalation in Avira Free AntiVirus by abusing NTFS Directory Junctions

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro

- Enhance license information shown in new UI to display expiration date, serial number and license owner

- Fixed Guard crash on extremely high file I/O

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Added the license manager back into the product. It's accessible through the help (?) icon on the top right
- Fixed an issue where Japanese font characters where too big for the new UI
- Fixed an string issue with the dates inside activity in the Italian (WAV-01820 )
- Updated Icons in several places in the new UI

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

WinDS PRO 2019.08.04 查看版本資訊


StartIsBack 2.8.8 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix Custom folders list lost after 1903 upgrade

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1907.1514 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1907.1514
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1906.1432
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1906.1389
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro

- Implementation of the time triggered survey
- Hide expiration date for subscription licenses
- Early license renewal status bar

Bug fixes:
- Fixed: Process exclusion does not work
- Fixed: Vulnerability - Local Privilege Escalation in Avira Free AntiVirus by abusing NTFS Directory Junctions

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro

- Enhance license information shown in new UI to display expiration date, serial number and license owner

- Fixed Guard crash on extremely high file I/O

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Added the license manager back into the product. It's accessible through the help (?) icon on the top right
- Fixed an issue where Japanese font characters where too big for the new UI
- Fixed an string issue with the dates inside activity in the Italian (WAV-01820 )
- Updated Icons in several places in the new UI

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Bitwig Studio 3.0.1 查看版本資訊


StartIsBack 2.8.7 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved dynamic taskbar transparency
- Fix Run as administrator missing from UWP desktop apps

Bitwig Studio 3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- The Grid, Bitwig Studio's new modular sound-design environment, comprising a library of 154 modules, a bevy of editing gestures, and interactive assistance that is always on hand (see section below)
- Revamped instrument Inspector Panel for all Bitwig devices that support polyphony. Now with three voice modes (polyphony and two flavors of mono), Voice Stacking, and more
- Optional Realtime Ruler, for showing time in MINUTEs:SECONDs.MILLISECONDs (enable via the right-click context menu in ruler area)
- Automatic project backups, keeping a copy of the most recent project file within the project folder each time you hit save
VU Meters in routing choosers, allowing you to see the signal you are looking for
- Converting devices (e.g., EQ-2 to EQ-5) is now possible by right-clicking on the device header
- Added manual mapping actions for Activate, Deactivate, Toggle Active, and Activate Exclusively of a track or group track header
- Ableton Link version 3 support, allowing you to synchronize start and stop of the transport
- Global GUI Contrast settings, to better adapt to different lighting conditions
- Added controller support for Keith McMillen Instruments's K-Board Pro 4

The Grid:
- New device: Poly Grid, a new Grid device for creating instruments, be them mono-/poly-synths, samplers, sequenced patches, cascading drones, or anything else you might imagine
- New device: FX Grid, a new Grid device for creating audio effects, including the option of Voice Stacking, and the ability to create polyphonic effects with voice management
- 200+ Grid factory presets in the sound content updates
- Ability to convert between the different Grid devices, or to copy–paste contents between different instances
- Gestures for replacing modules, reordering modules, inserting modules with cables in place, and inserting modules together with routing modules (such as a mixer or adder)
- Wireless pre-cords,
- All signals in The Grid are oversampled at 400% your current sample rate
- All signals in The Grid are stereo, with various modules configured to easily "stereo-ize" any signal
- Interactive documentation for any module by selecting it, and then pressing the [F1] key or clicking Show Help in the Inspector Panel
- Automatic scopes in the Inspector Panel, showing all signals entering and exiting the selected module
- Updated manual for Bitwig Studio 3, with a new chapter on The Grid

16 categories covering 154 modules:
- I/O (18) - Terminal modules for signals entering or exiting this Grid device
- Audio In, Gate In, Phase In, Pitch In, Pressure In, Timbre In, Velocity In, Audio Out, Audio Sidechain, HW In, HW Out, CV In, CV Out, CV Pitch Out, Key On, Keys Held, Transport Playing, Modulator Out
- Display (7) - Visualization and note-taking modules
- Label, Comment, Oscilloscope, Spectrum, VU Meter, XY, Value Readout
- Phase (14) - Modules that output wrapped phase signals
- Phasor, Ø Bend, Ø Reset, Ø Scaler, Ø Reverse, Ø Wrap, Ø Counter, Ø Formant, Ø Lag, Ø Mirror, Ø Shift, Ø Sinemod, Ø Skew, Ø Sync
- Data (10) - Lookup modules that are read with incoming phase signals
- Gates, Pitches, Steps, Triggers, Probabilities, Ø Pulse, Ø Saw, Ø Sine, Ø Triangle, Ø Window
- Oscillator (7) - Periodic signal generators based on waveforms or samples
- Pulse, Sawtooth, Sine, Triangle, Phase-1, Swarm, Sampler
- Random (4) - Aperiodic and randomized signal generators
- Noise, S/H LFO, Chance, Dice
- LFO (3) - Periodic low frequency oscillators
- LFO, Clock, Transport
- Envelope (4) - Modules that produce or extract an envelope, often with a normaled amplifier
- ADSR, AD, AR, Follower
- Filter (6) - Frequency-dependent amplifiers
- Low-pass LD, Low-pass SK, SVF, High-pass, Low-pass, Comb
- Shaper (6) - Various linear and nonlinear waveshapers
- Chebyshev, Distortion, Quantizer, Rectifier, Wavefolder, Curve
- Delay (5) - Delay functions, some allowing patched feedback
- Delay, Long Delay, Mod Delay, All-pass, Recorder
- Mix (10) - Signal routing and mixing modules
- Blend, Mixer, LR Mix, Select, Toggle, Merge, Split, Stereo Merge, Stereo Split, Stereo Width
- Level (17) - Amplitude-based functions, values, and converters
- Level, Value, Attenuate, Bias, Gain - Vol, Gain - dB, Average, Lag, Bend, Clip, Level Scaler, Value Scaler, AM/RM, Hold, Sample / Hold, Bi?Uni, Uni?Bi
- Pitch (5) - Modules that produce pitch values
- Pitch, Pitch Quantize, by Semitone, Pitch Scaler, Zero Crossings
- Math (18) - Basic arithmetic operators
- Constant, Add, Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Abs, Ceil, Floor, Minmax, Quantize, Round, Product, Sum, dB ? Lin, Exp, Lin ? dB, Log, Power
- Logic (20) - Comparators and other modules that output logic signals
- Button, Trigger, Clock Divide, Clock Quantize, Gate Length, Gate Repeat, Latch, =, =, >, =, <, ?,NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR

- For all Bitwig instruments (and FX Grid), polyphonic voices are now processed in parallel
- For all Bitwig instruments (and FX Grid), integers, boolean, and indexed controls now support polyphonic (per-voice) modulations
- When a modulation source is delayed (due to a feedback connection), indication is given in the Inspector's modulation lists and the parameter context menus
- Note names are shown along with frequencies in the window footer
- Pop-up Browser now sets the most likely device type when inserting a new layer (for the Instrument)
- Improved compensation delay for Distortion and Amp devices
- Improvements to various modulator devices, including MIDI, Vector-4, Vector-8, Voice Stack, and XY
- Unified double-click behavior (reset value to default, when there is a default) for both number fields and other numeric controls. Text entry is now available via [CTRL](PC)-/[CMD](Mac)-click or triple-click
- Reworked audio backends: ASIO & WASAPI (PC), CoreAudio (macOS), ALSA & PulseAudio (Linux), and Jack (everyone)
- Windows and Mac: Reveal File now selects the file in the OS file browser
- Various touch interface improvements and updated support
- General user interface overhaul, including some redesigned dynamics devices, a better pop-up style when editing parameters, and cleaner readability across the board

- Some SoundFont2 files that used linked samples for stereo playback or embedded large sample files could crash the application during indexing or when first used
- In rare cases, audio events temporarily could not be selected
- Moving the Time/secs field in Beat Marker inspector did not work
- Fixed possible crashes with touch interactions
- Double-click to zoom to the duration of an Arranger Clip didn't always set the correct position
- Dragging a time selection of MIDI CC automation and dropping it onto a track that did not have a lane created for that CC would crash
- Shortcut to Toggle Automation Shown For Selected Tracks did not work as expected
- Mapping mode did not work for undocked windows
- Manually mapped parameters in a project could still be active even though that project's tab was not selected
- Onset detection didn't work for files higher than 48kHz and 32 bits
- Clips using Elastique stretch modes sometimes stay silent
- Elastique Solo could break when used with a buffer size of 1024 frames
- Grouping a note effect device now creates a Note FX Layer (instead of an Instrument Layer)
- Sampler device was always loaded as monophonic when created from a sample or multi-sample
- Drum Machine device: choke didn't work if the pad contained a mono synth
- Filter and Comb devices: improved spectrum displays
- ParSeq-8 modulator: Note / Advance mode might skip the last step
- Random modulator: fix sync mode
- Plug-in windows might be reshown when they shouldn't be after adding a shortcut in the Dashboard
- Note Output from VST3 plug-ins didn't work properly
- VST 2: if a plug-in does not report a product name, use the name of the DLL it is loaded from without the extension
- VST 2: 32-bit plug-ins from MDA did not report the parameters as being automatable so ignore this flag for these plug-ins
- VST 2 versions of u-he plug-ins would crash when loading a u-he preset (H2P file)
- PC: ASIO now checks the flags to make sure the sample position is valid
- macOS: certain virtual audio drivers (e.g. used by screen recording software) were causing CoreAudio to have an invalid state
- macOS: fixed engine crashes when switching sample rate externally for an aggregate device
- macOS: fixed CoreAudio crashes when another application changed the audio interface's sample rate or buffer size
- It was possible to get a project in a state where an error would be shown when saving it in some rare cases
- Various crash fixes

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1906.1432 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1906.1432
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.1906.1389
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
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Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro

- Implementation of the time triggered survey
- Hide expiration date for subscription licenses
- Early license renewal status bar

Bug fixes:
- Fixed: Process exclusion does not work
- Fixed: Vulnerability - Local Privilege Escalation in Avira Free AntiVirus by abusing NTFS Directory Junctions

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro

- Enhance license information shown in new UI to display expiration date, serial number and license owner

- Fixed Guard crash on extremely high file I/O

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Added the license manager back into the product. It's accessible through the help (?) icon on the top right
- Fixed an issue where Japanese font characters where too big for the new UI
- Fixed an string issue with the dates inside activity in the Italian (WAV-01820 )
- Updated Icons in several places in the new UI

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

StartIsBack 2.8.6 (for Windows 10) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix Windows Sandbox missing from apps list