splish splash中文

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splish splash中文

toshiki0831 You can also say "splish" but, like "splosh", it's more normal to describe the sound. Splash is the common verb and noun., "The rock landed in the water with a splash." "The dog swam in the pond, making a splish-splash sound." Splish isn't a ... 中文(繁體,臺灣).,大量翻译例句关于"splish splash" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ,splish splash 中文意思. Splish Splash 啪嚓扑通拟声词,水声~. splish溅. 水花四溅. 是拟声词,重复模拟水溅出来的声音。 splish splash 中文意思 splish 中文解释什么 ... , splish splash意思是水花飞溅。或者作为象声词用于形容水花飞溅的声音,啪嚓扑通。其中,splish的意思是泼,splash 的意思也是溅,泼;用...使液体 ..., 上週歌曲Elephants Have Wrinkels中有介紹道body parts, 這週透過洗澡繪本與歌曲讓孩子復習和認識更多body parts語彙。 Picture Book: Maisy.,splish-splash中文[網絡] 水花四濺…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋splish-splash的中文翻譯,splish-splash的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 ,splish-splash的中文意思:[网络] 水花四溅…,查阅splish-splash的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 , Splish Splash, kiss kids in the bath* if you're really busy, skip the bath and hit the shower. 水花 1. 流出. Lick, lick 舔,舔| Splish 流出| Mmph..,查理與羅拉(Charlie and Lola (English Subtitles) S03E04 I Am Extremely Absolutely 11:33. 1642 29 有中文字幕. splish splash splash! (玩水). splish splash. splish ...

相關軟體 Splash 資訊

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splish splash中文 相關參考資料
"splash" 和"splosh" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative

toshiki0831 You can also say "splish" but, like "splosh", it's more normal to describe the sound. Splash is the common verb and noun.


"splish" 和"splash" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative

"The rock landed in the water with a splash." "The dog swam in the pond, making a splish-splash sound." Splish isn't a ... 中文(繁體,臺灣).


splish splash - 英中– Linguee词典

大量翻译例句关于"splish splash" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。


splish splash 中文意思-查啊作业帮

splish splash 中文意思. Splish Splash 啪嚓扑通拟声词,水声~. splish溅. 水花四溅. 是拟声词,重复模拟水溅出来的声音。 splish splash 中文意思 splish 中文解释什么 ...


splish splash 中文意思_百度知道

splish splash意思是水花飞溅。或者作为象声词用于形容水花飞溅的声音,啪嚓扑通。其中,splish的意思是泼,splash 的意思也是溅,泼;用...使液体 ...


Splish, Splash @ 蘋果老師的英語教學部落格:: 痞客邦::

上週歌曲Elephants Have Wrinkels中有介紹道body parts, 這週透過洗澡繪本與歌曲讓孩子復習和認識更多body parts語彙。 Picture Book: Maisy.


splish-splash中文,splish-splash是什麼意思,splish-splash發音 ...

splish-splash中文[網絡] 水花四濺…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋splish-splash的中文翻譯,splish-splash的發音,音標,用法和例句等。


splish-splash中文_splish-splash是什么意思_splish-splash怎么 ...

splish-splash的中文意思:[网络] 水花四溅…,查阅splish-splash的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。



Splish Splash, kiss kids in the bath* if you're really busy, skip the bath and hit the shower. 水花 1. 流出. Lick, lick 舔,舔| Splish 流出| Mmph..


splish的中文翻釋和情境影片範例- VoiceTube 翻譯字典

查理與羅拉(Charlie and Lola (English Subtitles) S03E04 I Am Extremely Absolutely 11:33. 1642 29 有中文字幕. splish splash splash! (玩水). splish splash. splish ...
