Avira Antivirus Pro

最新版本 Bitwig Studio 3.0.2

Bitwig Studio 3.0.2

Bitwig Studio 3.0.2
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檔案版本 Bitwig Studio 3.0.2

檔案名稱 Bitwig-Studio-3.0.2.msi
檔案大小 183 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Avira Operations GmbH
官網 http://www.avira.com/en/avira-antivirus-pro
更新日期 2019-08-27

What's new in this version:

New Features:
Launcher clips now offer a third Play Mode setting:
- from Start, triggering the clip from the top each time
- Continue, taking over from the previously playing clip at the same relative position
- Continue Quantized, taking over from the previously playing clip at the clip quantize interval

- When multiple Launcher clips are selected, pressing [ENTER] now launches all selected clips
- When adding samples to a drum machine, key tracking is now off
- When slicing to multisample, the loop region now defaults to the slice region instead of to the whole sample duration
- When setting Launch Quantization for Launcher Clips to Off it is now completely off
- Improved the appearance of the Mappings Browser Panel
- Windows and Linux: Improved file dialogs
- Windows: New ASIO audio setting to Override Driver Timing, for rare cases where MIDI and synchronization isn't acting correctly (or at all)
- Nektar controllers: improved scripts and documentation for the SE25 and SE49, as well as the GX and LX+ product lines

- Audio stretched with Elastique modes could randomly become silent in rare situations
- Crash when assigning a channel to multiple selected notes that have different channels but are equal in time/key
- Sample stop time marker disappears when resizing new raw audio clip
- MIDI import: notes might get truncated when there is another note at the same time/key but on a different channel
- Time selection was sometimes not preserved after duplicating a time selection including group tracks
- Some graphical elements & transitions didn't get affected by the Contrast controls
- Dragging mouse outside of a text entry popup and releasing would cancel the text input and all other popups
- Was only possible to type in a value for a parameter (like Shuffle in the Play menu) if the mouse remained inside the text entry area
- Pressing ESC while entering a value for a parameter (like Shuffle in the Play menu) would cancel the play menu popup too. Now it just cancels the entering of the value and second press of Esc will then cancel the play menu popup
- A control script that performed some error on startup would notify the user twice
- If a control script file is not properly encoded in UTF-8, give a useful error message
- Any errors found scanning control scripts are shown in the Global tab of the control script console
- Crash when dropping a note clip into the empty area below the tracks while the note editor is open (in clip content / drum mode), and then hitting undo
- MIDI channel information was not shown in the Mappings Browser Panel for MIDI mappings
- Notification that files were missing could be shown when bouncing and recording audio in some cases
- Relative clip automation (additive [+] or multiplicative [×]) didn't work in some cases
- Fixed potential errors that could happen while recording or bouncing audio
- Deleting a Grid module could create an illegal connection in some cases
- Deselecting a Grid module with the [ESCAPE] key didn't redraw that patch
- When playhead follow is on and stop is pressed (to set the playhead to top of arrangement), include a small visual margin to the left of the playhead
- MIDI CC device: Could send the wrong values when automated
- Note LEDs in Device Panel could get stuck when playing the same note on multiple channels
- Linux: Harrison Plug-ins no longer crash after opening the window
- LinnStrument help file couldn't be opened from Bitwig Studio preferences

- Since 3.0: Some modulation mapping didn't sound correct after duplicating a device

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What's new in this version: New Features: Launcher clips now offer a third Play Mode setting: - from Start, triggering the clip from the top each ...


Bitwig Studio 3.0.2 Download for Windows Old Versions ...

Download Bitwig Studio 3.0.2. Bitwig Studio. August, 27th 2019 - 100% Safe - Demo ... Bitwig Studio 2.4.3. Date released: 22 Nov 2018 (10 months ago).


Bitwig Studio 3.0.2 Free Download for Mac | MacUpdate

Bitwig Studio 3.0.2 - Highly customizable audio DAW. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate.


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Latest Version: Bitwig Studio 3.0.2 LATEST. Requirements: Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 ...


Bitwig | Home

Bitwig Studio is a multi-platform music-creation system for production, performance and DJing, with a focus on flexible editing tools and a super-fast workflow.


Download Bitwig Studio - Bitwig

Bitwig Studio is a multi-platform music-creation system for production, performance and DJing, with a focus on flexible editing ... Bitwig Studio 3.0.2 Changelog.


Download Bitwig Studio 3.0.2 - Softpedia

Download Bitwig Studio. Create your own music with this comprehensive and powerful software that features note editor, mixer, studio I/O or ...


previous_releases - Bitwig

Download previous releases (Bitwig Studio). 3.0.2, Windows · OS X · Ubuntu · Release Notes. 3.0.2 Beta 3, Windows · OS X · Ubuntu · Release Notes. 3.0.2 Beta&...
